Evil magic items 5e. Counterspell, Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, Anti-magic Field, Remove Curse, Identify, Protection from Good and Evil (Maybe?), Magic Circle, and Protection from Energy all seem like good picks. The difference between these tattoos and other consumables is that you can give away potions and scrolls to be used by other players. , the Dark Powers of the Domain of Dread lured Kas to a hidden forge, where he found the Crown of Lies. These schools are; Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. The mirror weighs 50 pounds, and it has AC 11, 10 hit points, and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. Reply. When you use an action to break the gem, an elemental is summoned as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell, and the gem's magic is lost. Bracers of Fumbling. A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. 270, 1st-level spell, 10 min, concentration) will prevent you from being charmed or possessed by an evil creature. This spell only detects aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead within 30 feet of you. Hand and Eye of Vecna. Enlightened Magic. 2. Aug 3, 2018 · 1. You can communicate telepathically with all devils within 1000 feet, and you instantly know the exact location and type of all devils Jan 23, 2023 · Talisman Of Ultimate Evil Is A No-Brainer For D&D Villains. Protector: The item seeks to defend a particular race or kind of creature, such as Elves or Druids. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Items. It was created by the wizards of the Towers of High Sorcery to help the Elves and Humans defeat the evil dragons, significantly speeding up their long-fought victory. Jun 15, 2022 · Top 10 Magic Items for Paladins. Jan 22, 2023 · Weight: 40 lbs. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Breathing Bubble is one of those items that is quite situational, but upon its realization, the item becomes extremely good. It's a wondrous item, a heavy cloth bag with a handful of magic beans inside. Pick one item of the five that the merchant values more highly than its worth, and one item of the five that the merchant values less than its worth. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic longbow. Simple and straight to the point. Isei8773. Repairing Magic Items. Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a Creature of Good Alignment) This talisman is a mighty symbol of goodness. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon, the target takes an extra 7 bludgeoning damage, or 14 bludgeoning damage if it's a construct. Breathing Bubble. This name generator will give you 10 names for mostly miscellaneous magic weapons, things like orbs, scepters and crystals. Adamantine armor. 38: A mirror that reflects everyone as tieflings. Oni Mask: grants advantage on intimidation checks. 101-50,000. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It contains Conjuration spells such as plane shift and word of recall. One of the three provided charges can be used to teleport up to 10 feet away as a reaction when hit by an attack. Glamoured studded leather. Cracked-clay Jester Mask: holds 5 charges of friends and one charge of charm person. Description. Talisman of Ultimate Evil. Increased Wisdom. Wondrous Item, very rare. (4) +30 skill to Spellcraft item (for Epic players) (5) +30 skill to Use Magic Device. Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard) This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. This basically doubles a cantrip user’s damage per round, which is quite neat. Both stone types are great, but Greater Absorption is held back by the fact Apr 14, 2022 · Illusionist Bracers (Attunement) GGR. Background Millennia ago, the Soulbinders were a mortal band of explorers. On a 1, the blade shatters into a thousand pieces and the air is momentarily filled with birdsong. Even small, woodland creatures can exhibit intelligence Oct 30, 2019 · High level D&D campaigns are challenging enough to begin, and adding two, three or four unbelievably powerful and evil magic items into a campaign could have disastrous results. Vicious Weapon. Denizens of the Feywild are usually referred to as fey. Reply reply. These tricky, magically-infused creatures are as dangerous as the environment they have been shaped by. Sword of Life Stealing. Soul Siphon - weapon sucks soul from creature preventing resurrection, soul can then be expelled for 1d8 +2 radiant good creature or necrotic evil creature (neutral can be 1d4 - odd Radiant/even necrotic) 1 charge held at a time, soul undergoes torment during time of capture May 8, 2020 · Think of all your party’slaughs as you try to destroy or throw out the armor, only to realize the only way to solve your problem is with a remove curse spell or similar effect! 14. Greater Absorption acts similarly to the Rod of Absorption, and Mastery increases your proficiency bonus by 1. Jan 19, 2018 · A coin with an evil sigil on one side and the gead of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep evil laugh. 7. They have a wide range of abilities, and these descriptions only scratch the surface of what this magic is able to handle. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment) This item symbolizes unrepentant evil. magic-items. Hat of disguise. Holding the drum gives you a bonus to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs of your Bard spells. KGV. 5. It shatters and is destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points. In games you'd often refer to them as off-hand weapons. Jan 21, 2019 · I've used that one. Bane: The item seeks to defeat or destroy creates of a particular kind, such as fiends, shapechangers, trolls, or Wizards. The party is level 5. Wondrous Item, varies (requires attunement by a wizard) First up on our list is the arcane grimoire, a spellbook designed to enhance the power of the magic it contains. Finally we get to a magic item that’s less of a liability, and more like one of the all-time best D&D items, the Trident of Fish Command, only this one works on devils and is a helm. As long as the DM deems it appropriate spells or abilities like identify, or detect good and evil, or divine sense could be perfectly reasonable ways of finding out if an item might be cursed. Magic Item Descriptions. Crusader: The item seeks to defeat, weaken, or destroy the servants of a particular deity. Characters and monsters Jan 29, 2022 · Vestiges of Divergence are legendary relics discovered in Critical Role’s world of Exandria. The Best Magic Items for Fighters | D&D Beyond. Jan 2, 2024 · Final Thoughts. levels 17-20: 20,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment. (3) Continuous protection from evil item. It can communicate telepathically with the creature that is attuned to it, as long as that creature understands at least one language. Once all charges have been used the mask crumbles to dust. Weapon, +1, +2, or +3. Jan 22, 2023 · Early-Game Magic Gauntlets in D&D 5e. These daggers are magical and infinite in number. Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement) When you hit a fiend or an undead with this magic weapon, that creature takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Talisman of Pure Good. From there, Kas set out to ruin his former master. If you do, the creature immediately Sep 25, 2023 · 15. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. Such an item might be possessed, haunted by the spirit of a previous owner, or self-aware thanks to the magic used to create it. Common magic items, such as a potion of healing, are the most plentiful. Some legendary items, such as the Apparatus of Kwalish, are uniqueRarity provides a rough measure of an item's power relative to other magic items. Sentient magic items have a mind and so also possess mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). More generally, Clerics are the best healers in the game, and have among the best support, utility, and divination options in the game. . These early game (~levels 1-5) items are usually simple ways to get a much-needed bonus or advantage. Sword of Sharpness. As for class, all of those spells come from the Wizard spell list Magic weapon name generator. Some magic items possess sentience and personality. Lost Mine of Phandelver. 3. Jul 28, 2020 · I'm playing through Storm King's Thunder, and came across an unusual magic item: Gavel of the Venn Rune. The section in the DMG on "Attunement" (page 138) states: Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical properties can be used. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Elemental Gem - This gem contains Jul 30, 2023 · The Ring of Free Action is a rare ring that requires no attunement, making it one of the easier barbarian magic items to find and use in D&D. The wand has 3 charges. Mar 2, 2022 · In this article, we list 10 of our favorite magic items for the bard class. First, let’s acknowledge that to curse something isn’t the same as merely enchanting it. 6. Go with Arcana cleric/Abjuration wizard and you'll have access to pretty much everything. 196 votes, 13 comments. Jan 2, 2024 · Aegis of the Lightbearer. Wand of Orcus. Envelop your adversaries in blinding light with the Aegis of the Lightbearer. I need some ideas for magic items that devils would give the party for helping them. Monsters. It regains 4d6 + 2 expended charges daily Jan 22, 2023 · Magic Item. The benefits of certain cursed items, like the Shard of Xeluan and Devlin's Staff of Striking, can outweigh the misfortunes caused by their curses. While holding the wand, expend 1 charge using an action to cast the Detect Magic from it. Naturally, items that are good and do not require attunement will be given greater consideration. The five types of scales slide soundlessly against each other, muffling your movements and bolstering you against harm. Rarity – Uncommon. Attunement – Yes. At least these days a The rarer a magic tattoo is, the more space it typically occupies on a creature’s skin: Spellwrought tattoo, cantrip or 1st level: One hand or foot or a quarter of a limb. Whilst magic items are most commonly given out by the DM as a reward, perhaps for defeating a great evil or as plunder from a dragon’s hoard, sometimes players want to take a more active role in May 19, 2016 · Roll a second d20 and use the sum of the results so far. You must have a Strength of 12 to use this shield, which increases your AC by 2. In any case, the item behaves like a character, complete with personality quirks, ideals, bonds, and sometimes flaws. 4. While attuned to this ring you gain the following benefits: Abjuration, White - You are perpetually under the effect of the Mage Armor spell. Armor and Weapon Sizes. Glory Seeker: The item seeks renown as the greatest magic item in the world, by establishing its user as a famous or notorious figure. On your turn, you may spend half of your movement allowance to embed the Pavise in the ground, where it now serves as half cover. This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. Wondrous Item, varies (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin) The amulet of the devout is specially crafted for clerics and paladins. Therefore, unlike 4e, the number of magic item slots available to characters are very limited and magic items must be carefully considered. Mace of Smiting. Here's some stuff I've used in my current game: Prey's Last Breath. This spell can provide a crucial advantage in combat against these types of enemies. The Pavise is a 4-5ft tall, square shield used by archers for cover in the heat of battle. The bonus increases to +3 when you use the mace to attack a construct. Many rules in 5e are purposefully ambiguous because they want the DM to decide. Protection from Evil and Good is a powerful tool for protecting oneself or an ally from creatures of a certain type (Aberrations, Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, and Undead). Not for lack of power, of course, but because of its impact on the Gameplay, Roleplay, and Story of a campaign. Dagger of Venom. Rarity Character Level Bonus Value; Common: 1st or higher-50-100 gp: Uncommon: 1st or higher-101-500 gp: Rare: 5th or higher +1: 501 -5,000 gp: Very rare: 11th or higher Jan 22, 2023 · Better to use your spell slots for useful things than just being everyone’s Hit Point well and respawn point. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take Dec 6, 2023 · The Waterdeep: Dragon Heist premade D&D 5e campaign focuses heavily on rogues and thievery. The cursed Armor of Vulnerability and Shield of Missile Attraction offer unique May 22, 2024 · The Bag of Beans is a bizarre but fun D&D item for a party of any level, including low-level parties. They possess, transform, and burn the life force of their wielders. If a spell doesn't meet the thematic approach that you're looking for, making a magic item (DMG, 284) is also an option. You have resistance against acid, cold, fire and lightning damage. It informs you if one or more the aforementioned types of creatures are close to Nov 7, 2023 · Best Uncommon Magical Items. Vorpal Sword. Lore: The Orb of Dragonkind is a relic of a war waged by Elves and Humans against evil dragons on the planet of Krynn. An assassin thrusts their dagger precisely at the gap in your plate armor. Amethyst Lodestone. The blade is impossibly sharp, but brittle. The weapon communicates telepathically with. For evil paladins and clerics, it can be used as a holy The mage is a 4th-level spellcaster that. It grants a bonus to spell attack rolls and your spell save DC (determined by the amulet’s rarity) and provides your paladin with one free use of The Book of Exalted Deeds has the following random properties: 2 minor beneficial properties. Attunement: Required. It will severely damage any non-evil character who comes into contact with it, particularly those with a good alignment. The drum’s rarity determines the bonus. Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) This elegant garment is made from exquisite cloth of white, gray, or black and adorned with silvery runes. Jan 31, 2023 · The Mastery Ioun Stone boosts your DC by 1. Item Type – Wand. Hundreds and hundreds of teeth in a cloth bag. (2) Continuous true strike item. After 2 hours of use, the cloak ceases to function. Rarity – Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3) (all requiring attunement) Item Type – Wondrous item. “That’s going to be a critical–”. Heroes of past ages wielded these powerful artifacts during the Calamity, a war of the gods that pitted the Prime Deities against the Betrayer Gods. In this way you are randomly generating five magic items of increasing rarity. Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. No, it isn’t. Another iconic D&D artifact the wand of Orcus was rather mundane in the early days of the game in comparison to the 5E D&D version. Old, decayed parts of a long gone Lich are collectors items. Each sentient item has these ability scores defined in their descriptions, and is capable of making checks and saving throws just like any other creature. Maybe you could seek out a magic item which has Protection from Evil as a constant effect. Estimated Value (Sane Cost Guide): 61,440 gp. levels 11-16: 5,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment. Nov 7, 2023 · 13. Now, for Mirror of Life Trapping. Amulet of the Devout. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) Starting with what your DM might deem the most difficult item on this list to find, the amethyst lodestone is a fist-sized rock infused with an amethyst dragon’s ability to manipulate gravity. Magic items you don’t own can be bought from the D&D Beyond marketplace or shared by someone with a Master-tier subscription. Gloves of thievery. Intelligent Items. When this 4-foot-tall mirror is viewed indirectly, its surface shows faint images of creatures. Sep 27, 2022 · Top 10 Magic Items For Wizards. This is pretty cool, but it makes me wonder: Aug 10, 2023 · Some cursed magical items in Dungeons & Dragons can actually be fun and worth the risk despite their drawbacks. The wand will regain 1d3 expended charges each day at dawn. One of the most dangerous parts of the fey is that there are few truly dim-witted creatures amongst their ranks. If you just need to decimate your enemies (and your DM’s will to deal with magic), this stone is useful. Find and view all Magic Items including detailed information for Temple of Elemental Evil on GameBanshee! Magic items are gleaned from the hordes of conquered monsters or discovered in long-lost vaults. Rhythm-maker’s Drum. This gem contains a mote of elemental energy. Mace of Disruption. •. 6! That’s an insane boost, and makes your magic nearly impossible to resist. Star Spawn Larva Mage. Strange rituals have repurposed the body of a flesh golem into this partially sentient suit of leather armor. It is the 5etools platform of choice for VTT integrations. In addition, the armor’s clawed gauntlets turn unarmed strikes with your hands into magic weapons that deal slashing damage, with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls and a damage 5e. None of the. You gain a +3 bonus to AC and saving throws. It doesn't tell you if those things are good or evil. Trident of Fish Command. Magic Items On The Body. 285K subscribers in the UnearthedArcana community. Sword of Wounding. 8. Boots of “Speed” - Cut your speed in half and get athletes foot. A creature that is neither good nor evil in alignment takes 6d6 radiant damage upon touching the talisman. Magic Items. Attunement – None. Mythic Odysseys of Theros. On a critical hit, roll an additional damage die. Its enchantment scales to its rarity, with uncommon grimoires providing a +1 bonus to your spell attack bonus and spell save Crown of Lies. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical and has a +3 bonus to attack and dam age rolls. An evil creature takes 8d6 radiant damage upon touching the talisman. Now, while there are many Magic items that are just outright bad, such as the Universal Solvent; I would propose that the copper crown for the worst magic item ever published in 5e belongs to the Talisman of Ultimate Evil. A creature that is neither good nor evil in alignment takes 6d6 necrotic damage upon touching the talisman. Cost in Gold Pieces. This is a common pick for Warlocks, and for good reason, as eldritch blast with its Invocations is one of the best cantrips there is. Jun 30, 2022 · Top 10 Magic Items for Warlocks. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. A few examples follow, but don't let yourself be limited to these. Demon Armor. This is a super high magic campaign and I'd love for the players to feel op. 1. Some magic weapons are used almost exclusively in games, but others Soulbinders, their ignorance and greed bound their souls into cursed items that feed off the life force of their wielders. DMG Value: 50,001+ gp. The Aegis also serves as a symbol emitting divine magic. A comprehensive list of all official magic items for Fifth Edition. Sep 5, 2023 · Item Type: Wondrous item. You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. Nov 7, 2023 · 15. Instrument of the bards. They can also be used to replace a Oct 2, 2023 · Best Magic Items for the Sorcerer in 5e. The archmage can cast disguise self and invisibility at will and has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp. Mithral Armor. With the Robe of the Archmagi, Arcane Grimoire, and this, your DCs jump up by 6. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. Damaging Magic Items. 20,000 (~55 Years) A player crafting a magic item makes progress in increments of spending 25 gp of the Creation Cost per day, assuming they work for 8 hours each of those days. They will shine the most when given to very low-level parties as critical tools or high-quality bonuses to help solve particular campaign problems, and they therefore work well as rewards for going out of your way to help someone, finding a secret room, or Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) This elegant garment is made from exquisite cloth of white, gray, or black and adorned with silvery runes. To install the Plutonium module, and start using all of 5etools' content in your game, paste the manifest URL [ current / v11 / v10] into your Foundry server's module installer. Those beans can be dumped and explode for fire damage, but they can also be planted, and it's anyone's guess what will happen next. levels 5-10: 500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp normal starting equipment. The Gift of Truth feature for this item says: Whenever a creature utters a lie while within the 30-foot-radius sphere, that creature takes 5 psychic damage and flinches visibly. Bonus points if you replace your own parts with them. "<item> can be destroyed only by the fire of an ancient dragon who agrees to destroy it. After you spend the requisite amount of time reading and studying the book, your Wisdom score increases by 2, to a maximum of 24. Jul 26, 2023 · This list promises a wealth of cursed artifacts, each one a compelling addition to your next RPG adventure. Watch on. For every uninterrupted period of 12 hours that the cloak goes unused, it regains 1 hour of duration. Sentience. Weapon (dagger), rare. Jan 22, 2023 · Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak’s maximum duration of 2 hours. sapient, cursed magic items. Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement) While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can understand and speak Abyssal. The type of gem determines the elemental summoned by the spell. Item Type – Armor (medium or heavy) Mithral Armor is light and flexible, making the armor you’ve chosen not impose any disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and ignore Strength requirements. The protection grants several benefits. All magic items from the 5th Edition (5e) SRD (System Reference Document), organized by type. The robe’s color corresponds to the alignment for which the item was created. 15. It strikes true, and they twist the knife, hoping to sink the blade into your heart. RELATED: 15 Best Magic Item For Wizards in D&D 5e, Ranked Sep 14, 2019 · Anybody can attune to this item. Even though it might not explicitly say so in the book, it's the DMs call. If the target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be destroyed. Dec 3, 2023 · Introduction. 39: A worn romance novel about a female cultist and a demon. Repeat three more times. Hi everyone! I made an updated and corrected version of these items. Keys from the Golden Vault. Ghost step tattoo. Spellwrought Tattoos. Starts as a Apr 28, 2022 · Top 10 magic items for fighters. As a Paladin, this magical shield equips you with an empowering radiant aura that allows you to blind and stun enemies within 10 feet radius just by raising it high. DnD Clerics are among the most diverse and interesting classes in 5e DnD. Wakened Dragon’s Wrath Weapon (Attunement) FTD. Oct 3, 2019 · Helm of Devil Command. As such, it contains an invaluable magic item for the class. 17th. Unless otherwise specified, sentient magic items don’t possess a typical Mar 25, 2023 · There is an explicit statement on DMG 135: Each magic item has a rarity: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, or legendary. Should Kas fail, the Dark Powers will reclaim The Protection from Evil and Good spell (PHB p. The staff has 50 charges for the following properties. Arcane Grimoire. At Legendary, the two best options for the Ioun Stone would be Greater Absorption and Mastery. 40: Teeth. Barn Owl Mask: grants advantage on perception checks that rely on hearing and sight. On a successful save, the creature becomes Sun Blade. If the item produces a spell, the creator must expend one spell slot of the spell’s level each day of creation. Mar 2, 2024 · 500,000 gp. It would not be unusual for a holy artifact to grant such protection to its wielder. Certain armor has higher AC than others, but they have Strength requirements Magic Items have been a hallmark of DnD since its inception almost 50 years ago, and this part of the game is still alive and well today in 5E. Such items grant capabilities a character could rarely have otherwise, or they complement their owner's capabilities in wondrous ways. Styled after Keoghtom's Ointment, consider a similar substance that will react with the targets alignment when exposed to their skin. A good creature takes 8d6 necrotic damage upon Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement) This simple silver band is adorned with several gemstones, each a different color corresponding to each of the schools of magic. A necklace that grants +1, +2, or +3 bonus to a cleric or paladin’s spell save DC and spell attacks, depending on rarity. Dark Powers released Kas. Build unlimited D&D characters Create Now. As its name implies, the Talisman of Ultimate Evil is the perfect accessory for evil-aligned characters. When an attack with this weapon reduces a creature to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction and spend one Hit Dice to regain hit points as if taking a short rest. Because your choice of Divine Domain so greatly affects your capabilities, Clerics can fit a variety of roles and play styles. 41: A picture of the cult member's four Jul 16, 2021 · Fomorians. Nov 2, 2015 · In 5e, characters can only have three magic items attuned at a time (DMG pg 138). MOT. Spellwrought tattoo, 2nd level or 3rd level: Half a limb or the scalp. 1 day ago · SRD5:Sentient Magic Item. The archmage is an 18th-level spellcaster. While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. I'd prefer for the items to not require attunement (they all just got Oct 2, 2005 · There's a lot of stuff the guidelines just don't remotely work for. Skeleton Necromancer, Fallen Aasimar Bloodhunter, Awakened Wolf Fighter, Tiefling Rogue. Unfortunately, I can't post a new picture in this thread, so you can find the new version here! Hope this is okay for you guys :) 1. Foundry is a modernized, better-than replacement for Roll20, which prioritizes modding support. Weapon (mace), rare. Lost Laboratory of Kwalish. LMP. Item Type – Wondrous item. This bond is called attunement, and certain items have a prerequisite for it. Once Kas vowed to deliver Vecna into the Dark Powers’ clutches and donned the crown, the. This item symbolizes unrepentant evil. Here's the top 5 that players try to abuse by ramming down their DM's throats: (1) Continuous cure light wounds item. A white robe was made for good, gray for neutral, and black for evil. Mar 24, 2024 · The Atlas of Endless Horizons is a rare, thick book bound in dark leather and entwined with silver lines representing a map. It doesn't tell you if items are good or evil, nor does it locate items for you. A tome of magical knowledge that grants +1, +2, or +3 bonus to wizard spell save DC and spell attacks, depending levels 1-4: Normal starting equipment. " The character gets a quest not only to find the dragon of sufficient age, but also to find a way to convince it to destroy something of obvious value, which may require additional quests. Spellwrought tattoo, 4th level or 5th level: One limb. You can't gain this benefit from the book more than once. Many names will also fit normal magic weapons, like staves or wands. The Bracer of Flying Daggers allows a rogue to draw two daggers as an action and make an attack with them both. Charges, Doses, And Multiple Uses. Ioun Stone. Cursed Items. The Stone of Golorr is a sentient lawful evil magic item with an Intelligence or 18, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 18. The D&D game is built on the assumption that magic items appear sporadically and that they are always a boon, unless an item bears a curse. LLK. The Guilt-Edged Blade. A good creature takes 8d6 necrotic damage Jan 7, 2022 · The rules for making magic items in general (DMG, pg 129; Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, pgs 128-129) don’t translate perfectly into curse-crafting, but they work as a jumping-off point. The item functions best when you need to constantly be underwater or if you’re playing an aquatic campaign. Saving Throws Against Magic Item Powers. Wand of Magic Detection. These magical items have been an important plot point in Critical Role’s actual-play campaigns. 20 Creatively Cursed Magic Items. Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a evil-aligned creature) Weight: 1 lb. 2 major beneficial properties. Templar: The item seeks to defend the servants and interests of a particular deity. Destroyer: The item craves destruction and goads its user to fight arbitrarily. While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits: You can speak Draconic. The Backbiter Bow. Jan 30, 2024 · There are 8 total schools of magic in D&D 5E. That is all it does. or Kezef—usually a warlock or other spellcaster—contacts the comet-borne emissary of an Elder Evil, the emissary can merge with a mortal consciousness to create a larva mage. Tattoos are only usable by you, however. Journeys through the Radiant Citadel. The wearer won't be slowed down by rough terrain, and most critically, this allows barbarian wearers to paralyzed or restrained by magical effects. Welcome to our Temple of Elemental Evil magic items section! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. The robe's color corresponds to the alignment for which the item was created. Jan 22, 2023 · This +1 magical shortsword is made from magically hardened porcelain, inlaid with pale blue images of swallows in flight. sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 16. uo hs ik xf oj vp sq ba si xp