Bannerlord best city to take

Bannerlord best city to take. It can be hard to take a castle with 50 troops. Like, 1. We also talk about combat mechanics, sieges, settlements, and more. Even players who are veterans of Mount and Blade: Warband may find themselves in the deep end, so we’ve decided to put together a series of guides, showing you a few things that might just make getting started, that much easier for you. The following is a list of the best Bannerlord workshops that tend to make the most money in each respective town in Bannerlord. The perfect start to build up a new Kingdom. Isolated, with Ustokol Castle even more isolated and an easy prey. You will receive denarii (money) this way. You can then become a mercenary or a vassal (the options become available once you reach Castles are usually easier to take. This seems reasonable, you took their cities and if you make peace those cities will stay with you. Then butcher the animals, and sell the meats and hides back to the town. This can add up quickly, but can easily halve the time it will take to get those walls improved in time for the next war. you If you press the Alt button while in a city you should be able to see the names of a bunch of places and people, including your companions loitering around. I'd argue battania is the easiest to defend, everything being close is a way bigger advantage than the aserai chokepoints that are a week away from each other. As soon as you get the last fief they have nowhere to respawn and will fight you only with mercs that will not do much harm by themselves. Jul 28, 2023 · Bannerlord’s Best Workshops by Town . Sep 6, 2022 · Here are the best factions in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, in order of best to worst: (+) 20% less garrison troop wages. (What I did). Guide. Aserai. Small armies patrolling your settlements; AI also uses them. 3- Visit towns. The one with t3 walls, since walls affect the visual defences during siege. Honestly I'd start in a corner, only bordering 1 faction. Also if you are in the city, it won't happen, so make sure you are out of the city. There are several characters in each town who represent different aspects of the town and may have tasks for the player. Early on you might think it best to say yes to every favor an NPC asks of you, but that is a good way to end up bloodied, penniless, and hated. I would take Oristocoris castle, it is easily defensible as it only has one way in or out. What’s the best place to use for the “own 1 Feb 9, 2022 · I'm in this never ending cycle of attempting to capture a castle/town. Go to war with the rebels. • 2 yr. Pravend has always been the best in my playthroughs as it usually has stupidly high prosperity constantly. Push those AI troops off the siege weapons and take them out 5 at a time. It can help to prioritize profitable/high prosperity (ideally around 4000 prosperity) cities close together. Go through the charisma checks and try to convince them your kingdom is worth joining. Join faction, get a settlement or castle. You'll get some influence from the battles and can donate lords to an ally castle/town for a Nov 22, 2022 · Whatever you’re building, adding money to the reserve is a good way of speeding things up. Xbowmen/Archers are best. high clan level and high steward helps. Look for cities with resources that are less common that feed workshops in that area. Keep fighting small parties of looters, loot them and sell their loot immediately, the reason behind Generally low availability resource workshops are better than high. Oct 12, 2021 · As a step-by-step: Find the leader of the clan you want to recruit. Currently Playing: anything I can get my hands on. This takes a while and costs money. Related: Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Best Crossbow Perks. Battania. Also buy sheep/hogs and cattle. And I mean not 20-40k per whole-map-run-silk-road-trading, but amounts of money that you won't be able to spend if you buy everything in the game. Castles dont rebel. Help the archers thin the numbers of charging infantry with siege weapons or your own arrows from a safe angle where you can pop our from behind the wall and hide when they turn to you. Change Culture of Settlements. We discuss various facets, including the ideal options when first creating your character. Each town has several villages attached to it. Apr 21, 2020 · The Empire. Your men will just launch ladders up the walls. I am currently in the situation where if I smith for profit, every 18 hours of in-game time I can buy Apr 30, 2020 · Towns, or cities, in my opinion, are the most valuable of the 3 settlement types in Bannerlord. The villages bound to the city in the surrounding area are what provide a major amount of the city's prosperity and growth over time. (Note: Turns into a ladder slog if the tower is destroyed by the defenders) A. 7. The max I can have without people leaving is 106. Keep a party of 75ish troops and at least 1 saddle horse per troop. Edit. I love splash attack VIG 8 Nov 6, 2022 · Related: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord: Best Units, Ranked These Fiefs (Settlements) can then be governed, with new laws being put in place, upgrades being completed, and a governor being the in-charge. Sturgia. I want to create my own kingdom but don't want to just go to war with a major faction, my thinking was the best way to take one is to wait for it to…. You should pay tribute to them to keep those cities. How the hell am I supposed to do this and be able to hold the city to go talk to the guy in another city? If you only can have 106 troops in your party, you have picked the wrong perks and skills. Either way. If you don't want to join a faction try to get a higher clan tier. 3. If it's 2 or 3, you'll want a siege tower or two. Oct 24, 2022 · It's not all just battles in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Needs Garrison Troops - Lord asks for x number of troops. Fail Tier - Just brutal quests. One siege tower and one catapult. Nov 2, 2021 · For now got 280 athletic and 275 2H. (VIG 8, END 8) In athletic is perk + 1vig and +1 end. Fight against them in village and wood is preferred since they alway out number our cav. When i reach walls during siege i can cut 120 troops by myself. #4. Its wierd and I think it has to be fixed. Have found khuzait settlements hardest to capture. An army will come to defend it. Mar 6, 2021 · The indirect method of getting a settlement in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord involves being someone’s vassal. 204 votes, 35 comments. 5. And a city can't revolt if the owner is inside. I believe pravend is the best overall city considering potential prosperity and surrounding villages. Mar 30, 2020 · When you're walking around the city press "left alt", this will show you places with flags ex. Profit. How do I initiate the take overs? Anyone know? The trick I found that works is to be Clan 4, build a bunch of siege engines with an engineer in your party, and fend off the lords that are coming to defend. You'll be forced to pay about 2-3K per day, unfortunately, to maintain peace. Karthas_TGG. I’m set up really nice, just don’t know how much gold I want. Dec 23, 2020 · How to Solo(With Only Our Own Party/120-140ish men)Siege Towns and Castles - Mount and Blade 2: BannerlordIn this video I show you guys some tips and tricks The first method will take more losses, but keep the city more secure for you. With horse archers you should be pretty fast, so you should be able to catch lords weaker than you. I figured out a way to get a first city without declaring war on an existing large kingdom which usually will proceed to smack you down - rebellions! When a city rebels it is usually starving, so siege it while carrying a lot of food until the archer units starve. Take a castle that is strategically placed to be near a third kingdom (e. Pause again, deploy your fire onagers, lead the assault. When you are in the siege, call your troops back. Using armour to max 20 kilos. Apr 21, 2020 · Being Awarded A Castle. Would consider giving away castles as they don’t generate enough revenue to garrison strongly enough to discourage sieges. You do need to know the wall level of the castle. You can get by with anywhere from 1-4. So you're going to be spending a lot of time doing those things in the early game. They happe quite often. Change the culture of a settlements so you can recruit different units; Alternatively check out this one. Apr 9, 2020 · Take on new quests carefully, failure has consequences . I can't call my companion's parties to come support me in the siege assault, so 106 is the max. First step: be at least Clan Tier 4. No army to interrupt. Works exceptionally well If you intentionally fail the dragon banner quest before you leave. Best way to do this is either; A. Sep 8, 2021 · e1. So we use terrain to limit their cav movements. be/InOzVMLT9CkThread - https://bit. Change 0 to 1 and Gonna try this when I get home, thank you. Got 3 imperial cities and 2 castles. you arent fighing for freedom, you already have that. The others are the workshops, which we covered in this workshop article. The militia has to greatly outnumber the garrison. For 500 denars a day, you can add +20 to castles and +50 to the construction stat in towns. If the threat of +1000 armies coming to obliterate you is high quickly build one tower and one catapult on the same side as your tower. Is there a console command to change ownership of that holding? Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. Participate in a war with an enemy that does not directly border your kingdom (e. Again, this is kinda a moot point, as eventually your caravan will travel around the entire map and at some point cross through your/your neighbor's territory. Focus on destroying one faction at time. Aug 18, 2022 · Hey what's up Youtube it's xero here and in todays video I am going to go over a step by step guide to getting your first town. Hopefully it's gonna get fixed but the default scene for Aserai castles is pretty much impossible to capture rn. First town in line then is Varcheg, which you can hold and build up still guarding the path to reach Revyl. Increase movement speed with every perk possible. Once you're in one of these places there should be thugs that you can talk to, provoke them into a fight and afterwards you can decide if you want to take over the spot (will make you an enemy of the current owner). Build a trebuchet in three spots and keep the last one open. Take over the alley yourself and use one of your companions as a gang leader. all what matters so workshops are profitable, be it +10 or +250 does not matter much in the end. Tip t2 vlandian cbows are cheap and have a cbow for defense. It will rebel once militia outnumbers garrison troops and you not being inside the settlement. I keep getting an army/2-3 parties forcing me to abandon the siege before I finish the siege camp building. Me personally on this playtrough is Vlandian, so I tried to be useful until tier 5. The consequences too. 41) is the best way to make money. A lot of the stuff that makes having your own kingdom great, currently don’t work or haven’t been implemented yet. You need to be at war with the Kingdom and then attack a castle or city, which then gives you the towns if you su Kevin_2101. I strongly recommend at least for a first play through is to stay a vassal. 2 Beta Patch Review - https://youtu. The best settlement to take as an independent faction is the vastly on the top left in sturgia lands as it only borders sturgia the weakest faction and nobody else has any interest in it and only 1 way into it. Another way to own a settlement in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is by joining a kingdom. #5. Oct 24, 2022 · The best way to optimise your gold income and resource output in Bannerlord is to ensure that you have the right type(s) of workshop in each settlement. The first building tier increases Loyalty by 1 and it will Also, you missed the best quest for low-level characters: the one where you have to find a guy’s daughter and bring her back. Attacking small lord parties is also very profitable. Don't build too many siege weapons as they consume your units There isn't anything more exciting than taking your first fief in Bannerlord, but it's also one of the toughest parts of any campaign! In this guide, I'll s Do the siege cheese. 1. To be honest I think the southern castles are the best to defend. Also I know that everyone can play the game however they want but fuck cheesing games like this Towns are the largest settlements present in Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord. backstreets or clearings. I bought all the foods, usually 15k-30k denars. You can do this as many times as you want, though the starting companion limit is 5. Barter with the lord and bribe them to have Console cheat to get fief? I gathered a huge army and spent a lot of influence to capture a city. The higher the points the easyer they go, they consime more items. ago. 2. its by definition, not rebelling. Bout to raise my banners and take my 3 towns and 1 castle with me. Sitting at 200k, my fellow vassals love me and I’m sitting on 700 influence. If that isn't rebelling, I don't know what is. Favorite Genre: FPS. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Basic management for new fief: Put in troops to get a decent security so loyalty doesn't drop faster, use say 80 t3 troops for a decent balance of security, cost, and food consumption. Jan 4, 2024 · Our Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord beginner’s guide has 10 tips to help you get started on your journey. Jul 19, 2022 · In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, a player can conquer kingdoms and rule most of the territory, but technically, they're not a king. Oct 25, 2022 · Gamer Since: 1992. Jan 5, 2023 · Head to this location on your PC: Documents > Mount and Blade II Bannerlord > engine_config. . I bought all the foods from one town and sold them to a nearby town. Talk to one of your governors and tell them you want to form your own kingdom. Plus it is one of 3 entrances to Vlandia and holding it means stopping any incursions. Keep buying out all the food in a town. . On the table below, you'll find the resource that each town produces the most of, the workshop you need to construct to take advantage of this, and how many villages feed the resource into the This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. Bannerlord Governors Sep 4, 2022 · you can only decide to leave the kingdom and take your fiefs with you. Both villages are close by. You are at peace now. Reply. It's always fun to jump on a ballista to Feb 1, 2022 · Historically, countries that lost wars had to pay tribute to the victor to save their own ass. etc. don't rely on others to win wars, become a strong commander yourself and get strong ones for your parties, make your own army and win the wars. Quest is not worth the gold. Apr 4, 2020 · If you are Level 2 or 3, the AI will deem you having 1 castle of city "enough" and not put you on the ballot. So I cancelled them both and set them in my kingdom so highest prosperity city. They steal items from you the longer it takes. Like 200-500 a day. Vlandia. Take 2h axe (bardiche) and cut everything in front of you. For example, if you're joining the vlandians or battanians, try to start your caravan near the khuzaits so that wars against your neighbors leave your caravans unharmed. Simply getting a settlement, however, is just the first step as you Guide. (-) Village hearths increase 20% less. The second method generally results in an absolute slaughter but leaves the city vulnerable to be retaken. 4- Loot & sell. Hit 3/4 villages then return to an allied city to cash out. Each town has a kingdom, clan, and lord that control it. be near the inner gate when it falls, f1 f3 f3 f3 your ladder groups 5 seconds after the inner gate is crushed. If your liege isn’t a complete idiot, they’ll eventually conquer towns or castles and, if you’re pulling your weight, you’ll receive some of them as your own. however that turns into war with them and they will destroy you if you arent strong enugh. if you are in Vlandia, you need a war with Sturgia). Top 3 Favorite Games: Megaman Legacy Collection, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, Just Cause 3. They declare war. win with ~30 fatal casualities on a bad day. When you see the enemy siege engines start to load, pause the game, right click your trebuchet, hit move to reserve, then click on the empty space and place it. Caravans are exactly what you expect–you send a companion with a troop of soldiers to take trade goods Short tutorial just showing how to equip yourself and then get and fight the back alley battles against the gangs in towns. Go to your person of choice to start your kingdom. Smashing like mad man. Await a rebellion. Easier from there to mount attacks to the Western Empire, Vlandia and Aserai. txt. The first two columns are self-explanatory; the last defines why the workshop is ideal using two factors: the resource that supports the workshop, and the number of villages supporting it. We look at the top 10 troops for you to keep in your garrison, as a first line of defense and a backup army. Attack enemy settlements via 'force villagers to give me recruits' option. Reduces the chance that a high tier unit dies in battle calculations (if the odds are highly in your favor) Buy Patrols. Sold them to nearby town but obviously to a lesser Ultimate guide to Smithing. Then pause the game and deploy all 4 trebuchets and keep them there until all defender siege weapons are destroyed. At the start, go to the closest city, Open the trade window, and buy every hog or sheep available in the market. Nov 9, 2021 · So I advise you to join kingdom which is next to your character culture and wait for a king to die or be killed in battle. Company of Trouble - Sometimes you can complete this in 2 seconds, but other times you will struggle to get rid of these assholes. You gain tiers by gaining renown, which comes from battles, quests, and tournament wins. You talk to person and form kingdom. Attack as soon as the catapult is built so the enemy can't destroy it. Wait till a city rebels. RLGrunwald • Vlandia • 5 mo. Eventually the town should rebel. Speak with this leader and tell them there is something you wish to discuss. This resulted to negative in food, then resulted to negative in prosperity, these affects security then loyalty. However, I'm not given any option to do so. Choose the option “Your liege, …, is not worth your loyalty”. Anything above, make 2 siege towers and a ram. 6. StudPetry • 5 mo. This will allow you to become a vassal of one of the major kingdoms by asking their faction leader Join a kingdom. Khuzait Khanate. It will increase Loyalty by 1, 2 and 4. You're also be able to take on the role of ruler in your own kingdom. Gonna hit every city and town on the continent, im ballin right now. ly/3yLK7BEFull VOD - https://youtu. Wool Weavery has the highest income as i experienced. If you don't have enough of the batty boys then Aserai Master Archers are your next bet for sheer rate of fire. You just go to the kingdom tab, select fiefs and list it there by prosperity. I would say aserai is the easiest to defend. Using 5 caravans and my fief, I made anywhere from 4k to 8k daily. Sell food to the store to help the town have enough, but no too much or caravans will come buy it back. best places are safest towns in ally kingdom. Just getting to them is awkward and you can spam Archers on it to defend pretty well. Let them take it and start putting in policies that grant you free influence. Feb 3, 2022 · galend, jaculan, sibir, argoron, lycaron, quasira, sanala, askar. 8. Quit their faction and keep holdings. Well, they're not king yet . 100% the towns os rosvalt and ostican, they're right in the corner of the map. fight in winter if possible, gives the whole faction a campaign buff. 164K subscribers in the Bannerlord community. Then attack. Use cavalry in F6 at this point to harass and distract. Whatever kingdomes were near your original city/castle are going to declare war on you and take your first city/castle. Grain is the most abundant resource in the game, so generally Breweries are the most common workshop. Steal their city. Kranirog or Mazhadan) and get the king to give it to you. Hey guys in your travels have you encountered any cities that are particularly easy to defend or hard to siege due to things such as layout, kill boxes or ideal archer placements for walls? They're all mostly the same. Myrmuz [IRL] Apr 20, 2020 @ 12:10pm. It's best if the castle is Level 3. https://ww There was nothing but weapons and armor inside. get the two ladder-melee-groups to follow you, ignore the archers, let the ram group do their thing. This means managing the many settlements that you'll be conquering along the way. If an enemy army attacks the assulting camp and the assulting camp army wins, they will go ahead and launch the assult. Fight the infantry fight 1v1 and once close enough pull the second line off the battle and charge the crossbow men. Khuzait culture has the ability to recruit Khan’s Guards twice as fast as other cultures at the start of the game because of Combat Tips (just get 3 leadership in character creation), which seals the deal. 1. Keep doing this until you have three trebuchets and the enemy has 1. -I can't form an army because I'm yet to make a kingdom because I can't capture a castle/town. Specifically took the castle on north side of the Aserai peninsula and the castle on the south side. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord will build upon the popular Mount & Blade franchise bringing in many exciting and highly requested new features. • 5 mo. Jul 12, 2022 · What is a caravan in Bannerlord? In Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, caravans are one of two ways you can turn a one-time investment into a continual source of income. You could try shock troopers like Aserai Palace Guards, Imperial Menavliatons or Sturgy Heroic Line Breakers guarding the ladders for their reach but they may get picked off by enemy archers. If it's 1, you can usually just launch a direct assault without bothering with equipment. (If loyalty is above 40) Start making I spent a fortune trying to start a rebellion on a stable town. (+) Being in an army brings 25% more influence. And salt. First, you will need to get your Clan to Rank 2 by raising your renown. You can build up from their taking revel once you are strong enough. Alfred4282014. Find out who they are at war with and go to the front line castles that have recently changed hands. Taking over the settlements is rather difficult in itself, but keeping control and developing them further is also a big challenge. 17 votes, 10 comments. You’ll obtain 20k denars in a much shorter amount of time as last time, so when you have that amount again, just repeat the steps. Get rewarded fiefs. 4. Leave kingdom with said fiefs. Again, if another clan "defects" to your kingdom, they will get priority ballot voting BECAUSE the AI thinks they "NEED" 1 fief or 3 fiefs or whatever depending on the clan tier. 5 - 2 million denars in the bank rich. It also goes around the prosperity points and the non food items. They’ll city I’m in has 13320 prosperity, so I’m getting around 3. play on 1. (+) 50% less speed penalty and 15% sight range bonus in forests. There is a lords hall where lords and nobles may gather, however if the player character is not a Infantry with spear, any of them can beat khuzait horse archer if you can stall them. I'm making boat loads of denars from winning fights. Nov 7, 2022 · Ownership by vote. Once you have defeated the gang, you will be given two options: Leave the alley to the owner of the city and ensure more loyalty and secure the goodwill of the ruling faction. Second step: be rich. you are leaving. Best of all, if you duel the lover and take her home, she gets added to Mar 19, 2023 · So I'm in the beta (1. Start giving out cities with only 2 villages to lords of compatible culture, fully built up castles to lords of different culture - keep maybe 2-3 for elite troops auto recruitment and for raising companions to peerage. B. You can also go around hunting down enemy lords. So stay away from buying or switching to a brewery is generally a good idea. And then slowly conquer cities of your culture. Apr 20, 2020 · Now, the most straightforward way to increase Loyalty is to build the Fairgrounds project. 6. 5. But the ruler will keep it for himself instead of giving it to me, and I really want this city. 2k from these caravans. Award. 1) and I should be able to take over areas of town where thugs are, according to the patch notes. Yes you can. Sargot: once you secure Ab Comer And Talivel Castle thé smithy there explodes with productivity. Rinse and repeat. g. Go talk with them and ask them to follow you = next time you go for a walk in a city those you asked to follow will be there with you from the start. -I can't control my other You cannot simply attack a town to take it. With war they have a chance to take them back. BY melee cav or by terrain or by they own melee cav. So I have 4 parties, 125-175 troops each. Cities can have very profitable tax incomes, even if they're only moderate prosperous economically. Apr 14, 2020 · Tips and Tricks. Ideally 5. eventually they will run out of money and and the last small parties will be caught by some bandits and the faction will disband. siege castle, build only ram, attack. Be sure to take on the main quest to speak to 10 nobles (aka the leaders of each faction), even after the tutorial has ended, as it will speed up your renown and notoriety by As soon as you take it, declare peace. 7. The intricacies of all the Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord factions aren’t immediately obvious to those without a strong knowledge I believe the influence gain is based on the party strength though, so you'll get a bit less influence. be/ridvyHwF3gsSecond Channel - https://www. Barter with the lord and bribe them to have Shield wall your infantry at the enemy line with a second line behind them, the shock troops. It pays 1650 denars in the very beginning of the game, and you can either talk the girl into going home, or duel her lover and then take her home. Yes because in an actual battle they're really hard to take. Apr 7, 2020 · M ount & Blade 2 Bannerlord can be a very challenging game, and there is a steep learning curve, especially at the beginning. Tbis is an independent faction with either no lords or very few. Make a habit of going to nearby towns from time to time for all kind of reasons, selling loot, selling prisoners, buying better equipment, looking for companions (not now at this stage), quests, tourneys. That unit is broken in basically every way. Let the catapults whittle them down for a few minutes and then order them to charge. Open it with a text editor like Notepad , and look for this line: cheat_mode = 0. But they can become one; all they Ortysia is always solid choice, so much the better if you can also nab Garantor Castle or at least keep it controlled by your kingdom. The enemy will shoot at empty ground. Mar 5, 2023 · But you can easily double or triple your starting wealth without really doing anything. Smithing is currently (1. The ai apprently waits for the castle to run out of food. Preferably, you should be inside that fief when you give it away - if a city is secure enough to give it to AI lord, you Definitely Revyl. 273K subscribers in the mountandblade community. Hopefully this helps you guys Then build 4 trebuchets and again put them each in reserve as soon as each one is build. At a minimum, it has to be twice as large (in my experience). sr tm nr ya og yi ti ll mz mz