Gren maju deck june 2020. No deck type has been provided. It's like this card was made for this deck. I'm unsure about the ruling, as his ATK is not necessarily +1500, but when I did summon him, he was at 4K ATK. 90 - 150 960 720. 97 - 150 600 870. Dice roll: going second. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save" button! May 8, 2023 · The large amount of Kaiju monsters you run allows you to break even the strongest of boss monsters. ∧. Gren Maju stun. 2x Pot of desires —> banishes 10 cards for me which is a plus for this deck (easy 4000 ATK Maju first turn) Sep 24, 2021 · The Yugioh Gren Maju deck is a deck that focuses on banishing as many cards as possible and then summoning Gren Maju to OTK. When things are going well, this deck will Thrifty Duelist. Apr 21, 2023 · INVASION OF CHAOS. 1x Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison. Tour Guide From the Underworld Main Deck (40 Cards) Monsters; 3x Danger! Bigfoot! 3x Danger! Thunderbird! 2x Dinowrestler Pankratops 3x Eater of Millions 3x Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher 3x Glife the Phantom Bird 3x Gren Maju Da Eiza 2x Hexe Trude Spells; 3x Called by the Grave 1x Foolish Burial 3x Golden Castle of Stromberg 1x Monster Reborn 3x Pot of Desires 3x Nameless Nemleria / Gren-Maju-Deck. 0 Comments 1,910 Views Edited 7 months ago. This page notes details of Gren Maju Da Eiza (FIRE/Fiend/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. 1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck. Nevixx . 840 + 480. on June 23rd, 2022. Oct 21, 2020 · DECK GREN MAJU (October 2020)/ Download Game (EDOPRO):https://discord. Pros: - STOP opponent plays by using hand traps. 1x Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos. Monsters. While both builds played Gren Maju and Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher, plus a few similar spell cards, they were actually hugely different decks. And another great addition is number 68: sanaphond the sky prison. TCGplayer $44. 3x. Meta Decks Combo Control 40. 26 30 360 720 540. This will unlock a number of powerful cards which otherwise don't see play including Chaos Greed and Chaos End. Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. and reminder you can only have one Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. There are curated lists that cannot be uploaded by regular users. 0 Comments 3,770 Gren Maju (Nov 2022) Post Dec' Ban list. 60 120 390 720 990. Help a poor old man out, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!!Its a new year and a new update to our 1st place gren maju deck. Non-Meta Decks Knightmare 40. I didn't add an extra deck because you can add any card you want to the extra deck for the use of eater of millions. 1x Knightmare Mermaid. However, I'm not including Any going second cards in this list, so that we all stand a chance at preventing my son from going wild when he doesn't get to go first. Golden Castle of Stromberg banishes 10 cards during each of your standby phases, and they are face-down wich buffs Eater of Millions. This is my current rebuild of my old favorite, Gren Maju! Not much to explain with how the deck functions since it's pretty well know what it's all about, although to clarify, added Red Resonators for easy access to Horse Prince to grab Gren Maju from the deck, and I also got Topologic Zeroboros to potentially clear my opponent's Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video! It’s 2022, and our favourite red lobster boi Gren Maju is still here to wreck face! With loads of new toys, blinding second and breaking boards is made so much easier with new support cards for Super Poly, the Adventurer Engine and Ultimate Slayer! Even with Pot of Desires semi-limited get you The usual Gren Maju players are here with some token generators. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save" button! Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. Gren Maju OTK 2022. TCGplayer $58. Danger! Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Deck played by Paul McGee · Remote Duel Invitational August 2020 (North America) · 08/22/2020 Question about Bottomless. TCGplayer $82. A version that was similar to 8-axis. 70 / Cardmarket €49. Had this deck idea in mind ever since I realized Resonator Command can search Gren Maju. 0 Comments 4,235 Views Uploaded 5 years ago. martyvonparty. Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Deck played by Paul McGee · Remote Duel Invitational August 2020 (North America) · 08/22/2020 Legendary Maju Garzett Deck. 45 Deck Primer. This App has tons of features which are beneficial to any Duelist! Gren Maju Da Eiza: This card`s ATK/DEF become the number of your banished cards x 400. 86 120 390 720 1020. 13 UR Craft Required 4 UR SD/Bundle/PVE. 2 years ago. By Dan June 10, 2020 May 22nd to This is a Gren Maju deck in Goat format. Limit One Festival from. 450 + 480. 04 / Cardmarket €49. This is a yugioh deck that I call Gren Maju. Pot of Extravagance x3 - I don't use my extra deck aside from super poly, where I have tons of targets, so these are basically free draws. Source : Top 16 tournois du lama - Rémi ( m Extra Deck(15 Cards) Effect. 60 Cards: 37 20 3. Italian name. 92 / Cardmarket €42. and reminder you can only have one If you enjoyed this video, make sure to SPANK that LIKE button, COMMENT on this video, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel for more videos! ️ 5% off ALL purchases a Gren Maju. For the second season in a row, I was able to hit Diamond 1 only using a Gren Maju deck. Having the option to make a big beatstick in the off chance the initial plan goes south, and to get it's effects off with Left Arm Offering when looking for Soul Absorption is fantastic for the deck's strategy. Is that legal? or can Bottomless only be activated if their original ATK is higher Gren Maju Anti-Meta (Aug 2021) Nexix. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links! update 01/07/2020. rest of the deck pretty straight forword try banish cards to summon beefy gren maju. Banish as much as possible to buff your monsters (Helios, Gren Maju de Eiza, and Topologic Zeroboros) along with gaining LP through Soul Absorption. Deck Primer. Cons: this Deck loses to; Extra Deck(15 Cards) Effect. Follow the coverage to see if Scott Sheahan makes the Top Cut! Side Deck. Purchase Deck. このカードの攻撃力と守備力は、ゲームから除外されている自分のカードの数×400 Gren Maju has some very cool different ways to be played, and this is the variation I used to get first at my local tournament last weekend! Hope you enjoy!H Gren Maju Decks use cards that banish cards from the player's deck, hand and graveyard to increase the attack of monsters such as Gren Maju Da Eiza and Eater of Millions to extremely high values and attack for massive damage. NamenloserHeld92 Pro · 6 months ago. use owners seal snatch lvl8 kaiju or lava golem back to your side field go into zeus. 1,495 views. Pot of Desires x3 - The cost actually helps me in this deck plus I get to draws. Gren Maju is probably your better bet. 34 / Cardmarket €46. spraahz. Nov 22, 2012 · Mentions in Other Rulings. The intention of fun or casual decks is just to play for the sake of playing. Literally no problems against any meta deck. 1x Mudragon of the Swamp. 1x Predaplant Dragostapelia. TCGplayer $70. meta decks OTK 40. The main strategy is to have Golden Castle on the field to mill out cards to power up Gren Maju. 1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. Non-Meta Decks Greed 46. 1x I:P Masquerena. Non-Meta Decks Nemurelia Greed Maju 40. 74 / Cardmarket €57. Danger Chaos Blue Eyes by far. But the deck really doesnt synchro all that often, its more of an engine. 39 30 240 480 840. ygoprodeck Premium Supporter. This deck was first shared on 2024-05-25. 83 / Cardmarket €70. Additionally, Golden Castle of Stromberg Gren Maju OTK. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. I like to go first at the start of the duel whenever Man, Necroface coming back to 3 is nothing but good news for Gren Maju. 💥 I would recommend this deck for anyone looking There are 2 Level 8 Dangers (Bigfoot, Thunderbird), plus others to access them (Jackalope, Nessie). Shrink: If “ Shrink ” affects a monster with ATK that varies due to its Continuous Effect, like “ Gren Maju Da Eiza ” or “ King of the Skull Servants ”, that monster’s ATK will be halved. Plus, banishing helps buff up Gren Maju Deck Primer. com/D. The Danger! cards are in the deck to increase your mill rate but to provide both level 8 monsters as well as quick strength to muscle down enemy monsters. Jun 30, 2022 · This is a going second deck. And to make a deck in real life for Legendary Maju Garzett that works, you'd have to spend at least an equal Deck Primer. TCGplayer $62. A 40 card (snore fest) control version. Nemleria. Japanese database ID. The main strategy of this deck is to get out gren maju out with over 10k attack. ぐれんまじゅう ダ・イーザ +. - YGOPRODeck Decks. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks Gren Maju (May 2020) hurtinglizard. This is one of my favorites, Golden Castle Gren Maju!Please consider subs Rate/Fix. BELOW IS A LINK TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL IF YOU'D LIKE TO WATCH THE DECK PROFILE. Hidden-Maverick. Lowest Cost: $ 68. 33 / Cardmarket €77. 11 30 60 720 840. I'm also including stuff like Topologic Gumblar Dragon, Trishula and Summon Sorceress to Really make this deck absolute BS going first. MLCuong TS. The objective as always is to banish cards and get out Gren Maju - The tokens can be used to link into Zeroboros with either a 1 star + Skyblaster or a flipped Feb 4, 2022 · Go to the Master Duel game => Main menu => Deck option => The Card database option at the top right corner => locate the deck you exported and copy it Click here for a more detailed guide Click the buttons below for an extensive Deck-Type Breakdown for these Decks and the Best ways to Play them! Le deck Gren Maju Stromberg a pour but d'invoquer rapidement de gros monstres afin de réduire les points de vie de l'adversaire à zéro le plus vite possible. If you can get 3 of them without you opponent destroying them with card effects then you can try and get out emperor maju. A great take on a classic underdog Yugioh deck. 0. Tournament: NA Remote Duel Invitational Qualifier - March 20th 2021. Playtest. So recently I played my friend, and I was using a Gren Maju deck, and when I summoned him, he activated Bottomless Trap Hole. 78 February 2020 Regional - Hartford Connecticut Gren Maju OTK/Control with Spice: Alex Smith 12th Place Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. Very capable of OTK if you have Pot of Desires, Gizmek Orochi and Gren Maju in your starting hand. 95 February 2020 Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Gren Maju Control: Montana Johnson 3rd Place $69. Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME CARD DATABASE. The deck can easily make rank 8 XYZ monsters that you could rank up into Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder, allowing for full board removal on either turn. Gren Maju! Lord-Schnitzel · 2 years ago +1 · 989 views. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save" button! 5 days ago · This deck is called Gren Maju Da Ez. charlster didn't specify the playstyle for this deck Jul 20, 2020 · #Yugioh #YugiohTCG #yugiohgameNew Yu-Gi-Oh videos Everyday! Hit subscribe for more YGO content, and YuGiOh News! Yugioh Deck Profiles And Yugioh Gameplayhttp TCG Deck · 45 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. More Gren Maju OTK (November 2023) (Masterduel) Faith_SC. Deck based around banishing and summoning your Gren Maju. 46 / Cardmarket €247. com/ Gren Maju Kaiju (still a threat) F22aRaptor. 86. Because of Gizmek Orochi and Stromberg + Hexe Trude (and the Level 8 Dangers), Gren Maju / Rank 8 spam also exists. This season I switched up my build a bit by adding in Synchro plays to go into Chengying, Baronne and Ruddy Rose Dragon. Win Streaks from. 5 UR Craft Required 6 UR SD/Bundle/PVE. 3 Gren Maju 3 Danger Bigfoot 3 Danger Thunderbird 3 Necroface 3 Gizmek Orochi 3 Mirror Resonator 3 Red Resonator 3 Wandering King Wildwind Spells/Traps Gli ATK/DEF di questa carta sono ognuno pari al numero delle tue carte bandite x 400. Until then you can battle with your Kaiju cards. With options like Hey, Trunade! it’s safe to play Gren Maju and swing in for massive damage. 1x Borrelsword Dragon. Jul 18, 2023 · The deck is a blind 2nd deck; and if we had a heavy monster negate board format the Kaijus would be great but version of the deck I have found to be much more effective. facebook. I do love the golden castle with gren maju since the castle on its own is very strong, that and it synergises good enough with gren maju ( banishes cards to fuel gren ) Lv 8 monsters and kaijus for lv 8 exclusive extra deck for otks. Non-Meta Decks Machine Utopia 40. Gren Maju De Eiza (January 2022) qbking3. - removing opponent cards. Ash Blossom and Lighting Storm/Harpie's are interchangable with other hand traps/techs or even another Left Arm Offering. 67 / Cardmarket €93. Non-Meta Decks Kaiju 40. 2 Comments 63,939 Views Uploaded 4 years ago. Feb 7, 2023 · Fast forward to YCS Niagara Falls a month later and we saw David Mendoza win the entire event with a very different deck that also centered on Gren Maju. 2 warnings use slasher sparingly or u might deck out. Japanese lore. 78 February 2020 Regional - Indianapolis Indiana Gren Maju Stun: Dustin Richardson 16th Place $58. If its ATK changes due to its own effect in the same turn, recalculate the effect of "Shrink" based on the new OTK antimeta Gren Maju Da Eiza deck. Non-Meta Decks Dragon Kaiju 60. i won locals with this once so heres how it goes: dark magician cause hes the ultimate magician in terms of atak and drip garnet cause i heard he is good amorpahge and odd eyes persoan cause the amorphage feeld spel says perona and so does the draogon and i hope trif will like it <3 Grean maju and macro caus joeseph whelar a little harpiy plays the jar b/c theyre firinds firewall caus the Gren Maju and the Golden Castle (Sep 2023) Nexix. The main goal of this deck is to OTK your opponent. Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Deck played by Paul McGee · Remote Duel Invitational August 2020 (North America) · 08/22/2020 Ths 60 cards in this gren maju is fuel for golden castle since it banishes 10 cards every turn. Fun/Casual Decks Kaiju Danger! Golden Castle of Stromber 60. 6. Additionally, Golden Castle of Stromberg Deck Primer. Other deck ideas I had tested: 2x Red Reboot. 1x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star. 40 cards. 5. 5,834 +. TCG June 2020 · Created by . Danger! Gren Maju: Johannes Wagner Top 64 $95. 15. TCG Deck · 45 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. 2x Pot of desires —> banishes 10 cards for me which is a plus for this deck (easy 4000 ATK Maju first turn) 1x Knightmare Unicorn. Toggle Master Duel View. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Official Support App. More It’s 2022 and our favourite red lobster boi Gren Maju is still here to wreck face in Masterduel! Blind second and smash boards with Super Poly, Kaijus, Lightning Storm and more! This deck is also fairly consistent since it features 6 draw cards, and Trade-In can be activated multiple times a turn! Games are usually extremely short, it doesn't Going second OTK/stall Gren Maju deck. In this Deck it offers more banishing for Gren Maju, and it’s a Level 8 to pair with Hexe Trude or his two Danger! monsters for Rank 8 Xyz Monsters. TCGplayer $22. 4. Yeah i know bit the thing is i wanted to buy the deck in real life and for gren maju I probably have to buy a 60 card deck. Gren Maju and Topologic Zeroboros are the killers of this deck Card Cycling : The first 10 cards are to get through the deck faster to the cards I need. Mixing any of the choices above. +. 72 90 30 900 570. Deck has 3 Pot of Desires but the official banlist limits this card to 2. Jun 10, 2020 · We’re going to start taking youtube more seriously We couldn’t get the max rarity Gren Maju or Gold Sarco for this video. TCG Deck · 40 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. D/D/D can make rank 8's pretty often, they also have one of the best rank 8's in the game. Oct 13, 2021 · Gren Maju is a deck that can be played in a couple of different ways, most common being the 8 axis go second build, and the one represented in this video! Ev Non-Meta Decks Maju Numeron 40. As a going second deck, Gren Maj Deck MVP so far in testing for me. TCGplayer $89. I DID MAINLY BUILD THE DECK TO BREAK BOARDS WITH CARDS LIKE, ALPHA, PANKRATOPS, LAVA GOLEM, AND RAIGEKI IF THE HAND TRAPS DIDNT WORK IN MY Jan 2, 2023 · On my way to 3k subs. Gren Maju Da Eiza +. D Dynamite. 15 30 210 510 1020. Eater of millions also banishes a large number of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck · 40 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. Gren Maju Da Eiza. TCGplayer $71. Synchro line (LVL 8 Monster + LVL 2 / LVL 3 Tuner) , Level 8 XYZ line into 9000 ATK Numeron Dragon or 4-5 MAT Zeus You can summon Accesscode Talker with Deep Sea Diva (Diva Also to improve your extra deck theres this fun card called Topologic Zeroboros which is a Link 4 Gren Maju on steroids that you can use as an alt win con if say you accidentally banished Gren Maju and have 4 monsters on the board. 48 / Cardmarket €66. 0 Comments 18,483 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. Like most stun builds your looking to do exactly that and stun your opponent and then summon gren to attcak for game, the side deck can be whatever you like but i felt handtraps and backrow hate would be best given he main deck build. Gren Maju deck is a powerful and fun deck that makes use of one of Yu-Gi-Oh’s most Dec 5, 2020 · Hey everyone, Yishan here bringing you guys my first irl deck profile in some time. 1x Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld. This is a casual deck. 0 Comments 4,418 Views Edited 1 year ago. ©2020 Studio Dice/SHUEISHA, TV TOKYO, KONAMI. 97 / Cardmarket €25. Then for going first, in my side I have judgement, TCBOO, and Golden castle stuff because those cards are better for going first. 05 240 180 390 810. 1x Knightmare Phoenix. There's plenty of decklists for it online. 1u1BebiBoo · 6 months ago +5 · 4 · 1,344 views [RL] Gren Maju. Build in Deck Builder. Master Duel Decks Golden Castle of Stromber Kaiju Danger! 44. Banquet of Millions into a D. Archetype (s): Gren Maju. TCGplayer $105. 0 Comments 987 Views Uploaded 5 months ago. 91 / Cardmarket €38. Dodona . 1x Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon. Just stall with Battle Fader and Swift Scarecrow untill you got all the combo pieces in your hands, banish as many cards as you can with Banisher of the Radiance, Macro Cosmos, Dimensional Fissure, Pot Of Desires, Eater Of Millions and Necroface (just remove it with Gold Sarc or Allure), clean your opponent's . In order to quickly draw through the deck and banish many cards, spells such as Pot of Desires or Pot of Extravagance are used. It is built around the card Banisher of the Light which allows you to cultivate a game state where your graveyard empty and your exile zone is full. 3 years ago. Deck out with inferno tempest and necroface. Gizmek Orochi and Pot of Desires helps with this, as well as Eater of Millions. 0 Comments 5,878 Views Uploaded 1 year ago. Jul 10, 2022 · PATRONS: TIER: DARK ARMED ANNIHIATION DRAGONS!Jin ManningIzzyGarlandChaosTIER: DARK ARMED DRAGON! AwaltGloombaMimiZak CowellTIER: BLACK SKULL DRAGONStarSaber TCG Deck · 40 cards · Download the decklist (YDK/PDF) or create your own version on cardcluster. goal of the deck is kaiju opponents monsters, and summon lvl 8 monster. 0 Comments 5,878 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. this time we add in bystial Leeching the light with Hippo tokens. on June 19th, 2022 • 1 comment. We’re seeing Gizmek used in a lot of strategies thanks to its great effects and type. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save" button! GREN MAJU deck 2021. E1YGO/Twitter: https://twitter. Gren Maju Decks use cards that banish cards from the player's deck, hand and graveyard to increase the attack of monsters such as Gren Maju Da Eiza and Eater of Millions to extremely high values and attack for massive damage. Non-Meta Decks PSY-Frame 40. May 26, 2023 · Justin Shows off his deck list for Nemleria Gren Maju. 0 Comments 16,571 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. Login to rate. This App has tons of features which are beneficial to any Duelist! This deck is focuses on summoning "GREN MAJU DA EIZA" with massive ATK points to one shot OTK . Tournament Meta Decks are current level Meta Decks that are capable of going up against the best of the best. Japanese kana name. Jan 7, 2020 · Gren Maju Da Eiza | Decks and Tips. 0 Comments 4,304 Views Uploaded 1 year ago. With so many Level 8 monsters Pot of Desires alone gives 4000 ATK, while Gizmek gives 3200. But they can actually have interesting mechanics or unique features. Inferno Tempest + Necroface effect + D. This deck was first shared on 2024-04-25. Nexix. Deck has 3 Lightning Storm but the official banlist limits this card to 2. charlster didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. 1x Knightmare Unicorn. More Category: Tournament Meta Deck. The next new card in the Deck is Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher. SO AS ITS GREN MAJU ITS SIMPLY BANISH ALOT AND EITHER OTK WTH GREN MAJU OR USE THE RANK 8 PLAYS TO OTK/ CREATE BOARD DOMINANCE ENDING WITH A ZUES OR BLS LINK IF THE OTK WAS NOT POSSIBLE. 33 / Cardmarket €74. Kiketorres98. 0 Comments 4,018 Views Uploaded 1 year ago. 1x Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy. TCGplayer $54. TCG June 2023 · Created by . com/deck/nemleria-gren-maj Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video! It’s 2022, and our favourite red lobster boi Gren Maju is still here to wreck face! With loads of new toys, blinding second and breaking boards is made so much easier with new support cards for Super Poly, the Adventurer Engine and Ultimate Slayer! Even with Pot of Desires semi-limited get you Gren Maju is a going second deck so I was thinking main hand traps and super poly for the first game because I want to go second. Duelist: Cashflo. 1x Earth Golem @Ignister. 3. Deck info; Deck type: OTK. TCGplayer $39. TCGplayer $295. With so much draw power, it’s almost guaranteed your Gren Maju will have enough ATK to win any battle. Non-Meta Decks Kaiju Golden Castle of Stromber Danger! 60. 43 30 120 540 960. 1x Topologic Trisbaena. gg/ygopro-percyFacebook: https://www. Il cherchera notamment à bannir ses propres cartes dans l'optique d'augmenter les statistiques de combat de son monstre Gren Maju Da Eiza. Banish as many card you can (Eater, Pot of D and Gizmek) to get a powerful Maju Bossmonster. 51 - - 720 480. Creator: Yishan McNabb. 1x Knightmare Cerberus. - The ability to OTK the opponent. Deck List:https://ygoprodeck. Gren Maju. Apr 25, 2024 · The article was created by Nyx. TCGplayer $76. 0 Comments 2,761 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. 72 120 330 660 1140. ax en wr ce pr an ut zr hh hr