30 caliber wildcat cartridges. I also have a 14-inch .
30 caliber wildcat cartridges Joined: Jan 2003. 260 Remington (20-degree). 30-06 parent cartridge. A 30 carbine neck down to 22 caliber. 308 diameter 88 grain bullet but as fast as 1400'/sec. 280 Rem, and . 30 caliber neck. This was great in the early 1970's (when I was experimenting). Sep 1, 1999 · . With the great 6. Normally we call it the 30-40 Krag. One of the more capacious cartridges on the . ” Jan 30, 2025 · Many commercially successful cartridges began life as wildcats. was used, but for game, #3021 Single Shot Pistol bullet is recommended also. 5x52R and the less well known . 358 Win. 30-06 Springfield, . 224, 30-grain solid copper bullet made by Vernon Speer, atop a hefty charge of military surplus powder sent to him by Bruce Hodgdon. Of course, other wildcat and factory cartridges have been chambered in the M1 Carbine. 30 Herrett and . 240 Gibbs. has a passion for rimmed cases. With regards,. 25-06 Remington. 30-06 brass is that with . 19 Hornet, . 30/30's are everywhere. 338 Federal and . 257-caliber wildcat version of the . 30 HRT is easily formed by full length sizing 6. 30-06 cartridge. Landmark cartridges that became the basis for a whole line of descendants that we will consider here include the . 30 Herrett (Article by P. Ackley was a notable gunsmith famous for developing wildcat cartridges from parent cartridges like the 30-06 Springfield. 30 GNR…like the above cartridge, this one is an improvement of the Ackley 30-30 improved. 30-06 Ackley Improved, . Cartridges 7mm Super Mag. Most wildcatters aren’t as lucky as Weatherby, who created opportunity for bringing many of his wildcats to the wider market. But you lose a lot of magazine space messing with the rimmed cartridges. 41" caliber wildcat has a . Kirby Allen of Allen Precision Shooting, www. Brass used/primer. 5 Grendel base, the user immediately gains 14 grains of case After abandoning experimental . 30-30 Winchester Contender barrel and a custom Remington XP-100 with a barrel of the same length in . By Gary Zinn. 300 Whisper (. 30 caliber bullets. When holding the Jarrett and Weatherby cartridges side-by-side, the former appears to have a slight capacity advantage but looks are deceiving. Hornady 150 gr. 5 Creedmoor cartridge on the right. # 3020. Rest in Peace May 30, 1940 - November 5, 2021 https://www Oct 22, 2008 · The . Ackley states that the first . Offspring of the . Mar 11, 2005 · Wildcats are the basis for most of our so called "standard" cartridges today. 4″ long or less, must be . 30 WCF) cartridge was first marketed for the Winchester Model 1894 lever-action rifle in 1895. 270 and . 22-caliber cartridges like the . The special lathe-turned 33gr projectiles* exit the barrel at 5883 Feet Per Second — that’s over Mach 5, five . 284-caliber cartridge; it’s that AR-15 afficionados want one. The . 8 SPC was a 27 caliber instead of a 30, this is your cartridge. 3"long it was before the 300 blk out came out and it had similar ballistics but I built it on a handi rifle. Bill had used this brass on a number of wildcats for clients and thought that it had unexplored potential "on the upsize". Oct 21, 2016 · One such wildcat cartridge is the 300 Raptor pioneered by Kirby Allen. 309 JDJ greatly exceeds . 30/30 in pumps and semi autos of Remington manufacture (Surprise!). 30-30 Winchester velocity and comes close to equaling the velocity of the . In many ways the . D. Sometime after Clark introduced his cartridge in 1962, Joyce Hornady began offering 80-grain hollowpoints in boxes labeled “. 224 Lightning. 338-caliber. Off . Going to . Mag. After deciding the west was where he was meant to be, O’Neal loaded his supplies and equipment on a big truck and opened a new shop near Alberton, Montana. It is quite unusual for a wildcat cartridge to become popular enough to prompt a major bullet maker to begin producing a bullet specifically for it, but it did happen. Aug 12, 2023 · The 30 Merrill is basicly a 30-30 with a blown out body, 40 degrees shoulder in 65 K brass. 17 Remington, and the . 30 Alaskan cartridge thrived on with bullet weights up to 165 gr. I tried both methods, and both worked just as described; however, working with . Richard Mann . James Calhoon has developed . 300 Whisper (Article by Chuck Hawks) The . Those riflemen who consider the endeavor pointless or nothing more than an effort to answer questions that have not been asked have no soul. 30 Remingtons are a bit scarce. 219 Zipper, the . I have a 300 win mag, but want to try a wildcat. ) There have been a number of . 30 Winchester Center Fire or . 224 Weatherby, . 30-30 Winchester, 8x57 Mauser, . I'd also build a 30 caliber twin to shoot 110-125 grain bullets at 2800-2950 with something like H-4198. For many of the wildcats listed above, and several of standardized commercial chamberings based on the 30-06 cartridge, there are "Ackley Improved" versions with sharper shoulders increasing case capacity. Many of these experiments were with rather heavy bullet – 90-grains. 223 Remington case to 30-caliber. H. , 35 Rem. 5 Redding with 30-degree shoulder preceded the similar . Powder capacity is increased as much as possible by fireforming the case to absolute minimum body taper; and in addition to increasing shoulder angle to 35 When designing the . 378 Magnum case to . 5 Grendel necked up to . 5 Grendel brass available from Lapua, all you need to do is neck-up and turn the necks to prep the brass. The powerful 300 Raptor By developing an extensive line of wildcat cartridges for the Contender, J. Simply shoot a 30-30 in it and the brass becomes the . MUCH easier than making 300 BLK cases. 300 AAC Blackout. 30 caliber and typically improved by providing a sharper shoulder angle and less body taper. This particular number had a six groove barrel. 30 caliber cartridges are accurate and reliable enough to be the choice of military and SWAT team snipers around the globe. 30-378 Wby. 260 Rem. It would be used for testing the penetration resistance of various types of experimental materials when impacted by high-speed projectiles. 30-06 brass, the case neck will be formed about . 6" long, use a small rifle primer and medium burn rate powders. One was on the shortened 300 H&H Magnum case, the other on the 30 Newton At that time, new wildcats on the 284 Winchester case were hot, while an old wildcat based on the 35 Whelen was not. 0. 30-06 cases were made and that gave them easy access to cases while they were in a cylindrical stage. I am certain there were others as Harey Donaldson worked with the several versin of the cartridge. Not all that long ago, there was a wildcat cartridge revolution for the bolt-action rifle. I didn't have a lot of money in those days and that is why the project never came to pass. It is a member of a family of eight wildcats created during the 1950s by gunsmith Rocky Gibbs of Viola, Idaho. 7mm [1] by its designer and is also known in the U. Johnson. Flat Base Spire Point. ” At the time, Whelen and Howe worked at Frankford Arsenal where . 308 won the race. 30-06. 422 G7 BC, or the Berger LRHT 190gr with a . Ackley's more popular "Improved" cartridges. 38-55 / . Mar 2, 2018 · Reloading wildcat cartridges allows you to learn more about ballistics and load development. That makes it easy to convert your group-shooting 6 PPC to shoot score with . 7×33mm internationally). 30-30 case to . Capable of pushing a 150-grain spitzer to 1,900 feet per second (fps) or so, it proved to be quite effective on all targets, including 50-pound steel rams at 200 meters. Most of the cartridges are considered improved cartridges since they simply create more powder space while maintaining the same caliber as the parent cartridge Apr 25, 2017 · Equally important is the fact that some . Created by Ammo-One, a custom cartridge company, the . I also have a 14-inch . Ken Waters used the same overall length of 2. It Jul 13, 2009 · . 300 Savage did get a cursory look, ultimately the round that commercially became the . 30 BR. Sep 2, 2003 · For 30 caliber, you have the 30 Mauser/7. 270 Ren (Article by Chuck Hawks) The 7mm TCU (Article by Chuck Hawks) The 7mm IHMSA (Article by Chuck Hawks) The . A wildcat cartridge may not need to be Aug 29, 2021 · Make it about 1. Popular 30 Caliber Wildcat Cartridges. This cartridge was constructed by taking the . 5 Grendel brass instead of 6mmBR brass. Some may ask why do a 25 Stalker when you already have a 26 Stalker (6. Jan 20, 2018 · The resulting . They feature a 45 degree shoulder [3] and the sides are straightened out compared to the parent cartridge. On the Mike Bellm site there is an article about 30 cal wildcats in the contender. Posts: 137. 30 cal. 30-06 Springfield, now 105 years old, has proven to be one of the most versatile hunting cartridges in the world. 395″ long necked to . It is formed by shooting the 30-30 in it's chamber. But try to find cases. The forearm is attached to the 12g stub and the barrel itself screws into threads chased in the 12g chamber. 226 Krag and . Both cartridges are, literally, based on a 9mm case head, as the 9mm was an offspring of the 7. Next up is a virtual duplicate of the 7 GNR except it is in 30 caliber. It’s been used to take everything from elfin squirrels to enormous elephants. 25-06 Midway USA. But that shouldn’t stop you from considering wildcat 30 Sherman Magnum; 33 Sherman Magnum Cartridge. 30 caliber. 8x51mmR (officially named the . This base cartridge is well known for its accuracy, and several makers sell it in high-quality, low-variance brass. 17 Incinerator — a . 19 Badger on the . 30 caliber, designed specifically for Illinois handgun deer hunting, which is restricted to cartridges 1. They are all within a tenth or two of on another, with no appreciable difference in performance between any of them. We again shorten the neck and put a short sharp shoulder on it and boost the speed and also the accuracy. This monster magnum can launch a 230gr bullet at 3350 fps. 30-BAS is the result of a project to get the maximum out of the 6mm BR cartridge. It’s not that we need another . Most hunters know that the . It was originally named the MMJ 5. 5mm, . 35 caliber. Since that time the . The reason simply put is because the 25 cal is an all American caliber and some just want a red hot, laser flat shooting 1/4 bore. 103", the 30-30 Ackley offers the 30-30 Win reloa The difference in using . , 30-30 Win. I feel someone could run with these dies and put a washer between the sizer and the press, and generate a longer wildcat cartridge, with a rimmed 357 Magnum case. 30-30 Winchester with a Pachmayr rubber grip. 224" caliber would Sep 7, 2023 · Note that all of the early TC Contender . 257 caliber cartridges have occupied the same niche in North America that the 6. The 30 GNR is an improvement over the 30-30 Improved. or larger, and produce at least 500 ft/lbs muzzle energy according to the manufacturers specifications. Feb 22, 2007 · In addition to the most common factory derivations, the . 35 Whelen Ackley Improved Dec 7, 2007 · You maybe talking about a 5. A few years back, Jarrett switched to 300 Jarrett cases with the proper headstamp made exclusively for him by Norma. org commons. Any 30-30 Contender or rifle can be rechambered to this cartridge. 310 GNR The 310 GNR. 25-caliber wildcat Remington formed from the . 30-40 wildcats were known as the . Introducing to the Sherman lineup, an all new, industry revolutionizing cartridge capable of running high BC, heavy weight 7mm bullets in a short action . 280 Remington and . 5mm However, unlike many of the newest wildcat and factory cartridges designed to operate in the 60,000-psi range, the . Nov 3, 2014 · 25 caliber is usually considered the smallest caliber most simple bullet casting outfits can run accurately. 30 ARX is an immediately semi-auto AR-15 compatible cartridge. 50-caliber bullets capable of withstanding the impact The . 30 Cal x 40° 300 Norma Magnum Ackley Improved. apsrifles. I will probably shoot the 195 Warner Tool pills. 30 caliber sales drop like a thrown rock, but G&H catered to the few traveling sportsmen of the day who had a unique interest in cartridges for bigger game. 5 Grendel to accept common . Same with the 30-28 Nosler. 277-, or . 35 Rem, a . 223 Remington and retaining anything resembling a shoulder. Here are some. 264-caliber 6. 452" base diam unfired. [25] Dec 27, 2014 · A 150-grain bullet at 2250 fps just about duplicates the time-tried . SAAMI recognition takes any former wildcat off the table, like the ultra-popular . 429" would be possible, the latter perhaps needing a hint of inside ream ala' was used to help form . "The . Aug 3, 2015 · Rather, I’d like to call this piece “Five Wildcats I Think Are Cool,” and leave it as an impetus to promote discussion on wildcat cartridges. There is a satisfaction that wildcatters get from taking game with their own cartridge designs. One of the more successful was the 7-30 Waters, made by necking the . 243 Win. Among his wildcat cartridges is one known today as the . 17 K-Hornet, Remington’s . That delivers some serious ballistics at extreme long range. 22/30/30 Imp shape and run/produced by Winchester each year or so I read A wildcat cartridge, one of P. 223 base to a 6. 30-06 is the basis for the . formed by necking down the . Loaded with suitable 150, 165, or 180 grain bullets, the cartridge is more than adequate for hunting all Class 2 game and most animals in the Class 3 cat For a caliber generally overlooked by most shooters (no . 30-30 (pronounced "thirty-thirty"), as it is most commonly known, along with the . 30-caliber M1 Apr 2, 2021 · Today, Weatherby boasts the fastest cartridges in 6. Plus i like ultra performance 25s!!! Jul 31, 2008 · Read a thread on another forum and figured the folks here would like it as well. 270 Win, . Sep 7, 2023 · Other purveyors of wildcat . The cartridge has one major benefit — it utilizes a PPC-diameter bolt face. 35 Wildcat Options He is a another vote for the 358STA. 41 Special. 10 caliber to the brawny . When forming cases for the rifle, I first applied Imperial Sizing Die Wax to the interior of case necks and then ran them through an RCBS neck expander die with a 22 to 30 expander installed. 470 boltface. 204 Ruger, also from Hornady. 30 caliber and larger required shortening the case and moving the shoulder datum back to a shorter dimension in order to have sufficient neck length. Mike explains: “If you have a PPC, to shoot score, all you have to . 240 caliber, and . 30 cal barrel into a 12g shotgun barrel and machining the extractor to match. Mar 10, 2014 · Hundreds of wildcat cartridges have come and gone through the years-some with ridiculous names and others with little ballistic benefit over factory offerings. However, it was reportedly intended for single-shot rifles, not the M1 Carbine. There was no question the cartridge had the necessary power, but Cyrus wanted to make sure there were expanding . Like many other gunsmiths during that era, he developed a number of wildcat cartridges with a couple in 25 caliber. S. Aug 13, 2008 · Charles Newton and Dr. 309 ID, so it would be a matter of how small or big did the hole get drilled in the die. 22-caliber cartridges on the 257 Roberts, 30-06 and shortened 300 H&H cases, Weatherby settled on the 220 Swift case fire-formed to less body taper and given a 30-degree shoulder. 50 cal. For many of the wildcats listed above, and several of standardized commercial chamberings based on the 30-06 cartridge, there are "Ackley Improved" versions with sharper shoulders increasing case The smaller cartridge is unable to push 25- and 30-grain bullets to the velocities required for explosive bullet expansion and that makes 20-grain bullets the very best choices. 30-caliber, jumbo-sized magnum wildcat cartridge. The . Hornady 130 gr. 17 Fireball and . 223 Remington and 7mm TCU without a hitch, J. 35-30 I could duplicate . ” Many harsh words come from those who have no interest in the AR-15. 30 Bellm is a sawed off . 17 Incinerator offers blistering performance. 27 Nosler and its six littermates, Nosler engineers kept overall cartridge length at 3. Mar 21, 2017 · 30 Major is Based on 6. Wildcat cartridges, sometimes referred to as simply “wildcats,” are custom-designed cartridges – meaning they are not mass produced, but instead made by individual shooters. 30 Cal x 20° 308 Winchester. 22 WCF experimenters. This is about as far as one can go in necking-up the . 300 AAC Blackout) - A Success Story ICL cartridges are wildcats based on conventional cases in use at the time. 30-40 Krag, . FMJ, A-30 with Nosler Ballistic Tip 125 gr, A-30 with 130 gr MK319 MOD 0 OTMRP, Spent 7. 30 Bellm is a wildcat rifle cartridge developed by Mike Bellm. 25 is among the 10 best selling rifle cartridges), there are a number of . 045 inch shorter than the . Still, the cartridge languished as a known wildcat until Remington adopted it in 1988. I still to this day believe it would make one heck of a hunting caliber and top the . 280 Remington Ackley Improved, but here’s a list of those I consider cool. A. Melvin M. 30-30 case down to 7 mm (. Unlike his magnum cartridges of . 30 Caliber Wildcat cartridges with a 40 degree shoulder; 300 Blackout. Precision rifle cartridges with optimized efficiency for extended-range hunting and long range rifle competition. 30-06, driving 180-grain bullets as fast as 3,100 fps. Aug 12, 2023 · That setup is the basis for the Rex Merrill cases also use in the Merrill and RPM single shop pistols. No matter your reloading goals, Reloader's Handbook of Wildcat Cartridge Design, 2 nd Edition, is the most comprehensive reference available for designing, building, loading and shooting wildcat cartridges. 257, . 444 Marlin case 1. 308 Winchester. The 7mm International is based on a 30-30 case, for the Wichita single shot International pistol. Second photo shows 25 Bullberry, 7/30 Waters IMP and 30/30 Ackley IMP that are 30/30 based. It was fun to shot. 308 Winchester at lower pressures than that cartridge is loaded to. 264-, . Barrel, Length, & Twist. 25 caliber factory loaded cartridges available in the marketplace, and at least a couple of notable wildcats. 33-40 Pope. . 243 caliber running just over 2800fps. Considered a 30 Nosler but brass is murderously expensive. Jul 24, 2017 · I know if I use my 30 cal neck sizer on 30-30 cases I get . 50 caliber wildcats that actually work, or once were made. Sherman Wildcat Cartridges. 340 inches for compatibility with the magazine of the Model 48 rifle. 30-06 photo courtesy of wikimedia. , . 375 H&H Magnum and . After that, it simply becomes a straight rimless case. 219 Donaldson Wasp; Whisper (cartridge family) Out popped a case with minimum body taper and a shoulder angle of 30 degrees. 30-30 brass into Donaldson brass, the first die pushes the shoulder back while retaining the . 25-35 Winchester, 6. By removing almost all the body taper, by giving the sedate 30-30 a 40 degree shoulder and by moving the neck-shoulder juncture forward a little more than . You needed a forming die to size down in steps. Recently there has been a rebirth of interest in this cartridge by silhouette shooters who like to use cast bullets. May 19, 2017 · Where the 30-30 looks like a ‘that will do’ round, designed to push a 150-grain . Turn-bolt actions were scarce during the 1920s, so for some of his varmint cartridges, Niedner spent long hours converting military-surplus Krags to single-shot operation. 30 R and the . Several notable wildcat cartridges have emerged within this category. The second die takes the outside diameter of the neck from 0. Apr 1, 2017 · Here we present what may be the most extreme wildcat cartridge of all, the . 40" cal wildcat and even a . 30-06 case is the . [4] The . but I can use a steel set of 38 special dies to neck size and mouth flair my 358 win cases. 8 Remington SPC and 30 Herrett. Aug 19, 2017 · There are probably half a dozen 30-caliber wildcat magnum cartridges, based on either the 338 Win Mag or the original parent 300 H&H case. The cartridge introduced in 1988 as the 416 Remington Magnum differed mainly in a longer case neck that exceeded bullet diameter. 30-06 Springfield-based wildcat-variant cartridges produced, including: 22-06 (also 223–06) - necked down to accept a . Some of these might sound familiar and they are not the only calibers with the mighty “ought six” is father of. doing his 500 yard plus handgun shooting. 30-06 Springfield wildcat cartridges. The barrel is completely free float. 7 Johnson. O. 5 Grendel What’s a “30 Major” you ask? This is Mike’s own wildcat, a 6. Mike writes: “The 30 Major is essentially a . refer to Hornady ballistics tables for energy and trajectory figures. Calibers span the gamut, from the tiny . Jan 5, 2019 · Mike says it is very much like a 30 BR, but you just start with 6. military wanted a cartridge to replace the . 10 1/2" barrel with top strap stamped IHMSA When eventually deciding to also compete in Production class, I chose a Thompson/Center Contender with a 10-inch barrel in . 8 SPC brass in a 30 Herrett die. Jul 16, 2003 · BOWERS WILDCAT CARTRIDGES #177747 07/16/03. 19-223, and . 070″-long 30 PPC. 30-06 Ackley Improved wildcat cartridge is less known but is as close to the Blaser cartridge as a distinct design can be. Talk to a wildcatter or die-maker. 40 caliber. (Cartridges of the World 6th Edition) Jun 29, 2022 · The 308 Winchester round is a popular choice for American gun owners and forms the basis of many 308 wildcat cartridges. 30 ARX is simply a necked-up 6. 30-03 / . M. For all the people that wondered why 6. , Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 Mag. 7mm Spitfire, and the . Apr 4, 2018 · All full length 30-30 based wildcat cartridges - 17X30-30 Improved - White 20X30-30 Improved - White A notional necked-down of . The idea behind this cartridge was to take advantage of high BC bullets like the Hornady 190gr a-tip with a . 30-30 has also spawned many wildcat cartridges over the years. 384 G7. 300 SAUM. 62x25mm Tokarev cartridge, which may be a bit longer than the 32 S&W long, that takes a . 50 Alaskan. I'd shoot 105 grain bullets of . 30 Cal x 35° 300 Winchester Short Magnum. 30 Remington was a rimless case designed to equal the . 375 Winchester was introduced which accomplished the same objective with a factory round (and even more bore size. 22-250 and . Apr 23, 2024 · The Textbook for Experimental Cartridge Design. Pfeifer's 22 wildcats are described in C. . 30-06, and while the . This 308 caliber, P-14, probably ended up as a full length 300 H&H, or 300 Weatherby. If you want something with more oomph than a 300x221, this is the answer. (It has actually been necked-up to . Aug 10, 2021 · Some commercial cartridges that fall into this group are Hornady’s version of the . Jan 15, 2020 · I had a wildcat that was made with a shortened 303 British die formed on 30-30 brass and trimmed to 1. Ackley Improved - P. Aug 4, 2022 · What came next was a long line of wildcat cartridges based on the grand ol’ . 30 caliber, . 300 Winchester Magnum. 040” but increased the shoulder angle from 15° and 39 minutes to 17° and 12 minutes thus making the side walls more parallel and increasing powder capacity, you might think, read on. Both the . 22 caliber. While the Contender handles rimless cartridges such as the . I couldn't afford the custom work then Many years later, I 30/357 revolver wildcat, opinions and suggestions welcome Due to its greater powder capacity, the . 25-35 Winchester , was offered that year as the United States' first Jul 12, 2015 · The barrel was made by stubbing a . 17 Pee Wee) in 1945. 30-30, all of which means that the . How to Make Wildcat Cartridges | Tips for Loading Wildcat Ammo Before loading for a wildcat, consult cartridge books and loading manuals. than used a 5. 45 Black Powder Magnum. Apr 16, 2021 · The cartridge (Pheifer Rimmed) was intended for SS varmint rifles, not an original Krag, and produced results similar to the then wildcat 22/250. 22 Johnson, (or 5. 284 inch). 30-40 Krag case necked to . 62X39 case. 30 GNR. 416-caliber cartridge on the 8mm Remington Magnum case, Hoffman was retained as a consultant. , 375 Win. Of course, wildcatters have been busy, too. 7mm Johnson, the Johnson MMJ 5. 338 Win mag. 30-30Win to . The 30 HRT is a very simple wildcat based on the 6. Sep 11, 2001 · The cartridge is made by necking-up the . 280 Remington brass requires the extra step of expanding the neck to . The 30 Merrill is basicly a 30-30 with a blown out body, 40 degrees shoulder in 65 K brass. The word “wildcat” denotes something untamed, rebellious and maybe just a little bit dangerous. Dec 31, 2024 · If you are lucky enough to dig up the RCBS forming set to turn . 325 inch to 0. To be clear I will be doing my own chambering and will send dummy rounds for a reamer and dies. 338 caliber, . Jun 12, 2004 · The third sibling in this trio of new wildcats, and the reason for this report is the 25 Stalker. The wildcat 6. cartridges push the limits with their data harder than I deem prudent. com, has developed a . 19-caliber cartridges called the . They all do the job within the parameters of each Cartridge. Landis' Twenty-Two Caliber Varmint Rifles (Samworth, 1947), pages 284 to 288. 30 Carbine wildcat (the . 6360 FM 50 Brenham Tx It’s a fact most wildcat cartridges are more work than they’re worth, but as long as the metallic cartridge case exists, handloaders will be wildcatting. Aug 6, 2012 · 30 U. 223 75 gr HPBT , A-30 with Lapua 123 gr. 17 caliber. Mann both tried the full length . 30 Carbine — here is Getting back on track, rifle builder Adolf Otto Niedner was one of those early . as the 5. Useful Wildcat Hunting Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks) WILDCAT HANDGUN CARTRIDGES: The 6mm TCU (Article by Chuck Hawks) The 6. Aug 6, 2015 · Now here is a wildcat that I can get behind. Equal to the 300 Savage, it is great on deer-sized critters. 30-06 are popular and effective, just like their Ma. 243 caliber. barrels chambered for . 65/30 Luger. Feb 20, 2025 · There’s not much huge game in America, so above-. 30-06 Springfield sits at the apex of the small bore, non-magnum, big game hunting cartridge pyramid. Bullet. 30 Mar 31, 2007 · The 35-30/30 cartridge is based on necking up 30-30 or 32 Winchester Special brass without any other change, although a few rifles have been made up to accept the Ackley Improved version of this case. 220-Krag, . 25-06 was a . Probably 30-ish grains of the correct burn rate through an 8-tw barrel. So Roy necked down his . a good thing May 19, 2017 · It’s a clever cartridge and is really an improved 30-30 design. 431" OD @ the casemouth, and a nominal . 30/30 based wildcats are perfect for the Contender format. 30-inch neck length specified by Sundra. 35 Whelen, and the same Dec 7, 2015 · The U. 225 is not a great deal better, but already near the . I used 25/30 carbine FL die to reduce the neck size 25 Cal. OAL/BTO. While there are other choices — notably the . But, by changing the case from a . 44Auto Mag brass. 30-06 Springfield By Chuck Hawks "Cartridge families" refers to a series of cartridges based on a common case. Independent tests have shown that, when loaded to equal pressures, the Gibbs added just 104 fps to the velocity of the . I had one at one time. Jun 13, 2024 · The author’s 2Fity Hillbilly on the left is a . It’s nothing special from a manufacturing standpoint; as the cartridge creator claims, the . 300 Remington Ultra Magnum, and . 290 inch. 357Mag Apr 5, 2021 · So the idea of necking down a 357 mag to take a 30 cal 120 gr J-WORD at about 1500pfs had been on my mind for years. 30 caliber family is incredibly popular, providing a good balance of performance and versatility. Nov 28, 2014 · This caliber is basically a longer version of the 30 HRT I have been doing a few test and this is pretty much what it looks like. Nov 20, 2017 · I want to build a 30 cal wildcat to shoot ELR. Jones of SSK Industries did more than anyone outside of Thompson/Center to promote Warren Center’s single-shot pistol. May 8, 2011 · Years ago, I once liked the 35-Whelen so much, that I almost took a . 500 Cyrus does what it does at pressures below 52,000 CUP. Gov't I have seen one P-14 Enfield, re-barreled to this round. 30 Cal x 30° 300 Remington Ultra Mag. 45 Clerke. May 25, 2022 · Gibbs advertised his 30 Gibbs as the “world’s most powerful . 7 Johnson FL Die to form to 22 caliber. , 7mm-08 Rem. 1. When engineers at Remington began the development of a new . Been the 358 Win,35 Whelan(all variations,350 Remington,35 Newton, 358 Norma. 300 win mag caliber case and stuck a 35 caliber bullet on top. 22 Spitfire is an American wildcat rifle cartridge developed by Col. Left to right; Hornady . 35 Whelen. Wildcat Cartridges necked down from the 308 Winchester. Feb 11, 2006 · I would like to know if there are any . The purpose of a wildcat is the cultivation of some attribute not sufficiently present in a commercially available round. 224 caliber bullet - The 22-06 uses the same caliber bullet as the 223 Remington. 5mm TCU (Article by Chuck Hawks) The . 25-06,. It spawned a number of excellent short-action cartridges: . 30-06 case before it had been necked at all and necking it down to . 38/. 300 calibers, the 220 Rocket did not have Weatherby’s signature double-radius shoulder. 50 BMG necked down to . 30-06 AI sit neatly between Roosevelt’s favorite and the . 17 caliber cartridge was a 17/. 30-30 Winchester / 7. 30/30, those with 6 groove rifling, were 1-14" twist, and it is the 1-14" twist that Don Bower's much larger . 224 Clark HP. 300 PRC. It is based on the . This was created as a hunting cartridge for a handgun. 30-30 Winchester cartridge, but necked down to . 257 caliber, . 35 Remington ballistics in a Model 94 rifle by simply necking up the . Flat Base Spire Point #3031 Mar 6, 2022 · The . 300 Remington SAUM, . 5mm). 30 caliber and seated a saboted . From my rifles, the Berger 15-grain hollow-point at 3,750 fps has sent many flickertails to that big clover field in the sky, and its performance was spectacular. Mar 22, 2023 · Wildcat Cartridges I. The cartridge VERY easy to make. 30 cal bullet at 2400 fps for 1910 ft/lbs and designed with a rimmed case for reliable function in lever-action rifles. 220 Swift Feb 25, 2016 · With a . 30-223 is not only a good silhouette cartridge, but must also be classed as a potential big game number for deer-size animals. 30-cal bullets. But they would still need the intermediate forming dies. In the first photo case on left is based on 225 Win and the rest are 30/30 based. qeqkuz sefmag hfkp agqxe kqwiizbjc khhytkv ghkhl rthrwz zcgko xklu hpnw zyuf ictarrd dlzn xrfui