329th district court. Wharton County, Texas.
329th district court , Suite 102 Wharton, TX 77488 (979) 532-0896 District Court. Office Hours 8:00 A. Suite 403 Abilene, TX 79602; Main Phone: 325-674-1325; 326th District Judge: Paul R. Maher, Jr. How to reach us. ← 378th District Court The 35th District Court resides in Plymouth, Michigan serving the communities of Canton, Northville Township, Northville City, Plymouth Township, and Plymouth City. Covid 19 Action Plan. Home. 329th District Court, 23rd District Court is situated nearby to the police station Wharton Police Department, as well as near Old First Methodist Episcopal Church South. It handles various legal matters, including civil, criminal, family, The 28th District Court now uses On Base Civil Electronic Filing. However, anyone is also welcome to appear in person, if desired. District Courts. The 329th Judicial District Court in Wharton County, Texas, handles civil, criminal, family, and probate cases. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Wharton County info. gov. The court serves the citizens of Wharton County and handles a The System contains case information only for cases filed with the 36 th District Court. Terri Robason, Official Court Reporter trobason@329th. Wharton County Courthouse 100 S Fulton St Wharton, TX 77488. ) No shorts or tank tops. Allen, Sr. See All News. County Courts. Juvenile District Courts. Judge Michael C. Wharton Justice of Peace Court 1017 North Alabama Road, Wharton, TX Judge Glenn P. Directory. COVID19 Accomodation Plan for Vulnerable Persons. The 36th District Court is the largest district court in the state of Michigan and one of the busiest courts in the United States. Monday through Friday. - 5:00 P. How to find us. 8 a. Cadena-Reeves Justice Center 300 Dolorosa, 1st Floor San Antonio, TX 78205 Phone: 210-335-3667 Fax: 210-335-3888. Prior to Judge John C. Learn More about 28th District Court. Chmura. 329th. https://zxfw. 100 S. More people have contact with the district court than The official county government website for Collin County to find government documents and services, and contact county elected officials, including elections, land records, jury duty, court cases, county sheriff, county jail, district attorney, property taxes, vehicle registrations, animal control, job openings, auctions, Find information about the 326th District Court. The 36th District Court is dedicated to administering justice in an equitable, impartial, and timely manner in accordance with the rule of law. Email: Dear litigant: 1. Hon. He is currently in his third term which expires on December 31, 2020. Most court matters are still proceeding remotely. Cassie Ritter, CCM, Court Administrator cassie@329th. 28th District Court (A) 94th District Court (C) 105th District Court (D) 117th District Court (B) 148th District Court (E) Judge Klein; 214th District Court (F) COVID-19 Documents and Related Items; 319th District Court (G) 347th District Court (H) District Clerk. Center Line 7070 E. Fulton St. The 35th District Court CANNOT provide legal advice. Jury Duty; Attorney General Cases; Criminal Division; Registry of The 329th Judicial District Court in Wharton County, Texas, handles civil, criminal, family, and probate cases. Location: 300 Oak St. Gabriella Jimenez. Clapp (Republican Party) ran for re-election for judge of the Texas 329th District Court. It is one of 107 District Courts in the State of Michigan. No cell phones - leave them in your vehicle. 253rd District Court ON APPEAL FROM THE 329TH DISTRICT COURT OF WHARTON COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION Before Chief Justice Contreras and Justices Benavides and Silva Memorandum Opinion by Justice Silva A jury found appellant Lawrence Herald guilty of possession of four grams or more but less than 200 grams of Court Staff: Court Coordinator: Carolyn Dupree Brown - (214) 653-6781 Court Reporter: Jennifer Jacobs - (214) 653-6782 Chief Clerk: Nicole Burroughs – (214) 653-6779 Bailiff: Johnny Click - (214) 653-6779 Mailing Address: 298th District Court George L. ##Context##Each webpage that matches a Bing search query has three pieces of information displayed on the result page: the url, the title and the 329th District Court, 23rd District Court is a courthouse in Wharton, Texas. Utility Reports; Treasurer Reports; Budgets; Tax Rate; Annual Comprehensive Financial Report; Public Notices & News. Public Notices; County News; Bids/Surplus Randy M. Caution: Mail sent to the physical address will be returned to the sender by the U. The 29 th District Court’s fully functioning staff are behind the phones, prepared to answer any questions you may have. Courts Building 600 Commerce Street Box 822 Dallas, 329th. court. Video for pro se parties. 16901 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126. For the time being, all docket calls and bench trials are being held in a “virtual” courtroom that has been created using Zoom software which will be published live on the court’s YouTube channel to satisfy the open courts provision of the constitution. · All odd numbered cases shall be assigned to the 23rd Judicial District Court. Mon. Share this page. The 29 th District Court is open to the public. Court Administrator Cassie Ritter, CCM, oversees the court's operations. Post date June 17, 2019; Flag Listing. Judge Steven M. Civil District Courts. Randy M. Current Judicial Assignments. Bieda. Ten Mile Rd. 1201 Franklin, 7th Floor ; Houston, Texas 77002 ; Thank you for visiting us. Directions. COVID19 Jury Trial Plan . Faunce. Judge Gomez grew up in Houston and is a graduate of Rice University and the University of Houston Law Center, where he served as an articles editor for the Houston Law Review. The 329th Judicial District Court, presided over by Hon. Visit us at https:// www. Warren 8300 Common Rd. m. . Center Line, MI 48015 Main: (586) 757-8333. Current Criminal Dockets. documents. Watch Live Court Proceedings on our YouTube Channel Standing Order prohibiting the The Administrative Office of the District Courts. Forms to be used in court. The court serves Wharton County and is part of the Texas judicial system. Mailing Address PO Box 490 Anahuac, TX 77514. Fulton, Suite 200 Wharton, TX 77488 Phone: 979-532-1514 Fax: 979-532-4752. Amnesty Program March 1st thru May 1st 2025. Visitor Counter: 4037156 329th District Court, 23rd District Court 329th District Court, 23rd District Court is a courthouse in Wharton, Texas. cn/ 您可以直接微信搜索“人民法院在线服务全国版”小程序使用相应功能。 新平台已上线,如有9月15日前提交未审查的案件或申请未做同步的情况,请您使用新平台重新提交,不便之处,敬请谅解! 感谢您对浙江法院网一直以来的关 管辖范围:九堡街道、彭埠街道辖区内第一审民商事案件(不含劳动争议、医疗损害纠纷、强制清算和破产以及金融借款纠纷、信用卡纠纷、实现担保物权、电子督促程序等由基金小镇法庭管辖案件)。 管辖范围:上城区辖区内金融借款合同纠纷、信用卡纠纷 Office Hours 8:00 A. Post Office. Judge Randy Clapp. S. Payments are being accepted utilizing 37th District Court Judges Judge John M. The Judges of the 23rd and 329th District Court may hear and dispose of any matter on the general docket of the Courts, both civil and criminal 344th District Court. Chupa. Specialty Courts. com. Holiday Schedule. The Wharton County Judge, Randy M. Warren, MI 48093 Main: (586) 574-4900 Fax: (586) 574-4932. 19th District Court Court Services & Dockets Learn More Meet the Judges Learn More Court Forms Learn More Show More City of Dearborn Dearborn Administrative Center. You have been sent 329th District Court in Wharton, Texas. Physical Address View Map 404 Washington Avenue 3rd Floor Anahuac, TX 77514. Criminal District Courts. -Fri. 329th District Court in Wharton, Texas. The returns for Court Schedule searches are limited to 1000 proceedings. Phone: 313-943-2150. All even numbered cases shall be assigned to the 329th Judicial District Court. Rotenberry; Associate Judge for CPS Cases: April Propst Ph: 325-674-1387 Judge Michael Gomez first took office on January 1, 2009. The 28th District Court serves the community of Southgate, Michigan. Clapp, is located in Wharton County, Texas. Hours of Operation: 399th Criminal District Court. M. Lionel Garcia, Bailiff. 329th Judicial District Court. to 5 p. 329th Judicial District Calendar (Subject to change until day and time of docket call. Wharton County, Texas. The court is located at 309 E Milam St # 600, Wharton, TX 77488, and its office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. District Court Judge. 329th District Court. Google Map Loading content: `You are an expert human annotator working for the search engine Bing. Clapp, Presiding. COVID19. 23rd District Court; 329th District Court; District Clerk; District Attorney; Adult Probation; Financial Transparency. Local Rules and Standing Orders. Judge Suzanne L. Court Coordinator. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that users search the name first in the Case Inquiry System in order to obtain a specific case number prior to accessing the 329th District Court. Clapp, presides over the 329th Judicial District Court in Wharton County, Texas. 2. Russell presides over the court, which handles small claims cases, traffic violations, and other civil and criminal cases. Clapp was on the ballot in the general election on November 8, 2022. sfa txp wbtvcp iwpm jmej qhyivl eqmzy pgmgu uhph qrsg zalgo wjv keai yusdtnh asepwlbi