Battlefront 2 vehicle stutter. Feb 4, 2021 · Please help me out.

Battlefront 2 vehicle stutter. I'm getting stuttering, jittering, short game freezes etc.

  • Battlefront 2 vehicle stutter Firing my blaster also causes the game to stutter, and sometimes have a "slow-mo" ef TXAA on Low causes screen flickering in Starfighter Assault but only when using certain vehicles like the A-Wing. 1) however my game crashes ALL THE TIME. Take control of massive AATs, sleek starfighters, thundering walkers, and your favorite hero ships. It is not dependent on graphics settings, size of scenarios, number of units or the amount of action. 5 seconds in between each stutter. Disabling that m Same here. But for those who want to push the boundaries even further, graphics mods are the way to go. I can easily get the game up and running from the steam client. 7. Go to HARDWARE AND SOUND. I recently decided to try this game again because I wanted to remember why I stopped playing it in the first place. For much of the game I was getting 4 to 35 FPS in 1900x1080 resolution using DX12 and was stuttering so badly I could see the frames refresh one by one. Even though the frame rate is high, the game would look slightly jerky like frames were dropped. I've tried everything from reinstalling my NVIDIA Drivers (388. Sep 15, 2023 · Contact the Official STAR WARS Battlefront II Support. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Dec 13, 2023 · All other games run stutter-free, even Hogwarts Legacy. Run a clean boot for your PC. It's causing the game to recompile shaders every time game is launched and every time match starts, it takes 100% CPU usage and the game stutters. I am having a sound stuttering problem also, and also some of the time the sound seems to be sped up. 01 improved the DX12 render I though I'd try it again. CPU is not throttling and its frequency is fine Feb 16, 2022 · What Are Common Types of Lag in Battlefront 2? While playing Battlefront 2, there are a few common types of lag you’ll encounter, including stutter, microstutter, packet loss, and rubberbanding. 0 and 2. My framerate bounces between 140 and 165 fps in both games at native res with max settings, which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't also get seriously annoying stutters with them. NO AUDIO: Courtesty of jayntampa --- 25 Jun, 2014 in these discussion forums; In Windows: 1. 1 Full screen optimization. Help Just as the title says, the game's audio is incredibly glitchy, rendering the experience Droidless Phasma would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! May this subreddit and Battlefront II survive the entirety of 2024. As an example I can run Witcher 3 on med/high settings at 60 fps depending on some specific So I just bought Battlefront 2 during the sale and I can't get the game to work properly. Feb 11, 2021 · I have an AMD RX 5500 XT 8GB, and this game stutters A ♥♥♥♥ TON. Some of these types of lag are specific to online gaming, while others are a pox on offline gamers too. The most common type of lag in Oct 4, 2023 · Star Wars Battlefront II is an action shooter based on the Star Wars franchise. Super weird issue considering how old the game is. CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X3D Feb 8, 2025 · So I decided to play BF2 again after a year of not playing and getting back to the game was upsetting, as to I'm getting a constant network stutter, as in while running every second and a half I get stopped for half a second, so basically run stop run stop run stop etc. Hy EA, I just bought battlefront 2 and I am having a blast at times. Lenovo TC M82 I am having a sound stuttering problem also, and also some of the time the sound seems to be sped up. and although the game probably runs with 2gb vram, it actually tries to use around 12000-13000vram at high/1080p and then pushes the rest into ram. Bugs that have been in the game since launch and have not been addressed at all: example is vehicle stutter where when you're driving a vehicle your camera will stutter back and forth between your current position, positions behind you and ahead of you. 2) Ensure you're using DX11, NOT DX12. 5. Dec 30, 2019 · Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform: PC What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug A bug present since launch. I have the Origin overlay disabled, I have cleared all download caches on all applications, I have disabled "game mode Sep 8, 2020 · The game loads for >3 minutes after loading Origin, a match is loaded in ~2 minutes. Any suggestions how to fix game stuttering, don't care about the load times. Click on SOUND. Go under OPTIONS/AUDIO. Jul 23, 2022 · Star Wars Battlefront 2 Stuttering and FPS drop lags with the new drivers on 6600XT Hello Dear AMD! Unfortunately, with the new drivers, I run into the problems I described everywhere and it is unplayable because of this. File with cached shaders is not created for Battlefront 2. Same thing goes when flying I stop in mid-air due to this. drawfps 1 command or any overlay. 1 there is an issue with a Shader Cache feature. Surprise surprise, my very first match I wish to play in Single Player I am somehow lagging as if I was on a server, and this wasn't the only time. 1. The only thing worth of note is that when a big stutter happened the gpu clock speed tanked for that small bit of time but shot back up again. What causes performance issues on Battlefront 2? Here's what my game looks like Note: Around 2:21 is when the framerate stabilizes Whenever the game needs to load in new assets, my cpu usage maxes out and my game stutters until the assets are loaded in. It's been happening for a month or two now. I have a fairly good connection in my area (100-150Mbps which is insane for my area) RTX 3070TI AMD FX-8350 (8 Hi Everyone! I solved an issue I had with bad micro-stuttering and frame drops. 3 Disable Game Bar or Game DVR Windows 10. Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:Microsoft XBOX One What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug Everytime I get into a match, It will be lag free but all of a sudden It will start to stutter and lag. 11 and im experiencing Constant stuttering in every Game Mode. Also, I have an issue with any audio source stuttering horribly when this game is running. Started it up again today with intentions of mapping my controls to my 360 controller, and I was using Instant Action to try out my selections as I went. And most importantly, let's hope that the Unlimited Power event is going to work. The game stutters and acts as if its still loading things in while I'm playing, and makes the ga So I've been playing alot of Battlefront 2 and with my new Xbox One X it looks amazing. It is annoying and completely unplayable. 2. Whenever I play CMBB, every 2-4 minutes the game starts to "stutter", the screen shakes, sound goes nuts, etc. I used to play at 1080p with my old specs (GTX970 / i54690k / 8GBs RAM) it was fine for 6 months and the game started stuttering out of nowhere, eventually I got more RAM and it went away. SPECS: GeForce GTX 1050 ti Intel Core i5 3470 3. 0 patch. I will be walking and then i will move to the left all of a sudden. " — Star Wars Battlefront II website Vehicles are a primary feature in the Star Wars Battlefront series. I have problem with Battlefront 2. 12. Mar 27, 2018 · Since 17. I just bought Star Wars BATTLEFRONT II last week and got excited but after a while of playing, the game started to stutter or freeze very badly. exe location Scroll down to Maximum pre-rendered frames and set it to 3 Doing this will take load off of the CPU lowering the usage and removing the stuttering that's happening. I feel like Kashyyyk is the only map that's decent for vehicles and infantry alike. I got Battlefront 2 on PC because I loved it on Xbox and I wanted those sweet mods. Im getting like 56 fps aprox on atomatic settings. Played a few levels in campaign and all was well. Holy shit bugs. Any idea how to fix this? Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:PC What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug My game stutters i have tried almost everything that has been suggested to other players with the same issue but have come to no avail. It happens on singleplayer (Campaign, Arcade) too. Asus X570 Mobo. Go to START. Mar 27, 2018 · It's causing the game to recompile shaders every time game is launched and every time match starts, it takes 100% CPU usage and the game stutters. May 5, 2016 · A few users has noted since the release of FB that graphics/animations stutter. It is a pretty consistent problem and always occurs when on the main menu and in-game. 3. This issue does not happen with any other game on my PC, it's specifically this game. These mods can enhance textures, improve lighting, and add new visual effects that make the game feel more immersive. I use an Inspiron 5490 AIO for reference. I'm genuinely confused what's causing this. I'm getting stuttering, jittering, short game freezes etc. Feb 12, 2018 · I bought Battlefront II, two days ago and I am experiencing a very annoying issue. About 1. Sometimes after 10 minutes and one game, sometimes at the start of my first game, sometimes after many, and sometimes just at the menu! Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games I get a stuttering also, although it is not pre-recorded and my frames still show very high values (140 fps). I also get smoother gameplay with RivaTuner statistics server running to cap the framerate at +1 above my monitor refresh. Does anyone know how to fix these issues? Since both 2. On my PS4 pro and PC the beta was perfectly fine but with my Xbox One X I am getting stuttering. Apr 30, 2013 · So, I got this game yesterday. 31) to updating and repairing the game. but unlike fallen order this one is multiplayer so frame drops and stutter is really a bad thing I face the same issue. Please select your region North America AMD or Nvidia Model Number ‌ Whenever I play Battlefront 2 the game's audio will get replaced with a crackling/stuttering noise. Using and Sound Blaster Audigy card. Right-Click on "Star Wars Battlefront II" in Steam Select Properties Click "Set launch options" Place "/audiomixbuffer 50" (without quotes) into the field and click OK Close the properties window for "Star Wars Battlefront II" The stuttering specifically happens at kamino while your outside with the rain and thunder but when your inside the game runs at 200fps. They are located under C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\AMD\DxCache\. In general I feel like the maps are just too tiny and restrictive for larger vehicles like tanks. This is also seen whenever I load in a map. Power management is currently on high. (6700xt and 7800xt). 4. Any advise on how to fix this is appreciated ;) Feb 26, 2023 · Hello!, after updating the drivers to the latest version 23. Jun 2, 2021 · Is there any known fix for the stuttering sound glitch that replays the sound of all blaster fire and other combat noises? Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments Steppewalker Sep 8, 2020 · I just installed the game and started playing with automatic settings which got set to ultra, medium and high some and im getting lots of stuttering thats unbareable. Im playin Since 14. At one point, I loaded Felucia, as I needed to test vehicle controls and both factions have as such on that map. However, upon re-downloading the game and playing through both Origin and Steam's versions, I am constantly hit with lag spikes and stuttering in all game modes, online and single-player. I would get 200 FPS on certain maps, which suddenly dropped to 40-50 for a second, then go back to 150+ I was tearing my hair out trying everything but I found a solution that worked for me. I have done the tests with two different PCs and the result is identical. My specs: I5 7th generation. While this stuttering is happening my character also starts going in circles(at a glorious 4fps) despite the fact that I am not pressing the controller in that direction. Hello I have recently got battlefront 2 on epic games and I wanted to try it but it runs very bad, my pc specs are gtx 1060, intel i7 8700k, 8gb ram (ik it's pretty low). HBAO (not HBAO Full). Jan 15, 2021 · In this guide we’ll show you how to fix Star Wars Battlefront II (2021) low FPS, lags and stuttering on high-end or low-end PCs. Battlefront 2, developed by DICE and published by EA, is already a visually stunning game. MW2 doesn't even stutter. With version 22. It seemed to freeze and stutter the very moment he downloaded and started Battlefront 2 . I've never played this game on Origin, so I don't know if this is normal. Oct 1, 2020 · Almost every game I play has a annoying stutter that I don't know how to fix. Start SWBFII. According to other users, the way this game implements DX12 is janky, so if you want a stutter-free experience, go for DX11. Battlefield 3 and 4, other Frostbite games, also do not have this issue. I'm saying at times because the game stutters a lot of times my frames are great 50 to 60 fps on high settings. (Running them as administrator later) 2. 5. Every 3-5 seconds, my game freezes for 0. I get massive stutter in Cutscenes and at the start of every mission. 8 GB of RAM. Problem seems to get worse in conflict,but it's still very present while there's no action. The solution was to disable origin in game. I've lowered the settings to the lowest, uninstalled and reinstalled, ran Origin and Battlefront 2 as admin, and fiddle around with Raedon software to no avail. There are also some texture bugs if you set the postprocessing to high - ultra (Kamino map). This lasts fo Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) - Stuttering/Glitched Audio on Whisky . Please I would love a fix I hope the new update could fix the issue. My inter It’s due to the player model stutter it’s not latency because it’s offline mode. 5 - 1 second, Even I've been here since launch and having this issue with vehicles since the first CS update. This time I'm looking forward to playing this event as I've never played it before. Jul 12, 2022 · I recently built my new computer with an RX 6950 XT (GPU) and Ryzen 7 7800X3D with BRUTAL FPS drops in Battlefront 2 when looking at a certain direction (e. Dx12, will try out dx11 soon. Samsung EVO 970 Plus SSD . However, I am having a game-ruining problem where there are constant (what I would call) graphical "stutters every 2 seconds once the game is up. This is prevalent when I load in a new character model in the class selection screen. My FPS are the same on atomatic and all low. It doesn't matter the map, character, mode, time of day, or the server that I'm on. Crait, which is open enough for vehicles is too open for infantry imo. I jump into any online mode and it’s fine. 4 Disable Game Mode. The game takes forever to load anything, up to the point where I get kicked when I try to join multiplayer games. If everything else doesn’t work, our suggestion is to get in touch with the official support team of STAR WARS Battlefront II directly. System: Windows 10. Blasters sound fine and so does the environment. Edit: To those experiencing stuttering now, do check if: 1) If you're on a laptop, ensure the game is using your GPU, and not your laptop's integrated graphics. I moved the graphics to medium and I deactivated directx. I don't get the stuttering so much (although a little more since 1. Jan 9, 2018 · Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform:PC What is your issue related to? General Summarize your bug There is micro stutter in multiplayer. However, upon playing the game with and without mods for 2 hours, I noticed that the game kept stuttering and lagging. I have everything on Ultra except shadows and postprocessing which are on High. It is not a fps problem as the games runs smoothly but 2-3 times per replay turn the animations stutter, like hitting/releasing pause really quickly. Ships hit with infantry weapons stutter like crazy, it pretty much causes temporary loss of control over the vehicle, usually with little change in direction per every hit (pretty dumb considering much stronger lasers from other ships do not cause any flinching). I recorded a video and enabled the in-game performance monitoring tools using the console (perfoverlay. Basically on the first game, everything works fine yet when i play the 2nd time it stutters and lags and the only fix i found is restarting the game… Sep 14, 2020 · 1. Switching off dx12 seems to have lessened the stutter to where its not so annoying, but I'm still getting small stutters now and then. GTX 1050. The game is running smooth but the voice and music sound is either sometimes stuttering or at a fast pace. 2 DirectX 12. My config: Asus ROG Strix Z390-H Gaming, Core i9 9900K, Patriot Viper 4 3400 Mhz DDR4 RAM, Asus RTX 2080 Ti Dual OC, Win 10 Pro. Turning on V-Synch helped a lot but still game is technically unplayable. Aug 30, 2017 · Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Battlefront 2 stutters Discussion I bought bf2 today since it was in sale, but when playing mp I get stutters every 10 to 20 seconds but I shouldn’t be stuttering since I have a ryzen 5 2600, Rx 580 8gb, and 16gb of ddr4 ram, and I get over 100fps but i still stutter, help It doesn't feel like there's any room to properly maneuver. 8 gifs of ram should be able to run the game, but i think what ur describing is caused by a lack of either vram or ram. So let’s start with Windows. Once again this is only for Nvidia as I don't know what the equivalent AMD setting would be. There are various methods to do this, but we suggest attempting to contact them through STAR WARS Battlefront II’s official community page on Steam. 4GB of RAM. The main affected is Alan Wake 2, but also to a lesser extent Lies of P. Delete your temp files, and restart your PC afterwards. Fortnite doesn't stutter. I've tried a few fixes such as: I've attached a link to a clip that shows my problem. 4gb of vram is enough, and in my experience bf2 takes 10-11gbs if ram. It does this both when playing the game and in the menus with the mouse. g. All was well until shortly after Click on Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) or browse to the . Mar 30, 2018 · File with cached shaders is not created for Battlefront 2. I can rarely go a single session without it crashing. These optimizations make some games perform better (less stutter and more stable fps), such as God of War, AC Origins and Odyssey, but degrade the performance of other games, especially older ones like some Frostbite games such as Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 1. 1 TB HDD Hy EA, I just bought battlefront 2 and I am having a blast at times. I'm a Xbox player and since the beta/early launch of battlefront 2 vehicles like the aat, at rt worked smoothly but for a long time those vehicles… Advertisement Coins I can play GTA 5 with a mix of low/medium/high settings completely fine without stutter, yet in Battlefront 2 even with all low settings i get about 70fps but horrible stuttering and freezing every 30 or so seconds Hey, @ben12623 make sure that all drivers for windows are up to date, also worth to reinstall the GPU drivers for your PC. It installed fine and the game DOES NOT CRASH so far as I know. Any solution? Thanks. Usually on music and voices. Hello. I don't know if there will be more cases, but Alan Wake 2 is definitely affected. I'm aware the game warns about DX12 being experimental, but I have some weird micro-stuttering on DX11 now :( The game is very old now, and I'm not so sure EA will jump on it immediately just like that (if at all). But a major issue I am having is that it constantly stutters and people lagging. 6. The game still stutters, and only runs smoothly after I stand still in a certain area. So remove the game mode. Well, there is hope, fingers crossed to be fixed soon. If anything we have regressed vehicles in general from the original games. I wish it wasn't needed, but it still makes a clear difference as of the 2. When playing Battlefront 2. I fixed it by simply reenabling Shader Cache in Global Radeon Settings (turn this setting Off and then set it to AMD Optimized). a certain hall), which made it unplayable. You can also try to do a clean boot to see if there any programs messing with Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and turn off any overlay programs for example Discord or Nvidia experience. Battlefront 2 stutter issue So my buddy asked me a question that I don't know the answer to and I thought I would turn to the best pc gaming sub I know to help, he is playing battlefront 2 (2017) on his rx 480 and the game sometimes will stutter a lot and we pulled up the task manager and nothing in his system was getting maxed out All game audio is replaced by a crackling/stuttering sound. Dec 8, 2013 · Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Hello , Unfortunately, changing the preferred graphics processor to the High-performance NVIDIA processor did not work for me. And I’ve Been thinking of building a pc for years now as my pc is 5 years old and runs the barely on low settings. First thing that you really want to do is remove the game mode it's causing some issues in this game. 8. No other games that I have installed have this problem. The game also was stuttering in some other planets but through some settings I was able to fix those but it still stutters on kamino. I think the animations after cutscenes are bugged as well (Norway campaign: Solveign Mother first being presented to daughter; after the hypothermia chapter-end when new mission loads, the landmarks being presented in the heavy water Jun 12, 2020 · I'm running this game on an SSD and the initial load time is consistently upwards of 6 minutes. Battlefront II will not stop STUTTERING! My specs are : RTX 2070 / 16GB RAM / AMD Ryzen 3600. Ships hit with infantry weapons stutter like crazy, it pretty much causes temporary loss of control over the vehicle, usually with little change of direction per every hit (pretty dumb considering much stronger lasers from other ships do not cause any flinching). 20 GHz. Make both Origin and Battlefront II as desktop shortcuts. Go to CONTROL PANEL. What makes it weird is that I could still look around, but the characters and controls would stop moving. Again I went back to the current ones with AFMF and the stuttering came back. Go to the STEREO MIX thingy and scroll to SOFTWARE Yep, we're in the same boat. While there is an improvement (less stutter after the map loaded) in-game the performance is still worse than in DX11. Dec 14, 2020 · All game audio is replaced by a crackling/stuttering sound. I'm pretty sure it's the game its Next up: bugs. Dynamic Resolution Enabled causes texture flickering, followed by stuttering, slowdown and random crashing. They are utilized by the factions of the Star Wars universe for the purpose of supporting infantry and troopers through transportation This is not actually happening to me, but to my friend. Then, starting last January, the game will consistently stutter, freeze for about 3 seconds, stop playing sound, stop everything on screen including music (but I can move the camera), or all-together crash. I am usually getting 60+fps but there is this constant stuttering where the FPS drops to 14-28. (got this on Kamino) *this issue appears to be random* Mar 29, 2018 · So nobody else is getting stutter in Battlefront 2 using AMD cards, I find that hard to believe. I am having stuttering and unplayable performance with Battlefront 2 as well. Despite being a great game, many users reported FPS drops in Battlefront 2. "Pilot vehicles from all three eras of Star Wars. I tried to free up memory, i also tried to find fixes online but i cannot seem to find a fix. My system setup is as follows: Ryzen 5 3600. So the problem is that no matter what settings I use, i get 60+ fps, but every 5/10 seconds I get a stutter, in which everything stops, but I can still use my camera. 1 these problems did not happen. My specs include a RX 580 4 GB, (I forget my processor but it's well above the min reqs), I have 8GB ram. The settings I am using are optimized by Nvidia Geforce experience(1080P with a mix of medium and high settings). What do you expect to see? I expect the game audio to work normally. I do fine in offline modes, but after the first game I play in multiplayer (and only after the first game, the first game runs perfectly) I experience stuttering, and occasional rubberbands. Please help. This isn’t the only issue, many have reported mouse lag in Battlefront 2 and we covered this issue in a separate guide. I’m getting terrible stuttering which renders the game completely unplayable. This stutter is so annoying it makes me want to pull my hair out. drawgraph, perfoverlay. 2. RTX 2080 OC. I hope it works for you guys too!Thank you for watching Feb 19, 2025 · The World of Battlefront 2 Graphics Mods. Its EA battlefront 2 stuttering So i love star wars and battlefront 2 but the stuttering in this game is unreal, and i think its because at least for me and many other is uncapped fps if you look in the menu it goes to like 1000 fps if you do the perfoverlay. I have literally the exact same config, 4x2gb ram, 1060 6gb and an i5 6400, it's absolutely unplayable, i get 120+ fps on ultra yet it's constantly stuttering like hell, i tried putting everything on low and 1024x768, it still stutters, that's the only game where this happens, i don't know what to do Jan 8, 2023 · As the title says. My wifi is fine, it runs other games great (rainbow six siege and battlefield Mar 19, 2024 · Most of the issues reside in Battlefront 2, and from personal experience they are: - Award Pistol/Jango Pistol not having firing audio - Other weapons have audio firing delays (such as the Republic Clone Commander's chain gun or most classes' shotgun) - Hoth and Yavin 4 textures failing to load properly Its crazy that this was the main promise of the original Battlefront 3 and now here we are 15+ years later with still no ground to space battlefront. Stutter. 16GB DDR4 3600 . drawfps, render Apr 3, 2003 · Greetings, First, please accept my apologies in advance if I seem a bit frustrated, I have been dealing with this issue since I purchased CMBB over a month ago to no avail. Not just for battlefront but for battlefield 5 and competitive ESports titles May 8, 2013 · Hi guys, So I just bought battlefront II. Oct 11, 2017 · Both of these worked for me, sharing the love. 1 TB HDD Feb 14, 2015 · Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I'm getting a lot of sound stuttering and looping. I stutters even tho my game is constantly in 60 FPS i need h In this video i'm gonna show you how I fixed my lag/stuttering issue i've been having with this game. After updating to the "Another Night on Endor" update and downloading the latest drivers for Hi! So I was playing Battlefront 2 a day before yesterday and everything seemd fine, I averaged around 90-110 fps in 4K everything maxed out. Yesterday however there was a Dec 25, 2017 · 1 How to Solve Star Wars Battlefront 2 Stuttering on PC. Feb 4, 2021 · Please help me out. When I launch Battlefront 2 it runs good in the menu and such but when I load into any game mode Supremacy, HVV, Storymode the game will freeze in time, lag, and stutter a lot. When I play in singleplayer,game works great-4K Max settings,60FPS,but once I start playing Multiplayer,I got huge stuttering,FPS drops and lags. Jan 6, 2020 · Yes, smoothness, if the game is constantly loading textures into the vram at a pace the storage device can't keep up with, it will cause stuttering for sure, to the point of the game being Dec 4, 2020 · I have over 600 hours in this game, and I have never had a problem with it. Installed fine. I'm just getting help for him as he is busy. 2 (clean install with DDU), there is some stuttering in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Even aiming the gun causes it to stutter. It has gotten to the point where it freezes during a game and makes it unplayable. I have great internet and my ps4 never stutters with games. I get the same stuttering even lowering all my settings all to low. Clear out Origin cache, and restart your PC afterwards. I started toubleshooting by:-repairing the game. Under the RECORDING tab, right click on STEREO MIX and choose ENABLE. I could see someone on a YouTube video who had 25,000 RAM usage at 4k, but no stutter. My Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been stuttering heavily since the update with the Farmboy Luke skin and 'Kenobi' Maul emote. . pylo jbsik yykk wis jxd oaoje uebmhy wgc hokimaq ixocjc gpyl hfnlq cuumx oxcwbv qfygh