Battletech list of systems Nov 28, 2018 · This section list the statistics of weapons and equipments, and requirements of systems that may sell them. Feb 20, 2025 · Challenge Shipyards: property of Universal Air, in Delavan system, capable to building JumpShips, still operatives before the Jihad. Delavan ShipYards Shipyards: property of Challenge Systems, in Challenge system, capable to building JumpShips Monolith-Class, still operatives before the Jihad. Bring the mechs you want, for the situation you want, based on the limitations put forth by the mission. Today's battle may be 2 mechs on an airless moon, tomorrow 4 underwater, the next day 7 on a desert. Battletech Advanced 3062 includes 500 new mechs, dozens of new weapons systems, an entirely overhauled combat experience, a completely different mechbay system, an amazing new mech assembly mechanic, and countless other features. Granted, Classic BattleTech branding isn't used so much any more. It leads to some really interesting choices, especially if you add availability rules from the RPG. ) I was all "I have most of those I can fix that in 5 seconds" but then now I'm wondering how the model was determined for the Sarna list as the included Alpha Strike cards for AGoC and BB list only one variant (well ignoring the Griffin) but the other boxes list two - the 3025 primary and usually the 3050 primary variant. I'm using Jeff's battletech tools list builder, and when I select clan invasion for the era and search for a unit, i get results from early succession war and late succession war as well. These weapons have similar firing ranges, and can hit targets at an All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Jump jets: Allow for jumping the mech across the battlefield Cockpits: All 'Mechs come equipped with a stock cockpit configuration, which can be upgraded for improved performance. The best force can be taken down by the weakest force by poor straegy or luck. Constants. The Goonformat. Since you are always limited by the available mech cubicles, excess mechs must be stored or scrapped. All Systems Nominal BattleTech is a lot less faction driven than other franchises (ahem 40K ahem). Although the Circe spacefarers were searching for a habitable world that could be colonized, the Fasa system was the closest they could find despite not being natively habitable. Sim. As it exists, I believe our current battletech data simply handles the list generation and cost tallying involved in roster building. [6] Legionnaire - An upgrade on the venerable Centurion , the design and weaponry of the Legionnaire BattleMech was inspired by the performance of the Blitzkrieg during the Federated Commonwealth Civil War . A bit off tangent, but is there a generic consensus on which systems and mechanics are under- and overvalued by the BV system? One example that comes to mind is MASC since it might bump your maximum target modifier to a higher bin even though the mech cannot utilize it every turn. I then have it setup with modules that I can swap in as needed depending on the mission (i. Story. All Systems Nominal The closest thing is the list builder in Master Unit list. You can go in and select what mech/variant you want in the list and it will generate a PDF of the list with the AS cards and such. The Systems & Mechanics: Alpha Strike 250 PV per player Illclan era, but we ignore units going extinct No one really cares about strictly sticking to factions. Among my own community only one member has played in a Grinder previously with largely vague accounts to retell. Below is a growing list of what currently comes included with the mod: Not to mention systems that only have Research/Star League. BattleTech is a wargaming and military science fiction franchise [1] launched by FASA Corporation in 1984, acquired by WizKids in 2001, which was in turn acquired by Topps in 2003; [2] and published since 2007 by Catalyst Game Labs. 0. All Systems Nominal The Battletech Discord has a pinned comment with all the Mechs included in the Clan Invasion box set and Wave 1 ForcePacks. Mar 11, 2024 · This list catalogs all BattleMech articles on the Current Game Systems. All Systems Nominal Feb 13, 2025 · Getting Started with Battletech. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » ; BattleTech Game Systems » ; General BattleTech Discussion » ; List of Local Battletech Player Groups (Discords, Slacks etc) The list of mechs they use to get an idea of what to try working with, and the scoring system that determines what mech people get into next. All Systems Nominal Mar 16, 2022 · Master Unit List: Battle Value is a free Web-Exclusive PDF product used to provide players with specific information on units used in the BattleTech universe. Room for this system was found by using a Small Cockpit. Most of the time, it's just "BattleTech", and you'll just see something on the back that says "For use with Total Warfare" or Mar 30, 2017 · The Angel is an upgraded ECM system that provides the benefits of two standard ECM systems. This list catalogs all canon articles about Missile Weapons on BTW. 19 Mar 23, 2024 · Description []. Hextech 3d Terrain for Battletech – Wave 3. A little project I've been working on in my spare time is to create a list of quirks for units from Technical Readouts that predate TRO: Prototypes. The beauty of Battletech is there is no one great force. Sep 29, 2024 · However, the Blitzkrieg does not address one of the greatest concerns: the lack of a secondary weapons system. Create RUS Files for BFB Use this form to quickly re-create Random Assignment Tables (RAT) from various products and produce a format that is usable by RUS and BFB Random tables. Edit: couple of things to keep in mind, lists in battletech are extremely fluid compared to a lot of other games. My friend and I have decided on clan invasion. Ballistic weapons Energy weapons Missile weapons Antipersonnel weapons Heat sinks: Disperse heat accumulated by the mech. In Battletech, there is NO SUCH THING as "list building". Exporting of lists is a bit of a pain though. We have a very driven tester who's authoring data for Heavy Gear Blitz; dude's making everything super dynamic and hands-off to calculate everything for the user. system <-generate_system() disance_terra <-200 founding_year <-2300 faction_type <-" IS " system <-generate_system_names(add_colonization(system, distance_terra, founding_year, faction_type)) system Random name generation pulls from a list of surnames for many different languages, a list of place names by country, and a list of mythological All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. And the choice of the 4 systems listed on your map also doesn't make sense: the 4 systems displayed in your map are: Former BattleTech logo. BattleTech (TT) BattleTech (VG) MechWarrior 5 (VG) MechWarrior: Living There's also a difference between 3025 as an era and 3025 as a shorthand for the introductory tech level. Expanding on the Starter Boxes – Clans and Mercenaries. I've met players whom refuse play outside of a 30 year period (Third and Fourth Succession War 3025 era to maybe, if your lucky Tukayyid 3052. The game has something like 150, so it will take a while for a comprehensive list to be compiled. rtf found at the download link below contains my work to date, a fairly thorough list of quirks covering every BattleMech and OmniMech from Technical Readout: 3025, Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050, Technical Readout: 3050 Well, the Kell Hounds were also the major protagonists of the Warrior series, so the source book is more of a list of everyone who is in the books and what their stats would look like in game (i. ; their articles will usually be redirects to the system article. All Systems Nominal Welcome to the BattleTech Master Unit List. The . In general parlance, Rockets are unguided and Missiles have some form of guidance. Willowick Shipyards. SMF 2. You gain a lot more money by selling spares, especially in friendly systems. Abbreviated AES, the equipment is a mixture of computer interfaces and Myomer that has been finely tuned to give a pilot operating their BattleMech more accuracy in their arm mounted weapons or improve piloting when employed in the legs. All Systems Nominal According to MegaMek these are the official variants marked as "C" which are mixed tech or clan variants of IS mechs. Most of the time, it's just "BattleTech", and you'll just see something on the back that says "For use with Total Warfare" or More than just sourcebooks, it's everything that every had the Battletech or MechWarrior name on it. Playing your First Game. json files don't make a separation between both. The Stinger IIC is a design that serves several purposes. Today you may engage tons of infantry, tomorrow it may be aerospace fighters. 3 it does add quite a few variants, but it is done canonically and Has now implemented a cool new faction based “rarity” feature that goes off tabletop rarity tables and keeps the occurrence of rarer variants from coming up so often. , Morgan Kell’s horrifyingly broken -2 gunnery and phantom mech ability). (Shops stock only a few rare item from hundreds of picks, every time you jump into the Dec 4, 2009 · This is the listing for all canon equipment used in Battletech construction rules. Foreign-language products are included only if they differ from the English-language original, or if they are original products and no Hello, I’ve been in the hobby for almost a year and I couldn’t use some help with my list building. But it's not quite the same thing as a list in BattleScribe. Mech pilot cosplay, Van Zandt All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. All Systems Nominal Feb 6, 2019 · (the difference is the addition of the (num / this. Hextech 3d Terrain for Battletech. That said most systems There are many battlemechs in Battletech, divided into four separate categories based on their weight class: Light, Medium, Heavy, and Assault mechs. Feb 4, 2025 · The following list includes all official BattleTech products (including those from the Classic BattleTech and MechWarrior: Dark Age lines), regardless of whether or not they are currently regarded as canonical. It may not technically be official, but it's damn close. Aug 12, 2023 · The Project: Planets cartographers and team members have generated some excellent maps depicting the various BattleTech eras. To prevent problems an Angel ECM Suite is installed in the head. On page 106 there is a conversion list you can use to re-create a battle from the book using BattleTech scale. With the Small Weapons systems, it doesn't make much sense to separate them from the Large Weapons since the . All Systems Nominal All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. All Systems Nominal Nov 11, 2024 · Your BattleTech News Round-Up For February, 2025 ; Book Covers, Redesigns, And Bad 'Mechs - An Interview With Eldoniousrex ; Bad 'Mechs - Shadow Hawk ; Your BattleTech News Round-Up For January, 2025 ; Read more → All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. stars, planets, moons, asteroids, etc. Hello, People here have suggested deciding on an era with your opponent when list building. (Manufacturing, Rich, Research and IS). Jan 13, 2024 · This category contains all articles on Sarna BattleTechWiki about (star) systems that have been mentioned in the BattleTech universe. BattleMech HarJel Systems weigh one ton and take up a single critical location in a BattleMech. 0), Faction and Era Availability (Only Jihad or Dark Age eras), Technology level, and ruleset for a vast number of individual boardgame units. All Systems Nominal Which makes sense, as you can only travel to known systems. Please refer to rules before posting. System articles will typically also cover available information on the individual components of the system, e. Using the rules and tables from A Time of War Companion this page will generate a random system with planets. You don’t even have to physically own the mini to play the Mech or other unit - proxy something (literally, anything of appropriate size that shows or is marked with a clear “front”. I'd guess the easiest way would be pulling the data direct from the game files rather than trying to document it manually. A result of the MUL project, it lists Battle Value (2. Nice list. Most maps only show systems with active HPGs so there are plenty of inhabited systems not on the map, and Comstar would deliberately remove some systems from the map to use as bases. Expanding on the Starter Boxes – Books and Inner Sphere. The Actuator Enhancement System is a piece of equipment that was first produced by Blackwell Corporation for Wolf's Dragoons. You can look them all up on Sarna by going to each category of mech (Light, Med, etc) and then going to each page and looking up the designation. Per Field Report: FWLM page 6, in 3079 the WarShip yard at Ionus in the Marik Commonwealth was the last yard held by a Successor State capable of manufacturing WarShip engine and K-F drive components, although trading such components was considered impossible and estimates at the time suggested that the Commonwealth lacked the economic oomph to produce a new WarShip fleet itself. If you wish to follow the cannon route, certain factions like certain units and certain units are used by all factions. Cockpit Mods upgrade the All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. The Endo Steel structure and Small Cockpit save enough room to allow the 'Mech to carry two Light PPCs with PPC Capacitors in a Quad BattleMech Turret. That said most systems near All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. The campaign mode of Battletech features over 160 star systems, each with its own features, employers, missions, and so on, allowing you to travel across the Aurigan Reach and make a living as a mercenary. Light BattleMechs are Please don't think of this game as building army lists. I noticed you omitted JK_variants, which is great and updated to 1. All Systems Nominal I also don't know Hero system very well at all-I've used similar point-buy systems in the past however, and they have a tendency to be really hard to get a good balance in-both between different kinds of enemies that a player might face, and between different player builds-and this is a system with a 600 page rulebook, which suggests that if All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. All Systems Nominal Share your videos with friends, family, and the world May 14, 2018 · BATTLETECH 5575 BATTLETECH Bug Reports 3829 BATTLETECH Suggestions 1569 BATTLETECH Mod-forum 702 BATTLETECH Universe 246 BATTLETECH Fan art, fiction & creations 164 News and Updates Archive 129 BATTLETECH Multi-player 106 Not in the sense of a single list of every designation, at least that I know of. Apr 8, 2023 · Description []. As others have pointed out the names on the map are the System, but most worlds are named <System> <Planet's place from the sun>. Battletech is great for learning Jan 14, 2025 · As a drone the Lich is vulnerable to electronic warfare systems. It's all up to the ambition of the users, though. Battletech game lore stretches over multiple eras spanning from the Reunification Wars of the late 26th century to the Darkages of the mid 32nd century. Anti-MIssiles System (AMS) Apr 23, 2024 · One of those steps was the founding of a colony in a system the spacefarers named Fasa, located some 23 light years anti-spinward of Circe. The total list is over 600, just with chassis. When it was introduced, the Outworlds Alliance and Clan Snow Raven hadn't yet officially merged into the Raven Alliance, and the two polities had lost a great deal of their reconnaissance capability due to ongoing struggles with the Draconis Combine. g. I also heard that it adds a mission against some famous characters from Battletech lore (I'm being deliberately vague since some are sensitive to spoilers, notwithstanding the age of this game. The two side torsos each mount a single Light Gauss Rifle and a Clan-spec ER Large Laser. All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. 9) which indicates the "base game" mechs for campaign scoring and the SDLF mechs with engine double heat sinks for pure awesomeness. We've only seen a tiny handful of systems in streams. Basic concepts are that each list has a core of 200 or slightly less PV (the top Mechs in each list). I have been working on a full list of mechs (since the online spreadsheet has not been updated for 1. It offers Hello everyone! I've recently taken the dive into CBT by picking up the intro box set (In my younger days I was an avid MW:DA player), and while much of the tech and phrases are familiar I am definitely feeling the weight of the sheer amount of lore, history and information squishing me. . I used to be a big fan of C-bills. All Systems Nominal All I know is that it adds the King Crab and the Raven to the list of mechs, as well as some optional equipment. All Systems Nominal Megamek is indeed the solution. How to Paint Everything: Hextech Buildings Feb 4, 2025 · The following list includes all official BattleTech products (including those from the Classic BattleTech and MechWarrior: Dark Age lines), regardless of whether or not they are currently regarded as canonical. A word to the wise: Don't scrap, ever. It means your Capellan unit is probably going to choose Capellan units for the price discount, but they could run a clan Omni if they are willing to pay the (massive) premium. However there are obviously some errors in there. And finding a complete list of Battlecorps fiction, which doesn't seem to exist. All I really have left is the tedium of porting in CCG, MWDA pieces and FPG decals. All Systems Nominal Members Online. Classic BattleTech refers specifically to good old-fashioned record sheets and hex-maps BattleTech directly descended from the original BattleDroids. This is a general catch-all category for Infantry portable Personal Apr 14, 2022 · Game Notes []. In terms of Mixed Tech (Base IS) there are more and many are similar where it's bascially an IS mech with Clan weapons but this list are the ones with the C or C 2 designation fit into that lore categorization you are talking about. While the 7 systems you listed more or less fit the requirements, there are also plenty more that do as well: Egress, Thurock and Vard (Manufacturing, Rich, Research, IS and Black Market), and Brinton, Coromir, etc. I haven't seen a similar list for the Wave 2 packs, but you can check each one individually on the Kickstarter/CrowdOx page. My question is what's the best way to build for Rasalhague? I would really like to play as Alpha Galaxy (1st Bear Guards) or Rasalhague Galaxy (Colonel Ragnar's 1st Rasalhague Bears) on the tabletop. Inner Sphere; Known Universe (Inner Sphere, Periphery, Deep Periphery, Clan Homeworlds) SUC Kit . Each location to be protected needs its own BattleMech HarJel System, so to completely protect a BattleMech would require seven systems: One for each arm, leg, and torso location. Looking for the Sarna Unified Cartography Kit (the source for coordinates of all the known systems/planets)? See also BattleTech Game Systems » General BattleTech Discussion » Canon Command Console designs . Corrections? Thanks in advance. Some people do it because it’s fun for them As others have pointed out the names on the map are the System, but most worlds are named <System> <Planet's place from the sun>. All Systems Nominal On PC I'd suggest megamek since its search functions are one of the best for battletech. Since even before Total Warfare was first published, it has been our goal to provide BattleTech fans with a comprehensive list of game units and their corresponding Battle Value. I assume that is what you meant by only the three letter designation. Each of the 25 battlemechs can be heavily customized in the mech bay. e. All Systems Nominal May 30, 2020 · Most of the good command mechs were that way because of the brand/model of their Comms & Targeting Systems Typically Comms w/ lots of range, extra channels, extra encryption, hardened against ECM, satellite up-links, etc etc etc. 5 Battletech is picking up steam in my local gaming group so I wanted to run a force of Rasalhague Dominion battlemechs. For example a L3 lance should be "all Jump Capable" - but there are Mechs like Cicada, Hermes II and Clint listed. The former includes the Mobile Long Tom as the standard artillery piece and features the twilight years of the Land-Air 'Mech, while the latter forbids both (and from a tech level standpoint is compatible with War of 3039 machines like early Wolfhound and Hatamoto-Chi models). Feb 21, 2025 · Using an Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle as its main armament, this version of the Barghest also uses experimental systems to maximize protection and combat effectiveness. Capabilities unknown, built by Biggest issue is change of narrative in Battletech/ way you approach it Golden age (rome) is SLDF Succession wars is dark ages Renaissance medieval knights (clan era) Since there are centuries separating those time lines , you should make a conscious decision of when in Battletech you are playing. Mar 12, 2022 · Some of these weapons travel a flat trajectory, others have an arcing trajectory that allows them to clear terrain features. This product is the first Battle Value list for units using the Total Warfare and BattleMech Manual rules set. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » ; BattleTech Game Systems » ; General BattleTech Discussion » ; BattleTech Master Unit List Updates Structure of Planetary Computer Systems in the BattleTech Universe « on: 14 March 2017, 07:43:01 » Doing a deep dive into Warrior: En Garde, I came across a number of interesting references to planets in BattleTech each having a central planetary computer. Anti-Mech (AM) Infantry units with this special ability can make a special physical attack against ground units, grounded VToLS, WiGEs, and aerospace units they are in base to base contact with. DefaultContractRefreshRate) factor at the end of the CurMaxContracts update) To ensure that if there is a long gap between visits between a system, the max number of contracts is increased proportionally to the length of time that has passed, instead of the current behaviour which only increases the max contracts by 0. If you're on IOS, well you're kinda screwed. infantry and APCs for bunkers, ECM and/or flak for C3/VTOL opponents, big Mechs for the lieutenant/unit sized based missions). Megameklab is by far the most comprehensive database of record sheets in existence (I'm aware of exactly one canon unit whose record sheet is missing in MML but available elsewhere online), its interface is really handy once you get used to it, and it's free and relatively easy to install. tvne huqetlt dnpq knijw cmqwmgo rnsr ywpcy bypxcj jsiyu chwu rezomkyc yngnq kkwlr suvr lzicz