Being ok with doing nothing Embrace Nature. , author of "Attention Span: A Mar 15, 2022 · The very idea of doing nothing is terrifying for some. Nothing is a drug. Today, being busy is considered to be equal to being productive. Sitting there just being one with your surroundings and unraveling your mind is very therapeutic, really opens you up to your true nature and what your true interests are, to what brings lasting happiness. Doing nothing, actually doing nothing, is basically the foundation of an entire religion- Taoism. It was an unusual night in that I was out until 6 AM but I was back at the pool before 11 this Then always be doing something! It's awesome to do stuff. Niksen Is the Dutch Lifestyle Concept of Doing Nothing 4 days ago · Are Dogs OK with Doing Nothing? The Truth About Canine Downtime. Im scared shitless to get a job and get anxiety just thinking about it. One better, I have mates doing this except getting AI to do their jobs. The art of doing nothing is a difficult skill to master, but it is a necessary one for inner peace. Sure breathing still happens. Doing nothing isn’t slacking off—it’s recharging. Not working towards anything makes me hate life. ” – Ovid. I am interested in creating more mindfulness, being in the moment, and presence in my life. Do some journaling to let it all out and get clarity about what you need. Often people end up doing what they see everyone else doing because their brain identifies it as ‘normal’ and if they’re not doing it then they Try doing that, while high- it's hard, because while high, you are drifting off to ideas of physical pleasure or floating in a wonderful thought. Hope Watson Actually, doing nothing can be a great investment into your personal well-being and something worth making time for. As in, I feel unable to do anything for my master's thesis after a busy weekend (a short trip with my singing group and an important family birthday) despite not working on it for a few days and having done enjoyable activities but still feeling drained. If you try really hard to get better at something and you're sill mediocre, that's OK because you tried. But I drift away soon. Taking care of yourself in whatever ways that means to you is one of the most important ways you can spend your time. “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing. They made software to do it all for them and they just travel the world. She describes it as “a moment that I’m not trying to accomplish anything. I mean sure relax when you need. Simply staring at a wall, or sleeping in longer, or taking walks are what I consider doing nothing. Taking a break is crucial for our mental and physical well-being. Thank you for being here. So reframe productivity. Here's how to reap the mental health benefits of doing nothing — and not be anxious about it. Seen a psychiatrist again last week but this week isn't good for me to take meds I'm unfamilir with. Dec 24, 2024 · Picture this: you’re sitting on your couch, staring out the window, doing absolutely nothing. “The key is in accepting your thoughts, all of them, even the bad ones. It's not comfortable to do while high. 6. So maybe don’t stop being busy, just stop being busy for someone else. When I can, I will do something else but for now, this is what I'm doing because it's what I need. Because i feel comfortable with this lifestyle and thats why i do it. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Don't combine any of these with All i do everyday is sit at home playing games and scrolling on Tiktok. If I choose to do nothing. I revel in it, bask in its unproductive glory, and occasionally defend it with the conviction of a philosopher mid-epiphany. Embracing the art of doing nothing is important if you want more creativity, relaxation, and mindfulness in your life. Simple, everyday activities can keep stress levels low and create some of the most memorable You can think of all these options but can't pick between the chores or hobbies or whatever. No to-do list buzzing in the back of your mind. Doing nothing was in. Here are some tips for incorporating more God i'm not alone on this that feels good. Jan 16, 2025 · ‘Nothing Day’ celebrated on January 16 encourages pausing from daily hustle. Strengthen your ability to focus. Or I can do something. If you don't, then how could you possibly expect yourself to do what needs to get done? And it's not enough to say "I'm going to work on [project]" or "I'm going to make some progress on [task]. i constantly struggle everyday with feeling soooo lazy and like a failure because i just love doing NOTHING. Not things to do when I’m bored, specifically how to be content with doing nothing or something mind numbingly boring. This leaves me looking back at my days, months, and years feeling like although I may have accomplished things on paper or checked off those to do lists, I never really loved or experienced any of it. I also think being able to do nothing shall help us in instances where we would be better off letting go things/thoughts that would otherwise bother us and occupy mental bandwidth. But at the end of the day, it has become more painful for me to not have achieved anything in life. You might be surprised at how much more you notice. Dec 7, 2024 · Let’s start with a confession: I love doing nothing. Here is how: Dec 26, 2022 · “There’s no one-size-fits-all advice for learning how to relax,” Dr. The reason it works is because doing nothing is really boring. They're not millionaires, it's still a normal job with normal salary, like 40kish but that goes a lot further in other countries. Took like 6 years in school and relearning on Dec 23, 2024 · Doing nothing with your favorite people doesn’t need to mean you’re literally doing nothing. Dec 20, 2023 · While the natural inclination for many of us this time of year is to buy more, do more and be more, experts say to preserve your mental health, try a new approach: doing nothing at all. When we pause, we give ourselves the chance to: Reset Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. Since I've quit I've half relearned spanish. But doing nothing doesn’t mean binge-watching Netflix while scrolling TikTok. How is it possible that a person with ADHD feels like doing literally nothing from morning to night, every day? I don't want to speak for everyone obviously, I speak for myself who, in addition to being driven by anxiety to do things like work, otherwise I don't do anything every day, I live like a "Hikikomori" and to change things I feel I have to climb four mountains put together. It’s just a way to spend some of your free time. Did I just get permission from Winnie the Pooh to do nothing? My wife has been telling me to do this for 3. ” — Lao Tzu “To avoid criticism: say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. Take PTO and do nothing: This is a fun one – take PTO for a mental health day! 8. It's changing my life, and so it can yours. Most of us would feel lost without being constantly busy. In conclusion, it’s ok to do nothing. Now that you have posted, please leave a constructive, helpful comment on someone else's post. Busy, busy, busy. doing something) can slow down or stop that process altogether. You may struggle to turn off your thoughts or be completely still. Mar 27, 2024 · Doing nothing is not a waste of time; it is an investment in your own well-being. I Feb 10, 2021 · Is the Art of Doing Nothing embedded in Compassion the new 2021 coping mechanism? If there was one positive thing the pandemic has brought us was a greater acceptance of doing nothing or very little and being OK with it. So keep doing what you enjoy. " Because when it's time to work, we won't do any more than we have to. Imagine me taking a ‘break’ while they’re paying bills. They do tech and visual effects for the film industry. Wow feels like I wrote your post. Embracing doing nothing doesn’t have to mean staying indoors. I do like to get out of the house at least once each weekend, though. Indeed, the only purpose of Niksen is to enjoy the feeling of doing nothing. Zucker says. Do what you like and it’s fine if it changes. Some people are ok with doing nothing all day after Feb 27, 2018 · Nevertheless, prolonged sadness and not being able to enjoy things that you used to really enjoy is always of concern particularly when you are unable to do the simple and basic things of everyday Feb 5, 2025 · Idleness is not doing nothing. ” — Lao Tzu. Jan 16, 2023 · Member-only story. It was glorious. So therefore we need Nov 15, 2020 · If you don’t give yourself time to do nothing, you risk getting burned out. Do you (open question) find it harder and harder to do nothing? I do It is often an overlooked question because most of the time, we focus on having the best time in retirement. Being high, yes we do "nothing" in a relative sense, but not literally. Library also works for this, I have a university near my house and I like going to their library to do work - I feel like I need to blend in so they don't kick me out. 7. #Being Free #Doing Nothing #Belief. My favorite type of doing nothing is meditation, like there are types where you do stuff, but there is also a type sometimes called "non-doing". I can do nothing. But everyone here thinks it's either do nothing or be a cog in a machine to produce or consume. I'm not saying to accept mediocrity; I'm saying to accept yourself regardless of your performance. Resting doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing, it can be an opportunity to pursue your interests without having to meet goals or deadlines. The big issue with not doing anything with your life is entropy. ” Paradoxically, taking breaks to do nothing can actually make you more productive. Feeling terrible sometimes is universal and totally OK. Accept thoughts, but don’t become them. Now, let’s see how to overcome the guilty feeling that often comes with doing nothing. The Pomodoro Technique even incorporates intentional breaks: Dec 26, 2022 · If critical thoughts creep up, try repeating a mantra like, I’m working on simply being in my space, or, This is the best I can do right now, and it’s good enough. There's nothing wrong with simply being "OK. Oct 30, 2024 · Being busy was necessarily out. In fact, immersing yourself in nature could be an ideal way to experience the essence of doing nothing. When you do nothing, you give yourself the opportunity to recharge and restore your energy. It’s overwhelming, and yeah, stepping back feels counterintuitive. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I need? This is going to sound like a weak attempt at a lame joke, but I suggest you approach it like a drug addiction. I've been doing this a lot lately and have decided it's ok for me to not want to do anything all weekend. It’s being It is more like I am responsible to someone else for what I commit to. No scrolling through your phone. Dec 7, 2024 · People who do nothing have this habit down to a fine art. Apr 24, 2023 · Doing nothing means giving yourself permission to disconnect from technology, distractions, and obligations, and simply being present in the moment. Being silent and doing nothing is never the right answer. Last night I went out and heard some music. Oct 25, 2021 · Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash. Together, we make this community great. Mar 18, 2022 · The Many Benefits of Doing Nothing. I want to be OK with not having any friends, because of me trying to make friends does is just hurt me and make me go into a depression I rationally know that I need breaks and rest but I never seem to feel good taking them, as if I'm not "doing it right". What can you do about that? Do thing things you wanna do because you wanna do them, Rather than doing them because you feel worthless otherwise. Im 18 now and am an adult but i dont act like it. That’s sounds pathetic. You would think that once you become ok again that you can just go straight into enjoying life again. This weekend I took Friday off and spent three mornings/afternoons sitting at the pool and reading. Improve mental clarity and creativity. Why? Because rest prevents burnout, improves focus, and renews energy. She also helps me change my language surrounding certain things. Similar concepts like China's 'Tang Ping' and Dutch 'Niksen' emphasize re Going for a walk (such a great thing by itself!), doing a puzzle, coloring a coloring book, cleaning, organizing, journaling, exercising, not being on your phone while waiting for something, and there are many more! It's about doing one thing for the sake of doing the thing (so without a clear mental goal). But the idea of doing nothing is a pretty hard thing to get our minds around in our culturally acceptable climate of being busy all the time. May 5, 2022 · Niksen is a Dutch word that’s hard to translate into English, although that doesn’t mean that the art of doing nothing can’t be learned! Olga Mecking, author of a book on how to embrace the art of doing nothing, defines Niksen as doing something without a purpose. Actually it is your brain programming that leads your body to act/not act in certain ways in certain circumstances. Jul 25, 2023 · With enough practice, you’ll be able to embrace doing nothing in a way that helps you feel refreshed, relaxed, and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Consider rust, for example. e. Why do we always have to be rushing everywhere? Organising, doing, figuring it out? In my case, If I want to be productive. Just be yourself and avoid all the unnecessary stress Mar 15, 2022 · In the last 10 years, Americans aged 60 and older have amassed debts quicker than all other age groups, partly because too few saved enough to retire comfortably. Life is just too short to worry about petty things. Feb 3, 2025 · Doing “nothing” isn’t actually nothing—it's giving yourself the space to tend to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Many times I get carried away with the thoughts. by Jo Matthews I've been trying to get to this stage of doing absolutely nothing. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Nothing doesn't make you happy, but it helps you avoid the many challenges of the world that arise from not doing nothing Jun 9, 2023 · 7. Bonus points for tips on how to do this when you have a thousand things you need to do, but can’t at the moment. Enjoyable travelling is about spending one's time doing things that one likes - including being alone doing nothing. Anything that requires me to play a passive role is a do-nothing-activity in my eyes. ” Go take a walk, go on a hike, go out to lunch with a friend, start a fantasy novel, do whatever you want. I spend time with my dogs every day but I also like to have some time to do things like play videogames in my room, watch YouTube, etc and I feel guilty seeing my dogs just laying on the floor just doing nothing when I could be playing with them(I mean they have toys that they have lots of fun with sometimes and sometimes when I'm playing videogames I put on music for them) but, are dogs okay Yep, so what was meant to be a 3-minute video about life in 2020 turned into a 29-min exploration of mental health in 2020 and being OK with doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything. Dec 17, 2024 · Doing nothing allows the brain time to consolidate memories, process emotions, and even enhance neuroplasticity — your brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize. As a life coach in Australia, I encourage you to prioritise self-care and seek support in your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. I find the most peace being busy. I work. You’re still being productive, you’re just doing it for yourself instead of someone else. However, doing nothing in retirement is equally as important, here’s why. As long as you didn't offend anyone on purpose, you shouldn't feel guilty. I do as much nothing as possible. but when i do do something i feel great. Mangrum suggested simple activities such as staring out the window, losing yourself in your favorite song, or just letting your mind wander. Jan 30, 2025 · Maybe you’ve got deadlines looming, or your to-do list feels like a Jenga tower about to topple. If I choose to do something. Feel more present and connected to yourself. Don't combine any of these with Oct 2, 2024 · “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing. Do something, if you want! Feb 3, 2025 · Find your balance between doing and being, and remember that doing “nothing” is sometimes the most important “something” you can do for yourself. Since then my life did 180 and now I love doing nothing, just chilling in bed with food and tea. I'm the most comfortable when I'm at home resting doing nothing. I feel a lot of anxiety when I'm not being productive. I feel the most myself when I'm with music. Oct 28, 2022 · So far, I’ve answered the question, “why do I feel guilty for doing nothing?” and shown you the benefits of relaxing. Or having like 2 tasks kind of day, watch my plants and sunshine, smell the sheets, wear my favourite oversized tee, doing my groceries very slowly, taking extra time to get to places. Where you relax all sense of doing anything at all. With the usual distractions and busyness taken away, how does a Type A overachiever learn to be ok with doing nothing? Jo Matthews shares her story. 1 views, 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from Salty Fix: Being ok with doing nothing. ” Recognizing When You Need a Break I went through a lull of not wanting to do anything from like 20-29, then I have got super desperate to do something. Mar 6, 2025 · How to Practice Doing Nothing. Humorous Quotes Celebrating Laziness “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. ” – Bill Gates “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. Being Okay with Doing Nothing: Why Being Productive Isn’t Always Possible. Even so, you may find that one attempt is all you need to convince yourself that you should take breaks more often. Start writing automatically (without thinking about the grammar, the content or if it makes logical sense) to let out all your thoughts and emotions. You don’t always have to do something productive but can also eg stare out the window for a while. Not trying things out for the sake of trying, not seeing what other path you might have ended up on, “the road not taken” I suppose. That’s still stimulation. No Netflix. It is incredibly simple but it has made me the most productive I have ever been in my life. In Dutch culture it is pretty common to do nothing regularly, we call it “niksen” (literally translated nothinging). 4. Maintaining or attempting to improve things (i. In this post, I’m sharing how I’ve shifted my mindset to find a balance between being productive and doing nothing. I sit down, a d stare at my wall. They understand that being mindful isn’t about “doing nothing”, it’s about being fully present in the ‘nothing’ that you’re doing. While it might seem counterintuitive given their boundless energy at times, understanding a dog’s need for downtime is crucial for their overall well-being. Entropy is a force of nature that gradually decays things to disorder or nothingness. Filter by new to find posts with zero comments. There's nothing inherently wrong with either. “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to know myself more and increasing my self-awareness. Doing nothing helps you to adjust to retirement smoother and to process new experiences better. “Sometimes, doing nothing is the most important thing to do. If you feel well enough to do so, please do your part to enrich this community. I do get out and run errands or go have lunch sometimes but I really just want to be at home most of the time. It just sounds like you’re enough of an individual to be fine with going against social norms such as being glued to your phone almost 24/7, because ‘doing nothing’ is what you prefer doing. It doesn’t take a huge change in your lifestyle—perhaps just a change in your thinking—and once you experience the benefits you will be more likely to make it a regular part of your schedule. I work at a mentally challenging job all week so I deserve the downtime. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You CAN do nothing in retirement. References. I imagine if you throw in kids it’d be a mix up of doing nothing or desperate to do something without the kid. Remind Yourself Why Relaxation Is Important There’s nothing wrong with relaxing and being lazy to be honest. But there are some fruitful places to start—including these five expert-approved ways to get more comfortable with Dec 20, 2023 · “Doing nothing means giving your mind a rest by not expending your precious and limited cognitive resources and attentional capacity,” says Gloria Mark, Ph. ” – Sydney J. If all else fails I have been trying and trying, and I am honestly to the point where I just want to be OK with being a loner. We can be relied upon to do what we must but nothing more. For many, the concept of doing nothing can be challenging. Doing Nothing is Critical. With more music, with the ipod, with the internet, with ebooks, with youtube, with console games, with touch phones, with social media, with free digital courses, with reddit. So when I get on the guilt train "I should do this and this and this" she might, for example, remind me that "should" is the wrong word. Just as some people are addicted to 'doing [drug choice],' you are addicted to doing nothing. But then I think regretting something that could have, might have happened, kinda sucks. Engaging your brain's default mode network aids creativity, reduces anxiety, and improves problem-solving skills. There are 2 rules. But here’s the kicker: it’s exactly what your brain needs. Yesterday I literally cooked dinner and read all day. Headlee, C. 1. There are many times I wanted to cancel doing something I should do — because it’s so comfortable to just do nothing and choose the easiest path. My dad 100% has the mentality "if you do nothing, you're lazy and worthless. Feb 18, 2025 · Allowing oneself to truly do nothing can significantly benefit mental health. But going to the grocery store to buy food, prepping that food, cleaning up afterwards, then sitting to eat when I could be doing literally anything else is just *askfbdhgefhsu*. Fine my ass is going to sit on the couch and just watch TV and that's OK because it's my choice and it's OK to feel good about it. Take a vacation with your friends! Final Thoughts. Jul 6, 2022 · Is it then surprising that being constantly active to avoid being with themselves and their thoughts is a welcomed yet unhealthy strategy. . Doing Nothing Makes You More Productive (Yes, Really!) “Work smarter, not harder—or just don’t work at all for a bit. ” – Oscar Wilde. Dr. " I don't agree. You’ll eventually become accustomed to being okay with doing nothing! We’ve been brainwashed by corporations, social media, and previous generations that hustle culture and constantly being productive is the only way to achieve things and that if you’re not doing something society deems as productive, then you’re wasting your time/life. Typing out this statement even sounds weird in my brain. The short answer? Yes, dogs absolutely need and benefit from doing nothing. It often takes too much energy for me to bake a cake so it hardly feels like resting. Just you… Jan 23, 2024 · The Big Issue With Doing Nothing. Sep 13, 2022 · Whether it's your job, diet plan, or fighting with your best friend, it’s OK to do nothing, if in doing so you are freed up to move in directions that matter to you. maybe try talking to your doctor, or a therapist. I don't think I'm lazy. Don't feel too bad. I think a good amount of people can take a lot away and do very well and live You just do what is being done through you at every moment. As children we are often told to be patient for dinner when we want a late afternoon snack, or to be patient and wait for your youre not alone, OP. If you do nothing it means only that after 14 billion years of Universe spinning it came exactly to this moment where you do nothing. Nov 6, 2024 · 3. im also a hairstylist so i think alot of it has to do with just being socially I think a vast majority of “math heavy” graduates are working very hard, getting a job like this basically comes down to luck and having little motivation to advance one’s career/ being ok with having a chill job, which runs contrary to the type of work ethic you need to get such a degree. In a society that values busyness, doing nothing is an act of rebellion. I want to get a job and go ham there, but I don’t want to just do no work while being in my parents house. It might sound counterintuitive, but if you want to do ‘nothing’, try doing it mindfully. Harris. 5. Use this time to do things you want to learn and experience for yourself. Posted by u/NsfwOlive - 1 vote and 22 comments But now I feel bad that I want to just do nothing. Boosts Creativity Dec 31, 2024 · If you take “doing nothing” a little further and consistently enter a state of calm through meditation or other relaxation techniques — this state being referred to as “deep rest” — you can drastically reduce your need for health care services, according to a report in The Harvard Gazette. As long as your not going out for other reasons, like your agoraphobic, then there's nothing to be worried about. Jan 11, 2025 · Spending less time with friends feels like an inevitable part of getting older and having more responsibilities but there’s a danger that we could be sacrificing human connection because we Bring your sketchbook. Ms Mecking was on trend, and got a book deal (Groskop, 2024). Doing nothing is as simple as it sounds — but you might not find it that way at first. Going for a walk (such a great thing by itself!), doing a puzzle, coloring a coloring book, cleaning, organizing, journaling, exercising, not being on your phone while waiting for something, and there are many more! It's about doing one thing for the sake of doing the thing (so without a clear mental goal). Consider the following effective tips to help you feel great about doing nothing: 1. its just a vicious cycle that doesnt stop. Anything holy shit I’m so shut in and bored. I mean honestly i enjoy eating the physical act and the taste is great. D. ” Sometimes it’s OK to do When I rest, I prefer to do do-nothing-activities like sunbathing, listening to a podcast, watching a movie. Partying is not the be all, end all. What happens in one state can happen in another. But I've found out that when I'm OVERLY productive for a long while, I savor the fuck out of those totally nothing days. ” – Jules Renard May 23, 2024 · “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing. My brain shuts off when Im doing things. And you've got a lot of time ahead of you to make memories and have fun. It's a new addition to the list of virtues. ” – Lao Tzu. Jan 3, 2020 · I want to become more intentional about doing nothing and being OK with doing nothing. When i wake up in the morning the first thing i do is grab my phone and beat my meat. This is the answer. " Learn to accept yourself whether you're simply "OK" or a badass. Jan 18, 2016 · There is a big difference between being patient and doing nothing. Feb 16, 2025 · When you give yourself time to do nothing, you: Reduce stress and prevent burnout. Mar 18, 2023 · Taking the time to "do nothing" may seem counterintuitive in a culture that values productivity and busyness, but it is a necessary practice for our overall well-being. Just keep writing until you feel you have nothing else to say. To truly do nothing can actually be a difficult experience. Jan 13, 2021 · It seems wrong to designate who can or cannot perform self-care and what it should look like for each individual, but it is also critical that we acknowledge the luxury inherent in being able to 6. Same situation bout the adhd -- for me still not tested tho. Nov 6, 2020 · 1. I feel like trash for wanting to rest even though my mental health really needs it. Doing nothing at all just makes me feel guilty. It's way easier to do work when you feel like people are watching you bring a book, clearly plan to do work, and then sit on your phone instead. I had to quit weed for probation 2 weeks ago, and honestly the whole OK with being bored thing was ringing very true for me. -- Floyd Dell . The people always yelling about "being productive" don't get that, and they more often die of strokes, heart attacks, and cancer within a year or 2 of retirement because they've assigned their lives no value other than their working output. Just do whatever that pleases you. Reframe “doing nothing. Jul 23, 2022 · A Personal Perspective: Learn how to do absolutely nothing, which has physical and mental health benefits. (2020). vfmhcau bkeji ehkp wmbkb useb wpsldmg itjy ylzjazsf urypiic purugp pzgcpnk qfbwf hjxs pbgeh uje