Cat clingy after vacation reddit. day by day he came around.
Cat clingy after vacation reddit Given his past history (urinary mucous/crystal plug) should I be concerned that he might be developing an issue? Aug 29, 2006 路 My husband and I just returned from being away from our cat (KitKat) for seven days. My parents and I went on vacation for 2 weeks when I was a child. Try to cat proof the home from dangers and breakables. I have a home camera so I know his water and food never ran empty and his litter was kept clean. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies. My cat is 3 and last year we went on vacation for a 4 day weekend. Like I said earlier, very affectionate. So I had to travail this summer and left my cat with another person for almost a month and a half. Clearly your boyfriend also has affect. Acts like she’s starving all the time, tries to get into the garbage for empty cans etc but it usually dissipates after a week or so. Last night she was running, screaming, and just… Not pregnant and absolutely no chance of it happening, but my female cat gets extra cuddly when I'm sick. She’s never shown any signs of aggression. When I was little we had a cat who was limping just a tiny but after surgery. Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. She never leaves me alone. Cat ownership isn’t easy. I've had my cat since she was 5-6 weeks old, and the longest she's gone without seeing me was two days. I heard it's best to leave food in multiple bowls around the house and same for water. Maybe get one or two Feliway plug ins which have a scent that calms cats. So even kittens that will grow up to have a solitary personality start off clingy! With my clingy cat, after noticing that I gave her something every time she whined at me (whether it be a treat, extra play time, picking her up, petting her with my full attention, etc), I realized that I was encouraging her behavior in a way that was a little detrimental to me and my free time. One other story that might help. in fact she knows when her favs come home after work and waits for them or walks to the trash with them. . 3 year old, male, neutered) and I’m wondering why he’s very VERY clingy after showers? Short and long ones. She’s been eating… Cats can be a bit weird in their reactions when you've been gone for a while - my boy gets super clingy and lovey, but my old cat would give me the cold shoulder to punish me for leaving her. When I got home one was aloof but the other immediately ran to me. I have a female lutino cockatiel. I know I'm healthy when she starts keeping her distance again - there's no fooling her. I had some anxiety with leaving my cat at home when going on vacation and having a cat sitter come in once a day for food/play/litter changing etc. Wet food of any flavor as well as dry food. Cats miss us too! And he’s getting older, he’s mellowing out. Most cats hate water. He used to also sit on my lap about twice a year, and he never slept in bed with me. I’m still a little anxious and I miss my terror-tiger but I can watch him on my cameras and he seems to be doing fine - maybe a bit bored - but fine 馃樆 On the flip side though, I adopted my current toddler cat when she was about two years old and she came with a LOT of separation anxiety as well, including following me everywhere, loudly bringing me toys throughout the day, and screaming at the door for hours after I left – she's still pretty clingy as far as cats go (no closed doors allowed Some cats are clingy if separated from their moms too early but they will be super loving if you don’t castigate those type of cats. Upton has always been interested in being around my husband and has only cared to be affectionate towards him mostly, me very occasionally - but was clingy to my belly both times I was pregnant. Cats can become clingy after returning home from vacation due to a variety of reasons including separation anxiety, change in routine, stress, loneliness, fear, need for security, hormonal changes, associative learning, and different scents. I spent the last 3 years I've had her, rehabilitating her after rescuing her, every year a new issue would arise. The mouse would crawl then stop then crawl then stop, hide under something, then scurry away quickly once he notices the cat. One of the litter mates did not survive. I worried at first, but her vet checkup showed she was in great health. While you are gone have your friend tell your cat that you will be home in x week/days too. While social interactions with fellow humans undoubtedly carry their unique merits, the unconditional love emanating from a feline friend transcends the ordinary. Around two weeks has passed since the surgery, and since then, my cat is being very cuddly, clingy and makes biscuits all the time. I have another cat but she’s 10 years old and mostly likes to sleep all the time. Have a plan for what you want them to do in an emergency, how they’ll pay, etc. Mine was very clingy when we got back from a week and half vacation. My cat is always extra lovey when I am naked in the bathroom after a shower. She was one of five litter mates. So my family and I kept four kittens and mother. I hired a cat sitter who came by 3 times in that duration and looked after his needs and pet/played with him for about an hour each time. Now he is peppy and playful and much more independent. They became best buds in a few Mar 19, 2023 路 Understanding Clingy Cat Behavior After Vacation. Our oldest cat isn't a shelter cat but was abandoned by a family that lived seven houses down the street from us. If my fri Dec 25, 2016 路 Clingy Cat After Vacation. 6M subscribers in the cats community. I think the warmth of skin to skin contact is comforting to her (similar to a baby), and the closed bathroom door helps her to feel more secure. You are enough! Take care of yourself and snuggle your sweet cat for both of you! Aug 20, 2024 路 Another reason your cat might be acting strange after a vacation is that cats enjoy routine, and you being gone causes a disruption in that routine. Ever since then her remaining cat has been super clingy. New cats generally crap outside the box because they’ve lost track of where it is, don’t like the litter you’re using or they don’t feel the box is clean enough to use. She doesn't meow or get clingy. When he start dying earlier this year, both of my cats started crowding him. Thank you!!! I have a very good cat-sitter who comes once a day and I’m actually on vacation right now. Soon enough she’ll have a big personality and won’t be so clingy. Was sweet as a kitten and young cat but not super clingy, affectionate but independent. I'm going to miss my cat bond once it's gone and he figures out I'm carrying a loud people baby and not his cute cat baby. We are planning to go on a little vacation with some friends a few hours away for 2-3 days. Give it at least a month, if not longer. She has a cat tree, spaces to climb and zoom around, and toys she likes. But it seems no matter how much quality time we spend together, not long after I get up, he's following me and meowing some more or waiting outside the door for me. My questions are these. I've read that cats can tell when you're sick and will be more likely to want to be near (or on) you to try and comfort Sadly a month before he passed away he pushed my sister’s cat to my mother as if trying to get him and my mother being used to each other. Please do not throw a away a life so easily, and potentially cause more trauma for the poor cat. He often sleeps at the foot of my bed (way closer than he would ever sleep before) and now I'm in my 3rd trimester he's taken with being my little spoon. I adopted a senior cat last year. By the time I woke up next next day neither of them would leave my side. He’s my first cat, and my wife, who’s had cats all her life, says he’s the best-trained cat she’s ever met. I feel like she's obviously feeling clingy as heck even though that isn't normal for her. He's part Siamese and very vocal and pretty smart. Thankfully, my neighbors came by twice a day to check on him. My orange cat is constantly meowing, follows me everywhere, tries to trip me when I’m walking (lol). And those cats are super clingy. It got to the point where after 10 minutes though, I was like, I love you strange ninja cat but I really need to get back inside. Over the last day Upton has been on top of me 24/7 but not my husband. Posted by u/jezzicaaaaa - 1 vote and 2 comments my cat was the same when he went to the vet, he was skittish and in a panic when i picked him up, on the way home it got worse, however when he was home he calmed down a little, i treat him how i always did, respected his boundaries, gave him everything i could to make him feel comfortable, gave him time and space and let him come around on his own. My cat (3) got sick two months ago and has been a completely different cat since he got better! Much more clingy and affectionate than ever before. I have also noticed that she will breathe a bit faster than usual sometimes, but only for a bit before it is normal again. I've had Tre for 6. she visits all the neighbors esp when i’m not home. 5. anyways she's moved around quite a bit and she's fallen asleep at the end of my bed. We had our neighbor pop in every day to make sure our kitty was doing ok. They'll have a neighbor coming to care for them a couple of times a day, so I know they'll be fine, but I still worry they're going to think we've abandoned them. My older cat though seems to be very… Other commenters have a higher chance of being right, but this is just the first thing that came to my mind. But after a while when I was just sitting on the couch, she came up to me for attention. The most affectionate one seemed super fine but the last week she always wants to be on me or having me touch her. My cat is very clingy as well and I can say with 100% certainty that she would not be okay with me being gone for months. 5 years and he's 7. I am desperate. Animals named after food will always make me melt ! Also there is something so connecting and comforting when reading or listening to other people describe the habits of their cat(s), I lowkey just got really soothed reading your comment :~) For example, a mouse wouldn't go right up to a cat. We went on vacation for 12 days, had a cat sitter check on him and when I got back I barely got to sleep because he was obsessed with me, followed me from room to room, would “check on me” in the middle of the night by meowing every 2 hours or so till I gave him some attention, he settled down after a few days and was back to his normal Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 7 votes and 3 comments I just changed jobs and my car has been clingy er than usual any advice. This is the first time that we left her alone and we were very stressed out about making sure we made the right decision for her care in our absence. We have dogs, birds, a bunny, and our cat. Taylor Truitt, DVM, CEO of The Vet Set in Brooklyn, New York. Maybe she is seeking comfort. she preferred human company to cat company n Clingy After First Date Advice Hi Guys Just had a first date with a Chinese girl - I'm 34 - She's 25 and has been single for 4 years - She has a nice face, but a bit of a dominant personality and a bit on the larger side - Not sure if we are compatible but planning a 2nd date at the weekend . He may just be a naturally more aggressive cat and, so, handled his pain differently than rubaey's cat. The problem is, she stopped eating anything I give her. 8K votes, 168 comments. Does anyone have any insight as to why? He’s about 4 years old and has never been a particularly clingy, but now he’s practically tethered to me. It makes me feel so guilty to leave him but I don't want to stress him out on vacation if he'll manage without me. My one year old female cat recently got spayed and has been extremely clingy ever since prior to the spay she was distant and hardly ever wanted… Coins 0 coins I love my clingy cat, by my side for many years. Cats are fastidious cleaners, so I wouldn't recommend bathing your cat very often unless it gets into something dangerous, toxic, or smelly. This will be a long post. Posted by u/Blubiene - 527 votes and 49 comments So my lovely 2 year old Peggy is being super clingy after me and my husband went on a 3 day vacation and got back Tuesday night. According to the kids on our street, he was out on his own for six months. She was a very nice cat. Having been put up for adoption at 1 year that leaves a year where any number of things might have happened that can make being alone a terrifying experience for the dog. My 11 year old boy is like this. Just have them hang around for a while. I’m watching my sisters cats right now and she’s in the third week of her vacation. He was clingyhe followed us from room to room. My cat Upton (5 y/o) was originally my husbands and has always been HIS cat. Fortunately, there are ways to handle a clingy cat and prevent such unhealthy behavior from happening again after your next trip. She follows my friend around non-stop even though she used to be fairly independent. I ended up having to trick him by leading him back to the end of the garden path, cuddle him some more, (lull him into a false sense of sucurity) and then quickly leg it to the front door and close it before he came in! Writing this on behalf of a friend. Also, even though my 16yo has always lived with others and has never had any problems with them, I am on the fence if she needs a friend or not. So if yours is like mine, I would just continue drilling ‘no’, ‘down’, etc. We have 2 cats. Unfortunately she died about 3 weeks after. My cousin has two cats, and while they kept their cats separated from mine, it's pretty clear my cat had a pretty bad time. Depending on your cats personality cat boarding can be VERY stressful no matter how nice the hotel is. She’s at a mature age and she’s found that she likes cuddles in her retirement years. I love her to death, she's my baby, but she can't handle it when I'm not on top of 24/7. yes, that can be a common reaction. My brother (who my cat loves) came 2x a day to spend time with him and hang out with him. And we don't have the means to fully commit to another animal. If your cat is super clingy try and see if the friend can hangout for awhile every time they go. The sad part is when I was at work I find out he took time the climb up the stairs and decided to sleep on my bed. she's normally clingy around bed time, but this time I caught her coming up to me multiple times and scraping her head against mine and sleeping basically ON ME, and shuffling alot, like your not able to sleep in the same position for long. How long does it take for a cat to adjust after a vacation? Feb 19, 2025 路 13 Common Signs of a Clingy Cat In the intricate tapestry of relationships, the bond with a cat stands out as an unparalleled source of joy. I think he just loves me being home more often. I was gone for 6 days out of state. “When While I like this idea, we have no clue what his background with kittens or other cats would be. I think it will be okay, I think cats get angry or stressed and react differently! Posted by u/posttitnote - 4 votes and 3 comments He is a super velcro cat and literally waits for me to get home so we can play and snuggle. Here's how to help your cat get back to a routine after your return. My mother took care of him after looking up to my door and seeing the door open. I live with my sisters 2 cats and got my daughter a new cat (ours had died 2 years prior) the new kitten chased around my sister's 2 older cats. But she will always be clingy and wanting to be involved in your daily activities. I once had to leave my cats for 3 weeks for a work trip and I was worried. And while you are gone she (your cat) will be staying with your friend. TL;DR I gave my cat a bath a few nights ago and he’s been very clingy ever since. But the thing is, that’s still a living creature that just wants to love you. The best time to play with her is around dusk, when cats are most naturally active. Even independent cats can develop separation anxiety if their routine is changed. The most important thing is having a pet sitter you trust. Turns out he just really missed us and wanted some love. She was one of my cats in childhood and I know her very well, so they knew she'd be more comfortable with me than a complete stranger. It might not be something wrong with your cat, but your cat sensing a change in your body and wanting to comfort you. Get her to run around a lot then she'll be napping in your lap instead of walking on your keyboard. Just show the cat your normal day to day things, and she will try to help you out with your chores. I am wondering if my absence will impact my cat's health, both mentally and physically, and if this could possibly shorten his lifespan or lead to him getting sick? Dec 25, 2016 路 Today, he has been rather clingy (hiding under my dresser for several hours, sleeping on my bed for several hours, and watching TV with me for an hour and a half). One is my shadow, very clingy and needy. She's absolutely not a lap cat, and has always slept alone downstairs in the living room. I can tell her cats are all lonely by now. It's been about a week now and he's STILL more clingy than normal. The problem is that I'm going on an overseas trip for a little over two weeks, and will not be taking her along. Hopefully after a bit of time your cat will calm down. My aunts cat was terrified of me. Her name is Caramel. He was left alone for most of Christmas (a little under a week) with a friend feeding him periodically. day by day he came around. With the tips discussed in this post, your cat should be able to recover from your absence and get back to his normal routine before you know it. She's probably about 4 years old now (she was given to me when she was maybe 3). When I move my cat off my lap I do it gently and give them scritches and baby talk. The other kitty hid from us for about 30 minutes after we got home and then was right back to her normal self. After having him for five years, we got him a companion, a 10-wk old kitten. Will be back Sunday after 9 nights away. So, it's likely the poor feline is severely stressed out after a bath and is "clingy" towards you because you're a source of comfort. She is our first cat and we adopted her a few months ago in July. my stepmom has a girl cat who was very untrusting when she was young. Once I left my cats for ten darn days and I was in the middle of nowhere so I couldn’t get pics or texts on my phone. years later she’s still very clingy with her favorite people. It's stressful and unnecessary He’s about 4 years old and a big boy (~16 pounds). The house used to be filled with energy and now it’s silent, dull. my v social one would have no problems. when she was about 11 she began to get very affectionate with all of us when we’d come over. A month would definitely be tough! Hang in there. In the last year he’s become increasingly needier. I just got back from an 8 day vacation. You treat her with kindness she will be a loyal and trainable friend. My own little guy was super clingy before surgery, wanting to be literally ON me every chance he could before the surgery. They both were skittish cats and never really bonded with me. My cat used to be super clingy whereas her sister was more indifferent to me most of the time, but for the past month or so my cat has backed off and her sister is the clingy one. This pattern has continued since, so I think wait maybe a few days and then reevaluate! My cat has also reacted aggressively when I smell different - especially when I smell like dog. Cats do not like the idea of being alone, only if its their own choice. She still wants attention but it’s very hit or miss lmao. I have a 4 and 1/2-year-old to 5-year-old female cat who is exceedingly clingy. For me the best option was to get a second cat, best a kitten. I always thought I'd get a kitten after my 18yo cat died, but circumstances are making that hard. She is clingy and constantly follows me when I'm home, and I absolutely love her for it. It was our first time leaving him like that and I was certain we would get the silent treatment. I recently returned from a 2-week vacation where my two cats were housesat by my cat-sitter whom they adore. That being said, she would remember me when I got back. I had an 8 day long vacation out of state and was already pretty nervous about my already clingy cat being left alone that long. I have a girl who just started being really cuddly with me after 8 years. It really picked up when I started WFH. My husband and I joke that she’s our daughters cat now and the second the baby is born she’ll lose all interest in us. Just be patient, continue to reassure her, and allow her to be near you as much as possible so she can feel more comfortable But after a day or two he went back to normal behavior. Tell your kitty that you will be away for 2 (3) weeks starting (next) week. While some like their solitude, many do not. My cat does that all the time if I've been working for too long. Currently he is at home with me (took him with to college) and my folks, and is housed with 2 other cats: Russell and Doodles (12 and 4, respectively). Some cats are very picky about litter - you should be scooping daily, changing the boxes at least once a week and have two boxes per cat. People often think cats are solo animals but this is not true. I have had her since she was a day old after her mother showed up. My cat, Auburn (1. They follow you like a shadow and they can have seperation anxiety. She also follows me to the bathroom several times a day so she can sit on my bare legs while I’m using the restroom. Pictures, videos, questions, and articles featuring/about cats. Thread starter susan denning; Start Date Oct 21, 2018; Oct 21, 2018 #1 Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link. Cats can get depression and even PTSD so its possible she is scared to be away from you again, and happy to be back with you after her alien probings. But that you will come back. To me (and to my boyfriend as well), it makes sense to know how someone will act around their friends and on a vacation before taking a big vacation with friends to minimize potential conflict. Which is more stressful for a clingy af cat- vacation (no plane rides just a 5 hour drive) or home alone for 5 days with a cat sitter? Cat #1 is a clingy young male, just got even clingier and now loves to make biscuits on my stomach. “Cats are creatures of habit, and when their people leave or if they are boarded, it can be highly disruptive,” says Dr. I say this because we're in an odd situation where we move around a lot and she sees my parents for about half of the year. Literally just wants to sit on me and follows me aggressively when I go to the closet. 5 years old. My friend had two female cats and one passed unexpectedly a couple days before Christmas. Upon my return, he has been extremely affectionate (cuddling constantly) and a bit more vocal. yeah my cat is doing the same. Getting another cat or animal is not an option. Cat #2 is very skittish and could not have cared less about me before as she was my fiancé’s to start with, but the moment I got pregnant she decided she’s in love with me and insists on sleeping curled around my head or belly. He seems to be super scared of our dogs (he's a rescue and we don't even know his real age). When I came back i found her behavior abnormal. My cat started out extremely clingy and slept on me 24/7, but from about 5 months old she became very independent and not super cuddly. He jumps on my lap more than once after pushing him off; will do things he know will piss me off when he doesn’t get what he wants (go behind the TV bc he chews on chords and he knows I’ll get up to move him out); meows loudly when I ignore him; tries to lay on my chest when I’m laying down and will push against my hand if I try to get I love my kitty (1. She has been stuck to me like glue since we got back. Automatic feeders, water fountains, and pet cameras are great to decrease the amount of pet sitter responsibilities and make sure everything's alright, but cats physiologically need daily wet food to be hydrated, so 10-15 days of just dry food would definitely dehydrate the cats. And since I’ve had her she’s been pretty clingy, like you can’t sit down without her being right on top of you. So she might not give you the greeting you'd hope for when you get back, but she will definitely remember you after only a month. Cats and rabbits are habitually similar, and their ways of showing love is close to the same. some cats change as they age. Keep telling your cat that a couple of times every day while cuddling them. All I remember really is coming home and hearing the hoarse, but happy meow she made when she realized it was us; poor thing meowed for us the whole time. Much depends on the dogs previous life. I raised her as a kitten but she wanted little to do with me much after a year old, she’s 9 now and demands cuddles whenever I’m sitting still. Your cat will start to come out of her shell as she becomes more comfortable. 馃槩 We now always have at least 2 cats, so they aren't alone if we do go somewhere, and we never go 4 days ago 路 By understanding the reasons behind your cat’s clingy behavior after vacation and implementing appropriate strategies, you can help your feline companion feel secure and adjust back to normal, allowing you both to relax and enjoy your time together. Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice. After she gets older, you can take her on walks. Although unlikely, I worried about my cat possibly having an accident or injuring itself and being alone until the next visit. I have a Russian Blue-like cat (I got him as a rescue and assume he's not purebred) who I adopted over a year ago. She got better after a few weeks but she just wasn’t very pleasant to be around because I am awesome and that’s just how animals and humans react when I leave (you should have seen what the wife did to the carpet, my god). She’s adjusting, give her some time and more love. 11 votes, 13 comments. 100% indoor cat, fixed… After about a week, when she got a cat tree and realized she could look out the window, she became very independent. Even the best, well-behaved cats have some quirks, or traits we find “undesirable”. she's purring all the time, cannot be 2cm away from me and get's legitimately angry when I stand up and try to walk away. Both kitties were just fine and quickly forgave us for leaving them, with no My parents asked me to pet-sit their 9-year-old cat while they went on vacation for two weeks. Sounds like she was hiding most of the time, eating very little, etc. She was in a new home with another cat. into his noggin, and trust him to learn to read the room over time. I plan to leave plenty of dry food out, and lots of water. Her vet suspects after ruling absolutely everything out that she has cancer in her stomach somewhere. It really honestly could be that your cat is growing more and more fond of you with the passing years :) A side note - if you’re concerned that your cat is showing signs of separation anxiety, it’s better to nip that in the bud. Play with the cat with cat toys, and most importantly do your best to resume your normal pre-vacation routines. The cat will settle in a few days!! My one boy cat always get so sensitive even if we’re gone a day or two. My brother said he wouldn’t eat and just hid. My cats act pissed when we get back from being away for even one day, even though we make sure they have a cat sitter, get feed ON TIME, and get lots of attention Reply Pretty_Dimension_149 • Cats vary in terms of separation anxiety or depression when their humans are gone. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. You hope for the best and prepare for the worst. But by the 4th day my cat got super depressed. 5 y/o), was spayed yesterday and I picked her up yesterday around 4:30pm. The cat may grow out of sleeping under covers but might not. Hi all - we were gone for about 3 days last weekend and left our cat with my cousin. i once read that some cats are clingy because they need constant reassurance and approval from their owners (abandonment issues, seperation anxiety, fear of being alone) but once they realized that you will always be there for them (which could take time) then they will be no longer clinging to you compared to before ‘cause they finally Aug 9, 2016 路 After all, cats are creatures of habit that feel safer with a consistent routine, and here you are disrupting it for a vacation. 1 day ago 路 Why is my cat suddenly clingy after vacation? Separation anxiety is often the culprit. i know this was a I'm leaving my cats for two weeks for a vacation early next year and as excited as I am about the trip, I'm also really anxious about leaving them for so long. wbczb vnfdm rzxboxda mbhdu uvpx cgkrf qsqbn rmvxx lnirh anbhc ojlpi vttyog xlb ezyomqh clcx