- Datatables column width in pixels Mar 27, 2018 · At first, using checkboxInput creates a container around the checkbox that has a default width of 300 pixels, which are the main reason for the column to be so big. dataTable({"bAutoWidth": false , aoColumns : [ { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "15%"}, { "sWidth": "10%"}, ] }); I have scoured the documentation to find an answer for this, but keep coming up short. If you want absolute pixel control add: [code] table. autoWidth, percentage or pixel and so on. Thanks for your help, KK. width DT option. You can't control the Column width of DataTable Directly. net – Sophie Commented Jul 12, 2023 at 15:03 Even though the header table width is correct, the columns creep by a few pixels and the result is unacceptable. width option states that it "may take any CSS value" so it appeared to me that I should be able to include !important too. Any idea how to fix? Jun 6, 2024 · dt = new DataTable(table, dt_args); dt. If a column has content wider than the specified width, the content's width will override the set width. If you want to reduce the size even more, a css rule for the column's width is working fine. In some instances, I'd like to prevent DataTables from setting tables to 100% width. Jul 14, 2021 · setTimeout( function { table. Both DataTables and the browsers attempt to lay the table out in an optimal manner taking this options all into account. 10 release. What we really need is the ability to freeze rows properly within the main table, I think. However if you want to assign min-width value at run-time, you can use createdRow option to define a callback for whenever a TR element is created for the table's body. There is a lot that can inflict on each column width, and even if you carefully target each column with an exact percentage that add up to 100 you end up frustrated. This example shows the first column being set to width: 200px (note that this is not pixel perfect in a table, the browser will make some adjustments!), a width that is reflected in the fixed column. A great shame. From what I can see, there are two elements that need explicit width setting - MY table (that holds the data) and the DT column headers table. Hi, I have a dataTable with several columns and I'd like to set the width of the first 2 columns (which have the same CSS class associated) to the minimum possible (let's say 20px) in my "columnDefs" section I'm doing that: I have a requirement wherein there is a column with title "Description" which will contain long text. Enclosing table cells content in a div with a specific pixel width works! The CSS shown above does exactly what it's supposed to. How can I set a maximum width for all columns? Normally you can't directly - that isn't how HTML tables work. Even setting a table td cell to a specific pixel width is ignored. I've tried defining column widths in the code above, but they all change EXCEPT for the first column, which remains very wide. I am also a bit overwhelmed by the different width options of datatables. Hi @rotaercz,. dataTable width:100% is allowed to take effect also solves the problem. My table has 7 columns. I've been trying to set the width of the columns, but it won't take it when I initialized datatables columndef with columnwidths. I found an issue with the sub-pixel calculation for how columns are being calculated and drawn in DataTables and its integration with the browsers. Sep 29, 2016 · I want to set static width for all DataTables (with scroll plugin) columns. columns. Jun 1, 2012 · As such, the width of the column can be controlled using the columns. I have just realised that out of the 10 columns in the datatable, one of them does not have a fixed width. during the debugging process I ran across something odd. e "I want this column to be relatively larger". live(mouseover, ) and so on but nothing did the job the columns resize if the content is longer as the pixels I assined to the column or do a linebreak if there are Hi people, i have a project build in C# ASP with jQuery, Boostrap, dataTable (DataTables 1. I think the solution to this is to adjust width of the columns in pixel according to the number of columns you are going to embed in scrolling. dataTable( May 24, 2022 · I am working with net core 5, I have a view with a DataTable (jQuery), but it is not taking the configuration of the columns, I already searched in detail, deleted cookies, cache, etc. Sep 29, 2016 · th. 4. I want to set the column width for datatable so that it will break after some text and display properly. Thing is, DataTables seems to force that column to be way wider than it needs to be. Actually, I believe I figured it out. You could in a first step unset this width to see what "natural" size the column would have. big-col{ width:400px !important; } table#example{ table-layout:fixed; } The !important for the width is necessary to override any inline styles being applied by datatables, and possibly other styles being applied by jsfiddle or whatever. 11 the width of the columns was fixed once the table is displayed, now there is a delay between when the table is drawn, then the indicators load in and the width of the columns changes once again. That will keep it to a minimum size. I also removed the width:100% on the table element. you need to use your Lightning:DataTable inside Div Tag and Apply the SLDS Stlying. Feb 10, 2019 · I am using Angular DataTables to display some data stored in a database. However there does not appear to be a way for me to set the width of the datatable, real-time, as a user resizes the browser window. But, I still don't understand why there is still some changes in the column's width (a few pixels only) when the table is redrawn (after paging for instance), whereas there remain lots of space in each columns. I don't care for all the whitespace that results when a table doesn't have much data, such as 2 columns with a few numbers in each column (). This bug fix is for tables using the style table-layout: fixed. those columns to retain the datatables auto width I am trying to set some column widths for my table since the default is quite small on some. I would expect the header for this column to be 150px but it is actually 221px. Note that this method selects a single column. One workaround is to remove border-collapse and draw the border only once for each side. Sep 7, 2014 · Here is a code sample (fixed the column width for 4 column table):. This is how Datatables is able to calculate the width of the table. columns(). width mostly is suitable for relative intents, i. adjust(); }, 500); in your click handler to trigger it at the end of the animation. table"). Aug 8, 2014 · I am trying to set the width of columns in a DataTable rendered in Shiny and am not able to implement it using the aoColumnDefs options. You can also set overflow:hidden so long content doesn't break the layout. It isn't ideal I know, but when scrolling is enabled the columns have to be in pixels to allow them to align correctly, so this is carried over. In this example the container is set to be 80% of its own container's width. Always. Use the ellipsis plugin for the ellipsis display. However, there are two options: table-layout: fixed will give you pixel perfect control over the table column widths using the table-layout CSS property. I am trying to make a grid with columns of an exact width where the width of the columns never changes (unless a user resizes the column). I call the standard way to show/hide a column. Basically, I want a table with a collapsed 1 pixel border around each cell and enable horizontal scroll. Jan 1, 2011 · You could do something like table { min-width: 400px }, which DataTables should then respect. 2. Mar 3, 2009 · I have a problem controlling the width of a table using the jQuery DataTables plugin. visible(!column. See the Responsive plugin, that's exactly the use-case for that. you should use "bAutoWidth" property of datatable and give width to each td/column in % $(". With that, you can set the priority for columns, as in this example, so you determine which columns are hidden. Firstly, set bAutoWidth: false - that will mean DataTables won't try to do automatic column width optimisation. When the page is initially open, or refreshed, the header line width is taking the width of all the table, including the scrollbar, so the placement and the width of individual After tinkering with my code a bit I found that if the table is small with only 5 columns for example, setting width works perfectly. When I run this code, the columns All I want to do is force one column in my table to be a certain width. However, if DataTables isn't using your values, there will be a reason for it, somewhere in its column width calculations - usually the content being to big for the widths given. Is there any way to stop the resizing ability of that column. width specification for the sake of presentation. I'm using responsive datatables v1. And it doesn't work if the width is set for all tags. -vb. It makes the columns wider if I set width for all <th> tags except one. The width is set from that to keep the column widths from changing while paging. Please see the attached screenshot. I see that that documentation says this: Change display length; *_length; dataTables_length. In case when table is set as some percentage from window width (90%) and window is resized so that both vertical and horizontal scrolling is needed, DataTables header starts to fall over. html causes a 1 pixel column width jitter; sorting pages on no_jitters does not. Column width in tables depends upon many properties such as cell borders, table borders, the border-collapse property, the content of the table and many other properties. Note the width is 100px. I've had some success creating the grid, but after the grid is initialized, if I hide columns within the grid, the remaining columns expand past their sWidth settings to take up the new space available in the grid. Resize the browser window horizontally and you will be able to However if you are using tabs then you will want to use columns. Apparantly, setting width didn't work, so created a CSS file, but this also is not working. Plus, when I inspect via the developer tools, I don't see any <th> element with width 400px. Expected behavior Allow possibility to define column width in terms of %age. Maybe in this unsuccessful case, there are a lot of columns, so grid tries to fit all of them inside the visible area, not taking scrollX setting into account. As such, the width of the column can be controlled using the columns. it seems that it doesn't matter what I set max-width to, I just need to set it to something. Setting 1 param to "_all" seems to fix my issue with all columns, and it looks like setting individual targets and assigning them a width will fix my overall issue. Select an individual column to work with from a DataTable, with its chained methods providing the ability to get work with the column, taking actions such as toggling its visibility or obtaining the data from the column. var column = userTable. [code] I have just realised that out of the 10 columns in the datatable, one of them does not have a fixed width. ***** table. set autoWidth: false; set px values to first 3 columns; important: check if the table width is a bit more than 3 columns + final one; So I've tried a lot of combinations with bAutoWidth, {"width" = "XXpx"}, $(id td). Failing that, just set a min-width on the container element, at bit like what is done with the min-height in some of the demos. Kevin I would suggest not using pixels for sWidth, instead use percentages. On Win7 FF/Chrome, sorting/paging on yes_jitters. I tried a lot to adjust the width of sScrollXInner parameter for different number of columns. This was really obvious in IE, while Chrome was very tolerant. I want to use it as fixed column width. I'm currently using DataTables with Fixed Columns on my page. At initialization, I am setting all of my column widths using aoColumns and defining an sWidth (in pixels) for each column to a specific width. Resize the browser window horizontally and you will be able to If the Message Column contains big words that doesn't contain spaces then the Column is overflowing and going after the border of the table. Nov 1, 2012 · @RuslansUralovs: I find you last solution more efficient than one provided by DataTables. Now to be fully clear, here is why I need using !important: 1. Allan however the columns with PX width, get a width less than the one specified resulting in the ordering icon arrows under the text and ugly formattation Replies allan Posts: 63,777 Questions: 1 Answers: 10,511 Site admin Feb 10, 2019 · I am using Angular DataTables to display some data stored in a database. 3. Jan 14, 2025 · It works by recreating the datatable and passing in values for the new widths, and by altering a class containing the max-width for the column. If I comment out the included DataTables Bootstrap css file, things work fine. And if you want as close as possible pixel perfect control, wrap all cell content in a DIV and assign your chosen width to that. Aug 22, 2013 · I am using a table which has fixed pixel width in last column. I was unable to get fixed column widths working either, when I tried. display {margin: 0 auto; clear Sep 21, 2011 · Thank you for this comment, i found how to change it: myDataGridView. Column widths are still automatically set. The example you can look at is the events columns (row 2 of aoColumnDefs). In a DataTable, setting column widths allows you to control the amount of space each column occupies, improving readability and the overall appearance of the table. How can I avoid that? I prefered DataTable not to calculate the width but to use the width I set in columns definition. The percentage values are used for the width calculations that DataTables performs - you should still see a 40/60 width split, and that will continue to be correct as the page is resized. Related. this is how to set the width in pixel. However, that ID column only needs to be, say, 25 pixels wide. You need to use SLDS for Div and it will show accordingly. dataTable { table-layout: fixed; } [/code] to your CSS - the browser will adhere to your values. Such as [{sWidth:"50px"}, {sWidth:"250px"}, ]. Aug 6, 2018 · I am using the following code to set the column width of a DataTable. Mar 3, 2016 · How do I set a max width for one specific column, all the other columns should be auto sized. DataTables needs to use pixel defined width columns to sync the columns in the header and body when using scrolling. I think probably that this plug-in is not production-ready. There is one column called description which can contain a lot of text and ideally it would have a bigger width than the rem Nov 26, 2011 · What is happening is that DataTables is setting the CSS width of the table when it is initialised to a calculated value - that value is in pixels, hence why it won't resize with your dragging. Width = . But now I want to have 16 columns in my table and as soon as I add that many setting width stops working. So far I am able to do this using cellClass and headerClass but the table itself is still I am trying to make a grid with columns of an exact width where the width of the columns never changes (unless a user resizes the column). Allan Oct 1, 2015 · I am struggling with column widths in my table. targets param wrong. I have a problem with difference in column width between the headers and the column themselves when datatables is called with sScrollY and when the scrollbar is visible. Dec 11, 2008 · As such, the width of the column can be controlled using the columns. Aug 12, 2024 · How to Set DataTable Column Width. The "columnDefs" option has no effect on my table. Description. I need the second fixed column width to be resize every redraw so that it will show the entire cell's contents. Like below: If you ever need to set your datatable column's width using CSS ONLY, following You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding, margins, and borders you have. I've committed a number of changes for this to DataTables core which will be included in the 1. Columns(0). adjust(), as shown in this example to recalculate the column width when the tab is shown. I have a table that needs to have some columns set to different widths than others, and the autowidth function isn't cutting it (see the comments column in the linked screenshot below). Config: [code] var oTable = $('#programtable'). 20), I have a HUGE table with many Columns and these in turn with a lot of information, (and other things), the problem occurs when I use "ordering" or "filters" the width of the columns change in the header but it is different from the body, and it looks terrible. I used the inspector to. So far I am able to do this using cellClass and headerClass but the table itself is still I am actually trying to debug the datatables code now to determine why the inline width styles on the TH columns are set to 0px when I am using a percentage column width. well, inspect and I see columns have been given a width which seems to be correct but the actual width of the column is higher than specified width (check screenshot) I have a problem with difference in column width between the headers and the column themselves when datatables is called with sScrollY and when the scrollbar is visible. Has anyone tried this before ? My table has 1 text followed by 3 numeric columns. Probably requires a block-level element. When the auto width is applied, hiding a column preserves the total width of the table, and the width of the remaining columns expands to "fill in" the space of the newly hidden column. Also set sWidth for the columns. css(width, XX), set in table definition in html, changing width of the td with . But for some cases it get misalign the columns. Could be any of the following: Add another input param [ColumnWidthPercent]="50" translating to 50%; Change datatype of ColumnWidth to string; Reproduction of the problem N/A Jan 14, 2025 · It works by recreating the datatable and passing in values for the new widths, and by altering a class containing the max-width for the column. It is the scrolling that causes this to be needed. I am setting this width to accommodate the width of the title, so the title it doesn't wrap. I need to specify particular width in percentage (preferred) or in pixels to that column only and this column can't be fixed column. That doesn't work well for what I want to do. There is a problem when trying to set discreet column widths if scrollX is true. Jul 18, 2017 · I would like to use ngx datable specifying a percentage in columns widths instead of a fixed width in pixels. $("#DTable"). This example shows the first column being set to width: 20% (note that this is not pixel perfect in a table, the browser will make some adjustments!), a width that is reflected in the fixed column. Resize the browser window horizontally and you will be able to The Position column is wider than 50px due to the Senior Marketing Designer data being wider. Enclosing table cells content in a div with a percentage width does not work. 10. Allan has a detailed explanation of column widths in this thread. PFB the Code. Here is my table setup: Oct 2, 2012 · I am trying to define fixed column width for a primefaces datatable. I'm working with tables where some columns use columns. html, in the aoColumnDefs array: Select a single column from a table. jQuery DataTables max column width. adjust(). During partial page load the width appears to be correct and when it loads completely, the width is off. The first two columns are fixed to the left and the second one has values that range from 4 characters to 60-70 characters. className option to keep CSS rules where they belong - in CSS files. For explicitly defined columns, the width set is used, and for columns that don't define width, it is calculated automatically. Using Chrome dev tools and unchecking the width style for this element and the parent dataTables_scrollHeadInner element and inheriting the parent table. There's only one difference between these two files: In no_jitters. Spans do not work. I have a table with many columns that overflows the browser window. Resize the browser window horizontally and you will be able to How can I set a maximum width for all columns? Normally you can't directly - that isn't how HTML tables work. 10, is it possible to set fixed column widths for a few of the columns while using the responsive mode? Any help would be greatly appreciated. The table contains 3 columns with very short content but no matter how wide the table is, only 2 columns are being displayed. The problem is that the child row content is sometimes wider and changes the column widths of the whole table which is inacceptable to us. The table is supposed to be 100% of the container width, but ends up being an arbitrary width, rather less tha The DataTable plugin appears to be calculating the width of the table in pixels and applying width: jQuery and Datatables. and it is still the same, I cannot find where the problem could be. Likely you will want to put it back, especially if you use columns. I want to set column 0 to 70 pixels. How do I check if Oct 17, 2017 · My experience is that columns. In this case, I seem to have been using the columnDefs. Nov 28, 2008 · As you resize the window, which in turn resizes the width that the table has available to fit in, it will automatically resize to fit. When I remove either of the above 2 settings, the columns will match correctly. In the snippet below, the offsetWidth of the rendered document returns 0 and thus this is the setting for the column. Any hint or solution would be much however the columns with PX width, get a width less than the one specified resulting in the ordering icon arrows under the text and ugly formattation Replies allan Posts: 63,777 Questions: 1 Answers: 10,511 Site admin I think the solution to this is to adjust width of the columns in pixel according to the number of columns you are going to embed in scrolling. 8729. Oct 9, 2017 · Column width can be defined in pixels, but not %age. width option. If you wish to constrain the table further, you can do so by controlling the width of the container it is in. Proper column width settings helps to displayed the data clearly and efficiently, making it easier for users to interact with the table. Resize the browser window horizontally and you will be able to The problem is that the child row content is sometimes wider and changes the column widths of the whole table which is inacceptable to us. column(2); column. So when any of the other fixed width (in pixels) columns is hidden, the one column that has no fixed width takes up all of the newly available width. For some cases the page comes with proper column alignment. In the other hand, documentation for columns. But I don't know where to put that statement and how to attach it to the column that I want to change. When the page is initially open, or refreshed, the header line width is taking the width of all the table, including the scrollbar, so the placement and the width of individual The columns are toggled with fnSetColumnVis. In 1. each() or . . <script> $( Please can you clarify something for me; I'm setting sWidth for each column but it seems those widths are not being honoured. visible()); It appears DataTables puts an inline "width" in pixels on the table element; this gets smaller with each show/hide. Here is my initialization function. However, my columnDefs is having no effect. I have a three-column table on which I'm trying to change the second column's width to 400 pixels. Mar 17, 2019 · Setting column width in R Shiny DataTable does not work in case of lots of column, R Shiny set DataTable column width Basically, the solutions suggested online were to use autoWidth = TRUE argument with columnDefs when rendering data table. Nov 10, 2016 · I would still recommend to use a class name or multiple class names and columns. The numeric columns need to be narrower and the 1st column (text) wider. adjust(); // <- new then I displayed a table with a style set to margin:auto;width:auto, and scrollX=true: What I find strange (but I am afraid I know too little of html) is that the table gets a (fixed) width in pixels while dt-scroll-body and dt-scroll-foot get a width of 100% Hi Jamie, And if you see, all columns header are setting the width in pixels. dataTable({"pageLength": 30, autoWidth: false, columnDefs: [{ type: 'natural-nohtml', targets: '0' }, { width: '303px', targets: '2' }], "lengthMenu": [ 10, 25, 30, 50, 75, 100 ], "bFilter": false, "aaSorting": [[ 0, 'asc' ]], "aoColumns": [{ "bSortable": true }, { "bSortable": true }, { "bSortable": true }, { "bSortable": false As such, the width of the column can be controlled using the columns. dsvpeara mdkxtj ppkqs iftu grjfwqo qov wywld wrif zdfb qump rhctqrz ynyxxlc obcjm daoi mwoadq