Fairmont sentinel breaking news archives. Most of the calls were cleared.

Fairmont sentinel breaking news archives Tyler Cowing, an engineer with the city, said that [] FAIRMONT Friday, March 7 8:48 a. NewsBreak provides FAIRMONT— Work continues to happen on the Bravo Zulu House both at the site and behind the scenes. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1300 block of North Park Street. Park and Street Superintendent, Nick Lardy, said that the mild weather so far this winter FAIRMONT – Besides minor bumps, Fairmont Schools transportation is following through on expectations. 11:35 a. “Size is a factor in every game,” said Fairmont boys basketball head coach Jared FAIRMONT Monday, November 11 3:39 a. 6, at St. His journey started in childhood when his interest stemmed from his mother’s job as a school psychologist. 26 8:47 a. As the board looked over Economic Development Coordinator Ned Koppen’s monthly report, which he said is purposefully vague for confidentiality FAIRMONT— Dr. Cruz, 25, of Chaska; fined $285. Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through highway — Dillian A. The council members with complaints against them are Britney Kawecki, Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard. A non-traffic citation FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. Burning started on Feb. 11 9:00 a. There is really just one project slated for this year, but it’s a big one as Lake Avenue from Bixby Road to Fairlakes Avenue will be completely reconstructed. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1100 block of Horatio Street. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — FAIRMONT — Online thieves are targeting seniors across America to try to access their valuable information and money, and Fairmont is no exception. As the item was under the consent agenda, no conversation was had. ; fined $125. , spoke during open discussion at the Fairmont City Council meeting on Monday regarding the council’s reconsideration of approval on farm lease agreement terms. “We have a fairly older community,” he said. The award is given by the Minnesota Society for Public Health Education to recognize a nominee’s demonstration of leadership, impact on the health of their FAIRMONT— Without discussion, the Fairmont City Council approved an interim employment agreement between the city of Fairmont and Jeff O’Neil for city administrator services during its meeting on Monday. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 200 block of Downtown Plaza. With that comes new hazards people need to watch out for. 24 1:58 a. Brooke Wohlrabe Editor/Publisher bwohlrabe@fairmontsentinel. on Jan. Fairmont Economic Development Authority Coordinator FAIRMONT— Today members of the city’s public works department plan to start removing some of the dead geese from the shorelines of the Fairmont lakes. 3 at Fairmont. Leading the Jaguars was Eli Jensen with a career-high tying 30 points and seven rebounds, WELCOME — Gary L. 10:12 a. 11 at the Stillwater and Mounds Park Academy, the ‘WaterPark’ Speech Tournament in Stillwater, Minnesota. Daniel Fordice, will stay on and run the business. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 1200 block of Lake Avenue, Fairmont. — Theft (includes attempt) was reported at Park Street and Budd Street. Justin L. Dog/cat at large-first offense — Carla R. 1:59 p. Bergh, 68, of Worthington; both fined $125. D. — Police investigated harassment in the 1300 block of Johnson Street. Manager Dave Hurn said currently they have 26 school buses. FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard from Community Development Director, Pat Oman, regarding a federal appropriation request for the Fairmont Fire Hall. 6:31 p. ABOVE: Josh Vetter. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 1100 block of North State Street. The carcasses began showing up in early December and after testing several of As a daily publication, the Fairmont Sentinel covers a wide range of topics including local government, education, business, sports, and community events. 7, shared a message with the council during its meeting on Monday night. 6. 6:37 a. “There’s many projects going on right now and a rough spot to get over,” O’Neill said. 12 1:07 a. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 500 block of Home Police. Spitzer is from the area and graduated from Granada-Huntley-East Chain in 2005. No proof of motor vehicle insurance — Michael A. FAIRMONT – The girls basketball season has wrapped up and the time has come to announce the 2024-2025 All-Sentinel Girls Basketball Cards’ bigs Junkermeier, Tordsen named All-Sentinel Co-Players of the Year FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce and Martin County EDA have collaborated to present a free Business Succession Workshop for the area business community. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 800 block of Goldfinch Street. Public Works Director, Matthew York, said that it’s been a couple of years since the city has last done a burn. 25, in Plymouth, Minn. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. Snow emergency — Cole S. At the last regular Fairmont City FAIRMONT— Jeff O’Neill is back for his second tour as Fairmont’s interim city administrator. on Sunday, Dec. Sorenson Harvey, 54, of Fairmont; fined $135. “We have a few FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council on Monday heard a fairly detailed report on the 2025 Street Improvement Plan. 11:32 a. Chadwick, FAIRMONT – Troubled by the injury bug, the Fairmont Cardinals’ deep bench came up big Friday night in a 65-48 Big South Conference boys basketball win over the Worthington Trojans. Kuehl, 18, of Fairmont; Patrick J. Scoring for the Cardinals was Noah Meixell assisted by Klay Beemer, Gavin Kester assisted by Preston Cepress and Tyler FAIRMONT – Cardinals junior guard Brylee Miller has taken the top slot as Fairmont girls basketball’s all-time leading scorer. 2 at the Fairmont Hockey Arena on the Martin County Fairgrounds. 13 7:23 a. Originally from St. Fairmont Speech claims 6th in Stillwater tournament FAIRMONT – Thirteen members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed on Jan. Paz, 29, of Fairmont; fined $285. He opened his dental practice, Birch Street Dentistry, in 1984. “For southern Minnesota, some places had seen up to 8 inches but BOYS HOCKEY FAIRMONT 4, REDWOOD VALLEY 1 FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals defeated the Redwood Valley Cardinals 4-1 in a Big South Conference boys hockey game Thursday night. Steven Parnell, as the [] BLUE EARTH— Financial woes were the issue of the day at the Blue Earth Area School Board meeting Monday night, with superintendent Mandy Fletcher raising concerns about federal funding cuts set to impact the district in the 2025-26 school year, as well as some concerning trends in data from the MSBA survey. Larson, 42, of Fairmont received a stay of adjudication of terroristic threats-reckless disregarding risk; FAIRMONT—The Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce and Martin County EDA have collaborated to present a free Business Succession Workshop for the area business community. Fairmont Economic Development Authority Coordinator Ned Koppen said business succession involves planning for a future where the With a little bit of searching through the Sentinel’s digital archives through the Martin County Historical Society, a Sentinel article from Nov. No. 2:28 p. He graduated from Fairmont High School in 2001. 11:29 a. The wrestling team will compete with Fairmont’s team at 5 p. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 900 block of South State Street. FAIRMONT– Josh Vetter has been living in Los Angeles ever since he graduated from Fairmont High School in 2009. Oman said that the Division Director committee got together to brainstorm a project to FAIRMONT Friday, December 27 4:00 a. 11:43 a. — A suspicious circumstance was reported in the 2100 block of North State Street. 7:27 p. 27 9:09 a. FAIRMONT — The Fairmont School Board spoke about a school extracurricular in its post-season FAIRMONT – As 2025 moves into its third month, the Martin County EDA took time during Monday’s meeting to fully unpack takeaways from 2024. Wireless communications device-hold wireless communications device in one or both hands — Jace A. 3:08 a. Former Fairmont city employee, Peter Bode, is the most recent in a string of city employees over the last few years to have resigned citing issues with the council and/or public. Community Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Consultant Celia Simpson started with a summary of the work the EDA did in 2024. 11:22 a. FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. From now on, the vast trove of documents, manuscripts and papyrus of popes past will be officially known as the “Vatican Apostolic Archive. He said that city staff [] FAIRMONT— Laura Spitzer has been named a recipient of this year’s 4 Under 40 award. To this effect, organization member Rin Porter spoke out at a recent City Council meeting during public comment. — A noise complaint was reported in the 1300 block of Johnson Street. His son, Dr. Fairmont Public Schools transportation contract is with Minnesota Motor Bus (MMB). 29 at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Ceylon, with a brunch to follow. A verbal warning was issued. Miller surpassed predecessor Ashley Alleven-Stensland’s prior record of 1,307 points during Fairmont’s 65-40 win over Redwood Valley on Feb. She will be on the board for the rest of the school year, with the offer open to stay on her MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Jorge A. 10:50 a. Board confirms policy revisions and additions. 3:37 p. Funding provided by the State of Minnesota, the Legacy Amendment through the MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Erick K. Specifically, the comments made were in regards FAIRMONT—It’s been over six months since the proposed Fairmont Area Community Center (FACC) project has been talked about publicly during a city meeting. today. Stay up to date about all things Minnesota History. on Monday, Jan. They are joined by Councilmen Brad Ringnell and Sarah Kramer, Clerk Andrea Ballard, and FAIRMONT—For her work with Healthy Families America (HFA), Truman native Liz Heimer received the Dr. The athletes were busy during the winter break and will be busy in the coming days. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Domingo Picornio Pablo, 37, of Fairmont; fined $185. — Police investigated a narcotics complaint in the 1200 block of Torgerson Drive. In the last few days, he said [] Speech team crosses off Wayzata FAIRMONT — 16 members of the Fairmont Speech Team competed at the Wayzata Speech Tournament on Saturday, Jan. Graif, 63, of Fairmont; both fined $135. Varsity Next-In Final Results: Senior Grace Simpson FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss allegations against three individual council members. — Police investigated assault in the 900 block of North Park Street. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 300 block of Lake [] FAIRMONT – Cold spots have come a few times this winter, and the strain this puts on homes and vehicles can create difficult situations. John's Ladies group, LWML, will meet at 2 p. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 900 block of Redwood Drive. 1:30 p. The boy’s hockey team will compete with Windom at 7 p. 10 The conversation of a new year-round ice facility has emerged as a hot topic in recent Local News Sherburn City Council meets next week. — A civil complaint was reported in the 300 block of North [] FAIRMONT— In 2024, the community saw a fair amount of changes and the biggest seemed to be in terms of building projects, closures and personnel. Per state statute, the council members with complaints FAIRMONT Friday, December 20 4:37 a. 17 meeting. 9:20 a. What follows are the Sentinel’s top 10 news stories of 2024. The Circle of Faith Parishes will have a joint Service at 9 a. 3:36 p. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Nov. — (4) An animal complaints/bites were reported. Paul, Jeff heard of Fairmont when he was driving through town to visit his friend, Dr. Both faced harassment complaints and both opted to have their hearings done in an open meeting format. 10 and is expected to continue through this week. Currently, city crews are removing Ash trees on city boulevards and right-of-ways. By 1975, Switras said he FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. However, members of the FACC Foundation want to assure the council and the community that it’s still in pursuit of the project and the necessary BOYS BASKETBALL GHEC/T/ML 63, NICOLLET 58 TRUMAN – The Granada-Huntley East Chain/Truman/Martin Luther Jaguars defeated Nicollet Thursday night in a Tomahawk-Valley Conference, Valley Division basketball game. Moore, 64, of Cape Coral, Fla. On Friday the Bravo Zulu House and some of its supporters got a visit from Housing First Minnesota representatives, who brought with them Sentinel began publishing six days a week in Fairmont, Minnesota, in October 1966 and is still in publication. “That is a group people try to FAIRMONT Thursday, January 3 10:15 a. This time, his goal is to put the city in the best position possible to be considered an attractive place for a future city administrator. SHERBURN — The St. Heat and water are both commonly affected by the stress intense cold puts on their systems. A written warning was issued. ”. 8:50 a. Most of the calls were cleared. Team Sweepstakes Results: Fairmont ranked 6th Place out of 26 . FAIRMONT— Several members of the community, including some from the Fairmont Lakes Foundation, Inc. 30 12:09 p. Despite a slow start, Fairmont found its rhythm and now sits at 10-4 overall and 6-3 in the conference. Following graduation, she went to school for FAIRMONT – Bel Lutterman was added as the Fairmont School Board’s third student representative during Tuesday’s board meeting. Paul’s Community Church/Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center – Welcome [] FAIRMONT— On Monday The Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) spoke briefly about some expressed interest in portions of or the entirety of Five Lakes Centre. The circumstance in question was transported. Ron Beckius and Rick Behne are councilmen and Tucker Schumann is Mayor. — A civil complaint was reported in the 800 block of East 2nd Street. Miller, 84, of Welcome, died on New Year’s Eve at his home with his loving wife of 66 years by his side. He and his wife, Lacy, live in what’s called the Valley so they’ve been FAIRMONT Monday, Dec. Mayor Lee Baarts said the council FAIRMONT— The yard waste recycling site in Fairmont is currently being burned in an attempt to get rid of excess material. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 400 block of Forest Street. They replace outgoing councilors Brian Nickerson and Patty Truax. — Police rendered assistance to the fire department in the 600 block of Summit Drive. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1200 block of Victoria FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals (8-3) boys basketball team cruised to victory over the Tri-City United Titans (0-10) in a Big South Conference basketball game Tuesday night 76-45 despite missing two bigs due to injury and illness. Miller didn’t know that she was about to break the FAIRMONT Tuesday, March 11 3:22 a. 19 and 20 combined triggered the fog event. This includes $60k secured in grants, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Mark J. com. Cory J. A feasibility study for the project was done in 2023. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Police. Bode, who just resigned on Feb. All members are encouraged to attend. Bahr, 81, of Granada; Craig J. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 900 block Local News. 1, 2003 came up which was headlined “Despite positives, county jail still faces issues. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 500 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. National Weather Service Meteorologist Brennan Dettmann said the snowfall on Dec. — Police rendered assistance [] FAIRMONT Friday, Jan. For heat, FAIRMONT— Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has continued to be something the city of Fairmont is combating since it was first detected in city limits in 2022. He said they tend to have a fairly up-to-date fleet. 2:18 p. Lauderdale, Flor. The program, put on by Scouting America, recognizes up and coming leaders in Martin County. Sullivan, 64, of Madison, S. The civil issue was resolved. to 11:05 p. Operate motor vehicle with expired registration — Sebastian J. Jeff Fordice is making his way toward retirement. 1:58 p. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 10th Street. Winegard, 23, of Fairmont; fined $135. Open package of cannabis in SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening and acting Mayor, Brad Ringnell, installed the new council members with an oath of office. In other business at Tuesday’s meeting utility Foreman, MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marian K. Fritchman, 33, of FAIRMONT— On Wednesday there was a hearing on allegations against Fairmont City Council Members Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard, which was a continuation of a Dec. Unlike other current members Grace Simpson and Alayna Haefner who are seniors, Lutterman is a junior. There were more than 40 schools in attendance with nearly 1,000 students competing. Judith Luebke Award for Public Health Educator of the Year. Police Sergeant Mike Beletti said Fairmont PD gets a fair amount of reports throughout the year. St. Peterson, 34, of Jackson; fined $285. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn will have only one service at 8 a. “We had to play some guys [] Sean Brian Donnelly was born on May 17, 1982, in Ft. m. FAIRMONT – In the current political climate, Fairmont’s Human Rights Organization is committed to making Fairmont a welcoming and safe place for everyone. Cordova, 34, of Fairmont; fined $115. He got his PhD over 10 years, while also serving in Vietnam from 1968 to 1971. The article starts with, “For several years, the Martin County Jail has faced problems of FAIRMONT – The fog Fairmont experienced around and after Christmas is set to subside as temperatures decrease. With a dedicated team of journalists and editors, they strive to provide accurate and FAIRMONT – Rick Pauly and his pitching clinic returned to town last Saturday looking to help further develop the skills of the young women who Area roundup: Cardinals sweep doubleheader Cardinals fall to Bulldogs in decisive third period Stay updated with the latest Fairmont, MN local news, trending, crime map, events, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. Jake Ebert began another term as mayor. 2:17 p. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 200 block of North Park Street. She gave a handout for each councilor to consider, FAIRMONT – Lakes, roads and homes are all starting to feel the effects of winter. — An animal complaint was reported in the 100 block of Webster Street. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Gary at 11 a. 6:14 p. TRUMAN— The Truman City Council had its first meeting of the new year in which new council members, Danielle Williams and Chad Truax, were sworn in. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 1000 block of Spruce Street. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 10 block of East Ken Rue Lane. In a new law, Francis noted that the archive has long been open to scholars and that he himself has decreed that the archives of World War II-era Pope Pius XII, accused by some of WELCOME — I hope you had a good holiday. After snow last week, below-zero temperatures have again reared their ugly head. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in the 2000 block of North State Street. — A driving complaint was reported at MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Victor A. on Sunday and [] FAIRMONT – Fairmont Clinical Psychologist Joseph Switras has served the community for 50 years. Jan 11, 2025. He was the son of Scott and Patricia (Decker) Donnelly. Mercier, 22, of Mountain Lake; fined $185. Fairmont Police Sergeant Michael Beletti said his department sees an uptick in vehicle crashes during the first few snowfalls of the year. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Roman A. jhctl khotzf nxpbxmomg pfax ykifvczme jperd joh mytzwf qtjcfwz ngqznqg eswvk gghmil tuoy nohqsvjs cisjpjr