Ford transit lift pump problems 7 Jan 1, 2021 · Assuming that your engine has a lift pump (2. 3L IDI & 6. 4 T350 LWB MHR RWD mk6 X reg 2. Dec 10, 2014 · it started with a sudden loss of power, i changed the fuel filter, no change, i then changed the lift pump, it seemed to run ok. filter and pipes any ideas . more importantly no holes in pistons it has run like a watch. All Transits 1986 - 2000. It was a bent arm one, and was installed in the low cam position. After installing it the truck became quieter, and sounded like the timing got retarded. Mar 3, 2011 · Re: Lift Pump Problem by bazw » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:10 pm to test the lift pump when off just put a bit of pipe on it and into some diesel then put a clean rag round the plunger and push onto floor a few times ( help may be needed holding pipe into diesel) this will fire out fuel if its ok have you checked the filter housing? they crack and let Jul 30, 2006 · Ford Transit Forum. I did wonder if the pump would be fully reset. 1998 tail lift problem. The van still doesn't start tho, I've read the codes and they are p1212-64 p008a-21-26 p1212-64-27. if it . Should I have a switch somewhere? Any suggestions greatfully received. Fuel appears to be getting through the filter ok so lift pump should be good (its new) Ford Transit 120 TDI EPIC Automatic. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. so i think it is a rebuild a standard pump may give problems down the Fuel Pump Problems : 1989 190 LWB Caravanette. Newish lift pump - sucks from a jar on the bulkhead when tested while cranking. mk7 08reg 2. Top. I now have a county TD that start instantly with no smoke or rattles. 5 plus vat and it restores the performance immediately, its one of those things you never think of until it fails, dont forget to use a bit of sealant either side of the spacer block or you will Aug 9, 2017 · v8dave wrote:Looks like you've got a 350 with a vp44 injection pump. Nov 21, 2016 · Have to remember that at this point even though I knew the pump was buggered I kept second guessing myself because most posts I read were leaning towards a much bigger problem of low voltage caused by PCM etc. A few of us contacted the manufacturer and got the same answer. 2. The fittings onto the lift pump are feeble. It's not the strain on the main pump which is the problem, it's the viscosity of veg oil which is substantially different to normal derv. 14 posts • Page 1 of 1. Leak oil even when tight, then come slack after a few hundred miles. Apr 27, 2021 · changing the timing belt on these are very easy b, both cams lock with 6mm drillbits and set the crank to the marks shown in the pic. I checked the recall for the fuel pump my van isn't on it. Do they just not connect together through a single pole switch, eg join the two wires together - lift works, seperate the two wires - lift dosent work. hiya , does anyone know the size of the fuel line that runs from the lift pump to fuel filter on a 2. Thought is was lift pump again so mucked around with it on and off for a few days. But thats my fix, and NO LEAKS!!!!! anywhere. The fuel lift pumps are cheaap as chips, are an easy fit and they do wear out. The Vehicle is a Ford Transit 190 LWB Hi-Rooof CI Motorhome F746BEP the lift pump will not operate on the full dazrecoverymad Transit Devotee Posts: 704 Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:10 pm Location: south yorkshire Dec 21, 2019 · if its 2 litre petrol it may have an electric fuel pump, but if its a diesel it has a mechanical fuel pump on the side of the engine near/below the exhaust/manifold, you can testit by disconnecting the fuel line from the pump to fuel filter and cranking the engine over and seeing if it pumps fuel out. I have changed the engine for a fly by wire turbo. My local motor factor does a quality replacement pump for £20. ( drivers side of engine). 5 diesel for a reconned bosch pump ive had to modify the inlet and outlet diesel pipes as well as bend the injector pipes to suit new pump the thing is now it starts and ticks over but will not rev?? Hi. The only Mk 6 with filter mounted lift pump is the early 2. 00 from an auction site), fuel flows from the ouput of the lift pump into the heat exchanger then to the filter I do have a cav 796 (very cheap to replace) in front of the transit fuel filter, I found that using this heat exchanger the filters last a lot longer and now i can run on 100% veg without problem Thanks for reply. If you are looking specifically for a van, your options are limited. Mar 10, 2014 · Ford Transit Forum. I have owned this van for 15 yrs, but have noticed a few problems within the last 3 to 4000 miles- Use this forum to post technical questions & problems about any Transit. N Thanks for that. Just thought a lift pump May 25, 2019 · Regarding the lift pump business I did find this response in another forum after i did some googling. Regards When experiencing Ford Transit high pressure fuel pump problems or Ford Transit mk7 fuel pump problems, it’s important to properly diagnose the issue before attempting any repairs. When it starts to malfunction, drivers may notice several symptoms that indicate something is wrong with the fuel supply or injection process. Known for its global popularity and being the third best-selling van of all time, the Ford Transit has also achieved critical success. A month or so later couldn't start it again. 5di Mar 7, 2010 · Mine was like that and my lift pump was shagged, and was sucking air from the pipe connectors. It suggests there is no lift pump: I had starting problems with my Mk 3 Galaxy and just found a fix. 0), should be quietly audible humming noise coming from fuel tank. You shouldnt need to start it with your foot on the excellerator if it is running ok, as that will stress some parts of your engine, and all it will do is smoke like hell when it does fire as it discharges all the unburnt fuel. started a trip out and after about 15 mile it started to lose power again, i fitted some clear fuel line from the filter to the IP, there were no air bubbles in the fuel line while the engine was running, however when you turn the engine off the pipe fills with air Feb 27, 2011 · Dave12590 Transit Addict Posts: 55 Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:34 pm Location: Tipton Nov 1, 2012 · Thanks for that. The pump actually only puts out about 3 psi pressure to feed the hpfp (Chevrolet actually relies only on the hpfp to draw it's own fuel from the fuel tank fyi). There have been four generations of the Transit, with game-changing face-lifts kick-starting each generation. The cheapest lift pumps off Ebay are pretty random on quality. (after a few hours it starts again fine themn conks again after 5/10 miles . ?? The main pump is good for nearly 30,000psiso it won't even know it's there. The fuel filter was changed by the diesel specialist my van was recovered to at Dover port and I have bought a second hand lift/primer pump as the fuel is still draining back. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, storage capacity, maintenance, and more! Nov 21, 2016 · I guess I'm too late to put in my experience with a sluggish frame rail pump. Successive May 17, 2010 · Lift pump, remove output pipe looking for flow. 5td converted to bosch pump, have a leak in the lift pump, i had changed the original one half a year ago by a lift pump sold by transitpartsuk. Mar 3, 2011 · I am going through the system to try and resolve the problem but have a few questions: - If the lift pump fails would I be able to get enough fuel to the engine or would it stop? - After taking the lift pump off is there a way of checking to see if it works or not? Jul 30, 2006 · I'm still looking at the intermittent lack of power problems with my 2. From memory, lift pump stays on for about 30 secs after turning key to second position, before turning off if engine isn't started. 4 diesel engines plays a crucial role in the vehicle’s performance and safety. Lift pump. Apply accelerator in drive and your Transit does not want to move forward (first drive of the day). 5 diesel non turbo banana engine thats on a 98 transit, , after having hesitation probs my van lost power yesterday, the aa man cracked the injectors and it ran great again , but is playing up again,when looking at it today, i noticed that the hose in question is some type of red and blue Aug 20, 2019 · A lift pump might supply ~5-10psi to the main fuel pump. but you can get a decent motor+pump on ebay for about £20 . They all have lift pumps, just some are within the injection pumps. Would you believe, someone has fitted the sodding lift pump pipes the wrong way round, hence a major fuel starvation problem. APH wrote:surely the two isolator wires are just that, to isolate the lift so it won't work, by having a switch in the cab. Aug 30, 2016 · Another dealership tech said they are having problems with the fuel system problems but they are still so new they don't know much I just have to leave it with them. The model number is W217602603 Mk6 engine problem - TDDi Pump problem by ₩ØL₣ » Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:56 am I've got a 2. Anyways as soon as new one was installed I knew right away, turned key heard pump so went into key on 30 seconds and so on for 8 times May 9, 2009 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. 4 RWD 120/125 with vp44 injector pump. 4,do they have an in tank lift pump? just 2024 Ford Transit Custom 300S Jul 3, 2014 · Does this sound like a knackered lift pump? I noticed recently my mk5 190 pickup has been running a bit "lumpy" of late. After having replaced 4 injectors and the pump I checked carefully the wiring of the rail pressure sensor, I checked the output signal with an oscilloscope, I compared the curve with the values from Forscan (pressure and votage). Mar 3, 2020 · Van would not start, just turned over, been to garage and had new fuel filter, call today saying when primed it runs fine and starts a few hours later but if left longer fuel is running back to tank, mechanic says he does not know whats wrong but has fitted me a priming pump and to come get it, a Sep 10, 2012 · Fuel Pump Problems : 1989 190 LWB Caravanette. So a year or so back the lift pump died (no lift pump sound at ignition and no start), found a good second hand lift pump and replaced it. when re-assembling you have to remove all traces off silicon, degrease with a bit of Sep 22, 2020 · A forum for all things Ford Transit related! Lift pump. The Injection pump is the one that delivers fuel to the injectors. . They have caused me problems in the past. NOTHING!!! Scratch head, check pipes for which is the feed pipe. Easy fix, just undo pump (13mm spanner size) move to one side ,clean mating faces and fit new "O I have a 2. Nov 21, 2023 · The Ford Transit is a top-selling van that has been in production since 1965. Mar 10, 2014 · Are you sure the pump is the problem and not someting else, the filter housings seem to have a reputation for developing leaks. 4 T350 LWB MHR RWD - scrapped Nov 22, 2020 · Hello all, Vehicle is- 1998 150 VAN, Manual gbox, 2. Have you got a clear bit of pipe from the v8dave wrote:Looks like you've got a 350 with a vp44 injection pump. hi undo engine mountings. so i think it is a rebuild a standard pump may give problems down the May 30, 2024 · Hello, Could you fix the problem? I have exactly the same issue with Forscan V 2. Drove it for approx one month after that, no issue. May 9, 2009 · I just installed a lift pump yesterday (mechanical). Oct 27, 2012 · Check to make sure that the fuel filter is seated correctly, if thats good check the lift pump, its on the right handside under the exhaust manifold, if thats ok try the leak off mod, do a search for leak off mod, I`m assuming its a 2. it seems to be sucking in air somewhere a long the line. Ps delphi lift pump from diesel injectors uk not ebay Nov 2, 2010 · yeah i know, but problem is my van is a 95/96 and the 'new' engine is an older style from an 88 transit so it doesnt have a lift pump or anywhere i can see to mount it. Jan 11, 2023 · I have taken the van back and noticed the flow from the lift pump in the tank was realy low so fitted a new one that seems to work well. The fuel pump inside can be changed in the hfcm separately. 3. still happens, then, you have a head gasket problem, you can also get a garage to put a probe into the tank to detect hydrocarbons or C0, there are also products that you can add to the coolant that turn a different colour if a head Feb 25, 2013 · A forum for all things Ford Transit related! lift pump? Transit Mk3, 4 & 5(smiley front) Forum. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Transits leak oil its the law Your van isn't fitted with a lift pump or injector module that's why those relay's are missing. That is the lift pump and if it's dead that could be your problem. "We are no longer supplying air ride kits for the Transit. Having never had a t/l before I wanted to know if the tail lift can be lowered/raised maually in the event of failure/battery problems/ Also I can't find an on/off switch in the cab for it, it's just always on. The fuel pump system in Ford Transit 2. The first problem I had was I broke the rule of letting it run out of diesel not knowing that this would cause problems. 4 diesel pump problems. 9L) - Lift pump issues - I just installed a lift pump yesterday (mechanical). Is the lift pump leaking oil If yes ,its probably the "O" ring between the block and the pump. 5di and noticed the fuel rubber hosing is cracked. not been to the parts catalogue site "CAT CAR INFO" check it out . 5 TD EPIC inj pump setup. I now can't even get fuel up to to the lift pump by hand priming. If you have the blue chip in your spare keys the jag flip keys can be modified to work in the transit, check out the how to section for details. Unusual Medium to HIgh frequency chattering/grinding sound emanating from engine/transmission area. It's a W reg Tourneo. They now list an Air Ride kit for the Transit, but it fits ONLY the T350HD. Feb 27, 2011 · I use a Vaillant heat exchanger (£25. I can get a new lift pump off Ebay, for £14. 99 inc postage. It's an old Canter and the lift pump in the injection pump is apparently knackered and he has fitted a 12v pump that runs constantly but this causes problems for him, I said we can fit one that doesn't run all the time but it's proving to be a mission finding one that can be just wired in to a live ignition feed. A forum for all things Ford Transit related! Fuel lift pump (again). 156k on clock. Looking for Electric lift pump. New fuel filter Runs on cooking oil for last 75k (heated fuel line). I would definitely suspect it. That sucks this is my handicap van and my only means of transportation it only has 3,500 miles. If I have to change the lift pump do I need any special spanners because there is not a lot of room between the bulk head and exhaust pipe crossing in front of lift pump. Transit Mk3, 4 & 5(smiley front) Forum. threw away the crap and had a lucas cav pump re calibrated to deliver more fuel to keep the performance it has worked well for at least 10 years. All Transits 2000 - 2013 The stage 5 has an electric lift pump in the Sep 18, 2024 · I think You have maybe have to replace this . , once set turn the engine clockwise and the fuel pump should line up 2 and 1/4 from base timing. lift pump? Mar 26, 2021 · Ford Transit Forum. Lift pump problems ? Transit Mk3, 4 & 5(smiley front) Forum. One common symptom of a failing fuel pump is difficulty starting the engine, which may be accompanied by sputtering or stalling while driving. Mk7 2012 euro 5 2. I assume you have tried unplugging the pipe from the filter to the infection pump and turn the ignition on to prove fuel is not lifted from the tank. That seems to have changed now. May 8mm continental hose was not available and expensive. 5 plus vat and it restores the performance immediately, its one of those things you never think of until it fails, dont forget to use a bit of sealant either side of the spacer block or you will Jun 15, 2012 · A forum for all things Ford Transit related! Leccy lift pump. started a trip out and after about 15 mile it started to lose power again, i fitted some clear fuel line from the filter to the IP, there were no air bubbles in the fuel line while the engine was running, however when you turn the engine off the pipe fills with air Oct 31, 2015 · okay , filter was almost empty, i took off pipe which goes from filter to injector pump and then i removed lift pump from cylinder block pipes still attached to it and pumped it with hands for a good while, but nothing comes from filter pipe fitting, so lift pump could gone bad, lines may suck air, or there might be somekind of clog inside fuel Hello, I am struggling in the last days with a very strange problem, my transit a mk5 2. 0di? Aug 3, 2010 · The hydraulic pump will only fill the ram with what is in the reservoir (hence why 5 stage rams have a bigger reservoir than single stage rams) - if you are really low on hydraulic fluid your ram isn't going anywhere and any air in the system will just compress and do nothing to lift the ram. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. Q Is the solenoid in injection pump just a basic one or a special type Jun 4, 2020 · Ford Transit Forum. 2 problems please help. All Transits 2000 - 2013 Are you sure the pump is the problem and not someting Apr 5, 2011 · But you can also get the fuel to the injectors withgout cranking and using the transfer pump, just turn ignition on have all injector pipes cracked pump hand pump till fuel at one injector, turn engine by hand 180 degrees pump diesel through to next injector, tighten then next and next one, this at least makes sure theres no dry running of the It does rather sound like a lift pump, or air in the system. 119,000 miles on clock. £25 - £30 for used one, new ones are probably chinese and available from £25 . After filling the tank with several Jerry cans of diesel it cranked but refused to start. No fuel leaks Jul 13, 2020 · Hi everyone, this is just an FYI if you are experiencing the following: 1. Symptoms of Ford Transit 2. I was about to go try the lift pump and check all the diesel lines etc. MrMPuk Transit Extremist Posts: 27856 Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:50 am. Heater plugs would ordinarily be the last culprit. genuine ford are £69 Think part the number is 2009343 that's what ebayers are showing --- not sure . Just bought a mk 7 luton with a tail lift. Overall, from what I have read, seen and driven, the Transit provides the best bang for the buck regardless of it's shortcomings. My next port of call would be to change the header tank cap, then do a sytem pressure check with a pump up pressure tester . I have changed the fuel filter and bled the system of air to start it. 02 2. The Mk 3 and a few other fords have no lift pump. lift engine up about 4 inches, drain oil and drop sump (sump bonded on so a nice sharp scraper or such driven between ladder frame and sump and gently tease off) peg oil pump tensioner back, undo oil pick up pipe and remove, undo oil pump securing bolts and bingo its in your hand. 0-60 in a leisurely and smooth 12. Did the new pump fail? Do new pumps retard timing from old ones. Nov 13, 2007 · hi can anyone help with this problem its a 1994 transit diesel banana engine ,after 5/10 miles it conks out ,its had a new lift pump . 63. took lift pump off the Maverick and fitted it on the tranny between the original filter and the injector pump, always seems to be sucking air so had a look at the filter, one of those push up then turn the large plastic ring to lock in place, fiddled with it an now the lift pump wont draw fuel. Is there anything u can recommend i do to the pump i have never advanced or changed setting on fuel pumps before usually just bought truck ran it or done engine swap but wen recon pump route this time. 2024 Ford Transit Custom 300S Active 170ps Does this train stop on Merseyside? Sep 28, 2019 · Problems with the Transit only matter if you are trying to find the best, trouble-free vehicle of any kind; and good luck with that. My galaxy turned over fine and started for a few seconds and then stopped. I've had no problem with cold starts besides a noiser than usual vibration which seemed to be from the gearbox area? Everytime i would start it back up during the day it would vibrate/splutter before running normal. rossco 1996 transit swb 80 2. hello newbie here, right here goes just swapped a lucas pump on a j reg transit 2. well, three days and still no go. Aug 20, 2019 · A lift pump might supply ~5-10psi to the main fuel pump. Nov 10, 2023 · What ever Ford was thinking with this plastic fuel lines where they Connect to lift pump or diesel filter. ( the high-pressure pump is not timed ) but there is an inbuilt cam sensor that needs to be set in the correct Oct 19, 2014 · Ford Transit Forum. I'm about to change the fuel filter and was wondering what sort of money a replacement lift pump is and also what the sympthoms of a faulty one were? May 25, 2019 · The Mk 3 and a few other fords have no lift pump. 5 Di non turbo, banana MK5 with a Bosch 460 414145 pump. this will find and leaks . Oct 19, 2014 · Ford Transit Forum. It usually first shows as harder to start and gets worse. 5 Ford Transit Herald Insignia motorhome. 4di fit my 2. Jun 21, 2015 · 2007 '07' Mk7 Transit MWB minibus 15 seater 2011 '11' Mk7 Transit SWB minibus 12 seater - sold 2001 'Y' Mk6 Transit lwb minibus 15 seater - deceased Ford Sprung Van Tastik!! wrote:Thats the fuel or lift pump. The Vehicle is a Ford Transit 190 LWB Hi-Rooof CI Motorhome F746BEP the lift pump will not operate on the full Feb 3, 2022 · The fuel lift pumps are cheaap as chips, are an easy fit and they do wear out. May 29, 2021 · I have purchased a 1999 tdi 2. Transit Mk6 & Mk7 Forum. not my transit but i might invest if problem can be sorted thanks. Fuel is drawn in using the high pressure pump beside the engine. They could be letting air in, as could any other fitting. Oct 15, 2016 · Then a year or two later they pulled the Transit completely off the fitment chart. Hi, Have you took the delivery pipe off the lift pump and checked that fuel is being delivered? You may have to suck the fuel up through the new pump to start the ball rolling! Sep 28, 2019 · A forum community dedicated to Ford Transit owners and enthusiasts. Feb 17, 2009 · Decided to change pump for original just had it programed again at fords still the same problem ,fuel up to injector but wont lift needle to spray / no faults comming up on ford computor all fuel lines doubled checked even programed in focus ecu just to try it. Mar 7, 2008 · [b]Ive had this problem a few times thro the years wth transits coming in where someone has by passed the lift pump, the easy way to get it running again was to open the return pipe bango on top of the pump and remove fuel cap from tank shove the air line in ,hold a cloth round the filler and air line and give it a quick blast of air from the compressor and this would deliver the fuel staight Sep 18, 2017 · The Haynes book of lies will cause more problems. 5di, if its a petrol I cant help, Steve Mar 22, 2015 · I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but after replacing probably around ten lift pumps, I've so far failed to get one of them to seal, or stay tight. A forum for all things Ford Transit related! Lift pump. 2 does, unsure about 2. 0 fwd mk6, yesterday the engine died and wouldn't restart, diagnostics brought up a crank sensor issue so i will fit one tomorrow but if it does happen to be injection pump will one from a 2.
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