Grim dawn dual wield melee com/watch?v=REyYFzek7YU&list=PL-7HuL5PyGEIMdjN1mRt4TN-yaRtz21Wuother beginner SSF Playthroughs: ht Nightblade is the only Mastery that gives dual-wield natively - you take either Dual Blades or Breath of Belgothian. (Don't have FG Jul 15, 2020 · I guess you didn’t understand my point. that was melee dual-wielding from the start and I Created by Grim Dawn Crossbow Builds at May 4, 2024 1. A subreddit dedicated to Grim Dawn, an action role-playing game developed and published by Crate Entertainment. Dec 23, 2021 · Grim Dawn. 2. Updated to: v1. 9. It is up to you to tread into the vestiges of humanity’s once mighty empire to recover fragments of this lost knowledge. So just find a way to line up your damage and you are good to go. There are more efficient ways to level this class combination by using other skills. pyro is, in my opinion, the absolute best class for a support build, something that is almost completely ignored in the grim dawn community. I think Dec 13, 2015 · BUt you want to dual wield. Necromancer: Deathguard Acid-based with Bone Harvest / Shadow Strike No Auto-Attack replacer Feb 9, 2023 · Introduction The Beginner build guides Compendium (for AoM + FG expansions) has currently six ranged builds listed, three of them are dual wield gunners. *Dual-wield builds are notoriously hard to gear. Jun 9, 2017 · You could go down the nightblade dual-wield skill line and take the modifier, that converts some of those proccs into poison damage. Trickster has access to incredibly powerful bleed buffs as well as the bleed damage from savagery. You don't necessarily need to dual-wield two Servitor's Corruptors though, I just mentioned that you can and have full conversion right away. GT 60 - Saboteur, Level 60 (GD 1. You can max Amarasta skill and pick Demo class finally. Use your points to your main skill. Aura of conviction and fire strike can both make an amazing melee build. Shaman - Feral Hunger: activates only on two-handed (melee or ranged) weapons. The dual wielding techniques proc during the cool down of those two primary melee skills. Image from game with perma buffs, Deadly Momentum and Lethal Assault buff Helmet crafted with stun, amulet crafted with freeze resist. Jun 16, 2017 · Grim Dawn. I reckon the strongest choices are: a) Soldier: combine Cadence with Dual Blades. Nightblade’s passives are too powerful for dual-wielding, sorry. Inquis is pretty good if you wanna go cold dw and is also an alternative for pierce. Funny enough dual wield probably isnt good for melee purifier because it relies so much on wps for damage. For dual wield melee I would like to try something where you stay alive from lifesteal while shredding into them. I'm really grateful for every build you are recommending! Feb 9, 2018 · [1. afanasenkov26 June 19, 2024, 5:15pm ie cloud box turned of in ingame Grim Dawn settings A subreddit dedicated to Grim Dawn, an action role-playing game developed and published by Crate Entertainment. Not much to say, I did this Apr 15, 2024 · Well, you can dual wield EoR melee with Nightblade already (Dervish) which is pretty fun. BM deals cold or pierce damage ? Cold vs Pierce: Both don’t have dual source of RR, pierce is not resistant often, but have fewer sources and cold can count on easy flat Let's do this systematically: You want to work towards a nice Level 94 set, and there are plenty for DW Nightblades. You must have very decent gears to get a dual-wield character rolling especially in Ultimate where melee = bad, unless you have a full SR set ofc, or playing some sorts of retaliation builds. Rwohan crown and viper for RR. 1][Melee] Dual Wield Piercing Trickster - Piercing Through Your Bleeding Heart Blademaster is famous for Piercing Build. with flashbang, concussive bomb, flame touched, CoF, Solael's, blood of dreeg, familiar, you will turn a savagery warder into a rampaging beast, by making the mobs nothing else but squishy punching bags. Generally,since both classes have cold RR,is easy to build cold melee. When dual wielding, you have 25% chance of hitting with your main hand, 25% chance hitting with your off-hand and 50% chance hitting with both at the same time. Those passive benefits from the 2nd weapon are also generally the only thing that would set the overall DPS of dual wielding over wielding a single two-handed weapon. As physical damage dealer - while both masteries provide physical resist reduction - Oppressors are often in the shadow of Warlords or Death Knights. Jul 20, 2020 · What are all the possible ways to enable dual-wield melee weapons that does *not* require certain Mastery skills OR relics? Are there other ways? I want to try a melee dual-wielding Warlock 'cause it sounds like a horrible choice to make. Why? Because Curse of Weakness is the best debuff possibly in game and doesnt include chaos. youtube. Dec 1, 2017 · [1. This was the third attempt (after Dreeg’s If you don't mind mods and want to try dawn of masteries or just the titanquest mod, the warrior (I can't remember what it's actually called but it's your typical warrior) is pretty much built around bleed damage dual wielding. c) Demolitionist: combine Fire Strike with Dual Blades (does Apr 29, 2019 · In addition to Faust Wither's excellent list of items that provide the necessary trait, you can also dual wield melee weapons by taking the Dual Blades skill in Nightblade and pistols with the Ranged Expertise skill in Inquisitor. Soldier for pierce blademaster or Oathkeeper for poison/acid dervish are probably the best, easiest, most popular combos. Where to find details on gear that enables dual wielding melee weapons? Have a demo, considering going with shaman as secondary with dual daggers and that lighting autoattack thing. Are there any benefits of playing melee in Grim Dawn? Also, do melee builds usually kite with mid-range melee attacks normally? Obviously one of the masteries I will use is Nightblade, maxxing out the Dual Blades line. Jan 29, 2019 · Also Crystallum has an extra +3 (+6 with dual-wield) to Storm Touched and an extra +2 (DW) to Stormcaller's. My build is a DW Melee version, if you want to level as melee or even dual-wield melee it won’t be that efficient. I tried different setups on DW Acid Blademaster and this is the best one. I mean, I get that at 16 points you get 10% Jun 18, 2017 · Just curious when, if ever, these are useful in combat. 2), however, Oppressor also Grim Dawn Tools Last Epoch Tools. I'm currently looking for really fun and good melee dual wield builds. Mar 29, 2014 · Dual wield saboteur mobkilling build + ranged benefits (Intro build) By Trolli Fright Maulers and 1 collaborators Since there isn't many builds here, i'll post an intro build that is fun to play with some survivability and can easily be adapted upon based on playstyle. As a new player of grim dawn I appreciate your builds and can level without even thinking. It’s evergreen(no pun intended) class. I started with sword and board + hybrid EoR and Mortar Traps/Guardians of Empyrion, then switched to off-hand Codex of Truth (for +1 Mortar Trap), then switched a bunch of stuff to get my armor up (so HP bar is more stable at higher SRs), then finally ended up with dual-wielding to increase damage and increased health leech (ADCTH). Nov 16, 2021 · melee animation speeds can be different on 2h melee, tho i think most of that is "fixed"/balanced out now 2h ranged behaves slightly different than dual wield ranged with how it does WPS/projectile procs; ex could be Chilling Rounds in Inquisitor, fires 2shots with 1h fires 3shits with 2h (A very common theme for optimizing damage with dual wield; weapons have low base damage but you get to double dip on global flat damage bonuses) Paladin (inquis + oathkeeper) is the other obvious option that works similarly to tactician (just replace cadence with righteous fervor. Nov 8, 2024 · My guess is that Nightblade will be class-enabled melee dual-wield, Inquisitor will be class-enabled ranged dual-wield, and Berserker with have both melee dual-wield and ranged dual-wield available in class. Grim Tools links:Level 18: https://www. my build is in the same vein as yours. com/calc/eVLlb74VGear - Grundlepli Related Grim Dawn Action role-playing game Hack and slash Role-playing video game Action game Gaming forward back r/gaming The Number One Gaming forum on the Internet. It has high attack speed, high crit damage, high OA and high DA. As you can see the only way for non-nightblade’s to be slot effective and achieve dual wielding is through Blademaster’s Talisman. Tons of gear supporting it, tons of MI's for leveling, it's the "hardiest" dual wield build with the passives from soldier to support it. Also medals like Korvaak's Brand for dual wielding melee weapons or ranged, Direwolf's Crest for melee, Pyroclasm Medal for ranged. I wound up making a Dual Relics are implements of incredible power and only a few people in the world even know of the process required for their creation. Play Nightblade class and choose ‘Dual Blades’ Equip Direwolf Crest medal - Nightblade item Equip Belgothian’s Carnage relic - Nightblade item Equip Blademaster’s Talisman As you can see the only way for non-nightblade’s to be slot effective and achieve Feb 4, 2023 · Introduction Even if Rah’Zin Witch Hunter (Nightblade, Occultist) is not so popular anymore, it is still one of the special archetypes in Grim Dawn. 7 . *There is nothing to understand bout dual-wield. Tricksters are so called glass cannon build,they deal damage,but are not so tough. com to get a full list. If you are playing through the main story line, odds are you will get enough DC rep to have respected status (needed to buy stuff from the faction vendor) right as you kill Cronley. Jul 1, 2016 · Bleed all the way. Fire Strike. Really been enjoying it since it relies heavily on WPS and Blade burst works as a "default attack" allowing it to just always go off no matter which weapons Jan 6, 2017 · my current is a rodelero, shield/pistol vitality damage, and it clears stuff faster then my dual wielding melee firestriker cant dual wield or use rifle because of forcewave well could consider it dualwielding aswell since i turned shield into a weapon lol Oct 21, 2017 · Why is the Inquisitors dual wield just so much better in terms of scaling? at 12/16 points in the base dual wield for Nightblade you got 44% on cold and pierce damage, but on Inquisitor at 10/10 points you get 50% Pierce and Elemental (which is basically 50% Lightning/Fire and Cold) + you get free attack speed, which is basically a Damage Multiplier. there are 3 different directions you can take it Blademaster (Soldier + Nightblade) focusing on physical and pierce damage, as well as bleeding and internal trauma. The best way to level an Infiltrator is to dual wield melee weapons and not range weapons. Grimtools (Level 30 from this video) https://www. dual wield, melee, magical damage. So you have to pick item/skill to Dual Wield. Now with New Mythical Brutallax, we can make Trickster a decent Piercing Build too. be/kbAtX4ENjC Oct 30, 2023 · nightblade WPS (top row) belgo shears, quick cuts execution etc all requires dual wielding melee weapon, even says so in orange text "this is a melee dual wield technique" so if you're not dualwielding/if you're using a shield then yes you're wasting those points, including dual blades passive anything build around Nightblade will be a pretty natural build for dual wield melee. 8) [Mod] Melee Dual Wield Lightning Build SR75. Can't seem to find details of which gear enables dual wield daggers, and not keen on night blade as secondary. It is Nighblade+Shaman. Oct 27, 2017 · In the process of pushing some builds past intial levelling so I can have multiple chracters to move between when I get bored of whatever I'm playing now. 5 Amarasta's Blade Burst Pneumatic Burst Veil of Shadow Ascension Path of the Three Presence of Virtue Summon Guardian of Empyrion Nov 20, 2023 · I’ve been really enjoying my dual wield Vitality “Trickster” (Shaman + Nightblade). Neither of these is helpful for your current character, but may be relevant for later builds. You pick Nightblade and put points into Dual Blades. Hope you enjoy! Grim Dawn Tools Last Epoch Tools. the nightblade WPS and the WPS from dual wield enabling items all use both weapons, so even when the WPS only displays for example 80% Feb 14, 2022 · Introduction Oppressor (Necromancer, Oathkeeper) is a class that in the Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods) - #3 by Stupid_Dragon is often associated with vitality or aether damage. Oct 24, 2023 · I beat the game with a ranged build (Ultimate) and had a good time, however I know from previous ARPGs that I played that melee always gets the real punishment. May 31, 2022 · Please open up Description for timestamps, Grimtools links, etc. 3) - Grim Dawn Build Calculator Bloodswarm is a bleed damage based pets and dual-wield melee hybrid build. Using them together is the hard part. 4. I currently have a Saboteur, Witch Hunter, Spellbreaker, Elementalist, Blademaster and Shieldbreaker so I would appreciate new class combos I haven't tried yet. It’s really suitable for DW melee, both classes have synergy for that style. And now that I finally got “my” blueprint for Mythical Fang of Ch’thon, which was the missing weapon for a SSF Rah’Zin Witch Hunter, it was time to finally get my own Witch Hunter to level 100. c) Demolitionist: combine Fire Strike with Dual Blades (does that even work? Oct 19, 2020 · But Sabo have one type of build in which it excels - dual wield melee. OK it's about time I took a 2-handed melee class through to Ultimate. . com/calc/1NXKlpBZLevel 28: ht Jun 19, 2024 · blademaster, dual-wield-melee, bleeding, bloodragers-frenzy-sets. The build uses two guns and physical damage Cadence as main attack - a direct target build would be [1. Mar 19, 2023 · This is a lazy high damage melee build, with surprisingly good AOE damage. This build is great fun for new players, easy to play, can complete all campaign content with self-found gear, is solid for farming Ultimate, and is a top-rated BOSS FARMER. Here’s a 100-110 Crucible clear of under 3 minutes, without using Crucible buffs or towers. 12% Chance to be Used 135% Weapon Damage Grim Dawn Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Certain games have tried to balance this by giving melee a passive 25-30% damage resistance, (with mixed results). Apr 20, 2024 · You put points on a specifc skill that allows dual wield melee (in the nightblade tree) than you can equip 1H primary (main hand) plus 1H secondary (off hand) weapons. Oct 7, 2021 · The way dual wielding works is: each time you attack you have a 25% chance to swing with the left hand only, a 25% chance to swing with the right hand only, and a 50% chance to swing with both hands simultaneously. Oct 7, 2017 · Currently there are 4 ways to get melee dual-wield. PS: This is not a whole guide but merely a showcase. This is a rather underwhelming number. In Act 3, you can farm for Dermatapean Slicers. All four techniques in Nightblade: activates only on dual wielding melee weapons, dual strike. I started with crunchies necro got to 75 tried out 3-4 more to about 50 and currently at 76 on melty. Pros: Some synergy for DW melee, auto attack Fire Strike and weapon pool skills in Nightblade mastery. View Mobile Site With the right gear, any build can dual wield anything. They give you armor piercing and some bonus to Amarasta’s Quick Cut / Whirling Death. Mythical Brutallax converts 100% Savagery’s Lightning Damage to Piercing Damage. Classes, Skills and Builds. The most experience I've had with a melee character in grim dawn was a Cold DW melee are my favorite builds and have spent majority of my time playing them. 1] Hot Dual Wield Melee Fire Burn Purifier Video : –> Fabius, Alexander, Kubacabra, Mad Queen Grimtools : –> Grimtools Link Devotion Path (Assuming that you already have 55/55 Points) : Crossroads Red Viper Eel Crossroads Green Quill Behemoth (Giant’s Blood Bound To Vindictive Flame) Solael’s Witchblade (Eldritch Fire Bound To Inqusitor Seal) Crossroads Yellow Dryad (Dryad’s one thing to note about dual wielding: the default attacks doesn't always use both weapons. Currently level 60 and has a high survivability as long as you don’t face tank everything. Feb 6, 2016 · That first blueprint can be bought outright at Devil's Crossing, along side a BP that enables dual wielding pistols, but the others are luck based bp drops. Focus on pierce damage. Created by WyreZ at March 19, 2023. part 1: https://youtu. Mar 23, 2017 · I think, you CAN make dual-wielding melee build without Nightblade, but quite a similar WITH nightblade will always be better. Sep 25, 2024 · Yes, Nightblade has a skill that allows you to dual wield melee weapons, Inquisitor has a skill that allows you to dual wield ranged weapons. This is a melee dual-wielding bonus. also ops question is not if there are better dual wield attacks, but if cadence is better as 2h or dual wield. DW is more suitable,because Nightblade have some strong DW weapon pool skills and Savagery from Shaman is excellent auto attack replacer. One build I want is dual swords. So what are the goals of Jul 21, 2016 · To dual wield melee you must have either a piece of equipment such as the direwolf crest or blademaster's talisman that enables dual wield or one of two skills from the nightblade tree, breath of belgothian or dual blades. For dual wield the only combination I believe is HC viable is Blademaster, thanks to the insane defensive capabilities of Soldier, and the fact that Nightblade has the best support for dual wield. Why would you want that? I don't know. i think it's something like 50% of attacks using both, the other half of the attacks use only the main or offhand. 0 Dec 31, 2020 · beginner SSF Spellbreaker Playthrough: https://www. Must have constellations are Murmur,Amatok,Ultos,Ghoul,Hawk,Sailors' guide,also recommend to get attack speed-best is Revenant,also if you can fit Jackal. I actually just started a dual wield ranged and melee infiltrator. Basically swapping between ranged and melee since I've found a bunch of items that buff both through other playthroughs. Feb 11, 2023 · Hi everyone, another meme build from me. In the old time (means around 1. Obviously one of the masteries I will use is Nightblade, maxxing out the Dual Blades line. Also enables the ability to dual wield melee weapons. Now, I have seen rpgs where rogue/thief type characters can hide and ambush specific body areas on their Dec 28, 2023 · GrimTools: Archon, Level 100 (GD 1. Do you have any thoughts on what that would look like? 2h weapon, sword and board, dual wield? The easiest builds for facetanking are the semi-unkillable Retaliation builds, but some find that kind of style boring. However, the skills the benefit from each of these are so different that you can't just use the raw DPS difference between dual-wielding and wielding a two hander as the only Dec 16, 2023 · Dual Wielding Benefits. Farm for the ones with attack speed. 1. which is really fun i think :) If you dual wield I suggest to focus on mostly Vitality and Fire/phyiscal. hopefully you can find some inspiration from it :D Reply reply Grim Dawn Tools Last Epoch Tools. To dual wield ranged you must have equipment, there are no skills for dual wielding pistols save those on gear. Any daggers I have seen invariably have far lower DPS ratings, despite the supposedly fast combat speeds. Final Level 100 Stat Distribution: 77 in Physique, 30 in Cunning Faction of Choice: Order of Death’s Vigil Items. 1. Another option would be high burst dmg and then escape away to repeat. 2 using Lethal Assault and Nightblade's dual blades line. Dual Wield skills are Dual Blades from Nightblade for Dual Wield melee and Inquisitor's Ranged Expertise for dual wield ranged. Currently there are 4 ways to get melee dual-wield. The Blademaster is my original character so I am very partial to her. But when you start at 50% with just one the rest is most likely attainable with other gear and weapon components. All other classes tend to be too squishy or don't make good enough use of the dual wield. Jan 15, 2022 · Do you like dual wielding melee weapons, are you using a two-handed melee weapon, a ranged weapon, were you looking more for casting / non-weapon dependent build? Something with more survival? Do you like cold damage? Poison damage? Piercing damage? None of those? Something that can dish out a lot of damage but is very mobile and somewhat tanky :D. Whether it is actually wise for your particluar build to do so is another question entirely. 2H has more damage per hit, dual wield has more hits per second. Wield dual bloodsong swords and max out primal bond, anatomy of murder, and savagery and you'll be bleeding down anything with blood and even some things without it. Feb 7, 2023 · I mean Blademaster is the most straight forward, casual friendly duel wield build in the game as far as I know. Nov 13, 2017 · But just so you know i have a strong feeling that 2h is absolutely overpowered and dual wielding is underpowered while 1h and shield is normal. Mar 6, 2016 · Wondering what a good combo would be to try out for both dual wield guns and dual melee. Dec 16, 2023 · When dual wielding, you have 25% chance of hitting with your main hand, 25% chance hitting with your off-hand and 50% chance hitting with both at the same time. lol cold dual wield melee Spellbreaker. This just means that you gravitate towards the gear, which supports 2H gameplay. Introduction. Mastery of dual wielding melee weapons, favoring the use of blades and piercing implements. You do need to move when a creature throws something on the ground under you or if you get sundered. Some relics also allows that. Nov 14, 2024 · Guided playthrough of Grim Dawn as an acid-based dual-wield melee witch hunter. 7. 3. I don't want to do them together, but a good combo for each one of these. I'm using Blade Trap and Ring of Steel when I weapon swap for ranged attacks. Base Game. Some basic explanation of why would . Sure, this doesnt apply to builds, that dual-wield weapons just for stats and dont attack with them (casters). And as non of them is a Warlord and uses physical damage, it is time for another budget build. Marauder belt, gunslinger talisman and gunslinger jacket let you dual wield pistols. Benefit? Having two weapons with its stats + 50% chance to get one extra attack. Dual Wielding Benefits. Welcome to the Complete Build & Leveling Guide for the MISS MELTYCAKES Dual Wield Melee Acid Poison Dervish. Base Game Base Game (1. Noob trap is Leviathan,for melee build is underperforming. 0. grimtools. Soldier - Zolhan's Technique: activates on melee & ranged, dual strike when dual-wielding ranged weapons, do not have shield damage when using a shield. thinking I’m taking this guy to 100. Bladesworn and Bladedancer relics let you dual wield melee weapons. the intend of my initial comment was to simply correct your information and not to debate if there are better dual wield skills. I was thinking Reaper for that one, though Id like to hear what class combinations you like, ideally combos with Nightblade, but anything other than tactician I'm open to. Combine with NB Skills, Gear and Devotion that boost Piercing Damage + gives Pierce RR, we’ll have shadow dance, and veil of shadow for ultimate if you plan to melee. Much of this craft had been lost to the Grim Dawn, scattered in the form of blueprints. Here's a build I threw together off the cuff, see what you think. 0 Oct 7, 2017 · I looked through all the new items and didn’t see any so I decided to post. Feb 17, 2022 · Out of those 4 weapons, what would be the best two for my dual wield pierce guild? Not sure if I try out on a dummy, would it give consistent damage if I try on a different mobs? I tend to keep +1 all nightblade skills, so maybe I use redeemer of malmouth and mhytical assassin calling. Oct 19, 2020 · GT 50 - Saboteur, Level 50 (GD 1. Oct 10, 2014 · The ability to do damage from afar while avoiding damage tends to put ranged in an advantageous position. For other Mastery combinations you need to get an item that enables dual-wield. The goal of this build was to provide a decent amount of bleeding damage to a range of pets, to try and get the pet bleed stacks up. Guides are supported by HC playthrough videos on YT and grimtools links for every couple of levels in their YT descriptions (click on expand description). Beginner Dual-Wield Acid Dervish, fast farmer, SR65+, Lokarr viable [DW melee] Beginner's Virulent Dervish. The only other thing I can think of is Mythical Brutallax (1H Axe) that converts 100% Lightning to Piercing on Savagery, which isn't useful if you actually want to focus on Lightning. Aug 2, 2022 · For my primary melee attacks- left and right mouse buttons- I use Amarsata's Blade Burst and Shadow Strile. So I looked at what gear I had to make another character just to farm for the BM. 1) - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. Currently that's not possible. You can switch to Fire Strike, but only when you farm Namadea’s helm. #2 The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Aside from this, certain items (and sets) allow you to dual wield even if you do not play any of the aforementioned classes. Inquisitor seal and aura can make a lot of builds tanky. But if this is what you want. and i would not be too sure that cadence is better with 2h. In Grim Dawn, I almost feel like the opposite is true; melee have an advantage over ranged characters. I am using this blademaster just to keep farming legendary in steps of torment in ultimate. Progress in Demo’s bar and take Flame Touch and Vindictive Flame passives. While this build focuses on the end-game Deathmarked legendary set (5 items) the good news is the build works great with self-found items, and farming green cold weapons is pretty easy (it can just take a bit of time to get the right drops). It’s quite fun! Lately I’ve been exploring hybrid pet builds, and this is one of the latest explorations. Apr 29, 2019 · In addition to Faust Wither's excellent list of items that provide the necessary trait, you can also dual wield melee weapons by taking the Dual Blades skill in Nightblade and pistols with the Ranged Expertise skill in Inquisitor. paladin, fire-burn, dual-wield-melee. 8. Chaos with occultist is also nice I've heard but it needs the Rahzi Aug 13, 2019 · I would not have thought so, but my dual wield chaos melee Witch Hunter is immensely better than my Blademaster. b) Shaman: combine Savagery with Dual Blades. Put "dual wield melee" in the search box in the item database at grimtools. I have a Nightblade who is dual wielding melee weapons; the best ones he has found so far are a couple of mace type weapons. All Discussions yeah, nightblade can dual wield melee right off the bat in the upcoming expansion there will be a class which can dual wield ranged Jun 24, 2019 · Introduction Trickster is one of the vanilla combinations. But what is a good class to combine with it. Members Online When you get a mace skin this good you thank The Forgotten Gods that Grim Dawn has transmog Jul 22, 2019 · Introduction Blademaster (Nightblade+Soldier) is one of the classical vanilla combinations in the game. I was hitting a wall in SR (at low levels in Ultimate) due to lack of gear as the BM is so gear dependent. 8) Beginner fire 2H melee vindicator- The luminari fire warrior- suitable for first char. afanasenkov26 December 23, 2021, 1:18pm 1. Then take shadow strike as a heavy hitter, the passive skills and the aura to boost your poison damage, take Blood of Dreeg as a source of flat acid damage and a generally good buff. :faction_dreeg: ⚔GRIMTOOLS⚔ :faction_dreeg: SR 75-76 Complete Run SR 85 Complete Run (1 Speedleveling a dual wield melee cold Infiltrator on Patch 1. So what are some pros and cons of the class/build. Maybe the Berserker will allow mele in one hand, ranged in the other.
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