Harry marries daphne fanfiction angry ginny. There had not been a conversation, but Hermione knew.
Harry marries daphne fanfiction angry ginny Chapter 3: During the trip back to London Daphne had fallen asleep tightly holding on to Harry with her face burrowed into his back. Harry even told them he was pregnant but not who the father was. This has some negative impacts to Harry, but will things start to improve or will it get worse? My Daphne didn't find out from Harry at first until her younger sister, Astoria, who is getting married at the end of the month, sent her the semi-annual letter filling her sister in on the goings in the community. Harry and Daphne agreed and the Daily Prophet announced it as the wedding of the century. Harry Potter was an enigma. "I've been intending too Mrs. On August fifth while scouting around on his broom with a disillusionment charm he spotted a large male brown bear First, the main pairing in this fic will be Daphne x Harry x Ginny. Harry and Hermione sat together and Daphne sat behind them. " She had said, Harry hearing an excited "Ginny, let's show Hermione your ring," Harry suggested. My eldest If anything, it made her angry. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Fleur turned to Harry. He did not get much time to admire it. "He said to tell you that Hungarian Horntails are much more macho than Hippogriffs and definitely better than Pygmy Puffs. Daphne had led him outside after the dance was over, and was now using the opportunity to hold onto his arm and snuggle into his side. Harry didn't know why, but he felt oddly at ease after his encounter with Daphne. I use the permission they have given to write fanfiction, making no money and only getting the satisfaction of having others read my work. Once all 3 criteria are met copies of this contract will be delivered to Harry and Hermione. " He flinched but turned his head to look up at the beauty who was Daphne Greengrass. NON-Canon Pairings. Harry will be having to play politics, there's no way around it. "Harry, Ginny it is time for dinner, so stop snogging and come eat". "She'll calm down after she sees how pretty it is. Cygnus and Isabel were also celebrating a little. Harry and Ginny plan a life together, then Harry "What about you Harry, how is the reigning champion doing?" Ginny asked, nodding him, "Are you ready to compete?" Harry looked up from his food, "Oh, I actually won't be competing today. He would generally forget about us- like Harry and I weren't starving just as much as he was! Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass weren't the most traditional friends. There had not been a conversation, but Hermione knew. " Harry said with a dignified air. All were very surprised that each house was represented and especially that there was a Slytherin. "I need to have you here. Note that Haphne aspect is more in the background. It had started as a means to relieve stress, both were aware. "Defodio!" The Gouging Spell cut out a large part of the ceiling, and Harry and Ginny quickly joined in, occasionally shooting a Stunner at a wizard or goblin who tried to stop them. "No Ginny!" Ginny Weasley was sulking, that was the only thing you could call it, she was too old to pout and too mature to throw a tantrum, well sometimes that is. "I believe in you. Harry says, "This is Ginny Weasley. The next day, the headlines of the papers was as follows: HERO FINALLY RETURNS. He had thought they had become so much closer this past summer spending time together at the Burrow. So are we. 8th May, 1998: "The contract is quite clear, Mr. The red headed prat was constantly trying to break up Harry and Hermione since they revealed their relationship in fourth year. She swung at him as if to slap him. Harry and Hermione each took one of Dobby's hands, and they were instantly popped to just inside the front door of Hermione's house. She had been angry at him for a long time but eventually she came around, The marriage contract would be signed and done with the day after Harry's sixth year ended. Snape watched enthusiastically hoping to see both lions who were thorns in his side tear the other apart. -oOo-Premise: After Sirius's death, Harry's life had been turned inside out. There was a group of people gathering in his room, all of whom were At odds with Dumbledore, estranged from the Weasleys, betrayed by Lupin, Harry tries to carry on for his 7th year. "Stupid bookworm she had to ruin everything" Ginny muttered under her breath as she watched as her ex-boyfriend and his best friend were laughing their butts of at her brother who "Harry" Parvati said as she walked into the Common Room from the 4th year girl's dormitory. Despite her best intentions this annoyed Daphne greatly. Harry thought he saw her do one for the remaining owl as well. "I need you to hold me Harry. Daphne's father, Cyrus glared at Harry. Though, if he wanted that, he'd probably Harry noticed the blonde girl go nearly rigid as what he assumed was a nickname was called out farther down the long hallway they stood in. Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled at Mr. One star-crossed night, Daphne saves Harry and finds a way to get out of the mess she is in. Without even the hint of acknowledgement of the red headed family Harry sits down with Daphne on his right side. "Your whole fascinating history. Pairing: Harry and Ginny. Once the whole class was there Snape burst right in and with a flick of his wand direction appeared on the Harry took himself back to his room and lazily went through his wardrobe. With everyone's attention elsewhere, Dumbledore attempted apparition from the infirmary to his office. She was happy everyone seemed to be enjoying it. He hadn't told Ginny about the job offer yet, but he assumed he wouldn't be able to since it didn't look like she would be talking to him anytime soon. "For example. I can't look at you right now. He knew the Gryffindor Trio couldn't keep their noses out of his business. That is, Ginny Weasley, who was robed in green and silver in this lifetime, was hexing her brother when she was not giving Harry A NEW LIFE FOR HARRY POTTER. "Yes!" said Sirius, pumping his fist into the air, while Harry and Daphne laughed. Ginny would be carrying down his Nimbus 2000 and switch brooms just before soaring out onto Daphne said with a smile. Not much food was within reach there. Suggestions to change the name are appreciated and might be edited later! Harry Potter, Lord of houses Potter and Black, slayer of the Dark Lord Voldemort, and known to only a few, 'Master of Death', couldn't even bring himself to care to respond. Of course, he wasn't severely injured, just got tired Daphne instinctively made a habit of seeking Harry out visually at meals in the Great Hall and noticed that Ginny had begun sitting with Harry and his friends instead of with Thomas. , Ginny W. And, since I'm in a happy open relationship Hermione watched the others as the play opened. He wasn't even the Gryffindor Golden Boy. Daphne followed Harry to the table and sat down next to him on one of the huge, shabby chairs, but was mindful to keep Harry between herself and the snoring Boarhound next to the fireplace. " Tears sprang to her eyes as she realized that Harry nodded his assent and the goblin left to speak with the bank director, and one of the leaders of the goblin nation. Before Ron got the chance to hurl his abuse at him, someone else entered his room. , Harry P. Ginny and Harry had gotten divorced when she was two months pregnant. " "Then, call me Harry. – Harry smirked proudly and his girlfriend looked at him for a few moments. Ron couldn't be seen so she thought he must be still in the kitchen. There was a bat crawling around it. Harry continued to process through different theories around his invitation. Harry and Ginny would marry. " He hugged Ginny and then Harry again. Ginny couldn't help, but to glare at the one who broke up her relationship with Harry Potter that person was Harry's best friend, Hermione Granger. ] Ginny W. " Daphne nodded once before meekly sitting back He explained that to Ginny, and Ginny looked to Harry and then to Daphne, and sighed, eyes closed, pinching the bridge of her nose as Daphne giggled softly, hand still in Harry's. Harry sighed as Daphne leaned in to hug him as Harry practically spat out the last few words. Hermione's free hand was resting on Ron's. " She hears snippets of what the Savior is doing from Ginny mostly. , Hermione G. The both of them start to Molly became furious, Harry, Hermione and Ron were confused and Ginny knew her brother was kidding. "He didn't even know they were Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any future character from the author J. 'Do you ' Harry didn't get to finish his sentence to receive a kiss from Daphne. I swear you will! I'm better than this trollop!" Daphne looked ready to burst, and Tracey's face was cold as she sauntered up beside Daphne, completely blocking Ginny's view of Harry. She only broke away once to beckon Crabbe over All those great fics that have HarryGinny romance, whether that is the focus or not. Most wouldn't be foolish enough to make A place for all the Harry/Daphne fanfics. It had been two years since then and they were the perfect couple. So you're informed: Harry and Daphne married three years after graduation. Eventually Harry/Daphne. Fine, you're forgiven, Hermione. Daphne Greengrass is facing a fate worse than death. He was feeling embarrassed, angry but most of all guilty. K. "Sure. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 01-15-17. Harry, Hermione, and Daphne made their way down to the dungeons and found seats and took them. In unrevealed canon, Daphne and Sam become betrothed in her sixth Sitting down, her arms crossed as she glared at him, Molly felt so angry that she had had no choice but to settle for this man that she had been forced to trick into marriage when she had been told by her family to choose a husband or one would be chosen for her. Harry's heart leapt. Organised, in advance by Harry and the twins, his Firebolt was taken down to the Gryffindor locker room and hidden under a Notice-Me-Not Charm. 0000000. Now, about Daphne; your mother tells me I need to apologise. K Rowling. Harry bent over to her while Hagrid had Harry tried to point to where he was, when he was interrupted by an extremely frustrated Hermione. Harry tried to look furtively at Ginny's and Daphne's direction. The days went by while Daphne and Harry worked, and when his birthday rolled around they drove to Nome to register Harry for hunting after he passed the hunting exams and registered his firearms. "I know you've spent the last nearly seven years telling yourself otherwise, but you've never failed any of us, and I know you're not going . He didn't look like his father's copy with a mother's eyes. I really hope you did too. She had wanted to go all Goth and brood for a while, but her skin was naturally tan and she absolutely hated the way she looked with too much black makeup, it was too A/N: During 6th year, why Harry and Ginny really broke up. Now we won't be forced to keep that promise, and we won't have to give Harry to that trashy girl. Chapter 3 Harry had liked Dean well enough, but ever since that scene behind the tapestry Harry could barely see Dean without feeling some form of anger. The Grass Is Always Greener by kb0 reviews. Later, when Hermione peeked at Harry and · Title: The Game is Afoot Author: Perspicacty Rating: M Genre: Angst/Romance Words: 18,961 Published: September 18, 2008 Status: Complete Library Category: Romance Pairings: Harry/Ginny; one-sided Harry/Daphne Summary : The War is over. "You will do as I command. When she reached him, Harry turned his face so that the kiss landed on his cheek. "Daphne, I understand. Ginny is playing Quidditch professionally and dating Viktor Krum of all people. He didn't blame it. " Harry laughed, much to the shock of the gathered people. He heard Neville growl a little. For some reason, that seemed to warm her up immediately. "Ronald though has to earn my forgiveness. Harry was no longer capable of having children. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance Daphne on Harry's right, Susan now on Harry's left, with Fleur linking arms with Daphne. Harry, with just getting out of a five-year unsuccessful marriage, and Daphne wanting to focus on herself before adding "And Harry won't have to marry that obnoxious Ginny; she won't want him once she finds out. Ron bashing, slight Ginny bashing, GreyIntelligent/Harry, FanFiction | unleash Grey!Harry Intelligent!Harry Powerful!Harry. " Molly fixed him with a hard stare. "Harry, the children" she started. Daphne's parents were supporters of the Dark Lord, her father was even marked. So Bilious was getting hexed in stereo. "Sod off Queenie," he growled. Harry knew that the goblins would entertain his request as a goblin friend, and he would have to help them out as he could. June 18, 1999. Although Daphne's betrothal was not a secret, it was still news for some of the visitors. Molly tried to talk Harry out of leaving; Arthur and the twins stayed silent. Then the three used wide-area Repair Charms, Reparo, to set most of And when Harry told her that he didn't regret with they did, they both knew they shouldn't do it again. "And how do you know this, Lord Potter?" Flitwick quietly asked, clearly curious. "I hardly think I've ever heard something so impossible. What I was trying to say is that it wasn't the wine. The first one to escape Harry's wandless proficiency in two years. " Harry said flatly. "Now, as I said Ginny marrying Harry isn't an option. " They bid the family goodbye, and Harry lingered a moment before giving a firm nod to Daphne This is a work of fanfiction written and posted solely for the enjoyment of readers. You can't mean that, Harry. Rowling and everyone she has given licensing rights too. HARRY POTTER MARRIES CHILDHOOD PAL. All characters belong to JK Rowling. " Daphne said leaving Harry to his thoughts. Fighting back the hurt and pain, he quickly turned and made his way away from where he was. All Harry ever wanted was a family and now that was never going to happen. " With that, Harry and Ginny disappeared. All the male aurors got to see each other while showering after training and Tim knew it could not have anything to do with Harry's size, if that was the reason Ginny cheated. It wasn't, of course, Ginny knew to be a fact. Harry, unlike everyone else in the room, knew that both of those emotions could ever be put into a kiss at the same time. Then again, she didn't have much of a leg to stand on, she came with Victor Krum. Tags: Alive!Potters, Neglected!Harry. "Let's give the dragon a hand," Daphne shouted at Harry and Ginny. Ginny wept. All of her children had disappointed her by not following her advice, and Molly worried she would never be able to see her house full of children again. "Good. "Of course Harry wanted Teddy to have something to remember his parents by. When you were born I was so happy that I called some friends harry ginny and daphne is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Then after Ginny and Gabriel walked in as bridesmaids, Fleur made an Harry Potter had not been in a relationship since his 6th year at Hogwarts when he had very briefly dated Ginny Weasley. Daphne turned around slowly as if she were confronting a bear, Harry merely followed his companion's gaze, hearing the girl beside him mutter "oh god," under her breath. Ginny smiled at this, and kissed his cheek to show her affection. At precisely 1. She balled up Daphne's panties, promptly inserting them between her lips, gagging her firmly. He was angry at Ron, but not that angry. Harry Potter was now 27 years old. I am never Chapter 5: Round Four: Ginny vs. You won't know until you meet him. After having her robe set on fire by Luna and watching Harry ask Daphne out, an angry Ginny Weasley stormed back to the castle by herself. Sometime in 1994, this reporter has speculated about the budding tragic romance between the then unexpected Tri-Wizard Champion, fourteen-year-old, Harry Potter and his brilliant best friend, Hermione Granger. "Stop. There was a burst of white light, and the concussion sent Harry and Daphne tumbling away. " "Ron you spoiled everything!" Harry and Ron made it back to the Common Room, and Ron From the fifth-year Gryffindors, Ginny Weasley's happy shout came: "Harry Potter's back!" Annoyed Hermione looked at Ginny and said archly, "Harry Potter's front is here too. Angry at Hermione for betraying her, angry at Daphne for stealing Harry away from her, and angry at Harry for setting her up and humiliating her like this. But. Harry scrambled to shield Daphne with his body. "The last thing you would want before you apply to become a solicitor would be some front page shot on one of Normally Harry would have been happy to get away of Umbridge, Snape and the Slytherins to see his godfather Sirius, but the fact that Ron had distanced himself from Harry to the point that he had demanded and got a room of his own at the admittedly huge house, and the fact that every other Weasley seemed to act Pairings – Harry/Susan/Megan J/Morag M, Ron/Lavender, Neville/Ginny, Draco/Daphne, Kevin E/Parvati/Padma. Harry got up and helped Ginny up. "We were forced to marry by a cursed contract. How will they cope with that? Warnings: underage drinking, probably a lemon or two, and Weasley bashing. "Oh come on mum! I was just having some fun. Luna was thin and frail, with an otherworldly glean to her silver-gray eyes. At least Riddle seemed to be ignoring him. "Ginny, dear, you'll be ok. "Ginny" Harry moaned before he passed out and all went black. When Ginny marries, Harry travels back in time to find his bride. When its owner, none other than the slytherin Ice Queen Daphne Greengrass, shows up to claim it dangerous secrets are revealed and Harry must use his new powers and allies to defeat Lord Voldemort Ginny being a hugger pulled him into a hug, "good to see you". She wasn't sure when he had become Harry instead of Potter. Monica couldn't even say a word, her shock was that deep. In one of their arguments about her caring for James, Ginny had screamed that Harry wasn't even the father of the unborn April 16th, 2003. The smell of ozone overwhelmed the chamber. "Harry love you have to marry Ginny. Daphne stepped further into the room and surveyed the three other girls. chapter 4:howlers. Harry and Tracey both shooks their heads while checking underneath things, just in case they were wrong. Year 1995. "Harry. Eight years later, Ginny wants answers. FINI. Harry looked up and saw that the other owl still up in the rafters seemed to be cringing. " "That makes one of us" Daphne muttered. " Harry, Neville, Hermione, Draco, Daphne, Susan and Tracey said together. " Fleur had finally had enough of Ginny, and more to the point, of the Weasley family's Harry felt his heart drop as he heard Ginny's words. Harry stood there thinking of the pros and the cons of this and finally nodded his head, but he still wasn't sure. He had large black bags under his eyes and his skin was paler than it was before. Ginny looked at Harry "I can't wait to have you, Harry. an angry Longbottom is scary!" "Ron or Ginny?" Harry sighed as he stepped back onto the street and began short walk "I know you mean well, even if you did let that prick in. , Daphne G. The whole way home Ginny said nothing while Harry was crushed. And Ginny had broken her heart by joining the Harpies when she should have gotten married to Harry already. At Tracey's angry look she continued more gently. And Ginny knew how to defeat the advantages Harry had with a faster and more manoeuvrable broom from playing with her brothers on their better brooms in their backyard Quidditch pitch. She's so self-centered. Harry just wanted to be himself and prove everyone that he was something more than a name. "Harry is marrying Ginny. I am not J. And where does Daphne fit in? A Harry/Ginny/Daphne anti-romance. I didn't really" "Harry, you idiot, let a girl finish what she's saying before you start apologizing. Daphne shook and Ginny was never the jealous type but watching Ron and Hermione saying their vows awoke loads of feelings and resentment, she couldn't help but be angry with harry for making her wait this long! The reception that followed the ceremony later that night was full of eating, dancing, toasts and other customary wedding things. powerful grey harry. Harry? Harry is a great man and I think any witch would be grateful to have him. ", she started, letting go of her nose, eyes opening. All I had to do was consummate. Kingsley looked shocked and began to stammer. Potter: you and Daphne must marry," Agamemnon Greengrass said in a tone so smug it made Harry want to deck him. The aforementioned scene had been months ago, but the idea of it still upset Harry. " said Harry bluntly. The title is taken from the song "Exile" by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver. We never loved each other, or even liked each other" said Harry. leaving behind his angry sister. "Kind of" he said worryingly of Daphne's response, she looked amused however. They had been trying to push Ginny and Harry together for the last two years. Nine Weeks Later "Daphne, are you okay?" Hermione asked as she walked into her best friend's room. Her nimble little fingers wrapped around the base, and her lips covered the purply, mushroomlike head. Harry could feel his teeth digging deeper She got to her knees, and began unfastening Goyle's trousers, ignoring the stupefied look on his ugly mug. Harry's last sight of the inside of the Burrow was Ron's anger-red face. Dumbledore told us he'd keep an eye on things, but I guess he didn't expect this," Harry said, and Daphne could hear that Harry was angry at Dumbledore as well. With the gold he left in the vault, he had Godric's Hallow refitted and fixed up. Daphne Greengrass. "Harry, about last night. At first, there were no romantic feelings between them, but after a while, Daphne fell in love. Harry thought she was contemplating the new revelations while still mourning Fred. Harry, now 23, head of DMLE has nothing but his responsibilities on his mind. "Over my dead body Weasley," Hermione said as she huddled closer After that Harry and the innocent Weasley's started catching up, learning everything about Harry now that Harry trusted them. His eyes were drawn and he looked paler then usual. "Never mind, off to bed both of you!" She exclaimed, while Harry gave Ron the death stare. ] Theodore N. Fleur had been there for Harry when he had been suffering from a moral dilemma and knew more about their quest than most people at the table and had managed to read between the lines of what Harry had tried to say. We don't hold prejudices in this family and you know that. Daphne nodded. And with that Harry has realized he might have been called the hero but was a pawn in a chess game controlled by Albus Dumbledore. "You KNOW I didn't mean that!" "Neither do Tracey and Luna," Harry said, grinning Master Harry," Kreacher answered. They both went into the dining room and sat down waiting for lily to bring the food into the We'll discuss all the details on Sunday. Harry being the younger turns 14 or they share their first kiss. Daphne said weakly. Harry spent seven years as a professional quidditch player before retiring after an injury. . " Sirius and Daphne's parents arrived then and Sirius called Harry over, "Well, we'd best be going. The author makes no claims and does not receive remuneration of any kind. Susan was beautiful in the exact opposite way as Daphne herself. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and I do not own anything in reference to that entire imagined universe. Daphne. Seeking solace he finds the company of Daphne "Ginny Weasley, I told you to never interfere with the affairs of the House of Potter ever again!" Harry Potter growled as his eyes glowed with feral anger. I like to spice things up and change it up a bit. The Weasleys would have to pay for the wedding, and Harry would have to provide a house for them to live in. By: Rita Skeeter. This is another reason we need you. "Harry, open yours next please. Harry/Daphne. But I want to fall in love! I want to be swept off my feet! I want to chose who I marry!" Susan lost it, tears flowing down her snow kissed cheeks as she clung to her legs trying to hide from the world. I'm a poor college student in denial about Harry Potter being over. " "I know you're angry, Harry, but Ron will come around. Harry felt proud of Daphne for having helped students from all houses at that time. Harry looked back at Hermione. XXX XXX. Everyone's voices had quieted It was going to be bad. Harry's heart broke further when he saw that Bill was rolling his eyes and not kissing her back. "Harry," she said, Completed Harry and Daphne Fanfiction. During the second term of Harry’s sixth year, he ends up saving Daphne Greengrass from a fate worse than death. "Aunty I can't I can't do this. Weasley greeting them cordially, receiving a cold-shoulder from Mrs. "No hitting Gin-Gin. "What?" asked Wendell, quite stunned. Not sure if this counts as OC/Daphne or just as Fem!Harry/Daphne but it's a thing now either way. BOY-WHO-LIVED GOING TO BE A FATHER SOON. Harry and Daphne find themseves trapped in a hasty marriage after a drunken night, and there is no way out. I need to be with someone I want to be with. Once the door was shut, Ginny blasted Harry in the back with a cruciatus curse stronger than any other he had felt until he blacked Harry pulled out his wand and Ron reached for his. Rowling, nor do I make any money off of this story. Daphne, may I introduce you to Miss Hermione Granger, Misters William and Ronald Weasley and Auror Harry Potter. He'd heard that Blaise and Daphne had a relationship a few years back, albeit a short one. The stories that circulated had a single common element: Ginevra Weasley, known as Ginny, the lone sister in the houseful of Ginny noticed Neville, Harry, Seamus and Dean all talking in one corner. Harry says, "This Read Chapter 23 of Paid In Blood (Harry Potter Fanfic) Fanfic by Moon_Lord_. George, Ron, and Ginny were supposed to receive their letters, and Harry and Hermione decided to join them and receive theirs at the same time to try to reduce the unpleasantness The summer after his 5th year a depressed Harry Potter stumbles across a wounded owl and nurtures it back to health. - Complete. When Harry sees Daphne nod while Tracey smiles, he doesn't know why, but Tracey smiles as Daphne immediately complies with what Harry says, although Tracey barely can contain herself from nodding as Daphne did. FanFiction | unleash 875 - Favs: 2,228 - Follows: 1,059 - Updated: 10/23/2007 - Published: 10/12/2006 - [Harry P. Tim also wondered who the man was that had slept with Ginny. Snape saves a three year old Harry from near death. He blocked her swing with his forearm. Ginny had, for the second time that day, been reduced to incoherent spluttering while Harry raged about their 'fate', but now Ginny had regain her composure, confident in her belief that all this was nothing but a very poor attempt to get her to back out of the marriage agreement, as if she would ever do something like that. Daphne put her hand on Harry's arm and led him to the window, where she began to point out the layout of the gardens to him. Chapter 1 Ginny had, for the second time that day, been reduced to incoherent spluttering while Harry raged about their 'fate', but now Ginny had regain her composure, confident in her belief that all this was nothing but a very poor attempt to get her to back out of the marriage agreement, as if she would ever do something like that. Taking her place at his side while they waited for her mother, Daphne placed a hand on Ginny smashed her lips upon Harry, caressing them gently with hers, her hands roaming in his hair, on his chest, around his neck. , Tracey D. Which would be the end of Ginny's fifth. Luna Lovegood, currently age 33, white blonde hair and silver eyes, Lady Lovegood, Single mother of Twins. " Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley and Romilda Vane all looked at Harry Potter and thought, He looks yummy. Harry was going to walk away back to the Dursley's but he heard two things that stopped him in tracks. He couldn't give her that. Harry had discovered the property about a month ago during a visit to Gringotts, upon which he had also discovered the fact that Dumbledore had made him a fake will, and had been a witness to his parents' will, which clearly stated FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - [Daphne G. One was from Mrs Weasley, "Well we have the illegal marriage contract for Harry and Ginny, this will give us the money that we deserve for having to deal with him for so long. The Harry said as Ginny and Ron glared daggers at Hermione, their expressions screaming 'Traitor!' at her and the other Weasley Clan just looked disappointed in Hermione. Harry and Ginny immediately broke apart blushing. The woman under the spray was every mans' version of perfection in Daphne Greengrass. "I showed it to her when she arrived at the Burrow this morning," Ginny said attempting to deflect Harry. "That was quick. It's a cliche take on the cliche marriage contract cliche, plus some smut. He decided to take Ron up on his statement, and go back to the Burrow. Harry turns his and looks at Parvati and was stunned at how Parvati looked in her pink dress robes he gets up and says "Wow Vati you gussied up. Harry stared into the dying embers of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, wondering what Ginny could possibly be doing outside the dorms at midnight. Harry supposed that Hermione saw the look on his face at hearing Ginny's name because she asked: "Harry, are you sure you and Ginny are okay. Weasley. Rating may change. Chapter 12. Harry saw that Ron's ears were red the entire time, and he was scowling, but he hurried to sit amongst Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle, Theodore, Daphne, Millicent and Tracey— —who all directed Ron, with slaps and punches, to sit at the very end of the table. There will be Humor, there will be Romance, also Drama and Angst. Dear Mrs. " "But where does that leave you?" Daphne looked Summary- Oneshot, fluff, - Astoria Greengrass and Rose Potter try to setup their older siblings Harry and Daphne together. " Ginny lowered her wand with a gasp. His hands meanwhile, roamed on her back and on her legs. " "Ginny, show me the This is a Harry/Daphne story that takes place a few years after the end of the war. Leave before you get hurt, little girl. Pulling back Ginny saw the raw anger in Harry's Hermione flinched, "Ron abandoned us! Harry needed him and Ron decided that since I chose Harry over him- which by the way, I didn't- that he could come home, enjoy mum's," Hermione glanced at Molly as she said it, "cooking. She was soon joined by her friend Tracey. YAY! I loved it. The last few weeks have been difficult. "This is all her doing!" Ginny screeched as she pointed an accusing finger at Hermione who was now smirking in her direction. 'Yes, I accept you Hermione Granger as my sister wife, I accept Pansy Parkinson as my sister wife, and I accept you Harry Potter as my husband. It’s a light-hearted piece of fiction, and it’s not meant to be taken too serious. Daphne looked serious and confident. Also, English is not my first language, so be prepared for strange language quirks or don't read. "You'll do great," she said. "Yeah and I get to marry Hermione," Ron said with a stupid look on his face, and smiling at the brown haired girl. " Harry said. Harry just nodded his head as the music started to play. Well, this letter makes an exception—but for this letter to go from my hand to your eyes requires goblin magic, plus magic from Harry Potter's house-elf Handy, plus special magic from Harry and Daphne cast Drying Charms upon each other, while Hagrid prepared the tea. Founder: Dorothea Greengrass - Stories: 206 - Followers: 1,379 - id: 126530 With Ginny entering a relationship with Dean, Harry is forced to move on despite his lingering emotions. She got up and approached him. Or, rather, who Ginny could be Years later, when Daphne was 23 years old she had an affair with Harry Potter, the savior of the wizardly world. At this Harry felt a pang of guilt. He was nothing like they expected. Daphne looked up. Hermione is constantly amused by the turn of events. By giving her the baby-risking load she always craved, Harry had pacified Ginny's anger about Fleur, hopefully putting it to bed for good. Neville snorted and Ginny laughed. Summary: Harry overhears Ginny plotting to force him in a situation that he has to marry her. Ginny would be allowed in the wards, but Harry and Daphne started protesting at the same time with a shout of "No, I will not" coming from Daphne and a cry of "I don't need her help" emanating from Harry. "Now," she said, "for the most Since taking the exams, Harry had battled Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries, had seen his godfather die, had seen Hermione almost die, had been told about the prophecy that linked himself and Voldemort, had read elderly Daphne's letter and elderly Harry's book-letter, had claimed two inheritances, and had After Harry and Ginny's divorce they were convinced that Harry was in the wrong and refused contact until he forgave Ginny and abolished the divorce. "Ron didn't need me to twist his arm to write that letter and he will Main characters: Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Ginevra Weasley. "Can't find the Now, we shall go fulfill that last bit of the contract, and my Ladies and I can return home. King's Cross Station, platform nine and three quarters. They both died making a world where he could grow up safe. Rated T for language. Before Harry and Miss Granger became betrothed, she was a "useful idiot," because of her slavish trust in authority figures; but now she must die for the Greater Good. Neither wanted to be in a relationship. Daphne closed and locked the cage and then hit it with the Enervate Charm, Renervate, waking them all up again. Kreacher continued, "Master Harry told me to ask you what he smells in Amortentia. "Kingsley, Ron, Hermione, Mrs. She was very pretty, but in an uncommon fashion. He kissed her with more passion then he knew that he had. 7th year Harry and Daphne, 5th year ravenclaw Astoria and Rose. Hello! I'm Nerdy Fan and welcome to my first Haphne story! I've wanted The bath was empty but Harry first noticed the clothes scattered in a line towards the large glass shower. Ron recovered from his shock Harry, Morag, Ernie and Neville laughed at that, and even Ron and Ginny had to grin at the truth of that statement, but Hermione gave Daphne a disapproving look. Rated M for violence and Language and just in case HP/Harem cause Harry's like that, NL/TD, RL/NT, Evil Dumbles. Harry Potter Reveals All About His Marriage to Long-Lost Lady Potter. They both spent weekdays with Harry, where Teddy went to muggle school and Harry and Daphne decided that Liam would go as well when he was old enough, and weekends with Daphne and Blaise. They had rehearsed at Grimmauld Place how the meeting with her parents was probably going to be, and turned back to the rom, Daphne's hand still on Harry's arm, when the door opened. " Daphne said. She stared off at the couple, Ginny and Dean, and what Harry saw in her eyes were inspection and longing both. Chapter 1: Wives and A New Start {Flashback: Prior to Frist Year, Hogwarts Express} Harry Potter was laying in his four-poster bed staring up at the ceiling of his canopy lost in thought going over the last two years of his life since entering Hogwarts school of Ginny was about to speak when she noticed a gold band on Hermione's left ring finger. When she got home from a long day at work, she usually could find Daphne sitting in the living room or kitchen, listening to music, working on her project she brought home from work. After lunch Harry walked "HARRY!" Ginny cried, rushing to him, and grabbing his arm, as if she were trying to hide in his embrace. It says so in the book," Molly said exasperated. "Oh come on Ginny" Harry replied "Ron just"" Got lucky!" Ginny interrupted "Very lucky if you ask me. "They get scary when they get older. Inteligent, Slytherin Harry, future Daphne x Hey guys, I'm back with another story, I hope you enjoy it, please check out the end of the chapter for update information! The Greengrass family, one of the ancient families of the wizarding world, this family, alongside the Malfoy, Black, Potter, Bones, and other families that are already extinct are considered "the founders". "You can't do this to him," Hermione pleaded, tears beginning to leak out of her eyes. He did not disappoint. I offered to go with Harry Potter and the others to rescue Sirius Black in the Department of Mysteries. Once Daphne read the words, Ginny Harry said as Ginny and Ron glared daggers at Hermione, their expressions screaming 'Traitor!' at her and the other Weasley Clan just looked disappointed in Hermione. "You have been paired with two witches: Ginerva Weasley and Hermione Granger" Kingsley told him seriously. She should be on Harry's left, not this bushy haired bookworm! She should be Lady Potter. "Errr" Harry said looking at Daphne, even he could see the hope in her eyes. No dirty fics, none that involve any slash, but just the stuff that makes you go 'Awww, how cute' Note: Sex is only excusable if it is mentioned in passing [and only if the characters are married], or mentioned as a We will cross that bridge if we come to it. As Harry lay down, Ginny noticed his face properly. "It can't be" Ginny murmured "It's true" Harry said wiping his mouth with his sleeve and went to stand by his wife "Sorry Harry, I didn't mean to blurt that out," Hermione murmured softly to Harry "That's alright she was bound to find out Pansy nodded feverishly, as Harry leaned in for a kiss, he turned to Daphne. For the Love a Child by RememberMe2 reviews. Ginny got up again and gave Harry a very nice frontal view from his position in the floor. "So we will not be repeating that mistake" said Harry. Inspired by Dr Doofs prompt in the Haphne discord. Daphne Daphne looked around at each of them, seeming a bit confused before she pointed out, "well maybe that can work when it was just the 3 of you married to Harry, but there are 5 of us now and I'm sure there will be plenty more and I'm sure eventually Harry will start choosing to add wives and concubines and there will be nothing Harry, once again, failed to noticed his future wife. Ginny, Hermione, and Luna took care of putting away Ginny's clothes, while Ron and Harry finished putting the last boxes away that Ginny wanted stored, and taking care of things like empty boxes, setting up Snowflake's cage next to Snowstorm's, and making room in the Library for the things Ginny wanted to have in there. They were even more closely matched than Harry dreamed. A polite knock at the door was heard by the residents of the Cottage in Godric's Hollow. "I know, I know This is a thing now. Link : here I just reread this one a while Daphne had a detention (something about a confrontation with Ginny Weasley) so Harry hung out with Neville and Hannah until Nev pointedly suggested that he go the hell away. He was still wondering about that contract but had little reason to doubt her words. Daphne's mother started to talk Harry and Daphne remarrying. After Harry is poisoned by Ginny in a failed bid to garner his affections via a love potion Hermione seeks to redress her the wrongs done them in the only avenue available. Harry and Daphne flooed onto the station platform to a huge crowd of people wanting to congratulate them on their recent marriage. At least from what can be found. It's not just Harry dating the girls, the girls are together as well. The spell, unsupported by a working wand, backfired savagely. Harry rushed over to comfort her, much to Ginny's chagrin. 30pm both Harry and Daphne were standing in the Entrance Hall waiting for Daphne's father to arrive and collect them. Fleur stepped in front of him, reaching up to the girl's head. He bent his lips down to catch her own. Ginny's more devious than Daphne when she sets her mind to it. Ginny nudged her. " "Whatever you The weekend after Easter, Gryffindor finally had their match against the Slytherins. Harry could hear the change in her voice it had become much slower almost sickly sweet, "Gryffindor's always got The Chosen One out there don't we?" This story is meant to be more entertaining, rather than realistic. "Jay, you're right. Ron looked angry. "And, Ginny told me all about you, Harry," said Riddle. " Tracey hissed. Curiosity: A Harry X Daphne Fanfiction by justanothernerdyfan reviews. I'll give you cupcakes if you JKR never tells us whom Daphne Greengrass marries after Daphne sits her NEWTs, so I made up a name and a backstory for Daphne's husband, as "unrevealed canon. Dumbledore wasn't pleased he needed to reign Harry in. "That could have gone better," Daphne said, sitting down on the couch at the Potter villa. He tried to look angry but Harry could see that he looked tired. BY: SHADOWWOLF123. She aimed her wand at the ceiling. All well written and worth reading. Why? Well, I like the canon pairings, but I've wanted to write a Harry x Daphne for some time now. -----0 Harry's fingers slid out of Daphne with a slick squelch. Harry returned five minutes later. Ginny had turned about and stormed out of the common room. Harry/Daphne/Susan. Harry smiled and stood, "I think that's a great idea. ' Daphne rushed before Daphne just shrugged and glared daggers at the door she'd just come from. Once Fleur broke the kiss, she fell to her knees crying. " She softened her gaze for her daughter. " Sam Flint is the younger brother of Marcus Flint and is two years older than Daphne. He kept his arms around her possessively. ] Ron W. Ginny and Harry have struck a tentative friendship over the past few months. Hermione Granger glared at me when I said I will join them. Daphne only laughed at that, not Something that Dumbledore hadn't shared with Lupin, or anyone else but the minions he got to do the job and then obliviated when they came to get paid for it, was that Sirius Black hadn't escaped from Azkaban as everyone believed When Ronald Weasley's loud diatribes about Potter being a Dark Wizard because he Hermione asked, clearly concerned for her friend. It seemed as if Dumbledore was trying to do it before Harry could claim the Potter and Black seats and become Lord Black-Potter. This will be a multi-chapter story. Ginny, as Genevra was more commonly known, had a slightly older brother named Ron. This story will end differently so it won't really be AU No slash "It's alright Harry," Ginny patted his hand, "I know that Hermione was behind all the fake rumors and I forgive you. And everyone can sense magical power to a degree, and those with more power will be more respected. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and looked at her husband. We've got things to do, Harry. "Harry must get rid of the Black and Slytherin family magics before he marries Ginny!" insisted Molly, ignoring her husband. Brushing any ash off of his clothes, Harry turned to see Daphne exit the flames, brushing ash off her clothes as well. As his wife, I cannot allow him to miss out on such an advantage. Harry and Daphne have a costume-style Christmas. Perfect. He needed to be in 'The Burrow' within an hour as they had planned. When we arrived back to Hogwarts, Harry was carrying Hermione to the Hospital Ginny had worked up a full head of steam and nothing short of a blown blood vessel would stop her. Maybe you should bring an engagement ring for Ginny and make it official. Let's take off another 25 points and A Harry Potter FanFic Short Story When Hermione Granger hears she's adopted she is ok with- at first when she finds out who her real family is she has a nasty shock. And when a marriage contract with Daphne Greengrass is sent to his office, he has no real intention of trying to find happiness and making their marriage real. Fred and George seemed to be trying to sell something, while Bill and Fleur sat on the sofa holding young Victoire. Weasley greeting · Harry and Ginny plan a life together, then Harry disappears without a trace. Song: Take A Bow. Following the war, he and Ginny had decided to break up. She wasn't angry or anything, she was actually grateful, she was eager to taste the older woman's tits, so, the heir of the Greengrass family was really thankful to have her boyfriend right now, and she surely was going to do something for him later. Weasley and Ginny Weasley had tired to set me up to die. Lord Cygnus and Lady Isabel Greengrass - dear friends, plus you're betrothed to their daughter, Daphne (see below) Amelia Bones and her husband (if she marries) - a dear friend from within the DMLE. As it stands, there's a possibility of inbred idiots calling Harry and Ginny's marriage illegal, and making political capital out of the resulting scandalous affair. Hermione, ever the thoughtful one, quickly cast muffling charms on both their ears and Neville's to insulate them from the impending noise. Ginny Weasley, from Gryffindor, Padma Patel, from Ravenclaw, Susan Bones, from Hufflepuff, and Daphne Greengrass, from Slytherin. They talked about it, congratulated Daphne and even joked about the Gryffindor fire melting the Slytherin ice Queen. pointing at a shocked and angry Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. After Harry, Tonks and Hermione all got dressed Harry decided it was high time that the weasley's and Dumbledore pay for steeling from him and so he started writing four very angry howlers and when he had finished them he added the charm to make the letters shout in his voice and Harry and Hermione meet at Hogwarts and become friends. They will be married either on Harry's 17th birthday or his 3rd birthday after this contract is started whichever "Any more?" asked Daphne. Three-way, meaning they all date each other. mill until nearly the end of term. "Calm down, Harry, she was only trying-" "Did I ask you, Ginny? Stay out of it!" Harry exclaimed. Daphne thrashed for a moment, then went still in favor of glaring. I want I need some control of my life. Ginny retreated her steps and walked over near Ron to take a seat. " Harry said as they broke away. "Well, if he didn't before, he surely will now," Sirius said. Harry and Ginny were put back into the dark as he knelt above her. " Harry gave her a small smile, and watched her beam in return. Ginny looked very pensive. " Ginny's hand quickly disappeared underneath the table. However, they didn't need to ask they had a very good idea who it was. " "In that case, call me Daphne. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Hermione G. Pairing: Harry Potter & Daphne Greengrass. "You're not going to let them beat me, are you?" "Gee, and here I thought you hated me," Harry muttered, an unusual twinkle in his eyes. You had some wine, I dazzled you with things you've never seen. Harry nodded, understanding the need for discretion. She is Ron's, Fred's, George's and Percy's little sister. She of course knew why she was here and knew almost five years previously and thought that she didn't mean anything here but what oh no some meddling old man got to keep them apart and causing "He's not you. Daphne the Elf, Harry the Reindeer by 1Valor1 reviews. All she knew was that someone had to be their mother, and since Ginny wasn't up to the task, Daphne had stepped up. No ill will was held between the two, it was seen as mutually beneficial for them to part ways. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. 'Well,' Mr Greengrass said, after clearing his throat and casting a look at Harry. Harry was blasted back into the wall and crumpled into a pile. "Now I am going to snog you Ginny was confused by the simple act of Harry going to the Ministry on his own to give an interview. Harry Potter visits his family to extend the invitation to his wedding. Harry had several horrible dreams most of which comprised Ginny's angry face screaming "Freak!" "So are we, mate. Weasley, I am not engaged to Ginny. With Professor Flitwick there as Head of House for Ravenclaw and representing Professor Snape as Head of House for Slytherin - the two felt he didn't want to Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J. It isn't lady like. Their relationship was just pleasure, but they worked together as partners and he was just so charming. Maybe Blaise insisted on inviting Daphne when Ginny had invited him. I didn't have to actually enjoy it. I guess I shouldn't worry too much" Ginny continued. He looked tired. Hermione stood next to Harry holding tightly to his hand. There was dead silence. No matter how badly either of them wanted to do it. Their godparents Sirius Black and Amelia Bones had put forward the idea of a marriage between Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass. Congrats Ginny and Harry. Harry turned to look behind him and saw his three beautiful children standing there in different states Harry and Tonks. Dumbledore believed I wouldn't survive, created a fictional Will in my name, and Ron and Hermione left before the battle Meanwhile Ginny was shooting daggers at Harry. Hermione would be like her and have many kids and stay at home that was the way it was meant to be. "Good, now I need to talk to Hermione. That was the first thing she noticed. "Dumdum may be a Master Occlumens; but, even he is not immune to the efforts of the Unspeakables," replied Harry. No friends, no family to speak off, other than the occasional visits to his godson Teddy Lupin. " Harry didn't look at anybody as his hands shook But enforcing him in a betrothal contract with Ginny Weasley knowing that if he did not marry Daphne Greengrass and repressing the existence of both the contracts was the limit. Rated: Fiction M - English - [Harry P. " Ginny said. Daphne Greengrass was sitting in one of the chars in what to appear to be study room similar to her father's one. Where Daphne had black hair, Susan's was the color of honey. ] - Chapters: 3 Harry shot back with a glare already angry from being forced into the tournament. Female Potter Twin x Daphne Greengrass. Ginny's eyes narrowed as she began to draw her FanFiction | unleash Well we all read fanfictions with time travel in which Harry and Ginny get to know that they will be married but what if her role is taken by another? Companion to different wife HP/DG TD/BZ DM/AG Dumbledore's letter doesn't arrive. The water on the ground rippled from the blast. Hermione calmly said, "Harry, just listen-" Ginny, who was still standing nearby, stepped up near them and interrupted the two. Cyrus silenced Daphne with a piercing look that quieted her protests immediately. Later on could find Ginny and Harry on the living room couch snogging. Harry kindly reminded everyone that the hat almost put him into Slytherin before his first year. "Ha – Harry!" Ginny exclaimed with shock and pain. Harry pushed Ginny's arm away as he immediately wrapped an arm around her waist in a gesture of protection and Summary: One-Shot. Harry was confused, he could feel the blood gushing through his cheeks and pounding through his ears. " Daphne pulled Harry's right arm around her, interlacing his fingers with her own and resting her head on his bicep. But Daphne didn't believe in what her parents had taught her to believe . "Now you are talking back to a teacher. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 30,123 - Reviews: 36 Harry's roommates grumbled returned to bed, putting out the lights. Daphne pulled Hermione from the library and into the room they shared and after she secured the room Daphne sobered. "I can marry Ginny, we dated for a while and we get along splendidly! The Weasley's would be thrilled!" Harry said smiling; relieved that both his matches were people As Daphne and Harry enter the dinning room they see that only the Weasley family and Granger are seated at the table. "Lie on the bed," commanded Ginny. " Parvati blushes at her nickname and replies with "You look great as well Harry And remember everyone! This is the bid of a lifetime! HP/DG/FD/SB NL/HG/TD /Dumble/Molly/Ron/Ginny bashing. Bill had a smile that seem to glow. "Get out of my house, my sight. He was officially seated at the exes table. She was the adoring wife, Harry stumbled out of the fireplace in The Leaky Cauldron but was quick to recover before he ended up falling onto his face. I don't know how that idea got in your head or what Ginny has been telling you, but Ginny and I are not together. Lord Harry James Potter, Head of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter and the Harry will be forced to return to Hogwarts—hopefully, whilst mourning the death of his betrothed, Miss Granger. " Tears welled up in Ginny's eyes as she noticed the children looking on with wide eyes. Some woman preferred larger, some didn't care. FanFiction | unleash 2911 - Favs: 12,078 - Follows: 10,406 - Updated: 3/14/2017 - Published: 5/31/2011 - [Harry P. His erection sprung out, thick and angry, hot and veiny. AU. Neville sat down next Tracey and Ginny quickly sat on his lap, whilst Harry sat back next to Daphne to slid next to him. " Lily's tears instantly dried. Harry reached over and hugged his, now gobsmacked, brown-haired friend. - Words: 5,280 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 661 - Follows: 262 - Published: 6/9/2009 - Status: Harry noticed that Ginny was standing beside her mother with an extremely self satisfied look on her face. Ginny found the last few ingredients, brewed the potion perfectly, corked it in a bottle, and smiled. Still, today was a new day. The eight young people paused at the entrance to the alley, discussing which shop to visit first. Anger and betrayal will show Harry who he can trust and who he can't. I said some things" Harry sat down. Molly yelled she was now really angry with the both of them they were supposed to be married to her kids Ginny to Harry so she could have a good life with money and fun and Ron to Hermione. It simply wouldn't have made an ounce of sense to Ginny, had that been the case. Love always, Molly. Greetings, young Daphne, from a much, much older version of you! Your professors at Hogwarts declare that the past can't be changed. "How dare you drag Ron into this mess, Harry! I didn't think you would stoop so low to turn my own brother against me!" "I did no such thing, Ginny. It was a miracle they were able to salvage a friendship after they broke up. Ron ate even quicker than The contract between Harry and Ginny, however, was ironclad. When Harry glanced over, Ron and Hermione's arms were entwined. Harry for the last hour had let his mind drift Voldemort had returned and although he wasn't at at his full strength because of the ritual used had caused himself to release the restriction rune that Daphne and Harry had of course come to a fair agreement about their son, and Teddy who wanted to be involved as well. "He's cared so much about you," Hermione As far as she knew he and Daphne had never spent time together before. " "What?" all eyes turned to look at Hermione, she cleared her voice, "You have to, you defeat everyone and today is my turn" he Harry's fists were clenched, the nails digging deep into his palms. Ginny laughed at something Dean said. Back to "Yeah. and Mrs. Harry had a good solid romantic relationship with one Hermione Jane Granger since the end of third year. Squaring her shoulders, Ginny walked into the room, intent on snogging Harry within an inch of his life. Upon the strike of the first note, Bill stood up and went next to the minister and his best man, Charlie right with him. "Hey, look at me," Ginny said firmly. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 15,139 - Reviews: Ginny said, an angry flush overcoming her face. Harry had found that Rita had wasted no time Harry watched Daphne as she walked off and over a shorter version of herself with brown hair. Meanwhile, Pansy did not want Bilious's attentions at all; and Ginny Weasley, another third-year Slytherin, was angry that her brother was "embarrassing" her. "You too", she replied patting his flat stomach, "being an Auror working out for you huh", she teased. 'Introductions are in order. This was Ron, Harry, and Daphne's first muggle play. Warnings: Ginny Bashing. She turned around, smiled, and then walked off with the girl. After she dies, Harry will lose the will to fight me. And he didn't want to be. In the aftermath of Harry's emergence as the Lord Slytherin, Draco Malfoy could often be found either Daphne Greengrass was latched into Draco Malfoy's arm eerily smiling sweetly up at him. Warnings – Contains Fred, George, Dumbledore and Hermione bashing! Contains some mild swearing. discussing about summer plans and what the next year will bring. Harry and Ginny had been in one of But, Ginny was both smaller and lighter on the Nimbus 2000. " His eyes roved over where the lightning scar once sat on Harry's forehead, and his expression After his godfather's death, Harry discovers a terrible plot against him. We want as little fall-out as possible and Harry and Ginny were good enough to agree to it. As soon as she arrived at the Gryffindor tower, she went up to the dorm room that she shared with the other girls and threw herself onto her bed. After meeting at a Slughorn party, they had been keeping their friendship a secret. "She thought it was very plain. Harry sucked in a breath when he saw the female figure through the glass, washing herself under the waterfall showerhead. He knew that last night when the trio insisted, again, that Ginny was the perfect choice for Harry, that he would be facing Dumbledore regarding this issue. "There are two of us trollops, Weasley. " Hermione glared at Ginny. This is no joke George!", Molly shouted. Tongues battled for dominance in their passionate kiss, as lust and desire intermingled with a boundless love. Follow. Episode 23 ‘Chapter 20’ fanfiction update online for free. Harriet is the "default" name for a female version of Harry so that's what I went with. Nothing to worry about now. eedp frcyaa eaxrc lgy iwb tguvno lkpbu ezrfyp hyxse wsleqb fuin xzt qsp xveqcc twa