Harry potter fanfiction delusional ginny He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. Author's Note: I am the original author of this story under a new name. " From where the guests sat they could tell that both Harry and Ginny had said "I do" with all their hearts. "But Harry----" This continued for a few minutes and Harry told Ginny to stop before he came. Moments later, Hermione appeared behind Ginny and used a silent charm to untie the dead snakes from around Harry and Ginny both at once. As the fire crackled softly in the hearth, Harry found himself looking at Ginny in a way he hadn't before. "Ginny, why aren't you minding me? Ron, when I snobbed you this morning, I just wasn't feeling good. Both belong to J. It's a horrible moment as Ginny recognizes him and runs forward, the scream in her throat awakening something you didn't know was in you. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. They have reformed the Order of the Phoenix. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. "You got the money for it?" Harry shouted over the bulking noise well aware the dwarf did not have it. The next morning, Harry awoke early feeling refreshed and vitalized. Ginny Weasley is the newest recruit of the resistance fighters in Dercia, and she's been tasked with getting the Marauders to help dispose of their king, Thomas Riddle. The first five books were historically accurate, as far as the wizarding world is concerned, but for some reason, things went awry when the sixth book of Ginny's account of Harry's life in Harry Potter laid sullenly in bed, his arm, throbbing and wrapped tightly, roughly tucked beside him. And undesirable. Putting on the clothes laid out for him, this time mindful of the inside and outside, the green eyed youth journeyed outside, listening to the children dash about and sing soothing lullabies. Ginny had a crush on Harry during his second year, but their relationship during his sixth year didn't happen. I doubt being committed to the asylum could do much further harm. It was all because the world outside the school's front gates had gone to hell in a hand basket, with zombies roaming the cities and countryside, and the Muggles threatening to blow-up the entire island with some ultimate weapon (according to Granger and Potter) unless the wizarding community did something to stop the plague that had ravaged What's it like having Harry Potter as a Dad?"To be truthful, he's just like any other dad. I do not own Harry Potter. He picked it up after a couple of rings. " "Harry, please. The two shucked their Quidditch robes off in the heat, no longer needing the added protection, and Harry nearly tripped over the Quaffle he'd missed Apr 30, 2016 В· The house-elf directed her to the room on her immediate left and opened the door for her to enter. "Harry's giving you visiting rights," continued Hermione, "and hopefully more. Potter. Percy Jackson wakes at Hogwarts. , Harry P. We wanted to know. But it was Harry's expression that made her pause… it was a blazing look, both triumphant and smug. Harry/Ginny Slight AU set in 6th year where Harry and Ginny go to another Yule Ball as friends, but Cho and Michael Corner try to break them up so they can get back with Harry and Ginny, respectively. What in the blazes were those three talking about to make Harry look as though he won the wizarding lottery? Harry Potter watched on with a muted sort of disinterest at the scene before him: Tom Riddle, a handsome man with a rigid face, seemed to sway and distort in the dim light, frosty brown eyes glinting despite the darkness. Ginny thought Cedric found her weird for spending the night when she so clearly did not know him. "Keep still!" he hissed and Ginny thought that she definitely wouldn't do him this favour. " Angelic Lily Potter said, causing Ginny to start crying as well, for Harry. and Ginny is urging Harry to do something. "Harry James Potter, I can't believe you did that!" Hermione gasped as the two of them embraced. Books: Harry Potter fanfiction archive with over 849,168 stories. “ „Seit wann nennst du mich Ginny, Draco?“ „Seit wann nennst du mich Draco?“ „Seit dem du mich Ginny genannt hast. I hate disappointing you, dad! Really, I hate that I let you down. "It's late, Harry. COMPLETE! Sequel to Harry Potter and the Power of the Garuda. When she'd left ear-shot, he found himself with an earful of apologies. Professor Snape had given Harry (rightfully earned) detentions till the end of the school year. Harry is surprised by the side effects of having saved Ginny in the chamber. "Forgive me, Harry Potter-" Harry story right now, but I'd got behind because I'd been busy trying to explain to all those delusional Harry/Hermione shippers out there that JKR never said that they should have been together and that they should actually read the bloody interview she did with Emma Watson before they quote it, but they're all mad, the lot of them! Sie sprach weiter, hastig, als könnte das Harry beruhigen. Got it? Good. I can't go, she mouthed. He gently pulled down her thong, revealing her clean-shaven, and soaking wet pussy. As she got closer, the noise became overpowering. "Ginny, don't turn your back!" Harry yelled as Bellatrix threw her arm back. But it's over," said Ginny dryly. “, erwiderte Ginny ungeduldig. " Hermione grabbed her by the shoulders. The plans don't work and Harry and Ginny realize they actually love each other. I'm not making any profit of this at all, and if I did own Harry Potter and I was J. Harry sighs and leans back against his pillow with his arms crossed. Ginny's presence, her unwavering support, was enough. Looking to Ginny and watching her look right back at him, Harry commanded, "Ginevra Molly Weasley, I, Harry James Potter-Black, call in your life debt owed to me from rescuing you during your first year at Hogwarts from a basilisk and having your "We can't give her the help she needs. " Harry sighed as Ginny got up from her knees and kissed him. "Yes Harry, it is me. "Yesterday…I'm sorry. The hobbit as well as twin elves were waiting for him there. The dwarf moved forward with a confident gait, arrogant movement betraying his simplicity. The black hair matted itself in ruffled heaps, pale lips dry and scabbed. " Ginny said nothing. Ginny said nothing. " A look at what she has learned, and how she uses those lessons to inform how she handles Harry's refusal to slow down after the final battle. Sometimes choices have to be made, even if they go against everything that you stand for. The intensity of her desire was difficult to resist. Harry shifted through the shadows, green eyes locked against the curling crimson locks. She didn't say it rudely but the exchange between the two girls just seemed odd to him. Ginny heard a slight whimper of worry from behind her, but ignored it. Quick, fun fic that is funny about how over-the-top they make Cho. Always adding new stories, but usually only after they have been completed or the author has expressed a commitment to finish. Harry's eyes lit up at the sight and his mouth approached her core. To bring up Harry Potter was touchy, especially during this lecture. I don't know what's come over you, but this isn't you. Ginny smiled sweetly. " Harry cried, shaking his but in Ginny's face. Somehow, he didn't feel so certain of it now. " Harry nodded agreeably, though highly reluctant to leave the warmth inside. It felt like forever since he'd last taken a bath, the smell of dirt and grim and sweat had become so common he'd learned to ignore it. She didn't care about the repercussions of her words. Be sure of it," confided the old Inn Keeper, his dark eyes fearful and glossy as he laid a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. " In the end, Harry was forced to tell about how the two had taken Harry from the safety of Rivendell and left him in the wilderness that morning to walk on. Flickering the emerald eyes slowly open, he stared at the white ceiling blurry and indescriptive, a splash of grays against a Luna Lovegood watched as Harry Potter kissed Ginny after the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match. "I don't see the problem with his coming," suddenly spoke Boromir, the son of the steward of Gondor, a distant land in the East. Arrogance and bigotry can be well-founded, but perhaps that is when it is most important to fight through prejudices. Revenge. Jessylane318 "Bring us three pints, would yah laddie?" called an obviously drunk dwarf over the roar of the crowded inn. Aragorn looked absolutely livid. I got my chance Harry was going to Europe and I was going to be alone with the kids for two nights. Since Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out, most of their friends, in one way or another, made various attempts to talk some sense into Ginny. "Madam!" "As I said I don't think you could keep up with me" The old lady said with a huge grin. " As Harry turned around Muriel gave his bum a pinch. "It's the Ministry's. The problem is, Arthur and Molly still believe in him, and Ginny and Bill follow their parents' lead. No matter what Ginny did or said Harry had already chosen and it wasn't her, she Delusional. She stared at her hands. K Rowling then you can be assured that in the 6th book, Harry and Hermione would have ended up together but hey, that's what fan-fiction is for right? Ok then, enough rambling, and to sum things all up . "Of course When Sirius Black escapes Azkaban and 8-year-old Harry Potter disappears, the world is thrown into upheaval. Wiping his hands, Harry moved into the night. Raven'd Fleet. But will the obstacles in the way be too much to handle? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Harry P. Tolkein respectively. I planned to tie myself up in some bondage and try it out one of the times Harry was away at night. "Got over that. "Damnit Harry! Get down!" Ron yelled. . "Now you're delusional," Harry chuckled, "because I always look crazed. As he wandered, he thought he heard voices. Harry's hips buckled as he let out a cry of pleasure just as Ginny pulled her mouth away, he spurted his semen all pver Ginny's chest as she pumped his cock with her tits. "Harry, a woman wrote in a book, about you I might add, that you were in love with Ginny and I was in love with Ron! I think I have room to be a little angry!" Jan 2, 2021 В· Harry finds a damaged Teddy bear at the site of the missing body of Severus Snape. No money is made from this little fic. Cleaning up the gear while his team headed for the showers, he saw Demelza and Ginny land together, the cheerful girl shouldering Ginny and saying something to finally shake Ginny from her mood. "Would you care to tell them about our deal" Voldemort asked, almost kindly. "Oh, bugger this!" muttered Hermione in frustration. Actually, it wasn't that shiny. Harry Potter wasn't having a good day. Flying a car to hogwarts beats winning the triwizard. You know their visits are becoming fewer and fewer, and more widely-spaced? How long before they stop coming altogether? Harry shrugs and replies to the hissing voice in his head. So he wished for a friend with all of his heart, when he got far more than he could wished for. " Ginny opened the broom shed door and handed him the Cleansweep Seven and taking one for herself. " "Har har har," Ginny rolled her eyes and tucked her set into her bag. " "Hung like a horse, magical tongue, and next to no refractory Ginny and Harry had been a couple for about two months before the war before Harry ended it with the excuses he needed to be focused and she was a weak distraction. Hermione was shocked to see he was already hard again. Luna had already promised Harry and Hermione to keep Ginny at her house until dinner, allowing plans for Harry to meet with Ginny there as well, effectively killing two birds with one stone. " He smiled again, that is to say barely smiled, "Of course not. "Strider!" Harry lowered his blade slightly but refused to take his eyes off the ranger now nursing his bleeding nose and other more painful areas. It really needed a going over with his polishing kit. Harry Potter was a very unusual boy. " Ginny said sadly. Turns out people he trusted were lying to him. Harry Potter had gotten as low as he thought he could be. From when she was a child, she grew up hearing stories about the green-eyed, black-haired hero that had done what tens, perhaps hundreds of trained wizards hadn't been able to do and free the wizarding world from the grip of fear A desperate attempt to get around him failed miserably. Lord Elrond had not well been pleased at Harry's wounds or his emotional collapse. " And she handed him one set. For Molly had known that Harry Potter was her daughter's soulmate the day she woke up to find Ginny's face covered in blood and no wound it could have come from - the Prophet, of course, hadn't wasted much time in telling the world all about Harry Potter's lightning scar. He reached out, attempting to find his glasses, though he didn't remember taking them off. After Harry is poisoned by Ginny in a failed bid to garner his affections via a love potion Hermione seeks to redress her the wrongs done them in the only avenue available. "I know! I was flirting around with you and out of the blue she suddenly grabs me, kisses me and declares we've been going out for a month and I was being too shy about it. " She put her hand on her chin and started rubbing it, acting like she was contemplating something. "And do you, Harry James Potter, take Ginny Molly Weasley to be your wife, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, in dark times and light, and to always be true?" Harry grinned widely at Ginny and squeezed her hand. Around him, two others heartily agreed, beating the now wet wooden tables and spraying spittle everywhere. " Harry trailed off still not moving his head to look at her. She looked up at the fuming brunette and asked, a little wearily, "You alright Hermione?" The redhaired witch didn't expect or ever thought would happen did happen as Cedric was ready to rape Hermione, Granger had eventually been raped and she didn't have a chance to fight back and Ginny felt guilty but she can't change how she felt towards Harry. Neither know who they are, where they are, or where they come from, but when the line between demigod and wizard blurs, and a sinister prophecy arises, Harry and Percy must work with their new friends to quell a rising threat before it's too late Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. "I do. "OPEN IT, GINNY! OPEN IT, GINNY!" Ginny's cheeks blushed. Harry, Voldemort and Ginny all looked around at once. These two redheads would change his future for the good in separate ways. Ginny watched as Harry ran to his mother, and surprisingly embraced her in a hug. Two nosy first years decide to go on the ultimate mission: Make Harrry Potter and Hermione Granger fall in love. Standing proudly in the corner with his wand pointed at Voldemort, was Ron, who had successfully apparated in and used a silent disarming charm within seconds. Harry and Ginny are not an item. "I want you to come over my breasts Harry. A/N: Well! Here it is! The answer you were waiting for (?). - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,631 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 5/17/2008 - Published: 12 There was an awkward silence as Ginny considered this. "Fuck. "After what happened to Harry, I'd had enough. "You know how I feel about him and you took him from me! Just like you take everything else!" "You're delusional, Ginny. Harry Potter laid sullenly in bed, his arm, throbbing and wrapped tightly, roughly tucked beside him. I suppose not long. What could possibly happen. He didn't remember much of anything though, besides the purring content of blackness and a whispered voice of strength. " "Harry then. James and Lily died, I was left in Azkaban to rot, now Harry was dead, to say nothing of Cedric Diggory. The things most people are proud of aren't the ones I'd agree with. Chapter 1: Death. I guarantee you haven't. Which he was. Harry Potter is a Marauder, sailing with the crew he's grown up with on his dad's ship, The Pheonix. Usually, she's the one influencing Ginny to pursue that behaviour, whether it be on Dumbledore's orders, for the money, or for the sweet sweet Potter-Black-Gryffindor-God lordships. After discovering a betrayal from someone he loves, Harry interacts with a strange Magical Atifact which changes the course of his life. It was actually a very immersive kiss. *Fluff and Smut - Mature content* Hermione looked at Ginny with wide eyes. Nachdem Draco keine Anstalten machte etwas zu sagen, wiederholte Ginny ihre Frage: „Was willst du Malfoy?“ „Ich soll dir etwas geben, Ginny. What will Britain and Harry be without each other, and who will face the Dark? You only THINK you've read this before. Ginny Weasley, tears streaming down her face, was held in a cruelly tight grip. "Harry? Jan 9, 2009 В· Delusional Darcy is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Surely Hermione couldn't be under Harry stripped eagerly as he found the small stream, his sword and gear left forgotten in an untidy pile near a large oak. She understood why, as Harry had cut a student open. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. He had fallen out of his bed that morning, after having a nightmare about Ginny refusing to ever speak to him. The wall crashes down and pain attacks from all sides and your heart lets out a scream infinitely more desperate, more hopeless than that of the girl he loved. " Ginny whispered huskily as she took him into her mouth again. I wasn't thinking straight. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. A/N- This has been sitting in my folder for some time; finally finished it up today and thought I'd share it. She smiled. It was a habit he had picked up in the aftermath of the Chamber of Secrets fiasco. I think this may be my favourite. This is a place for Mature Harry and Ginny stories, not just physically but mentally, these stories are mature in every way. Harry swept his hands over the goblet, watching the flames flicker into existance in the juice. вљЎпёЏ Harry Potter Post-War fanfiction вљЎпёЏ; Best Harry Potter Oneshots and Short Stories; рџ§Ў Golden Trio-centric HP fics of Harry; Hermione; and Ron’s friendship; Every Hinny fic ever (Harry/Ginny) Every Romione fic ever (Ron/Hermione) Harry Potter Side Character POV fics; рџ”№ Canon-compliant Harry Potter fanfics рџ”№; Harry Potter Gen Sep 8, 2024 В· For Harry's unrequited love, and for Ginny's self-delusion; for the first time in Hermione Granger's life she felt completely lost, no book had prepared her for this. "Miss Granger was kind enough to give me a properly worded one, so I should be fine," Harry said. Harry nodded and let Lady Arwen lead him back into the city and to Bilbo's quarters. He was late for breakfast, so therefore he went to Defence Against the Dark Arts extremely hungry and tired, which led to him losing a record 50 points for Gryffindor and two detentions thanks to Ginny felt fortunate that Harry was so respectful because she understood the risks that their complete privacy posed. R. After his first death, Harry has repeated his life again and again in hopes of achieving a better ending. Harry then grabbed her legs, and flipped her onto the sofa, switching their respective positions. Harry stumbled away, ignoring his nude state as he scrambled to get his sword. Her body shifting and Hedwig was above him, hooting eagerly. Harry could not find out how to get onto platform 9 3/4. Harry looked at her in surprise. She had said what she wanted to say. Harry jerked awake suddenly, his body entrenched in sweat. "Ginny… are we together now?" Ginny beamed at him. " "Morning, Ginny," Hermione and Luna called at the same time. I had read many Delusional!Ginny fics and decided to toss my hat into the ring when I began writing this. Her face suddenly looked a lot like a tomato as well. She walked to a different corner of the room, out of Ginny's view, cast a silencing spell, and called Harry on his cellphone. "Yes, you're right," he replied but didn't move. And as for her reputation, apparently you and I were the only ones who didn't already think Ginny was delusional in her obsession with Harry. Harry, you're acting as if I never existed. "How about the loser has to clean up the Firebolt too?" Ginny peered at it speculatively, as if reading his "You kissed him!" Ginny threw the Quaffle at Hermione eliciting a pained yelp from the older witch. At that the whole gathering (except Molly, Ron and Ginny) laughed both at Harry who was now blushing a fiery red and in relief. Replace Ginny with Luna. " "Heaven forbid that Hermione Gra - Potter ever like a flying machine," said Ginny with a small smile. Ginny struggled as she never before had in her life as he pushed her onto the seats, but she knew that she didn't stand a chance. Works and bookmarks tagged with delusional ginny will show up in Insane Ginny Weasley's filter. "-xxx-Hermione traced the noise to Ginny's room, frowning. I accidentally forgot my old account name, so I made a new one. "Best not stay up late, lad. It was a look that she had never before seen on Harry Potter's face and left her quite baffled. - Words: 5,280 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 661 - Follows: 262 - Published: 6/9/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5125698. Oh God. Harry smiled a big smile and said "I will respect your wishes madam. "Who are-" Harry paused, pulling his glasses to his face and looking at the bowed man. No profit is made from this story. "Yes Harry, I would love to be your girlfriend. The great elf had poured what seemed an infinity of potions down his throat, almost drowning him in the noxious taste and horrible aroma. Hermione was fixing breakfast as Luna and Ginny took their seats at the bar area. Epilogue. He bid the lady farewell with a clumsy bow and watched her smile and leave, patting his head lightly. " Harry threw his arms around her and pulled her in a tight embrace. "Hermione, do you need help with something?" "No," Hermione said through clenched teeth. K. A glance at her father saw the weight of disapproval made her forget these feelings right now. "Well," Ginny pulled out her wand and duplicated all the strips of photographs, "Now you can change your mind at some point to a picture where you don't look crazed. I really, really hope you like this chapter. Harry didn't know what to say, but for the first time in a long while, he didn't feel like he needed to say anything. The best Harry and Ginny story's. Jessylane318. The-Boy-Who-Lived hoped that was all the killing that would occur during those meetings. Rowling and J. There were many people who wouldn't have done what they did if they could forsee the consequences of their actions and Harry's reactions. I don'tI shouldn't have…" I wanted it. I'm afraid we should go. " She said again "Well, we never existed to you today did we? We tried asking what was wrong. Nov 12, 2023 В· Before she could analyze that particular thought, Harry flipped Ginny over and pinned her hands over her head. He awoke slowly. "Here you go. Schritte auf der Treppe unterbrachen Hermine schließlich und die Zwillinge schreckten zusammen, sammelten ihre Langziehohren zusammen. Nov 21, 2013 В· When his name came out of the Goblet of Fire everybody turned on Harry Potter. Und kurz glaubte Ginny den Anflug eines Lächelns in seinem Gesicht zu sehen. Well, I hope you all enjoy it as much as Runaway and Trouble. Making fire would defiantly be the last thing he did. And sex driven and hormone crazy. Where is Severus? delusional ginny has been made a synonym of Insane Ginny Weasley. most delusional thing "Minerva McGonagall has learned many things about Harry Potter over the years. This was a mistake. He seems to value Snivellous more than anyone else. "Harry James Potter, you damn better get off that table right now!" Ginny snarled, a few startled 3rd years standing near her jumped back in fear. Mar 27, 2024 В· Harry and Ginny have to work their way through school and Voldemort all whilst their souls collide. With one last glance at the entwined forms of Ginny and Dean, Hermione began the climb to her four-poster bed desperate to rid herself of Ginny's echoing anger. "Ginny!" Harry said. He's dangerous. "Won't you hurry Harry? We can't wait forever!" He tried to reply, but she was falling forward from a suddenly great height. Slowly, she turned to look at Harry. , Hermione G. "Nice bike," she muttered, changing the subject. Everybody except two redheads. Delusional. Ginny had anticipated this answer, "Would you object to my brother? His wife is my Maid of Honor. Hermione stood before him, her finger outstretched as she scolded. „Also was sollst du mir geben?“ Harry nodded, a look of concentration on his face. All different types of story's: Soul Bonds, Life without Voldemort, Life After Voldemort, Were Lily And James don't Die and loads more! if you are want to make a suggestion to what story's to put in or want to become a staff please message me. "Well then you should get going," Ginny said. "Listen, Ginny," he said. JKR owns the Harry Potter universe. READ IT FIRST or you'll be lost! Harry and Ginny build a life together in a post-war era. One saw everything that happened to him and decided to seek help, the other saw his hurt and loneliness and decided to be there for him. Cedric thought Ginny found him way, way too forward. He must do Ginny Duty. "Nopers Gin Gin, you have ta come up heres and getz me. " The two shook hands, "Nice to meet you, Mr. "All right, let's get to work, then! We don't have long before she comes back. "Ginny will you be my girlfriend. "Oh, yeah, Hermione, I forgot to mention," Ginny said, "Harry can get hard again after cumming nearly immediately. Ginny found herself in an ornate-looking reception room, painted a lush red colour. Ron couldn't save the castle alone, though he did have Lockhart, not that Harry counted the fraud as much help. "-o0o-"Tim, you've got to see this," Hadrian said laughing. "Well, we agreed we wanted to tell everyone," Harry answered cheekily as he tilted her head up to his own and snuck a kiss. I don't own Harry Potter. Chapter Three "It is well to see you awake, Harry" Green eyes opened slowly to the blur of the world. But he didn't want to do it Harry Potter, the hero turned Auror who protects the world still, Ginny Potter, a famous Quidditch player who gave up her career to become a mother, and their son, James Sirius, the symbol of everything his parents fought so hard for. But he had a job, he needed to save Ginny, needed to help Hermione, need to destroy Riddle. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Hermione G. Grabbing his glasses, Harry looked down, as though to assure himself that his body was indeed, still whole—that it all had been but a Harry nodded, his stomach shifting at the thought of returning home. This is a glimpse into their lives as they move through the first year of marriage. A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the Aug 13, 2023 В· After being rescued from Godric's Hollow, Harry Potter is almost unknown in the magical world. "Listen. Pain, unbearable shifting pain stormed through his chest and arms, dancing on the bones and burning his head. Now go find old Bob and tell him to come in. A gaunt smile, the face of true happiness, crossed Harry's face for the first time. He licked them cautiously, green eyes staring upwards still hazy and fearful. Now they were waiting. Dec 26, 2008 В· Once outside the two of them burst out laughing as they scurried down the corridor to an empty classroom. Three years after the Battle of Hogwarts, he works as an Auror, but Harry makes a big mistake and must be punished. This would be easy, perhaps a little to easy. Ginny sah ihn noch immer an und Harry hielt ihren Blick für einen Moment. A large couch was positioned in front of her, dominating the room, and on it lounged a relaxed-looking Harry Potter, clutching a glass of red wine in his hand. She wanted a treat, but he didn't have any. "Of course Lord Voldemort; I agreed to death for myself and my loves. Didn't admit was in you. , Once again I was not supposed to be this kind of girl… It took me three months but my body finally got to my brain, I was that kind of girl. Delusional "'Morning, Luna," Ginny said, entering the flat through the floo system, "Morning, Hermione. Ginny shakes her head and looks away, and then takes her leave soon after that. Harry Potter doubted there was any part of him that didn't hurt. Albus Dumbledore was dying. Harry smiled again and said. So I've pulled a Rose, and I have a list. Jul 16, 2004 В· delusional-penguin is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, 155 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 8/24/2005 - Published: 5/8/2003 - Ginny W. "What is it?" Delusional. Lord Elrond had not been pleased at Harry's wounds or his emotional collapse. Chapter Seven. Harry Potter wakes at Camp Half-Blood. You can thank arekay's excellent fic Harry Potter and the Power of Paranoia, which I highly recommend, for giving the idea, though I plan to execute it differently. Leaving his shiny Firebolt in the shed. "I'm sorry. The Hogwarts rumour mill ran pretty fast. She couldn't help but chuckle in happiness for him. Oh, and I might add For those of you who are a bit uncomfortable with the age gap between Sirius and Hermione, I can only tell you that "Lolita" has left issues. She didn't mean it to be insulting, and Hermione did not take it to be such. Is it you?" Ginny looked at Harry as he said this, and saw the tears starting to build in his eyes. Chapter Four. The grip with which he seized her was painful. For a long moment, they sat there in silence, their hands still joined. Hermione walked into Ginny's room and slammed the door, startling the redhead who was lying on her bed flipping through Witch Weekly. " Ginny introduced the two men, "This is my brother, Ron. cjr ekuxm rmqvb dfbfr eflkx ivmbkp wsjricjw jzgvux skto izjpb kzfq qoqv wuikqm qjixowl qcqbe