Harry potter love potion fanfiction. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Harry potter love potion fanfiction "My name is Merope. The bottle tottered, then fell to the dungeon floor. " After Harry is poisoned by Ginny in a failed bid to garner his affections via a love potion Hermione seeks to redress her the wrongs done them in the only avenue available. Draco already had two spare bottles of Polyjuice potion from the time they took Harry's lust potion to Snape (they were just lying around, how could he resist?) and so right after lunch, they were ready to set off. once the potion wears off, will Harry choose Ron or Snape? Or. Privacy. Hermione couldn't blame him – Pansy was clingy and whiny and pug-faced. First, though, they had to actually drink the potion. " 'Arry!" she complained as she sat up, breathing heavily. Not solely based around love potions, but it does play a major role in shaping the course of future events. " He took my hands into his. "Maybe," he said instead. Hermione harbors unrequited feelings for Harry and takes matters into her own hands. , Molly W. " Hermione swished her wand and Ron's name was added to the suspect list with near death by love potion listed as his motive. Draco left his dorm feeling satisfied with the potion's outcome. Title is a song. " She giggled as Harry pulled her in for a deep kiss that made her mind whirl. Looking for fanfictions in wich harry or hermione discover ron and ginny were giving them love potions preferably sixth year and before. Harry is in love with Severus Snape, and gets him. Old magic such as the potion she wanted couldn't be wrought by one it was intended to act upon. " At midnight that evening, Molly slipped out of her dormitory, cauldron in hand, and went down to the Common Room. BY SuperG. This is a real recipe here, not really a potion just a home-made tea, don't drink if you allergic to any ingredients wonderful with splenda-----Seventh year at HogWarts would be the defying year for Ms Granger. "Oh no, I'm so sorry," Hermione exclaimed as she rushed into the workroom of the twins joke shop. " "Then I suggest you hurry," Harry smirked and groped her clothes-covered breasts. She only had to wait a second for the effects of the potion. Fleur huffed. the storyline is taken from a manga called 'Mahou Tsukai to Koi no Biyaku' by Toyota Yuu and the characters are JK Rowling and Warner etc. "Yet. Ron choked on his pumpkin juice. His lip curled at the sight of her mere dainty fingers holding onto a dirty smoking stick. When Harry finds out the truth he has an unusual reaction to the news, but Hermione is simply furious. "But 'Arry!" she groaned. Eventually love potions would be renamed the liquid love imperius potion. He had stayed in his office brewing potions for the hospital wing for as long as he could without going mad. 9?" Millicent Bullstrode's annoying voice carried across the room. so he makes her a love potion and then things go wrong Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance - Harry P. Still, Harry couldn't resist peeking at the sleeping man, Snape didn't seem half as frightening when he was slumbering. After several minutes Ginny pulled away and Harry gave a fake pout. " "This potion, once given to your target, would like you," George continued. "That looks nice. He took a drink and Astoria felt as if her heart stopped. Deciding that the only way he'll start dating them again is if Lily is pissed off with him so much he'll NEVER get back in her good books they feed her a love potion… xxXXxx. " Ginny handed him the bottle of wine. Love potion by FloatingBallofLight. Make sure to report directly to me after classes are finished. But what if she didn't? What if she had to see the Headmaster and explain why she spiked some food and sent it to Harry Potter? A short story showing this. Ron, poisoned. But, will Wednesday recover from the side effects of the potion enough to get with her true love? Or, will she fulfill the prophecy of being a raven witch and end up lonely forever? A "will they/won't they" romance, brought to you by someone's gratuitous pot consumption. Severus then told Harry that he should go and see Madame Pomfrey and tell her what potion was used. Nov 25, 2016 · Ginny and Ron Weasley have been dosing their respective partners with love potions. Hermione's Love Potion. "All right Malfoy, that is quite enough!" Harry, meanwhile, was shaking his head in disbelief. Apr 5, 2005 · Pansy Parkinson has been in love with Draco Malfoy since their first day at Hogwarts, but he never exactly returned her affections. "I need it now. 'If you get rid of the grease in the hair and get rid of the scowl he would be quiet handsome, oh dear Merlin!' We won't be getting any help from her. But only because I am in need," she said stubbornly. AU after Hogwarts. "I was thinking about something else in potions today and messed up a second year potion. I look into his eyes and smile mischievously, "Only if you kiss me first. Top. They both go to Australia to find her parents. Lily woke up and stretched before looking at her Perdu, Harry souhaita l'interroger de nouveau, mais elle se détourna, reprenant sa route. Draco, clearly amused, tilted his head and stared at Harry. Knew it would be. Only I hope that this Jane Greenger has better sense than to reintroduce this potion—either potion—back into common knowledge. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. And now, with the insufferable Potter and his band of clowns targeting him at every turn, Severus had more than his own heart spurring his hand. I'll go in with a broken leg and end up getting my asshole licked," Harry joked, earning him another punch on the arm. They continued to talk about the effects that this potion had on the pregnancy. The potions' classroom was as dark and cold as ever - perfectly matching the professor who could often be found there, teaching and picking on the young students of Hogwarts. Ron, poisoned over a love potion. Some mature scenes. Whenever he wasn't fantasising about him. Don't. A thousand thoughts rushed through Harry's head. "What the hell have you done to her?" he demanded. Exiting from the portrait in the common room, Draco made his way upstairs from the dungeon. - Words: 4,542 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 11 - Published: 7/15/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6144142 When Molly was in school, she made a Love Potion to try and get Arthur Weasley's attention. Making love with you is all I want to do. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only Title: Love Potion summary: a love potion goes wrong. " Harry looked at the crazed look within the blue eyes and said, "Please Ginny, let me go. ' 'It was obviously Bulstrode!' concluded Goyle. The Christmas dinner had been laced with a time-sensitive poison and they could all turn blue at any moment. The Love Potion No. Harry followed the Death Eater out of the door and ran after him. This is the story, obviously MollyArthur, but there's a bit of AlbusMInerva thrown in, too! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - Arthur W. Dec 8, 2018 · In Harry's speech in front of the wizengamot, he explained that using a love potion was taking away a person's free will, which was like using the imperius curse. After all, it was George who used his suave moves to persuade Hermione into taking the potion. Someone had seen them, someone knew. Nor that Doors CD in your room. His breath was coming in pants, but in Draco's mind he was doing nothing more than saying 'Harry, Harry, Harry' over and over and over again. Nor your sister. Her accusation that Harry knew nothing about love, didn't understand it, and would only embarrass himself by talking about it – that was what he was pondering. Draco gets a crazy obsession with Harry and the two fall in love. Slytherins slip Draco a 24-hour love potion so he falls in love with Harry Potter, but he doesn't act any differently. She had discovered that the potion needed to be boiled for five minutes over a fire, and the only place she would find a fireplace was the Common Room, and the only time she could do it without being laughed at was in the middle of the night. Everybody stared at him. Heaven forbid if I actually get hurt. Aug 9, 2005 · Albus then turned to Harry and asked as he smiled. "You certainly do have a way with words, Potter. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 20,711 - Reviews: 270 - Favs: 792 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 7/6/2005 - Published: 6/19/2005 - Status: Complete - id: 2445559 Several students saw an incandescently irate Harry Potter hex Ginny Weasley, but no one saw what the result was until later that day, when someone said love potion, and she turned a blotchy green from head to toe. Harry, amazed that this was even possible looked down at his potion. title: The Love Potion author: C6fan/ Sita pairing: Snape/Remus, as a slash pairing. :P hee hee. Smash! Professor Snape turned on his heel so swiftly that his billowing black robes snapped as they swished. Ginny trudged out of the hospital wing at nearly midnight. A/N: not mine but my twisted ideal. Still, both potions proved Salis Oldenburg wrong in his assumptions, Severus mused to himself. There was a moment of silence whilst Harry's question was considered before Ginny spoke up. -----"I went to school with your brother. It was like a mantra running through Draco's being. Severus Snape practically spat, obviously fuming but also acting almost protectively of his captive. "So now I'm a suspect?" Ron huffed. It only works for people who are already in love with each other. "As the moon grows, so will this person's love for you. Harry smiled happily and gave her ass one last hard slap. rating: R, for some swearing, and sexual innuendos and content disclaimer: Snape and Remus or any of the Harry Potter characters that appear in this fan fiction are full property of J. But such secrets can’t be kept quiet forever. "For 2 weeks, you'll have his heart, Miss Granger. ;) Unfortunately, it's the last man on earth he could ever truly love, and his body rejects the potion, causing him immense pain whenever Snape is gone from him. Love Potion Number Nine. Oct 24, 2019 · As much as she wished she could walk away, Lily might not have an ounce of respect for James Potter but she did love Harry he was her reason to live now. They are warm, soft and elegant, with long tapered fingers and clean fingernails. Harry reached in and slid his hands down the front of her bra. Surely the book had meant it would take until the full moon for the potion to fully come into effect? Oh well, Molly thought, that didn't really matter. OOC!Weasleys; Love-Potion!Weasleys-bashing. Finished! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Harry P. " "Wasn't as bad?" Pansy burst out laughing. She will have her revenge, and it will be sweet. Shoving the cork back in and shaking the bottle, they walked into Ron's room to give him this 'love potion. 9 should be ready. Or missing him… Or staring at him. "Come away with me, Merope. Lol. He was her everything. Hermione turned back to her potion. She looked up from her potion again, and turned her attention to professor Snape. Not only had he been sickeningly relaxed with someone – enough to let them joke with him and caress him like a lover – but that person was Potter. Disclaimer: not mine. That night, Severus Snape roamed the school like a wounded creature. Now it's up to the two of them to find an antidote before the potion takes over Snape's mind and drives him to regrettable Harry felt Luna's mouth leave him after he finished. " She snickered. They all took their potion, they all looked around at the sexy group gathered there, and they all drank their love potion. Disclaimer: Why yes, I DO own Harry Potter! Shower me with fame and glory!*wakes up from dream*oh darn. " He glanced at Hermione and winked. Cookies. " But she'd given him the potion only yesterday. Terms of Service. Now Harry Potter must survive in a castle full of horny women that would like nothing better than to ravage him. Suddenly, they are asked to go live amongst muggles with some other students He wanted to stay right there, gently sucking the head of Harry Potter's dick forever. She laughed at his expression. " Sadie scoffed. "My love potion doesn't make just anyone fall in love, Professor. Aug 1, 2024 · Knowing that Romilda is trying to use a Love Potion on him, Harry decides to play along. All it did was to add one more reason to her ever-growing list of reasons to love Harry Potter. Harry, remembering how Ginny had clutched the Harry Potter doll as she slept, didn't think Ginny was in it for the money, but he wasn't about to defend her to Daphne. It is a partial AU, where book 6 did happen, but Dumbledore was only wounded, and didn't die. " Ron said as he smiled, he was glad his sister hadn't been able to destroy the relationship the two had forged with each other. " "Why would you make a love potion for people who are already in love?" Ron butted in, scratching his head in That's all that matters. , Sirius B. " It was a week after the battle at the department of mystery. She makes a love potion with an unexpected kick, and when Snape intercepts it, Hermione's world becomes bitterly entangled with Snape's. ' "Ron. Harry. " Testing had proven that the potion was, in fact, no more than a love potion. Pendant leur cours de potions, les Gryffindors étaient penchés sur leurs chaudrons, travaillant avec application, tandis que les Slytherins faisaient les imbéciles en balançant quelques ingrédients sur leurs ennemis de toujours. , Harry P. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 39,416 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 326 - Follows: 228 - Updated: 10/3/2009 - Published: 9/11 Harry is in love with Severus Snape, and gets him. When Neville botches yet another potion, and Harry finds himself in 1977, does Harry even want to go back? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Little D was delighted to help his best friend and led him to the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor. When a freckled arm would throw the covers back in chaste invitation. Ron and Harry sat at their usual seats at the back of the class, but Hermione, however, had chosen to sit near the front to be as far away from Ron as she could possibly be without going through the wall. Slash and Mpreg, don't nlike don't read. Obviously, it wasn't something that Harry did, at least not intentionally. " Peter took out two butterbeers and poured in one of the potions as he laughed to himself. Feb 19, 2025 · Non-Consensual Love Potion Use (Harry Potter) (102) Love Potion/Spell (32) Angst (16) Rape/Non-con Elements (9) Fluff (8) Hurt/Comfort (7) Dark Magic (7) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Alternate Universe (6) Hogwarts Sixth Year (6) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Ron was nearly killed. It's gotten too good to give up now. Harry shook himself and replied grinning, "Yes, of course I would. "Yes, perfect. This means somebody did give him a love potion. "There was that whole love potion incident. Let me know what you think I will change the rating latter. It had worked. A/N: I'm sick of reading stories where Ginny feeds Harry a love potion to make him love her, so here's a love potion story with a bit of a twist. "Snape is no good for you Harry; he is twice your age. The rat population on the grounds would likely be increased from his efforts, but he had managed to go unnoticed. " The words ring in my ears. Love Potion Number Nine "Mr. Black's idea will work out well. Own. . It would help her know what to do when Harry went into labour. A/N: Tumblr prompts: 1. " Harry let out a sigh, "Fine. Hey everyone. Oh Sev I love you so much!" Severus placed the ring on Harry's finger and then kissed him, "I love you as well. " Cigarette smoke raised to concrete ceiling. Ginny was sitting outside, pacing, trying to think of how to get Harry away from Professor Snape. Harry asked knowing I never get detention unless it involves the two boys across from me. Clue: not mine. She tries her hand at potion making, what are the concequences for the drinker. Title: Love Potion. I'll support him no matter what happens I've promised him'. 'So if Harry had a love potion, this probably means that Hermione also had a love potion. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Hermione G. , Romilda V. Snape in turn believes that Harry is under the influence of a love potion and attempts to identify and cure it. ray id: php-api You may have read fics in which Ron and Ginny attempt to Love Potion Harry and Hermione, but never quite like this. His wand was in hand, deftly pointing at the purple puddle beside Harry's desk. Heavy Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. "Mr. Potter. " His manner was casual and a bit brusque. _____ WoW! 17 reviews for the first chapter?! ^_____^ now if only my others would do so well. " Draco muttered, installing himself next to Harry and promptly stealing half of the kippers on Harry's plate. " "Congratulations mate. The next morning, on his way to breakfast, Draco had found a way to get the potion to Harry. You are supposed to be with me. It was a horrible experience. Everyone realised then just how much trouble they could get in if they ever used a love potion. Please, prepare a sample for evaluation. After a summer together at Spinners End, can they find a way past their differences to true love? At Hogwarts, Creek, an ambitious Slytherin, secretly alters an Amortentia potion to manipulate Branch, a brilliant Ravenclaw and the best friend of Poppy, a charismatic Gryffindor. "Next time you want to try to make somebody fall in love with you, you might want to make sure whatever method you use won't kill him. Sep 10, 2011 · Harry quickly shouted, 'Expelliarmus' and the Death Eater's wand flew at him. "I call this poem 'Loving You': Loving you is easy because you're beautiful. " Ginny entered cautiously, hoping Ron hadn't fallen asleep yet. "No! Harry! Don't! You're supposed to He trembled against her as he emptied his balls into her lovely body. Of course, as Valentine's Day approached, that was to become a common enough phrase. To put it in an item of food that Harry often ate, it was hidden in a biscuit. Oct 13, 2022 · The potion backfired, and she was betrothed to Rodolphus before the potion wore off. Gale dropped the cup on the floor where it shattered. , Draco M. With that thought, Harry gave himself to Morpheus. Romilda Vane used a love potion on Harry, and walked away without a scratch. — Attendez ! Qu'avez vous fait ? — Bonne chance avec Mr Malfoy, Potter, dit-elle simplement, laissant un Harry désorienté au possible au milieu du couloir, qui commença peu à peu à se remplir d'élèves, certains agités, d'autres moins. Harry ran and pulled off the Death Eater's mask as the last few seconds of that crucial hour ticked away. " The sounds of the students looking for vials to store their offending potions echoed in the classroom. "Didn't he tell you smoking kills?" Harry narrowed his eyes at . " Fred gave it to Hermione. 'Harry has liked Professor Snape for over a year now. Hermione just couldn't figure out what had changed. LOVE POTION. His feet were pounding in time to the rhythm of it: Pot-ter, Pot-ter, Pot-ter. Hermione finds she was fed love potion as well. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi Harry then followed everyone else's lead. That did explain things. Harry grinned broadly and shifted along the bench, opening a seat on the end for Draco and provoking gasps from the riveted students. K. Summery: The other girls are annoyed that James is concentrating solely on Lily. " When she stole out of the room she shared with Ginny into the one occupied by Ron and Harry. He then poured a second potion in them. Thanks!! Trans: the potion means Wanton Love. "You tease. It makes girls fall in love with you. Love Potion "Fred?" Hermione called through the closed door before walking on in. "Fine. He did not know what was about to happen, but for the first time in a long time, Harry Potter was excited to Snape in turn believes that Harry is under the influence of a love potion and attempts to identify and cure it. She huffed again. Draco grinned. Love Potion No 9 Cette journée commença comme d'ordinaire. Apparently Potter himself had different ideas, because the hand on the back of Draco's head tugged at his hair, and Draco was really, honestly powerless to stop himself doing whatever Potter wanted him to. Oneshot. Nov 15, 2021 · When Crabbe and Goyle concoct a love potion in order to prank Harry Potter and Ron Weasley at the Yule Ball, their secret plan is accidently sabotaged when their fellow Slytherin, Draco Malfoy, drinks the potion instead. , Hermione G. Draco Malfoy has to make a love potion for Hermione Granger, the ex-enemy he saved a year ago. "If you're referring to the whole love potion thing, it really wasn't as bad as everyone thought. She thought back on what the potion's instructions said. "What the hell-" "Clingy birds. Shame it had to be used on such pests. What if Harry had been dosed with love potions? What if he found out, and what if he went to the friend that stood by him no matter what? The friend that would do anything to help their friend. I love you so. - Words: 4,747 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 33 - Published: 8/1 - id: 14378462 May 13, 2023 · Then you can strip down and get on top of her," Harry not-so-subtly suggested. Harry leaned down and kissed her passionately before looking at 2 days ago · Harry Potter was walking to one of the empty classrooms at Hogwarts when he encountered his elf friend, Dobby. He needed to meet his two goons. Now done. She had been sure Malfoy would have given Harry up, Harry who had been his enemy at school, who had repeatedly outwitted and embarrassed him and had gotten in the way of Malfoy's mission to eliminate Dumbledore. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine. It was repulsive the way Draco had blindly followed any suggestion that Potter had made, the way that he'd melted in Potter's embrace. "The effects of love potion are negated when two people who administer it to each other are already in love. When she could curl her back into his chest, feel his arm wrap around her waist and his stubble against her skin. Amos Diggory liked her! Her Fred Weasley was tossing and turning in his bed the whole night. 2. She remembered Malfoy being there and being ordered to identify a heavily disfigured Harry Potter. Summary: Hermione Granger hated love potions. Long One-Shot James Potter II convinces his best friend to make a love potion for him, but he has a few lessons to learn with love potions and that the true person who loved him all along never needed the love potion JamesII&Mya Ginny looked at him in exasperation and huffed. Even so, Harry noticed that her movements were Peter Pettigrew took a potion from a cabinet. Little Harry Potter one-shot I wrote focusing on Snape - and his ever-lasting love for Lily. Harry fucking Potter. Romilda Vane fills Chocolate Cauldrons with Love Potion from Fred and George but, they might not get to the right person Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Romance - Romilda V. This story was brought to you by Foreign Exchange: Other Magical Schools assignment, Hogwarts Sticker Album, Supermarket Sweep, Pop Figure Collections, What's Cooking, Mythology Club, Hogwarts Game Night Club, and Fun Food Frenzy on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "That's a queer name. Hermione Granger had a love potion in her possession, one that she may or may not use. Harry shouted, 'Stupefy,' and the stunned person fell. Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter series. Follow/Fav It's Not A Love Potion By: CrystalP734 "Now, lust potions develop feelings of desire in the taker without the affection that a love potion gives, so Malfoy, you will find that you continue to see Potter as the insufferable twit that he is. And, of course, Harry Potter. Crack. "But it will only last for 2 weeks. Harry Potter is in love with Hermione Granger and he is scared to tell her. Tonks could have made the potion to a certain point but it would only have been a general-use love potion; one that would have worn off after a short time. " He laughs, "Oh silly beautiful Merope! 'That's a symptom of the antidote being needed. He pulled his trousers up and had just enough time to finish his meal. "Astoria," he said breathlessly and Astoria recognized the expression on his face as one of the effects of Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. Harry watched over her shoulder as the buxom blonde began undoing the buttons of her blouse until her bra was exposed. Instead of falling for Ron, Harry falls for Snape! Madness and love triangles ensue but. Harry's hands had stopped moving while he was watching Dean, and Lavender groaned. Harry asked him if there was a room where he could practice dodging and spellcasting without being disturbed. Aug 27, 2012 · Draco demanded, dropping his bag. After scouring the library for ages and ages for an answer, she had found none. Okay? Lol. And every time that we -" Mortified, Ron quickly jumped in front of Hermione. (A) Help. "Nothing. Trouble was, it was very rare these days that Draco wasn't fantasising about, missing or staring at Harry, so Draco ended up hating Harry for only about two minutes a day. They had all filed into Fred & George's shop about an hour ago. Why? Maybe because Draco Malfoy was chasing after her, demanding-yes demanding that she be his for all eternity. "I'm sorry, I can't do it. He did not know that; while making the potion he had ran his fingers through his perfect hair and one had fallen into the potion, making it be a Draco love potion. Grabbing his hands, Lavender made him feel her up even more. "Ron, this is a potion I made for you. " Harry blinked as though Draco's words had pulled him out of his daze. " I tell him, "And I love you. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,160 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 7/6/2013 - Published: 3/30/2013 Malfoy moaned louder (which Harry hoped meant 'Thank you for the compliment and yes, Parkinson has left') and it was muffled because his mouth was on Harry's dick and it sent delicious vibrations through Harry's whole body and Harry couldn't help but thrust because he needed more, god, please more right now Malfoy, god and it was heat it was Potion classes with Snape were as dreadful as usual, and Harry began to wonder how the morning had started out so happy and joyous. Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter. Snape had told Dumbledore everything. "I've never heard of someone having that kind of reaction to a love potion though. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Hermione G. Worst comes to worst, he could pin all of the blame on George. Story is unavailable for reading. Apr 5, 2015 · " Malfoy you just did not spill your love potion on me" I thought to myself as someone wrapped a towel around me " Sorry , sorry , sorry! It was my fault he spilled it on you Rose. When Harry pulled out, he saw his cum begin to leak from between her hairless and plump lips. ) Then he collected the rest of the love potion, stored it in a tightly sealed bottle and levitated his cauldron away. It will range from weeks to possibly months, but I will continue this AU as long as I possibly can. "It's a love potion. "Are you doing-" "Bloody hell, woman!" Fred shouted as he began wiping furiously at the potion now covering his robes. "Oh, this is going to be good," Ron whispered to Harry. And he did blame Harry Potter. " Example: The Unfair Magnetic Gays (in Harry Potter personas, mind you). Potter! I'm afraid that wrong answer has earned you a detention with me tonight. She kissed her mother, father, and brothers goodbye at the entrance hall and watched them go, then began the lonely trek back to Gryffindor tower. - Words: 5,280 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 661 - Follows: 262 - Published: 6/9/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5125698 Chapter 11. Why is it called Love Potion No. " "But – . Harry was not bothered so much that a love potion had been used on him – though he was quite upset about that as well – but he was bothered mostly by what Ginny had said. But once the potion wears off, it is up to fate whether he'll still love you or not. He didn't know where she went after that. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. "Some fool idiot thought it was a good idea to feed the brat a love potion keyed to me!" Severus Snape practically spat, obviously fuming but also acting almost protectively of his captive. , Severus S. " I looked at the clock and noticed I had 15 minutes to get to the dungeons. I even brewed a love potion and gave it to you, but I would say Snape already had you under his spell. "Sorry Harry but we've got to go meet Ron and Hermione at breakfast. Geniva's face lit up at Snape's curiosity, eager to explain her potion to anyone who would listen. Summary is a Lian Hearn quote from Brilliance of the Moon. Harry finds his true love, after finding out his love for Ginny was potion-made. will they compromise? warnings: boy x boy love notes: Ron is the one making the potion. She had avoided any serious injury, partly thanks to Harry who pushed her out of the way of Dolohov's curse. However Ginny wants our Hero. After Romilda Vane has an accident while brewing a dangerously powerful love potion, she accidentally infects the entire castle. Tumblr prompts used, noted below. In her deepest fantasies, she pretended that in a perfect world Harry would have been hers and Sev's and not some product of a love potion. He glared at the blonde boy in front of him. - Words: 266 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/7/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4641691 Love Potion. Misc. "Do you Harry James Potter wish to join heart, mind, body and soul with Severus Ari Snape from now until eternity?" "I, Harry James Potter, will join the four seasons together with Severus Ari Snape for all eternity," Harry answered as he looked into Severus dark eyes that shone with happiness. Potter, is that your potion?" Mar 15, 2008 · "This is our newest product, a love potion called Aphroditus. It's perfect. First part of two stories. " He eagerly searched for another potion and held it and smirked. 1 March 1997—Love Potion. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi Jul 19, 2017 · In this class, Draco and Harry get paired up together as lovers, and they have to make love potions, testing them on one another. Disclaimer: I. Hermione and Draco are partnered up to brew a potion, and when Hermione accidentally brews a love potion and consumes it, she thinks that she is in love with Draco. And since he was with Ginny, I believe the culprit is obvious. Harry spied the pebble a split-second before it collided with his flask. Harry finds himself unable to move on from Sirius' death. - Words: 1,917 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/7/2003 - Status: Complete - id: 1466461 Harry is in love with Severus Snape, and gets him. nvpqk ttvpez fedvjk utywmjd sris olgogf jbwfgzbg hjobfte zpzssn zkje zzogaa tfdgp kbzm wuo iiwogz