Henry county official website. Government; Departments; Services; Community; How Do I.

Henry county official website Find an Inmate Henry County Welcome Center 1709 HWY 20 West McDonough, GA 30253 Office: (678) 619-5400 eFile to save your time and money! Required Documents for Starting a Case Welcome to the GIS Department (Geographic Information Systems). Planning & Zoning Henry Connect Microtransit. Board of Elections & Voter Registration. Bids & RFPs. SeeClickFix for Henry County is a community-driven communication tool and request management system that bridges the gap between residents and their Henry County officials to increase civic engagement and improve citizen services. . Agenda/Minutes. Explorer Post 190 Henry County Maps. Henry County Emergency Management & Homeland Security. And it is the only place citizens can watch Henry County Commission meetings from gavel to gavel. Lunch Menu Find information about State Court. Government Websites by CivicPlus® The Henry County Police Department Regional Training Academy is a Georgia POST-approved law enforcement training facility. NEW! Bids Through OpenGov. Adult & Youth Classes The Henry County Council on Aging is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up of 19 volunteers who serve as directors. From historic locales to eclectic shops, Henry County offers unforgettable attractions that provide fun for the whole family. The mission of Stormwater Management is to effectively and efficiently manage stormwater runoff and protect the safety, property and environmental quality of unincorporated Henry County. Planning & Zoning Official website of Henry County, GA providing information on departments, services, and resources for residents and businesses. Open Record Requests. Skip to Main Content. Proposed Orders Submit an open records request. Required Documents for Service. ) The Henry County Financial Services Division is responsible for creating and maintaining the "full financial records of the County," including any and all revenues, expenditures, obligations, receipts, and accounts. Election Information Col. Henry Connect Microtransit. Home; Departments; Community Recreation; Parks & Recreation Review information on the Commercial Division. 2025 Holiday Closings. See how to find your Commission District. Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] The Building and Plan Review Department is tasked with the issuance of permits, building plan review and inspections for compliance to ordinances, technical codes and accepted industry practices. Website Sign In HenryTV is Henry County's best source for information about Henry County government news, programs and events. Minutes, Resolutions, Ordinances Find out how much it is to file a case. “Comfortably South of Atlanta,” Henry County provides visitors with the best of both worlds – cities bursting with southern charm and easy access to Atlanta via I-75. We hope you find this information helpful to you during your transition into Henry County, or for current citizens that need general information. Code of Ordinances. E. FANS (Filing Activity Notification System) Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] All volunteers are required to go through a background screening before being approved to volunteer in any Henry County Parks and Recreation Department (HCPRD) program. Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] Henry County has several recreation centers located around the County. Henry County Citizen’s Academy (HCCA) Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] See information pertaining to the Board of Commissioners. Get information regarding the departments dedicated to keeping the community moving. Current Boards and Authorities The Crimes Against Persons Unit is tasked with investigating those cases that involve a crime of violence or sexual assault against a person. Our county seat is located in Abbeville, Alabama. Search through contact information for all organization staff and departments. Qualifying. C. T. Link to page Welcome to the GIS Department (Geographic Information Systems). Food Services. Filing for a Name Change Qualifying Period, Candidates, and Fees. Box 7 Collinsville, VA 24078 Phone: 276-634-4600 Physical Address 3300 Kings Mountain Road Martinsville, VA 24112 Phone: 276-634-4600 The Community Service Program was formalized to provide a meaningful restitution program for offenders who have been mandated by the courts to perform community service hours for infractions such as DUI, suspended license, no insurance and various other misdemeanor violations. Staff Directory. Find out how to recycle your waste in Henry County. Judge Stephen Knights Jr. Elected Officials. Find election information. It is the goal of Henry County Juvenile Court to provide concepts to strengthen and build the family unit in an order to overcome the adversities trying to undermine the family today. Henry County, GA's official website provides information and resources for residents, businesses, and visitors. County Travel Status. ADA & Title VI. Scenes from the following films and television programs were filmed in Henry County: Glory; We are Marshall; Zombieland; Smokey and the Bandit; The Walking Dead (AMC television show) Necessary Roughness (USA The Henry County Citizen’s Academy is a free program that is designed to help inform and improve participants’ knowledge about day-to-day operations throughout the county government. Planning & Zoning. Government; Departments; Services; Community; How Do I Meetings; Events Find Your Commission District. Day Trips. Campaign Finance Human Resources is dedicated to meeting the needs of the County’s employees in a manner that is collaborative, results-oriented and customer-focused. Find out how much it is to file a case Find information regarding deeds and liens. Proposed Orders Becoming a Notary Public and applicable laws are available through the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA). Phone: 309-937-3578 Email Henry County. Government; Departments; Services; Community; How Do I About Henry County. Henry County Courthouse 307 West Center Street Cambridge, Illinois. Gather information about government services, offices, boards, commissions, and elected officials. Find out how much it is to file a case Henry County Citizen’s Academy (HCCA) Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] Quickly learn information and gather helpful resources. Find an Inmate Henry County Welcome Center 1709 HWY 20 West McDonough, GA 30253 Office: (678) 619-5400 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Find content about the Victim/Witness Advocate Program. Explore Henry County maps for planning, zoning, and GIS information. eFiling. Obtain copies of plats or documents. G. Chief Judge Brian Amero. See which youth sports are offered in Henry County. Appeal my Property Taxes. Community Relations Request Form. Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] The Hidden Valley Senior Center is a multipurpose community center for senior adults 55 and over. Required Documents for Starting a Case. Henry County Tourism. Website Sign In Skip to Main Content. Judge Holly Veal A Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is a strategy developed by local government to reduce or eliminate long-term risks from natural and man-made disasters. Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan. County Staff. Elections. Extension Services; Parks & Recreation; Senior Services. Important & Useful Information. Minutes, Resolutions, Ordinances. The Communications/Public Information Office is the official source of information for Henry County Government, responsible for developing and disseminating positive messaging and information to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders. Box 7 Collinsville, VA 24078 Phone: 276-634-4600 Physical Address 3300 Kings Mountain Road Martinsville, VA 24112 Phone: 276-634-4600 Required Documents for Starting a Case. Welcome to Henry County, Georgia. Senior Services Skip to Main Content. The Henry County Parks and Recreation Therapeutic Department is so happy that you have chosen to be part of our wonderful program. For the most up-to-date, accurate and dependable information about your local government, trust the official source. The Real Estate Division is responsible for receiving, recording, processing, indexing, and maintaining a copy of all documents related to real estate within Henry County. Government; Departments; Services; Community; How Do I Meetings; Events F. Explore court calendars for Superior Court judges. Adoption Records; Arrest Reports (Pre-Trial) Birth Certificates; Building Plans, Permits, Inspections Skip to Main Content. SeeClickFix. Visit the Tourist Bureau. ) Emergency Operations Center (E. 2025 Board of Commissioners Meeting Dates. These cases include, but are not limited to, homicide, rape, robbery, kidnapping, assault, battery, etc. Youth Athletics. Operated by the dedicated staff of the Henry County Police Department, the academy provides high-quality training to law enforcement professionals. R. Mailing Address P. Civil & Domestic Forms and Documents. Government Websites by CivicPlus®CivicPlus® [] On September 19, 2014, the Committee on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) awarded the Henry County Fire Department with accreditation for the Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic Program. Building & Plan Review Department. Hampton Parks & Facilities; Locust Grove Parks & Facilities; McDonough Parks & Facilities; Stockbridge Parks & Facilities; Maintenance; Park Rules; Park Amenities Henry County Office Building 1201 Race Street New Castle, IN 47362 County Directory; Quick Links. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Public Relations. Emergency Services; Fire Rescue; Law Enforcement; Community Resources; Job Seeker Services Easily find and search for agendas and minutes from various boards, commissions, and committees. View Public Meeting Notices for the Board of Commissioners. Community Emergency Response Team (C. Dietary Guidelines and provide at least one third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance. Economic Development; County Code; G. Utility Company. Find Your Commission District. Commercial Inspections The Zoning Advisory Board (ZAB) in Henry County, GA, provides recommendations on zoning-related issues to the Board of Commissioners. The plan identifies hazards, assesses risks, and outlines actions to prevent or lessen the impact of future emergencies, such as floods, fires, or storms. County Board. The Henry County Board of Supervisors capped off American Heart Month with the purchase of six new LifePak 35 Heart Monitors for the Public Safety Operations Division. The Clerk of Superior Court in Henry County, GA provides information about the court and its services. Read on View All News Website Personalization Now Available! With the launch of the new MyAccount feature, visitors to our website can now customize their viewing experience! Read on Welcome to the official website for Henry County. A Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for future development that outlines how a community’s long-term vision will be met over time. S. Find an Inmate Important information appertaining to department operations and commonly asked questions and forms necessary for submittals. Quick Links. Discover information regarding day trips. Qualifying Henry County Emergency Management & Homeland Security. Filing for a Name Change Mar 17, 2023 ยท Mailing Address P. This department handles all your mapping needs for the Henry County, Georgia area. Recreation. Therapeutic Recreation. Henry County Clerk to the commission. Government; Departments; Services; Community; How Do I Home; Site Map Welcome to Henry County, Georgia. Subsistence Payments and Food Bank Services Assistance Juror Questionnaire. Government Websites by Trash Drop-off Locations. Youth Day Camps It is the mission of the Henry County Sentence Enforcement Department to serve the citizens and courts of Henry County by holding offenders accountable through the enforcement of orders of the court, while providing opportunities for successful outcomes for all offenders. 2025 Election Calendar. Chief Judge Vincent Lotti; Judge Chaundra Lewis; Judge Ralph Bailey Jr. Learn information on the Residential Division. FANS (Filing Activity Notification System) Find community resources in Henry County, GA, including housing and shelter services. Our food services staff prepare meals that comply with U. Bids Contract Portal Pets cannot tell us where they live, which is why having current identification tags on your pet is so important. Agendas & Minutes. Find out how much it is to file a case. is responsible for the investigation and apprehension of street criminals and gang members. I. Zachry was an officer during the Civil War and a Henry County State Representative, Senator and county judge following the war. From rolling pastures to bustling retail establishments and gorgeous parks with a variety of amenities, Henry County has something for everyone. We strive to serve the citizens of Henry County with heartfelt care and unwavering dedication! Together, we are building better communities. ) Explore court calendars for Superior Court judges. Fill out a juror questionnaire for the Superior Court or State Court. History of the Clerk's Office. The Henry County Police Department is dedicated to providing police services in Henry County that are aimed at achieving more effective and efficient crime control, reduced fear of crime, improved quality of life and improved police legitimacy. Local Sheltered Market Program. Henry County Office Building 1201 Race Street New Castle, IN 47362 County Directory; Quick Links. The Division's responsibilities are: to identify and apprehend offenders; recover stolen property; gather, document and evaluate facts in reference to criminal activity; process crime scenes, recover and preserve evidence and property; and present evidence to various courts to seek a successful prosecution of the offender(s). O. fcbonv ntubt ctj atwabb mxusgk dfwrzlg jgureq kgppb ssup fxcvj fusg jfuyg xmb rlreb qvxm