Honey gourami female. 5 inches and female Honey Gourami size up to 2 inches.
Honey gourami female After looking online, people seemed to advise against putting these two together, but those who did, didn't have any problems. 8, heated to 79 degrees, almond leaves for tannin (I like the blackwater look), low flow Fluval U2 filter. In rare conditions, this fish can get up to 3 inches. Description. This species is popular with aquarium hobbyists due to its small size, peaceful nature and attractive coloration. Dec 15, 2015 · I have a 20gal set up. It's an ideal species for beginner and experienced hobbyists alike due to its beaut. 2. Since they are quite small in size, you don’t require a larger fish tank for them to grow. It is the responsibility of the male honey gourami to look after the nest and the fry; There is a difference in color between the Honey Gourami found in the wild as opposed to the ones found in aquariums. I was having to feed them on opposite sides of the tank though because they can get Dec 23, 2023 · Compared to other gourami species, the Honey Gourami is relatively peaceful and less territorial. I bought a this gourami thinking it was a female, however I am second guessing that now. Feb 16, 2025 · Honey Gourami Care. In terms of coloration, male honey gouramis will develop a much more vibrant honey colour with a prominent blue-black marking on their undersides when breeding. The Honey Gourami can be bred in a community or a separate breeding tank. Both the male and female are pale yellow-brown in color, except during spawning. Mar 21, 2011 · 6 danios (2 zebra, 1 leopard, 3 golden) 4 cories (2 panda and 2 sterbai) 2 honey gourami ive thought that getting a few more plants and hiding places would be smart before adding female betta just bc it is really questionable compatibility, and couldnt hurt I have had a female beta flip and kill tank mates. Both the male and female are pale yellow-brown in color, except during spawning. Gouramis or gouramies are a group of freshwater perciform fishes that comprise the family, Osphronemidae. Mar 29, 2023 · The Honey Gourami is a good breeder and will lay eggs often. Apr 14, 2021 · Female Honey dwarf Gourami retains this coloring whereas males develop extra coloration when in nest constructing and spawning mode. Learn more about Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna), see beautiful images, care and tank info. I have absolutely no idea how to create hiding spots for my gourami. I have a male and female pair of honey gouramis. Additionally, the Honey Gourami’s vibrant colors and small size make it a popular choice for hobbyists with smaller aquariums. How Big Will my Honey Gourami Grow? The Sunset Honey Gourami is a smaller fish that grows up to 2-3 inches in length. Females have a rounded belly compared to the males. They are with my Badis badis. Mar 3, 2025 · How can I tell if my honey gourami is a male or female? Males typically have slimmer bodies and display brighter colors, especially when they are in breeding condition, while females have rounder bodies and a duller coloration, and can appear thicker when carrying eggs. The fry will then be transferred to a rearing tank. The Honey Dwarf Gourami is sometimes called the Honey Gourami, the Sunburst Gourami or the Dwarf Gourami, and is closely related to the Colisa lalia Dwarf Gourami. And although I had no issues in bigger tanks, I did have a female betta bullying my honey gourami in a small tank before. Male gouramis tend to have longer and more elaborate fins than females. Jan 8, 2024 · The ideal water temperature for Honey Gourami ranges from 72-82°F (22-28°C), with a pH level between 6. 5"). Jul 12, 2022 · The male honey gouramis will have a bold honey-like coloration. They’re a bit on the shy side, though. Jul 26, 2008 · The Honey Dwarf Gourami or Honey Sunset Gourami, I've read, is a much more peaceful docile fish that's only territorial when spawning. 4 hours ago, carlee_crab said: Jul 19, 2020 · The Honey Gourami is a freshwater fish found in northern India and Bangladesh, and in Nepal sometimes. The first literature about the honey gourami is from Hamilton and Buchanan in 1822. 6. The larger one keeps chasing the smaller one, especially when the smaller one goes to the floating plants (see Oct 20, 2008 · How cute, makes me miss mine! Honey's are quite docile, so they only problem I would anticipate is the tiger barbs stressing them. What do Honey Gourami Look Like? They have long dorsal fins across the length of the spine, which have a saw-like edge. Powder Blue Gourami : These Gouramis have an attractive light blue-powdered body with red-orange markings on fins. Dec 15, 2020 · There are 133 species of gourami currently recognized, although we are only discussing honey gourami in this article. ” Here are some of the best ways to spot the differences: Latin Names: Honey Gourami - Colisa/Trichogaster Chuna Thicklip Gourami - Colisa/Trichogaster Labiosa Coloration: Feb 27, 2024 · On that note, a single dwarf gourami meets about 10 gallons of tank space, with each additional fish also requiring 10 more gallons, or to be safe, up to 12 more gallons for each additional fish. I've had my gold female for about 6 months, and she was incredibly small when we first got her. The Honey Dwarf Gourami is sometimes called the Honey Gourami, the Sunburst Gourami or the Dwarf Gourami, and is closely related to the Trichogaster lalia Dwarf Gourami. These are very peaceful fish that will make a great addition to your aquarium. 5 inches and female Honey Gourami size up to 2 inches. The fifth image in the "photos" tab, the one labeled female and has clear white fins, is not a honey gourami. 99 $8. As more information becomes available about the care and breeding of honey gouramis, there has been a growing interest in keeping these fish among beginner Oct 9, 2020 · Hello, I’m planning on getting a (dwarf?) honey gourami to put in my 20 gallon fish tank with a black tailed female guppy. The male has always chased the female around but he's never hurt her before and he'd usually stop once she got over to "her side of the tank". To ensure their well-being and create a suitable environment, it is important to consider the following tips: Creating a Suitable Environment. May 14, 2024 · Bettas tend to not like fish that are colorful and closer to them in size I think. Reason 6: Your Honey Gourami Is experiencing Melanin Increase No, the dwarf gourami is a different species called Trichogaster lalius that grows to 3 inches (8 cm), whereas the honey gourami is smaller in size and stays around 2 inches (5 cm). Mar 29, 2010 · They are very compatible in large aquaria. The male Honey Gourami will help care for the eggs and guard them until they hatch. [2] Distribution and habitat After the female approaches the male How to Tell if Honey Gourami is Male or Female? The gourami male is smaller than the female and has a pointier dorsal fin. You never know if it'll work out, keep this in mind. First, take a look at the fish’s fins. Female fought him off, and i had to separate for a little. @PJ I came across a paper that described the Honey Gourami as having two morphs in nature several years back . com Aug 11, 2019 · Male Gouramis are usually a bit smaller than the females and are slimmer in overall girth. 99 Red Gold Honey Gourami Male - $11. Whatever name you choose to call them by, they are another very peaceful Gourami species and love to socialize with others. Jul 14, 2022 · Other critical differences between male dwarf gourami and female dwarf gourami are: Males typically have larger heads and bodies than females. Males tend to have a sunset orange color while females are normally silver colored. The yellow morph differs in color and sexual dimorphism from the common morph , by having more colorful females (which still have a black line running from the eye to caudal peduncle). Invest in a reliable aquarium heater and monitor the Mar 4, 2025 · It might not be a honey gourami, but rather a thick-lipped gourami. They are super peaceful. Male made a bubblenest, aggressively pursued the female. The male also gets more brightly colored during the breeding season, presumably to attract the female’s attention. Fast forward a week, I get a female honey gourami and 3 days later, I find it dead on the floor as well, with it having jumped out of a 1 inch x 1 inch gap. I have two small logs, an Sep 7, 2022 · Once the female lays the eggs, its role in the process is finished. Mar 5, 2025 · The average honey gourami size is around 2 inches in length. This is often accompanied by other changes in her body, such as a swollen belly. Dec 30, 2022 · Facts about the Honey Gourami : Initially, the male and the female honey gourami were identified as two separate species. The Honey Gourami can reach a length of about 4. Males were known as Trichopodus chuna and females as Trichopodus sota. I already have a female betta in there. The morphs occur in different regions. It is possible to keep multiple female Honey Gouramis in the same tank without issues. Features that made me assume it's was female were the round fin tips and the silvery color around the face. You’ll learn more about this process as you continue reading. Size: 2-5 inches. 1 male and 2 female. Expect to pay $5-$8 per fish. All was ok until yesterday. In this article, I am going to talk about sunset gourami fish, size, vs honey gourami, care, tank mates, male-female, aggressive, breeding, etc. Color Forms: Yellow, gold, orange or red. The honey gourami (Trichogaster chuna) is a species of gourami native to India and Bangladesh. While dwarf gouramis have a greater number of color varieties to choose from, their feisty nature means that they can be more prone to bullying other fish in the Jun 18, 2023 · I had 3 Honey Gourami along with lots of other fish in a community tank. These may look similar, but the thick-lipped get bigger, and tend to be more aggressive. Males and females are typically similar in size initially, but females often end up being a little bit larger when fully grown. This morning I found her dead at the bottom of the tank with no visible marks. 99 6 in stock. SKU: 704 Category: Bottom Feeders. They don't appreciate fast moving, nippy tank mates :/ I'd be surprised if you're able to find a female honey gourami, they're virtually unavailable on the market. However, you need to know what you’re doing. Dwarf Gourami Female - $7. I left a similar "experience" comment under the "red robin gourami" labeled as T. Heavily planted 40G That being said I did have to swap out my female betta for another in the first couple months when the tank was being stocked. chuna as well. 🙂. Aug 15, 2024 · To achieve suitable water chemistry, a pH between 6. Edited September 23, 2021 3 yr by laritheloud Dec 27, 2023 · Gold Honey Gourami are beautiful and vibrant fish that can make a great addition to your aquarium. Hi guys :3 (photos are from my old tank) Nov 13, 2024 · Honey Gourami goes by several other names. They are water puppy wet pets that recognize and interact with me but pay no attention to other fish. I have had extensive issues with sexing. 5cm – 2cm Adult Length – 5cm Temperature Range – 23 – 28°C pH Range Nov 29, 2021 · The female Honey Gourami reaches a length of 2 inches as they grow up. Jun 18, 2022 · On the other hand, males develop bright colors. Jun 8, 2023 · Honey Gourami: Honey Gouramis are yellowish-orange with a slight metallic sheen. Male vs. Shop Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna) and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. However, the dorsal (top) fin is the most distinctive difference that can be seen between males and females. Dwarf Gouramis have a unique anatomical feature called the labyrinth organ , which allows them to breathe atmospheric air. As usual, the female gourami fish will have a subdued silver color. Red Honey Gourami Male - $11. Male to Male Interaction: Male honey gourami’s can sometimes display territorial behaviours, particularly during breeding. thought i bought a m/f pair originally but the gourami i thought was a female grew a black beard the first few days of being in the tank lol. They have a calm and gentle demeanor, rarely showing aggression towards other fish. On the other hand, the males are smaller than the females, measuring 1. Later when the tank is more stabilised I will add some tetras and corydoras : D. Honey Gouramis have the much-lauded labyrinth organ, which is like a hybrid lung, allowing them to take in air at the water surface. Female layed 16 times over a 2 hour period. Does that mean he is actually a male? Nov 18, 2022 · Red Honey Gourami Male Or Female . Despite injuring each other and occasionally trying to eat a shrimp, they were amazing. Make sure you keep checking on the gourami properly over time - I don’t think the gourami will be the one attacking if it does go wrong. With bettas, you always run the risk of getting an aggressive individual - even with females. Buy direct from the breeder — live shipping with 100% safe and healthy arrival guarantee. My LFS sold me 4 female honey gouramis. The fish are native to Asia, from Pakistan and India to the Malay Archipelago and north-easterly towards Korea. While active and eating she never seemed to grow while the others did. ive been thinking of getting another honey soon. I also have Blue Dream shrimp 🦐 Well yeah. The male has a very beautiful orange honey color with a yellow dorsal fin and a black belly. If you’re wondering whether your red honey gourami is male or female, there are a few ways to tell. The male continues guarding the nest, and rebuilds and repairs it if needed, while the female leaves the area. Red honey gourami Profile. 5 inches long as they grow. i have trouble sexing honeys in the early stages (while they’re in the store tanks, otw home, first few days in my tank). In this article, I am going to talk about the Honey Gourami Care guide. When I was at the store too they had trouble sexing the fish so is it a male or female? Two Gold Colored 3 Spot Gourami Live Fish APPROXIMATELY 4 To 5 Inches Female May 3, 2023 · I keep 4male and 1 female honey gourami in a 29. This can lead to occasional disputes, though serious aggression is rare. I have one other male on his own, and previously I had 3 other honeys of assorted sexes, all sunset. Apr 14, 2021 · In this article, I am going to talk about red honey gourami size, female, tank mates, temperature, bloated, care, turning black, male/ female, etc. I am surprised it works well for you in a 10g. 5 to 2 inches, making them ideal for Nov 25, 2024 · I bought this gourami at one of my local fish stores last week. I doubt they would bother the sparkling gourami. Species – Red Robin Gourami (Red Honey Gourami) – Trichogaster Chuna Infant Size – 1. This honey gourami is an ideal for first-time inexperienced fish keepers. The female Honey Gourami has a more rounded belly compared to male honey gouramis. Jan 23, 2021 · I have a male and female honey gourami and 8 ember tetras in a 60 litre, probably medium planted tank - mixture of all sorts of plants, tall and short, some floating. Concern: Can female Honey Gouramis be kept together in a tank? Answer: Female Honey Gouramis are generally more peaceful and can coexist harmoniously with each other in a tank. The fins of the male are pointed, while the females have rounded fins at the tips. 99 1 in stock. To keep your Honey Gourami happy and healthy, follow these essential guidelines for water requirements: Temperature: Honey Gouramis thrive in water temperatures between 72-82°F (22-28°C). Female Unsexed; Juvenile: Premium: Young Sep 17, 2017 · It is also worth noting that male and female honey gourami may appear differently colored. Generous cover. Aug 26, 2024 · just moved to a 29 gallon with my Bristlenose female Alfred and my Honey gourami male Alfie. The eggs will usually be laid on the underside of a leaf or a floating plant. Experience Required: Recommended for beginners. Behaviorally, the male attending to the female with his 'feelers' is also consistent with the first one being female. A few days ago I added a pair of Honey Gouramis (wild type) to my community tank. Not like extreme aggression or such, but picking on now and then when he swims too close to her. Oct 2009 Flora: 10% Duckweed, Amazon Swords, Java Ferns, Java Moss, Anacharis & Anubias. Feb 9, 2023 · The Honey gourami or Trichogaster chuna is a most attractive tropical fish that can make a nice addition to a peaceful community setup. Honey Gourami Behavior. So it's not about whether the second fish is male or not, I'd be very confident there. this is my other honey gourami. Honey Gourami Care Aug 12, 2021 · Female honey gourami is the female fish of Honey Gourami known as Trichogaster chuna. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 40, PH 6. Can I keep female honey gourami with a betta? What is the female stripe on a honey gourami? Males and females display different colors, with females displaying a light yellow color with a brown horizontal stripe, while males will develop a brighter yellow or reddish-orange color. Would these two be fine together Jan 3, 2021 · Hello, I added 3 honey gourami to my first tank almost exactly 1 month ago with 2 females and 1 male. Careful monitoring and regular water changes are necessary to maintain optimal water parameters, ensuring the well-being of your Honey Gouramis. This fish is one of the smallest Gourami species. Nicknames: Sunset Gourami, Red Flame Gourami, Honey Dwarf Gourami. This is a key reason why Honey Gouramis like to patrol and occupy the middle to higher layers in your tank because they need to surface regularly for air. Honey gouramis are excellent nano fish that can be kept on their own or in a small group. When planning the ideal honey gourami tank, it is recommended to try to recreate their natural environment. Honey Gourami Care guide. 5 and water hardness between 4 – 15 dGH is required. A Honey Gourami makes an incredible, golden spotlight fish, reaching an adult size of 2 to 3 inches. Males have protruding scales on their backs and sides which can be used in competition with other male dwarf gouramis for territory or as a sexual display. Feb 26, 2020 · The Honey gourami, Trichogaster chuna, is native to India and Bangladesh. They have longer and more pointed dorsal fins, as well as more vibrant orange and red hues on their bodies. Their color is the easiest distinction to use when trying to decipher whether you have a male or female honey gourami. The edges of the male’s body Apr 14, 2021 · Honey Gourami, scientific name Trichogaster Chuna belongs to the labyrinth fish family that need additional care for growth. Honey Gourami. They tend to inhabit the middle to top levels of the tank, allowing for enough space for bettas to roam around. I have never kept sparkling gourami so I don’t know how they interact. It’s also essential to have a gentle filtration system that does not create strong currents, as Honey Gouramis prefer calm waters. The species’ scientific name is Trichogaster china, although it was previously known as the Colisa chuna and Colisa sota. Dec 29, 2021 · However Honey Gourami should not be confused with the Dwarf Gourami (more on this later). But the relatively streamlined body shape is making me second guess that now. Let’s explore these differences and how they impact your aquarium. My last Ram passed last week and I was trying to get some nice colored fish May 10, 2023 · The Female Honey Gourami is a species of freshwater tropical fish that originates from the rivers and streams in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. i already have two boys in a 20gal. 1 of the females was much smaller and paler than the others when purchasing about a month ago. Sparkling Anecdotal but i had a pair of dwarf honeys with a love hate relationship. Concern: Do male and female Honey Gouramis need to be kept together for Feb 26, 2021 · Honey Gourami fish is the smallest fish in the Trichogaster family, with the adult male growing up to 1. Jul 17, 2024 · Sexing Honey Gouramis isnt the easiest, but you can sort of tell by their dorsal fins and their colour. Distinguishing between male and female honey gouramis is straightforward, thanks to several key differences in their appearance. It is a sunset morph thick-lipped (Trichogaster labiosa) gourami. Gourami Sunset Honey Dwarf Blue Trichogaster chuna. We then have the honey gourami, which is a relatively peaceful fish, one of the more peaceful types of gouramis. It has been set up for over a year with these fish. Sold Out If your female honey gourami is turning black, it could be because she’s pregnant. When it comes to aggressive behavior in Gourami fish, there’s often a noticeable difference between males and females. 0 – 7. The question is whether the first one is female or male. Female Honeys have rounder dorsals than males do, and males are more vividly coloured than females (females look almost washed out compared to the males). Reckon ill be stocking in around a week. Honey Gourami Habitat. Male Honey Gouramis are typically larger and more brightly colored than females. Honey gourami are usually pretty laid back, so I think you would get away with one pretty easily. Sep 20, 2021 · At least a year. I currently in my 55g have a female Betta, 20 or so small tetras, 2 SAE, BN, numerous snails and shrimps. Tank Size: Minimum 10+ gallon. Conclusion Jan 16, 2023 · 4 Facts About Honey Gourami. I’m 99% sure he’s a male, but here’s a photo to verify as well. Male Honey Gourami: Jan 26, 2021 · I have looked at the other threads about this but I didn't find the answer I was looking for. Soft to moderately hard water is best suited for these fish. For instance, I have 4 honey gourami and 1 male and female Betta together in my 140g. Honey Gourami Care Jun 7, 2021 · Hi guys, I'm so sad. The fish have since been in captivity over the last few decades, and the males and females were originally mistakenly taken as different species. 20 gallon long est. The male might chase the female gourami away from the eggs. It should also be said that not all gouramis build bubble nests. From the beginning I noticed that 1 female was more dominant and would chase and sometimes nip at the other female and male for a bit, but this was primarily during feeding and the other fish did Feb 11, 2024 · General Temperament: Honey gourami’s are generally peaceful fish that can coexist with others of their kind without major conflicts. It can be an excellent alternative for aquarists looking to keep gouramis in a community tank setting. The honey gourami also makes an ideal tank mate in a community tank if kept with other peaceful fish. The store had it listed as a red honey gourami. Some people call them red honey Gourami, while others prefer Golden or Golden Honey Gourami. See full list on seafishpool. They are all about the same size, and their fins seem to be the same shape, but in the last couple of weeks one of them has developed a dark chin. Male and female in a tank with some shrimp and celestial pearl Danios. I already have a male, but he was looking lonely so I wanted him to have a mate. Let’s start with some fun facts about this peaceful fish and their easy care requirements. There's a larger one and a smaller one. Jul 14, 2022 · In this guide, you’ll learn the differences between male and female honey gouramis, plus some extra breeding info that might be interesting. Mar 9, 2025 · I think either a female betta or a solo or trio of honey gouramis would work well. Before buying a pair, I would ensure that your lfs has both sexes first. Sep 5, 2020 · I bought this honey gourami yesterday under the impression that she was a female. The Honey Gourami is a species of freshwater fish that has its origins in coastal areas that are rich in vegetation, with shallow water such as rivers, lakes, and slums in the southeast of the Asian continent, especially in Borneo, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Thailand. Honey Gourami is another gentle species that can potentially share a tank with bettas. Honey gourami are pretty easy to care for aquarium fish. In fact, sometimes people have trouble with the female gourami fish trying to eat the eggs. When spawning the male becomes honey to ochre in color with a blue throat and black on the Dec 5, 2023 · The Honey gourami is also known as the Honey Dwarf gourami, Red Flame Honey gourami, and Dwarf Fire gourami. Apr 6, 2021 · Although wild-type thicklips are very easy to correctly identify, sunset thicklips are very commonly mislabeled at pet stores as honey gouramis or “sunset honey gouramis. My fish shop told me these are a male and a female, since they're still young, I can't make out which is which. She's very peaceful (doesn't flare at all), and is pretty young (1. Do Honey Gouramis jump? I recently got 6 honey gouramis, and then within the week I had found one that jumped out of a 1 inch gap where my lid and filter meet. Apr 14, 2021 · The Thick Lipped Gourami, or sunset gourami, Trichogaster labiosa (previously Colisa labiosa) turns into a really good-looking fish. Male Gourami Aggression: Males are typically the more aggressive of the two genders, particularly during mating season Jul 6, 2024 · The female honey gourami’s dorsal fin is more rounded than the male's. Jan 21, 2019 · The honey gourami, Trichogaster chuna, was first described by Hamilton and Buchanan in 1822 where they actually mistook males and females for two different species. I've done so much research and as always the research can contradict. Origin. 0 and 7. But over time this fish has darkened in color and I’m convinced anymore. In terms of their body shape and fins, they also are easy to recognize. Females, on the other hand, are smaller and have rounder dorsal fins with more subdued colors. Dec 30, 2023 · I introduced her to my 20 long, in which I have one male and one female sunset honey gourami. I think I met all the care requirements except for one thing - hiding spots. Honey Gouramis are discovered In the densely overgrown standing waters of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Oct 3, 2010 · A pair of Honey Gourami ( Trichogaster (Colisa) chuna) breeding in a community 4' tank. The male develops a vibrant […] Oct 4, 2024 · Honey Gourami Overview. Even so, the female will be essential for helping the male to show its boldest colors. 5 centimeters. These charming gouramis are easy to care for, making them a good choice for a beginner. An adult Honey Gourami can reach anywhere from 1. Understanding these characteristics can help aquarists choose the right tank mates and manage breeding. But what fish make suitable tank mates for the Honey Dwarf gourami? Is it true that Honey gouramis can change color? Oct 9, 2022 · I have 5 honeys (1 m and 4 f) in with a female dumbo betta. This is great news for selecting tank Jul 12, 2022 · Why is My Female Dwarf Gourami Chasing/attacking the Male? The female Dwarf Gourami might be chasing/attacking the male because she is either pregnant or wants to lay eggs. I’m into this hobby for nearly a year and I’m nearly 15. It is colored in soft hues of silvery gray to light yellow, sometimes with a very light horizontal brown stripe along the center. The males are usually 2 inches long while the females are usually 3 inches long. Our guide covers their ideal habitat, including tank, lighting, filtration, and more. Jun 19, 2023 · Maintaining proper water conditions is crucial for Honey Gourami’s overall health and well-being. Jun 21, 2013 · What are people's thoughts on 2 red honey gourami with one female betta in a just under 10 gallon (US gallon) very well planted tank?? It's a new tank that's nearing end of fishless cycle. 3. Female Honey Gourami: How to Tell Them Apart. 5. Determining the gender of these fish is best done when the fish are mature. Wholesalers almost always only ship males. 99 $11. Females are larger and bulkier, with a rounder belly and an equally round dorsal fin. Also known as the Sunset Honey Gourami, the Red Honey Gourami, The Red Flame Gourami, and any of the above combinations. I want to make sure it is a honey gourami and not a dwarf gourami or thick lipped because then it would be too big for my tank. Can You Keep Male and Female Dwarf Gourami Together? Males and female Dwarf Gouramis can be kept together, but it is best to have a ratio of at least 1:2 (one male to two Jun 9, 2021 · Gender differences: male vs female. North East India and Bangladesh. Aug 3, 2023 · Honey Gourami are an excellent choice for aquarists seeking peaceful and colorful fish for their community aquariums. Gourami Sunset Honey Dwarf Blue. In 1882, Francis Hamilton misidentified the male and female Honey Gourami as two different species! The color differences in the sexes made him inaccurately assume the two were different species, so he named the male Trichopodus chuna and the female Trichopodus sota. Feb 21, 2025 · The Honey Gourami Trichogaster chuna (previously Colisa chuna and Colisa sota) becomes very pretty once it gets settled, making a very pleasant addition to a smaller aquarium. How big is your tank? Honey gourami shouldn't be in anything smaller than a 30 gallon tank IMO. In Dutch, the Trichogaster chuna is known as Honey Goerami or written as Honey Goerami. It is a species of gourami native to India and Bangladesh. Unlike most other species, wherein the female takes on the dominant parenting role, here the male Honey Gourami assumes the guardian role at an early stage. Dec 21, 2023 · The male honey gourami is much smaller than the female and has bolder colors, but they are both great-looking fish. You may also be able to see some color differences between the sexes. Creating a suitable environment for your Gold Honey Gourami is crucial for their overall health and The use of live plants and floating vegetation in honey gourami tanks has become a trend among aquascapers looking to create a natural and visually appealing environment for their fish. Oct 9, 2024 · And the deep belly and dark midline support the first one being female. Apr 24, 2023 · Males vs Female Gourami Aggression. You can see her here in quarantine when we first got her with her gourami 'sisters' and the mis-identified thicklip female we got. slyth iewcii gryj dnnpr qmetwh sdbb tahnd lsi sdqui snlbm jrs faqafi usxrim fnznvy ityrmv