Illinois legal aid forms. It will ask questions for you to answer.

Illinois legal aid forms org, including the following: Court forms, Articles about their legal issue, Step-by-step instructions for filing cases and going to court, and. It includes information about each form and links to where you can find and fill them out. Rental assistance is available statewide through the Court-Based Rental Assistance Program (CBRAP). To see the overall process of getting a divorce in Illinois when you have children, please click here. E-filing exemption - Circuit Court Easy Form | Illinois Legal Aid Online This program prepares the following forms. org/form-library/537376/537401/sub-forms Court forms, Articles about their legal issue, Step-by-step instructions for filing cases and going to court, and. org/form-library/537376/537391/sub-forms If you want to download a PDF version, visit the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. Going to small claims court on your own can be very confusing and intimidating. The forms you get will depend on your answers. The Easy Form also makes an Answer that tells how you respond to what is written in the complaint or petition. Ideally, this will take the user directly to the form. In reviewing the decisions of trial court that have denied motions to vacate, the Supreme Court of Illinois has articulated a liberal standard, and held that the "overriding consideration" for vacating a default judgment under § 2-1301 "is whether or not substantial justice is being done between the litigants and whether it is reasonable If the information on the form isn’t complete and accurate, you have 30 days to report changes. How to File & Present an Eviction Complaint; Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent If you are an employer, you can get a Workplace Protection Restraining Order if your employee is: A victim of violence at work, or; Is under threat of violence at work, You must send a copy of your motion and notice of motion to the other parties in the case. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms or print the forms to https://www. The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. This Easy Form helps you make a plan to set parental responsibilities (formerly custody) and parenting time (formerly visitation), including holidays and school Use this form to gather all of the information about your criminal records and identify which items qualify for expungement and which qualify for sealing. If a state agency or the state's attorney is involved in the case, you must also send a copy of your motion and notice of motion to the state's attorney. Southern Illinois University Legal Help Center. To learn more about the site, read our FAQs: About this website; My account © 2025 Illinois Legal Aid Online. Financial affidavit Easy Form | Illinois Legal Aid Online If you want to download a PDF version, visit the the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them. It creates a motion to vacate a default judgment. org/form-library/536881/536921/sub-forms The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides MCLE training, lawyer manuals, and other legal information for legal aid advocates and pro bono professionals. This includes text articles, guides, videos, Easy forms, blank forms, and other legal information for the public. You can ask for a CNCO if you are a victim of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse. Power of attorney for property Easy Form | Illinois Legal Aid Online Skip to main content This Easy Form helps you ask the court to undo a default judgment within 30 days of that judgment. However, we cannot give you legal advice on filling them out. Illinois Legal Aid Online leverages technology to infinitely scale the number of people who can be served. If it is on our site (or will be uploaded to our site), select “File on our website”; otherwise, select “Link to form” Link to form Provide the full URL of the form link. Power of attorney for property Easy Form | Illinois Legal Aid Online Skip to main content This program will help you make your letter. Last full review by a subject matter expert If you want to download a PDF version, visit the the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. It uses the statewide Financial Affidavit (Family and Divorce Cases) forms. org/form-library/536966/536996/sub-forms The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) partners with and supports Legal Self-Help https://www. It produces the Certification for Exemption from E-filing - Supreme Court. If the minor lives in Cook County, file the following forms: [no-lexicon] If you want to download a PDF version, visit the the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. ILAO's tax identification number is 20-2917133. A program to prepare forms that provide financial information and documents to the other party in family law cases. This is a link to the US Courts website for all 100-level forms for filing for bankruptcy, including fee waivers, forms for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and notices of bankruptcy. Note: This video is only available in English. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide To complete this form, you will need to know: The child's date of birth and place of birth, and ; The names of the biological parents and the adoptive parents. The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide The Coles County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Coles County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. This Easy Form helps you ask the court for an Emergency Order of Protection in Cook County, Illinois. org/form-library/537291/537341/sub-forms https://www. All rights reserved. org/form-library/536571/536676/sub-forms https://www. Illinois Supreme Court Standardized Forms This program will help you make your letter. Request return of property - detinue | Illinois Legal Aid Online The Circuit Clerk’s office has forms available. We hope to add the ability to e-file in these counties soon. . The Easy Form does not e-file your forms. https://www. This Easy Form helps you respond to an eviction by telling the court and the other parties that you are participating in a court case. If you aren’t eligible for automatic renewal, you will be sent a different form. Based on your income, expenses, and the value of your belongings, you may be able to file court papers for free or at a reduced cost. Use these free legal tools to work through your problems like a pro. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms or print the forms to Legal Content Overview Legal content includes the creation, updating, and managing of legal content. For eviction, small claims, divorce, and orders of protection, check out our Form Library, visit the Illinois Courts website, or ask your local circuit clerk. It covers the life cycle of SNAP from applying for SNAP benefits and who is eligible, to violations, disqualifications, and appeals. For example, if an Order of Protection is filed against you, and you file a petition to re-hear, you can submit an Affidavit to explain the important facts of your side of the story. org/form-library/536881/536891/sub-forms https://www. We simplify the law so you can get justice All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. At many legal self-help centers, staff can help patrons find free legal information on IllinoisLegalAid. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms or print the forms to A program to help you complete forms to give someone access to or control over your money and property in Illinois. The Lee County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Lee County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal advice Some assessors may require you to file something in writing, such as a complaint form. Use the above schedules to complete the following forms: B 106 Summary A Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information: Complete this form after you fill out Schedules A-J (above). You must respond within 30 days by mail, by fax, or online. Use our Easy Form programs to help you create the forms you need. Please consult with an attorney or use one of the legal aid services. The Vermilion Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Vermilion County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms or print the forms to The Knox County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Knox County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. See Illinois Legal Aid Online's Legal Self-Help Center Directory for a list of centers throughout Illinois. What do I need first? To complete this form, you will need to know: Illinois Legal Aid Online Marion County Self-Help Center Locations List of physical self-help centers in Marion County. Illinois Courts Standardized Court Forms and Documents Court forms approved by the Illinois Supreme Court. For ADA information, please visit the Champaign County website . The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal Ensure the plan is affordable and realistic, even if you are negotiating as part of a legal process. If you do, your benefits will continue until a review of your form is completed. Second Judicial Circuit Forms. You can ask the court to order a person to return property or pay damages. It is free to use. Learn about Illinois law and take action with free legal forms, referrals and clear information on issues dealing with family, housing, debt, work, and more. This Easy Form helps you make a letter to tell a collection agency that a debt is exempt from collection under federal and Illinois law. This Easy Form helps you ask the court for a Civil No Contact Order (CNCO) to make an abuser leave you alone. If the minor lives outside of Cook County: Ask the circuit court in the minor's county which forms you need to file. You can find contact information for your local board of review on the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board website . org/form-library/536761/536771/sub-forms https://www. If you have affirmative defenses or counterclaims, you can use this Easy Form to create those forms. If you are being evicted in court, use the Respond to an eviction Easy Form instead. This Affidavit is blank, so it can be used for many different purposes. A program to help you demand that your landlord let you back into your home. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal A program to help you certify that you have a good reason to receive an e-filing exemption so you can file paper court forms in the Supreme Court of Illinois. © 2025 Illinois Legal Aid Online. Note: At this time, the forms made with the Appearance with e-filing program can be filed in all Illinois counties except Cook and DuPage. List of forms needed during a civil appeal to the Illinois Appellate Court. This video is intended to help you better understand the steps and procedures involved in going to small claims court on your own. It produces the Certification for Exemption from E-filing. A program to help you complete forms to give someone access to or control over your money and property in Illinois. It also includes resources for lawyers including lawyer manuals and IICLE content. org/form-library/536571/541696/sub-forms © 2025 Illinois Legal Aid Online. It will ask questions for you to answer. org/form-library/537171/537231/sub-forms Creating a blank (static) form First, select whether the form is located on the website or on another website. Learn more about what money and property is exempt. If a party has a lawyer, send them to the lawyer. Use this program to create a lockout letter if your landlord illegally locked you out or forced you out of your home. A program to help you certify that you are exempt from e-filing forms in Illinois Circuit Court for good cause. Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) does not provide direct legal representation and cannot respond to requests for legal advice. At the end of the program, you will get a completed letter and instructions. Criminal records expungement and sealing worksheet | Illinois Legal Aid Online The Kankakee County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Kankakee County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. ILAO's Form Library provides over 80 free legal forms for people seeking solutions to their legal problems. org/form-library/536881/536886/sub-forms Plain language info, step-by-step how-tos, court forms, and checklists to get an order of protection, create a domestic violence safety plan, find legal resources, change your name, get a divorce or enforce child support payments. Dissolution Forms. ILAO is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Debt Forgiveness: In some situations, creditors or collectors may agree to forgive part of the debt if they believe collecting the full amount is unlikely or will be too expensive. org/form-library/537376/537386/sub-forms The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. You must have an eviction case in court to apply. You can email your forms to the court clerk and schedule a remote hearing on evenings and weekends. Wayne County IL Legal Aid. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal advice This program will help you make your letter. This Easy Form helps you ask the court to undo a default judgment within 30 days of that judgment. org/form-library/536881/536896/sub-forms Learn about Illinois law and take action with free legal forms, referrals and clear information on issues dealing with family, housing, debt, work, and more. Power of attorney for health care Easy Form A program to help you complete the forms to give another person access to or control of your health care decisions. org/form-library/536966/536971/sub-forms The Form Library has court forms, legal documents, and letters for many kinds of legal problems. You have to make a formal appeal about how much your house is worth to your local board of review. illinoislegalaid. Illinois Legal Aid Online Forms Library. An Order of Protection orders someone to stop harming or threatening you or other household members. Guiding principles This Easy Form helps you tell the court and the other parties that you are participating in a foreclosure case. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal This is a lawyer manual from Illinois Legal Aid Online providing information on SNAP. The Appearance and Answer forms explain whether you agree or disagree with what is said in the Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint. The Clinton County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Clinton County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. You can also download blank forms and fill them out on a computer or by hand. org/form-library/536571/536671/sub-forms View our library of family & safety Easy Forms and blank forms to resolve your legal problems. org/form-library/536761/536796/sub-forms https://www. Use this form to sue for the return of your property wrongly being held by someone else. This program will help you make your letter. If you are a self-represented litigant looking for legal help, please visit Illinois Legal Aid Online or Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms or print the forms to The website also connects eligible Illinois residents with lawyers and other legal services to help them with their legal problems. Includes forms for Circuit Court, Appellate Court and Supreme Court The Standby Guardian should file forms with the court in the county where the minor lives, within 60 days of notice of the parent's death or inability to act. Use the information from Schedules A-J to fill out this form. It also helps you make an Eviction Answer, Defenses, and Counterclaims form that tells how you respond to what is written in the complaint. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview that will ask you a series of questions related to this topic and then the program will complete the forms for you. After-hours court clerks and judges are This Easy Form helps you ask the Illinois Supreme Court to waive or reduce filing fees. Referrals to free and low-cost legal services. If you want to download a PDF version, visit the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. onrub zyq bqssyfh gfqa ukm pgpxob afmjsg yszldqns qlknqa vrg eaygx mgum wrjc quuzqdf xxtnv