Little hotelier app. Faturação self-service .

Little hotelier app App store โรงแรมของ Little Hotelier คืออะไร? App store ของ Little Hotelier เป็นสถานที่ที่คุณจะได้รู้จักและเข้าถึงแอปที่น่าเชื่อถือได้จำนวนมาก ที่ผสานกับระบบ Little Hotelier ของคุณ Little Hotelier ist auf kleine Hotels ausgelegt, bietet aber einen großen Funktionsumfang für Ihren geschäftlichen Erfolg. Mit der All-in-One-Software von Little Hotelier können Sie Direktbuchungen von Gästen entgegennehmen und Doppelbuchungen reduzieren. Speziell die App ist großartig, da sie uns so viel Flexibilität bietet. ” Riverhouse a Martinez, Stati Uniti. These apps allow a user to connect to all the different channels they accept bookings through, and control every listing through a single app. This ensures you’re maximising La solución todo en uno de Little Hotelier pondrá tu propiedad en los principales sitios de metabuscadores hoteleros para que puedas aumentar tu ocupación sin altas comisiones por canal. Explore Channel Manager Your tool to manage all your booking channels (e. Con la aplicación para móviles de Little Hotelier, puedes actualizar tus precios, registrar las llegadas y salidas de tus huéspedes, crear o editar reservas, tramitar pagos o hacer cambios en las habitaciones, estés donde estés. Los sistemas todo en uno pueden ser bastante limitantes cuando se trata de conectividad e integración, por lo que una plataforma de comercio electrónico Nov 1, 2024 · Connect all your OTAs: Little Hotelier seamlessly integrates with a market-leading 450+ OTAs. Jun 6, 2024 · And Little Hotelier, an all-in-one booking and property management solution built specifically for independent hotels, can help you do just that. Fidelização Software per check-in da dispositivi mobili. Die preisgekrönte Software von Little Hotelier blickt auf über 10 Jahre Erfahrung zurück und basiert auf führender SiteMinder-Technologie. Little Hotelier aggiorna immediatamente camere e tariffe su tutti i canali che utilizzi, come Booking. Jan 19, 2025 · Setting rack rates doesn’t have to be daunting. Direct Booking Engine : While many competitors rely heavily on integrations with third-party booking sites, Little Hotelier provides a more comprehensive Centro de assistência Little Hotelier. After entering your email and password, you'll need to provide a unique one-time password from either the Little Hotelier mobile app or an alternative authenticator app. Little Hotelier has a content rating "Everyone". Log out of Little Hotelier Extranet. Datenzugriff: Sehen Sie Leistungs-Dashboards direkt auf Ihrem Handy. L’app Little Hotelier ti permette di ricevere pagamenti con carta di credito in modo sicuro ed efficiente direttamente tramite l’app installata sul tuo dispositivo. In the case of Little Hotelier you’ll also have access to a website builder, payment functions, insights and performance data, and a mobile app. Little Hotelier’s tools simplify the process, helping you balance profitability with guest appeal. Das Navigationsmenü am unteren Rand des Bildschirms umfasst Startseite, Kalender, Reservierungen, Gesperrte Zimmer und Distribution. 💡Em alternativa, pode encontrar a aplicação na App Store ou na Play Store ao pesquisar por “Little Hotelier”. Aufgaben verwalten: Verwalten Sie Buchungen, Check-ins/Check-outs, Preise und Verfügbarkeit von Ihrem Handy oder Tablet aus. Prueba gratis durante 30 días. Would you like to receive other Little Hotelier content?* With the Little Hotelier app, you can not only get notifications whenever your property has a new reservation, cancellation, check-in, or check-out, but also manage your reservations and room closures — and all from the convenience of your smartphone or tablet. Mar 1, 2025 · The last update of the app was on February 11, 2025. 2. Break free from the desk and stay in control on the move: In diesem Artikel wird erklärt, wie Sie Zahlungen mit der mobilen App von Little Hotelier verwalten – von Abwickeln und Erfassung von Zahlungen bis hin zum Erstellen und Senden von Zahlungsanforderungen. Little Hotelier’s mobile app gives you mobile access to smart automation that May 6, 2024 · All of these features can be found on the Little Hotelier app, which allows a guest to book and pay for their room (including any extras you might want to offer), and check in as soon as they arrive. Feb 11, 2025 · The Little Hotelier mobile application gives existing customers the freedom to manage their property and reservations from anywhere, at any time, with any device. Inoltre, non sarà necessario scaricare o installare alcunché, poiché la maggior parte delle app funziona su cloud, il che significa che sarà sufficiente disporre ‎Mit der mobilen App von Little Hotelier erhalten bestehende Kunden die Freiheit, ihren Betrieb überall und jederzeit mit dem Gerät ihrer Wahl zu verwalten. Iniciar sessão na aplicação para dispositivos móveis Little Hotelier Depois de descarregar e instalar a aplicação, abra-a e inicie sessão com os mesmos dados da conta que usa para iniciar sessão no Little Hotelier a Feb 27, 2025 · Dean is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist of Little Hotelier, the all-in-one software solution purpose-built to make the lives of small accommodation providers easier. booking. Feb 16, 2025 · The Little Hotelier mobile application gives existing customers the freedom to manage their property and reservations from anywhere, at any time, with any device. Anda akan selalu terhubung dan pegang kendali dengan app Little Hotelier berperingkat 5 bintang, tersedia di iOS dan Android. Finden Sie heraus, warum Little Hotelier die beste Check-in-Software ist, mit der Eigentümer und Betreiber den gesamten Check-in-Vorgang verwalten können In diesem Artikel wird erläutert, wie Sie Rückerstattungen über Ihre mobile App von Little Hotelier anzeigen, erfassen und abwickeln. Interazioni con The Little Hotelier mobile app allows users to view availability and update rates on the go. Maximise revenue: Easily calculate and adjust rates to meet demand using Little Hotelier’s all-in-one system, which tracks trends and suggests optimal pricing. ‎The Little Hotelier mobile application gives existing customers the freedom to manage their property and reservations from anywhere, at any time, with any device. Feb 23, 2025 · Mobile app: Manage your front desk from anywhere, anytime, with the mobile app. Panoramica L'autenticazione a più fattori (MFA) è un livello di sicurezza aggiuntivo, che chiede agli utenti un ulteriore passaggio di autenticazione per accedere agli account online. Access to Little Hotelier from your pocket. com, Airbnb o Expedia per citarne alcuni. Explore Channel Manager Your tool to manage all your Dadurch generieren wir 10 % mehr Buchungen als zuvor. Compara Little Hotelier con productos similares hasta encontrar la opción adecuada. Coba gratis selama 30 hari. Acesso. com) dan ketersediaan dalam Consigliamo di utilizzare l'app mobile di Little Hotelier per l'autenticazione a più fattori. With the Little Hotelier mobile app, you can update your pricing, check guests in/out, create or edit reservations, process payments, or make room adjustments, wherever you are. Affidati alla potenza del motore di prenotazione per hotel n. • Reciba l… Jun 6, 2024 · Generate 63x ROI: A small investment in the Little Hotelier front desk app can drive an incredible return through greater efficiency and more bookings. Die Little Hotelier-App ermöglicht die Verwaltung Ihrer Unterkunft und wichtiger täglichen Aufgaben unterwegs. Strumento per siti web. Jun 2, 2024 · Little Hotelier’s property management app is designed to place Little Hotelier’s front desk system in the palm of your hand, allowing you to control every aspect of your hotel from wherever you might be – out the back, down the road, or on a tropical beach. If you are unable to lodge a request through the ‘Help Tab’ in your Little Hotelier Account page contact our Support Service Desk. Little Hotelier is more than just a hotel mobile app: it’s a complete property management system. Hotel management software works tirelessly to make your property management as efficient as possible, while also helping you strategise and generate extra revenue. Log into Little Hotelier’s cloud-based accommodation management software from anywhere at any time using your mobile, tablet or desktop. Break free from the desk and stay in control on the move: • Be notified of new bookings instantly with push notifications • Check guests in and out at your convenience • Monitor your availability, create and edit reservations Little Hotelier ระบบจัดการโรงแรมและที่พักแบบ All-In-One ช่วยบริหารงานออนไลน์ จัดการทุกช่องทางขาย พร้อมเพิ่มยอดจองห้องพักให้คุณ ทดลองฟรี 30 วัน Sorotan Tur Produk Solusi Little Hotelier mencakup berbagai fitur di satu tempat, dengan satu kali login Resepsionis Channel Manager Direct Booking engine Insights Guest Engagement Situs Web Aplikasi seluler Metasearch Resepsionis Kalender terpusat dan pusat operasi harian Selengkapnya Channel Manager Alat Anda untuk mengelola semua channel pemesanan (mis. 78 MB and the latest version available is 24. Sie können: Benachrichtigungen zu neuen Reservierungen, Stornierungen sowie anreisenden und abreisenden Gästen erhalten. Lewati ke konten utama English Français Deutsch Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Português Español ภาษาไทย ; Wie Sie Reservierungen über die mobile App von Little Hotelier erstellen, bearbeiten, stornieren oder deren Status ändern können. Users with required permissions can view the inventory grid and make single or bulk updates to room types, room rates or restrictions and view (not edit) availability. App store. CheKin dapat terhubung ke Little Hotelier mengggunakan aplikasi CheKin di App Store. Jul 3, 2024 · But most B&Bs offer their rooms through multiple booking channels, which has led to the rise of OTA-agnostic bed and breakfast apps like Little Hotelier. Little Hotelier bietet all das und mehr – zum Beispiel haben Sie mit der mobilen App auch unterwegs Zugriff auf alle Funktionen für die Verwaltung Ihrer Unterkunft. Little Hotelier was much simpler to use compared to other systems and most importantly, not as costly! Little Hotelier adalah perangkat lunak yang memberi Anda lebih banyak pemesanan dan kendali atas properti kecil Anda. Pengguna dengan izin yang diperlukan dapat melihat kisi inventaris dan membuat pembaruan tunggal atau massal pada tipe kamar, tarif kamar atau batasan dan melihat (bukan mengedit) ketersediaan. Limited Offer: Sign up by 30 June 2025 to get: 30% discount on Price Match 50% discount on Price Check More information about the products: Keep guests on your booking engine with Price Check Als B&B-Besitzer können Sie mit unserer mobilen Little Hotelier App überall verbunden bleiben. Zudem sparen wir pro Tag mindestens 1-2 Stunden. Win back guests from OTAs—without lifting a finger. Little Hotelier is FREE to download. Available in eight languages, the mobile app makes working-from-anywhere Download your free Little Hotelier A-Z guide and see how we can help you get more bookings and grow your small property! Dengan app Little Hotelier, Anda dapat memperbarui harga, check in/out tamu, membuat atau mengedit reservasi, memproses pembayaran, atau melakukan penyesuaian kamar, di mana pun Anda berada. You’ll always be connected and in control with the 5-star rated Little Hotelier mobile app, available on both iOS and Android. It offers full control over your reservations through a channel manager and a direct booking engine , as well as a wealth of other functionality: front desk automation , analytics , payment processing , website building and more. Take care of business from wherever you may be, whether down the road or on a tropical beach! Little Hotelier also offers a direct booking engine, website builder, payment processing, and more! Try for free Learn more Oct 5, 2024 · Mobile App for Day-to-Day Management: Little Hotelier offers a mobile app specifically designed for on-the-go management, an uncommon feature among its competitors targeting small properties. Ya no tendrá que estar todo el día en recepción: gestione las habitaciones y reservas desde donde quiera. No matter who you list with, you can be confident our PMS will connect. Little Hotelier has partnered with Triptease to offer all customers automated pricing solutions. ” Anche se l'app offre molte funzionalità, alcune funzioni non sono disponibili sull'app per dispositivi mobili e dovranno essere gestite sulla versione desktop di Little Hotelier. Select the room, the rate and Mit Little Hotelier haben Sie außerdem Zugriff auf einen Webseitengestalter, Zahlungsbearbeitung, Berichterstellung und Einblicke sowie eine mobile App. Prova Little Hotelier GRATIS per 30 giorni. Front Desk Channel Manager Direct Booking engine Insights Guest Engagement Website Builder Payments Mobile app Metasearch Front Desk Your central calendar and daily operations hub. More Time Forget being tied to your front desk waiting for bookings to come in. Un software de administración de hoteles, como Little Hotelier, te proporcionará todas las características que necesitas en una plataforma sin ser necesariamente un sistema todo en uno. Langkah kedua melibatkan memasukkan kode unik (kata sandi satu kali), dari app Little Hotelier Anda atau app autentikator alternatif. Der Little Hotelier App Store ist ein einfacher Ort, an dem Sie von vertrauenswürdigen Apps erfahren und auf diese zugreifen können, die sich alle mit Ihrem Little Hotelier-System verbinden, und Funktionen hinzufügen, um einige Ihrer dringendsten alltäglichen Probleme zu lösen. Log in to the Little Hotelier extranet using your registered email address and password. Break free from the desk and Boost your bookings by up to 46% with our simple software. 2 artigos. El software de gestión hotelera de Little Hotelier centralizará tus operaciones en un sistema fácil de usar, ahorrando tiempo, aumentando los ingresos y mejorando la experiencia de los huéspedes. Lee opiniones verificadas y descubre sus funciones, características, precios y usabilidad. Nachweisbare Ergebnisse bei Tausenden Unterkünften wie Ihrer machen sie zur Apa itu toko aplikasi hotel Little Hotelier? Toko aplikasi Little Hotelier adalah tempat yang mudah bagi Anda untuk mempelajari dan mengakses aplikasi-aplikasi terpercaya yang dikombinasikan dengan sistem Little Hotelier Anda, menambahkan fungsi untuk memecahkan beberapa masalah sehari-hari yang paling mendesak. Little Hotelier has an APK download size of 15. È l'opzione più semplice e sicura. Bei vielen Abonnements können Sie auch optionale Add-ons auswählen: Busca información actualizada sobre Little Hotelier. Puoi effettuare check-in e check-out ovunque ti trovi e in qualsiasi momento grazie all’app per dispositivi mobili di Little Hotelier, disponibile sia per Android che iOS. Gestiona tu alojamiento en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar. Take back control of all your check-ins, bookings and invoices in one place. Built for small, independent hoteliers, choosing the Little Hotelier front desk app means more revenue, more control and more support. 8 articoli. Questa procedura è comoda anche per i tuoi ospiti e riduce i rischi di chargeback, consentendoti di risparmiare tempo e di concentrarti sugli altri aspetti “L’app per dispositivi mobili di Little Hotelier semplica e snellisce la gestione di camere e tariffe. Encuentre la aplicación buscando «Little Hotelier» en App Store o Play Store. Sappiamo che non vuoi essere legato alla tua scrivania, ecco perché la nostra app mobile ti permette di portare Little Hotelier con te. Jan 20, 2025 · Little Hotelier is the all-in-one solution built specifically for small, independent hotels. Faturação self-service Loja de apps móveis. • Reciba l… Mobile app. Vuoi ricevere più prenotazioni dirette? Dotarsi di un motore di prenotazione è facile e veloce: inizia a ricevere prenotazioni direttamente sul tuo sito web o sulla tua pagina Facebook. Iniciar sesión en la aplicación móvil de Little Hotelier The Little Hotelier mobile app is designed to provide you with a convenient way to manage your property on the go. One calendar, all bookings: Little Hotelier gives you one screen to rule them all. Enjoy more freedom to manage your property on-the-go with our mobile app. Das ist auch für Ihre Gäste praktisch und reduziert das Risiko für Rückbuchungen, wodurch Sie Zeit sparen und sich auf andere wichtige Aspekte Ihres Unternehmens konzentrieren können. Dean has made writing and creating content his passion for the entirety of his professional life, which includes more than six years at Little Hotelier. O menu de navegação na parte inferior do ecrã é composto por Página inicial, Calendário, Reservas, Quartos fechados e Distribuição. Welche Vorteile hat der Einsatz von Resortmanagement-Software?. Little Hotelier is an all-in-one software solution for small hotels that gives you more control, saves time and increases bookings. With more than 10 years of operation and backed by cutting edge SiteMinder technology, Little Hotelier’s award-winning software is the top choice for B&B operators who want to spend more time growing their Little Hotelier. Lassen Sie den Schreibtisch im Büro und verwalten Sie Ihre Zimmer und Buchungen von unterwegs. On many plans, you can also select optional add-ons: Die mobile Little Hotelier-App wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen eine praktische Möglichkeit zu bieten, Ihre Unterkunft von unterwegs zu verwalten. The world’s most trusted small hotel management software What a hotel online booking system will do for you Allow your hotel to maximise direct bookings online via your website, Facebook page, and metasearch sites like Google Hotel Ads Give you seamless integration between your property’s systems including your front desk, channel manager, booking system, and Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, eine Zimmersperrung in der Little Hotelier-App zu erstellen: Tippen Sie in Gesperrte Zimmer auf Hinzufügen. Trasforma il lavoro in ufficio in un ricordo lontano: grazie alla nostra app puoi gestire le prenotazioni ovunque t… Elabora un pagamento o un rimborso per qualsiasi prenotazione, sia dal tuo desktop Little Hotelier che dall’app mobile; Agevola la conciliazione con tutte le informazioni di pagamento in un unico luogo, inclusi i dettagli degli incassi giornalieri; Consulta lo stato dei pagamenti degli ospiti direttamente dal Calendario Prenotazioni. Un sistema de recepción de hotel, como Little Hotelier, forma parte de un sistema de gestión hotelera que proporciona un lugar único para gestionar el lado operativo de tu establecimiento. The Little Hotelier App allows you to see new reservations, check guests in and out, collect payments, edit room statuses all from your phone. g. Manage unallocated reservations through your Little Hotelier mobile app. MFA penting karena lapisan keamanan ekstra melindungi data tamu dan properti yang sensitif dengan mencegah akses yang tidak sah. Create reservations on the go from phone or walk-ins Create a reservation in one click. Primeiros passos. Mit der mobilen App von Little Hotelier können Benutzer die Verfügbarkeit anzeigen und Preise unterwegs aktualisieren. 1 al mondo di Little Hotelier: potrai ricevere prenotazioni dirette tramite sito web e canali social, o usare il tuo motore di prenotazione come pagina di prenotazione diretta per essere subito presente online. Accept all major credit cards and digital wallets, and automatically sync terminal payments with your guests’ reservation record for a single unified payment experience Order information The Little Hotelier Payment terminal is currently free for Nov 19, 2024 · Little Hotelier’s Front Desk Software is designed to streamline concierge tasks, combining guest management, booking tracking, and reservation tools in one easy-to-use platform. A service to promote your property on Google Hotel Ads, Trivago and TripAdvisor so Payment terminal Payment processing made easy Give your guests the option to pay in-person with the Little Hotelier Payment Terminal. Für uns ist Little Hotelier einfach die perfekte Rundumlösung. Little Hotelier’s bed and breakfast software is designed for small properties but has big power to help your business achieve success. Take a look inside the Little Hotelier Mobile App for small accommodation providers. This additional security measure protects sensitive guest and property data from unauthorised access. Descargue la aplicación de forma gratuita en su dispositivo iOS o Android. Hotel Metasearch. Come proprietario di un B&B, puoi rimanere connesso ovunque ti trovi con la nostra app mobile Little Hotelier. For password resets, please use the ‘Password Reset’ function on the Little Hotelier Login page or visit the knowledge base for more information. Zum Hauptinhalt springen English Français Deutsch Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Português Español ภาษาไทย ; ‎L'applicazione mobile di Little Hotelier offre ai nostri clienti la libertà di gestire le loro strutture tramite qualsiasi dispositivo, in ogni momento e da qualunque parte del mondo. The navigation menu at the bottom of the screen consists of Home, Calendar, Reservations, Closed rooms and Distribution. Push-Benachrichtigungen informieren Sie sofort… ‎La aplicación móvil de Little Hotelier ofrece a sus clientes la libertad para gestionar su establecimiento desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier dispositivo. Software de Gestión Hotelera Simplifica todos los aspectos de la gestión de tu alojamiento. Nunca más volverás a depender de la recepción de tu alojamiento. Vai al contenuto principale App per dispositivi mobili. It offers Little Hotelier users the opportunity to manage their property, and keep Create, edit, or cancel a reservation through your Little Hotelier mobile app. All bookings are shown in our calendar, and availability automatically updates across all Tutte le app elencate nel SiteMinder Hotel Exchange possono essere integrate con Little Hotelier per estendere ulteriormente le funzionalità del vostro sistema Little Hotelier. Product Tour Highlights Your Little Hotelier solution includes a range of features in one place, with one log-in. 5 artigos. Langkah pertama adalah memasukkan informasi login akun (alamat email dan kata sandi). แอป Little Hotelier เป็นแอปจัดการโรงแรมและที่พักขนาดเล็กบนมือถือ In-App-Zahlungen: In-App-Kreditkartenzahlungen lassen sich über die Little Hotelier-App sicher und effizient einziehen, direkt von Ihrem Gerät aus. As all hoteliers will know, property management is far from a desk job – which is where our app comes in. Explore. 2 articoli. Designed for Android version 4. Obtén tu motor de reservas directas donde el 75% de los viajeros están buscando y aumenta tus reservas directas sin administración adicional. Available in eight different languages, the mobile app make A app móvel do Little Hotelier foi concebida para proporcionar uma forma conveniente de gerir o seu estabelecimento em qualquer lugar. Oct 15, 2024 · Little Hotelier: The best mobile app for small hotels. Simple, consistent listing management: Control all your listings in clicks with our channel management feature, which connects to 450+ OTAs and helps you present your B&B as the best and most ‎La aplicación móvil de Little Hotelier ofrece a sus clientes la libertad para gestionar su establecimiento desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier dispositivo. Tippen Sie im Kalender auf Hinzufügen Inicie sesión en el Little Hotelier Extranet con su dirección de correo electrónico y contraseña. Easily sign in via the Little Hotelier login page. With Little Hotelier’s software, you can seamlessly manage guest requests, track booking details, and even automate messages to keep guests informed—without Dieser Artikel beschreibt, wie Sie Reservierungen über die mobile App von Little Hotelier erstellen, bearbeiten, stornieren oder deren Status ändern können. Pagamenti in-app. Mit der Little Hotelier-App können Sie neue Buchungen sehen, Gäste ein- und auschecken, Zahlungen entgegen nehmen und den Zimmerstatus bearbeiten – alles von Ihrem Handy aus. Feb 14, 2022 · Introducing the latest version of Little Hotelier's mobile app for small accommodation providers. Everything you need to run your resort or villa Front Desk Channel Manager Direct Booking engine Insights Guest Engagement Website Builder Payments Mobile app Metasearch Front Desk Centrally manage your property’s operations and guests’ and process bookings in half the time, all with a single login. Esto incluye reservas, llegadas y salidas, tarifas de habitación, ocupación, servicio de limpieza, comunicaciones y pagos de los huéspedes, así como Mit der Little Hotelier App können Sie nicht nur Benachrichtigungen über neue Reservierungen, Stornierungen, Check-ins und Check-outs für Ihre Unterkunft erhalten, sondern auch Ihre Buchungen und Zimmersperrungen verwalten – und das alles bequem von Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet aus. There also won’t be any need to download or install anything on your end since most apps operate on the cloud, meaning you’ll simply need login details from your chosen app. Gestisci le attività: Gestisci prenotazioni, check-in/check-out, prezzi e disponibilità dal tuo telefono o tablet. Not quite ready and want to learn more about Little Hotelier? Download your free Little Hotelier A-Z guide and see how we can help you get more bookings and grow your small property! By clicking you agree to allow Little Hotelier to periodically send you newsletters, webinar invites, industry thought leadership and offers, and otherwise use Zimmersperrung mit der mobilen App von Little Hotelier anwenden, aufheben oder ändern In diesem Artikel wird erläutert, wie Sie Zimmersperrungen mit der mobilen App von Little Hotelier anwenden, aufheben und ändern. 5. Con la nostra app mobile valutata a 5 stelle, puoi gestire in modo efficiente importanti attività quotidiane direttamente dal tuo smartphone o tablet. 4+. Online presence: Little Hotelier software boasts a packaged website builder, allowing you to quickly set up an attractive, customised, conversion-focused website in as little as an hour. Benutzer mit den erforderlichen Berechtigungen können das Bestand-Feld anzeigen und Einzel- oder Massenbearbeitungen an Zimmerkategorien, Zimmerraten oder Einschränkungen vornehmen und die Verfügbarkeit anzeigen (nicht bearbeiten). Hier 30 Tage kostenlos testen. Inicie sesión fácilmente en el software Little Hotelier. Apply, open May 6, 2024 · And if you’re a small, independent hotelier looking to capitalise on the huge number of potential guests that are currently using the app, Little Hotelier has you covered. App Little Hotelier memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat ketersediaan dan memperbarui tarif dengan mudah. How does a hotel management software work? Modern hotel management software operates on the cloud, meaning it only needs an internet connection to operate and can be used on any device such as a All apps listed on the SiteMinder Hotel Exchange can be integrated with Little Hotelier to further extend the functionality of your Little Hotelier system. Accesso ai dati: Visualizza i dashboard delle performance della struttura direttamente dal tuo telefono. Break free from the desk and stay in control on the move: • Be notified of new bookings instantly with push notifications • Check guests… Ricevere prenotazioni dirette è il modo migliore per aumentare i ricavi. Wie funktioniert eine Hotelmanagement-Software? Little Hotelier es el software todo en uno que le brinda más reservas y más control de su pequeño alojamiento. Little Hotelier is all-in-one direct booking management software that can connect seamlessly with Hopper, and that helps hoteliers attract up to 46% more bookings, generate Multi-factor authentication adds an essential security layer to your account. iod jvwbny xgyq bipo rasmklu sowtw klxeum xlob qkhxa vebe rjehmo sfftwif txpfmapo kbrynsv bcgfx