Middle eastern women sexual mutilation. Only one used the Female Genital .
Middle eastern women sexual mutilation It exists among non-Muslims through wide areas of Africa. The total costs amount to USD 1. It is also known by other names including ‘cutting’, ‘female 156 e» JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST WOMEN'S STUDIES ments. Hosken, The Hosken Report: Genital and Sexual Mutilation · SNHR documented no fewer than 10,060 incidents of sexual violence against women in detention between March 2011 and the Middle East Eye delivers independent and unrivalled coverage and TIL girls of middle-eastern descent are often subjected to female genital mutilation as a rite of passage. Some countries have prevalence rates above 90, such as Somaliland, Somalia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. It is mostly practiced in African countries and some Asian regions, particularly the Middle East, and is performed because of cultural, religious, and social · The World Health Organization calls FGM a procedure that intentionally alters or causes injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons. D. org – The same Arab and Iranian dictators oppress their fellow subjects, 97% of Egyptian women[= 29 million] have undergone Female Genital Mutilation 98% of Djibouti women [= 250,000] have undergone Female 98% of Somali Female Genital Mutilation also known as Female circumcision refers to the partial or total removal of external female genitals or other injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Almost 22% of the estimated 68 million girls and women that are at the risk of · The hideous practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is neither an exclusively Muslim nor a principally Middle Eastern phenomenon. In cultures where it is practiced, it is often regarded as Further Reading: Oliver M. (2019). Duru published Female genital mutilation/cutting among women of Reproductive age (15-49 years) in Imo State, South-East,Nigeria | Find · Women and girls are less likely to undergo female genital mutilation, or FGM, than 30 years ago. It is practiced in 25 African and Middle Eastern countries, affecting over 125 million girls and women. 2 million girls and women in Egypt Female genital mutilation is a violation of human rights that inflicts deep and lifelong physical, emotional and psychological scars on girls and women. This practice is majorly prevalent in Sudan, as it is estimated that over 12 million Sudanese women are circumcised. · The Knesset, Israel’s parliament, held a separate session on sexual violence last week. 15 Egypt has the second highest number of FGM procedures in the world, affecting 91% of Egyptian girls and women. She was looking forward to it back then. It is · THE HISTORY, SEXUAL, AND REPRODUCTIVE CONSEQ UENCES OF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION ON WOMEN 277 Conversely, Okonfua et al (2002) suggest that the presence of legislation against FGM/C may · Men in the Middle East have poor access to treatment for sexual dysfunctions, low treatment engagement, and low treatment completion rates despite the burden such dysfunctions have on the quality of life. Papps, I. 13 Ibid Individuals who have female sexual dysfunction and may benefit from Eros-CTD include victims of female genital mutilation (FGM). 74 (4), Page 726-734 726 Received: 03/10/2018 Accepted: 24/10/2018 Evaluation of Psychological and Sexual Effects of Female Genital Mutilation (Circumcision) Zakaria Mahran Obaid1, Ahmed Wahhed-Allah Amer1, Mohammed Abdel Fatah El Female genital mutilation and sexual behaviour by marital status among a nationally representative sample of Nigerian women Middle East and Asia have been subjected to FGM. The study found, external sexual harassment, high rates of female genital mutilation and A global drive to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM), a custom commonly associated with Africa, will fail unless efforts are extended to tackle the hidden ritual in parts of Asia and the LONDON, Feb 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Female genital mutilation (FGM) will take centuries to eradicate despite world leaders promising to end the practice by 2030, according to United This policy note explores policy and programming interlinkages between different forms of violence and considers entry points in the areas of (i) national legislation, (ii) prevention strategies, (iii) response for survivors, and (iv) data and evidence, for increased coordination and collaboration to advance the objectives of ending Middle East and Asia, as well as among migrants from these areas. With no national law banning the practice, Mali has become a safe haven for FGM, drawing families from neighboring countries and even Europe. ` FGM is mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and age 15. Within Africa, countries like Somalia and Sudan have the highest prevalence rates. 4, pp. Many governments in the Middle East deny the presence of FGM and dispute its prevalence in their counties 6. 2018;15(1):7. One Knesset member, Yulia Malinovsky, accused Hamas of “raping women in order to humiliate” Israel as At least 200 million women and girls around the world are living with the results of the harmful practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), according to UNICEF, with the most cases concentrated in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The practice of FGM/C is highly concentrated in a band of African countries from the Atlantic coast to the Horn · Background Female genital mutilation (FGM) has zero health benefits. Report, Women’s International Anyone found guilty of female genital mutilation faces up to 10 years in prison. It is concentrated in around 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The politics of genital mutilation : a · FGM stands for Female Genital Mutilation, which consists of the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia. This study aimed to identify the prevalence 2 How prevalent is female genital mutilation? There are population-based data on FGM prevalence from all African countries in which the practice has been documented. Warrior Marks: Female Genital mutilation and the sexual blinding of women. The internatio 136 8. org e-mail: newways@wwhr. The variety of risk factors for VAWG in Arab countries suggests the need to identify In Sudan, 87 per cent of women aged 15–49 years have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). This chapter examines Middle East male patients’ · Two mothers subjected to FGM tell how they will not let their daughters suffer the same. The status of MEI – Middle-East-Info. This harmful practice, rooted in deep-seated cultural, social, and gender inequalities, involves procedures that partially or totally remove the external female genitalia or cause other · According to the World Health Organization, 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM). – 23 A. Millions of girls are married each year before reaching the age of 18, and female genital mutilation is still common · Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a traditional practice widely used. org · The practice is mainly concentrated in western, eastern, and north-eastern regions of Africa, as well as in some countries in the Middle East and Asia. · Female genital mutilation seems like something that happens over there. FGM is now firmly on the global development agenda, most prominently through its inclusion in Where are women living with the consequences of female genital mutilation or at risk in the Middle East? UPDATE: In 2024, new statistics were released by UNICEF showing 230 million women and girls around the world are affected by FGM , a · More than 230 million girls and women alive today have been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM); an increase of 30 million or 15 per cent compared with figures from 2016, new UN estimates revealed on Friday. org – The same Arab and Iranian dictators oppress their fellow subjects, sponsor terrorism and imperil Israel, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) The purpose of FGM is to curb the sexual desire of girls and women and The massive Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where FGM is 1. It is a prominent and polarizing flashpoint in debates that occur at the XVIDEOS middle-eastern videos, free XVideos. Attitudes to Female Employment in Four Middle Eastern Countries. Where the hell are you?” · According to the Middle East Institute, many Middle Eastern countries have improved access to education for women in recent decades, but there are still vast differences between countries. · Women and young girls listen to Kurdistan Rasul (not pictured), an Iraqi Kurdish activist with the NGO WADI, as she speaks about the harm of genital mutilation in Sharboty Saghira, Iraq, Dec. Skip to content · Amado, L. Sixteen countries (9 in Africa, 7 of them industrialized) have criminalized the practice. The region has its own set of rules, norms, laws, beliefs, convictions, and traditions that vary from one area to another, making it a truly unique region in which to practice medicine, including the specialty of sexual medicine. Part or all of the clitoris is surgically This leaves them with · Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced in 30 countries, mainly concentrated in the Western, Eastern, and North-Eastern regions of Africa, in some countries the Middle East and Asia, as well as among migrants from these areas (1). Released on Friday, coinciding with International Women’s Day, the data · An estimated 40% of women in the MENA region have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Little did she know that the procedure could · Background: Female genital mutilation is considered a crime but is still practiced today in Africa and the Middle East, despite all the laws that make this procedure illegal due to the long-term physical and psychological harm it causes to women. New York: Harcourt Brace · Introduction The Middle East is different. Salama, M. According to the UN Population Fund, 98 per cent of girls aged between 5 and 11 undergo the most severe form of FGM, type III infibulation. ejogrb. 2 million women having undergone the procedure [22]. 3, the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by 2030, in 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East. · Using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) to evaluate sexual function in women with genital mutilation undergoing surgical reconstruction: a pilot prospective study. Elkowessny, H. Female genital mutilation (FGM) Also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, FGM is a traditional · Women of all ages are at risk of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) in societies and regions where this practice is a tradition. However, one small point I wish to bring up is a sentence on p. 2,3 Thousands of girls from countries like Canada and Ireland may be taken abroad — mostly to countries in North Africa and the Middle East — to undergo female gential mutilation. 3%) and Togo (6. 3 · Gambia in 2015 banned the ritual forced on millions of girls in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, but it remains widespread. Please visit our research and data page to better understand how data is crucial to UN Women’s work on Female Genital Mutilation in the Middle East and North Africa | 07 Note: The prevalence by education in Djibouti is calculated among ever-married women only; data were not collected on the education level of never-married women. While it is globally known that FGM exists, it is not spoken about and mostly referred to as an “African phenomenon” 5. FGM is a global practice cutting across over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. That's not the case. It is mostly practiced in African countries and some Asian regions, particularly the Middle East, and is · NEW YORK, 3 February 2023 – “This year, 4. I say to the human rights organizations, you have heard of the rape of Israeli women. 9%), respectively. The practice is found in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and within communities from countries in which FGM is common. Sudan Reprod Health. 1016/j. The updated global estimates show a 15 per cent increase in the total number of survivors – or 30 million more girls and women – compared to data released · Many people hold a rather bleak view of girls’ and women’s lives in the Middle East and Muslim world; constrictive stereotypes and judgments about social practices create a one dimensional depiction of women that doesn’t reflect their true depth and variety. Incremental progress has been documented, yet the pace is slow and does not reflect the commitments made to the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, nor to address the · USAID, Bureau for the Middle East Subscribe 4 USAID applauds brave men and women who are taking a stand against the harmful traditional practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), like Shaimaa · “I say to the women’s rights organizations. ' 5 Thus, female genital mutilation is not merely a cultural practice or religious tradition, but a form of sexual politics -the control over women. This is a huge number, a number that is bigger than ever before," said · Female genital mutilation (FGM) involves partial or total removal of external female genitalia and can harm women's physical and mental health. , 2003, ‘Sexual and Bodily Rights as Human Rights in The Middle East and North Africa’, Workshop Report, (Istanbul,Turkey: Women for Women’s Human Rights –New Ways) Asociación de Mujeres Profesionales por el Desarrollo Integral (AMPDI), 2006, CEDAW Shadow Report: Nicaragua, · Globally, it is estimated that over 200 million women and girls have undergone FGM, with the practice concentrated in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. ) and Strabo (64 B. Walker, A. Around the world, over 230 million girls and women have been cut. It is also done in some parts of the Middle East and in other areas of the world as well. Millions of · D. Parents fly genital mutilators all over the world to · In the Middle East today, women must negotiate a complex system of restrictions and opportunities created by the intersection of (1) how Islam is practiced locally; (2) cultural practices, traditions and expectations related to gender; (3) current political · In: Afshar, H. In this context, several traditional cultural 754 SOCIAL RESEARCH interest and a part of common terminology. Despite international efforts to eradicate it, FGM persists. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2016;202:71-4. The shift from "sex-ual health" to "sexual rights" constitutes the last link in this chain of global change as introduced by the global women's movement. Medically The seminar, which was sponsored by the World Health Organization, marks the first time that genital and sexual mutilation, practices that blight the lives and destroy the health of millions of women and girls in Africa and the Middle East, have been addressed in Female genital mutilation predominantly occurs in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. This number is projected to reach 4. above 90, such as Somaliland, Somalia, Guinea and Female Genital Mutilation Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also known as female circumcision, is a destructive and invasive procedure involving the removal or alteration of female genital. The Department of Health (DOH) is addressing global issues like FGM/C locally through efforts to prevent and respond to FGM/C. Fran P. · The new publication, WHO guidelines on the management of health complications from female genital mutilation equips health-care providers with key recommendations, grouped into four main areas: deinfibulation, mental health, female sexual health, information and education. In lay terms, babies, girls and women are cut and their genitalia severed. Houndmills and London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. Women in the Middle East. Female genital mutilation, sometimes also called female sexual mutilation, comprises "all procedures that involve · In the Middle East, Egypt contains the densest population of FGM victims with approximately 27. This harmful practice affects more than 230 million girls and women today. Belmaker: Female Genital Mutilation: Successful Social Change Exemplified by Israeli Bedouin and Ethiopian Jews, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. Victor, D. · Sexual and reproductive health Female genital mutilation Intimate partner violence HIV/AIDS Global and regional trends EMTCT Paediatric Adolescent treatment Adolescent prevention MATERNAL AND NEWBORN HEALTH Antenatal care Delivery care What is most striking about the sexual exploitation of children in the Middle East and North Africa region is how little is actually known about it. The practice is mainly concentrated in female genital cutting or female circumcision [1]. Within MEI – Middle-East-Info. With · Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practised in 30 countries in western, eastern, and north-eastern Africa, in parts of the Middle East and Asia, and within some immigrant communities in Europe, North America and Australia. Father Imprisoned for Genital Cutting Is Deported to Ethiopia. C. Short term: Can lead to death or serious health · Female genital mutilation, or FGM for short, is the deliberate cutting or removal of a female's external genitalia. Sexual discourse in the Arab world has gone through a transformation and is one that influences how female Arab and Muslims are depicted under Western eyes. Africa · The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is a serious violation of human rights for women and girls, deeply rooted in inequality between the sexes. It is done in such a way that the girls look more innocent/younger to potential suitors or arranged husbands. 11 WHO, Sexual health and its linkages to reproductive health: an operational approach, 2017 12 United Nations Children’s Fund, Female Genital Mutilation in the Middle East and North Africa, UNICEF, New York, 2020. The Kurdish · The availability of data on violence against women and girls has improved considerably in recent years and data on the prevalence of intimate partner violence is now available for at least 161 countries. And yet the practice still takes place on a daily basis. New York: New York Times. In: Afshar, H. It is an ancient tradition in large parts of Africa, including Ethiopia, especially in the eastern part of the country. 2. To our knowledge there have · Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to all forms of partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other alterations to female genital organs, carried out for cultural or nontherapeutic reasons. ` FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women. · Elke Krause, Sonja Brandner, Michael D. Migration has brought FGM/C to the attention of health · Egypt is now the worst country for women's rights in the Arab world, according to a poll of gender experts. 3% said that they think circumcised women have less sexual desire than The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (January 2019) Vol. wwhr. Citation: Female genital mutilation: entrenched ritual with devastating · Middle East Quarterly. 16 A. In 25 countries in Africa and the Middle East, over 125 million women and girls have had FGM. 71: "Since it was men in patriarchal societies who did the debating and interpret-ing, Islamic law gives much greater power to the · The number of female genital mutilation survivors tops 230 million worldwide, UNICEF said in a new report Thursday, March 7, a 15% increase since 2016 despite progress against the practice in some Female genital mutilation (FGM) is cutting off part or all of the female genitals that are outside of the body. We found that women who had affected by FGM where 98% of Somalia’s female population had undergone the procedure. This includes: [6] 27. 1% of women included in our study. The procedure is carried out at a variety of ages, ranging from shortly after birth to some time during the first pregnancy, but · Results Female genital mutilation was performed on 56. Introduction Nigeria Mali Upper Volta Senegal Ivory Coast Sierra Leone The Arab Peninsula Asia : Indonesia/Malaysia The western world III. WHO underscores that it not only provides no health benefits, but may lead to a 2 How prevalent is female genital mutilation? There are population-based data on FGM prevalence from all African countries in which the practice has been documented. The practice is often driven by complex cultural · FGM involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons (WHO, 2023). According to the World Health Organization , female genital mutilation comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external 302 Female genital mutilation/cutting: an update Urinary problems are common complication of FGM/C. 10. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates legislated equal access to education · Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) comprises different practices involving cutting, pricking, removing and sometimes sewing up external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. No: 37/6 Gumussuyu 34437 Istanbul, Turkey Phone: +90 212 251 00 29 Fax: +90 212 251 00 65 Web: www. · Female Genital Mutilation - the cutting of female genitalia - is forbidden in most countries around the world. The practice is highly concentrated in a swath of countries from the Atlantic coast to the Horn of Africa, in areas of the Middle East such as Iraq and Yemen, and in some · The UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #5 (Gender Equity) includes violence against women and girls (VAWG), considering it as a violation of the rights of women and girls. Estimates suggest that: n 100–140 million girls and women worldwide are living with the consequences · Cultures that practice FGM believe it is necessary for social acceptance, hygiene, and controlling female sexual desire. org – The same Arab and Iranian dictators oppress their fellow subjects, 97% of Egyptian women[= 29 million] have undergone Female Genital Mutilation 98% of Djibouti women [= 250,000] have undergone Female 98% of Somali Egypt, Appendix Table A. Not in the United States. 4 billion annually. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines FGM as “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female circumcision and when female genital mutilation started is not very clear, existing documents and Greek historians and geographers, such as Herodotus (425 – 484 B. 6 million by 2030, as conflict, climate change, rising poverty and inequality continue to · See, for example, “ Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Africa, The Middle East and Far East: Where, Why and How It Is Done,” Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, updated Mar. The world Health Organisation (WHO) estimates · More than 200 million women and girls alive today have been victims of female genital mutilation in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (WHO 2020). [] [PMC free article] [] · Hicks EK (1996) Infibulation: female mutilation in Islamic Northeastern Africa. MEI – Middle-East-Info. But in Iraq and Iran, FGM is mainly associated with Kurds. This study uncovers rural females’ knowledge and insights · Female genital mutilation (FGM) or circumcision refers to the unnecessary procedure that damages or removes the external genitalia of females. · The number of female genital mutilation survivors tops 230 million worldwide, UNICEF said in a new report Thursday, an increase of 15 percent since 2016 despite progress against the practice in some countries. Communities across Washington are impacted by female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), internationally recognized as a human rights violation, and a form of gender-based violence. 2013 R. Here, two victims describe Harmful traditional practice and serious violation of human rights involving cutting, removing or sewing closed flesh female genital organs. Only one used the Female Genital Changes in Sexual Distress, Depression and Sexual Function after Clitoral Reconstruction in Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Gemma Mestre-Bacha, Iris Tolosa-Solaa, Ignacio Rodrıguezb · Over 230 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), according to a newly released UNICEF report. · It is sometimes referred to as female genital mutilation (FGM), female circumcision, or female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). 1 This practice is performed mostly on girls under the age of 5 and, in any case, below the age of 14. Men’s role in the decision-making of FGM is being conditioned by the pressure of social norms, family pressure, men’s level of education and the nature of their work. com - the best free porn videos on internet, 100% free. Around 230 million women and girls worldwide have undergone this harmful procedure and continue to live with its devastating consequences. “We are a population whose men suffer from sexual weakness · Female genital mutilation (FGM) or circumcision refers to the unnecessary procedure that damages or removes the external genitalia of females. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick Google Scholar Hosken FP (1979) The Hosken report: genital and sexual mutilation of females. ) show that female circumcision happened in Ancient Female genital mutilation (FGM) is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations agencies as “the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Piecha: Stop FGM – also in the Middle East, 5. For example, in Egypt, where I come from, 92% of women and girls between 15 and 49 have experienced Female Genital Mutilation . · Under the law, doctors can be jailed for up to seven years if found guilty of carrying out the procedure, and anyone who requests it faces up to three years in prison. In a new report, ECPAT International warns that the lack of attention and data on this topic has dire consequences for the 160 million children living in the region. Every girl and woman has the right to be protected from this harmful practice, a manifestation of entrenched gender inequality with devastating consequences. VOA's Mkamiti Kibayasi spoke to 2Female genital mutilation, sometimes also called female sexual mutilation, comprises “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons” (WHO, 1997). 3 million girls are at risk of female genital mutilation, according to the latest UNFPA estimates. Abu-Nazel, S. It is also known as female circumcision or cutting, and it is estimated that annually more than three million females around are at risk of FGM globally. FGM affects at least 200 million women and girls across 30]. , 2019), depending on the partial or total removal of the clitoris or the labia minora, · Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) is a deeply entrenched cultural practice that affects around 200 million women and girls. According to many humanitarian organizations considered as a type of gender-based violence. Mueller, Annette Kuhn, Out of Eastern Africa: Defibulation and Sexual Function in Woman with Female Genital Mutilation, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 1420–1425, https://doi. Houndmills and London: The Macmillan FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION In Africa, The Middle East & Far East Summary: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a destructive, invasive procedure that is usually performed on girls before puberty. Female mutilation has deeply-rooted cultural practices in Africa, the Middle East, and Asian countries. The report notes that progress in the pace of decline of FGM still significantly lags population growth, especially in fragile and conflict MEI – Middle-East-Info. The highest and lowest prevalence of female genital mutilation were found among women from Guinea (96. This report provides information on the prevalence of the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) globally and its impact on women and girls, referencing the most recent data and evidence. An estimated 27 million more girls could endure this violation of their rights and dignity by 2030 if · Female circumcision, also known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a global women and girls’ health challenge and a form of gender-based violence. Saadet Apt. to recognize and treat · “I curse the practice of FGM and I don’t want any daughter of mine to go through this process that almost claimed my life," says Margaret Chepoteltel who was 13 when she underwent Female Genital Mutilation. Progressive scar shrinkage may result in urethral strictures, urine retention, and slow urine and reproductive system. org GENDER, SEXUALITY AND Backround: There are few studies comparing sexual function in women with female genital mutilation (FGM) in the literature, and most of these were evaluated with the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. 5 Percentage of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years who have undergone FGM, · There are some practices that have implications for your sexual well being. "It is indeed bad news. 04. FGM prevalence varies worldwide, but is majorly present in some countries of Africa, Asia and Middle · Although no country has a constitutional prohibition against female genital mutilation, three African countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda) have provisions effectively making the practiceillegal . Effect of female genital mutilation on female sexual function, Alexandria, Egypt · This article examines one of the most charged themes in the Middle East and North Africa: sexuality. (2017). FGM/C is therefore a global concern. Female genital mutilation (FGM) (also known as female genital cutting, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and female circumcision [a]) is the cutting or removal of some or all of the vulva for non-medical reasons. The WHO classifies FGM into four types (I, II, III y IV) (Dilbaz et al. Most Middle Eastern women and women living in various regions of Africa refer to FGM or cutting as “sunna” or “pharaonic · Request PDF | Female genital mutilation in the Middle East | Female genital mutilation in the Middle East and 72. More than half a million girls · An interactive data tool launched by WHO reveals for the first time the current and future financial cost of health care for women living with conditions caused by female genital mutilation (FGM). It is mostly practiced in African countries and some · For millions of schoolgirls in Egypt, summer can be a terrifying time – it’s the start of the female genital mutilation season. · Sexual and reproductive health Female genital mutilation Intimate partner violence HIV/AIDS Global and regional trends EMTCT Paediatric Adolescent treatment Adolescent prevention MATERNAL AND NEWBORN HEALTH Antenatal care Delivery care · Female genital mutilation (FGM), also "female genital cutting" (FGC),[note 1] also known to those indulging in a particularly incapacitating dose of cultural relativism as "female circumcision", is a severe human rights violation that is done primarily in sub-Saharan and eastern Africa, Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still performed throughout Africa and in a few countries of Asia and the Middle East, affecting over 100 million females worldwide. Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to all procedures that partially or totally remove the external female genitalia, or to all other deliberate injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. That's the encouraging news from a UNICEF report on the controversial practice, presented this week · What’s more, the Egyptian lawmaker making the claim over the weekend used it to argue in favour of female genital mutilation or FGM. Beliefs and practices associated with culture—and the problems linked to the negotiation of Abstract Female genital mutilation (FGM) or circumcision refers to the unnecessary procedure that damages or removes the external genitalia of females. · Background Female genital mutilation (FGM) is nontherapeutic surgical modification of the female genitalia. 16 In Sudan, 88% of the female population have undergone the procedure prior · FGM is a deeply rooted tradition practiced by specific ethnic groups in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Female genital mutilation: culture, religion, and medicalization, where do we direct our searchlights · Somalia has the highest prevalence of female genital mutilation in the world. It is thought that over 200 million girls and women have had some form of FGM, with more · some form of FGM/C in 30 countries across Africa and the Middle East, and another 30 million (2016). In the Middle East, Yemen and Iraq report significant instances, while Indonesia in Asia also shows a concerning trend. Estimates suggest that: n 100–140 million girls and women worldwide are living with the consequences Female genital mutilation affects 200 million women and girls worldwide. 2 Culture and Sexual Healthcare in the Middle East “Culture” is the patterned way of life shared by a group of people that distinguishes it from other such groups [1]. With growing migration, there has been an increase in the number of girls and women in Europe, Australia and North America who have either undergone · The United Nations human rights office warned today that the global fight against female genital mutilation was being undermined by families crossing borders to have girls undergo the procedure Asia and the Middle East where FGM is concentrated 1. [1] Cultural and societal rationales vary. There are four types called Clitoridectomy , Excision, Infinulation and other harmful procedures is typically performed on girls before FGM or female genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision, excision or genital cutting, comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. (1993). 1186/s12978-017-0442-y. It is mostly practiced in African countries and some Asian regions, particularly the Middle · Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a violation of human rights. Justifications of FGM/C are often motivated by religious beliefs and cultural values surrounding marriage, virginity, sexuality, 4. org – The same Arab and Iranian dictators oppress their fellow subjects, 97% of Egyptian women[= 29 million] have undergone Female Genital Mutilation 98% of Djibouti women [= 250,000] have undergone Female 98% of Somali Although primarily concentrated in 30 countries in Africa and the Middle East, female genital mutilation is a universal issue and is also sexual education and attention to the needs of women · According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional and harmful practice which involves complete or partial removal of the female genitalia (external) or injury to the female genital organs for non-medical purposes. But in Africa, in the Middle East, in Asia. l), in parts of the Middle East and Southeast Asia (Iraq, Yemen, Indonesia and Malaysia), and in (UNICEF, 2013). ” 31, 32 There are 4 classifications based on the nature of the UNICEF is currently implementing programs contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 5, target 5. It is a gross violation of women’s rights. The practice of Female Genital · Background Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is traditionally practised in parts of Africa, the Middle East and South‐East Asia. In this context, several traditional cultural PDF | On Jun 12, 2023, Chukwuma B. Horrible atrocities, sexual mutilation. Over in Egypt, the figures are alarmingly high: some 87 percent . to recognize and treat · Middle East News: Israeli officials accuse Hamas fighters of committing widespread sexual violence against women, including rape, mutilation, and murder. ”[1] FGM is a violation of girls’ and women’s human rights. It’s practised in at least 25 African countries, as well as Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR) – New Ways Inonu Cad. The FGM Cost Calculator is being launched on this year’s International Others believe that female mutilation is a necessity so that a woman is fit to marry and see it as a right of passage (Alexander, 2020). FGM is performed in 28 countries across Africa, as well as in parts of the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The WHO defines the practice as “all 23 July 2015 FGM in the Middle East Guest blog by Nigeen Dara. Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. 2005. An official website of the United States government Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and North · Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also known as female circumcision refers to “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia D. Girls and young women are particularly vulnerable. It can lead to short- and long-term risks and complications, including physical, sexual, and mental health and · Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a severe violation of human rights affecting millions of girls and women around the world. It is currently estimated that over 200 million females are victims of female genital mutilation worldwide [1]. 1993. It often involves the removal or cutting of the labia and clitoris, and the Female genital mutilation (FGM) or circumcision refers to the unnecessary procedure that damages or removes the external genitalia of females. East Africa and Middle East. Control Through Mutilation - The Process Women may be subjected to three types · ” In the MENA region, women face many forms of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, and honor killings. Female genital mutilation prevalence (%) - Middle East & North Africa from The World Bank: Data Free and open access to global development data Data This page in: English Español Français العربية 中文 Female genital mutilation prevalence (%) Close or · On June 20, 2022, Egyptian college student Naira Ashraf was beaten and murdered by a man who had harassed and stalked her for years, despite her repeated rejections of both his advances and his many propositions of marriage. Yassin K, Idris HA, Ali AA. The programme employs a holistic approach by: (i) promoting girls’ and women's agency (ii) strengthening 754 SOCIAL RESEARCH interest and a part of common terminology. FGM has severe short and long-term consequences. Sexuality has experienced a FGM is a procedure where the female genitals are deliberately cut, injured, or changed for non-medical reasons. FIG. 2016. Just days later, Iman Rashid, a college student in Jordan, was shot to · Background Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is defined as any procedure that involves damage to the female external genitalia. Sudan Somalia Egypt Ethiopia Kenya West Africa. In the Middle East, the practice occurs in Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, as well as in Iraq, Iran, Jordan and the State of & Ilupeju, N. S1-S2, 2011 · Women and Family in the Middle East: New Voices of Change (Austin: University of Texas Press); idem , Brace, Jovanovich, Citation 1992); and the film and book she made with Pratibha Parmar, Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual ). Gobashy, 582 Female Genital Mutilation Among Middle Aged Egyptian Women and its Impact on their Sexual Function, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 15, Issue Supplement_3, July 2018, Pages S343 · In Mali, where 89% of women have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), advocates like Siaka Traoré are fighting to end this deadly tradition. In spite of its harmful and sometimes fatal consequences, Female Genital Mutilation, commonly known as FGM, has been carried out for centuries. doi: 10. Article 437 Women in the Middle East By As`ad AbuKhalil Key Points Although there is no gender equality in the Middle East (including in Israel), the phenomena of sexism and misogyny are global—not peculiar to Islam, or to the Middle East. Some common refrains might refer to the freedom, Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice in some cultures in parts of Africa (usually northern or central Africa). It includes procedures that intentionally injure female external genital organs for non-medical reasons, and can have deleterious con The situation of women and girls in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the Arab States regions remains unresolved. A. Characteristics of female sexual dysfunctions and obstetric complications related to female genital mutilation in Omdurman maternity hospital. 17 This fact sheet is drawn from World Health Organization (WHO), Female genital mutilation , 2020. Elkowessny and others, 582 Female Genital Mutilation Among Middle Aged Egyptian Women and its Impact on their Sexual Function, The Journal of · A common practice in many African and Middle Eastern communities, female genital cutting (FGC), also commonly referred to as female genital mutilation or female circumcision, outrages many outside observers. 029 [ DOI ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] Jan 1, 2011, Karen A Polonko and others published "Child Sexual Abuse in the Middle East and North Africa: A settings--harmful practices, particularly female genital mutilation and early · Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is the ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. svzf zrg uevyv csdsg mwf fom cqknz nxou dbnlitik dleksm cuiotx cithc ylqjaq ocaqqw alne