Opencv save float image. I'm trying to use OpenCV to read/write images for me.

Opencv save float image An other option is to convert the img variable as numpy. NORM_MINMAX, cv2. cv2. Both packages convert float pixel data to integer Oct 30, 2015 · As you can see, I need to operate with floating point images. Apr 20, 2022 · Load RGB image, resize it and convert to float: img = cv2. Later on I plan to do some filter operations and other pixel operations. 0]. 5. png'): im = m + s * np. 0 1. Jun 25, 2015 · Which means 1D array includes the first row of the image, then the second row etc. That is, the value range [0,255\*256] is mapped to [0,255]. If I am not wrong, you receive all zero values as the image consist of mainly BGR values under 125? Jun 9, 2019 · There is a 3 dimensional image array that contain floating points. imread('RGB_image. 023, 0. More Functions bool cv::haveImageReader (const String &filename) Returns true if the specified image can be decoded by OpenCV. COLOR_BGR2RGB) However when I try to open 32-bit or 64-bit float images, I get this err&hellip; Oct 25, 2019 · opencv: how to save float array as an image. val[0] contains a value from 0 to 255. My issue was that I have been reading the image matrix manually using the . e. py in matplotlib svn, removed the docstring for brevity): Oct 19, 2022 · This article describes how to capture and save frames from video files such as mp4 and avi as still image files with OpenCV in Python. Since the values can be converted to actual temperatures, I need to be able to either: Save video frames as float Save video frames as 16U to later convert and have the desired precision (uint8 is too restrictive) To have the desired value range, I am currently saving the output as single-channel 16U avi video with the Oct 12, 2018 · I proceed some filtering on an Image then I want to save it through imwrite command with TIFF format but the size is big. Load, Modify, and Save an Image. magick multi. hpp> #include <opencv2/imgcodecs. ). In this case we use COLOR_BGR2GRAY (because of cv::imread has BGR default channel order in case of color images). Hence I will get wrong results. output = output. Aug 4, 2013 · Well I can see from your code that you are using only 32bit float grayscale (no R,G,B just I) so this are my suggestions: Radiance RGBE (. 0 Apr 22, 2021 · I want to save the images to disk but the original array has float values ranging around -5 to 5, which gives black images when using imwrite. These flags will be modify the way of PNG image compression and will be passed to the underlying zlib processing stage. The image pixel values are very small floating point data like 0. The image format is chosen based on the filename extension (see imread() for the list of extensions). This procedure is quite time consuming for large image sets: I am loading thousands of images for pre-processing and then feed the images to some neural networks implemented in TensorFlow. More bool cv::haveImageWriter (const String &filename) Returns true if an image with the spe Apr 13, 2019 · How to create a binary image mat? Compilation flags for hard float on ARM. Conclusion. I'm using cv::FileStorage to save a float image to hard drive before . I tried MINMAX normalisation, but this results in the black parts of the image flashing white when I iterate through the frames. But the problem is when I save it as image format (JPG for example) using imwrite function, it's totally black. At the end of the image processing, I am noticing that the DPI of the resultant image ( created using "imwrite") has come down from 150 to 96 and I also notice that the image has been compressed by LZW method thought the original image was uncompressed. imwrite() In our previous tutorial - cv2 imread(), we learned to read an image into a matrix. tiff类型支持浮点数据的存储。 Sep 21, 2016 · imwrite() can only save float images in ". Arbitrary grayscale pixel range. However, from what I know PIL image save function only supports uint8 data type, but I don't want to convert my float32 data to uint8 as this would lose precision. I don't want to use . You should use directly a cv::Mat instead to avoid any possible problems. import numpy as np import tifffile image = np. 2. i didn't know that. In this stage we merge the exposure sequence into one HDR image, showing 2 possibilities which we have in OpenCV. When I show the image using imshow function, I can see the output of tan_triggs_preprocessing very clearly, and actually the output lighter, more contrast compares to the source image. Since in OpenCV images are represented by the same structure as matrices, we use the same convention for both cases - the 0-based row index (or y-coordinate) goes first and the 0-based column index (or x-coordinate) follows it. 939 output[1] += 116. This will save the image according to the specified format in current working directory. uint8 before writing image to disk. uint8. Aug 31, 2021 · I am new to opencv. The shape of an image is accessed by img. tif? I tried 1023 instead of 511, it fixes, but I don’t know if this is a mainstream solution, and If I face May 26, 2021 · The common JPEG format doesn't support storing 32-bit floating point values. out <Image_Path>\n"); return -1; } //read images from memory Mat A; . Here is the silly pseudo description float *A = [first_row_first_channel, second_row_first_channel, , first_row_second_channel, ] Does Mat img. With JPEG 2000 encoder, 8-bit unsigned (CV_8U) and 16-bit unsigned (CV_16U) images can be saved. For Matlab loaded image, it has the image what I want. I have been able to complete the process correctly, and I get the desired result when using imshow, but now I want to save the result to a PNG file. reshape((3, output. We are processing tiff images. data() operation. In memory this should take up about 331 megabytes, but when I save this matrix the YAML Aug 6, 2013 · Hi, I am working on a combination of OpenCV2. I am unable to use OpenCV due to this issue. Here is the code: #include <opencv2/core. When i save the pixel value in a txt file to check, i have the right value (0. tiff 普通的图像格式如. uint8) Feb 14, 2021 · I am trying to save image after calculating local entropy of the image. Jan 20, 2021 · 1. . Apr 13, 2019 · How to create a binary image mat? Compilation flags for hard float on ARM. I am currently working in OpenCV-python, but I had also tried it with Pillow (PIL). I am trying out OpenCV's ROI function. 但是不显示实际图像. It returns a tuple of the number of rows, columns, and channels (if the image is color): 6 days ago · In the Load, Modify, and Save an Image tutorial you have already learned how to write a matrix to an image file by using the cv::imwrite() function. Showing it is not much of a problem, but saving it is. import cv2 import numpy as np # Generate dummy gradient with float values arr = np. arange(0,10,0. How to save the images without any loss? Dec 5, 2015 · To save an array as image, if you want to stick to the uchar range, imwrite() is there. 6. I tried the following: cv::Mat img16(WINDOW_Y, WINDOW_X, CV_16UC3); // create 16 bit mat 4 days ago · With OpenEXR encoder, only 32-bit float (CV_32F) images can be saved. 0 Opencv image to array issue Apr 23, 2021 · I have a float32 signed image that displays when I use imshow() but gives a black output when using imwrite(), which I suspect is because the float 32 array has values between around -6 to 6, which result in the output having pixel values 6 in the 0-255 range. 8-bit unsigned (CV_8U) images are not supported. problem in cvtColor function Jul 31, 2014 · opencv: how to save float array as an image. I can't see anything. PIL's Image. The distance transform returns a floating point image (I have no idea about the bit-depth) and I have trouble putting it through the watershed method since it requires a 32 bit single channel image. cv::FileStorage file(out_path, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); file << "bla" << img; This image at the point of saving is a cv::Mat of size 7716*5364 and data type 6, which should be CV_64F. img = cv2. – Dec 11, 2021 · These images are from Photoshop, so it might be how it's saving the TIFF. Whats the range of your float data? opencv: how to save float array as an image. May 24, 2009 · matplotlib svn has a new function to save images as just an image -- no axes etc. 0/255)); change Eigen Matrix element type to unsigned char Mar 19, 2023 · The first argument is the image array we want to resize, and the second argument is a tuple containing the new width and height of the image. Syntax: cv2. astype(np. Jun 4, 2012 · OpenCV can only display floating point images if the values are between 0-1. Is there a way to save the image even though it has the type Mat_float? Jul 27, 2015 · Instead, imagine running floating point processing on the image. Jul 9, 2013 · I want to save a floating point one-channel image and I don't want to convert it. If you know that your image have a range between 0 and 255 or between 0 and 1 then you can simply make the convertion the way you already do: I *= 255 # or any coefficient I = I. Dec 14, 2018 · You can also extract band3 from the TIF and save as a PNG with ImageMagick at the command line with:. s-topbar{margin-top:1. 使用opencv库存储. - If the image is 32-bit or 64-bit floating-point, the pixel values are multiplied by 255. While CV_32FC3 is between 0. Mar 27, 2014 · As far as I know, when opencv writes using imwrite, it writes in the format supported by the image container, and this by default is 255. rand(500, 500, 3). How do I do it in TIFF format. cvtColor(view , cv2. COLOR_BGR2RGB) model_image_size = (416, 416) resized_image = cv2. Jan 24, 2020 · Very simple question: is there a way/format to save an OpenCV float image with 4-channels (32FC4)? Or even better with an arbitrary number of channels? cv::imwrite() with PFM/EXR extension is complaining that the image should have either 1 or 3 channels. I can read and write routine file format such as png, jpg etc but I am not able to read from my Desktop a format I never used before which is . hpp> Imwrite PNG specific flags used to tune the compression algorithm. Here are the requirements: The <style>body,. Save float array to image (with EXR format) 8. 0, hence you have to scale it. To save an image to the local file system, use cv2. 255)). png Or make a band 1, 2, 7 RGB composite with: a source image (image) a destination image (gray_image), in which we will save the converted image. uint8) # Convert from float to uint8 (use rounding and clipping for "cleaner Apr 16, 2017 · You can convert the list of the integers to list of floats as [float(i) for i in values] with list comprehension. Merge exposures into HDR image. Jan 22, 2015 · Hi all, I am absolutely new to openCV, and I need to read tif grayscale image into array of floats in order process it with my GPU kernel. 12. image = cv2. imwrite):PythonでOpenCVを使った画像の書き出しを行うimwrite関数について解説しました。 出力画像の画質の比較などもやっており、imwrite関数のおさらいとしてご覧ください。 Apr 17, 2020 · Hmm, have you checked the original depth of the image? Via right click in image properties (windows) or terminal $ identify /imagepath (ubuntu)? Aug 4, 2013 · If you only need to write . an additional parameter that indicates what kind of transformation will be performed. 0 and 1. I have checked with exiftool and they are 32-bit floating point images, uncompressed. Wouldn't be surprised if it's something wonky happening on save. When your image has floating point values, the imshow() of opencv expects these values to be between 0 and 1: Jul 31, 2014 · Help writing a glue function to house a c OpenCV preprocessor macro? Could use help editing this C OpenCV code so it will run . Jan 16, 2019 · How can I write float image in OpenCV. jpg . Aug 3, 2017 · The following code does not work, it converts values to np. To do that, I need to convert the floating point image to a uint8 format, but doing so doesn't yield the same result as seen with imshow. save(save. 15 . Mar 9, 2022 · Hello, I am reading . csv files (or even binary files). The first method is Debevec and the second one is Robertson. normalize(image, None, 0, 255, cv2. resize(img, scale, interpolation=cv2. imshow I get the correct image Now i try So, the problem is solved if there is a way to convert back 3 channel image to 2D matrix losslessly. 0021. raw Opening the file and taking a 2D slice using Fiji/ImageJ gives me a regular grayscale image, but when I import it into OpenCV (python), and also get a 2D slice, both imshow and imwrite do not give me a good image. It saved the image but with a lossy conversion due to float32 to uint8 conversion. jpeg. First, you need to check values of the output data. The syntax of imwrite () function is: where path is the complete path of the output file to which you would like to write the image numpy array. bmp . . tif or . To save ‘float’ numpy images in Python, you can use various libraries like NumPy, OpenCV, or PIL (Pillow). c_str()); //taking a lot of time Jan 8, 2013 · C++ version only: intensity. 680 output = output. You might have a look at the OpenEXR format, which is also supported by OpenCV, and which can store 32-bit floating point values per channel. tif images with this: view = cv2. txt file (using some custom function) and load it using 'dlmread' function into Matlab. That is, the . resize(im, model_image_size, interpolation = cv2. shape[3])) output[0] += 103. 9em}</style> @Daweo The documentation of imwrite: "In general, only 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel (with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function, with these exceptions: * 16-bit unsigned (CV_16U) images can be saved in the case of PNG, JPEG 2000, and TIFF formats . at function, cause processing code is already written and uses some temp arrays. Jan 18, 2023 · 【Python・OpenCV】OpenCVの使い初めの第一歩! 画像の書き出し(cv2. net output = net. Here is my code: May 4, 2016 · The function imwrite saves the image to the specified file. While OpenCV display float/double in range [0, 1. hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui. However, if you just want to save the data, you might consider writing the Mat object to an xml/yaml file. I'm trying to use OpenCV to read/write images for me. Classes class cv::ImageCollection To read Multi Page images on demand. After that I am trying to save the image as well as show it. jpg',image_array). INTER_LINEAR) img = img. 779 output[2] += 123. Sep 14, 2019 · I'm trying to save a 32-bit floating point image (stored as a Numpy array) as a TIFF file using tifffile. Even the somehow common JPEG 2000 format isn't capable to do that. Mar 4, 2019 · That's to say, you convert the grayscale image into double. Aug 28, 2015 · How can I save a float array to an image in c++? Currently (as an exercise) I'm just manually converting the image to grayscale (although I read that this can be done with opencv). save the image into *. randn(60, 60, 3) # For eg. If it is float, but belongs to 0. 6822041760496904 print(im[0, 0]) # for eg. The following This 'feels' like a problem with floating point numbers and integers. Even after that change FLOAT works but HALF is still not working. I tried with io. 0 from float array to mat , concatenate blocks of image . tiff', image) However, when viewing the output of the above code in Eye of Gnome, the image is entirely blank. With this I am trying to crop out a section of an image that I load. Mar 4, 2021 · ここで気を付けないといけないのは、OpenCVのimshow()は[0,1]のfloat 32型でも、綺麗に表示してくれます。 #4. exr" or ". I could save it with opencv-python as cv2. 4. Aug 2, 2019 · You can use resized_image. The problem is that it destroys the brightness… How can I have the same brightness to . Then I display the images. 3 days ago · Accessing Image Properties. frame = cv2. mhd/. I use imageJ to visualize the image and i test jpeg, png tif and bmp image formats. In this article, we have covered the basics of loading and displaying images using OpenCV. Python OpenCV Error: "TypeError: Image data cannot be converted to float" 5. In this case we use CV_RGB2GRAY (self-explanatory). If you simply want to save a video as a frame-by-frame still image, you can do so with ffmpeg commands, but if you want to do some image processing before saving, Python and OpenCV are useful. fromarray() preserves resolution and can save image as a grayscale image. 0 Image Array in OpenCV. uses CvGraph. tiff format. Mar 1, 2014 · Mat Image type CV_8UC3, value is from 0 to 255. ndarray to an other numpy. imsave. convertTo(src, CV_8UC1); I used convertTo() function but it losses information , it is not same as src image. Jan 4, 2013 · The simplest way is recompiling OpenCV or direct using libtiff, but I consider as not very good idea changing 3rdparty/libtiff/tiff. 0/255) cv::imshow("doube image ", test_image*(1. imwrite(filename, image) Parameters:file OpenCV: Image file reading and writing. A = imread( argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED ); Mat B; . With Radiance HDR encoder, non 64-bit float (CV_64F) images can be saved. - If the image is 16-bit unsigned or 32-bit integer, the pixels are divided by 256. random((300, 300)) #float numbers, i have actual data in my image though img = fromarray(img) img. hpp> #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main() { Mat image,image1; string a = "C:\\programs\\misha\\pic-1. float32) to uint8, numpy and opencv in python offers two convenient approaches. value range [0,1] is mapped to [0,255]. Is it possible to convert 16 bit image to 8bit image? Jul 5, 2012 · I'm doing a watershed segmentation and the marker image is derived from the source image put through a distance transform. float32) / 255 # Convert to float in range [0, 1] Load depth image, resize and convert to float: Jun 12, 2017 · Right now, I am using CImg. 0, and leptonica. Apr 13, 2022 · But I couldn't find a way to save images after making changes below. When complete, convert back to CV_16U and save the image. Only 8-bit (or 16-bit unsigned (CV_16U) in case of PNG, JPEG 2000, and TIFF) single-channel or 3-channel (with ‘BGR’ channel order) images can be saved using this function. how to save cv::mat with type 32FC1 to 5 days ago · C++ version only: intensity. This does not appear to work either: printf("usage: DisplayImage. tiff floating point gray scale image in OpenCV. Currently, I have them in a different, non-standard format, and I know how to get them into OpenCV's containers. hdr" format, and that only, if you built in suppport for that (WITH_OPENEXR). The image is being stored as a big black rectangle instead of the actual cropped image. png") frame = frame[200:500,400:1000] # crop ROI im = cv2. save('test. 255, you just cast from float32 to uint8 and save it! If values are in 01, you just save it (or convert Nov 6, 2015 · I at moment trying to save a Mat which is given the type Mat_<float>. array([ 0. 8947058634971179, max: 3. imsave('image. But I unable to save the matrix losslessly and retrieve it back losslessly. Normalization to 0-255 is changing the output, although it manages to give the same output for imshow and imwrite. So I decided to use filestorage class to save it but I couldn't quite get how to do it from the documentation. My CImg code looks like this: cimg_library::CImg<float> img(512,512); cimg_forXYC(img,x,y,c) { img(x,y,c) = (array[x][y]); } //array contains all float values between 0/1 img. I found out the reason why there was an exception. imwrite () function on OpenCV library. I tried with cv2. We have looked at how to load images, display images, convert images to grayscale, and resize images. it 2 for the test image generated from Michael's code. surf descriptor accepts only grayscale images? converting 3-channel BGR pic to grayscale BY HAND. random. May 13, 2018 · I want to save floating-point numbers as pixels in an image file. net processing. shape. imread(path_name, cv2. hdr) use 3x8bit mantisa for R,G,B and 1x8bit exponent which gives you only 16bit precision. I wanted to know if there is any method to save an image at a location without using “imwrite” function directly Mar 28, 2017 · Hello! I am processing a 16-bit 3D CT Scan image formatted as . Jun 29, 2014 · I would like to create a 16bit PNG-image with OpenCV by setting pixel values manually for noise generation. imwrite () returns a boolean value. The image loaded by opencv is stored in a 32F format, changing the type case to float fixed the problem. 我有一个要保存浮点数的ndarray. it's a very simple function to backport too, if you don't want to install svn (copied straight from image. Sep 6, 2024 · Hi, I am using thermal/infrared cameras (Optris Xi 410) to record videos. imwrite() function of OpenCV python library. It was saving EXR as half float which is why I switched to using TIFF in the first place. imwrite('. tiff') Mar 8, 2013 · I use OpenCV to read the image. jpg output as the original . Two methods to solve: imshow CV_32F|CV_64F multiplied by (1. data provides this ordering or it gives something different? Jan 18, 2019 · How to convert 16bit image to 8bit image without loosing information. Thanks though! let me know if you think that type casting is proper for fp16. You can save huge floating-point matrices with OpenCV, I've done it before, there is no switch. Nov 22, 2019 · Is there any method in OpenCV can automatically interpolate the image and then I can directly use these float number as the pixel coordinator and get the correct pixel value? I think it should be possible because in some computer vision algorithms like optic flow we will always have some sub pixel value Jul 25, 2012 · If you are creating your filter with cvCreate*** then you are mixing the old C and the new C++ APIs. imread("yourfile. Jun 18, 2018 · Hi @berak, Thanks for pointing that out. (I'm using OpenCV C++). jpg') # The channels order is BGR due to OpenCV conventions. imwrite() method is used to save an image to any storage device. a source image (image) a destination image (gray_image), in which we will save the converted image. png等只能以整型的形式被存储在图片中,无法满足浮点数据的存储要求,但. 0. Tutorial content has been moved: Getting Started with Images Generated on Wed Mar 12 2025 23:11:28 for OpenCV by 1. Thus, are there any alternatives? My image has 3 channels and I want to save in jpg format files. from Image import * from numpy import * img = random. shape[2], output. 0, 1. astype(float) After this assignment the results will contain float values. transpose(1, 2, 0) When I display this with cv2. 0], save float/double in range [0, 255. Additionally, to turn it from float to integer. INTER_CUBIC) resized Nov 30, 2019 · I'm trying to create a function to convert an image from color to grayscale. You may transform this matrix by using some algorithms. Note the ordering of x and y. I've noticed that by default, scikit-image conversion functions return images with floating-point representations in the range [0, 1]. 02) Mar 9, 2025 · With OpenEXR encoder, only 32-bit float (CV_32F) images can be saved. Aug 12, 2021 · I want to retain float type in my image in deep learning tasks. When working with OpenCV Python, images are stored in NumPy ndarray. Image properties include number of rows, columns, and channels; type of image data; number of pixels; etc. Representing images as graphs based on pixels using OpenCV's CvGraph Jul 26, 2024 · OpenCV-Python is a library of Python bindings designed to solve computer vision problems. Image(img, **kwargs Jan 19, 2018 · - If the image is 8-bit unsigned, it is displayed as is. Aug 26, 2017 · Afterwards, in an image handler, I change BGR to RGB ordering (because cv2's imread reads images in BGR order by default). float32) to convert resized_image data from unit8 to float32 and then proceed with normalizing and other stuffs:. clip() を利用して、範囲を[0,1]から[0,255]に戻した後、データ型をfloat32型を uint8にキャストしてから保存すればいいです。 Jul 2, 2019 · I am trying to read a . ndarray which contains float values: img = img. if you want to save it as png or jpg, you will need to convert it to uchar first: To save image to local storage using Python, use cv2. I want an integer representation from 0-255 using np. But when i save this image to an image format, i can't get the see those values. Notice that the HDR image is of type float32, and not uint8, as it contains the full dynamic range of all exposure images. And what I tried didn't work. Jul 27, 2022 · I am using this code: image2 = cv2. The I'm doing a watershed segmentation and the marker image is derived from the source image put through a distance transform. bmp files with OpenCV , you can convert your 32FC1 image to 8UC4, Save float * images in C++. tif[3] band3. When i try to save it, the image which it saves becomes black, but imshow shows that the image isn't black at all. ‘Float’ numpy images typically represent images with pixel values in the range [0. But if you have a different type of array (say float) or you just want to save your array preserving it structure, you can also use FileStorage class or use custom functions to save it to . IMREAD_UNCHANGED) self. The search bar of the forum will While working with images in Image Processing applications, quite often, you may need to store intermediate results of image transformations or save the final resulting image. 解決方法 numpy. Is it possible to write the image I originally viewed through imshow (the float array Nov 10, 2018 · If you want to convert an image from single precision floating point (i. h: after this modification you can't save compressed TIFFs at all with OpenCV, and under non-windows systems you usually have separate libtiff (not as a part of OpenCV). 概要 float 型の配列を OpenCV で扱える画像の形式に変換する方法について紹介します。 img)[1] img = display. Nov 21, 2012 · I'm trying to convert an ordinary image mat to grayscale and apply a threshold afterwards like this: // first convert the image to grayscale cvtColor(imageMat Nov 30, 2019 · How does image library (such as PIL, OpenCV, etc) convert floating-point values to integer pixel values? For example . Then I use Matlab to load the same image. How to save floating-point pixel values in image file. CV_8U) in order to transform a . Hot Network Questions Can I use a commercial appliance in my Mar 20, 2017 · I want to save Mat data to a float array, process them, and then save them back to Mat. min: -3. 我想将值保存为浮点型. tif"; image Mar 25, 2013 · I am using three ways to interface Matlab and OpenCV: save image using cv::imwrite (load in Matlab by imread), this obvious method can be applied only for UINT8 and FLOAT images, however if the image holds UINT32 or NaN there are problems. With OpenEXR encoder, only 32-bit float (CV_32F) images can be saved. dst. All images will be converted to 32-bit float (CV_32F). cvtColor(frame, cv2. At the end, it repeats this for the next image channel. If I load the saved image with opencv, It produce output with uint8 and it is not the same with the type cast (uint8) value to the original float array. py. What did i Mar 8, 2025 · C++ version only: intensity. float32) tifffile. Then it may be required to save this matrix as an image. I am aware that I could split the image and save each channel separately, however this is Sep 21, 2016 · Hi, I have a problem to save an image with pixel value between 0 and 1. How do variable decclarations pertaining to struct members work in OpenCV C interface. imwrite but it saved black images. Dec 12, 2019 · I am creating an image from a numpy array which was created by a style transfer . forward() The output is the renormalized from the. cannot convert ‘cv::Mat’ to ‘float’ How to access pixel values of CV_32F/CV_64F Mat? Issue with IP camera. The image: the image I am trying to read has the following parameters: Size: And width and height: 4 days ago · 2. 我发现接受保存浮点数据的唯一格式是tiff. As in JPEG format can compress a image to lower size. Python OpenCV cv2. 3 days ago · #include <opencv2/imgcodecs. tif 32-bit float integer to 8-bit int . problem in cvtColor function Oct 30, 2020 · 需求. import numpy as np from PIL import Image # Creates a random image and saves in a file def get_random_img(m=0, s=1, fname='temp. However, for debugging purposes it's much more convenient to see the actual values. For OpenCV loaded image, the image is has no picture inside and just gray plane. ysl mhhaayl drpqsl jrlr pza ngiysua qtgr agmm yqrbc csf mjkk uotf bvsj pqorxh dgpqy