Ough long o words Can spell the long o sound when the silent final e makes the o say its name. 5. The long sound of the letter O is just as it is pronounced in the alphabet: OH. Long O Words with the Vowel Team -oa gloat goal goat load loaf moat oat road roast soap throat toast toad bestow blow crow fallow flow glow Long O Words with the Vowel Team -ow grow hollow know low mow own overthrow rainbow shadow show slow snow stow throw window Long O Words with the Vowel Team -oe Long O Words with -ough aloe doe foe oboe toe long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort by Elenagirling G1 G2 G3 Orton Gillingham Phonics Reading spelling Structured Literacy long vowel spellings silent e vowel teams From the long “oh” in “snow” to the “oo” sound in “moon,” long ‘O’ words can be tricky for young readers to master. There are 9 five-letter words containing OUGH: BOUGH COUGH DOUGH ROUGH SOUGH TOUGH. Word list activities: Long vowel 'O'. Words that end with -ough can be difficult in English because the -ough is pronounced differently in different words. The spelling ough 14 Replies. Next is a group of words where the ‘-ough’ part of the word rhymes with ‘puff’. In English, the long O sound is often heard in words where the letter O is followed by a silent E or another vowel. Find Scrabble words and answers to word games with the anagram solver for ough. OA . , high; night). ‘ough’ makes / ɒf / – cough, trough. Print spelling worksheets and activities: Long O: OW, OE, Ough Printable word list - a useful printable resource of the word list. Jan 1, 2024 · List of all 5-letter words containing OUGH. To prove that point, check out the following ten words ending in -ough, each with their own distinct pronunciations: "cough" (which rhymes with "off") "rough" (which rhymes with "stuff") OUGH Words: There words use letters ough to spell many sounds including the long /o/ sound/. Compatible with the Department for Education’s Letters and Sounds program. Examples: tie, bite, tried. com Spelling list: Long O: OW, OE, Ough Long O: OW, OE, Ough dough Knead the dough to make the pizza. Words with the same pronunciation pattern as 'though' are: thorough /θɚoʊ/ dough /doʊ/ although /ɔlðoʊ/ borough /bɚoʊ/ furlough /fɚloʊ/ Sep 23, 2020 · The phonogram OUGH is one of the toughest in the English language, with at least six different pronunciations. com Aug 14, 2024 · The word can be used to replace long vowel ‘o’ sounds in a word, providing more emphasis to make the long vowel sound more rewarding, interesting and less boring to use. although Although it was raining, the children still wanted to go out to play. These centers are perfect for small groups, individualized instruction, and learning centers to strengthen students’ knowledge of wor 3. Can spell the long o sound at the end of a syllable or when followed by two consonants. comFor access to FREE course link:ABCs Singing Quadgraph Soun Intermediate English Lesson 4 - Work Spelling. (not counting exceptions, of course. This list of 50 ‘long o’ words has been compiled to assist you in implementing your phonics program in your classroom. 2 blank cards are also included. The text uses complex vocabulary to reinforce reading comprehension, while also remaining interesting to older students. breakthrough dough Knead the dough to make the pizza. These EASY (No Prep) worksheets will help students practice the LONG O WORDS: o_e, oa, ow, oe, and ough by helping young learners match, read, write, and identify these long O sounds in words. Ex: oat; coat. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble. We use ow. dough We need to knead the dough to make bread. Feb 4, 2014 · UiD English Classes Word though although dough doughnut through cough rough plough bought borough hiccough trough tough drought fought Eight Ways To Say "ough" Meaning Used to add an idea of something surprising or different Used to add an idea of something surprising or different a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread a Play word games: Use engaging activities such as word sorting, memory games, and bingo to encourage students to practice recognizing long vowel “o” words and their spelling patterns. slow That clock is ten minutes slow . Spelling games. Multisensory Learning: Create word collages or use clay to form Long O words, catering to different learning styles. In this article, we’ll embark on an exciting journey into the world of long O words. This video lesson is designed to make it as easy as possible for children to develop their literacy skills Learn more about these words in the Spellzone Main Course: Unit 17. , laugh). This resource contains two engaging long O (o-e, oa, ow, oe, ough, & o) word sort activities that can be supplemented in addition to your phonics instruction. blow Blow on your cup of tea to cool it. Alphabetical Word List and Lists for 9 Word Families: ew, o, oa, oe, oh, ol, ough, ow, o_e This resource contains two engaging long O (o-e, oa, ow, oe, ough, & o) making words activities that can be supplemented in addition to your phonics instruction. Create other lists, starting with or ending with letters of your choice. Words containing ough, words that contain ough, words including ough, words with ough in them. These games are perfect for small groups, individualized instruction, and learning centers to strengthen students' knowledge of word skills and s Word Search 2: Words in the word bank are missing the “long o” graphemes. ' Examples: cow, crown, owl. In around 70% of words with the long /o/ sound, the long /o/ sound is spelled with an open syllable. They include missing letter activities, as well as matching and spelling tasks. A nonsense word 'splow' is pictured here using The Hive's nonsense decodable words app. Long o word lists can help children learn to identify and better understand the long o sound (ō) in different spelling patterns, such as words with a silent -e, vowel teams like-oa, -ow, and others. There are other phonics units that I sell that focuses on each of the long vowels with a long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort by Elenagirling 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade Structured Literacy vowel teams silent e long vowel spellings Orton Gillingham Spelling Phonics Learn more about these words in the Spellzone Main Course: Unit 17. This spelling pattern is used at the end of root words. ### Assessment (5 minutes) 1. Jan 20, 2024 · A long O word is a word where the letter O is pronounced with a long vowel sound, typically represented by the symbol /oʊ/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). misskimschildrensmusic. You can also encourage students to act out the meanings of long ‘O’ words in a game of charades, fostering vocabulary development and comprehension. <ough> isn’t a common grapheme but it occurs in very common words and it worries people because <ough> words look so similar. Printable Res Word list activities: ou ough ow. through He kicked the ball through the window. Offer guidance on pronunciation: Encourage accurate pronunciation by using consistent phonics instruction and model correct pronunciation for students It can make a short /o/ sound (as in hot). Long O Spellings: O, OA, OW, OU, OUGH As with many English vowels, there are multiple ways to represent /ō/ when spelling words. Finally, students will practice their fluency by reading aloud the passage on page 2. Words with this sound include through and breakthrough. When the letter I is followed by the silent S, especially “island” and “aisle. " Note that OR makes an "er" sound. Here are some of our suggestions: Spelling Words for a Second Grader. The best way to learn these words is to memorize them. For more active learners, try a game of “Go Fish” or “Memory” with long ‘O’ word cards. Though there are a few spelling and pronunciation patterns, they are not free from exceptions. The activities are based on the included purpose written phonics story ‘Joanna Goanna’, full of words showing different ways the Long O sound can be spelled In this video for Year 6 (Ages 10-11) we focus on Words Containing -ough-. Recognizing the long o sound (/ō/) is an important part of phonics instruction, as it helps children with decoding and spelling. Learn about the words: ou ough ow using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. Here are some examples of long /o/ words spelled with letters ough Mar 5, 2024 · Long O Spelling Bee: Organize a classroom activity focusing on words with different Long O spellings. Reading spelling 2 syllable words closed syllable dyslexia long /a/ Long /e/ Long /i/ Long /o/ Long /u/ multisyllable OG open syllable Orton-Gillingham Tiger rule Within Word sort 14: Long o spelled /oa/ Anagram In this video for Year 6 (Ages 10-11) we focus on Words Containing -ough-. As a parent, you may search for ways to support your child as they learn to recognize these different vowel sounds. Sep 23, 2020 · The phonogram OUGH is one of the toughest in the English language, with at least six different pronunciations. 🌟Buy me a coffee to support my channel 給我買杯咖啡以作支持: buymeacoffee. Teacher is in italics. When unsure of which sound to use, many students tend to morph both sounds into one. 4. Don’t you hate all the different ways there are to pronounce “ough” in English? Why do you have to learn all that?! For example, “though”, “through”, and “th For more information on ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses please go to lms. Learning how to read can be the most challenging activity for students and for a teacher. Using Letter O: In these words, the long /o/ sound is made using just the letter o. There is no specific spelling rule to help determine which spelling to use; however, there are some helpful spelling patterns to consider when spelling words with /ō/. This unit focuses only on the Long O sounds. But let's be fairly comprehensive here. Loan Words and Words with Foreign Roots; Word Explanations: Of; Word Explanations: One; Word Explanations: Said and Says; Word Explanations: Sink and Pink; Word Explanations: Warm, War, and Worm; See all 7 articles Phonogram Questions. Students must write the correct words next to the . Ex: cone. ” The List of Top 100 Words with Long “O” Sound Ocean – The vast body of salt water that covers much of the Earth’s surface. In some words: ough = ow (gh is silent): plough, bough, drought. These activities are perfect for small groups, individualized instruction, and learning centers to strengthen students' knowledge of word Jan 11, 2023 · English spelling isn’t entirely phonetic, which means that many words aren't spelt the way they sound. Perfect for whole group, individual work, and homework. ough and augh words Use the list: ough words - set 2 Learn. Word Search 1: Words in the word bank contain the entire word and an accompanying image. Word search contains 10 words. Search for words that contain ough, words that start with ough, or words that end with ough. show We had to queue to get into the show . oa as in boat. The words are arranged in order of common usage, with ‘boughs’ (large branches of a tree) at the top of the list, followed by ‘slough’ (a swamp or marsh), ‘though’ (used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something said previously), ‘trough’ (a long, narrow container for holding water or food for animals) and ‘clough’ (a steep-sided valley). This game is perfect for small groups, individualized instruction, differentiated learning, and learning centers. Just so you buckle up to go on a pleasure ride, our long "o" activities are Teacher: All the words we’re going to spell have a sound spelt o-u-g-h (saying the letter names) and you're going to see how it can spell several different sounds. However, by thinking in sounds and using the TST script, anxious spellers no longer have to freeze, wondering if they’re writing though, through or thorough. O_E Words: Some words use the split digraph O_E to sound the long /o/ vowels. How to Sound the Long O Words. AU and AW Phonograms; Broad O and Third Sound of U Can't find it? Just make your own! Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource. Note: English words do not end with a u. Sep 2, 2022 · O-E Words (Long O with Silent E) These words include long O that follow the VCe pattern (vowel-consonant-e), specifically o-e. Pick a template; Enter your content This resource contains two engaging long O (o-e, oa, ow, oe, ough, & o) memory games that can be supplemented in addition to your phonics instruction. ” The Long O Sound. 7. Use this pack of 11, colourful worksheets to teach your K-1 children how to read, write and pronounce long 'o' words. Source: youtube. Please leave a revie Jun 7, 2021 · This video tutorial teaches the British pronunciation of ough words. Many activities for each sound. Game Long O words - Andrew's Long o Spellings - matching words and pictures - Reading Comprehension Sentences - spelling of oa - Long o_OA. On This Page. page 1 This word list was created by www. Spelling Activities & Games: ough words - set 1 Spelling Practice: ough words - set 1. 3) When the vowel i comes before gh, the i is long, and the gh is silent (e. We have also already learned that a VCE syllable can make the long /o/ sound. We use oe: on. The video lesson targets the following features :Spelling words containing the 'oo', 'long o', 'off' and 'uff' Sounds. Flash cards - a word on each card which enables a variety of games and activities. Word Search 2: Words in the word bank are missing the ‘long o’ graphemes. Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity. ‘ough’ makes /u:/ – through (sounds like ‘threw’), throughout Sep 14, 2022 · We hope you enjoyed this video! If you have any questions please ask in the comments. Ex: robot; gold . ow as in snow. Each week, break this long O-word list into manageable chunks and assign the words therein as homework Here are the eight spellings of long o. Long O Spellings: O, OA, OW, OU, OUGH; Word Explanations. Can spell the long o sound at the beginning or in the middle of a base word. Learning the minutiae of the English language can be challenging, specifically with words that contain the versatile “ough” combination. below; hole; hope; pole; rode; rope; row; show; soak; soap; During this week, the student will learn that the following types of words make the long O sound: oa; ow _o_e (silent e at the end of the word) Review Words. crow The crow pecked at the rubbish bins. In this video for Year 6 (Ages 10-11) we focus on Words Containing -ough-. drought A drought is a long period of time with no rain. ESL students may see this as an acceptable workaround, but in reality, this makes it more difficult for native speakers to understand what Year 6 (Ages 10-11) Words Containing -ough- Lesson 1: Spelling Words Containing the 'oo', 'long o', 'off' and 'uff' Sounds Video 1 review Year 6 (Ages 10-11) Words Containing - ough - Lesson 2: Spelling Words Containing the 'ow', 'aw' and 'uh' Sounds Lesson Video The word 'south' is pictured here using The Hive's flash card app. Understanding that the combination of letters can make the same vowel sound requires lots of repetitive practice of reading and writing these words with these sounds. Words containing ough | Words that contain ough. This seems to be the case for the following two words spelled with "ough": hiccough: the word is not actually derived from cough. The graphemes in the list include the following: o (as in go) o_e (as in home) oe (as in toe) oa (as in boat) ow (as in snow) ough (as in dough). Word Search 3: Only an image is provided in the word bank. Write ough at the top of your paper so you can look at it if you need to. ‘ough’ makes / ɒk / – l ough (rhymes with lock) This is a Scottish word for lake. Rose, cone, piano, tomato what do all of these words have in common? They're all long 'o' words, of course. Pay attention to the letter making the long /o/ sound in each word. 2) When gh comes at the end of a word, it sometimes has the sound /f/ (e. The long "o" can be spelled in a few ways, o-e, oe, o, oa, ow, and ough being the ones our long "o" worksheet pdfs mostly zero in on. Word list activities: ough words. Long Vowel Sounds - o Word List o Make, Take & Teach o _ e go so no bonus focus hotel robot total omit tomato potato banjo piano bone code cone cope dome dose hole home hope hose joke lobe mole mope nose note pole poke robe rode rope rose tone vote woke wove zone alone awoke broke choke chose close drove froze globe This English spelling word search spelling game small 'Long O: OW, OE, Ough' tests your spelling. Free games. page 1 This word list was created by a user at www. May 26, 2016 · 1) When gh comes at the beginning of a word, it has the sound /g/ (e. Students will love this no prep decodable long O phonics story! This is a decodable story for students to practice the long vowel O spelling patterns. Make name anagrams and multiple word anagrams with the Anagrammer. We use oa. Even better, this pack includes worksheets to explore different ways to spell long 'o - Filling in the blanks in sentences with an appropriate long ‘o’ word. Alth ough (long o) I ate when I was thr ough (ew) pl ough ing (ow) the garden, the meat I b ough t (short o) was so t ough (short u) it made me c ough (short o). ‘ough’ is pronounced as a long vowel: 6. Word list description. These activities are perfect for small groups, individualized instruction, and learning centers to strengthen students' knowledge of w Mar 11, 2022 · Determining whether to use Long O or Short O can be confusing because both are represented by the letter O. Here's another word that rhymes with "though" and also has the long O: "thorough. Examples: Top, Oval, No, Total, Ago, Yoga, Hotel, Gecko, Program. Community Long o ough Words with the Letter Pattern ‘ough’ Which Make the Long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ Sound Practise your weekly spelling words using cursive handwriting. This video lesson is designed to make it as easy as possible for children to develop their literacy skills Use these long O worksheets for second grade with o, oa, oe, ow, ough, o_e vowel teams. Can spell the long o sound at the end of a o-e as in rose. ‘ough’ makes /ʌp/ – hiccough (also spelled hiccup) rhymes with cup. OE. Here are some examples of long /e/ words spelled with letters oe: toe; foe; doe; roe; woe; oboe; aloe ; OUGH Words The letters ough are used to spell many sounds including the long /o/ sound/. Perfect for whole group, individual work, or Replete with fun activities, our free, printable long "o" worksheets are a full-throated display of words containing the long "o" sound. The job of the E is to stay silent and make the O say its name. though thought dough brought although bought through fought breakthrough ought visit twinkl. And yet, there are 5 other pronunciations. ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇ Dec 16, 2020 · Practice reading and spelling words with the "ow" vowel team making the long O sound. We hope you have found this post useful for your child. This story comes with two no prep activities. The spelling "ough" can be pronounced eight different ways in English. , ghost). The long 'o' sound can be spelled and sounded through the following six ways: 1. Word search contains 20 words. It can be used in expressing anger, for example “ ough,stop that please, ough!” Jun 29, 2011 · Long answer: Some words have spellings in modern English that never corresponded to their pronunciations and were only established by analogy with other words with a similar meaning. The words tough, rough, and enough belong to this group. Visitors enter through a side entrance. Jan 19, 2025 · The long “O” can be spelled in different ways, such as with “o,” “oa,” “oe,” “ow,” and “ough. Jan 22, 2025 · ough Words List. bought I bought this dress at the new boutique. Here’s the lesson. This is the case for most gh words. Students are Apr 17, 2019 · Here are the long O sound spelling words for 2nd grade: Long O Sound. ) ow The spelling ow can represent two sounds: /ow/ as in cow and /ō/ as in show, slow, grow. Here are some ‘ough’ words that make this sound: dough; though; although; It can also make an /uff/ sound (like in the word puff). We use the split digraph o-e to make the o: say its name. Introducing the Long O SoundLook at the pictures below. If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task. Don't panic, there aren't many words, and some of them are so arcane I usually don't bother teaching them. How to spell words with -ough . This new sound is then used in place of both Long O and Short O. In Bring your student's phonics skills to the next level with this Long Vowel Words - Long O: 1st & 2nd Grade Phonics Worksheets! With no prep required, these worksheets make it easy for your student to master the LONG O WORDS: o_e, oa, ow, oe, and ough. long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort by Elenagirling G1 G2 G3 Orton Gillingham Phonics Reading spelling Structured Literacy long vowel spellings silent e vowel teams When the letter I is followed by a silent E at the end of a word (even if the word ends in the past tense and the letter D). https://www page 1 This word list was created by a user at www. ) o o says /ō/ at the end of a syllable: so, go, open o+e Silent final e makes the o say /ō/: stone, throne, shone (Am. g. Long vowel O spelling patterns included are oa, oe, o, ow, o-e and ough. Some examples: robe globe code rode* joke smoke stroke hole* whole* stole dome home bone lone* stone hope slope nose* hose those vote quote wrote* drove stove Spelling list: ough words words that contain the spelling pattern ough although Although I'm sick I'll still go to work. There are five different single sounds, and three sound combinations. This video lesson is designed to make it as easy as possible for children to develop their literacy skills This resource BUNDLE contains 11 engaging long O (o-e, oa, ow, oe, ough, & o) word work centers that can be supplemented in addition to your phonics instruction. The worksheets include five different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context. ACTIVITY 1: Once the students hav Apr 2, 2023 · 108 Flashcards: 104 Long O words with 2 variations of the word yogurt/yoghurt, and 2 cards for the word overcoat which appears in both the ‘o’ and ‘oa’ word family lists. com Jul 29, 2023 · We already know that the letter o makes the long /o/ sound at the end of open syllables. Print, save as a PDF or Word Doc. To streamline this intricacy, our “ough Words List” provides ough words with various articulations and meanings. This literacy resource can be used in numerous ways to support the diverse needs of your learners. Spelling Activities & Games: Words with ough to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound Spelling Practice: Words with ough to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound. Here are some examples of ‘ough’ words that make the short /o/ sound: bought; fought; thought ‘ough’ can also make a long /o/ sound (like in the word go). Test and improve your spelling through focused repetition and drills. Here are the optional review words, or words previously These worksheets, covering ‘ough’ words, are an excellent way for children to revise and practise these Year 5 and 6 spelling words. Jan 29, 2015 · Now let's look at the words that we can group with the word 'though,' pronounced with a long o /aʊ/ sound. But what about the ough combination? Long O (o-e, oa, ow, oe, ough, & o) Spoons is a fun, engaging, fast paced word work game that strengthens students’ knowledge of word skills and spelling rules through application. Choose from 500,000+ puzzles. Add your own answers, images, and more. - Word search focusing on long ‘o’ words. Lookup the definition of ough in the dictionary. - Encourage students to raise their hand each time they hear a long ‘o’ word. Long O: OW, OE, Ough . Teacher writes ough on whatever board they’re using and students write it at the top of the spelling Jun 9, 2021 · O . Words spelled with -ough. Usually, when two vowels are paired together, also known as the "vowel team Print spelling worksheets and activities: ough =/o/ (long o) Printable word list - a useful printable resource of the word list. 2. **Story Time**: - Read a short story or passage containing multiple long ‘o’ words aloud to the class. Therefore, the silent “e” words are a much broader category that includes various vowels, while “o_e” words specifically focus on the “o” vowel sound followed by a silent “e. ” In this video, we will study the long o sound made by several vowel combinations. Learn about the words: ough words using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. Incorporate crossword puzzles, word searches, and matching games featuring long O words. Students use this word bank to circle or highlight the words in the word search with the ‘long o’ spellings (oa, ow, oe, o_e). Such as – dough, though, although. though He kept running even though he was tired. com Spelling list: Words with ough to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound though Even though he was tired he kept running. Short O and Long O Vowel Sound Sorting Activity Year 6 (Ages 10-11) Words Containing -ough- Lesson 1: Spelling Words Containing the 'oo', Send home a family activity booklet that provides a poem, a game, and daily activities focused on words with the long "o" sound (spelled "o," "oa," "ow," and "oe"), and compound words made up of two This is the sound of the Short A (as in "cat") followed by the Long O (as in "no"). This is particularly true for words ending in -ough. The ow spelling is usually used at the end of words or syllables or when followed by the consonant sounds 'n' or 'l. Students must write the missing “long o” spellings (oa, ow, oe, o_e) into the word bank words, then circle or highlight these words in the word search. Learn about the words: Long vowel 'O' using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. They can also be called Magic E Words or Silent E Words. Occasionally, at the end of a word, the long /o/ sound is spelled with the letters oe. Some of these words are not very common, so if you're not familiar with them yet, don't worry. long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort by Elenagirling G1 G2 G3 Orton Gillingham Phonics Reading spelling Structured Literacy long vowel spellings silent e vowel teams Nov 5, 2024 · Obviously, an o_e word creates the same resulting long vowel sound, but it only pertains to words with an o in the middle of the word. ough (as in dough) Multiple Applications for This Long Vowel Words List. ough and augh words. brought The maid brought the tea on a tray. spellzone. toe He trod on my Jan 7, 2024 · Letter ‘A long A’ sound in ‘acorn’: Download free word list and worksheet; Long U: Learn many spellings of this versatile sound, word list, teaching tips; Long O: Unmask 7 faces of the sound, word list, teaching tips; Long I: Unlock 9 ways to spell sound, word list, teaching tips; Long E: Master 8 spellings with word list, and fun Jun 12, 2018 · Then there are the words which pronounce ‘-ough’ as an ‘oo’ sound, as in the word ‘too’. Now they should be able to recite from memory four OUGH words: though, although and thought through. oe as in toe. com Spelling list: ough words - set 1 Ough words have many different sounds dough We need to knead the dough to make bread. Enhance your spelling proficiency with interactive and fun exercises. Multiple Applications for This Long O Word List The ough sound in these words is the schwa sound IPA= / /ə borough /b r /ˈ ʌ ə thorough /θ r /ˈ ʌ ə In these words, the stress falls on the first syllable and therefore the < ough > is only said as a schwa / /ə. Despite the number of letters used in < ough >, it is NOT the important part of the word, so remember to make it weak. Learn to spell the word list: Long O: OW, OE, Ough using the spelling games on this page. What is included in this Dec 5, 2021 · These 69 activities focus on 4 well known ways, (o, oa, ow and o_e), with extension activities for 11 unusual ways to spell Long O, (au, eau, you, ew, oe, oh, ol, oo, ou, ough and owe). After reading lists of words in which ough makes long o, short o, and long u sounds, students will break three of these words into phonemes. The following is included:Highlight the Long O wordsRead and Draw (sentence version)Read and Draw (paragraph version)Underline the word with a Long O sound Long O Sort (Cut 'n Paste)Identify the Sound PictureWrite Long o Word Cards . O_E.
xcr favrvs dehb dwac bur xzwbv hvgce hxaizrx wlvw rsdnbg zeawqbv iooz vfcvee njrbkyi vbdjij