Paying back unemployment reddit If the extra money is being used to pay down debt faster than that’s great because it means you can take the hit without a huge impact on your standard of living. The world is a smaller place and the Pa government checks up on you. I am enraged and confused. Paying back Unemployment Has anyone knowing or mistakenly took more money from unemployment Canada while they were working ( meaning you were doing reports when in fact you were working) Has anyone gone through this and as well what have you told them ? How does paying back my “overpayment” affect my taxes? Going to court to fight an over payment claim this Friday. Last Friday I looked on the pa uc web portal and it said I was getting paid all the back pay. I received 3 payments I guess I shouldn’t have from Illinois unemployment and received a letter today asking me for dates, confirmations, etc. Sounds like a bureaucratic/state screwup. Department of Labor to consider clarifying that workers who refuse unsafe working conditions can still receive unemployment insurance. Also, they cited this section of the CARES act: (Sec. I am still considered an independent contractor apparently until I earn 6 times my partial benefit credit in order to remove my independent contractor status. I received a letter in the mail from the Michigan unemployment office. I was able to claim due to my part time income in 2019 and the extended benefits due to the pandemic. It redistributes money out of their pockets and into corporate america and then back to taxes. The state should not be able to recover that federal money. Help ensure that unemployed Americans no longer have to choose between paying their bills and keeping themselves and their families safe from COVID-19 by asking the U. Any overpayment issued by Michigan unemployment, fraud or non-fraud, must be paid back. i had a telephone interview with NJ DOL. You don’t even have to pay it back as a lump sum you’ll just hop on a payment plan. the state isn't going to make you pay it back all at once. UPDATE: I had my hearing which consisted of a 3 way call with my employer, judge, and me. I got my determination a week later and my debt was waived and I was deemed eligible to continue receiving unemployment benefits. i cashed it, and forgot to claim it on my forms. In December I got an interview for a job that didn’t pay that well and I took it, but I continued certifying because I wasn’t nearly making enough as in my previous job and I thought I was allowed to have a job and collect unemployment. Even if you haven't been paid yet. i was on unemployment, and about 3 months after i was out of work, recieved a 26$ paycheck from my old employer. You will receive back a percentage of the federal taxes withheld based on the amount of unemployment that was repaid in 2021. I had a hearing and judge went in my ex employers favor. I don't hear back for two months. I think they can withhold future state travel reimbursements (if you happen to be a state employee) or future unemployment benefits until it’s paid back. Employees pay nothing into unemployment. It shouldn’t matter to them it does not cost them any money whether you collect or not. I've been receiving the monthly statements since the beginning of this year, but I haven't been able to make any payments due to being up to my eyeballs in other debt at the moment. That’s why they get a say in the matter. Lastly - a colleague who was laid off with me found out someone was claiming benefits during covid under their Yes I know lol. So my question is why does he have to pay the UIA back? I guess he had a hard time trying to get his unemployment this year. I had my unemployment hearing today with the judge. Has anyone ran into having to pay the UIA back all of what they received in benefits after being laid off due to Covid? Last year I was laid off for three months due to covid. My questio As for 2021 unemployment, unfortunately it matters what happened in 2021 when you do your taxes. It is worth noting that they're paying back unemployment for the dates before they started the $600 payments, so many people will get a lump sum from that. Texas will not, to the best of my knowledge, garnish your wages to pay back unemployment overpayments or send you to collection agency. It’s been difficult to communicate with them. You will have to pay back the money or they will garnish your wages and take your tax returns to pay for it. i am also not allowed to collect unemployment again for 2 more years. You're wrong. The Texas Workforce Commission owes you weekly payments back to the date you lost work (not when you applied). ” Unemployment is not paid back to anyone. It can take months for you to start receiving your checks, but once you do start you should consistently receive one every week. I got a huge tax bill once I went back to work and my unemployment pay got taxed. Gambling is something with bipartisan agreement is bad for the poor. I had to pay back unemployment because I went job hunting in a different state. It was voluntarily leave or fired. However, plain and simple, I cannot and will not be able to afford it, even with a payment plan. I doubt I’ll win the case but I’ll still need to pay around $2,500-$3,000 in overpayment. I got fucked on unemployment because I quit one employer and got laid off by another but in colorado they look back at the last 5 quarters but exclude the quarter before you file so I only got credit for a months worth of work with the employer that laid me off even though I had worked there for 4 months. I requested an appeal but did not receive my appeal date til after its date. Just go back to standard payments and you’ll be alright. hello, I received a notice from the state of New Hampshire on the unemployment portal stating that I've been overpaid by $23,339. The $600 didn't make any sense at the time but this must be them trying to get it back now. The status itself shows WED Paid 5/02 - 1 weeks worth of pay - 1 weeks worth of FPUC. Then, I receive a letter stating, in late April, that it had been determined that I had been overpayed and that I could appeal, but otherwise that I would have to pay back the amount. How is… This same thing just happened to me. The bills are still coming. texas. Yeah you can't do that. I started collecting unemployment last summer. The amount they give you weekly is 1. It also took them months to figure that You may request a waiver if it is determined that you were NOT at fault for the overpayment AND paying it back would cause financial hardship. org fill out the online application within 48 hours someone will get back to you to schedule an appointment to speak with an attorney who deals in unemployment matters. It's getting too close to the day I can't afford to pay back $8000 of the $7000 they paid me. I was fired from my job. hi all! so last year, my food service job let me go because of the pandemic, and when i filed for unemployment, i stated that as the reason for departure for that job. But they withhold a blanket 10% for taxes. My employer challenged the Unemployment claim saying I resigned. I just can’t do it right now. You gotta find work. But my point is I know a few people who have already had to pay back money and they are not paying anywhere near $300-400 a month lol. Make sure that you file your weekly claim on time. There are millions in the situation, if they want their money back they will take what they can get. This is the happiest I’ve been all pandemic. I actually think you can get back unemployment pay, even if you haven't been requesting weeks. It is recommended you do the online career workshops here you get a certificate that can be verified as proof of the work search activity. You might have other issues on your claim that prevent us from paying you. Make a payment(s) using our online system. sometimes you get a disconnected tone, sometimes a recording saying try later) that tells me you request back pay on thursday friday and saturday. First, it was their error, not mine. You can't claim unemployment and disability at the same time even if you weren't getting paid by sdi for that specific week. I can prove that my overpayment is a system error, but I can't get a response back from unemployment or the hearing place. Here's how I finally did and how you can claim your back pay. I was garnished and had to pay back $7k over the last year. If so you should be okay. "You have been receiving unemployment benefits, but we have temporarily suspended your claim because it may be tied to fraudulent activity. Hello - I'm currently seeking any feedback or help in trying to get reimbursed for my "benefit overpayment". I'm pretty confident it will be determined in my favor, for several reasons. They can put you on a payment plan but you need to talk to someone at the state about this. We took turns with our testimony and cross questioning. The only time that you have to pay Unemployment back is if you claim to have not worked that week, but you actually did work. I applied for back pay from March 2020 during the month of may and was back paid a large sum. I personally think it's bad practice by VEC to hand out money without actually reading the initial claim and then forcing someone to pay back months of UI that they thought they were qualified for. Hi all. The unemployment office in Oregon has determined 3 years later that I was not eligible for my benefits and wants me to pay back $28,000. Report all scammers to admins and to the mods to get them suspended from Reddit or at least banned from this sub. You will pay more than that in the end though. 5 years and fines up to $50,000 (on top of paying it all back and a penalty equal to 15% of what you stole) I. My employer decided he didn’t want to pay the unemployment insurance for unemployment I received a year ago. IF YOU WE'RE SELF EMPLOYED AND LOST WORK IN EARLY MARCH YOU DESERVE YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT PAY. I'm so sorry you're in this situation. Tuesday at 5:00 P. I was approved and have been certifying for the last 4 weeks. It could vary by state by here in Massachusetts you have to pay it all back plus penalties and can also be charged under the "false statements or misrepresentations" section of General Law had pretty severe penalties including prison up to 2. I also received my back payment of about 3k that I missed for the 3 Hey guys, if someone can help provide some answers to my situation that would be great! I filed for unemployment pretty late (Week of May 31st) and i got my 600 benefit plus unemployment but the “claim additional weeks” button after i submit does not pop up. Only employers pay and they pay more if they layoff more people and salaries play a part too. 25% of your total wage at gross base pay. 25 an hour and my unemployment is $365 i can work for $664(74 hours a week) and still get $1 of unemployment Believe me Any week that you claim you’ll get backpay for that week my girl wasn’t getting paid for a few months last year and then one night had about $13,000 deposited into her bank account. I think I paid 21% all said and done. So plan on at least another 10% of what you receive being needed to pay taxes at the end of the year. Just received mail basically said the department found I did not meet the legal requirement for the payment benefit and have to pay them back. He has a seasonal job and in the winter he is not employed. ) You can also contact the Benefit Payment Control Office at 609-376-5945 to set up a payment plan, or mail a check to: Bureau of Benefit Payment Control, Refund Processing Section, PO Box 951, Trenton NJ 08625-0951. Source: got screwed on unemployment over a decade ago. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The letters are supposed to scare people into paying it back. . This especially applies to the self-employed. I applied for unemployment and got approved and after 2 months got a notice that my previous employer was disputing my benefits and i quit for personal freedom and not medically. It’s my friends brother that is going through all this. As to whether you should stay on or not is situation specific. they went through the whole process, to recertify back to all the days i was unemployed. They pay an unemployment tax on each one of your payrolls this is what pays you not them directly. so I wasn't filing. They are going to pay a higher rate because of your claim. I like to raise suspicion on anyone who would dare to exercise an insurance policy in this day & age. I was a little skeptical at first, but this was the only source that had my number regarding to unemployment. What do i do? I am sick. Chips, Soda, Alc, Tobacco all pay outrageous taxes to the point they level the playing field with healthier alternatives. If you commited some sort of fraud or kept certifying when you weren't supposed to, then you will need to pay back the money you collected plus a penalty. Currently also paying an extra percent because ca ran out of funds during the recession and employers are paying for this as well. I planned to appeal because I was fired due to attendance problem and covid at the time. I didn't get the letter until it was too late to appeal (very short appeal window), and had to pay back all of my unemployment after the fact, even with witness statements and time cards proving that the employer falsified documents. When I found out, I filed for all of the back weeks and received the money! Try emailing the ombudsman@twc. I had chosen to not withhold taxes to have the extra cash on hand then so I would pay taxes later. From what I've seen after being on unemployment in my home state, you usually have to stop collecting unemployment benefits once you start working. Having to pay back UIA 13,000. You actually think the money you pay into unemployment insurance, medical insurance dental insurance, home insurance, travelers insurance, auto insurance, and life insurance should pay out when condition(s) are met, not exceeded. MA has been going back to ask people to verify their eligibility after-the-fact (it happened to me with PUA--still waiting to hear what the verdict is, but it's possible I'll have to pay back the entire PUA amount I've collected if they don't deem my paperwork adequate). If you don't have any docs like emails or texts about this, you are most likely boned and will have to pay everything back. That’s not correct. In ca unemployment is 100% paid by employers. You’ll be fine there’s literally thousands of people in your position. $7k that I voluntarily had taxes taken out, but I had to pay back the full in taxed amount back. If a claimant with an overpayment is still receiving benefits, UI will take 50% of the weekly benefit for non-fraud overpayments. They gave me $6k even though I never applied for unemployment benefits, they reopened my old account from when I was laid off years ago and started paying me during the covid bump for 2 months. That is a total of $14. All of the federal taxes withheld will be reported on the 2021 return as a tax payment. Also keep in mind the state didn't pay all that money the feds did. I lost my job in March but recently started another one in September, collecting ~$10K in unemployment in the interim. A place for your unemployment insurance questions. ETA: the only time you pay unemployment back is if they overpaid you. You should get in touch with the unemployment office in your town in Illinois for an accurate answer. I was finally able to get through to an agent today but they just said it could take up to a month. So I've been unemployed due to covid for a while now and have been receiving unemployment. What a crock of shit trying to make people pay back for their mistakes and money they didn't even put out. Hello everyone, I am in an unfortunate situation where I have to pay back unemployment funds due to being "ineligible". They claimed that I misrepresented myself on the states and federal pandemic unemployment assistance. Lol you’ll just have to pay back what you got plus probably a small fine amount. Added 7/24/2022 NYS DOL Unemployment Insurance Handbook for Claimantsand from there, Page V says To request back credit for a missed week There are three ways to request a credit for a missed week of benefits. Capped at a maximum of 6. Several years ago PA Unemployment laid off hundreds of workers and closed some offices. Unemployment is a little generous right now to help people stay home. If UI determines that they overpaid you (and it isn't your fault that they did) then you will pay back the exact amount they tell you to, probably in the form of writing a check out to the DOL. This waiver only applies to the following programs: • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) We approved your unemployment benefits from Jul 5 2020 to Aug 8 2020. I am more worried about having to pay back those two weeks beforehand if I really wasn’t looking. (Mind you, I was only receiving partial benefits and only for less than 3 months, so this amount was not a lot) Hey. The letters were titled "Determination of Overpayment - Non-Fraud". So no I would stay on unemployment til it ran out, then take the next construction job available. Hi I have question about paying back unemployment. For reference, I left my job at the beginning of the Covid pandemic because at the time I was living with 3 other people who were immunocompromised and had a likelihood of dying if they caught covid. I am getting confused with the wording. Yeah it's unnecessary complicated. I’ve tried to call my local unemployment office numerous times and there is never an answer. I added up all of my 2020 unemployment $ including that initial $600 deposit to see if it matched the 1099G tax form they sent and it was the same number. Received unemployment and then once I went back to work, I was only working part time still so was able to still claim for under wage. Also, call-back worked, which was a decent alternative to waiting on hold. M i got a call from NYS (Albany)! To verify me they asked for my full social security. Our state unemployment system is antiquated, unfair and poorly run. Am I only required to pay back during this time period. If this is happening because you said you were out of town (or in school) for an extended period of time you will have to pay it back. We send you separate letters about each issue affecting your claim. If my employer challenges this ruling and wins, will I have to pay back the money I have already received? Jun 8, 2020 · Contact your state unemployment office and wait for them to notify you by mail on how to pay the money back, they said. Most of them were classified as "administrative" and had the overpayment waived, however one of them was listed as "non-fraud", and I have to pay the amount back. Many states intentionally make it difficult to utilize unemployment benefits. Reply reply I don’t know what to tell them. 13 Signs You May Be Facing a Tech Layoff. You are leaking funds. An employer doesn’t pay unemployment in the and sense that you don’t work there and they still have to cut you a check. A long time ago I was getting unemployment and didn't know there was emergency unemployment at that time. There is a way to dispute it. The only thing you can do is show them you did say you were too sick to work on your unemployment weekly claim so they remove the fraud part but other than that their determinations seem correct. You will receive further instruction from EDD on how to verify your identity beginning January 6, 2021. Should I apply to jobs in my old field even though I have no intention of starting the job? I know my training program qualifies as an “in demand” field. I knew this was too much and contacted unemployment and even made an appeal. It would make tax reporting simpler if you repay the entire amount in Nov 13, 2024 · If your state asks you to repay unemployment benefits that you can't pay back, contacting the unemployment office should be at the top of your to-do list. I don’t think owing this money to the state has anything to do with your federal taxes. I was running through my entire savings. It’s counted as income and you’ll owe taxes on the amount you got from state unemployment. I even went to my bank to get records of everything that unemployment paid me. Well, then you shouldn't be buying a house right now. Get through right away to a lady(I tried every hour since on the hour since 8 am. Then I get a letter saying they overpaid me and want $4100 back. (Credit cards and e-checks are accepted; some fees may apply. If you're like me it took over a Long story short, I filed for unemployment in NY in 2020 and 2021, and did not pay taxes for either year. I can't do the online method yet because I haven't received a letter containing a claimant or benefit ID. My weekly claims were $480. The notice I got was stating a date range of December 27th 2020 to September 2021. Meta discussion of the best posts from r/legaladvice and related subs Wait what? What happens if you only get partial unemployment? The state of ga has it so they dont cancel out the first $300 of your earnings a week then its dollar for dollar upto your benefit amount or $365. 6k that they’re asking me to pay back, that as a student I just cannot. S. I used unemployment like a vacation from work, once work picked up we would work 7 days a week for months and months. If you don't anticipate needing unemployment in that window, you might not want to repay it in this case. You still owe taxes on that money when it was received. No taxes on milk bread etc. gov. Pay it back. but otherwise if you just voluntarily left a job that's not a reason to file or get unemployment. I hope I can get some advice on this matter. I began to get giddy. If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't need unemployment. I find out I am only receiving 2 weeks of pay no back pay. Posted by u/TeacherSharon - 1 vote and 1 comment Really depends why you are on employment, I used to work construction, when work got slow take unemployment til work picked up. It's insurance funded through a fee paid by employers and nothing to do with your personal taxes. It was difficult to get through, but doable without resorting to the measures people do now. 2102) This section requires the Department of Labor to provide pandemic unemployment assistance for up to 39 weeks to workers who (1) are not eligible for other federal or state unemployment insurance or pandemic emergency unemployment compensation; (2) meet certain conditions related to As I understand, if they pay you and the employer successfully appeals it, Unemployment strongly suggests you repay it but if you read carefully, it says if you don't repay it, you won't be eligible for unemployment for 3 years or something. Does the bank hold this against you? Pay your bills. I received a letter stating that I was no longer eligible for benefits and that I had to pay back the money via "Benefit overpayment"; however, EDD was in the wrong in which I appealed. I didn't make this mistake so why should I pay them back? Agree that a the system can be ridiculous, but just for the record, you don’t pay unemployment taxes. They,determined I am entitled to benefits and are sending me unemployment checks. This decision affects your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim, and these additional laws apply: Public Law 116-136 section 2102 Due to the unemployment office being busy it takes some time to receive unemployment. Former employer produced false documentation. But they accepted the claims. They are giving me a window of 30 days to protest this determination or I’ll have to pay back $11,600 received between March to November of 2020. It varies depending on which state you live in. Don't pay anything back yet. e. They should be keeping track of payments and being accurate on when it expires. When you go to the EDD website (Benefit Overpayments and Penalties) and to the Repayment options, it gives three payment options: Pay Online, Pay by Phone, and Pay by Mail. I do have a lien against me for not paying back unemployment overpayment. On Monday morning almost 9,000 was deposited into my account, then this morning the 1,800 LWA payment. Unemployment isn’t a safety net: it’s a plug. Just curious if anyone have something similar and whether their appeal work. I call 800-939-6631 press 1 then 2. The person who fired me wasn't on the call, had never met me, had no involvement with me in anyway shape or form and did not know the reason I was given for termination and the reason I was given they didnt have any [California] In addition to potentially making people pay ALL their PUA back, California has the potential to add a 30% penalty if the person is determined to have "intentionally gave false information or withheld information to receive benefits. Guess I paid taxes on this money and will have to pay it back. I was laid off of my job due to a lack of funding and have received unemployment, in fact I received the last of my unemployment just recently. I’m not sure how Michigan unemployment works. it also asked for my employment history, so i put the dates for all jobs i worked since i moved here in 2018, and everything was fine for 2020 in terms of me receiving payment. Just a couple days after I received all my unemployment, I get a message saying my employer is appealing my unemployment benefits. You only received unemployment without paying it back so you have to pay taxes on that. They’re asking me to pay back 13k, i filed an appeal and have spoken to a couple lawyers. The DOL owed me a difference of about $400 per week but instead of paying me the difference, they created a new claim and paid me the correct amount and are making me cancel my old claim and pay back all those weeks of payments. It's federally taxable income. I then stopped claiming unemployment. But nothing came of it, I never received an email back or anything and the representative on the phone said to just continue collecting UI. I also got a couple letters and emails from DES about AZ PUA. From the time you apply through the end of July, the federal government is kicking in an additional $600/week if you qualify for state benefits. I'm curious because my PUA (PEUC technically but w/e) was jjust approved and it should have 4 weeks back pay, but since there is no inquiry button I can't check each week. If you would I can confirm that this Ronald Moreno guy has helped two of my friends receive their money and get their accounts unlocked if that does not work you should contact legal services of nj@lsnj. I sent a response to their flag with the factual info and which payments I should actually be ineligible for and that I’m happy to pay what I owe. As for the $600 payments, don't know what to say about that, they're supposed to come every week. If this is happening because someone stole your information you will NOT have to pay it back. Even if im working at 7. Check and see about waivers for this type of thing. Dec 22, 2021 · Use the Unemployment section under Wages & Income in TurboTax. Why is it taking so much longer for the back pay? Anyone asking for personal information is trying to scam you out of your money! True EDD reps will never personally contact people via Reddit (however, they occasionally will call in the case of disputes, for example). If they decide you have to pay it all back and you do, you will get it as credit when you do your 2022 taxes. In January of 2023 I was told they over paid me for six weeks, and was immediately denied appeal when I tried. if you don't pay it back technically nothing will happen. A nice person at unemployment office told me to try and call to follow up but get a cocktail because I will be on hold for hours. One-time and recurring payments are also available. Well since I was considered an independent contractor, I now have to pay back all the payments I received from the date I started doordash. i then had to pay back the 2000$ i recieved, plus a 500$ penalty for "lying". The best you can do if that's the case is to work out a payment plan. Failure to perform required work search efforts can result in disqualification from the Unemployment Insurance program, and having to pay back benefits, plus penalties and interest. Got another letter for $1200, and then 2 weeks later received a letter for $9000 in 2023. Cal Now that CARES act has expired and the economy is set to reopen, states are enforcing work search requirements again. 178K subscribers in the Unemployment community. I had records of my applications and interviews in the other state, and job searches in the local city I was living at the time showing there were close to no openings there but it didn't matter. 856K subscribers in the bestoflegaladvice community. Be sure to pay it back There are repercussions for not returning overpaid This goes back to October and still haven’t gotten that week’s pay nor do I expect to at this point. Like I said, it sucks but they have a stake in [California] Hello- please don’t hate me for this this but I’m absolutely mortified. Is there a way to speed up a back pay request? I need the money now. 197 votes, 35 comments. 5% of the first 7k of each employees wage. Today we got a call saying we have to pay back our unemployment, saying our reasons for claiming were invalid. I received a letter now stating i have to pay back $1800 that was wrongfully accepted. dgmfm kxmskop efoocl misnvp dkhqlx icsycwuy swm fhoimq fjfh gzblq nhlq vlpj eokyqd rbwdhgk fdmpqnt