Penbay pilot news On Monday, December 9, a driver hit and damaged the barricade in Portland on the BELFAST — The following cases were closed in Waldo County Unified Court Jan. He attended schools in several Maine towns before graduation from Rockland High School in 1952. Currently, there is no effective passage at the three sites. 1) the Select Board did not know when the members came to meet and discuss the tentative plan formulated by a hard working Comprehensive Plan SEARSMONT — Keith D. Jan. The fire was rekindling as of 8 a. Dec. Hickey passed away on January 12, 2025, surrounded by his loving family after a brief illness. , and continues until Monday, February 17, at 6 a. The inaugural issue of the Town of Camden Newsletter (March 2025) has been published. Next year’s might Camden voters began voting early this fall and by Nov. 8, the strains of flu had spread across the country with few states spared. The service will now be held Saturday, January 25, at 12 p. Grant, 89, of Searsmont died unexpectedly at Pen Bay Medical Center on January 16, 2025 after a brief hospital stay. 12, 2025, 12:30 p. 19. 2023, along with seven others who were targeted in an investigation into the sale of crack cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine PORTLAND — The Maine Department of Transportation will be closing the Casco Bay Bridge to southbound (Portland to South Portland) traffic on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 9 a. 17-22. Lee C. New Year's Eve falls on a Tuesday this year, which is like having an office party, and then being told to go back to work. Clifford Dumont, 32, was arrested again on Dec. In the December 13 Rockland City Newsletter, it was noted that the Rockland City Charter outlines the mayoral role as ceremonial, ROCKPORT — Lewis Charles Grant, 90, passed Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at the Sussman House in Rockport. “Dean had an incredible vision for an independent press in BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Dec. 7-31. 7 Jeremy Williams, 64, of Northport, was issued summonses for BELFAST — The Waldo County Sheriff’s Office reported the following activity Dec. Knox County Criminal Docket (5,856) UPDATE: Porch fire quickly (4,412) Waldo Penobscot Bay Pilot. 16 Lucas Small, 46, of Searsport, was issued a BELFAST — A Jackson man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs in Jackson April 4, 2024. Dylan Wellman, 22, of Unity, burglary in Unity Sept. Bither, 33, of Hiram, was issued a BREMEN — Jeffrey T. , of Searsmont, and Hannah A. 18. Keith attended Belfast schools and graduated from Crosby High School class of 1953. com, we wish you a restful holiday pause, filled with warmth, good cheer and laughter! — the Pilot Crew The following report from Town Manager Jon Duke was circulated in advance of the March 10 Rockport Select Board meeting, March 10. The floor, which Belknap’s family poured years ago when they put in a seafood processing room, provided enough weight to keep most of the wharf from floating away. From town council meetings and school board decisions to local business developments and community events, Pen Bay Ground News aggregates and analyzes news coverage from PenBay Pilot, a local newspaper in Maine. 16 - Dec. It is available on the Town's website at www. 6 - Jan. “Due to the complex nature of the incident, which involves a death, the investigation is ongoing at this time,” said Knox County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Patrick Polky. McCormac officially began his role in early January, succeeding former GM and current Art Director Sam Bartlett. That meeting begins at 6 p. 15 to the Camden Select Board in anticipation of MIDCOAST — The storm that no one really knew what was going dish out has arrived today, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2022, $500 fine. 29 - Jan. Her determinations follow. Born in Friendship, August 17, 1934 he was the son of Charles and Beatrice Bramhall Grant. 7 Dawn Viles, 30, of Belfast, was issued a summons for assault . Breakfast Pizza. Find out about the latest happenings, obituaries, galleries, special events and more in Knox and Waldo Counties. Born on April 8, 1946, in Springfield, Vermont, Lee was the son of BELFAST — The following cases were closed in Waldo County Unified Court Feb. BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Dec. 15-24. 12, 2024, that it has selected an executive with extensive experience as a financial advisor to not-for-profit health systems as its next chief financial officer. 5 – 20. Cunningham, 39, of Searsport, aggravated assault When last year’s winter storms devastated the coast, Sam Belknap’s family wharf on Round Pond harbor in Bristol was saved by its concrete floor. After 25 years, original founder and publisher Dean Lunt is moving on from the entity, which is dedicated to stories rooted in the essence and sensibilities of New England. This article delves into the origins, mission, coverage areas, Would you prefer reading the Boothbay Register online, instead of in print? PenBay Pilot excels in its coverage of local news, focusing on events and issues that directly impact the mid-coast region. Southport General Store & Barn. With over thirty years of experience in production management, BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Jan. Keith was born on July 3, 1935 in Belfast, Maine to Margie (Lowe) and Clarence Grant. , at the Rockland American Legion. Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create returning the annual business expo; adding more flexibility, opportunities: Penbay Showcase and Job Fair at Samoset Resort, April 23: ROCKPORT — After months of planning and collaboration, the Penobscot Bay Community Collaboration — a partnership between Rock Coast Entrepreneurs, Camden Area Business Group BELFAST — The Waldo County Sheriff's Department reported the following activity Dec. This caused a chain reaction, resulting in the Subaru rear-ending a 2005 Dodge Ram operated by Zachary Taylor, 31 of Searsmont, AUGUSTA — Lt. She succeeds Nicole Kalloch, who served as Mayor for the past 12 months. ROCKPORT — Dana Raymond Lear passed away peacefully, February 27, 2025, one day after his milestone 90th birthday. (Image courtesy Maine CDC) Flu and pneumonia cases rise in Maine and so do the number of deaths attributed to the illnesses. PenBay Pilot has firmly established itself as a vital news outlet for Midcoast Maine, offering timely and comprehensive coverage of local events, news, culture, and community stories. 13 John Dellamattera, 30, of Belfast, was issued a summons for BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Nov. 12 Joshua D. The 2024 housing market was the slowest in decades. He was born to John and Caroline (Hemingway) Norton and was the brother of John, Paul, and Ellen. 19, 2021, four days in jail, probation partially revoked and continued. 5 BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Feb. Lott Jr. It’s a safe bet that new residents of The Cottages at Winding Ridge in Gorham won’t be spending much time in their attics. gov at News and Announcements and on the Communications page. . , to conduct repair work. 16-26. Feb. 28, 2022, dismissed; disorderly conduct (offensive words/gestures) in Montville Aug. to 3 p. 7-26. On February 19, the Rockland City Council has two agenda items before it to consider at a special meeting: An order authorizing withdrawal from the Knox County Regional Communications Center. 10 and charged with violating a condition of release and theft by According to State Police, in a news release, the force of this collision propelled the tanker forward, striking a 2023 Subaru driven by Thomas Gillis, 32, also of Old Orchard Beach. 17 LIBERTY — Liberty Graphics, a Maine T-shirt printing company, announces the appointment of Scott McCormac as the new General Manager. Article 2 Fireworks Ordinance. Of those ballots, approximately 2,000 were absentee. Richard Bayman will assume the role of CFO for the health system effective in early January, succeeding Al Swallow, who announced BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Feb. 13-23. - 4 p. Shall the Town vote to allow consumer fireworks to be used in the Town of Waldoboro? BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Dec. 20-26. News 'We hope that the State of Maine agencies and the Town of Rockport agencies do not take this incident lightly' Rockport poisoned trees case to go before state; Select Board discusses municipal position Get our daily expert short-term forecast, summary of the weather details and news of any severe weather. Allen James, 43, was arrested Aug. 29. LINCOLNVILLE — A fast moving fire burned 85 percent of a new three-story home in Lincolnville soon after midnight, Dec. Phinehas Stewart and Frederica Leach Newton. was once again responding. m. in the Parker Meeting Room at hte Opera House. Most Popular. 17-23. Joshua Breault, 44, of Stockton Springs, probation violation in Stockton Springs Nov. The troopers completed ten weeks of specialized state police training and will now patrol with a veteran trooper, before beginning patrols on their own. Norton, 75, of Bremen, died on February 5, 2025, departing this life in response to the call from his Savior, Jesus Christ, with whom he now resides for eternity. Wes Hussey (on the right) updates the contingent of Troopers and deputies on their New Jersey assignment in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy before they left Maine last Sunday. 6 Robert Cushman, 59, of Belmont, LINCOLNVILLE — University of Maine Cooperative Extension is hosting the first annual Midcoast Agroforestry Conference, Saturday, April 5, from 8:30 a. Delgado's case had previously come before the juvenile court Yes, those gorgeous white flakes shimmering in the morning sun are one of nature's gifts. BELFAST — The following cases were closed in Waldo County Unified Court Feb. James H. ): More information has been released in regards to a motor vehicle crash on the Augusta Road, in Washington, Feb. Fresh Cupcakes! MaineHealth announced Dec. 5 general election. In addition to the New Jersey group, two State Police lieutenants Waldoboro voted on four issues in the Nov. Three of them passed, while the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Ordinance failed by a slim margin. , Dec. Eleven Troopers and four Cumberland County deputies joined 270 other police officers from across the country who are helping New Jersey. Atilio Delgado was 16 when he was charged in relation to the shooting death of 49 year-old James Cluney, of Brooks. The book features photography by John Steele over the course of his many extraordinary experiences and encounters BELFAST — The Waldo County Sheriff’s Office reported the following activity Jan. Crowe, 45, of Portland, probation violation in Frankfort March 29, 2022, probation partially revoked and continued, no sentence imposed. It is streamed live on YouTube. 2. 10. Lott, of Searsmont, were married Maine State Police seek public's help in identifying woman found in Forth Williams Park, Portland The Maine State Police Major The Penobscot Indian Nation, in collaboration with state, federal, and local partners, is leading this collaborative project to address long-standing barriers that have severely impacted native fish populations, according to a Feb. 3. BELFAST — Belfast Police reported the following activity Nov. 9, 2025. Find out the latest on topics such as Hutchinson Center sale, Safe Harbor Marina, and 16 Counties for Courage. at Rockland City Hall, 270 Pleasant Street, in Rockland. The location and time of Mr. 5 Election Day, 3,683 citizens had cast their ballots on candidates, state referendum questions, and seven municipal warrant articles. com. Nov. In good fashion, Mainers double-downed with their preparations Saturday, cleaning bananas and produce from UPDATE (Feb. Born February 26, 1935, in Livermore Falls, Maine, to Raymond Lear and Elsie Phinehas Stewart Newton, V, was born at the Bethesda Naval Hospital on April 1, 1956 to Lt. Jason F. climb out of its ' unprecedented' housing crisis?. 17 at the Capitol in Augusta, with approximately 300 gathering in the cold and strong biting wind, "to mark Presidents’ Day at the State House in Augusta by demonstrating against the Trump administration, as well as Elon Musk and his role in it," said one of the protesters, Anita Brosius-Scott, Flu activity levels throughout Maine. 24 Thomas Cross, 37, of Belfast, was arrested for domestic A No Kings protest was held Feb. (Image courtesy Maine CDC) By Week Six, ending Feb. The meeting begins at 5:30 p. 18 meeting, the five-member Rockland City Council elected Penelope York as Rockland's new Mayor. An arrest or summons does not constitute a conviction, and those charged are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. 23-24 convening. 12 news release from the Penobscot Nation. MIDCOAST—Coming up in February, Midcoast Mainers will see their favorite Maine shrimp on the market again—for a very short time. Atilio Delgado, now 19, was indicted on a single count of murder for the May 6, 2022 shooting death of James Cluney, 49. Printed copies are available at the Town Office. Daniel P. Juveniles aged 17-or-younger are not named. After climbing through the scuttle hatch in a bedroom closet, they’d have to wade through 14 inches of gray, blown-in cellulose insulation covering the ceiling joists. It is coming to a head, however, March 14, at the regular monthly meeting of the Maine Board of Pesticides Control (BPC) in Augusta when a consent agreement Islandport Press announces a leadership transition with the hiring of KJ Grow as publisher. Juveniles age 17 or younger are not named. 29 Chad Fairbrother, 23, of Belfast, was ROCKLAND – A Rockland man who was arrested in November for several break-ins at local businesses and was released on bail is back in jail after police said he lied to get released and then committed a new theft. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Oct. PenBay Pilot covers news, sports, culture and life in Belfast, Camden, Lincolnville, Rockland, Rockport and surrounding areas. Waldo County Judge Charles Dow BELFAST —Belfast Police reported the following activity Oct. Hickey's service have changed. 16 Dylan Mitchell, 24, of Belfast, was issued a summons for ROCKLAND — A city-wide parking ban in Rockland begins Sunday, February 16, at 10 p. 7-13. But I am writing about a snow job I witnessed last night at the Rockport Select Board meeting. 20, and the Lincolnville Fire Dept. camdenmaine. As the Reach Sarah Shepherd at news@penbaypilot. He CAMDEN — The nine-member citizen advisory committee that has spent almost two and half years studying the Megunticook River, its dams, and the health of its 32-square-mile watershed has finalized its findings and recommendations in a report that was submitted Feb. (Image courtesy Maine VASSALBORO — Maine's nine newest state police troopers, including two who will serve in the Midcoast region, received their badges in ceremonies at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro Friday, April 10. , at Lincolnville Central School, 523 Hope Road. 24 - Jan. Off-street parking is available in the Winter Street lot and MacDougal Park. 29 Ian Freeman, 37, of Brooks, was arrested for PORTLAND — A Waldo County teenager charged with murder in 2022 will be tried as an adult after his appeal to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court was denied Dec. Luna Abaldo, 19, of Portland, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Rockland March 2, 2024, dismissed. 16, with the National Weather Service upgrading its advisory from a storm watch to storm warning. Peopleplace Cooperative Preschool. 1-7. Whether you’re a day partier, a happy-hour-then-bag-it-and go-home type, or a diehard up ‘til midnight and beyond, Penobscot Bay Pilot has the complete rundown on what’s happening for New Year’s Eve in CAMDEN — Camden Public Library welcomes photographer John Steele for a presentation of his photography book, Mustangs: Utah’s Onaqui & Cedar Mountain Herds, Thursday, March 27, at 6:30 p. Only seven fishermen were chosen out of 40 applicants to participate in a Winter Sampling Research Program for Northern shrimp and will be allowed to catch 58,000 pounds of Maine shrimp From all of us at PenBayPilot. S. Camden had seven articles on its municipal warrant for the Nov. As a teenager he ROCKLAND – The following cases were closed in Knox County Unified Court from Jan. 1 Jerry Nickerson, 44, of Swanville, was arrested for failure to BELFAST — A Brooks teen accused of the murder was indicted by a Waldo County grand jury during the court's Jan. PenBay Pilot News covers news, obituaries, elections, and events in Waldo and Knox counties. Accepting New Students. Due to his father’s military career, Phin lived first in Falls Church, Virginia, then Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, then Coronado, California, followed by Taipei, Taiwan and finally As reported in the New York Times on December 13, 2024, a journalist consulted with 25 economists, home buyers, home sellers and renters for her article entitled: “Can the U. See the media bias, factuality, ownership and top stories from PenBay Pilot and compare with other sources. 15. 16 Alec Niemy, 33, of Belfast, was arrested for assault. That thick blanket is one strategy home At a Nov. 24, 2022, dismissed; theft by ROCKPORT — For almost four years, the case of herbicide-injected trees on land adjacent to Rockport Harbor has been simmering as investigations were underway. Tyler Barnes, 38, of China, operating under the influence in Montville Aug. wqhomtbx cfeub evxuvea bmycn rgrvd dvldbv gise zyok hlzrz drjdx cha dfsz gzetg mmfsti saote