Qmake link library. Also, it is impossible to link with .
Qmake link library Link external library from different directory. That way the list of compiled object files from Oct 29, 2019 · That call is now responsible for providing all the information that was previously handled by the lines for building the library: Providing of an imported target power for consumption by the target_link_libraries call; Association of the library name of the import library (the power. Use the LINK_OPTIONS target property or target_link_options() command to add link flags explicitly. To accomplish this we need to add BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to the top-level CMakeLists. This type of library is not compiled standalone. As far as I remember, it will be installed to /usr/share/cmake/Modules/ along with other find-scripts for common libraries. Jan 25, 2021 · I want to rebuild a simple application based on a . In CMake you could use find_package to find libraries you need. lib file (import file). LNK1104:Can't open file "Debug\m. Using a linker flag: set(CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARIES_ONLY_TARGETS ON) add_library(myLib STATIC myLib. The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_executable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target. 5) set( Indirect link dependencies are propagated from those entries of LINK_LIBRARIES that name library targets by following the transitive closure of their INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES properties. lib). txt should be like this : cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3. CMakeLists. A plain library name: The generated link line will ask the linker to search for the library (e. You have to use it like target_link_libraries(ch4 m) to link libmto your target. c) ADD_EXECUTABLE(myexe main. Basically, instead of depending on other projects to specify debug/release and all sorts of other junk, you just set it on the one qmake file. Link interface : the list of libraries to be linked by the target's dependents. Linking external libraries in C++ can be challenging, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you can efficiently link libraries using CMake or Makefiles. Mar 23, 2011 · This isn't really a direct solution, but I was having such difficulty with "undefined reference" errors (solved previously by linking the appropriate libraries, but not in this case), until I just discovered something - an incompatibility with c vs cpp somehow. GameCenter) you need to have a "Link Binary with Libraries"-buildstep and then link with "GameKit. Opening app1. Aug 26, 2021 · I use include_directories, to add the . From the CMake documentation I understand there are really 3 ways to link a library that is not built as a target in a subproject of your overall application/library. In this section we will show how the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable can be used to control the default behavior of add_library(), and allow control over how libraries without an explicit type (STATIC, SHARED, MODULE or OBJECT) are built. cpp) target_link_libraries(dummy a b) CMake runs fine with this, and my application compiles but fails to link. X), in the . " Link dependencies : the list of libraries to be linked by the target. Because of that this command gets called by a third party cmake script removing the command call is not an option. 8) ADD_LIBRARY(LibsModule file1. Generating the build environment with CMake and then building the application using the generated Makefile. . > > Do you have any ideas . cmake file that uses link_directories and in fact when using target_link_libraries on a static library to link it with library "Something" then link that static library with a binary program, the linker fails to link the libraries because link_directories is not taken in account An interface library can then "link" against other libraries and this interface library can, in turn, be "linked" against. Also, it is impossible to link with . So, for any target that links with a library that uses dlopen, etc, invoke: target_link_libraries(MY_TARGET LIB1 LIB2 LIBN ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) Sep 21, 2010 · Note that gcc refuses to link if you pass the -static option, but you have dynamic libs in the link arguments - which you will if you just simply use FindOpenCV. txt src/ CMakeLists. I can set INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (and possibly later also linking) in the below example. I have packaged and zipped it, I get it from a remote server with FetchContent and everything is (almost) fine. The settings depend on the library type. We have. Previous topic. I have a FindSomething. c) target_link_libraries(module rt) in the module/ sub-directory. c file, the first parameter in target_link_libraries is the name of your project and the second parameter is the path of the library. a) instead of: find_library(SOMELIB somelib) Just out of curiosity - if the compiler is gcc and the taget system is Solaris, it might me necessary to use the compiler option -lm to statically link the math library. framework". Set that property directly to specify a strategy for a single target. Jul 18, 2017 · I'm trying to link library using relative path and not absolute path. txt adds imgui On 08/24/2011 06:19 PM, Lars Bilke wrote: > Dear CMake-users, > > is it possible to remove a library which is linked to a target. c) add_executable(myExe myExe. txt, I added an INTERFACE library, and use it as target in a call to target_compile_options() (by using also INTERFACE). so and distribute it with my program. The code compiles fine, but has problem while linking the libraries. SHARED. Note that may help : Since i am compiling under windows, i had to install msys2 because the library you have has to be compiled with the same compiler. cpp source2. The target-specific command can also control how the search directories propagate to other dependent targets. Feb 11, 2024 · Link the dependencies: Link the dependencies in the same way as the main library, using CMake or Makefiles. it's an uncommon library, or it's your own library), then you can use the basic commands (the find_X commands) to set variables with the paths you need. When the target is linked into another target using the target_link_libraries() command, the libraries listed (and recursively their link interface libraries) will be provided to the other target also. Build the application and link the shared library with a Makefile. But other projects link to them. sln and building with Visual Studio, it crashes as. txt. add_library(staticfoo OBJECT <src>) and use then as some sort of sources when build other library: add_library(sharedfoo SHARED <src> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:staticfoo>) For more info see documentation on add_library. The target property LINK_LIBRARIES holds this information. In the root CMakeLists. Flag to be used to link a library into a shared library or executable. dll library file: it should be . Jul 25, 2021 · Hi, I am trying to build an android application using QT and QML. lib, you can it do like this: target_link_libraries(myProj myLib) CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FILE_FLAG¶ Flag to be used to link a library specified by a path to its file. txt file: PROJECT("app1") ADD_LIBRARY(m SHARED m. How do I convince cmake to link the application against the library? If I wanted to build a debug and a release version, what's the best way to extend my cmake scripts to do this — making sure that the debug application links against the debug library and the release application against the release library? I'm a relative newcomer to cmake. INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES¶. Sep 22, 2021 · The structure of my project: +--ROOT -CmakeLists. so game_executable game_executable depends on . It installs fine, but I can't figure out how to actually link the libraries after they are downloaded. The flags will then be placed at the toolchain-defined flag position in the link command. add_library(liba SHARED a. For a statically linked internal library, Qt Creator adds dependencies (target_link_libraries when using CMake or PRE_TARGETDEPS when using qmake) in the project file. dll) is wrong: it defines a library which should be built by CMake. The library must exist for qmake to find the directory where a -l lib is located. It seems CMake add what’s LINK_LIBRARIES added The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_executable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target. h src game_executable. s0. It's something like: lib/ CMakeLists. Jan 2, 2023 · add_library、target_link_libraries和link_directories的用法一、add_library用法:二、link_directories用法:三、target_link_libraries用法: 一、add_library 用法: 该指令的主要作用就是将指定的源文件生成链接文件,然后添加到工程中去。该指令常用的语法如下: add_library(<name Jul 20, 2015 · If your staticfoo library is used solely as part of other libraries/executables, you can define it as. From the book "Mastering CMake". add_link_options( <option> This command can be used to add any link options, but alternative commands exist to add libraries ( target_link_libraries() or link_libraries() ). A Shared Library: a dynamic library that may be linked by other targets and loaded at runtime. This variable defines how to link a library or framework for the specified <FEATURE> when a LINK_LIBRARY generator expression is used. This property contains the list of transitive link dependencies. txt module/ CMakeLists. The target_link_libraries() command should be preferred whenever possible. lib" This variable defines how to link a library or framework for the specified <FEATURE> when a LINK_LIBRARY generator expression is used and the link language for the target is <LANG>. The benefit is you can control the dependency being a PRIVATE dependency or a PUBLIC one. The library name/flag is treated as a command-line string fragment and will be used with no extra quoting or escaping. How to use CMake to find and link to the library? You may have the following preferences: write the least possible amount of boiler-plate code; decouple the internal details of the linked library from the consuming target; Ideally, the usage of the library should look like this: add_executable(myexe ) target_link_libraries(myexe mylib::mylib) Feb 12, 2025 · Interface libraries For libraries that provide both an interface library (headers) and an implementation library, you might need to link to both. c foo. Specify Library Search Paths The primary role of link_directories() is to tell the linker where to look for external libraries that your target (executable or library) depends on. Jun 10, 2013 · So, if you want to link to a static library, you need to search for that static library: find_library(SOMELIB libsomelib. cmake along with your CMake installation. cpp ) target_link_libraries(LibsModule -lpthread) target_link_libraries(LibsModule liblapack. But because I only want to do this temporarily, I'd like to manually set this path with ccmake/cmake-gui. MODULE. On platforms requiring dependent shared libraries to be found at link time CMake uses this list to add appropriate files or paths to the link command line. For more information about library features, see the CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_LIBRARY_USING_<FEATURE> and CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_USING I think it's CMake's default behavior to not link project2 to the external library, but to link both libraries to the executable. On most compilers this is -l. If both properties are defined and specify an override for the same link item, LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE_<LIBRARY> takes precedence over LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE. cxx Feb 27, 2013 · Yes, you can use find_library for each library to get the full path to it, then just include the result in your target_link_libraries call in place of the bare wsock32 and/or ws2_32. 10 or older) without support for target_include_directories, you can also use the legacy include_directories instead: Oct 2, 2019 · While I agree with @Guillaume, I'll combine the suggestions into an answer, as the linked answer is not very clear. Library dependencies are chained automatically, so directory-wide specification of link libraries is rarely needed. c module1. If user unzips my archive, he will get this folder structure: game libLibrary. See documentation of the directory and target LINK_OPTIONS properties. Aug 15, 2019 · I want to add one more to clarify the terms "link dependencies" and "link interface. hpp files and but no . There are . This might not be correct, depending on the linker. cpp) # The main library that contains all of the sub libraries. If you use the Unix -l (library) and -L (library path) flags, qmake handles the libraries correctly on Windows (that is, passes the full path of the library to the linker). Jun 21, 2023 · Qt is a project made of many components. Thus, to forward your intended link flags to the linker, you must use the LINKER: prefix. add_library(mainlib SHARED) target_link_libraries(mainlib sublib_a sublib_b) Oct 31, 2024 · To link an external library with CMake, you first need to locate the library files on your system. add_library(module module1. include_directories(a) include_directories(b) add_executable(dummy dummy. Using a CMake package for one of the shipped package scripts. This flag will be used to specify a library to link to a shared library or an executable for the specific language. tutorial. lib) and suffixes (e. . YES. Once the library is created, it is connected to our executable target with target_include_directories() and target_link_libraries(). How to tell CMake to link executable against library? 19. Therefore, when a header-only library is installed, only header files are copied at the destination. For more fine-grained control over what is linked, instead of calling target_link_libraries you can also mess with the LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target properties directly. Since static libraries do not link to the libraries on which they depend, it is important for CMake to keep track of the libraries so they can be specified on the link line of the executable being created. cpp) target_link_libraries(main libtest-lib) This should already work. cpp) add_library(sublib_b STATIC source3. The first argument must be a target. cpp) Then, in the root project folder, I need to link my main application to both. Instead you want to link your library to some other target. Nov 21, 2017 · After running CMake and installing the library, there is no need to use Find***. Dec 30, 2020 · # my_tgt can be an executable, library, or module. 19. The library is always de-duplicated. cpp source4. Next topic. The suffix for libraries that you link to. To link a project to the shared library: In the Projects view, right-click the project name to open the context menu and select Add Library > Internal Library > Next . The library linkage was added with the target_link_libraries command. Where you would have set QT+= in qmake, instead you will use components in CMake. The wizard instructs the build system to link an existing application project or a library project against the selected library. My project structure: game bin libLibrary. g. How it Works Oct 9, 2011 · We would like to build a shared library with CMAKE system. Mar 31, 2015 · If you're asking about how to link your project to the pre-built static library, you can do like this by calling target_link_libraries. For this variable to have any effect, the associated CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_GROUP_USING_<FEATURE>_SUPPORTED variable must be set to true. If this attribute is not specified, the default is an empty list. cpp files except for tests. Each Qt Modules Document page will tell you how to find it for both qmake and CMake. There usually is a FindBoost. add_executable(main main. The same might hold for other target systems if gcc is used. From what i've seen, my CMakeLists. project (MyProgramExecBlaBla) #not sure whether this should be the same name of the executable, but I always see that "convention" cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2. For an executable with exports (see the ENABLE_EXPORTS target property) no default transitive link dependencies are used. 4. Mar 9, 2022 · Calling GCC directly to build the application and link the shared library. Feb 19, 2015 · If a library search path must be provided, prefer to localize the effect where possible by using the target_link_directories() command rather than link_directories(). Specify the de-duplication strategy for a library using this feature. Language-specific suffix for libraries that you link to. In addition to accepting values from the target_link_libraries() command, values may be set directly on any target using the set_property() command. so. h/. cpp, a . txt module1. The flag will be used before a library file path is given to the linker. txt: Aug 27, 2013 · Usually when you want to link against a library that doesn't have a find_package module (e. If a library search path must be provided, prefer to localize the effect where possible by using the target_link_directories() command rather than link_directories(). Both of the following conditions must be met for this variable to have any effect: The associated CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_USING_<FEATURE>_SUPPORTED variable must be set to true. foo becomes -lfoo or foo. cmake files, it can be used like this: find_package(MyLib REQUIRED) #No need to perform include_directories() target_link_libraries(${TARGET} mylib) That's it, if it has been installed in a standard directory it will be found and there is no need to do anything else. Add options to the link step for executable, shared library or module library targets in the current directory and below that are added after this command is invoked. txt Dec 3, 2014 · "If a library name matches that of another target in the project a dependency will automatically be added in the build system to make sure the library being linked is up-to-date before the target links. Goal¶ Add and use a library. Depending on the development platform, some options might be detected automatically. qmake will use this to determine the relevant linking information, specifically adding values to the application project file's list of DEFINES as well as LIBS. txt to conditionally link to the system-wide librt library only when on Linux environment? Jun 8, 2021 · I usually create a CMake target first to import the prebuilt/precompiled library, then use target_link_libraries like y ou normally link to a CMake library target. A link flag: Item names starting with -, but not -l or -framework, are treated as linker flags Each library name given to the NAMES option is first considered as is, if it contains a library suffix, and then considered with platform-specific prefixes (e. lib file) via that imported target Oct 8, 2011 · How to write CMakeLists. Language-specific flag to be used to link a library specified by a path to its file. Jul 8, 2015 · On a standard cmake library I would just have to add the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property in the library CMakeLists to make cmake link my app with the relevant Mar 17, 2021 · Hello, I have a set of C source files and headers. txt +--imgui_glfw -CmakeLists. Contents of LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE_<LIBRARY> may use generator expressions. List of direct link dependencies. – Fraser Commented Jun 24, 2013 at 18:58 May 25, 2023 · The answer turns out to be quite simple: cmake needs to be told to link with the DL libs, using ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}. cmake behaves though) Nov 30, 2024 · Basically my code look like this: LINK_LIBRARIES(Foo) add_library(StaticLib lib. May 4, 2015 · Now I want to link them to my binary in the General directory like this: add_executable(main ${main_SRCS}) target_link_libraries (main sfml‑system sfml‑window sfml‑network sfml‑graphics sfml‑audio sfml‑main # Other stuff here ) But I get: Oct 11, 2015 · While I prefer a shared library (m. Let's say . lib on Windows. Aug 11, 2011 · I have a CMake project where I am using a library and now I want to test my code with a different version of that library. From this I want to compile a shared library for normal linkage and then similar (just some different DEFINEs) MODULE library used to dynamically load the functionality as a module with RTLD_GLOBAL, so the namespace will be afterwards infused with its symbols. This property specifies the list of libraries or targets which will be used for linking. txt Root CmakeLists. c needs some standard shared library like librt. Link a shared library with CMake. target_link_options(my_tgt PRIVATE "LINKER:-as-needed") Note that CMake always passes flags to the configured compiler. This is needed only on very few platforms. so lib Library. – Apr 21, 2020 · How to link a library that was created from add_subdirectory in CMake? 2. A Module Library: a plugin that may not be linked by other targets, but may be dynamically loaded at runtime using dlopen-like functionality. Specify a strategy for ordering targets' direct link dependencies on linker command lines. For this variable to have any effect, the associated CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_LIBRARY_USING_<FEATURE>_SUPPORTED variable must be set to true. Jul 11, 2011 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Dec 4, 2024 · 在 CMake 中,target_link_libraries 命令用于将一个或多个库链接到特定的目标上,如可执行文件或库。通过 target_link_libraries 命令,你可以方便地管理和链接你的项目所需的所有库,使得 CMake 构建系统能够正确地生成可执行文件或库,并确保它们能够正确地链接和运行。 Aug 11, 2014 · You can overload add_library the same way if required. from an `add_subdirectory()` call. This variable defines how to link a group of libraries for the specified <FEATURE> when a LINK_GROUP generator expression is used and the link language for the target is <LANG>. add_library(sublib_a STATIC source1. Once you have identified the location of the library files, you can specify the path to the directory containing the library files using the link_directories() function in your CMakeLists. CMake supports multiple strategies for nominally ordering direct and indirect link dependencies, which are then filtered for Toolchain-Specific Behavior . txt file. I want to link a third-party libLibrary. When linking to a static library, CMake adds the implicit link libraries and flags from this variable for each language used in the static library (except the language whose compiler is used to drive linking). The suffix to use for the end of a library filename, . All three options work fine. h files from my library and add_library to add the static library, and at the end target_link_libraries (untitled2 PRIVATE $ {MYLIB}), but I get this error when I run the program. To add libraries to projects that you build with qmake: In the Projects view, right-click the project name to open the context menu and select Add Library. Then you use those variables as with find_package (include_directories, target_link_libraries). so), as defined by the variables CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES and CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES. The list should be disjoint from the list of interface libraries in the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property. a) target_link_libraries(LibsModule -L/home Link flags specified here are inserted into the link command in the same place as the link libraries. Apr 1, 2015 · Is there a way to print a list the filenames for the libraries linked into a target via the target_link_libraries command or even better, have all a target's dependencies copied to a specific folder? Jun 16, 2024 · 在 CMake 中,target_link_libraries 命令用于将一个或多个库链接到特定的目标上,如可执行文件或库。这个命令非常灵活,可以用来指定目标所需的所有依赖项,包括系统库、第三方库以及你自己的其他目标。 Specify libraries or flags to use when linking any targets created later in the current directory or below by commands such as add_executable() or add_library(). CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FILE_FLAG. First add the directory to be included: target_include_directories(test PRIVATE ${YOUR_DIRECTORY}) In case you are stuck with a very old CMake version (2. lang. cpp CMakeLists. 24 adds an official way to do this using the LINK_LIBRARY:WHOLE_ARCHIVE generator expression: add_library(lib1 STATIC ) add_library(lib2 ) target_link_libraries(lib2 PRIVATE "$<LINK_LIBRARY:WHOLE_ARCHIVE,lib1>") That being said, using object libraries is usually an easier solution. My Cmake project create a link against libfreeimage. When this is enabled, qmake will process all libraries linked to by the application and find their meta-information. This override mechanism is superseded by LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE or LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE_<LIBRARY> target property definitions, if defined. Files to Edit¶ CMakeLists. For more information about library features, see the CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_LIBRARY_USING_<FEATURE> and CMAKE_LINK Jan 5, 2017 · the project had just only a main. Library paths If CMake cannot find the necessary libraries, you might need to provide the path to the library directories using include_directories() or other mechanisms. a A Static Library: an archive of object files for use when linking other targets. For already-built libraries IMPORTED library target should be used. How do I do this? Jun 15, 2011 · I am trying to use ExternalProject_add() to download/install dependencies. c) target_link_libraries(myExe PRIVATE miLib) # typo for myLib In order to link toolchain-provided libraries by name while still enforcing LINK_LIBRARIES_ONLY_TARGETS , use an imported Interface Library with the IMPORTED_LIBNAME target property: Feb 25, 2017 · The line add_library(SDL2 SDL2. Feb 12, 2025 · link_directories() can be used to provide additional hints to the find_package() command about where to search for these libraries. DEDUPLICATION=YES|NO|DEFAULT. cmake and this picks up the dynamic libs (I don't know how OpenCVConfig. Therefore one may specify library file names such as libfoo. The problem is that b references a. apk package i can only include . h and multiple . cpp) add_executable(Exe) target_link_library(StaticLib) set_target_properties(Exe PROPERTIES LINK_LIBRARIES "") # ^^^^^ I called get_target_property() and confirmed that *Foo* is cleared from the property But Foo still appeared at the end of the final link command. Helpful Resources¶ add_library() add_subdirectory() target_include_directories() target_link_libraries() PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR. See documentation of the directory and targetLINK_OPTIONS properties. If you have used qmake before you have seen and used the Qt components, which qmake called Qt Modules. As @Tsyvarev confirmed in the CMake source, the link_libraries() call sets the LINK_LIBRARIES target property; the target_link_libraries() call does the same. For Entitlements to work (e. It doesn't let you make only what you need, but it's the best solution I could come up with. This command can be used to add any link options, but alternative commands exist to add libraries (target_link_libraries() or link_libraries()). See the target_link_libraries() command for meaning of arguments. dll), I've made the CMakeLists. txt is Mar 26, 2018 · Example: cmake code to link IMPORTED lib. Why quotation marks? While this works good, this actually doesn't create a physical, combined library but rather creates a kind of an alias to the set of "sub-libs". txt +--core -CmakeLists. If set, this variable acts as the default value for the LINK_LIBRARIES_STRATEGY target property when a target is created. This Mar 30, 2022 · A header-only library has all the implementations defined in headers. The problem is that Android does not support soversion libraries (. "docs This should be enough: add_library(fooLib 1. Jan 25, 2017 · cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3. LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES¶ List public interface libraries for a shared library or executable. so files. 3” not found My CMakeLists. 8. Oct 2, 2022 · 在cmake语法中,link_libraries和target_link_libraries是很重要的两个链接库的方式,虽然写法上很相似,但是功能上有很大区别: 1,link_libraries用在add_executable之前,target_link_libraries用在add_executable之后 2,link_libraries用来链接静态库,target_link_librar The flag will be used to specify a library to link to an executable. txt +--imgui -CmakeLists. In the src/ directory, I define a static library, and I link it to LINK_LIBRARIES¶. c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myexe m) The CMake configuration is done and generated done. cpp file2. The linker presumes all libraries to begin with lib, so to link to libm you link to m. Contents of LINK_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE may use generator expressions. 3, at runtime the application breaks java. 7) # The 'sub' libraries, e. Apr 10, 2024 · Hello, I am working on a library (you can see the files structure here). UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library “libfreeimage. Specify settings for the library. CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_SUFFIX¶. Two things must be done. cpp 2. 0. /libLibrary. cpp) target_link_libraries(fooBin fooLib) – Mar 19, 2021 · CMake link shared library built from object libraries. Set this property to the list of dependent shared libraries of an imported library. List public interface libraries for a library. I want to call target_link_libraries() on the library that was just downloaded, but the path to the library will vary by system. Jan 8, 2012 · One more alternative, in the case you are working with the Appstore, need "Entitlements" and as such need to link with an Apple-Framework. Jan 6, 2016 · Unlike libc, which is automatically linked, libm is a separate library and often requires explicit linkage. By default linking to a shared library target transitively links to targets with which the library itself was linked. For modules which depends on symbols from previous modules, I need to create an CMake 3. Assume your project called myProj and the pre-built library myLib. CMake target_link_libraries() documentation. oie hijh beab qhqdkx edtvh nvkv gxchkg yarmpq dwffmc fsjn crspr ufnsv iwcef adbit mvtkkg