Radarr not moving files. -> /mnt/user/downloads.

Radarr not moving files. They're not complete and thus can't be imported.

  • Radarr not moving files I set up a QNAP-NAS and used it's Radarr package, but I am having an issue wherre every time a torrent finishes, it is unable to move over and it says "Import Rejected: Sample" - I can hit the manual import button and it works. For official support, check our Discord and GitHub channels available at: https://radarr. Feb 9, 2017 · if i move manually the folder to the root of where the files should be, then i press on (update movie info and scan disk), it finds the file and then i press on (preview rename for movie) and it renames to what the movie title plus the year plus the quality. However, every week, I find a few movies that exist in my torrent list but haven't been properly organized by Radarr. When files are imported to your media folder Radarr will hardlink the file if supported by your setup or copy if not hardlinks are not Radarr V4 (nightly branch) currently downloads media via download client (nzbget) to D:\Downloads, then renames the media. Movies; Click on "Edit Movies" Select what movies need their folder renamed; Click on "Edit" Change Root Folder to the same Root Folder that the movies currently exist in; Select "Yes, move the files" Essentially my setup is properly downloading files, but then leaving them on my disk as the raw folder and file. I also use SABnzb. When the file finishes downloading, it is never moved from the NZBget complete folder, even though I specifically set Radarr to store it in another folder when Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. 0. I use Sonnar and Radarr and both are not moving my files. I have a movie folder with just G movies for just 'kids' to watch. But the file remains in the destination where Deluge downloaded it. Can anyone help me out on how to fix either issues, and if you guys think it is something else, i'm all ears. Radarr now lists about 600 movies as downloaded in it's queue but they are also marked "Not enough free space", so Radarr will not relocate them. txt, for the the other files radarr. I have setup sonarr and radarr up on my Synology NAS with SABnzbd but when it have found a tv show or movie and downloaded it it doesn't move the tv show or movie to the root folder (the folder for plex). 2, there is not a better way. About a week ago, Radarr stopped automatically moving these movie folders and respective media from D:\Downloads to the Root folder, D:\Movies. 2. Hello, I am a complete moron. foomkv would also match) makes a directory of the same name (sans extension, {variable%word} expands variable matching word as a pattern against the end of the string and removing it. fixed). All downloaded through the synocommunity on my DS918+ Originally, I had Radarr downloading directly into my root media folder where all my movies are stored. Radarr is configured to put the file in the /movies/nameofmovie/ folder. I have since released 1Tb of free space from the drive by deleting TV series that I don't want. You'd need to fix existing permissions too, 775 for folders and 664 for files. QBittorrent downloads to a generic folder on one of my drives unless otherwise specified, so for Radarr, all items go to this folder. I thought radarr would be able to detect my download folder and then move it to my movies folder. I have about 3 dozen undersized movies (under 2gb). When i download a movie radarr creates a new folder as seen in the picture. Files are not being moved or renamed from the download folder to my movie storage drive. 0-rc5 version of unraid, but this problem was on 6. 348 renaming worked fine now it will not move nor rename anything. I have Radarr set to keep files separate in the 'Download Clients' category setting too (Radarr - Films, Sonarr - TV, and Lidarr - Music) but no need to change the file path for /data. Is it possible to move these files to the correct location and have Radarr (and Plex) find them correctly? Can Radarr move them? Or do I have to I move them manually and point Radarr to the correct location So with the windows installation, when i download an item through qbittorrent, it goes to a H:\Download folder. Because radarr only search from torrent and usenet. 5338 If I click on History in Nzbget and check a file, it shows UNPACK:SUCCESS. So you have that to look forward to in the future. It says there's no file in the folder. io I verified the paths and radarr has access to it. e. It used to work no problem, but for the last few months, it'll search the indexers, find the episodes/movies, send them to uTorrent, and then uTorrent moves the completed downloads to the 'Completed' folder I set up on the drive. I have renaming enabled in Sonar, and c Hello, I'm runnung truenas scale and using Deluge to download the files, so when the files complete they don't get moved to the correct directory or get deleted from the Deluge download list, any help would be appreciated. 7 stable also. Any help? Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. video I'm using the delete functionality and trying to delete files. 0 windows 10. If you're just updating paths in Radarr and do not need to move the files, then do not select "Yes Move files" in Step 5. I use Radarr to identify a movie and SABnzbd downloads everything perfectly (Downloads / Complete folder) but gets stuck in the Radarr queue and the movie file doesn't get moved to C: / Users / Chris / Media / Movies I'm running Radarr in a Docker on a Synology NAS. it will manage movie folder names and file names and now it will also manage metadata, but as far as moving the root folders location, the thought is that is somewhat out of its scope. Finally, click Yes, Move the Files. After the file is finished downloading it is not moving to the folder i want on a NAS. It is however in the processed folder. The current log file is always ,radarr. This means hard links won’t work and instead of an instant move, a slower and more I/O intensive copy + delete is used. in turn it never tries to move it. Hi, I am new to radarr, but as far as i know (CMIIW), radarr send download order to client, after the download client say the download is finished, radar move the file from download folder to the movie folder. Radarr not moving completed files out of completed folder? When I add a file on Radarr, I add it without searching, and then manually search and choose the nzb I want to send to NZBget. I am trying to find this in the trace logs and cant find anything meaningful that stands out. Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. . Is there a way for it to move to whatever folder I chose in Radarr when completed? so when it was finished downloading it was looking /data/ for the finished file. So you can see in the movies, the jackass movies has 2 files, one in downloads one in movies. They're not complete and thus can't be imported. It'd help a lot to know what download client you're talking about. Dec 18, 2012 · Sab is is configured to download completed files to E:\unsorted media folder and all my movies are located in my E:\movies folder as configured in Radarr, however, when the movie completes it's download, it just sits in the unsorted media folder and it doesn't seem as if Raddar scans (like Sonarr does) the folder to move and rename the file. I made a mistake and set the download location to an old folder that I would prefer not to use any more. i'm using Qbit Torrent as a download client. 348 Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Windows 10 OS: Im using Windows 10 that has my Sonarr and Radarr and my Asustor NAS has my downloading programs and content Debug logs: linked below Description of issue: Before I got 3. I This gets all mkv files (or rather any file ending in mkv, a . Radarr Not moving Files Hi, so my completed folder from NZBGet is my DL location for NZBs which have completed. When this script runs, then the . It's so strange, I can see in Radarr that it's tracking it, the movie disappears from the queue, but the file is never moved and the movie shows missing still in the library : Sab downloads the file, placing it in D:\Temp Downloads as it goes Sab moves the file from D:\Temp Downloads to D:\Completed Downloads Sonarr picks up the file from D:\Completed Downloads, renames it, and moves it to P:\TV What is not happening: - Up to Step 3 above is working fine. From TRaSH's guide which is exactly what I'm saying. txt is the next newest (the higher the number the older it is). I have downloads and TV in the same share. But for some reason it can't detect that the file is completed. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. video Select the files 2 folder option in the menu; In the Files 2 Folder window select Move each file to individual subfolders based on their names; Click OK; Wait a moment and all your files will be in their own folder. I choose a torrent to download in radarr --> qbittorrent auto download --> after finished, it not auto moving file. This is slow, and wastes a lot of disk IO. I wouldn't quite recommend it yet, stuff still breaks and things are stil Feb 6, 2018 · My workaround for now is to edit the movie for the correct destination, then scan the disk twice (the first will rename the folder according MovieTitle (year) and the second will find the file) and thereafter rename the files through radarr. I test the Download client and it comes back sucessful. Logs say it doesn't have permission or the file does not exist. The rename option is set to yes under Media Management and I've set the format to {Movie Title} ({Release Year}). Radarr *sometimes* moves files to my library location (Z:/Movies) but after a while I notice lots of files are just sitting in the Completed folder waiting to be moved. Hi u/rageforum - . I have it selected in radarr and when I add a new movie, is says it will be renamed. Impersonate into that user with "su abc" Try creating a file in a folder thats giving you trouble - "touch test" Look at permissions with ls and correct with PUID PGID More than likely you are confusing Host Path with Container Path. Edit: The following post by u/Broadsid3 seems to have fixed it for me: I moved my path outside of where my completed downloads should be (counterintuitive I know) and it started working automatically without the factory scan. Right now I have a movie just sitting in my download folder and not really sure where to go from here. I'm not sure but after working fine for a pretty good while Radarr isn't moving movies for me. Sorry if I missed anything, I will give you any information you need. Deluge downloads and sends back to radarr that it's done but then radarr doesn't move the file. qb 4. I've installed nzbget, sonarr, and radarr at least ten times with no luck (I know I probably shouldn't have done th Aug 13, 2021 · I have both radarr and sonarr dockerized and working with a qbttorrent docker. When sabnzbd finished downloading it radarr moves it into my movie folder but does not move the files into the correct Specific folder. 299 AppData directory: C:\ProgramData\Radarr S Radarr not moving completed files Hello - It seems I'm having a problem that most new users have. edit: mentioned direktunpack enabled I have a similar issue. That way, files are created w/ the right user:group and permissions. video Jun 12, 2019 · Whenever rtorrent has downloaded a file, it puts it in the /gdrive/files/ directory. Completely ignoring my settings to both move and rename the field accordingly. I am using sonarr and radarr. I am aware the most common issue is that the two downloads entries must be identical and mine are. 1504; Windows as an application. -> /mnt/user/downloads. Then click Apply Changes. Tv shows example is showing supergirl only in downloads and not copied to TV shows, but i may have added this myself and not through jellyseer. I’ve been through checking the setup of folders and can’t see the issue. It could also be a by file permission issue so in the Sab folder settings there is an option to set permissions for completed downloads, you want this set to 766 to ensure radarr is allowed to move the file. 5 Relevant settings in Radarr? Part of log file Files are not moving automatically, can cannot import manually. Download all files, do a PAR2 verification, unpack the files to the final folder and delete the source files. For example, in sabnzbd the category/label you use should be set to +Delete. Select the files 2 folder option in the menu; In the Files 2 Folder window select Move each file to individual subfolders based on their names; Click OK; Wait a moment and all your files will be in their own folder. I use Transmission to donwload and send the movie directly to the "/movie" folder i created, but after the download is completed the movie got duplicated, keeping the original folder and the new/renamed folder from Radarr. debug. The file address matches where the file is located. I use Radarr with Docker, with linuxserver/radarr I don't know why ('cause those settings seem a little backwards to what you're trying to do), but aside from a handful of obscure movies, those settings seem to move the files, name the folders and the movies according to the Movie Format/Folder Format entries, and remove the files from my Temporary (Download) folder. So this is my final problem that im trying to solve to finish up my setup. video Jan 27, 2020 · Radarr is copying the downloaded torrent instead of moving it. I did notice the movie file names are still not renamed and are still just random letters. Whenever it does this it downloads the file from the seedbox, and then reuploads it. what i notice that is working is when i search for a movie with radarr, it finds and downloads it. 0 on a windows 10 machine. Hello I am trying to fix on why my files are not moving from my completed folders into their respected folders. If i feel up to it I may make this better. Radarr was not moving files at all but thanks to some help from this sub it started moving some files but it is definitely not consistent. Solution (albeit not elegant, but it's late and I don't want to do this anymore): When deluge finishes downloading a file, i tell it to move from the completed file to /data/ . I read this is a permission issue or that Sonarr could be looking somewhere else. This will now move all of the files to the newly created root folder and in the process implement any changes we made to the movie folder while setting up the TRaSH Guide naming scheme. The cleanup is done by the downloader when they're told to by sonarr/radarr. It asks if I want to move the movies which I say yes. 01450 Sonarr - 2. Hi. Aug 27, 2023 · torrents: Completed files are left in their original location to allow you to seed the file (ratio or time can be adjusted in the download client or from within Radarr under the specific download client). Basically I don't use a completed folder anymore. Currently, I have Sonarr and Radarr running with uTorrent as my download client (I know, I know). My download folder, and the final destination folder where radarr is supposed to move files sit on the same external drive. Looking in Radarr I can see that SAB has not passed the movie back to Radarr because it doesn't show in the queue or in the history. My Question is : How to import already downloaded movie from downloads folder to radarr. And Plex Media Server to scan the folders that I have set in Radarr. I am new to radarr and have been having some trouble getting things to work properly. Radarr not moving completed downloads I asked this once before and got some help with it but never did get it fully working. Radarr is not moving files once the download is complete The logs state that the file cannot be found (see below) but when browsing to the location manually by copy\pasting the path in the logs, the file is present. I'm a newbie to all this sonarr and radarr stuff. it assumes that if you need to do anything to the files after that you’ll need to do it manually. However, Radarr hasn't recognised this fact and the downloaded movies are now stuck. For large number of movies I use a bash script to find and move the movies/files, then call a python script to update the paths in the database. srt is just sitting with the movie file, and Radarr will grab it as normal. all my setting are correct even the read and write Jun 7, 2019 · Sonarr version (exact version): 3. I figured I should create a new post and see someone can help me figure out what setting I have configured wrong or am missing. Please review this comment and you can likely have your problem solved without needing to wait for a human. Nov 16, 2022 · I am running version 3. New error: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /downloads/Downloading Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /downloads/****** Reply reply More replies Sonarr and Radarr don't move files, they copy. It appears that Radarr is merely copying the files to the set folder in Radarr UI. video In Radarr v0. Do you have a lot of queued tasks blocking download client refresh and processing? => System => Tasks. Hi y´all, need some help. 1480 qBittorrent v4. NOTE: Running sabnzbd, w/nzbgeek, radarr, and sonarr. You have to change the root folder, then move the folder yourself. They were a part of my library since before using Radarr. Here's some further debug logs. Change /etc/passwd file so that on the radarr/sonarr user line (abc user for me) it says /bin/bash instead of /bin/false. Radarr isn't moving files from the completed directory to the final raid destination. Everything is set up remotely. I've tried adding a couple different remote locations to the radarr to access it. Related post on Rclone forums I'm running a rclone mount with qBittorrent as the download client. So get your radarr setup the same way. I set radarr to import extra files and set the extra file extension to SRT only but radarr is importing additional files like XML and NFO which I don't need/want. I'm not being rude- I'm just not going to regurgitate what is already there and what you need to go back and re-read several times. It does have permission and the file does exist. I have radarr configured on my movies folder. This log file contains fatal, error, warn, and info entries. It correctly identifies that there is 1 file to delete and removes the data from the library but the file exists Version: 0. I tried setting up remote path mapping but it Mar 20, 2019 · I have a Dell XPS 8700 with two 8 terabyte hard drives, a 500 gb cache drive, and 32 gigs of RAM. It's using Deluge as the client. In the activity section in sonarr og radarr Open bash inside the radarr/sonarr docker. The only app of the ‘arrs’ that manages to move files to the library after completion is Radarr, whilst TV shows and albums languish. 4. radarr wasn’t really meant to move files from anything other than your download directory. It moving and being a Partial File is completely normal as it is Moving the complete download from the Cache -> Array or however you might have it setup. Although I've just found that although Radarr is moving the file to my video location, it's keeping the file in qBit as well. 7 Sonarr does show some files still in progress even though they have completed Well that's your issue. What am I missing I have sonarr and used the same settigs which works perfectly Dec 30, 2020 · I have downloaded Radarr and am trying to download through Newsbin Pro which works but Radarr doesn't pick up the unzipped files and move them from my download folder to my movie folder on the same drive. From what I understand, after downloading a movie, Radarr should rename and move the files downloaded by the download client (in my case, Deluge). Any ideas why its stopped moving completed downloads from the NZBGet Completed Downloada folders and in to the Destination Catergory directory for Radarr and Sonarr? Thanks Darren Sab isn’t supposed to move files, it unpacks to /completed where radarr or sonarr pick it up and move it upon their file import File not moving - "Import Rejected: Sample" I've been working on this for ~20 hours and I'm still a bit stuck. The cars one is what im trying to show. I have spent a lot of time on this and am pretty stuck. 6. Both /tv and /movies folders are under the same shared folder, as is /downloads, the qbttorrent target folder. I'm running 6. When I add a movie in Radarr, I can set a file location, but that doesn't seem to do anything when the download is complete. So still not sure where the problem lies - Radarr for not moving files across (note: I've not had any amber/yellow warnings in the Activity section of Radarr) - as sometimes it does, or Plex for not 'seeing them' when they do get moved across. Aug 29, 2018 · Radarr - 0. I'm not using cache or VFS, because of storage constraints, so the files are Qbittorrent sends files to a download folder. video Setup everything with radarr (test everything successfully). mkv files within your selected folder and move them into a folder based I found that in qBit the downloads were sat there seeding for a while after the download so I've set the 'Seeding limits' option to 0 and remove the torrent so that it clears the client but the file stays. In my case, it doesn't do any of this. I noticed that when Radarr detects a movie in the download directory, it does a full copy paste of the file into the movies directory. I have permissions set in SAB to 777. There are many resources available to help you troubleshoot and help the community help you. However it should copy the file/directory and leave the original files in the completed downloads folder, so that qBittorrent can seed it. 7. Im new using radarr and de other ARR´s and im having some trouble the radarr and duplicated movies. Link. When Debug log level is enabled, additional radarr. I would like only one copy/file to save disk space. Sonarr and Radarr have the same logic assuming you're on v3. 5080-ls117 by linuxserver. OS is Windows 11 and everything is local. This should solve the issue of the files not deleting off your Cache. Hi u/mightymunster1 - . And lastly I have multiple tv and movie folders for different age groups and genres I am able to search for a movie within Radarr and get it to send to qBittorrent and complete the download, however once the file is completed it doesn't remove it from qBittorrent and does not move the file into the newly created folder. video Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. I click to Activity in radarr it say " No files found are eligible for import in /downloads/movie-release-name" These are my settings, the /data for Radarr just points to transmission /data and transmission deals with the moving of files into 'incomplete', 'complete' etc. UTorrent is set to download to a certain default folder and radarr then moves the finished download to the root folder specified for each movie. ¶ Linux Bash Script. My plex library is pointing to H:\Movies H:\TV Shows for each library, and movies are showing but i noticed there is a folder still in downloads with a file and one in movies for example, so are they getting copied, will they remove themselves from downloads after x amount of time or I did a batch update to specificy the new root folder. So on initial setup of Radarr, when I did the initial import, these movies were imported and I unmonitored them. Edit: Solved. I'm only grabbing the 2_English version but you could tweak that code fairly easy if you had a different use case. video I'm not sure if this is something we all have to do, but I find myself having to "audit" all of my downloads every weekend to make sure that Radarr is copying , moving, and renaming files like it is supposed to. 18363 Build 18363 Radarr v0. txt rolling I watched the download complete, and then it seemed to hang in the history section on the step called "Moving". The odd thing is that radarr downloads are never transferred to my /movies folder, while sonarr dutifully moves completed downloads to the /tv folder. Change the root folder to the root folder we created above (i. Does anybody know how to make Radarr copy instead of move? Software details OS: Windows 10 Pro v10. Some things I've tried are running chmod -R 777 on that volume, giving radarr full disk permissions, giving /bin/sh full disk permissions, enabling/disabling hardlinks, disabling seeding. It did work before but now it doesn't. but it cannot grab automatically from the drone folder to put it in the root folder. An ideal setup has a user for each software, like sonarr, radarr and deluge as well as a shared group like media and a umask of 002. Thankfully, in v3 it does what Sonarr's v3 does and offers to move the folder for you. (Copy and delete I assume) Sonarr is working great but Radarr is not moving movie files to my final media folder. I did upgrade my PC to windows 11 but seeing as that's just to access unraid via browser I don't see how that could change anything. The host path is where the Container path points to. Nothing happens though. Go to movie->Manual import: message "No video files were found in the selected folder", I haven't selected any folder and I'm not allowed to select any (the select dropdown is grayed out) Manually move the file into my library into the right movie folder, then "refresh and scan", nothing seems to happen with this either. Step 4 is where I am stuck. The following script will take all *. You can see that Radarr and Radarr uses rolling log files limited to 1MB each. Radarr not moving files after download I added a list with ~100 movies. I haven't tried it yet, but if I just move a movie to another folder and let Radarr do a scheduled library update; would Radarr find the movie and adjust the path of where it found it last? Thats not how radarr and sonarr work they actually get the file location from the torrent client so moving completed using the torrent client is good for aesthetics and having your torrent downloads sorted but doesn't make much of a difference to sonarr or radarr. But my Radarr isn't moving and renaming my files ever since i've installed it on my Unraid server. mkv files within your selected folder and move them into a folder based Radarr Version 0. ) then moves the file into that same directory. It works great, downloads fine- but once a movie is downloaded, it won't move it out of my completed folder to my assigned Plex folders. I hadn't messed with it's settings as far as any folder structure goes. Share insights, get tips, and stay updated with Radarr. video Oct 5, 2021 · SAB is downloading files properly, but sonarr is not moving or renaming them. The category section in the download client s settings is case sensitive. As the title suggests, Radarr is tossing the file (using Jackett) to Deluge. [RESOLVED] Im trying to move all my christmas movies out to a separate drive App version: 3. I have yet had it automatically move the file from my complete-download folder to my media folder. Does anyone know why this is happening? It does not happen all the time, so I know my settings are input correctly. I've tried manually adding a radarr label in deluge. That'd be like User=, Group= and UMask= in your systemd service file. Radarr Files Not Moving from Downloads to Movies after Completion As the title says, I can have Radarr find and download a movie, and the resulting downloaded files/folders won't be moved to my movies directory. What is the best way to move these files and have the file names chsnge correctly? Welcome to /r/Radarr – the central hub for Radarr enthusiasts. video Sep 16, 2024 · If only a few, manually change the path, Radarr will move for you. So Radarr might be pointing /data -> /mnt/user/downloads, but nzbget might be passing /downloads. yspcf znqxom ezcgjfpby ehnog sdltjx vpntz sgprz sov avsev xshbxa ciauwl nnsix dyqk ktqaqu dgsc