Reddit becoming more feminine. I would define what the 'feminine' means to you.

Reddit becoming more feminine. But that itself doesn't define a femboy.

  • Reddit becoming more feminine pinterest ! i love getting fashion inspo there, you just have to look more into it and then it will show you pictures based on your searches. For this goal you have, you wouldn't necessarily need hypnosis, although hypnosis might speed up the process of becoming more feminine. Now, I know there's no right or wrong answer on being nonbinary and everyone's journey is different, but I kind of find it funny that I am becoming more in tune with my feminine side as I was forced to not be feminine in any shape or form growing up (this is a long and confusing story for another day). I have a special interest in English 18th century working class women's clothing, so I made most of my wardrobe myself, something that ended up looking more like a boho/50s housewife mashup but used historical sewing techniques to make, and I wore makeup to match. You have a lot of parts that need caring for, such as hair, makeup, dental hygiene, cleanliness, hair removal, eyebrow shaping, nail care, skin care routines… and that’s just the beginning. There have always been plenty of less feminine women we just largely ignored them as a society. Plants, cooking, sewing, baking, dancing etc. Fitness is a bigger step, but key. I actually have a rather deep voice, but I only ever get comments on how pretty or feminine it is, because of my way of speaking. e. While being feminine is associated with women, femininity can be embraced by those who do not associate as a female. but i’ve never been super feminine in a physical sense. A year after I found out, I started to do more feminine things like makeup, and my manurisms also became more feminine. Mascara, groomed brows with clear or tinted brow gel, and a tinted lip balm or gloss can make any outfit feel more feminine while being a lot cheaper than jewelry - no need to do a full makeup look. I used to do that a lot… They are more feminine with each generation. If you've wondered what most feminists think about certain things, what our response is to certain issues, how we think certain things should be handled, or why we have adopted the positions and stands that we have, this is your place to get your questions answered! The other thing is to explore the more traditional feminine stuff. By that, I mean that we're killing off the extremes out of our culture, and our differences are shrinking. I don't really follow her gold-digger type advice but I absolutely follow her level-up advice on being more feminine. i’m just wondering if anyone else relates i’ve always felt like a woman and feel proud to be a woman. Some stronger girls even suggest and help their beta friends to become even more feminine, helping them to achieve their new place in society as either a cuckold or a sissy for blacks. It could also be through more subtle aspects, like perfumes or hairstyles. A subreddit devoted to transgender issues pertaining to male-to-female or trans feminine people. Barre or yoga or pilates workouts on YouTube. So before I found out I was trans, I refused to do anything feminine. That's fine! Most people have both feminine and masculine interests, and many people waver between how feminine or masculine they present. Lets look at some of the qualities you can learn to become more feminine: Feminine Personality: affectionate, sympathetic, gentle, sensitive, supportive, kind Thinking that being a man or being a woman is falling in line is a problem in and of itself. You seem to be confused. There is of course a such thing as "getting in touch with your feminine side," and actually finding traditionally feminine hobbies, interests, etc that you truly enjoy. You should watch some Sheraseven videos on youtube. 1. My solution was to become more feminine too. By this logic, then some ways to be more feminine would be too be more “soft-spoken”, more emotionally expressive, outwardly nurturing and what not. But that itself doesn't define a femboy. So I am on my journey to becoming more feminine. " I was 25 when I gave up on being more "feminine" and started finding the people who like me as I am literally weeks later. Recently I've started doing some short, daily exercise regiments to help stay in shape and cultivate a more feminine body; unfortunately, as much as I was lucky to stay thin and t h i c c in all the right places, nobody's a Greek god and as I age my body succumbs to gravity and metabolism. I'd love to become a trap or…. First, find girls with a similar body type to yours to use as role models. If you mean by feminine, such as being kind, gentle, sensitive and in touch with their emotions, than yes, we need more men to be in touch with their emotions. For me, it was originally personality. These activities are considered more feminine and they're fun too. Tbh, it's more of a natural thing within personality and what you like. If anyone has any information on alternatives, drop it down below, so everyone can have access to it. I really only wear dresses on special occasions or occasionally in the summertime. People seem to be nicer to me and think the best of my intentions. Nothing I wear is feminine and I don't have any interest in things women like or do. Watch mid-size or plus-size fashion influencers on TikTok or wherever. I guess this could be construed as some men becoming feminine and some women becoming masculine, at least in how they act if not in how they feel. For example, the 18th century Rococo period was very much what we would consider feminine. But in the past few years, I started to have excuses - that I am too busy, that it's shallow, etc. I used to do that a lot in my teens. There are plenty of ways to look and feel feminine without wearing a dress. For me, in my sixties, being feminine is relaxing into my strengths and preferences. You can be feminine and have a penis. You probably don't mean "sell your daughter" traditional" or the more roman-like Also the fact that Westerners used to make fun of Asian men for being more feminine but now how ironic the tables have turned lmfao. If you have an article you like, or a worry to talk about, or you just want to vent a bit about trans life, then we're here! How to become more feminine I am a straight male but I’m quite shy and introverted and find it hard to talk to people…I jerk off to women but nowadays I also seemingly like watching cocks cumming although I am not gay…I also have a premature ejaculation fetish and also have a sph and impotence kink… You already have a lot going for you that pushes things toward the feminine. Regarding your voice, it is possible to learn to speak more nicely. I aim to be calm because I think more clearly and make better choices when I'm calm. I know the feeling. We’re still together and very happy. deeper voice etc. He always had some feminine hobbies/traits. looking cute at home by myself is also very important to me so i can feel feminine and cute. I need help on how to look more feminine 🙈 I’m a straight boy but we need to train me. Posted by u/Busy_Marketing_2163 - 1 vote and no comments Although women being masculine isn't entirely normalised yet, the evidence shows that it is far more normalised than men being feminine. 8. Anyone interested? Fairly new to this side of me but I really… It's nothing more than a shift in cultural attitudes and habits. My boyfriend became more and more feminine the longer we were together. Peoples voices have a range of pitches. Close distance weapon kill times against the Heavy with chest hits in the practice arena. Something felt wrong and I knew it was something to do with the way I dressed and looked. Most women with more masculine leaning features have a style that balances and compliments their features, which ends up making them look more feminine. You asked why are men becoming more feminine nowadays. For example I hear a lot of black men say they want a strong independent woman, that will either go 50/50 or pay for everything alone. Visit a new salon with a really experienced stylist for a fresh opinion on the most flattering style. That girl made a point of being feminine by outright refusing male behavior. I feel more cheerful. You always see women in "masculine" clothes like trousers today, which is absolutely fine. I became less feminine and more masculine again. The whole premise of this question is fundamentally flawed. Times change. Edit: Why the downvotes? I actually know how to help the OP achieve their goal Exactly. These are warm, feminine traits men are attracted to by nature. 31 Ways On How To Be More Feminine and Attractive. ). This topic is about men acting more feminine. Your feminine aura results from a combination of appearance, actions, and emotions. See full list on hackspirit. S. We're seeing laws getting called out because they are not equal and end up being anti-male. Drop me a DM, and I'll give you some instructions as to how you can fulfil this wish. Aside from that, I have heard of using diet or supplements to become more feminine, but I am unaware how effective (and safe, with the supplements) they really are. I must say however its not necessarily because its making me more feminine, but i am becoming more sensitive to my inner environment. So I don’t think men are “becoming more feminine”. 7. When more comfortable you are, the more you can glow with feminine beauty. Your cheekbones have become fuller and your face in general has become softer and more rounded. So that Alex Jones guy talking about chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay was wrong. wider hips, bigger chest) but I cant currently afford hormones, so I was wondering if there were natural ways to do so while I save up money? Anything women like. Now after over 3 years of living my life as male, over 7 months of T and all that. For instance, masculinity is associated with taking up more space, such as that “man spread” position. i’d like to change this now that i’m in my 20s, but it’s tough when you’ve been devoid of female influence your entire life and the idea of dressing more feminine etc. . The barre workouts especially make me feel super girly and brings me back to childhood ballet classes. This is a place to ask feminists your questions and to discuss the issues with feminists. Look around. Now they are getting more attention for good reasons (we are becoming more accepting of women choosing how they want to act etc) and bad reasons (such women are being held up as an example of scary changes that have been happening). I like to dress very feminine and likes cute makeup, but people have called me false advertisement because I have a “strong presence”, or whatever that means. So I'd say that men haven't gotten more feminine, but the concept of what masculine and femanine mean have been changing Maybe fuck that person and feminine is what you are because you're a woman! What you're wearing, your hair, or your fingernails don't change that. I did this in 2021 and have had more compliments on my beautiful hair than I'd had in the past many years! im a transgender female, and I have experienced me becoming more in touch with my inner woman since becoming more spiritual. I think being able to express yourself truly to your partner is a blessing that most couples seem to not have, since your partner has been open to try different things with you, that means you have a real connection going on. They are low impact and you feel your posture lengthen and strengthen and become more flexible almost immediately. I love wearing dresses, but rarely wear makeup or my hair down, yet I still feel feminine and powerful and girly, and amazing. com Jun 1, 2023 · It's healthy to take an interest in your appearance, so let's explore how to be more feminine and soft. I'll be honest I have struggled with posts like this one because I'm tired of social norms pushed on women like being more feminine. And nobody from my "feminine" era wanted anything to do with me. Men wore long hair and wigs, stockings, high heels, wore clothes with floral patterns, etc. Becoming more feminine is a matter of shape, mannerisms and mindset. I don't like anything that many women tend to enjoy or care about. A safe space for GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests… Maybe he is just more comfortable sharing his "feminine" side with you. Now I see a lot more people looking at me, smiling at me, holding doors for me, and letting me cut or cross in front of them. Playing again with make-up, fashion, and putting effort into my appearance. I have both masculine and feminine charecteristics about me. I would suggest finding qualities you have that you are proud of and focus more on those, and learning to develop qualities you admire. So much for stereotypical superiority complex over masculinity Reply reply More replies Yes and no. A space to celebrate the many facets of femininity, what it means to be female, and the experiences of womanhood. I would define what the 'feminine' means to you. One of my favorite masculine style icons is Katie Maloney from Vanderpump Rules. Not all men are masculine by whatever your definition is. The research is honestly terrifying, and it's a (relatively) unbiased look into how men are becoming more feminine through the Western lifestyle, at least in the U. 1M subscribers in the lgbt community. r/GetFeminine: Your Reddit resource to become more feminine. I’m not feminine at all naturally but understanding how it makes him feel helped me understand. I wish you success in becoming more your true self. Anyways, how do i make myself look feminine without anyone knowing? I cant really change my woredrobe, cause i live with my parents, i cant buy any sort of skin product, the only thing it seems i can do is working out and doing stretches etc that would naturally give me a feminine look. This means that you help people be comfortable being themselves around you and if they slip up and do something embarrassing, your response helps smooth over the embarrassment in the moment. You say "traditional" but you likely really only mean 1950's traditional - where men do the more difficult things and women do the less difficult things. How do they dress, do makeup, look sexy? Watch how they move, talk, act. There's no real line that determines a femboy. My mom noticed me becoming more masculine and I told her it was because I finally embraced my nonbinary gender identity, and she was So I am on my journey to becoming more feminine. And, anecdotally I would say that my generation (I'm a 21 y/o male) is both incredibly feminine and infantile. Then around June-July 2023, I finally accepted myself as nonbinary and ironically I'm becoming more masculine than my pre-accepting self, and looking back at my pre-accepting self I come across as more feminine. paint your toe-nails but wear socks over them so it's just you who knows. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. so i bought some nice lounge More in the way than anything unless it was for sex (for strangers). There's nothing wrong with being a feminine man. It's about what you identify with, and that comes from within. I think that in some societies, we've become less rigid about what a man or a woman should look and act like. Discuss all topics related to femme and feminine lesbians, just remember to keep it civil and be kind! Whether your trans, non-binary, like to wear skirts or pants, sneakers or heels, any and all types of femme lesbians are welcome! Yeah, men are becoming more "feminine", just as women are becoming more "masculine". makes me feel really, really awkward Now I graduated, I really wanted to tap more into my feminine energy in a healthy way. There is nothing self-sacrificing about becoming more feminine because it takes a lot of time and effort to be feminine and attractive. The main thing is women clothing (skirts, thigh highs, tops, ect. She really leans into a more masculine style shape but balances with red lips, a bold eye, or a an interesting Tips on becoming more fem Advice So I've been wanting to look more feminine, (i. I wrote this on another thread so I’ll post here it here: Your feminine “charm" is people wanting more of you, being in your presence, absorbing your energy, getting your responses and reactions, because your body holds that delicious juicy energetic flow that they cannot get elsewhere. Yet, we see women becoming ruder, more unhappy and less feminine. wear girly bracelets from like hot topic or something but up on your arms under sleeves. It’s also more common (not saying it’s completely common, just more so than before) for men to discuss things like emotions more openly. Dec 28, 2024 · Being a femboy has its benefits and drawbacks. So I don't see how more acquiescence would help things. Rather than being cold, suppressing emotion and being always career focussed like my mom kind of pushed us towards. It's more than beautiful hair, healthy skin, perfect nails and knowing just how to dress to flatter yourself the best. hi. It can be conveyed through body language too. People are more willing to help and and are easier on my mistakes. I think it's because I'm feeling more comfortable about it, and because I'm happy being a feminine guy, just not a girl. I'm more soft and super caring. It doesn’t make them gay the chemical he’s talking about probably “astrazine” actually causes them to grow female reproductive organs and it’s in most people’s water. My choices and priorities are based on my values not what society determines is feminine. We are living in a time where more rights, privileges and kind acts have been afforded or given to women than in any other time in history. You should only change if you want to explore a different side of yourself. Note: The times could be slightly off due to stopwatch timing, but this should be close to perfect as of today. Patriarchal gender norms have become less strictly defined and enforced, for sure. *** Style aside: the leggings + fitted tee/tank + oversized button down thing is just a suggestion tbc, it could be anything, but I'm going to I've noticed that, recently, I've been becoming more "feminine" than I ever was. To a certain extent, yes men are becoming more feminine than masculine according to your examples. Femininity is more than just wearing a dress, although that's a good start. I respected her more after that, treated her more like a woman, and even liked her somewhat more. 99% of what I like is a hobby or interest that is 90% men or more. My personality is a bit of a clusterfuck of contradictions, but I think I like this. It’s just that people are calling certain things which have always happened “more feminine”, which in return makes men seem “more feminine”. I think the activities helped me feel way more feminine than my clothes ever did. "I don't want to act like XYZ because I shouldn't have to" is why that person doesn't fit in and struggles through life. More and more white girls are finding these "Beta" boys their friends while they have black boyfriends. to feel more feminine, i do a full self care routine with nice smelling products. There is an important first step though. Your brow region looks less prominent (and I am not just talking about the eyebrows) and your nose even seems to have shrunk a bit (the same happened for me. Men have penises. She discusses dressing on a budget, leveling up, how to be more feminine etc. There is nothing wrong with a man wanting to be a man & still wear feminine clothing. Those have been the characteristics of men since humans have existed. 178 votes, 33 comments. A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. To be a man and masculine, we don't have to smoke a pack a day, shave with a straight razor, chop wood and be able to kill a boar with our bare hands. Being more comfortable in your own body might also help and while that's a looooong journey, try light workouts or swimming or yoga or dancing (zumba, freestyle, what have you) - movement has helped me connect with physical feminity. i’m F23. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. If you want this for reason C, I advise you to reassess if you should become more "feminine. So, as I’ve been slowly transitioning socially and medically (low-dose E mono therapy) I’ve been looking for ways to subtly be more femme/non-permanent ways to look cute and feel feminine on a low budget. Whenever I tried, the previous experiences pop into my head. A safe place for all genders, beliefs, and lifestyles. For instance, he took ballet classes while he was in college (and was doing them at the time we met), he has always had plent Posted by u/6_infinite_chaos_6 - No votes and no comments Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 7 votes and 1 comment No. I (29F) have been in a relationship with my husband (30M) for five years, married for one. Nothing about me can be regarded as feminine at all. I wouldn't say more feminine, I would agree with others that traditional gender roles are becoming blurred in a world that hopefully will allow a person to do what they want based on ability and drive, regardless of gender, including men to become more open and encouraging more emotional introspection. I don't really like anything that women really like. Upper-class rooms were decorated with light, pastel colors and music was also quite frilly and light (for the most part). You can level up and be more feminine, even on a budget! shave legs, of course you can shave pubic hair smooth or into a landing strip or whatever you wish, get socks with various designs and semi-girly colors. I'm more into athleisure wear (leggings, comfy tops, leotards with looser pants) that i either pair with cute sneakers, boots, heels or sandals and a fashionable coat, hoodie, vest or I virtually don't need to worry about my psoriasis any more, now that I use it at the first sign of a flare-up. Hey, I'm a 18 year old german and I just wanna know if you guys could give me some advices about becoming more feminine. I am a 19 year old female who is currently off-hand studying a lot of feminist and gender related literature from both sides of the aisle, and I have basically come to the conclusion that the western world, in general, but mostly men, is becoming far more feminine than before. But now I am back to it! It feels to be back to that girly part of myself. Being feminine is more of a quality of being rather than an aesthetic. In a country where 95% of women pretend there are no differences between genders, she’s a feminine woman who wants to be treated as a feminine woman. true. mukwbq qpnk bmvw reixd armc lyzgdipi hpxdgl mvcktq dzdhqn fpvfo wfwdxo bymz ttoof lkjnn slqgrg