Satisfactory power keeps tripping. I plop down a Biomass burner that supplies 30 mW.

Satisfactory power keeps tripping I tried to do one line with water directly into one power plant so easier to debug. I disconnected the power plant and extractors from the grid and built 2 bio burners (use 3 if you have pumps), then connected it to the grid when it was up and running. Coal generators are always on, any excess power is lost to the void. Another tip is to build 10 biofuel burners and unlock the chainsaw as fast as possible. I plop down a Biomass burner that supplies 30 mW put fuel into it and turn it on. I had one item hooked up and it blew if your power fuse is constantly blow'in, then you ain't make'in enough power you need more power. The breaker will trip if it detects that the current exceeds the circuit’s capacity. If you are getting close to the limit before all the factories are running, increase your power grid. So I connected 2 biomass generators at 30MW each, and when I reset the fuse, theres a huge consumption spike thats about double the expected It's a guess without seeing the system but looking at the power numbers and knowing how the machines get very water hungry while overclocked your water extractor's probably aren't able to keep up with the 90 water per minute that the machines need. The fuse keeps tripping out and I don't know why. I don't know what factors can cause this. Biomass burners just wouldn't work. Learn how to fix broken fuses in Satisfactory with this easy tutorial. As you progress to different and more powerful methods log power generation you may want to segregate those power lines. Hint - look at power switches! Nov 12, 2022 · I have just built 1st coal power generator and laid power lines to my grid. Then i flipped the fuse and watched what was happening. Nov 7, 2024 · Came across a weird issue today, I don't know if i'm missing something. Update 4 is gonna make power always produce maximum apparently, no more just producing what it consumes, and I swear to god if my power plant Jun 15, 2020 · Certainly is a lack of water problem. Power is transferred via Power Lines, Power Poles, or Train Stations and Railways. But my breaker keeps tripping and i cant figure out why. Very frustrating. The only things that should still have power are things like oil extractors, coal miners, uranium fuel rod production, and water extractors. but if its connected and in standby it blows the fuse. Then when I log back in to my game, the fuse blows. You should only overclock a machine if you really need to and have sufficient power to comply with the increased demand. When you reset the master breaker after a power outage, every machine connected to the power grid tries to start, regardless of it's state, it tries to come on at full power, so the surge when you turn the breaker is temporarily high then lessens out as the machines go back to the pre-power outage levels. PLEASE help me Nov 27, 2020 · It would be nice to be able to implement some form of selective tripping of circuit breakers. Stuck in a catch 22 situation. Power is produced in power generators (see below), stored or discharged from Power Storages, and consumed by buildings. Wiped out my entire factory with Satisfactory Maps, starting over with just my equipment. Aug 19, 2022 · SATISFACTORYSatisfactory is an FPS open-world factory building sim by CoffeeStain Studios. However, if a power trip does occur, there are ways to fix a broken power grid in Satisfactory Sep 25, 2024 · I attach t he power poles first, but do not connect the hdd container, this way you can put fuel in, then attach and open before it burns up one. 🙂 It says a fuse is broken because of a problem with my power grid. If my math is correct it should be taking 105 coal per minute and as I predicted the main coal line is congested which while being an absolute inefficient eyesore should get the job done. The power storage machines won't charge or discharge. THe problem is that when I go to a electric power pole and want to access the fuse, the entire screen is jittering and I cannot press any button or get the fuse in again. Connect it to the Drop pod and it trips Dec 1, 2023 · Hi all, unfortunately I've experienced that suddenly my power grid shuts down (fuse blown). If you’re close to max then it’ll keep tripping. ? I don't know about his issue, but this 100% solved mine. Any free power pole slot can be lead off to a battery of biomass burners and it'll feed everything else connected to that grid. Two separate Power Lines can be connected to the Power Switch, each one to either the 'A' connector on the left or 'B' connector on the right; the letter determines which graph displays which power grid. Your capacity should always be higher than your max consumption. The Power Storage is a mid-game building available in Tier 4 used for buffering electrical energy. Dec 22, 2024 · Satisfactory > General Discussions > Topic Details. Often, a circuit overload happens if you’ve plugged multiple appliances, including high-power devices, into the circuit. Oct 6, 2024 · If you notice when using the hoverpack you'll hear a "zap" and can see where your pack is getting its power from. I had a month before the upgrade hit early access to build a complete 35 GW vanilla power station, because until Refined Power was updated I would have no power. Update 4 came with an Unreal Engine upgrade, which breaks mods. Maybe someone has a clue, then that person is more then welcome to help :p Nov 14, 2024 · Power demand doesn't matter. The Power Switch is a building that can be used to break or connect different power grids, which is useful for controlling the power supply to different parts of a factory. In the long term keep in mind how you will restart your grid after the next power trip. The switch only Another and more efficient example would be if you have a spot for your smelters and a power line running through your pase to power everything. I'm producing like: 13800 MW, and only consuming around 6200 MW. when i reconnect it on the power graph my production my consumptionand capacity just sink to 0. I'm on tier 8, so there is kinda lot of stuff. Even a high-end PC PSU should be drawing That happens because fuel consumption or in this case coal and water consumption scales with power consumption. "Capacity": The total amount of power that could be generated by your power buildings. A coal generator will only use coal and water as fast as it says in the control panel if you're using exactly 100% of your system capacity. Dec 20, 2024 · Forgot to add one power wire to the 3 sinks and my power station backs up and shuts down. This particular Drop pod requires 20mW and some oscillators to open. It does not shut off unless there is a problem with the system ( too little coal, too little water, too much water causing pauses which end up starving the pipes Jul 19, 2022 · I mainly learned from observation. Power Storage units can also be connected early on so that if consumption gets too high, the reserves will be used automatically. Add more power, and/or remove any unnecessary buildings from the power grid. If the power ever fails, I simply go to the power plant, isolate it from the grid by tripping the breaker and then turn the power plant back on. Jul 27, 2023 · I have an issue with a home lighting circuit 6A RCBO provides power to 13 bulbs which randomly keeps tripping, when I say randomly it keeps tripping with no switches or even bulbs being attached to the circuit. My consumption and max consumption don't even exceed the production limit but yet I keep tripping the Fuze and my power grid shuts off ? I see so many power grids on here using 600mw + and I'm not even using more than 400. Edit: because the same thing happened to me. Each plant gets enough water and coal to be completely full. ) Build enough water extractors to FULLY feed those power plants. Worse, no idea where the problem is, this is my first game and building style and locations are a mess. Anything that contributes to power generation should still be kept online. If it tries to get it form a pole in an isolated circuit that is not producing 100MW, then it will trip. Isolated Power grid constantly tripping So I have 2 biomass generators with a full stack of solid biofuel in each. It mostly involves selectively disconnecting wires and evaluating supply lines. Buildings that consume (or supply) power will only function when connected to a Power grid (see Jul 18, 2022 · To avoid a power trip, players need to keep an eye on how much power they're using versus how much is being produced. Those 3 generators need 135 water/min; if you only have one water extractor (which produces 120 water/min) feeding them, the third's gonna starve, and once your consumption spikes over 150MW while this is happening, it'll fail. You may want to build one or more temporary biofuel power plants Any idea why the fuse keeps blowing? My entire network shutdown from lack of power. If you watch your grid, you'll notice that the power usage fluctuates depending on how many machines are running and at what capacity. I have also checked water and it is running perfectly. Also, prioritise getting coal power set up to replace biomass - because coal power can be fully automated, so no need to regularly manually refuel. Monitor your power consumption for a few minutes before and after adding a production line and you will see the trend. According to the Satisfactory Wiki about Power Trip - If power consumption ever exceeds production and there is no energy in Power Storages to use, the power grid will trip. I've tried adding more generators to make sure I have extra capacity in the event that some of my idle machines start running. Nov 2, 2020 · I've been playing my save for almost 50 hours now, and just get random power overloads. Jun 23, 2020 · So it seems this game is trying realistically to simulate in-rush current by spiking consumption on fuse reset (I'm an EE irl so this is something I'm very familiar with). 6 MW. I have 42 coal plants, so it is mostly coal. I filled up the pipes/fuel generators before turning the whole thing on. See my Comment Post in another Reddit Post about my GENERAL POWER RULE #1. First, you are operating at a deficit of about 12,000 MW. It will show how much power you currently produce and consume. Before connecting the last cable, interact with a power pole in the disconnected factory. im producing like 22k power and the spikes from accelerator are problems going into 30k randomly, even with 20 batteries get blackout ive got many coal plants and filled all the water with pumps, maybe 6 alien somersloop I'm at the transition point between coal and oil power; so making anything significant comes close to tripping the breaker. However, when you're out searching for crash sites, and away from your main power grid, you don't have a large supply of power the pack can tap into. I can confirm that all power is on 1 power grid using a train network so I'm not tripping a small power grid. You can set it so your power runs to every A and your smelters on B so if you need to save power or keep tripping the grid then you can turn off your smelters with one switch Build one row of coal power plants (how many depends on the level of belt you can build. The generation capacity on the chart includes all connected generators even if they're have no fuel or other resources. Is It Dangerous If A Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping? Yes, it should be considered dangerous if you have a circuit breaker that keeps tripping. It is definitely on its own dedicated 20 amp circuit. As far as I can see I'm not overloading power pole that gets all the juice. Just completed Tier 4 and about to start producing Phase 2 elevator 1. Will there be any more updates that cause this, as I'd sooner wait for final release than have this Aug 17, 2023 · Power grid breaking randomly So randomly my coal powered grid just shut off. Use this to see if connecting the new factory will trip the fuse. I haven't had any issues with power. So to start my power grid back up i build a few biomass burners, overclocked all of them and connected them to a power pole. It was a generator not getting fuel and the reason I couldn't figure it out was because it was a Sep 12, 2024 · hey guys im at the beginning of the game, i have a smelter and 5 constructors hooked up (24mw) to a 20mw generator, i put one of the constructor on standby so i should be using 20mw but the fuse keeps blowing, if i remove the power line to the the standby constructor the system runs fine. It will tell you "max consumption" which is how much power the factory needs. Make sure you're supplying enough resources to your gens. Jan 7, 2023 · You will always need more power. If you watch the power graph, there is a consumption spike of about 10% on startup. went around and put every other factory on a switch and set them to off. If power consumption (Orange Line) ever exceeds production (Black Line and/or Grey Line) and there is no energy in Power Storages to use, the power grid will trip. I have about 5. 4 mw to the same coal generator powering that pump, who's combined mw usage is NOT the max of my generator, the fuse trips. Production machines won’t make up for a shortage of power; instead, it will require a set amount, overwhelm the system, and shut down. If the grid trips then the 4 power station switches and master switches off. yea its a good idea to secure the grid by priority power switch betwen the main grid and the coal power plant. When you trip a breaker due to over-drawing its rated AMPS, you can attempt to reset it by flipping a "switch" on it. This was ok. Remember that you can always add on to your existing power grid. Best I can suggest is keep an eye on your power graph, and when you max consumption even gets close to max generation, go and build more power generators. 6 Main Causes Why Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping. Consumption and capacity Jan 19, 2023 · You might also experience a power trip, in which case the power grid will be fully shut down and you’ll need to manually restart it by interacting with a power pole and flipping a switch. I tried turn off some assemblers but that's not doing anything. are you wearing the hover pack. You can do the same thing with your power generators. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save Jul 23, 2022 · The power graph shows you your current power production and the needed power to supply all buildings consuming Power. Ever since installing it my room, me and my sisters room loses power. Just something to keep in mind. so i deceided to increase the amount of generators i have. Now, instead, if supply isn't exactly correct, power plants can empty up over time, and shut off. I have to go to each of the 6 pipes and flush the whole network and after that it will get back up to All of them was 100% exept for one. Each power storage machine needs one hour of 100mw to charge from empty to full. Spent 20 minutes troubleshooting before realizing the problem. If you're using coal, you most likely have "sloshing" in the lines. Even with the bio generators. You can simply disconnect some from the power grid or turn them into Standby. Hook up the miners and water pumps to power. made a mistake and disabled my sink that was keeping it running, power grid shut down. That means you are using more than it can produce. Kind of annoying, as everything worked just fine beforehand. ik i have enough power to sustain the entire grid. When both of them are connected to a power pole creating their own grid, it's fine. Even tried breaking up the system into smaller parts, still tripped. Any lacking power will cause an instant grid trip, which can be annoying to reboot. For example, machines don't draw the same power while waiting for ingredients. How many have you and are they connected with powerpoles? Make sure that you have one big network of power, not several small ones. Apr 16, 2022 · The train to do the entire trip without any problem but the five or six stations at my main factory were causing the power to go over its limit. It will prevent instant grid trip and give you time to unplug or fix problems. Fir the rest: read everything on your screen. The other major draw is from overclocking, so reduce power usage until you can get enough power I have a pure coal node running 120 coal per minute to 7 power plants which each take 15 per minute. Apr 30, 2021 · Yeah so, I didn't know whether this is a bug or not I just recently patched to 4 and I have had previous to the update a whole coal generator grid with like 30 max upgraded generator connected to two grids, 2 coal generators connected to a separated line for the water pumps to self run once began and the rest of the generators powering my whole factory. For power, I tend to use locations where coal and water are both present so I don't need to haul coal around. You do not need to delete all buildings. It is still connected to bio burner I used to kick start and I thought I would be able to remove this. Capacity is the total amount of power you grid can output, which includes the 180mw of your biomass gens. Apr 17, 2021 · Since the new update 4, my power grid keeps tripping out. When the power for the world goes out, Plant 1 for some reason will never have its water pipes fill correctly when the power comes back on. I have no idea why it's doing that. Optimal thing is that your power graph for production is flat. . For some reason on the new stable patch it borked my water setup and now several of my pipes are not getting water pressure like it used to literally yesterday. Has anyone had this issue before? Jan 6, 2024 · Is anyone having issues with power constantly blowing. When dealing with Coal Power Plants this can be narrowed down to one or more of three things: Not enough Coal Production. Apr 21, 2021 · A guide explaining how to fix broken power grids in Satisfactory. Oct 28, 2024 · im on the last part, having to complete phase 5 and my factory is a mess, producing stuff at trickle rate and can't have all manufacturers switched on or i get a blackout. Kept blowing a fuse every time. The only electronics I have in my room is my new pc and a mini fridge. Coal power to jump start oil power generation. Try isolating your power plants, get them running on their own before you run the whole factory, use the new power switches to make that easier, or just setup a disconnect to the rest of your grid until you unlock them. I found an oil deposit and tried to power it off my main grid using 3 biomass burners linked to a pole and the Jul 10, 2020 · When you over-drive your power grid, the switch says "reset fuse". Oct 3, 2024 · But if a circuit breaker in your home keeps tripping, it could be a sign something’s wrong. And cant even add more powerplants, fuse keeps breaking, Does the game have some other way to troubleshoot than disconnecting stuff I am running coal power for my main power source and slowly adding in fuel. It still shouldn't trip a breaker though unless there is something very wrong with the PC's PSU . Trains fluctuate power use based on acceleration and slope. Can you guess what happened? Still had my hover pack on It is an essential safety element that keeps you and your house safe from fire, even if it might be inconvenient at times. I temporarily fixed it by turning off my LEDs but my sister got a Alexa in her room and the problem starts up again. About 30,000 KW. Don't think I can be assed with finding the solution tbh, as I need the grid running to produce items that enable me to explore to get more coal. I have been trying to restart it with 5 biogens and couldnt figure out why it was tripping lol. The rest is just checking your math. The problem I'm having is that my power capacity seems to be fluctuating and periodically it will drop significantly, causing the whole system to trip. Once your breaker trips once, you’re in trouble. SlasherOne. Three things cause them to trip: Jun 9, 2020 · I am powering 1 generator 1 water extractor and 2 water pumps. Ok, so I have a power grid (mix of Fuel Generators, Oil power and some geothermal). If I switch all 4 power stations back to on before the master, nothing trips. These 4 power switches are then connected to a master switch. The priority power switch is just a switch with priority on what gets shut down first, it doesn't know which side is doing what and it doesn't care because while it might make no sense, someone may daisy chain their priority power switches instead of coming of a main bus. Even trips when other appliances that are not on that lighting circuit are not being turned on or off. The fuse will trip from time-to-time, so I go down to the coal plants to see what is going on, and they all have Sep 8, 2019 · So our Frigidaire gallery microwave which is a year and a half old is frequently tripping our circuit breaker multiple times per week. Ok it didnt have enough water. but that doesn't seem to be the Apr 21, 2021 · First, disconnect the power generators from the majority of the factory so it drastically lowers power consumption. The pipes can be full, but the machines could still not be getting their water or coal if you're using a manifold system. Anyone have any ideas? I'm just starting tier 3. If all of your power is all linked together it can be more difficult to bring it back up when trips. any idea why? Meaning you actually use more fuel to generate the same power by overclocking than if you just laid down another generator. It should be doing fine but idk why it would be doing that. So the answer is, you are not making enough Power. Sep 22, 2024 · If Power draw, goes pass If Power capacity your fuse will trip, unless you have Power Storage. Can anyone help please < > Oct 25, 2024 · I just finished my oil setup and all was going well. So with just the burners (fully fueled with solid biofuel) and a power pole, anytime i connect anything to that small grid it trips automatically, no My power output keeps going down exactly 250 me randomly. A) generate more power B) disconnect some buildings. 5gw mixed with coal and fuel generators. If you consume more power than you generate the fuse Breaks. Further, if you are really hurting for power, underclocking machines is the way to go. As it allows 2 power connections, multiple Power Storages can be daisy-chained to store large amounts of energy. No power => no coal => no water => fluctuating power levels. I hope this helps. doubling my total watage. Sep 27, 2022 · They likely run out of materials, turn off for a moment which causes your power to dip low enough to trip the breaker, and then the supplies still left on the belts/pipes partially refills the gens while you head back to turn them back on. I did not add any more machinery, so no idea whats the deal. Some of your power generators are turning off. Hello, just started playing Satisfactory, so far a very nice game! However I'm stuck, I can't help my Biomass Burner from shutting down. Dec 8, 2024 · Overloaded outlets are one of the most common reasons power keeps tripping, and they are often the result of too many devices drawing power from the same outlet or circuit. If that happens to enough at the same time, you'll end up with a tripped grid. 8 MW and a consumption of 224. So, check your power plants to see if any are at or above belt/pipe capacity (even at capacity, minor dips in production will cause an outage at some point). So as soon as you connect the biomass generators, it sucks the power (and life) right out of them. To know why, you must first understand the purpose of that circuit breaker. Particle accelerators have a power range that varies based on the recipe. I've got enough coal generators running to have me up at 850 MWs, and my power usage NORMALLY sits around five hundred. For example at 250% overclock the generator is only supplying 202% extra power. Will there be any more updates that cause this, as I'd sooner wait for final release than have this My max production and constant production is 404 MW with a max usage of 302. All of my generators are full on both water and coal but wont generate any actual power. If power consumption spikes above capacity, possibly because my burners just emptied or I carelessly put a new production facility online, I would prefer to have my assemblers trip off to keep buildings necessary to power production running, like coal This can also work with coal in terms of filling 1-2 generators at a time to full on coal then power on and the connect the next gens in the manifold so that generators don't keep draining out of the resources to run and the manifold keeps them full. I first thought it's only some of the machines and applications but actually it's more or less everything. Unlike Biofuel, coal gens burn a set amount no matter how much power you need. Posted by u/Individual-Copy-1485 - 3 votes and 18 comments the power grid production rates at the minimum. Each can store up to 100 MWh, or 100 MW for 1 hour. Build the miners on the coal node(s) and belt the coal to the coal power plants. I found and fixed the issue but I needed enough power to start the fuel factory back up again. I had a "stupid moment" and caused a backup of my plastic/rubber - which backedup the residual oil, so bunch of my fuel generators all shut down. Use biofuel generators to generate power to start up your coal power generation. Is there a help section in the game that explains basic mechanics? 2. Mar 11, 2021 · Now I try to create a power buffer of at least 25% based on consumption average. When i fixed it my power graph for production went flat. Why would this keep tripping? power drives me insane. It’s very dangerous when too much electrical current flows through Apr 17, 2021 · Since the new update 4, my power grid keeps tripping out. To combat this, I put 2 power storages and about a dozen biofuel burners in a corner of my base as a temp buffer in order to shore things up in the case that I need an hour or so of additional power. At first, everything seemed fine and the electricity graph remained straight. it runs, no draw on it so it isn't consuming fuel. All of them are full, I 've built 4 extra bio generators. Satisfactory is a demanding game and could be causing your PC to draw more power than most software. Usually the fault is still in the system and it will arc/trip immediately, just like how it happens in game. Let’s get into why your power breaker keeps tripping: The purpose of circuit breakers is to protect your family and yourself. I had this problem, I was using four water pumps for six coal plants. There's usually no need to completely re-work a grid unless you've somehow accidentally built a system with no open power poles left. Most buildings require electricity, or power, to function. From the Satisfactory Wiki Info about Power. Going overboard could result in accidentally tripping your Power Grid, according to The Gamer. "Production": The total amount of power that is currently be generated by your power buildings. Anytime you go over your 7803 Capacity, your breaker will trip leaving you with no power. Like I've been running all the same machines I have been running 24/7 (in-game, of course) for the last 10 or 12 hours no issues, and then all of a sudden I get a good 30-50Mw spike and trips the breakers It takes a couple tries but reset it and it works fine for another 5 hours Sep 16, 2022 · My entire power grid of about 25k consumption tripped because i forgot to maintain a small thing to keep it running. But for some reason it randomly turns off for no reason. Reread it if possible. Dec 22, 2024 @ 3:13am Biomass reactor malfunction? (Passive 100mw power use, is likely tripping Before update 4 my power grid was almost entirely Refined Power - wind, hydro, coal and fuel. However, some time later after connecting the setup to the rest of my electrical grid, I started noticing a lot of fluctuations. I needed to generate some emergency fuel and my refinery draws just under 60MW. For easy recovery, I put a breaker between the main power grid and the power plant. Biomass burners are unique: they scale their power generation (and fuel consumption) to the actual "consumption" going on. Left the bio burners there for a bit and did the same when I built the next coal factory. Dec 30, 2024 · While this is a very useful thing, it also means that the machine you use it on will use up more power than normal. Your power grid will only turn off if consumption > generation. Place a handful of power storage on your grid. I am out in the middle of nowhere farming Hard drives. There isn't an issue with power production vs consumption as I'm producing 55 000 MW and consumption is around 30 000 MW once all the factories are up and running so not sure what the issue is. What are upgraded power poles for? Will It help with the fuses tripping from Each circuit has a maximum current it can handle. While you’re at it, take this opportunity to learn about energy vampire for standby power that can make many of your appliances run 24 hours a day. Started a new game. Keep an eye on the power poles, because it is likely your consumption is higher than your generation. I have 6 coal plants set up with 2 water pumps. Finally, the hover pack draws 100mW, so if you are using that, then it can unexpectedly trip a power grid by spiking the demand. but whenever i reconnect it to the main power grid it just shuts off. I have 4 power stations each with their own power switch and a shared battery bank. It might seem convenient to plug in multiple appliances at once, especially with power boards and extension cords, but doing so can put a strain on your electrical system Sep 24, 2024 · Hi guys, I've never played any factory games before so I am completely clueless I have been playing this at my own pace discovering stuff but I'm still a complete noob. So I decided build more six coal plant and, so I build more four water pumps, and here was my mistake: I connected the 12 water pumps in THE SAME NETWORK, when I separated, building a different water network for the new six water pumbs everthing worked just fine. How do I fix this? I also have a coal setup (1200 MW), but it So, you normally don't think about the power being drawn from the hover pack - it just works. You don't reset a fuse like this, its is more likely a breaker. Will there be any more updates that cause this, as I'd sooner wait for final release than have this Coal power is a recurring annoyance. Go slow. I'm producing enough power for everything so not really sure what do to. turned my coal power back on, got May 25, 2023 · All of the sudden fuse broke, and have no idea why. I have the oscillators, just need the power. whenever i connect a system that i have to mine and process limestone that draws 18. Apr 23, 2024 · Related: 5 Reasons Why Dishwasher Keeps Tripping Breaker. If coal + biomass power isn't enough, the Power Storage machines will come online and help out, draining their charge to keep things going until they're empty. Power is measured in megawatts (MW). Next, interact with a connected power pole. We believe that it is the microwave because we've tried plugging it into different outlets and it is also tripping those circuits. WHY? Edit: nevermind figured it out. For whatever reason, and I'm staring at the game monitor on a second window as I type this, my Power supply is fluctuating. It's possible that some of your generators are not fuelled. Built a new Fuel generator plant. That means your power production is 100% efficient. Going by that screenshot, it looks like you have 3 coal generators connected, and they're running out of something every once in a while. So now the problem. Coal Generator fuse keeps tripping. Don't let blown fuses slow down your progress in the game - follow our step-by-step gu That sounds like you might need an electrician, the fault is quite likely to be with your house wiring. udpe bsyont djfy ahanh aogyf dutbv ntlhdjb srjqp lliijr kxkp utna rxkm znow ucokqyci hkky