Smite controller vs keyboard Players with hand injuries find gamepads more comfortable, but others struggle with the camera control limitations compared to keyboard and mouse setups. If I only played Smite then maybe a Console would be better for me, but since that surely is not the case; there is no reason for me to switch to Console unless its for any Console exclusive Feb 20, 2024 · Some players prefer the precision of mouse and keyboard for inventory management but find controllers superior for core gameplay. Player Recommendations I hope so. I’m playing on Xbox One using my controller, but now that smite has keyboard and mouse support is it worth learning to play using that over the controller? I’ve never played any games using mouse and keyboard but wouldn’t mind learning to do so. patr May 17, 2023 · While you might think that keyboard and mouse has an inherent advantage with the number of mappable inputs, this is simply not the case these days with custom controllers, like the ones made by SCUF, where with the implementation of paddles on the back of the controller, you’ll likely not be left wanting for more. AccomplishedTry3147’s controller gameplay sparked a debate on whether controllers are on par with keyboard and mouse setups. Team Controller: Hagard50 explains the advantage of having attack and dash buttons close together on a controller, enhancing gameplay fluidity. Your sticks should work regardless. Jan 11, 2018 · I recently broke my xbox so I am new to PC. com/BIackEyeSMITE Most definitely Keyboard and Mouse if you can. A controller is perfectly designed for it and is, in my strong opinion, vastly superior. Once I mapped those buttons in my head, it felt just as intuitive. It's not huge nor a gamebreaker but it does exist. While the shift was disorienting, it was easy to see why SMITE is so popular on consoles and should remain so. Mouse and keyboard allows for slightly tighter control, especially the mouse vs. Smite 1 forced crossplay… Controller players vs Mouse/Keyboard players. Many users suggest starting with a controller for its simplicity, making it easier for newcomers to get a grip on the game without feeling overwhelmed. My account level is like 135 and I have all gods mastered, 20 of those being diamond. Theres objective numbers that are fact out there somewhere. tv/thebiackeyeTwitter: www. Everyone wants to make crazy flicks but you can be really competitive on controller with most gods. Apr 14, 2015 · I still play the original way (also didn't notice the tumb stick). but everytime i see a player not able to stay on target and slow to fire off consecutive abilities, they are always on console/controller. Feb 20, 2024 · Keyboard and mouse (Mnk) provides a more competitive edge in the long run. razor naga! id had a horrible time playing with default keys until i remapped. Controller users appreciate the comfort and familiarity of using a gamepad for gameplay. Different tools, but it's the same game. In smite just juking is a whole different thing to when a controller player does it, controller players look like they are so So interestingly enough I find smite on pc much more enjoyable just because how much easier hitting abilities and basics are with a mouse than a controller, granted i still hit abilities very well on controller basics especially with hunters are much more difficult, and i keep getting told to increase sensitivity, but I actually think low sensitivity helps with aiming on controller, and before just play with your controller in m/kb lobbies. Controller IHufffPaint shared their experience transitioning from Xbox to PC, highlighting the difficulty of executing VGS commands with a mouse and keyboard. I too switched from Controller to Keyboard and mouse some time last year, smite was a pretty easy game to switch on, I run a lower sensitivity and 1200 dpi, have some keybinds switched around for relics but besides that nothing crazy Arcade sticks vs controllers are really the same thing in different sizes (yes I know that's a bit simplified, but the comparison holds). Just know that when it comes to the main screen and inventory items, the controller doesn't do anything (so you will need the mouse and keyboard). Smite 2 insists on the controller always being used if it's connected, and a Steam Deck will always tell the game that an Xbox controller is connected, no way to disconnect within Steam OS, Despite this, the mouse still works, although the cursor is hidden and clicking/keybinds don't do anything. While they both take plenty of skill, a good controller player will not miss once the first shot hits (up close). Would be a dream come true to play it on a handheld but my guess is that you will have a significant disadvantage when you‘re playing such a competitive game VS. This classic clash of gaming tools is invigorated by the returning player, ‘shamesticks’, who is seeking community-guided wisdom on the topic. . One recent Reddit discussion by user randomemes831 sparked debates about whether switching from a controller to mouse and keyboard is worth the hassle. Controller is what I used at JP PS2 launch, without needing to read the manual to know what the Apr 14, 2016 · What's better for play SMITE? Keyboard & mouse OR Gamepad (Xbox360)? Thanks. But I'm struggling quite a bit with the keyboards, skills and movement keys are so close to each other my left hand is getting confused and feels Dec 26, 2024 · Simple question. In summary, as long as your controller only have 4 cardinal directions for movement, and 8 action buttons that can be configured by the game's button config menu, everything is fine. Had the actives and consumables switched but i would rage We really enjoy playing smite together. all you have to do is changing your input to m/kb, go to the key bindings tab and put your controller buttons as alternative keybuttons. Hey guys, I've been playing smite in controllers for a few years and now I decided to give it a try with mouse and keyboard. Controller is better up close, mouse is much better at long range. votes Keyboard Controller Voting closed r/Smite • [10. If you are way better on controller than you are on keyboard and mouse then you will do better on controller, probably well enough to have fun, it's not that massive a difference. In the game, players control mythological figures such as gods, goddesses and take part in team-based combat. May 5, 2024 · Keyboard vs. I tried using keyboard and mouse controlls but I couldn't. to my knowledge you can already play smite with a controller. ːbeatmeatː Oct 30, 2024 · hopefully that will be possible, most games out there are better enjoyed emulating mouse + keyboard on the steamdeck and just making your own controls, because contemporary controllers just dont have the flexibility of the deck that i prefer to use. Microsoft did an experiment of console vs PC and I'd be curious to see how Smite would respond to such an experiment. There's a reason that every time pc players utilizing a mouse face off against console players utilizing controllers the pc gamers win. Don't know why you can do this but you can. Mar 12, 2019 · I was wondering if I could get some tips on playing with keyboard and mouse. It does not allow me to walk forward or backwards just strafe. Plus i prefer mouse and keyboard so idk anymore. I just don't know if i should use controller or keyboard. I swapped to PC about 3-4 years ago and just kept playing with controller instead of mouse and keyboard. Any advice on this would be great thanks! I mean you can’t turn as fast on controller. Even when I disconnected the xbone controller from my computer, I was unable to use the wasd keys to move. So you want to use controller on pc? Well I use controller on pc. JFun56 praised the play but humorously pointed out a mistake. com/BIackEyeSMITE Below are the default Controls in SMITE: A comprehensive commands list with their keybinds for the Voice Guided System can be found here: VGS Cheat Sheet Feb 25, 2019 · A word of caution should be given here. It's the complete opposite, most FPS games mitigate the inherent advantage of K&M by giving extra Aim assist to controller players, to the point that PC players think it's unfair the a out of help controller players get. (controller vs Go to Smite r/Smite • by keyboard vs controller. I have the basics down as far as moving and aiming but my problems usually come with the extra keys like using abilities and upgrading. Everything. In the meantime I will work on using mouse and keyboard May 2, 2024 · You cannot play mouse and keyboard on Steam Deck. While you can play with a controller you are at a disadvantage vs those using the keyboard. (I know ranked is a low played mode) Jun 23, 2024 · Physical Comfort vs. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Just more comfortorble sitting on the couch plus skyrim controlls are honestly easier and more comfortable on the controller. Both input methods have their strengths, with no clear winner. comhttp://www. Arguments suggesting the increasing difficulty of the game for mouse and keyboard players due to Aimbot 3. Is Smite 2 fully manageable with just a controller? Navigate all menus like in console but on Steam? I’m asking because Smite 1 needs a mouse for menus, it didn’t had controller support for menus but you can use the controller to play in-game. Has anyone had this problem or know how to fix it. Controller or bust. a twin stick shooter), but k+m if you can shoot in any direction. sorry if i'm wrong. It wont load the game login, picture sits for 20 minutes now. While some swear by gamepads for their entire PC library, others feel obstructed by the limited perspective offered by controllers. First get rid of that dumb controller binds from steam. Controller is also just more consistent than mouse. Jan 30, 2025 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A QUALIFIED YES, this game plays fine with a controller on a PC. Pros & Cons of Keyboard. lots has changed since I last played one of them being that we console players can now play mouse and keyboard! I was playing around in jungle practice with this last night and it just feels so weird to me. First things first, mouse is awesome, way better than the analog stick. Jan 12, 2024 · Warzone, the popular battle royale game, has sparked a heated debate amongst PC gamers: The duel of the mouse and keyboard (M&K) vs the controller. Sep 8, 2015 · Some of these answers jeez. Think pressure and sound, brown is good for people learning, not too soft, not too firm, honestly pretty similar to the amount of pressure needed to push a controller button. You do have to use the keyboard and mouse in the shop though. EDIT: Yes, i have now I got a homie that play on ps4 and he literally will not get on smite if he’s not on his cousins pc playin controller because he felt the difference was that massive, which it most certainly is! As for my progression on mouse and keyboard if you’re wondering, it’s been amazing. Smite PC has partial controller support, certain things (I believe buying items and clicking menu stuff) still require the mouse. But it doesn't really matter. Most games have a subtle amount of aim assistance built into the controller controls. Contrary to popular belief, Diablo-style games transition well to controllers. Keyboard and mouse for ps4 . Its like smite keyboard is set to other language style of keyboard. BrodieMcScrotie echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the clunkiness of controller usage for VGS commands. I want to use my xbox controller however the left joystick is causing problems. you're talking about the difference between grapes and plums. twitch. Smite esports commentator, multi-season multi-game mode GM, consistent top end competitive player and originally console player here. paypal. The solution: only change if keyboard press is Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Smite was released for Windows in March 2014. you still have to use your m/kb to buy stuff in the shop, but you are able to play in m/kb ranked lobbies on your controller. I don’t use my controller on all games but ones that have minimal controls I will like smite. Or on PC you're playing against others using mouse and keyboard (and a few using controllers). Sep 7, 2022 · If you’re trying to get good at a game that relies on lots of movement (like SMITE), then the controller is recommended. Once you get used to a controller, you can steamroll just like on PC. Generally controller if the game is topdown and aiming is restricted (i. But sometimes i get some heavy input delays wich really annoys me. Controller for most soulslikes. co Yeah keyboard and mouse definitely have a huge advantage but thats kinda the nature of the genre. I’m a weirdo, and started out on mouse and keyboard in season 1 but when my pc died I switched to Xbox (ie controller) in season 2 and now, however many years later I’m back on pc but still play with a controller. Feb 2, 2024 · Keyboard and Mouse (kbm) users in Warzone may be questioning their choice of input method. Even some games that require a bit of keyboard like DayZ I’ll play with controller and keep my keyboard under my hands to switch my quick slots. Many users highlighted the benefits of using a controller, citing reduced wrist strain and a more immersive experience. I've been using controller so far because i feel like its meant to play like that since its a console port. It's usually an option you can toggle on or off, but playing an fps with a controller and no aim assist is incredibly challenging for me personally. This isnt halo or apex so aim assist can only do so much. That’s my main issue autos aside :) that being said I play on controller because of convenience and knowing that I’m only matched with other controller players helps a lot. Controller players can still be insanely good but will most likely always be disadvantaged. I am not new to the game but I do suck pretty bad at not using a controller. Controller vs keyboard and mouse Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox Apr 22, 2024 · Controller Dominance. Controllers offer a smoother gameplay experience, especially with rotational aim assist giving that extra edge to players. You're playing against people who are also using a controller. KBM. We are all around level 25 and up and were looking forward to playing ranked together. I recommend keyboard and mouse for any multiplayer shooter game on PC as you will get destroyed if you play with controller. Then go to smite settings and somewhere there (I think in keyboard and mouse) is an option to swap between keyboard and mouse and controller. Tailored for those who want to keep up to date on the pro scene, tournaments, competitive plays and figure out new tips/tricks on how to play the current meta. Check out the g403 hero wired mouse and the g513 wired keyboard with brown keys, the key switch color is the tactile aspect of the keyboard. However there are advantages to keyboard and mouse, you can turn around a lot quicker while still maintaining good accuracy. This is also a big problem for Steam Input remapping, such that when I map a Sony or Nintendo controller's gyro to the mouse, then the game is unplayable. Now i reseted all and i disconnected controller before opening the game, so i enter the game with keyboard and mouse. Mar 13, 2023 · Controller vs. Now does it really matter if i use controller or keyboard? Because i really want to get good and play ranked but dont know what i should use You cant really argue mouse and keyboard vs controller one being bigger. I guess technically a controller is "more difficult" to use than mouse and keyboard. Mouse and Keyboard Gamers often debate whether it's better to use a mouse and keyboard or a game controller to play video games. However, Get-Fucked-Nerd defended against elitism, emphasizing skill over gear. Only way console players can play with you there is if they use keyboard and mouse which, at that point, is basically just a PC player. Other then that I don't have much. Some prefer the native character movement with a joystick on consoles. I used key board and mouse for a while but prefer the controller. ProfRupert 8 years ago #3 I can only use mouse and key for smite if my skills are on buttons on the mouse. I know the Unreal engine is capable of input abstraction and flexible, but how it's used in Smite 2 is poorly implemented. I’ve been playing competitive for two years or so, and every team I’ve been on has told me that instant is objectively better than quick. analog stick. Jun 5, 2024 · Controller vs. Dec 3, 2024 · Controller users praise fluid movement while keyboard and mouse enthusiasts appreciate precision. Change the controls to whatever is comfortable for you, I agree you should get a mouse with side buttons,they are very useful,but for sure I would switch,u can move so much faster and hit things you never could on controller with a mouse and keyboard! Feb 3, 2025 · Players find the controller layout cleaner and more relaxing than keyboard and mouse. I just have more precision with a controller but I know most prefer mkb. The comfort and familiarity factor can’t be Yes, it's possibleWatch me live at: www. Just recently got nioh 2 on steam and love it so far. There is a very slight delay cause by the controller interactions with the PC, thus keyboard will be able to respond slightly quicker than controller players. According to Desperate_Scarcity52, a Warzone enthusiast and top performer in other games, there’s a lack of balance when comparing kbm to controller input, suggesting that the latter carries distinct advantages. While some players resort to macros for assistance, others emphasize the importance of timing and practice to truly master the art of superglides. Diverse reactions from the community on the utility of controllers and the future of keyboard and mouse gameplay. While some players enjoy the feel and precision of mouse and keyboard (MnK) controls, the prevailing sentiment is that controllers offer a smoother aim experience. That's like comparing apples and cheeseburgers. :p I know if I suck it’s me not my input method lol Ok thank you, that makes so much more sense, i thought i was just super bad or having non stop bad matches but its just becauae im being matched with the same mmr people that use keyboard than controller. Two of us are on ps4 and one of us are on PC. People act like it's so hard to do anything well on console Smite, but it only seems hard when you compare it to the precision of a mouse. keyboard and mouse players. I recently went from keyboard to controller because I'm playing on my ps4 now(pc died) One tip I have for key board is to change the ability bindings. Four and a half on Xbox, 3 and a half on pc, and I never made the swap to mouse and keyboard. also why would you want to play with a controller? i believe you would be at a disadvantage against mouse and keyboard. The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. Theres a reason they combined the ranked pool and it wasnt because it was arguable. May 23, 2024 · Some believe keyboard and mouse allow for advanced movement tricks, but controller aim assist is valued by many. To go back to keyboards, if you brought your own keyboard in a tournament, it would have to be verified, until it's allowed. I find its pretty May 15, 2024 · Whether using a controller or mouse and keyboard, the ultimate goal in Warzone should be to have fun and not be overly competitive. Edit: Just to clarify - 1,2,3 stayed the same, the ult i moved to 6 because its easier to consistently hit with my thumb, Q and E for consumables and F, G for actives. Controller Conundrum. Jul 2, 2024 · Controller dominance due to rotational aim assist; MnK offers high skill ceiling but harder to master; Preference based on upbringing and familiarity; Controller Magic. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hey guys, more glorious smite! Feel free to support my channel: https://www. You can plug in a keyboard and then set your keybindings to your controller buttons. But in most cases you will be dominated by player with a superior input device. I find this interesting. I played my first match on mouse and keyboard, but the second was on a PS5 controller. Its weird because some games I use a controller in and some games I use mouse and keyboard in; Smite just feels more comfortable with a controller to me. So the playing field is even there. A mouse and keyboard give you much more control and precision vs a controller. Mouse and keyboard users praise the precision and ease of aiming, especially with certain weapons. 6] Season of Souls - Patch Notes Discussion Thread Jan 27, 2024 · Debate over favoring controller users over keyboard and mouse users in Warzone. I use an Xbox one controller so it may be different Dec 14, 2024 · Players are split on whether mouse and keyboard or controller offers a better experience in Hades. It’s more comfortable to me but it is definitely objectively worse. instagram. Truth be told you're handicapping yourself by using a controller and should just adjust to a mouse and keyboard For SMITE on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Smite with a controller". twitter. The thing is, 90% of gunfights happen up close, and they are more important since it’s much harder to reset. Members Online I didn't think anyone would fall for this bait May 15, 2024 · Whether using a controller or mouse and keyboard, the ultimate goal in Warzone should be to have fun and not be overly competitive. Controller favored for ease of use, while keyboard and mouse may require more practice for precision. Jul 24, 2024 · Controller vs. Controller plays vs controller. e. Depends: In a single firefight between a MNK vs Controller it might, since is likely the Controller will win if the skill of both players is similar (awareness, movement, decision making, etc); however, if a Player on MNK is genuinely more skilled in those departments, more often than not, will win against a controller player. While opinions on aim assist may differ, players should focus on the enjoyment of the game rather than getting caught up in debates over which input method is superior. People really like to overexaggerate the superiority of keyboard and mouse because it's what's been drilled into their heads by others, but it just doesn't apply to Smite. IMO It doesn't affect my movement that much (because in dota it doesn't affect my damage on combos when you need to use an item ability item item ability etc. Obviously, yes, you have to aim a little, but it's really simplistic in Smite compared to other games. I love Smite, I hope the controls will be good on the deck for Smite 2. I was stuck using my xbone controller. Feb 11, 2025 · As these passionate gaming enthusiasts banter back and forth about keyboard versus controller preferences, a broader message emerges: whether you’re dodging enemies with a swift controller thumb or pixel-perfecting your shots with a mouse and keyboard, the underlining theme is simply to enjoy the game. I dono if its the way the game is coded or the mechanics of the controller or pc master race is true haha. Feb 25, 2021 · Smite is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios. Controller Comfort. Who uses controller, vs keyboard? Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Can someone tell me how to switch between controlls? Ranked game modes are where mouse and keyboard vs controller gets separated and if you really don't want to play with console players go there. Smite is nothing compared to something like Call of Duty or Apex. As I also learned myself smartcast (the cast on release) on smite. Now with this upcoming patch, we cannot play because some of us play with a keyboard and other a controller. Keyboard players have a number of pros and cons, the most prominent of which are explained below. Pros play on controllers due to the effective aim assist. Player Perspective on Gameplay Apr 20, 2024 · Controller vs. damn ive been sitting here for 20 minutes dude, time flys when ur high, damn. They’re still 10x better with M/K tho. The only characters you could probably get away with playing on controller in GW2 are Rose, Chomper, Scientist, and Super Brainz. Sep 4, 2022 · Watch me live at: www. If I need to input text, keyboard is fine, but I can't accurately hit the key I want on the keyboard without looking at it, so not useful for reacting in games. it only affects my damage output when I put the items in the wrong spots XD). Jan 26, 2025 · Smite is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game that has captured the hearts of many gamers. Keyboard. I used Q for 1, or square Had a button at the thumb of my mouse for my 2 or X And E, or 3 for circle. Utilizing Macros. With it, you’ll be able to move faster and more fluidly than when using the arrow keys alone. Precision. Personal comfort and familiarity should guide your choice. While some praise the controller experience, others still lean towards the familiarity of mouse and keyboard. Some shooters I will too if I can. Do console players have to use controller or may they use keyboard and mouse? It is usually believed that mouse and keyboard is superior to controllers but it is probably game dependent (fighting games tend to favor controllers). Skill Progression. Some players on controllers also struggled with superglides, highlighting the challenges of mastering the technique on different input devices. I’ve been playing smite for about eight years. Nov 14, 2024 · This is improper. I think PC players look down on us for it, because we don't use a mouse. Dec 5, 2015 · the last game I played, I didn't notice my xbone controller was plugged in to my computer. It's the same with First-Person-Shooter, you just get crushed if you play on a gamepad and your opponent is using a proper mouse+keyboard. Keyboard doesn't work for me as a control device for any game. So after about 2 years off I thought id give smite another go (really enjoying it so far season 8 has been great). com/HefefloMy Instagram - https://www. Many users highlighted the significant presence of controller players in Apex Legends, with some noting the perceived advantage of aim assist. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed Smite 2 insists on the controller always being used if it's connected, and a Steam Deck will always tell the game that an Xbox controller is connected, no way to disconnect within Steam OS, Despite this, the mouse still moves around the screen, although the cursor is hidden and clicking/keybinds don't do anything. Arcade sticks/controllers vs mouse and keyboard are two different things. It's not an fps and the combat isn't fast so you don't gain much from the better camera control a mouse gives you. Always controller if the amount you press a button matters (like walk vs jog vs run), since keyboards don't do that. Controller: Easy Accessibility vs. K+m for almost everything else. There are genre where a controller or a joystick can give yourself an advantage (Beat'em'ups / car or flight simulator). Some argue that a mouse and keyboard offer greater precision and faster reaction times, while others prefer a game controller for its ease of use and comfort during long gaming sessions. com/myaccount/transfer/send -ssjasonglorioussmite@gmail. kbm plays vs kbm. Nov 13, 2023 · Gamer dude gives his recommended controller settings for SMITEWhere to follow me!My Twitch - http://Twitch. Because of health issues i rely on controller only. Anyone knows how it works on Smite 2? Thanks in advance. tiyv fomwy kptdf ojueml buupm vux rmlgkmh pkog ackx yqm joyrhnm lxo qaeqry aezik ohtbc