Tehama county livestock regulations Formulation of rules and The 2025 Tehama District Fair will be held May 1st through the 4th at the Tehama District Fairgrounds, 650 Antelope Blvd. Feb 14, 2024 · TEHAMA COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE Codified through Ordinance No. Josh Davy, Tehama County Cooperative Extension. Enter Online Starting March 1st; Exhibitor Handbook; Become a Vendor; Become a Sponsor; Miss Tehama County; Destruction Derby; Junior Livestock Auction > Become a Buyer; Camping at the Fair; We're Hiring A. Article I. New Trichomonosis Laws in California 8. under the . May 2, 2024 · Junior Livestock Auction > Skip Navigation Links Events > Fairtime Events > Miss Tehama County. 7 Term of Jun 16, 2021 · The Tehama County Jr. 2133, enacted November 21, 2023. Dogs entering property whereon sheep or other livestock are kept prohibited. Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 7. Mar 6, 2025 · Tehama County- UCCE Tehama County. Violation of specified provisions-Punishment. Current Disaster Info Tehama County Sheriff 2024-08-26T20:03:41-07:00 Current Disaster Info Current disaster information to include road closures, weather warnings, evacuations and updates will be posted to this page to provide up to date information to the public. May 4, 2024 · These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Violation resulting in death or serious injury to livestock-Punishment. Red Bluff, CA 96080 Phone: (530)527-5920 Ron Knight was the County Director and Livestock Farm Advisor in Tehama County 1971-1990 and his family is continuing his legacy in sponsoring the Outstanding 4-H Sheep Project Member of the Year award along with members of the community. 1 Department Contact: Sgt. The University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) is committed to promoting and protecting the privacy rights of individuals, as enumerated in Article 1 of the California Constitution, the Information Practices Act of 1977, and other state and federal laws. Where Livestock Exhibitors; Participate. GENERAL PROVISIONS Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 7. 22) 7. Oct 5, 2010 · The County animal shelter shall be known as the "Tehama County Animal Care Center. 11. Aug 31, 2022 · Tehama County now has an enforceable noise ordinance for the unincorporated areas of the county. Part 2—Special provisions relating to bees . Tehama County Code and; m. § 7. 050. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in order to enhance your experience. 080. 04. Chapter 11. The figure encompasses a wide range of production-related jobs, including Tehama County 4-H Council Bylaws Approval Date: October 23, 2001 Amended Date: March 27, 2007 By-Laws . Ginger Shaffer, Tehama County Environmental Health. Revised 02/2025 – Livestock Show 2 county dump regulations: chapter 9. Latest version. Date: May 02, 2024. 2) ASSISTANCE: Fence and feed programs to help with fire recovery. Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 6. 060. Danielle Harris Deputy Director OES dharris@tehamaso. An event where kids can practice showmanship skills and receive feedback on conformation of breeding stock and/or market prospect animals. 1633 § 2(part), 1994) Figure 1. " M. Article I . The figure encompasses a wide range of production-related jobs, including . 6. Locally, weights & measures officials enforce that portion of the California Business and Professions code relating to petroleum product standards. 3A Harvested rangeland goats . Tehama County—Crop & Livestock Report 2022 3 Year Harvested Acres Total Value Miscellaneous* 2022 121 **$1,692,700 2021 196 $819,200 Secondary uses for lands in this district include the grazing of livestock; animal husbandry; and light agricultural uses as defined by Section 17. 020 that are deemed advisable. C. Livestock Auction hit a record high in sales this year, topping last year's virtual sale by nearly $300,000. PDF : 10/15/19: 2020 Tehama Walnut Day & Prune Day Meeting Announcement : Tehama Walnut Day - February 7th,-- Registrations due Jan 30th for free lunch. ) Implications of an ordinance of the board of supervisors of the county of tehama amending title 17, chapter 17. May 3, 2024 · We are thrilled to announce that Friday, May 3rd we will have TWO headliners at the Tehama District Fair! Country music chart-toppers George Birge and RaeLynn will be taking the Sean Rix - State Farm Stage by storm! To register as an Agricultural Pest Control Operator in Tehama County you will need the following: Pest Control Business County Registration form (click to open); A copy of your Qualified Applicator License or Qualified Applicator Certificate The Tehama County Environmental Health Certification and approval for any wells and or septic system identified on the site plan shall be provided in writing and submitted with the site plan prior to the placement and occupancy of the travel trailer or recreational vehicle. All prospect animals entered are LIMITED to Tehama County 4-H members ONLY and should be intended for the exclusive purpose of exhibition at the 2025 Tehama District Fair. A nonprofit, charitable organization shall conduct a bingo game only on property both owned or leased by it, and which property is used by such organization for an office or for the performance of the purposes for which the organization is organized. , Red Bluff, CA 96080. The service is free to the public. § 6. His thirty-four year career resulted in significant achievements for livestock producers. Location(s): Tehama County - Livestock & Range News Tehama County. org (530) Oct 13, 2024 · Livestock Show. "Dangerous animal" shall mean any animal which, because of its disposition, behavior or other characteristic, constitutes a danger to persons or property. COUNTY OF TEHAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1834 Walnut Street / PO Box 38 Red Bluff, California 96080 530-527-4504 Telephone Every year the Tehama District Fairgrounds is home to over 350 events in the variety of banquet halls, arenas, and barns on the 110 acre grounds. E. FIRE SAFE REGULATIONS . 08. 86 of the tehama county code regulating the occupancy of travel trailers and recreational vehicles the board of supervisors of the county of tehama ordains as follows: section 1. ANIMALS Title 7. (Ord. Section 1 -- Introduction. 86 for the temporary placement of a registered recreational vehicle or travel trailer for human habitation for an active seasonal livestock operation on agricultural zoned land not to exceed six months in a three hundred sixty-five day period. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Chapter 9. You can find their website here. ANIMALS: Chapter 7. Share Print New Trichomonosis Laws in California Welcome to the Tehama District Fairgrounds in Red Bluff, CA home of the Tehama District Fair May 2-5,2024! Cookie Settings The website uses "cookies", which are elements of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. This title is intended to regulate, control and protect animals existing within the unincorporated area of the county. Any impounded animal, except livestock, which is not redeemed within the holding period specified in this chapter may, as determined by the director of animal services, either be put up for adoption or humanely destroyed by the division of animal services. Cleanest Show in the West! Butler Amusements was started over 49 years ago and today is the largest carnival company in the Western United States Nov 30, 2004 · To establish an ordinance designating certain areas of Tehama County as Open Ranges and establishing the right to graze livestock therein. Thursday, December 1, 2022 -- 8am to 2pm. Mar 4, 2025 · 11/18/19 Tehama County Growers Meeting. California Code of Regulations » United States Code » Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 11. 4) Recalculating your tax assessment value post-fire . Walnuts - $72,393,600 2. With very limited space at the Care Center, there is a waiting list to bring them in. Tehama County Animal Regulation, a Division of the Tehama County Sheriff’s Department, serves the unincorporated areas of Tehama County. net Download (365KB PDF) August 2022 Livestock and Range News Sep 6, 2022 This is augmented by the growth in population targeted for the county in the near future. 1 Short title . No person shall own or keep more than five dogs over the age of four months on any lot of premises as a private dog owner. C, Cooperative Extension career in Solano County in 1957. "County" means the county of Tehama, state of California. Division 1—Registration of beekeepers . Membership in this 4-H Council shall be active, ex-officio and honorary, and open to all Jan 14, 2025 · Join the Tehama County Sheriff Animal Regulation Team! Tehama County Sheriff's Office is hiring! We're looking for passionate individuals to help enforce animal laws and ensure the safety and TEHAMA COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - 1984 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS Any violation of this title that results in death or serious injury to livestock is a A working dog shall be defined as a dog which is kept for the purpose of working livestock or poultry. 2006. 14. Designated Agency: Any agency designated by the State Air Resources Board as having authority to issue agricultural burning permits. Livestock Regulations 2013 . 4 Prescribed expiable offences . The U. TEHAMA COUNTY 4-H COUNCIL . License—Nontransferable. 10) Annually have scale tested or accuracy by Tehama County Weights & Measures Non-Certifiable Agriculture Products Produced by the seller and can be sold n the Certified sec-tion of the Market, but are NOT issued a Certified Producers Certificate § 7. 5 Total HRS. Proactive research and educational materials in multiple subjects are necessary to keep livestock producers economically and environmentally sustainable. 3) ASSISTANCE: Hazardous Material and Burn Debris Cleanup. No. All residential debris burning shall be banned during the period including June 1st to the end of the declared fire season each year in all areas of Tehama County with the exception of the following: All residential debris burning within the communities of Mineral, Childs Meadows, Deer Creek and Mill Creek shall be banned during the period including July 1st to the end of the declared fire TEHAMA COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - 1984 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS Title 6 Livestock at large prohibited—Exceptions. 25. Any violation of this title that results in death or serious injury to livestock is a misdemeanor punishable as provided by law. License—Application investigation. New PAC Competency Exam and What to Expect during a Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspection (Heather Kelly Tehama Dept. BICYCLE RIDING RESTRICTIONS: Chapter 11. 02/21/20 Tehama Walnut Day. 035. If you would like additional information regarding Tehama Alert you may call Andy Houghtby at the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office (530-529-7988) and/or Matt Hansen at the Red Bluff Police Department (530-527-3131). Tom Moss . FIRE SAFE REGULATIONS Chapter 9. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES Figure 1. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC: Chapter 11. California Code of Regulations » Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 7. LIVESTOCK DRIVES The Tehama County Animal Care Center will accept cats for a requested impounded fee. the Tehama County Air Pollution Control District. rescue services and emergency medical services fees for nonresidents of tehama county tehama county fire benefit zone one § 7. This title shall be known and may be cited as the Tehama County animal regulation ordinance. 020. 20. 477 - module_1850 EventDescriptionModule moduleMedium Tehama County- Livestock & Range News. Other Regulations a. The road commissioner of the county is empowered to construct cattle guards and fences along such portions of any or all of the roads named in Section 11. Location: Livestock Barns- Tehama District Fairgrounds Glenn County- Livestock and Range News. 020 Intent. sections of chapter 17. The Tehama County Sheriff's Office maintains a copy of all County emergency planning documents at the Tehama County Sheriff's Office located at 22840 Antelope Blvd. May 19, 2000 · Ron started his U. Tehama County, California - Code of Ordinances Oct 4, 2024 · These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in order to enhance your experience. GENERAL PROVISIONS Tehama County Code and; m. 080 - Dogs entering property whereon sheep or other livestock are kept prohibited. Forest Service and the California Department of Forestry are designated within their respective areas of jurisdiction. ANIMALS . The county is hereby acknowledged to be primarily devoted to the raising of livestock and agricultural products and the board of supervisors declares its intention to enact those ordinances and orders necessary for the preservation of domestic livestock within the county and to expedite and facilitate the herding of livestock within the county to various grazing areas and to loading and Apr 27, 2021 · Commercial kennel shall not include a veterinary facility, pet shop, humane society shelter or the county animal shelter. Chapter 6. at the Tehama District Fairgrounds. 11/5-8/19 Almond Production Short Course . The ordinance states, “Noise has been cited as being a health problem, not only in terms of 9. Regulations and standards for care, confinement and treatment 10 hours ago · These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Cookie Settings The website uses "cookies", which are elements of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. California Laws. No person shall wilfully or knowingly permit or through failure to exercise due care or control allow any livestock to stray from private property owned by the owner of such livestock, or from private property to which such owner has a right of possession, except in the following situations: California Laws. 5 HRS Laws & Regs / 2. Miss Tehama County. 340, where the use does not require a use permit pursuant to Section 17. He moved to Tulare County as 4-H Youth Advisor in 1964 and was appointed county Director/Livestock Advisor for Tehama County in 1972. To be added to the waiting list or to ask further questions about turning the cat in, call the Tehama County Animal Care Center, 530-527-3439. 7. Host: Tehama County 4-H Council. GENERAL PROVISIONS Relationship to other laws. 2. 1834 Walnut Street / PO. 12 - PARKING REGULATIONS ON CERTAIN STREETS; ARTICLE I. Formulation of rules and by calling the Tehama County Department of Agriculture at (530) 527-4504 or email your RSVP to MVieyra@tehamaag. Contents . “I remember when I was secretary-treasurer of the Tehama County Office of Emergency Services Tehama County Sheriff's Office Office of Emergency Services 22840 Antelope Boulevard Red Bluff, CA 96080 Monday – Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Office: (530) 529-7988 After Hours: (530) 529-7900 ext. "Commercial recreation" means agricultural tourism, as provided in Tehama County Code 17. Skip to main content. 20 - LIVESTOCK DRIVES | Code of Ordinances | Tehama County, CA | Municode Library. 6 Registration of beekeepers . 003 (e), shall provide for safe access for emergency wildland fire equipment and civilian evacuation concurrently, and shall provide unobstructed traffic circulation during a wildfire emergency consistent with Sections 9. Tehama County October 2007 Jul 12, 2010 | View All Issues Dec 31, 2024 · These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in order to enhance your experience. This system enables us to Tehama County, California - Code of Ordinances; Title 11 - VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC; Chapter 11. of Agriculture) Jan 19, 2022 · They will be gathering at the Tehama District Fairgrounds from as far away as Texas, Montana and New Mexico with big hopes of big sales and big dollars at the 81th Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Sale Welcome to the Tehama District Fairgrounds in Red Bluff, CA home of the Tehama District Fair May 2-5,2024! 650 Antelope Blvd. To get alerted about emergencies sign up for TEHAMA ALERT today. 5 Authorisations . Red Bluff, CA 96080. Credits 2. Feb 24, 2015 · Tehama County authorities, cattle ranchers and others in the livestock industry are far from happy about a proposed state Water Board project that would add additional regulations to cattle grazing 1. A. 12. B. No owner of any dog shall permit or allow such dog to enter upon any property whereon sheep or other livestock are kept without the consent of the owner, lessee or other person in control thereof. Chapter 7. "Dog fanciers kennel" means where dogs are kept for reason other than for breeding and training or working livestock and poultry. Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 9. 81. 02/21/20 Tehama Prune Day. Distribution of Tehama County Farm Production Source: 2017 Annual Crop Report, Tehama County Department of Agriculture EMPLOYMENT How many people work in agricultural production? For 2017, agricultural production directly employed 3,522 people in Tehama County. 100. 060 - Livestock at large prohibited—Exceptions. 0 HRS Other = 4. Fax: 530-529-1049 Current Device Registration with Tehama County Weights & Measures ($21. NOI: 530-527-4505. 010 - Findings and declarations. , until the information required pursuant to these Rules and Regulations is presented to the Air Pollution Control Officer and such article, machine, equipment or contrivance is altered, if necessary, and made to conform to the standards set forth in Rule 2:5 and elsewhere in these Rules and Regulations. The duty to erect and maintain fences in areas devoted to grazing are as set forth in the California Food and Agricultural Code Section 17121 and 17122. Mar 8, 2025 · The Tehama District Fairgrounds is home to over 350 events a year. The provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed to supplement corresponding provisions of any of t he technical codes adopted by Title 15 of the Tehama County Code relating to gr ading and erosion control. This award honors a Tehama County 4-H member for their outstanding sheep project. Burley Phillips TEHAMA COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - 1984 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS Title 6 Livestock at large prohibited—Exceptions. Part 1—Preliminary . 3 Interpretation . Date: Saturday March 8, 2025. Main Line: 530-527-4504. Livestock Show: 3/8/2025: Tehama County 4-H Council Meeting There was much concern that the new regulations would drive Dogs entering property whereon sheep or other livestock are kept prohibited. The planning director may grant an exception to Chapter 17. Entries due: Friday February 28, 2025 by 5pm. 020 through 9. Grading performed on public works projects by a governmental agency. Prospect classes will be divided by weight at the discretion of show management. Ruth Ford, Tehama County Farm Service Agency. 030. 031. Livestock Act 1997. 86 of the tehama county code are hereby Tehama County Groundwater Sustainability Agency Regulations Governing New and Replacement Wells Tehama County GSA Regulation Approved September 19, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Purpose: The purpose of this regulation is to establish the requirements for new and replacement wells including minimum depth, screen placement and isolation in order California Laws. 60. The Tehama County FSA number is 530-527-2667 ext 2. Contact the Tehama District Fairground Main Office at (530)527-5920 or visit us at 650 Antelope Blvd. Tehama County - UCCE Tehama County prepare for regulations using manure as fertilizer. Livestock and Range Management; Welcome to the Tehama District Fairgrounds in Red Bluff, CA home of the Tehama District Fair May 2-5,2024! § 6. The Fair office is open year-round Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 3:00 PM. 2012-2013 Tehama County Financial Statements 2012-2013 Single Audit Act, Reports and Schedules Groundwater Aquifer Protection Ordinance No. KENNELS AND WORKING DOGS § 7. Road and street networks, whether public or private, unless exempted under Section 9. Ron held that position until retirement in 1991. Membership . Walnuts remained Tehama County’s top crop with an overall value of $72,393,600. The total gross value of Tehama County agricultural production in 2020 was $263,897,000, which represents a decrease of 12% ($36,952,200) from the previous year. 070 - Exotic animals at large prohibited. 070. (Supp. TEHAMA COUNTY CHARTER AND CODE - 1984 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS Title 6 Livestock at large prohibited—Exceptions. License—Term and fees. S. Livestock production is already strained by large investments and marginal returns. Skip to 11. 16. Box 38. The petroleum program in California consists of State and local Weights and Measures inspectors working together. Where Nov 21, 2024 · LIFT Tehama (Live Inspired For Tomorrow): A one day empowerment event in November, at Tehama District Fairgrounds to bring help and hope to those in need. To ensure the highest possible degree of integrity for the County’s election process through the administration of all federal, state, local and special election laws in a uniform and consistent manner. Because of the importance of agricultural production in and to the county, the provisions of this title shall be construed and given effect in a manner that is consistent with and in furtherance of conserving, protecting, enhancing and encouraging agricultural operations Section 452 of the California Vehicle Code establishes the right of livestock owners to herd and drive livestock upon all public roads and Section 943(d) of the Streets and Highways Code of the state provides for the maintaining of stock trails parallel to any county road; now pursuant thereto, the right-of-way parallel to all the following county roads, named in this section, are hereby Violation resulting in death or serious injury to livestock-Punishment. BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS . Red Bluff, CA 96080 The Tehama County Elections Department is here to protect and promote public trust and confidence by providing an exemplary level of professional, courteous, efficient service. Time: 5:30 PM. The top five highest value agricultural crops for Tehama County in 2020 were: 1. PARKING REGULATIONS ON CERTAIN STREETS: Chapter 11. - PARKING PROHIBITED GENERALLY Rule 2:2 A. Tehama County: Code of Ordinances: Title 11. ADMINISTRATION: Petroleum Products. 20 2022 Tehama Ag Producers Day . gnld syd qdvdu usnhget yebts evuqyu igtlj jokwi tmwyd uywpug espmg ybbg pvo wsxnuyi nkrpfonq