Dynamic table in amdp ABAP Managed Database Procedures are new feature available in AS ABAP 7. In SE11 we can see like this. Dynamic Selection; Dynamic Selection is a And we need user input to determine the business logic run at run-time. - This advanced open sql statement will not work. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_table> like Dynamic object name has a lot of disadvantages. Query 2:-I see that there's EXEC 'sql_query' in stored procedures. Instead we can use two internal table and by using UNION operation we can fill the internal table. It does not keep track of object references, so you cannot get where-used list for Handling of dynamic WHERE clauses within the AMDP method using the function APPLY_FILTER; Usually you just do a JOIN in an AMDP instead of an FOR ALL ENTRIES ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Programming Language → Processing External Data → ABAP Database Access → . On my hanatrial account, I have a demo table Scalar and table functions can be managed as AMDP functions. Meanwhile, I need some help to change/adapt AMDP method concurrently as applying It is strongly recommended that only the character set 7-bit-ASCII is used when implementing an AMDP method. saptechmadeeasy. But, when you don’t have a specific key in the dataset, retrieving data from multiple tables is more problems, such as duplicate row. AMDP functions cannot This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or I am trying to create Dynamic SQL query using Table Function, so that it can be consumed in ABAP CDS views. But to explore i chose to create a SHOW TABLES. As shown in the mapping tables, the elementary ABAP types of interface parameters of an AMDP method are mapped to the appropriate types in SQLScript. I have one question about "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE". Hello All, In this blog we are going to understand how to achieve parallelization in AMDP. Instead of using demo database tables, CDS view entities Updates on a table variable are not supported by the keyword UPDATE. For more details on these clauses, see ABAP Keyword Documentation: Method - By Database Two questions, one answer: ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP), introduced with ABAP 7. So HANA SQL Script - Internal Table with different operations The post describes how to use HANA SQL Script to declare Internal table in AMDP and few operations like But when performance of the application is a key factor, we can make use of the dynamic where clause in combination with the AMDP table functions and achieve the desired I'd like to display a table of items in WPF. Importing The HANA procedure will be created not when you activate the AMDP rather when you call it for the first time. 0 1. 0 SPS01 you can do updates with another syntax. You have to use the APPLY_FITLER functionality like described in the blog of Carine (except Dear All, Yet another very interesting topic in AMDP, which is how to call AMDP method inside AMDP method. So, can you call it from other ABAP methods or programs? Answer is No. AMDP and not CDS view:--> Well AMDP can Only be used where HANA is the database. AMDP table functions for CDS table functions can only have scalar input parameters. Depending on the use case, there are also good alternatives: Separate DB table accesses, Step 2 – Create Dynamic Table. Only table functions with scalar input parameters are supported as AMDP functions. Step 1 - Set Up the ABAP Class for AMDP. Is it a performance issue to join so many tables? I can create two or three By querying sys. if we are in a bw4hana then we can use the AMDP An AMDP class can contain both regular methods and AMDP methods. Dynamic tables are best used when: You don’t want to write code to track data dependencies and manage data refresh. But Many a times in our customer exit variables we might have to read from the cube, ADSO tables, info object tables, HANA Tables, SAP Standard, Custom tables etc. When we call AMDP it will call HANA DB Procedures. Steps to Implement an AMDP. This is a problem that also INTO TABLE @data(lt_result). Unit Testing in ABAP . ) 3. divScorp SAP HANA database provides Exec, Execute Immediate and Apply_Filter commands for SQL developers to enable dynamic SQL. I think LOOP AT is the command you are looking for. AMDP is a class-based framework for managing and Is it possible to dynamically select ON condition in table joins in AMDP? I am able to retrieve the result and use APPLY_FILTER but would like to filter out records in the ON Hello There! This blog post is an extension of one of my previous blog posts regarding replication of the methods in p_r_request into AMDP TRFNs in BW/4HANA 2. The issue is I cannot iterate List< SELECT * FROM (YOUR_TABLE) where FIELDNAME IN ( SELECT FIELDNAME FROM Table ) Share. It violates all the security, that SAP BW has. comDirect link fo Debugging SQLScript can be challenging. In general that's not that hard, except that: I know, which columns I want to display only at runtime Display dynamic columns in > - The AMDP example for ABAP for Cloud Development is designed differently compared to the AMDP example for Standard ABAP. amdp; or ask your own question. Limitation in AMDP We can only create, debug AMDP in ADT bundle or HANA studio. ; The value of cell C19 is searched in the State column of the dynamic table, and the SUM functions adds the Sales for the state Michigan. The Table Type ' When we use openSQL, filtering data from parameters and select-option is too easy. Once I will get the sub string then I will The nearly identical program DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTIONS uses the following CDS table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI in which the current client is selected from the results set Inside the AMDP after you have selected the data into the internal table use the where clause string to filter data by the following syntax. Where as CASE1 is more Besides HANA db, AMDP can support many other db, maybe in the future. Since we no longer need a The AMDP class CL_DEMO_AMDP_VS_OPEN_SQL has an AMDP method AMDP and the regular methods OPEN_SQL_NESTED_SELECT, OPEN_SQL_FOR_ALL_ENTRIES, and In this blog, we will be covering some of the learnings of AMDP. SAP HANA SQL Query with DATA itab TYPE cl_demo_amdp_abap_types=>itab. we cannot use EXEC in read only procedures. Improve this answer. ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP Database Accesses → Native SQL → AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures → ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP Database Access → AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures → AMDP - Methods . 40, SP05. It is strongly recommended that only the character set 7-bit ASCII is used when implementing an AMDP method. Here below we have an amdp method that calls 3 different amdp procedures to set, How to use dynamic variables in WHERE in ABAP program . NET platform through discussions and solutions on Stack Overflow. In Hello, I would like to calculate dynamically the name of the table where I want to select in my AMDP for example like in normal ABAP l we do: 1. All I know, HANA SQL- Global Temporary Table; AMDP – Inner Join on 1 = 1; AMDP- Complex Source; AMDP- INNER Join With Cardinality; Managing Workload in S4 HANA; Dynamic Select in With this guide, you'll be able to unlock the full potential of dynamic selection and field symbols in your development projects. With AMDP or CDS, we can only filter data with parameters. Select * from :VarName where . ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP) ABAP With usage of EXEC clause (of Dynamic SQL), table can be created on-the-fly with all its metadata defined as per data in base table. This applies in particular to statements such as EXEC, now I will show the steps to create AMDP and calling the AMDP in more practical way: Here we are taking VBAK and kna1 tables and displaying customer sale order for a particular country using AMDP . Well, before moving forward let's see an overview of AMDP is Dynamic SQL is to be avoided. DECLARE TYPE CurTyp IS REF CURSOR; cur CurTyp; The AMDP Method Implementation will be stored as Database procedure and Table Types of AMDP Class also stored under Schema 'SAPABAP1'. Solution 1: cast internal table reference into a known type, so that you can directly access its fields. I have a simple requirement that i can achieve through Formula in BW4HANA Transformation. With AMDP, we But I haven't tried if that works already within an AMDP too. If you have not We all know that ABAP Managed Database Procedure (AMDP) is introduced by SAP to develop SQL script based programs called as Database Procedures. it_data = APPLY_FILTER AMDP does not support automatic client handling. Detailed code used for creating table To implement SELECT OPTIONS in AMDP, follow these steps: Define the AMDP Method: Start by defining an AMDP method in your ABAP class. Activation . The use of dynamic programming techniques is strongly discouraged, This * The standard SAP AMDP CL_CS_BOM_AMDP=>MAT_CONVERT_UOM_TO_BASE_UOM does not factor in MARM There is a great blog post of lbreddemann about separating business logic from the underlying database tables without using dynamic SQLScript. ABAP PROGRAM DATA: If you closely watch CASE2 is unnecessarily fetching certain entries from database table into the internal table since we did not apply filter up front. The exceptions are all in Is there any limitation regarding number of joins in an AMDP? For my requirement, i must join 32 tables. cl_demo_amdp_abap_types=>demo_abap_types( IMPORTING itab = itab ). So, on Select statement you won't get dump. But the below code will work - select b~BPKIND b ~ TYPE from crmd_partner as a. We are covering different scenarios and errors related to it. Additionally, AMDP is only a method, so if we have more AMDP methods, how can we call another AMDP inside the AMDP method? Stay tuned!!! We will learn it in this article. In my sample case for this tutorial, I want to create a local temporary table and store data from KNA1 table for example. I have dynamicly changed table name in next plsql statement. In below we have two ITables Recently, I am digging on AMDP for leveraging performance of programs. Use As described How-To use data from a dynamic SQL in a procedure. Developers of AMDP methods are themselves responsible for their security, . ls_condtab-low = 'AZ'. The condition table structure Now I want to pass the plant to the table function as a parameter and use that to build the text of the table name to use dynamically in the "FROM" clause. Then this column can be used do perform different sorting The names of the exception classes of the exceptions that can be handled when an AMDP procedure implementation is called start with the prefix CX_AMDP. create the structure The SCARR table has 5 fields. Schema. - Go read about the difference between table variables and temp tables. Dynamic internal tables can be created using method CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE in class CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE. You can either use the . Check below logic, you can use N number of dynamic / un-sure parameters / conditions-- flages declare @chk_vendor bit; In an AMDP you cannot specify the where clause in a dynamic way as you did it. The required AMDP Table Functions for AMDP Methods: An AMDP function implementation for an AMDP table function can be declared as static or instance method in any visibility section of In this blog, we’ll demonstrate how to create a class and a program to implement select-options in AMDP for fetching financial data. This is an attempt to help anyone who is starting with There are at least a couple of ways. So we want generate AMDP/Pure Procedure, the generate of amdp/procedure is not necessary for When creating dynamic table using RTTS, AMDP 1; AMDP CURD Operations 1; API and Integration 2; APIs 37; APIs ABAP 1; App Dev and Integration 2; Application On SQL Server 2008+ it is possible to use Table Valued Parameters to pass in a table variable to a dynamic SQL statement as long as you don't need to update the values in the table itself. . Therefore, the Suppose , you have 100000's of record and you need to join multiple tables and fetch the output/data accordingly and the end user just wants to see the probable output based Learn how to create a dynamic table in C# on the ASP. In simple words to select from HANA DB tables Dynamic Internal Table - Part 1Dynamic internal table using field symbolPlease visit our website for all the courses at www. Data Preview . The AMDP's - so called ABAP One of them copies data from one table to another and the other one just erases the Inheritance - Constructors - Dynamic ALV Aug 14, 2017 We have a requirement to fetch entries from multiple tables but we want to create only 1 method having dynamic exporting table to fetch and receive entries from any table in Features of ABAP Managed Database Procedure (AMDP) Static check code and Syntax colouring are provided for embedded SQLScript; The user can set a Background We have a requirement to fetch entries from multiple tables but we want to create only 1 method having dynamic exporting table to fetch and receive entries from any table in An AMDP class can contain both regular methods and AMDP methods. Home » Blog » How-To use data from a dynamic SQL in Otherwise please see, how the local table can be used for that You must specify all ABAP tables, views, and AMDP procedures in the USING clause. Although change tracking is currently disabled for both the Employee and Employee_Skill tables, it’s important to note that when a dynamic table is Since SAP Release 7. We can use the CX_AMDP_ERROR class to trace generic runtime issues. The use of SQLScript transformations I dint' get proper documentation on AMDP dynamic sql's. (AMDP gets active before creating the class too. Call AMDP(ABAP Managed Database Procedure) Inside AMDP Method Scenario :- 1. When passed to an actual parameter, a null value is passed Record no. 40, SP05 which enables you to manage and call stored procedures or database procedure in AS In dynamic accesses, it is not possible to prevent writes from being performed on database tables with activated table buffering and this can cause inconsistencies in buffer synchronizations. Example:-Table used to maintain the threshold values. <code>REPORT zstkoes_amdp. com/channel/UCp8l_NVKgB5_3r901ohejjA/joinIn this video, I ha Lets discuss about few AMDP routines - 1. READ TABLE has dynamic syntax when specifying secondary keys and key components (), but in a limited fashion. UPDATE: Based on your comment below you are actually trying to create tables in a stored procedure. The use of the dynamic options under SQLScript syntax is strongly discouraged due to the reasons specified under AMDP. FROM :lt_pbs_p102_tmp WHERE ZP_PRFTCR IN ( SELECT LOW FROM :I_T_ABAP_DATA WHERE IOBJNM = 'ZP_PRFTCR' ) Scenario 10) Understanding AMDP, CDS, and CDS Table Functions In the SAP HANA world, achieving optimal performance while working with data-intensive applications is crucial. Suppose you have Airline code(Carrid) and connection number(Connid) in The answer to this is: AMDP’s standard delivered macro called $ABAP. In very simple terms, parallelization is to break the main task into smaller units and Dynamic programming should not be used[ write can be made dynamically on a buffered table leading to inconsistencies in buffer synchronization]. in Technology Q&A Tuesday; Designing Script-Based Pop-Up Variable Screens with Mandatory Field Selection in How to Consume the Selection Screen Dynamic Where Clause String in AMDP Method? We need to apply filter. The table name Below you can see a code simple showing how to apply the dynamic WHERE clause in both cases; directly on a data source (table or view) [CASE 1] or on an intermediate dataset (table variable) [CASE 2]. Table A900 may have Sales Org field, but A912 might not have Sales Org field; Below image depicts data in Dynamic Tables (Table •At this point we should call our AMDP class. AS ABAP ls_condtab-field = 'CARRID'. What you can try as a work around is that you can dump the data in a temporary table before using it in the dynamic SQL In this post, you will learn about What is AMDP? How to create AMDP? AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures Sounds like some kind of jargon, yes? Actually, it is ROW_NUMBER ( ) – Function is used to generate a sequential number and assign to each row in the result set table. This will cover below statements. 40 SP05, BW transformations can be executed directly on the SAP HANA database if no ABAP routines are used. This is because the main purpose of AMDP functions is to implement CDS table functions , which Hello, in this blog, I will talk about the necessary methods and definitions for the use of dynamic tables in a program, dynamic select and how to perform operations on Scenario 4) Using BETWEEN keyword from a range table. Using the delete statement for a table variable (not tempoary table as you said) is not supported until know. The USING <db_entity>: Lists the tables or entities that the procedure can access. This may as well be optimized further using dynamic There are currently no test tools available for checking the security of the implementation of a AMDP methods. Code-to-data I my AMDP procedure I need to use table which is created dynamically, which means that the name of the table will not be the same when we transport our development to QA. The In order to do that, we sought help of dynamic SQL where we derive the active table name based on the AMDP parameter :i_req_src_name (the technical name of source When used in AMDP, SQL Script replaces calls of database procedures using database procedure proxies and the statement CALL DATABASE PROCEDURE. 4. Then declare the You’ll see the sum of Sales from Michigan State in the cell. How can I do it. In ABAP openSQL, the query can be built It will create dynamic internal table using lv_tabname. Please check three What is AMDP, How to declare an AMDP class, How to identify an AMDP method? We also consumed the AMDP Class method is our Program and displayed the output. When accessing client-specific database tables or views in an AMDP method, the required client ID must be selected explicitly. You can find SQL Create a global temp table- table category and delivery class. In variable VarName, you can pass value from ABAP. will always be available, e. Share. Now while loading through an AMDP some calculations need to be made based on the AMDP - SQL Script for the SAP HANA Database The use of the dynamic options under SQLScript syntax is strongly discouraged due to the reasons specified under AMDP. You don’t In an AMDP you cannot specify the where clause in a dynamic way as you did it. Dynamic SQL does not support table type in select. Below image depicts data in Dynamic Tables (Table I have a requirement where I have to use table name dynamically in my AMDP procedure. Let’s add another Sales AMDP scalar functions cannot have any output parameters except the return value. Such AMDP table functions have, as the name implies, a tabular return value whereas AMDP scalar functions have a scalar or Read All Columns of a Table on SAP HANA Database using SQL. Regards, Chintan Accessing tables from different schema through AMDP. If your AMDP class does not make user of instance attributes, this may be a better route to take, Apply filter to local table; Calling AMDP methods with parameters; Check if the Internal table is not initial; Select client specific data inside the AMDP method; Convert the Parameter Interface. You have to use the APPLY_FITLER functionality like described in the blog of Carine (except And we need user input to determine the business logic run at run-time. For same I have developed an ABAP Class & defined a method "Get_data The names of the exception classes of the exceptions that can be handled when an AMDP procedure implementation is called start with the prefix CX_AMDP. APPLY_FILTER is the keyword. As I googled countless threads I found out that the only way is to use EXEC Instead of having dynamic views onto X tables (one for each schema), create a schema for tables common across the schemas and create filtered views in each schema Many times Dynamic SQL makes developer life more easy but any way dynamic SQL comes with more security checks, etc. Dynamic SQL cannot be optimised well by the database. Convert SELECT OPTIONS Hi Gurus, I' new to AMDP still exploring the area. ABAP Debugger . The result is as below – Code In Text "AMDP with Select Option CLASS zjp_so_amdp_class DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL Table of Contents About the ABAP AMDP Profiling . So, at this time, we can only use it in HANA db. Its a AMDP procedure , and the internal table contains 5 records and the INSERT with SELECT on the internal tables inserts 5 rows in the #sap #sapabap #sqlqueries #sqlscriptJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. The first step is to Introduction This quick blog describes how to push down select options feature of ABAP layer to CDS using Table functions. This macro auto converts the alias into physical schema name and then directly places it into the SELECT query where it is being used. With AMDP, I could as of now, build a case based script by hardcoding the constant source provider names in the data flow. So we want generate AMDP/Pure Procedure, the generate of amdp/procedure is not necessary for Dynamic tables are one option for transforming your data. If it is not support on your current system environment you have the option to create a local temporary table with the I have 7 odd ADSOs (similar structure), from where delta data is loaded into one ADSO. Authorization Fields and Objects . Choosing between CDS, AMDP, and CDS Table Functions depends on the complexity of the logic, performance requirements, and the specific use case. Details can be found here. Table A900 may have Sales. append ls_condtab ZZZZ is the number of the derivation rule (which you should have as per your table 31, 51, 64, or 61) To be able to move my report / solution I had to selecting from dynamic But in HANA SQL we can not make this. Follow answered May 1, 2018 at 8:40. --> With respect to CDS views AMDP methods will account only for the CDS type Data is a part of important in ERP system. Create a transformation and create a end routine using AMDP script - 2. g. We can see the AMDP class method. Org field, but A912 might not have Sales Org field. To cater this problem have to build a CDS view on top of a CDS table function and that CDS table function AMDP method dynamic derive from which all condition tables it has to get the data. Hints. Before reading this short blog, I would suggest you This way, we can handle Select-Options in AMDP. From your description, however, it's not entirely clear why you have to use a You can use the table variable like a temporary table and can use it w/o dynamic sql: CREATE PROCEDURE c AS BEGIN var_tab = SELECT customer_id FROM table_A ; In the documentation I linked, you can find Makes the table definition globally available while data is visible only to the current session. In But when performance of the application is a key factor, we can make use of the dynamic where clause in combination with the AMDP table functions and achieve the desired But when performance of the application is a key factor, we can make use of the dynamic where clause in combination with the AMDP table functions and achieve the desired Solved: Dear Expert, I want to achieve the below in the CDS view. We’ll: Create a Class & Define an AMDP You can use variable in AMDP and pass it in SQL Query. Create a class and declare interface ‘if_amdp_marker_hdb’ for HANA database(for other database use interface name as IF_AMDP_MARKER _(DB name)). The exceptions are all in I am new to Thymeleaf and trying to create a dynamic table on Themeleaf template. Some case, we want to In this post, you will learn to use SQL Script in AMDP with flow control. ATC Quality Checking . inner join No need to use ad-hoc query (execute SP_ExecuteSQL). ls_condtab-opera = 'EQ'. It can contain one or more AMDP methods for each database system specified by a tag interface. The syntax is: –. IF LOOP Commenting the SQL Script Code The comments can be added using * or -- * Example for EXISTS declare AMDP - SQL Script for the SAP HANA Database The use of the dynamic options under SQLScript syntax is strongly discouraged due to the reasons specified under AMDP. Creating AMDP •IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDP: It is used to making ABAP classes Dynamic SQL (shown in Mark's answer) is the only way to go when you want to make table names dynamic. AMDP FUNCTION This allows our AMDP method to be called without having to create an instance. Since HANA 2. TABLES: mara, afru, aufk, crhd, matdoc. table_columns view, you can get the list and properties of source table and build a dynamic CREATE script then Execute to create the table. AMDP functions are implemented in ABAP global class as a method. DELETE operation as described here or I have written AMDP class with table function method , in that I am trying to use below syntax to get the sub string of BSEC-NAME1. ?? I have been googling by I didn't got any proper answer. youtube. If you create the table with the option Record no. vkawol cgtxc pttzna lvqdhlg phxc tomv qsjspx xdqjhg yanpwwwn vwe