Effect of food taboos Most important, where capacity to enforce external conservation rules is limited, informal institutions may Some channels of impact, such as food taboos, have been extensively researched, while for others such as the cultural drivers of food waste the literature is still in its infancy. Food preferences are influenced by individual choices, while food taboos emerge from broader social contexts. A side effect of such socialized reluctance is to strengthen the group identity vis-à-vis those who do not Cultural practices such as religious beliefs, food taboos, food upbringing, traditional cuisines, totemic systems and traditional festivals shape the food preferences of the members of the major Like many other functional explanations of taboos, these accounts emphasize the effect of taboos at the societal level, both intended and unintended (Isajiw 2013 [1968]). Perhaps shared food taboos, even across different groups, could bridge intergroup gaps. climatic and ecological characteristics that influence the locally available food insect spectrum and Background Food taboos are known from virtually all human societies and pregnant women have often been targeted. As much as 10 percent of the group rejected nutritious foods which Background There are foods considered as taboo across different communities in the world and in Ethiopia in particular. Food taboos influence societal preferences, which affect the wider demand for a species. Whilst for annual events this effect was short-term, the region-specific ceremony of reburying the dead (Famadihana) was found to have a long-term influence on the diet of certain families. Food taboos, malaria and dietary change: Infant feeding and cultural . These restrictions often apply to women and are related to the reproduction cycle (during pregnancy, birth, and lactation periods) [2]. Although food taboos exist across all ages or physiologic states, they are predominant among pregnant women and children. Food taboos during pregnancy, for example, are highly Food taboos also have a strong effect on infant feeding and undermine optimal infant feeding practices [36]. Cultural determinants Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. 18 These multilevel determinants interact to influence food-related attitudes and beliefs. and food taboos sees food taboos from a utilitarian approach (Harris M. There is a paucity of study conducted Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. This Influence of food taboos on nutritional patterns in rural communities in Cameroon, International Review of Social Research 6(1): 35-39 (DOI 10. PubMed, CINAHL, and Web of Science were searched. This paper examined briefly the background to food taboos and food habits. : From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (1) Food taboos refer to the deliberate avoidance of certain food items due to cultural beliefs, traditional practices, or misconceptions about their effects on health, especially during pregnancy. While practicing food taboos and practices can expose women to poor nutrition, some food taboos can also potentially protect women against unhealthy eating. R. 1016/j. Search. Food taboos are also connected with 2016). Food taboos undoubtedly impact the life chances of girls and women worldwide, but it is important to understand them as embedded within a comprehensive Food taboos have a big influence on pregnant women as they have been followed by many generations and they also form part of their culture [6]. Discover the world's research 25+ million Food taboos are cultural or religious restrictions on the consumption of certain foods. Most religions declare certain food items fit and others unfit for human consumption. After Adverse Effect of Unhealthy Foods Craving Consumption of junk food is also harmful to both mother and the baby. In Cameroon, various taboos ranging from food to religious and social have significant impact on the diet of the people. Foods like beans, eggs, water melon, pumpkin and butternut were cited as taboo foods during pregnancy but Food taboos have a major impact on health, with women and children being the groups most affected [22,23]. 001. 52 Coveney, Food, Morals and Meaning. Other Taboos: Taboos can extend to various other areas of Social life. Such taboos may have health benefits, but they also can have large nutritional and health costs to mothers and fetuses. Additional reasons for women to avoid Therefore, further research should be conducted to explore the reasons for food taboos and its effect on maternal and fetal nutritional status and birth outcomes. The types of foods considered as taboos and the reasons attached to taboos vary from society to society. We qualitatively assessed food taboos during pregnancy, its motivating factors, and enforcement mechanisms in the Upper Manya Krobo district of Ghana. Stakeholders at the village level can collaborate to decrease the negative health impact of food taboo practices on pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The most commonly-known taboo foods among pregnant women who admitted to following food taboos within the Kat River Valley included oranges, nartjies (C. In developing countries, the practice of food taboos is widespread. The background to food taboos and food habits is examined, some of the foods tabooed in Nigeria and where possible the reason(s) why the foods are avoided are collected and the list will help agencies and individuals effectively fight these foodtaboos. Hackman-Aidoo and C. Hamishkoreib is among the localities that have suffered most from chronic food insecurity in Kassala State, Sudan. These food taboos and habits however, have adverse impact on the health and socio A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. In Ethiopia, religious fasting by Orthodox Christians is assumed to be an important impediment for the sustainable development of a competitive dairy sector and desired higher milk consumption, especially by children. This paper Religious beliefs profoundly influence dietary practices across diverse cultures and communities, guiding what foods are acceptable, how they are prepared, and the timing of consumption. The belief of restricting children from eating protein rich foods such as meat and eggs, because they will steal, deprive children of these nutritious foods, food, restricted eating of some food items because of cul-tural prohibitions, has also been a prominently reported attribute [5, 6]. Another shortcoming of the study was its recruitment focus on private ANC clinics from an urban-only context, as this may have over-represented the responses of well-educated women. We identified more Food norms are embodied within all the essential components of food security; availability, access, utilization, and stability. Taboos (tabu in Fijian) are culturally transmitted prohibitions, the violation of which is perceived to carry social or supernatural sanctions (see the electronic supplementary material). Some food taboos prohibit consumption of wild animals, chicken and fish limits the household food diversity. However, compared to urban and more educated com-munities, food taboos are generally more common Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. The religious factor in food habits is difficult to eliminate and food taboos of religious type are productive of immense economic waste. The impact of food taboos–often because of religion–is understudied. We documented food taboos and beliefs amongst pregnant isiXhosa women Food taboos which is a relatively commoner among poor communities especially in Sub-Saharan Africa is often more strictly practiced by pregnant and lactating women to prevent what they perceive as harmful effect of these foods on the Food taboos exist in virtually all societies as beliefs and practices prohibiting the consumption of specific ingredients (or combinations thereof) for religious and/or cultural reasons. [online This research represents the necessary first step toward building an understanding of the potential impact of food taboos and health beliefs on household nutrition in Tajikistan. Employing secondary data and personal experience; this article examines food taboos across three ethnic groups in Ghana and their cognitively held correlation with disability in unborn children and Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. I’ve delved into how our cultural background influences our food preferences and emotional responses. Negatively, food taboos could undermine health and nutritional needs of people especially the vulnerable in society (Azumah, 2011). 2002) and with religious motives, a functionalist view Food taboos exist in almost all societies, and they mostly concern meat from certain animals, rarely plants – for example, members of the Indian religion of Jainism are not allowed to eat not only meat but also root vegetables. It is transferred from generation to generation and has negative effect on pregnant mothers&#39; health. Today, especially in rural areas, some people believe certain foods affect health. For instance, discussing certain topics, such as politics, personal finances, or marital problems, may be considered Taboo in specific cultures The taboos of the same food or food group vary based on differences in regions, culture, and beliefs or reasons. 5. This 3. Food Taboos. This study explores the social Understanding food taboos and health beliefs can provide important insights into how social interactions affect nutritional status. A comprehensive search was made from Pub-Med, Google Scholar, Google Scopus, and Medline databases. A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. Bartholomew et al. 1985; Harris, et al. As such, understanding local pregnancy food taboos is The food habits of 200 women were evaluated to ascertain existing food taboos and determine their relationship, if any, to Recommended Dietary Allowances during pregnancy. Food taboos and misconceptions about food use contribute to the high levels of undernutrition. These taboos can be based on beliefs, traditions, or concerns about the health or spiritual effects of particular foods. Consequently, people practicing these pregnancy-related taboos believe that breaking them may harm the unborn baby or threaten the health of the mother [18]. Religious beliefs influence a person’s value system, traditions Food taboos which is a relatively commoner among poor communities especially in Sub-Saharan Africa is often more strictly practiced by pregnant and lactating women to prevent what they perceive as harmful effect Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. Semantic Scholar's Logo. The major problem of food taboos is preventing pregnant Background: Food taboos and cultural beliefs among pregnant and breastfeeding women influence their food consumption patterns and hence the health of women and unborn children. We Health beliefs and food taboos are two manifestations that emerge within these processes that may contribute beneficial, benign, or detrimental health outcomes. Food taboos also contribute to the high prevalence of micronutrient deficiency and exacerbate women's anemia Food taboos, whether scientifically correct or not, are often meant to protect the human individual and the observation, for example, that certain allergies and depression are associated with each other could have led to declaring food items taboo that were identified as causal agents for the allergies. The belief of restricting children from eating protein rich foods such as meat and eggs, because they will steal, deprive children of these nutritious foods, which may lead to malnutrition [35]. While it fosters culinary diversity and innovation, it can also erode traditional practices and lead to cultural assimilation. e. doi: 10. They argue that meat and eggs are expensive, and if children are reared on expensive foods they will grow and Food taboos influence the amount, frequency, and quality of nutrients that mothers and children consume. Thus, hunger levels are higher in countries with lower levels of gender equality [10,11]. The author’s purpose in this review was to explore the most common food taboos during pregnancy and potential health implications. Physiol Behav. 53 Meyer-Rochow, “Food Taboos. Women for instance are deprived of nutrients from certain tabooed foods 21 Food Science and Quality Management ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225 In an increasingly multicultural world, awareness of differing food preferences and taboos is vital for social harmony. There is a paucity of study conducted in food taboo practice among pregnant women in Ethiopia. Test your knowledge on the theories behind these food taboos and their implications. They reflect a complex interplay of religious beliefs, ecological A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. Our findings highlight the need to understand the dual impact of food taboos to develop effective, culturally It is noticeable that taboos have a considerable effect on animal conservation, as the social restrictions imposed by taboos effectively contribute to the local conservation of species. Methods This was an exploratory cross sectional study using qualitative focus group Poor maternal nutrition adversely affects pregnancy and birth outcomes. In most settings, food taboos often target pregnant women to prevent what is perceived as harmful effects of these foods on the newborn. Influence of common food taboos on anaemia among expectant women and mothers attending antenatal care in the County of Isiolo was analyzed using inferential statistics, chi-square, and Fisher exact test where assumptions of Chi-square were violated. However, evidence is limited. 1987 & Mintz S. Introduction Most communities, rural or urban, have taboos regarding foods to avoid during pregnancy, and most have local explanations for why certain foods should be avoided. [Google Scholar] Modena MLM. 3. Food taboos amongst these people have been recorded by Bolton . They have the force of tradition and tradition dies hard. Food taboos also have a strong effect on infant feeding and undermine optimal infant feeding This study explores the prevalence and impacts of food taboos among pregnant Malay women, particularly focusing on their effects on weight gain during pregnancy. Traces of D. In Ghana, most food taboos have their foundations in religious and cultural philosophies which reinforces negative etiologies and understanding of disability. Our Unique in its scoop, this study thus investigates the impacts of food taboos and preferences (FTP) on food security in Ethiopia, one of the world’s food–insecure nations combined with a Background Food taboos and cultural beliefs among pregnant and breast-feeding women influence their food consumption patterns and hence the health of women and unborn children. Household nutrition is influenced by interactions between food security and local knowledge Other taboos, particularly food taboos, may benefit human health through restricted exposure to disease (Douglas 1966, Ferro-Luzzi 1980, Harris 1987, Ross 1987). It is our aim to examine whether food taboos in northeastern Madagascar serve a Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. ” 51 Coveney, Food, Morals and Meaning. Food taboos have a long history especially in Food taboos and beliefs. Maternal food habits are influenced by many factors like socioeconomic status, parity, social food taboos and pregnancy In effect, such food taboos have a positive effect on individuals. Taboos are pointed out as tools for the conservation of animals, considering that the presence of this social rule prevents the consumption of animals. A well-nourished and healthy Significance of Food-taboos in Scientific journals, articles, etc. K. The belief that land is only for grazing contributes to low crop production and consumption thus the diets lack diversification. unshiu), orange juices and drinks, chicken, potatoes, fish and wild animals (). Keywords Micronutrient deciency, Maternal health, Food taboos, Cultural objective of this study is to investigate the impacts of food taboos and preferences (FTP) on food security in Ethiopia, one of the world ïs most food-insecure nations with strict food norms. The author's purpose in this review was to explore the most common food taboos during pregnancy and potential health implications. This study explores the social dimensions of food taboos and health beliefs in rural Khatlon province, Tajikistan and their potential impact on household-level nutrition. Consumption of vegetables is limited since they are perceived to be livestock feed. Health beliefs and food taboos are two manifestations that emerge within these processes that may contribute beneficial, benign, or detrimental health outcomes. Those food practices and taboos directly impact on women and children health. Man y studies conflate food . Background: The cultural beliefs, food taboos play a key role on women and child health in India. Anthropos 72(5-6):734-748. Analyze how food taboos related to animals can impact subsistence strategies and resource use (18. Results of our study revealed that 50 percent of the women participating in the evaluation actually practiced superstitious food beliefs. This exploratory study employed a qualitative research design, with semi- structured in-depth interviews as the main method of data collection and Food beliefs and taboos about certain foods influence the use and consumption of food in the household. While a social anthropological research on eating and food taboos sees food taboos from a utilitarian approach (Harris M. 065. Fijian food taboos. 1515/irsr-2016-0005) to be temporary withdrawn Future work will thus investigate the effect of food taboos on maternal nutritional status and on pregnancy outcomes longitudinally, in a cohort study. Unique in its scoop, this study thus investigates the impacts of food taboos and preferences (FTP) on food security in Food taboos are known from virtually all human societies. Understanding food taboos and individual preferences for food items is critical to the development of effective nutritional programs and educational messages. This quantitative study investigates the influence of gender and power structures on dietary Human societies have food taboos as social rules that restrict access to a particular animal. Associations were considered significant P <0. 201, p<0. In Ethiopia, religious fasting by Orthodox Christians is assumed to be an important impediment for the sustainable 3. Therefore, further research should be conducted to explore the reasons for food taboos and its effect on maternal and fetal nutritional status and birth outcomes. Objective. Chakona G, Shackleton The distinction between food taboos and non-food classifica tions is not straightforward. In many societies, there are dietary restrictions due to misconceptions or food taboos during pregnancy which consequently results in the depletion of important nutrients. In fact, it plays a significant role in determining the diets of pregnant and lactating women, infants and Observing food taboos during pregnancy might have impacts on maternal and neonatal health outcomes. life, while some foods are only avoided for certain periods of time like in pregnancy [2]. Identifying such foods among pregnant women is crucial in providing focused interventions and prevents their negative Unique in its scoop, this study thus investigates the impacts of food taboos and preferences (FTP) on food security in Ethiopia, one of the world’s food–insecure nations combined with a culture of strict food norms. It is transferred from generation to generation and has negative effect on pregnant mothers' health These food taboos and habits have great impact on the health of the Nigerian community. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of anemia in A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. Future work will thus investigate the effect of food taboos on maternal nutritional status and on pregnancy outcomes longitudinally, in a cohort study. The Impacts of Food Taboos and Preferences on Food Security in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ethiopia EU agrarian Law 10. M cDonald, “ Food Taboos: A Primitive Environmental Protection Agency, pologists have also been co ncerned about the various impacts of food . This comprehensive review investigates the nutritional conditions and food taboos encountered by pregnant women in India, exploring the complex relationship between socio-economic factors, cultural beliefs, and This indicates the deep-rooted nature of the condition and how strong cultural beliefs affect food taboos which is quite consistent with the findings of studies conducted in Ethiopia, 9,22,23,35 Food taboos arise mainly on the basis of religious or cultural scruples some evolve from other forms of collective experience. Food taboos are strong food aversion items because of the culturally transmitted Many food taboos and other prohibitions forbid the meat of a particular animal, including mammals, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs, crustaceans and insects, which may relate to a disgust response being more often associated with meats than plant-based foods. The Impacts of Food Taboos and Preferences on Food Security in Developing Countries: Evidence from Cultural beliefs and food taboos had negative effect on the prevalence of anaemia among pregnant mothers χ2 (3, N=369) = 8. , 2015). In the co Taking a look at the ubiquity of food taboos, we notice that sometimes taboos affect all sections of the population at all times: Jewish dietary laws and the basic Hindu regulation of "no meat, no In South Africa, cultural beliefs and food taboos followed by some pregnant women influence their food consumption, which impacts the health of mothers and children during pregnancy and The impact of globalization on food taboos is a double-edged sword. food taboos and a region-specific cultural event. adaptation on a papua new The third theme was the reasons underlying adherence to food taboos which is deeply embedded in the personal believes and attitudes of the pregnant women, who were nested within the influence of Food taboos and cultural beliefs among pregnant and breast-feeding women influence their food consumption patterns and hence the health of women and unborn children. The search was done using search terms including “maternal dietary practice”, OR “harmful traditional practice on feeding” and “food taboos for pregnant women”, “Impact of food taboo” OR “feeding practice”. In the rural Acholi community where malnutrition is The impact of food taboos–often because of religion–is understudied. Religious dietary 3. It is noticeable that taboos have a considerable effect on Health beliefs and food taboos are two manifestations that emerge within these processes that may contribute beneficial, benign, or detrimental health outcomes. First, health beliefs and food taboos may be associated with geographic proximity to Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Effect of food taboos on prenatal nutrition" by M. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. ) is encouraged Food Taboos – A Food taboo is a restriction on what foods are considered appropriate to eat, as well as appropriate ways to eat foods. physbeh. In many cases available research is heavily oriented toward high-income countries. Food taboos have been recognized as one of the factors contributing to maternal undernutrition in pregnancy, especially in rural settings. This work consists of a systematic review that aimed to verify how food taboos vary between different animal species, Food taboos are observed in all traditional societies. Migrants tended to adhere to taboos less than long-standing inhabitants, suggesting that attachment to place is significant in maintaining adherence to taboos. To assess magnitude of food taboo and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public health institutions Although food taboos related to culture are more subject to change due to the level of literacy that prevails in the society and cultural contact, violators of taboos suffer consequences. This study was designed Abstract Food norms are embodied within all the essential components of food security; availability, access, utilization, and stability. In this qualitative study carried out in the Upper River Region, The Gambia, seventeen An effect of cultural events on diet, especially diversity, was found. These practices include not giving children cer-tain foods [40]. e extent of the practice of food taboos and the spe-cic tabooed foods vary from one community to another. Hence, clinicians and public health programmers should exert efforts to provide nutritional counseling at any maternal health care delivery points to reduce myths and misconceptions. In Indonesia, papaya ( Carica papaya L. Sometimes, the taboos continue even among the educated members of the society. 2007. High consumption (>80%) of tea and coffee was reported among all the studied groups. The term 'Orang Asli' describes a variety of aboriginal tribes, nowadays confined to the forests and forest fringes of West Malaysia. 12 Reference Statement of problem: Food Taboos are foods and beverages, which are abstained from consuming for religious, cultural or hygienic reasons. The data indicates that these Sometimes such food taboos or prohibitions are a direct consequence of religious beliefs that may date back to documents like the book of Leviticus the effect of “Food Neophobia Scale” (FNS) on “Persuasion Strategies”, b) the effect of “Persuasion Strategies” on “Eat Insects” which refers to the stated willingness to consume Meyer-Rochow, “Food Taboos. The present study covered the status of current knowledge about food taboos associated with wildlife in the world. M. This quantitative study investigates the influence of gender and power structures on dietary their food consumption, which impacts the health of mothers and children during pregnancy and immediately afterwards. Background Food taboos and cultural beliefs among pregnant and breast-feeding women inuence their food tion education may be a good strategy to eliminate inappropriate food taboos and beliefs with negative impact on the health of pregnant and breast-feeding women. The present study aimed to The ways in which social change affects the stability of taboos are complex. 2007;92:717–724. 05. Food taboos, while often seen as simple dietary restrictions, are deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of societies worldwide. PDF | On Jan 1, 2001, Peter J Atkins and others published Food habits, beliefs and taboos | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate These food taboos and habits however, have adverse impact on the health and socio-economic status of the Nigerian population especially the vulnerable groups-the women, pregnant women, children and the elderly. Taboos (tabu in Fijian) are culturally transmitted prohibitions, the violation of This quiz explores the concept of food taboos across various cultures, highlighting how societal norms determine what is acceptable to eat. The Impacts of Food Taboos and Preferences on Food Security in Developing Countries: Evidence from Food taboos and taboo practices generally have great impact on the health of people, especially pregnant women; the city of Kenema is no exception. Food-taboos: primitive environmental protection agency (South America). et al. Pregnancy is the most delicate stage of human life These food taboos impact not only individual dietary choices but also influence communal eating practices and social interactions. The type of food considered taboo and the reasons attached to the taboos vary from society to society. women, pregnant women, children and the elderly. Sign In These food taboos and habits have great impact on the health of the Nigerian community. Food Taboos and Cultural Beliefs Influence Food Choice and Dietary Preferences among Pregnant Women in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Kudzedzi continues to influence people’s food habits and offers them ritual significance. It is transferred from generation to generation and has negative effect on pregnant mothers' health Statement of problem: Food Taboos are foods and beverages, which are abstained from consuming for religious, cultural or hygienic reasons. taboos and food proscriptions, affects food security. Show abstract. Thus, it is important to understand the dual impact of food taboos to develop effective, culturally sensitive, community-based programs. 1. To assess magnitude of food taboo and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public health institutions This was followed by perceived food quality, which also had a significant direct effect on the behavioral domains and a higher indirect effect on street food purchase intention than perceived food Common Food taboos and Effect on Children’s Health: In Southern Nigeria, especially around the Mid-Western Region, it has been observed that meat and eggs are not given to children because parents believe that it will make them steal. The determinants of food choice can be represented through a multilevel socioecological framework with concentric circles . Pregnancy marks a pivotal period in a woman’s life, requiring careful dietary management to ensure the health of both mother and child. impacts of food taboos and preferences (FTP) on food security in Ethiopia, one of the world’s food–insecure nations combined with a culture of strict food norms. Relying on unique data, we shed light on Food taboos which is a relatively commoner among poor communities especially in Sub-Saharan Africa is often more strictly practiced by pregnant and lactating women to prevent what they perceive as harmful effect of these foods on the newborn [7, 8]. These practices have their roots in traditional and cultural beliefs. 11 Normative Social Influence 5. Harmful social norms and food taboos place adolescent girls at a tremendous disadvantage, reducing their diets' diversity and food security. World Health Organization [37] reported Food taboos arise mainly on the basis of religious or cultural scruples some evolve from other forms of collective experience. On the the effect of taboos at the societal level, both intended and unintended (Isajiw 1968/2013). Results show a significant number of women avoid specific foods, with pineapple being the most commonly avoided due to its perceived abortive effects. To assess magnitude of food taboo and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public health institutions Malnutrition is a serious public health problem and has long-lasting economic consequences for individuals and families and, in turn, affects the economic growth of the country. Search 223,101,067 papers from all fields of science. The impact of diet on anti-social influence of food taboos and beliefs on anaemia among pregnant women in isiolo county, kenya sora gonjobo agustino q139/ce/26471/2014 a research thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master reproductive health option in In the article “Food, Culture, And Emotions: The Psychological Impact Of What We Eat,” I’ve explored the intricate relationship between our food choices and emotional well-being. In South Africa, cultural beliefs and food taboos followed by some pregnant women influence their food consumption, which impacts the health of mothers and children during pregnancy and immediately afterwards. These cultural malpractices and beliefs can influence the dietary intake of pregnant women which subsequently affects the birth Food norms are embodied within all the essential components of food security; availability, access, utilization, and stability. Participants exposed to a Muslim target who ate non-halal food were less trusted by participants, regardless of their religious affiliation (Hall et al. In South Africa, cultural beliefs and food taboos followed by some pregnant women influence their food A comprehensive search was made from Pub-Med, Google Scholar, Google Scopus, and Medline databases. Cognizant of their neglect in programs aimed to ameliorate hidden hunger among pregnant and breast-feeding women in Buyende and other resource-poor communities in sub-Saharan Additionally, food taboos may be means of promoting trust, within but even across religious groups. 2 Animals and Subsistence). We documented food taboos and beliefs amongst Observing food taboos during pregnancy might have impacts on maternal and neonatal health outcomes. We studied food taboos during pregnancy and lactation in three villages on Yasawa Island, one of the outer islands in Fiji. 2478/eual-2021-0001 Conclusion: Maternal food habits have an impact on the pregnancy outcome. In Ethiopia, religious fasting by Orthodox Christians is assumed to be an important impediment for the sustain-able development of a competitive dairy sector and desired higher milk consumption, espe- Traditions obviously play a role and superstition and taboos will have been major factors. This narrative review examines the intricate relationship between religious dietary practices and their health and psychological well-being implications. The influence of the glycaemic load of breakfast on the behaviour of children at school. These food taboos and habits however, have adverse impact on the health and socio-economic status of the Nigerian population especially the vulnerable groups-the women, pregnant women, children and the elderly. Overall, empirical evidence on the impact of cultural drivers of food security Therefore, further research should be conducted to explore the reasons for food taboos and its effect on maternal and fetal nutritional status and birth outcomes. When a baby grows quickly, additional calories should come from nutritious foods, so they can contribute to baby’s growth and development [7]. It examines the factors that influence individual food choices and includes examples of religious and cultural restrictions. Food taboos are considered to be purposeful averting of a meal piece for motive other than simple aversion or meals Food taboos have influence on pregnancy even though they need about 300 extra calories per day, especially during the later pregnancy period. A number of traditional food taboos adopted by pregnant women are carried over to their children after delivery. However, several limitations must be considered when interpreting these findings. This This study explores the social dimensions of food taboos and health beliefs in rural Khatlon province, Tajikistan and their potential impact on household-level nutrition and considers evolving gender roles in the wake of mass out-migration of men from 1990 to the present. In South Africa, cultural beliefs and food taboos followed by some pregnant women influence their food A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. Due to the restriction of essential foods and beverages, it has a significant negative health impact on Conclusion: This study revealed that food taboos and eating behavior during pregnancy like aversion, skipping and no use additional meal and occupation of husbands and educational status shows Understanding food taboos and health beliefs can provide important insights into how social interactions affect nutritional status. However, the adverse economic influences of these norms are largely under–researched in developing countries. 30. On the other hand, qualitative analysis was Back Ground: Food taboos influence intake of vital nutrients which required for optimal maternal health and fetal development during pregnancy. Our analysis considers Some pregnant women in the study may be considered nutritionally vulnerable due to the likelihood of decreased intake of nutrient-rich foods resulting from cultural beliefs and food taboos against some nutritious foods, and encouraging such women to adopt a healthy diet would significantly improve maternal nutrition and children’s nutrition. Food beliefs and taboos about certain foods influence the use and consumption of food in the household. et Food taboos are customs that prevent certain foods and beverages from being consumed within a society for religious and cultural reasons. To assess magnitude of food taboo and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public health institutions Understanding Food Taboos. On the basis of a qualitative Food taboos also have a strong effect on infant feeding and undermine optimal infant feeding practices [36]. These food taboos and habits have ever affects the mother’s health, usually affects the child [39]. This can also apply to drinks. It is transferred from generation to generation and has negative effect on pregnant mothers' health . on humans because of their identity. In developing countries, the practice of food taboo is pervasive. ” 49 50 65 Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology Volume 11 (1-2) 2021 A. Most of the foods tabooed in Nigeria work against the least privileged and immunocompromised, i. Interactions of the individual with the social and physical environment influence food choices and dietary behaviors. oofh vevv pem npikk fvau btgkrr xzmm pqebsy kyd nhqav