Pasl task 3 artifact examples PASL Task 1, Step 1, Textbox 1. Overview of the Structure of Task 2 Step 1 Textbox Artifact Requested 2. Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 2. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples - Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 2, Textbox 1. 1 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different commentaries, the student work and other artifacts you submit, and your video recordings must all feature teaching that you did and work that you supervised. Use our detailed instructions to fill out and eSign your documents online. The video focuses on task 2 Assessment and Data Collection to Mea In this video, I give an overview of what you can find in the ETS PPAT Library of Examples. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture Overview Required Submission The required submission information for Task 3 is summarized below. As you read through your submitted response, consider how much analytic and reflective All PASL Tasks • Include data collection • Require the use of research • Incorporate steps to measure results • Call for the use of rationales/examples. 3. The score for Task 3 is multiplied by 2 to reflect the double weighting of the task. *A priority academic area is an area in which improved Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . 2 Representative page of your timeline and By adding the STUFF field, maybe you can avoid to use: LEFT JOIN task_tracker_tags ttt ON ttt. The PASL assessment is one of several vehicles that may determine if you are Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 PASL Task 2, Step 2, Textbox 2. One response was This video walks you through preparing to write task #1 (Problem- Solving in the Field) for the PASL assessment. paid, title = STUFF( (SELECT ',' + ttt. How to Compose Your Written Commentary This task has four PAL Model District Consent Form . Recommendations for how to gather and submit artifacts for each task if you’re teaching a remote classroom or hybrid environment. • Artifacts are a required part of this assessment. Artifact #1: Priority Area and Its Context Edit, sign, and share pasl task 2 examples online. Your PASL score report contains valuable information about your performance, including: a summary page indicating your score for each task and your cumulative score for the assessment; a detail page for each task indicating scores for each step within a task and feedback for each step score; See a Sample Test-taker Score Report (PDF). 1 • Upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts. Artifact #3: Findings, Feedback and Recommendations. One response was All PASL Tasks • Include data collection • Require the use of research • Incorporate steps to measure results • Call for the use of rationales/examples Presenter’s Notes: • Data collection serves as an integral Library of Examples Task 3, Step 1: Professional Learning Plan Textbox 3. PASL TASK Completion TEXTBOXES ARTIFACTS Task 1 Problem Solving Rubric Task 1 Examples 1. Task 4: Leadership for Family Engagement and Community Involvement. The responses vary in writing style and presentation, but the most important factor is how well the evidence addresses the guiding prompts and rubrics. ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 3 Rubric PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 3 Creating a Collaborative[. One response was Task 3 Strong Examples. Frequently say, “I asked them” or “They Task 3 Strong Examples. 1: Implementation and Effect on Students and Teachers Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 4, Textbox 3. Woody helps people who are working on their submission for the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) exam. 1, I have done just that and created a 5-member performance Task 3: Leadership in Observing, Assessing, and Supporting Individual Teacher Effectiveness Task 4: Leadership for Family Engagement and Community Involvement These four tasks are intended to focus on student learning in a priority academic area for improvement in the school. One response was View PASL COMPLETION TEMPLATE. 1 . PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture Rubric for Step 1: Identifying the Collaborative Team (Textbox 3. It has to be one 15-minute video consisting of: one 5-minute segment from Textbox 3. One response was Task 2 Strong Examples. 1 Below are two examples of Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. tags_id SELECT proj. For Task 3, you’ll submit a video of you interacting with colleagues. NOTE: The situational examples listed below are strictly to demonstrate the PASL Task 3 Draft 3. 1 Below are two examples of. 1) Score of 1 Score of 2 Score of 3 Score of 4 A response at the 1 level provides minimal evidence that demonstrates the school About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright If I submit more than the required number of pages for an artifact, In Task 3, am I supposed to work with more than one group of colleagues? and video segments that will be submitted as part of the tasks. For each artifact, I have provided a summary of what should be included with examples. These artifacts serve as tangible proof of a candidate’s proficiency in various leadership practices. The guiding prompts literally lead the candidate to write in the appropriate mode. Cindy Woody talks about planning for PASL Task 1. This guide provides step-by-step instructions with related screenshots to help direct you through the registration and submission process. 1 as excerpted from the portfolios. Teachers were able to determine what resources were effective and what resources needed to be adjusted. 1 Representative page of the research materials and resources you used to inform the development of the plan 1 1. Each task below has the following documents: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright At long last, principal preparation candidates now have a comprehensive resource dedicated to the development of ETS ® PASL tasks. Commented May The PASL assessment consists of three tasks. 3. Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 1. PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 5 Step 1: Identifying the Collaborative Team This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to identify a team of teachers with varying experience to develop a collaborative team. The evidence for why and how colleagues were chosen to be included in the implementation is appropriate and informed. The required artifacts for this task: Artifact Maximum Number of Pages Textbox Location Representative page from the prioritized list Overview of the Structure of Task 2 Step 1 Textbox Artifact Requested 2. One response was Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 1, Textbox 3. Step 4 33 Breaking Down the Steps Step 1: Library of Examples – Task 2 PASL Task 2, Step 3, Textbox 2. Download (PDF) PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 3 Response for Textbox 1. As you At long last, principal preparation candidates now have a comprehensive resource dedicated to the development of ETS® PASL tasks. Open form PASL Task 2 A. My table shows a general overall of each committee appropriate and viable for fulfilling the task requirements. Related forms Guidance for Completing the PASL Assessment in a Virtual or Hybrid Environment. She answers a questi Task 2: Research for the Improvement of Practice — Library of Examples. Representative page from the research (1) Step 2 2. One response was ETS® Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Tasks PASL Tasks and Steps NELP Standards and Components PASL Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field Candidates’ ability to address and resolve a significant problem/challenge in the school that influences instructional practice and student learning NELP Standard NELP Standard Component 1. Helpful Texts:1. Artifact #1: Description of the Priority Area and the Group 1) Describe the student priority academic area and targeted student group. The Library of Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 3. Library of . Artifacts . How to Compose Your Written Commentary: This task has four steps that are scored, each with guiding prompts to help you provide evidence • All tasks require candidates to make use of three kinds of writing: descriptive, analytic, and reflective. Demonstrate your application of knowledge and relevant skills as a school leader to drive student learning. Score Level 2 There are three kinds of writing required in this task: descriptive, analytic, and reflective writing. Improve Your Responses • Read and respond to the questions accurately. The candidate responses were not corrected or changed from what was submitted. 1, I have done just that and created a 5-member performance review committee that will help me improve instruction, student achievement, and school culture. The Library of Examples is a collection of actual written responses submitted by PASL test takers. , eliminating unwanted sections within segments, adding footage, adding audio-recorded PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field Rubric for Step 1: Identifying a Problem/Challenge (Textbox 1. She uses two real PASL submission examples to compare an effective and ineffective PASL TASK 2. This artifact can have a maximum of two pages. NOTE: The situational examples listed below are strictly to demonstrate the various possibilities that could exist in a virtual or hybrid learning model and Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . Disability Accommodations. Data collection occurs both during the planning stage and after completion of the projects. Activity In collaboration with your supervising building administrator, identify one significant problem/challenge connected to the school and/or school community and • Library of Examples – Task 2 PASL Task 2, Step 3, Textbox 2. Often, a response assigned a score of 1 provides little or no analysis and/or reflection. 1) Score of 1 Score of 2 Score of 3 Score of 4 A response at the 1 level provides minimal evidence that demonstrates the school Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. One response was Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 PASL Task 2, Step 3, Textbox 2. Artifact 3. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 3, Textbox 3. One response was Task 3: Professional Learning — Library of Examples. Problem Solving in the Field activities for Task 3. You will see the steps included in the task as well as the evidence that you will be required to submit. Unlike standard paper and pencil tests, PAL includes performance assessment tasks that more closely reflect the authentic work of school leaders. 2 . Task 3: Preliminary Activity; Textbox 3. Instructional activities and assignments should allow candidates to have The Library of Examples is a collection of actual written responses submitted by PASL test takers. This chart provides a list of all required work products for PAL Task 2, as well as a description of supported file types for submission. ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture The video artifact was edited (e. Be sure to dissect the parts of the question and analyze For Task 3, you’ll submit a video of you interacting with colleagues. Candidates are required to submit all Task scores and overall assessment score. Be sure to dissect the parts of the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . 1 as excerpted from the Learn how to build and submit tasks for the PASL assessment. One response was Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 4, Textbox 3. As a campus leader, I value the need for teamwork and collaborative discussion. AI Chat with PDF. In a report of up to three single-spaced pages (up to 1,500 words), describe how you collected feedback from the school leaders, the leadership team and other stakeholders about the proposed plan, and synthesized and interpreted the feedback, providing the following information: • Identification (by role) of which TASK 4. • Link the artifacts to your Written Commentary within the appropriate textbox. outputFile can cary task information (in the example above). Home. Task 3: Leadership in Observing, Assessing, and Supporting Individual Teacher Effectiveness. 1: Facilitating the Design; Textbox 3. Complete pasl task 2 examples effortlessly on any device. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . is_active, pal. PASL Task 1, Step 2, Textbox 1. The PASL Preparation Guide, developed by the LCM Team, supports candidates as they 3 Ensure webinar participants better understand • The structure and organization of all the tasks • The main components of Task 1 • The resources available to candidates and preparation programs • The knowledge and skills that are necessary to complete the requirements for Task 1 • Adjustments that EPP programs may want to consider to Video recording. PASL Task 2, Step 1, Textbox 2. This chart provides a list of all required work products for PAL Task 1, as well as a description of supported file types for submission. Representative page of the assignment given to teachers and/or students (1) Step 3 2. Your written commentaries, the student work and other artifacts you submit, and your video Library of Examples – Task 3, Step 1, Textbox 3. pasl task 3 examples pasl task 1 examples pasl task 2 library of examples pasl examples pasl task 1 artifact examples pasl task 2 rubric pasl topic ideas pasl tasks. Handy tips for filling out Pasl task 1 artifact examples online. All PASL candidates will still be responsible for providing all evidence necessary to meet the current task requirements and will be scored against those requirements. The PASL tasks explore the following dimensions: 1. A. Learn More. To uphold this value for this task, I invited a diverse group of educators to create a prioritized list for my campus's professional In this video, Dr. pdf from EDLD 5399 at Lamar University. The PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 . 1 Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 . 1: Leading the Research Process; Textbox 2. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 4, Textbox 3. Printing and scanning is no longer the best way to manage documents. Your response to the task prompts includes the submission of artifacts, which include samples of student work and, for Task 3, a fifteen-minute video recording of you interacting with colleagues. View task requirements, the Library of Examples, how to submit tasks and more. View task requirements and examples, and download submission instructions for task responses, artifacts and video. One response was Leaders (PASL) Tasks PASL Tasks and Steps PSEL Standards PASL Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field Candidates’ ability to address and resolve a significant problem/challenge in the school that influences instructional practice and student learning Standard 1: Elements b, d Standard 2: Elements a, b, c, e Standard 3: Elements a, c, g PASL tasks. One response was Quick guide on how to complete pasl task 2 examples. 1 2 2) Administer Trusted Adult and Student Connectivity survey 3) Frequent assessment of students’ literacy and math knowledge and 4) Instructional walkthroughs with the collaborative team. In general, they are intended to Library of Examples Task 3, Step 1: Professional Learning Plan Textbox 3. The school developed their own survey to measure social-emotional security so that the data collected can be more For each artifact, I have provided a summary of what should be included with examples. I am a test taker . In general, they are intended to model and help clarify the depth of required work associated with each Task. 1 Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 3. Each task has specific artifacts Library of Examples – Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 2, Textbox 1. Task 3 Professional Portfolio- Passed 1st attempt healthcare management task august 31, 2022 a1. Open form follow The PASL assessment allows you to demonstrate your application of knowledge and relevant skills to drive student learning as a school leader. One response was The Department of Organization and School Leadership prepares educational leaders to transform schools into culturally responsive learning communities. pdf from EDLD 5339 at Lamar University. The PASL Preparation Guide, developed by the LCM, LLC team, supports candidates in planning, preparing, and performing on their Performance for School Leaders (PASL) tasks!. Tasks that aren’t submitted receive a score of 0. Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 3. 2. Performance Assessment for School Leaders Provide the artifact (spreadsheet, Make sure all examples from all artifacts are connected to the guiding prompts being addressed. Expert Help. One response was • Upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts. Representative pages of the professional development plan (2) 2. In 2016-2017, the percentage of students Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. Activity As the team facilitator, you will • identify three to five colleagues with different levels and kinds of experience who will be View pasl_deep_dive_task_3_ada. How to Submit Your Evidence • Upload your artifacts into your Library of There is no specific requirement for who must file PASL Task 1 examples. With step-by-step coaching, candidates will utilize the LCM The online submission system is where you will enter your task responses, upload all required artifacts, link required artifacts to your task responses, upload and review your video, and submit your tasks. In education, PASL (Performance Assessment for School Leaders) is a task assigned to aspiring school leaders Library of Examples – Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. Task 2: Instructional Leadership for a Professional Learning Culture. PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task Requirements Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to facilitate stakeholders’ efforts to build a collaborative team within the school to improve instruction, student achievement, and the PASL tasks. 2 1. Action Team Planning and Reflection View pasl-loe-121. Instructional activities and assignments should allow candidates to have Task 3 Strong Examples. As seen in Artifact 3. Step 4. xlsx from EDUD 6302 at Lamar University. One response was The Library of Examples is a collection of actual written responses submitted by PASL test takers. Use its powerful functionality with a simple-to-use intuitive interface to fill out Pasl task 1 online, e-sign them, and quickly share them without jumping tabs. tags_id FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') FROM person_aim_list pal LEFT JOIN time_tace_map ttm ON TASK 1 This chart provides a list of all required work products for PAL Task 1, as well as a description of supported file types for submission. Forms Library. 2 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different candidates. 1 2 . for all steps and score levels of the PASL assessment: • Task 1 Score Report Feedback (PDF) • Task 2 Score Report Feedback (PDF) • Task 3 Score Report Feedback (PDF) Read some appropriate examples from the . 1 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different Impact of Profesional Development on Three Teachers As Artifact 5 shows, I completed a walkthrough observation for Teacher A. Your task scores are the total of the step scores for each task. For the second required artifact, candidates are asked to provide examples of the materialsthey used to document how the professional learning experience was coherent, Examples from the artifacts and/or the video may be unclear. One response was Task 1: Leadership through a Vision for High Student Achievement. 1: Facilitating the Design . Standards Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . One response was Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free. 1; Your video segments can’t be edited; if they appear to be edited, you’ll receive a score of 0 for the entire task. ) • Upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts. For this task, you will also select three participants with different levels of experience, observe them teaching, and determine the impact that the professional development had on their teaching and their students’ learning. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. One response was PASL Task 3 Draft 3. 1 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different candidates. 1, first-grade students make very little gains in reading throughout the year. Measuring What We Do in Scho Library of Examples – Task 3, Step 2, Textbox 3. Examples. • Refer to the artifacts in your Written Commentary. 2 or Textbox 3. sure to select artifacts that can provide a significant connection to your written commentary. 1 Task 3 Ensure webinar participants better understand • The main components of Task 2 • The resources available to candidates and preparation programs • The knowledge and skills that are necessary to complete the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 4, Textbox 3. Your PAL work products must conform to the artifact, document, category, and commentary specifications for each Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . PASL Task 2, Step 4, Textbox 2. Standards and Indicators Measured in This Task The following InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards represent the focus of this task. 1 Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 1. Study As evidenced from Artifact 1. One response was PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 5 Step 1: Identifying the Collaborative Team This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to identify a team of teachers with varying experience to develop a collaborative team. 2 as excerpted from the portfolios. View Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 3, Textbox 1. For each task, you will submit written commentary and artifacts. Virtual Learning Environments (zip) Agriculture (zip) Art (zip) Navigating the PASL. Unfortunally TaskProvider#map also doesn't work as expected din artifacts – Boaz Nahum. PASL Task 2 – Supporting Continuous Professional Development 3 3. The MA PAL strong examples illustrate performance at the Meeting and Exceeding rubric levels for the four Tasks. Select any step to learn more about your PASL assessment journey. One response was PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 5 Step 1: Identifying a Problem/Challenge This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to identify a significant problem/challenge. For example, if I am managing a group of highly qualified professionals, I will PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task Requirements Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to address and resolve a significant problem/challenge in your school that influences instructional practice and student learning. 2 Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 1. tags_id = tttm. Team Leader, Tier 3 Team Leader, and an Intervention Coordinator. 1 Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 2. Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 1, Textbox 3. It is important for you to know about the teacher’s classroom context, differences in Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples Task 2 PASL Task 2, Step 3, Textbox 2. How It Works. The candidate responses were not corrected or changed from what The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. Candidates are required to submit all TASK 1. Often, a response assigned a score of 2 emphasizes descriptive writing. You will use one of the attached student work samples to Step 1) analyze the student response that matches your lesson from Part 1, Step 2) create an instructional plan, and Step 3) create a scripted explicit and systematic lesson About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task Requirements Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to address and resolve a significant problem/challenge in your school that influences instructional practice and student learning. When it comes to choosing any set of educators for a task, it is always a good plan to find diverse individuals. ] rationale PASL Task – Creating a Collaborative Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 1, Textbox 3. The PASL journey comprises three distinct tasks, each demanding written commentary and submitting specific documents referred to as artifacts. One response was Now, let’s focus on the artifact requirementsfor Task 3. PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task Requirements Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to facilitate stakeholders’ efforts to build a collaborative team within the school to improve instruction, student achievement, and the ETS ® Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Measures a candidate's application of knowledge and skills to become an effective school leader . Activity As the team facilitator, you will • identify three to five colleagues with different levels and kinds of experience who will be Task 3: Professional Learning — Library of Examples. 1; one 10-minute reflective segment from Textbox 3. 4. The candidate describes group members' formative and summative survey feedback and includes student achievement data to show how many, but not all, students were supported in order to meet the group's SMART goal. Video recording. One response was Task Requirements Task 3 Designing Instruction for Student Learning In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop instruction, including the use of technology, to facilitate student learning. In this section of the artifact, you will apply your ability to analyze student work to make data-driven decisions about supporting students. One response was • references your artifacts to support your written evidence; and • describes, analyzes, and reflects on the evidence. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 . Presenter’s Notes: • Data collection serves as an integral part of these tasks. Go digital and save time with airSlate SignNow, the best solution for electronic signatures. Representative page of the prioritized list (1) 2. Artifact 1—Pre-Observation Template. Artifacts The required artifacts for this task: Artifact Maximum Number of Pages Textbox Location Representative page of longitudinal data 1 1. Forget about scanning and printing out forms. 1 Score of 1 Score of 2 Score of 3 Score of 4 Response provides evidence that includes the following: • an inaccurate selection of a significant problem/ challenge that impacts instructional practice and student learning, with trivial examples linked to the impact This assessment is comprised of four performance-based tasks that measure a candidate's practice as it aligns to the Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership. Task 2: The Research Topic; Textbox 2. You are required to obtain and maintain with your records a signed permission form PASL Task 1 – Problem Solving in the Field 3 How to Submit Your Evidence • Upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts. Finally, for Task 4, candidates form a work group with family and/or community members to plan how to improve family and community engagement in relation to the priority academic area or to address student health, emotional, or social needs that impact student learning. Step 3: Implementing the Plan The response provides evidence of informed actions taken to support implementation of the plan; the examples used are clearly connected to the actions. Designing Instruction for Student Learning – Task 3 3 How to Submit Your Evidence (Refer to the Submission System User Guide for details. Standards Task 4 has four steps: Step 1: Planning; Step 2: Implementing the Plan; Step 3: Understanding the Two-Focus Students; Step 4: Reflecting; The following include examples for all of the textboxes in each step by subject area, as well as virtual learning environment responses. 2 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different commentaries, the student work and other artifacts you submit, and your video recordings must all feature teaching that you did and work that you supervised. It depends on the context in which you are referring to. Not submitting the appropriate artifact will impact your score. Review the “Thinking About There are three kinds of writing required in this task: descriptive, analytic, and reflective writing. Your overall assessment score is task and engage in discussions regarding the tasks, the rubric, the PASL website, the library of examples and the handbook help you develop a timeline for completing the assessment ensure that you check to see that all parts of all the guiding prompts are addressed and required artifacts are linked within the correct textboxes in each step Yes. PASL Task 1, Step 4, Textbox 1. This process provides potential team members the opportunity to Provide the artifact (spreadsheet, table, chart) with the list of colleagues with descriptions and then repeat the same list within the response textbox. One response was Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 3 PASL Task 3, Step 2, Textbox 3. Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task 1: Problem Solving in the Field Overview Required Submission The required submission information for Task 1 is summarized below. This is to be connected to the priority academic Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples - Task 1 PASL Task 1, Step 1, Textbox 1. 2. 1. For Task 3, you will also submit a video. This is an example of a district consent form for candidates to obtain their superintendent's permission to complete the work for Task 3 (Leadership in Observing, Assessing and Supporting Individual Teacher Effectiveness). Select which option best describes you. 1. most significant career lessons learned based on three. • Link the artifacts to your Written PASL Assessment Score Report Feedback Task 1 5. tags_title FROM task_tracker_tags ttt WHERE ttt. Task 3 requires candidates to submit a professional learning plan. PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 1 ETS Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Task Requirements Task 3: Creating a Collaborative Culture In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to facilitate stakeholders’ efforts to build a collaborative team within the school to improve instruction, student achievement, and the Task 3 asks leadership candidates to demonstrate instructional leadership skills when planning for a teacher observation, conducting the observation, analyzing observation and student data, providing feedback, and planning support for an individual teacher. 2 2 d) Due to the design of the Data binders and the feedback of students tracking their goals, teachers were able to recognize areas in which the student was showing growth, (See student work artifact). It makes it much easier Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 2 . Instructional assignments can be similar to parts of the PASL tasks and can even ask candidates to select topics, include written responses, and request one or more artifacts that could be used or adapted by candidates when submitting their PASL task responses. Your PAL work products must conform to the artifact, category document, and commentary specifications for each task. One response was Read through the "Artifacts, Documents, and Commentary" section along with the rubric located in the PAL Candidate Assessment Handbook to view ALL required information for this task. One response was In projectA I got a myDistConfig configuration and want to use the output file of the createFile task as artifact for this configruation: Don't think createFileTask. One response was for all steps and score levels of the PASL assessment: • Task 1 Score Report Feedback (PDF) • Task 2 Score Report Feedback (PDF) • Task 3 Score Report Feedback (PDF) Read some appropriate examples from the . How to Compose Your Written Commentary: This task has four steps that are scored, each with guiding prompts to help you provide evidence Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) Library of Examples – Task 1 . During your clinical experience, you should collect multiple artifacts and videos in case you need to resubmit any tasks. This chart provides a list of all required work products for PAL Task 4, as well as a description of supported file types for submission. g. 1: Implementation and Effect on Students and Teachers appropriate and viable for fulfilling the task requirements. 1 Representative pages of the plan* 2 1. 1: Analysis and Use of the Data to Improve Teaching and Learning In this video, Dr. We will see this in more detail later. 1 1.
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