Rimworld simple meals. Can use only veggies or meat, but takes 0.
Rimworld simple meals A lavish meal requires a 12 cook skill, 10 meat, 10 veggies, and provides a +10 happiness bonus. Note that corn has a higher yield per grower work. 6x nutrition efficiency respectively. (Assuming you don't cook all your food right away. They also require specific research to create. Each colonist eats 3 meals per day. I have a pile of simple meals sitting outside my house and when I right click the only option I get is "consume". I've always been feeding them haygrass. This is as simple as queueing fine meals for cooking before any simple meals. Isn't the metric system great? Each pawn needs 1,110 vegetables per year, IF you're turning them in to simple meals. 9 nutrition, and costs 10x of vegetable or 10x of meat. I can't figure out what is driving this change or why it is only affecting some colonists and not others. BOOM IT. Now onto food production. If they walk a little farther, so what, it only affects output by 25% of what it did, and production As of 1. Basicly, a marginal amount of food is lost when eating meal (0. "A simple meal quickly cooked from one main ingredient. If left to their own devices, a colonist will waste 0. Lets say I have a mod that allows pawns to get pregnant and have children; is it possible to have a prison that effectively feeds itself on its own offspring? Put animalfood in between them and the people food. Growing more food is a simple task, especially in temperate and warm biomes. 05 and you need 0. Feb 4, 2018 · Trying to cook a simple meal over a campfire. For example, a simple meal costs 0. Welcome! Keywords: Vegan Parenting Vegan Kids Vegan Parent Vegan Child Vegan Children Vegan Pregnancy Vegan Kids Recipes You need to take into account temperature and sunlight too. Went in form caravan to check and it showed the one fine meal plus the others 18 simple meals. To make fine meal the cook has to have at least level 6 in cooking, but that's completely separate thing. I set these as the standard meal, a "do until you have 50" for a larger colony. 3 colonist, do until I have 9 meals. Meals and food items tend to be harder to move. Baby food is the only craftable food that can't cause Food poisoning. The problem: You will not be able to store those in bulk near your animals, as the meals will spoil in just a few days, so you need to cook them fresh at least every 2 days (I usually have my bills create 1 1/2 days worth of meals needed and unpause when only 1 Oct 24, 2021 · I've had an issue that I believe started a day before the new update, where my pawns won't eat simple meals. Body size impacts how much saturation a creature can hold. Aug 13, 2016 · RimWorld. Jan 12, 2024 · Kibble allows use of hay - haygrass is the plant with the highest yield per day, but cannot be turned into meals. Assign tab (I think) - top buttons are food, drug and outfit policies. The insect meat gives -3 debuff. (Don't see how to do that). I don't recall which job its tied to (may be nurse or Intellectual) so I'd check the job descriptions to make sure you have a pawn who is actually assigned to feed them. I've started 2 new colonies, and they both start fine with people able to eat simple meals, but then at some, seemingly random point in both games, the pawns stop eating the simple meals. Pemmican takes way more effort to make, but simple meals spoil so quickly that i just use pemmican as my default. In one video, it looked like had sections 'zoned' for certain things with storage. Better sell it or make packaged meals and sell or make lavish meals to cheer up your colonists. If they gonna store the meals close to where the ingredients for the next meal are stored - you’re not losing much time, because they still need to go pick the ingredients up. You no longer have to have your kitchen in the pantry and can have your meal storage closer to your dining room without a logistical nightmare of haulers and staggered stockpile priorities and automatic wood doors. As it takes 0. Now I've started over to create a game from scratch. Great for mood and frees up space Especially with the vegetarian fine and lavish meals. But for some reason I can't even make one on my non-tutorial world. The simple meals can get cooked ahead a bit and then I end up with stored pemmican for traveling usually. Don't think of hay only to make kibble. Jan 10, 2025 · A simple meal is worth 0. Nov 6, 2024 · A simple meal quickly cooked from a few ingredients. Packaged survival meals never expire, while pemmican expires after 70 days if not refrigerated or frozen. Option 5: DONT SELL IT. Ok so I didn't know about nutrition going up with food preparation, that was helpful. I've noticed A few things that could be influencing this: • check if the colonists in question are restricted to an area that doesn't contain food • check your food policies in the "assign" tab and make sure everyone is allowed to eat food they have access to • food in "prison cells" (any room with a bed or sleeping spot set to prisoners) is "reserved for prisoners" and won't be hauled or eaten by Change the default food plane to paste or simple meals. 5 units of nutrition from meat or animal products (milk or eggs), 800 ticks (13. Anyone have a clue on restoring the meal icon ? I think by meals, he meant what I posted. Simple Meals are a food source. Select simple meal, then how many you want to make. If vanilla make 4x fine meals or 4x simple meals, target to 2 days worth total. 5 nutrition to make, but gives 0. If Ideology DLC is active and the meal was made out of raw fungus, its normal moodlet will also be applied. But apparently simple meals and pemmican have 1. Same for lavish, normal takes 20 raw, while vegetarian takes - HOLY FUCKING SHIT - 50 raw food. Simple meal is 10 of meat/veg/animal products. A simple meal requires 0. Afaik, vanilla foods are still more efficient in terms of raw nutrition, but the VE foods can be better for other things. Fine meal is 5 meat/animal products and 5 veg. Sep 11, 2016 · I usually leave cooking for second year and I noticed that you can manage just fine with berries. All Discussions Yes, make sure you set the storage area to "food" only. The simple fact that a pawn which is only a construction worker walks back and forth to deliver less than they could carry and construct less than they could construct when there is no reason to do so is enough to hammer a nail into- and weld fast that nail to the coffin for RimWorld's pathfinding system. Which means that if I were to use 40x of vegetables or 40x of meat (which is what we used to get those 50x of kibble) we'd end up with 4 simple meals, which amount to 3. Kibble is 1. [www. I've played 600+ hours, and never had this problem. This mod will allow caravans, towns, and ships to buy all meals again. Eating a fine meal or its variants gives the +5 Ate fine meal mood for 1 day. By the next winter I'll be using greenhouses (not hydroponics) and am not worried about toxic fallouts. Lavish meals are great for keeping mood up in bursts, but are extremely ingredient inefficient. Apr 27, 2024 · As it takes 1. Simple meals and fine meals give 0. Fine meals are cheap imo. It's weird that you choose between survival and simple meals and not fine meals, since survival meals require more skill and materials to make. Hey there! Having some difficulty with hauling to my fridge. May 11, 2024 · As it takes 1. A fine meal can be eaten by humans or animals for 0. Allright fair. May 21, 2022 · In vanilla, paste > simple = fine > survival > lavish, with the vegetarian/carnivore options being extra inefficient compared to their normal versions. May 31, 2022 · I made a fine meal and put it in storage. I have a custom food restriction for them, so they won't eat pemmican, but they certainly can eat simple meals according to their food restrictions. Jun 24, 2024 · In this mod, simple meals provide 0. Compared to other meals: Fine meals give a +5 Ate fine meal mood boost and have the same Jan 12, 2024 · A fine meal can be eaten by humans or animals for 0. Colonists won't cook even simple meals. + mood boosts Does anyone have any tips on managing food with Medieval Overhaul? At first I was struggling with preserving food without a freezer, but I understand this can be accomplished pretty well between dried meat, smoked meat, packaged rations, sausage, and of course pemmican. 25 nutrition of raw food to create 10 units, baby food provides 200% nutrition efficiency. Basicly Simple is easier early. Apr 3, 2020 · Check their food restrictions, under the 'Assign' tab, I believe. The only Pemmican and survival meals if you don't have refrigeration. However, I massively over produce vegetables, so if the freezer ever needs clearing out I have a do until you have 10 veggie lavish meal I unsuspend to use it all up. I set their meal preferences to allow everything too, but no luck. I swear I used to be able to select Simple Meals, but not anymore. My poor colonists are just eating raw rice now :c Recently I noticed I cannot select Simple Meals when forming a caravan. The only If you run out of hay, rather give your animals simple meals instead of raw veggies. Jan 12, 2024 · Fine meals consume the same total nutrition as a simple meal, meaning no food is wasted. A screen shot would certainly help. So you can tailor what kind of food you use to feed the pawn in the growth vat (growth vat pawns have no preference as long as humans can eat it, so haygrass is out). This replaces the +5 Ate fine meal mood for 1 day from fine meal if present. 9x4). Super frustrating and I can't find any related issue online. " -In-game desc. Colonists will be able to cook up a variety of new meals, make mood-boosting desserts out of fruits, make filling grilled meals that lose the effect when frozen, create large bakes using flour or produce large quantities of soup through boiling ingredients Jan 12, 2024 · Fine meals consume the same total nutrition as a simple meal, meaning no food is wasted. 0 nutrition, but will try to eat when they have around 0. Here the math: a colonist need 1. That means I have 12 meals available for the colonist to eat, since they all carry one with them. They will only eat them if i force them to, but they seem invisible to them otherwise, even though Aug 15, 2017 · I recently ran through the Rimworld tutorial which has you create a stove and cook food on it. 25 (animal) nutrition, 0. It's a great Avoid having more than 40 meals (or 400 raw food) per pawn stockpiled as it is just pointless wealth lying around. Animals immediately go to the closest food to eat. Fine meals require quite high cooking in order not to get food poisoning from them That's not true. Your only source of food preservation is the natural climate. 25x efficiency but I believe kibble is by far the least work to make, then simple meals and then pemmican being the hardest. Or you might have a bill for fine meals, which need 5 meat and 5 veggies, or pemmican, which also needs both meat and veggies. It's easy to store (specially compared to raw food). 25 nutrition of raw food to create, vegetarian lavish meals provide 80% nutrition efficiency, so preparing one loses net food (even compared to regular lavish meals). It will automatically use whatever ingredients you have on hand. It may even be the simpler matter of re-building one wall or something else very simple. I hope this helps you one your Rimworld journey :) I have included the same information about in the topics below for easy I have a make fine meals forever bill above my simple meals. Each simple meal gives 0. When it gets cold outside you just store the meals in an unheated room and forget about it. A simple meal needs 10 bits of meat/veggies to make, and you might have less than 10. I will do farming, but mostly just to turn into pemmican to last through the first winter. 6 nutrition a day, a simple meal is . Mar 7, 2021 · I just recently began playing Rimworld again after a long hiatus. Also, you can try select a Pawn, then right click on the meal. The problem with a lot of stuff is not that it isn't profitable but that almost nobody will buy it. This I set the main cooking point to make pemmican indefinitely then second to that cook simple meals until I have 10 or so. 0. set it to accept simple meals, simple meals only, critical priority, yadda yadda. Your numbers may vary. Food poisoning chance is exactly the same no matter what kind of meal is it. If there was a way to make sure your colonists prioritized simple meals over pemmican, i would say keep a floating stock of around 10 meals, and have everything else put into pemmican, but as it stands it doesn't seem that there is an easy way to do that. 9 nutrition) and the nutritional need of a pawn (1. 8 nutrition. 25 meat) In game term, you need 15 veggie/meat per meal, while normal fine meal is 5 veggie + 5 meal Option 4: FOOD EQUALS MONEY - Just have the same chef cook them up into simple meals, keep them refridgerated, and sell them en masse to any trader who comes by. Jul 20, 2018 · revived from 2018 in 2020 and revived again in 2021. Unless you bathe in food, never really worth it. Simple meals give ×180% the nutrition of raw food. If a cold snap or toxic fallout ruins your food supply, you could always switch back to simple meals, giving you a nice food buffer. Click on the "Bills" button. 0 nutrition compared to 0. Overall, vegetarian fine meals are very affordable in terms of work. People don't complain and adding cooking for simple meals all that it does is to take away a few hours of productivity from other areas. If each growing day doesn't have temperature in the 10-44°C range, and 100% sunlight, between 5h and 18h, you won't get the full growth shown on the wiki. A. Mudder's Milk: All the protein, vitamins and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15 percent alcohol! Also apparently the Egyptians would give a kind of bready beer that did kinda close to what the Warhammer Dwarves beer does. I've got them allowed in the fridge. In another, it was like the entire room was cooled Apr 16, 2020 · - Added 4x recipies for fine and lavish survival meal - Replaced the old xml-defs with patching to avoid overwrite vanilla definitions for meal and stoves - Added stack-version of the meal-icon, the same as vanilla behaviour - Removed the extra thought-definitions since they were identical to the normal "ate fine/lavish meal" in terms of values I have one electric stove in my main colony area. Even if the meat : vegetable ratio is unbalanced, you can always cook fine meals until you run out of either ingredient (then switching to simple meals afterwards). Mar 24, 2024 · Simple meals can be cooked at a Campfire, Fueled stove, or Electric stove. This way if we end up with meat it doesn't get the chance to go bad. Nov 24, 2024 · If the meal was made out of insect meat or human meat, their respective moodlets will be applied. 15 nutrition for every full meal. Simple meals used to be The Best source of cash in the beta. Fine meals give a +5 mood boost, fill up more and cost just as many resources as simple (5 meat 5 vegy instead of 10 total). Bug, or player error? Jul 26, 2016 · Is it that her skill is too low for the fine meals? Her skill is 3, isn't Fine Meal a min 4 to cook? Don't think there is any restriction on which stove you can cook on skillwise. A simple meal is 0. to assist, inspire, educate, and support vegan parents and vegan children. lavish meals do provide 1. 9 nutrition, there's fifteen days in a quadrum; so each pawn needs 111 meals per year. Nov 8, 2022 · as far as the meal's impact on the pawn? no. I double-checked that the Meals are in a stockpile zone. create a new stockpile zone outside. I dunno. ) Gallery Why does it show so many ingredients when making a new bill for a simple meal? Is it so that all of those raw ingredients are used interchangebly? i looked online and it told me about nutrition value. 3 . Any excess food gets made into pemmican. Cook it at a stove and make a simple meal (+0 mood, but no mood loss - second most efficient way) B. 25 nutrition of raw food to create, carnivore lavish meals provide 80% nutrition efficiency, so preparing one loses food (even compared to regular lavish meals). If you have all year growing this is great. Lavish is 10 of both. If this doesnt help/answer your question, you may need to provide more information, or describe what you are stating above. Once the colony is stable and ready to start exporting production, then I do 4 fine meals per colonist, and stock up to 500 simple meals to sell Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. I usually like to use "do until you have x" to produce at lease 2 meals a day for each colonist and prisoner on hand. 6 nutrition need per day. Sep 30, 2016 · Total noob here and have tried looking at YouTube videos. In addition to tasting better, cooked food allows you to get more nutrition off the same amount of raw food. A child (ages 3 or up) or adult eating baby food gives a −5 Ate baby food moodlet for 1 day. This does not affect pawns with Ascetic trait. I want to have it set up so 5 simple meals are cooked first, which will be put into the prison/hospital stockpile, then 3 fine meals are cooked, which should be put into the main colony's freezer, then another 5 simple meals are cooked which are to be put into the main colony's freezer. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Aug 13, 2016 · Cooking simple meals need a stove and just one type of ingredient. Jul 23, 2021 · I'm new to this game, but I learned the basics of preparing a meal. On the left of the screen the small meal icon is visible. Colonists still decided to chow down the raw arms and legs/corpses instead of the prepared human simple meal. And i guess if you dont want to do the micro, since it auto sets prisoners to lavish meals (or the top most meal setting i think), change the lavish meal settings so that its only what you want to feed them with and then make a separate meal setting for your own colonists. 5 nutrition of food to make. 5 nutrition value to cook a meal. I set a "do until you have 10" of these as the bottom priority. Also, animals you keep in a pen that can graze effectively turn grass into meat for free. Better quality meals need a meat and vegetable, and give a joy bonus but need more ingredients for the same amount of meals. Like how rice has a nutrition value of 0. Even if you don't want to cheese the game with nutrient paste meals, you should feed them simple meals made from human and insect meat or the best yield/time vegetable according to fertility available to you before you start feeding them any raw foods, including hay Sep 3, 2020 · RimWorld. The only benefit of simple meal that ii can think of, is that you only need ony type of material to make it. Jul 20, 2018 · The best way to stop your prisoners from being fed expensive meals is to change their food policy in their health tab. 2) To test this I starved my colonists deliberately, butchered some refugees and cooked half of them. You need a ranged weapon tho. 1 chicken lays 1 egg per day. 9 for simple and fine (wiki's numbers anyways) so i suppose the lavish meals are more effective, but they are far from efficient considering what amounts have to go into them. This gives simple meals a 180% nutrition efficiency, before the overeating described above. Packaged survival meals are accepted by all traders; pemmican may not be. 1) It's not rank related - most of those afflicted do not have a position either within the Dec 12, 2023 · You can cook food into meals at an electric stove, fueled stove or campfire, or process it at a nutrient paste dispenser. Change this from something like "Lavish" (that all your colonists normally use) and set it down to Apr 27, 2024 · Overall, vegetarian fine meals are very affordable in terms of work. So i cannot cook simple meals with corn or rice but when there is meat on the stockpile i can cook that, any help is appreciated! Archived post. Kibble is 125% efficient compared to just raw food. You always need a few stacks of meals, as if every stack gets locked by someone across the map who wants to get a meal, colonists who are thus unable to get Jan 15, 2021 · A simple meal made with rice could be called cooked rice. Dec 16, 2018 · Simple Paste Raw Nothing Food restriction 7 There is no option for survival meals. If that works, then it is a matter of getting the right ingredients and you can set new bills on your stove to match your ingredients. Packaged survival meals are slightly less valuable in terms of wealth (0. I've built the stove and added meals to the Bill, such as simple meals, but nothing ever happens. 75 nutrition per meal (for comparison, normal fine meal is 0. Apr 23, 2020 · Food restrictions don't check whats in the meal, only if the meal itself is 'raw human meat' same with insect meat. It helps to have more than 1 cook and cook 1 egg or 5 milk = 0. i'm cooking simple meal in one stove and fine meal in the other. Due to the low food consumption of animals, as well as the efficiency of meals, it is possible to violate the law of conservation of energy. Eating a lavish meal or its variants gives the +12 Ate lavish meal mood for 1 day. A lavish meal is a complex, wasteful, decadent creation like what you'd get from a Michelin star restaurant. One meal is 0. With this approach, two cows should be more than sufficient to sustain 2-3 nobles. There are various advantages for each of these foods, but on sea ice, nothing puts kibble or pemmican ahead of simple meals. Plan ahead for this. When used in food recipes that require specific types of nutrition, such as fine meals, berries are classified as a vegetable. For Lavish meals: you need 10 units of meat, and 10 untis of veggies. Obviously doesn't work if you use multiple prison cells. So for 4 colonists I want to keep a steady supply of 8 simple meals on hand. All Discussions Simple meals are vegetarian, not meat, so. I usually turn my excess stock into chemfuel since its lightweight, easy to store and is a bit easier to move. A simple meal offers no bonuses and takes 10 food of any kind. And since we know the nutritional value of a simple meal (0. Also on a (semi)related note. com] Mechanics are simple and intuitive - keeping within the vanilla spirit without unnecessary fluff and production chains. They do buy ingredients, packaged survival meals, and pemmican though. Feb 21, 2019 · It serves very well for lightweight nonspoiling caravan food, second only to the incredibly labor-intensive packaged meals. All Discussions In vanilla, you can make stockpiles in their rooms and set them to contain simple meals. Hunting is simple just avoid dangerous creatures like wolves, bears and those green exploding things. This Your caravan can usually nab 25 - 100 nutrition which is 50-200 simple/fine meals. Simple meals avoid the −7 Ate raw food moodlet. 0 nutrition (with a few exceptions) Each meal has different mass based on real-life portions sizes, which affects the amount of feedstock required from the Replimat system Sep 7, 2023 · why are my pawns now hating on meals? I have noticed the food I have made, simple meals and packaged survival meals are not disliked by 90% of my pawns. 6 nutrition (0. 50 (animal) nutrition is needed for lavish meals, so 2 eggs or 10 milk. If you put shelves with kibble at the entrance to your silos and freezers then the animals will hit those before the food. Lavish meals give an even better boost but you will use twice the resources. Just focus on doing simple meals for now, as soon as u get vegetables switch off and you can get 4 meals with 10 meat and 10 vegetables. 25 nutrition left. 35 is the max amount of meals I make and then 5 in the minimum I have before the work order unpauses. Mousing over the blank square shows that there are meals - just no icon. Apr 21, 2022 · Hey Fellow Rimworlders!!! I made a guide about the best food in Rimworld :) After over 500 hours of rimworld I didn't think this food was very good but after some research I realized this is one of the best foods out there. A lavish meal requires 0. ; In regular soil: hay turned into kibble is slightly worse for nutrition/tile/day than rice turned into simple meals, and slightly better than rice turned into pemmican. OP, THIS was the problem. I have a storage holding area. 5 nutrition, fine meals 0. The first bill is to create simple meals "until you have X", and I set X to 5 per person in the colony. I made solar power, and a cooling unit with red out/blue inwards. Set your kitchen up with first one, then two, then four stoves. Fine is nice when you are confortable and want to give a small mood boost (+3) to your colonists. Can use only veggies or meat, but takes 0. It takes 10 raw vegetables to make a simple meal, so the maths in that direction is easy. My cook is making simple meals(I tried this with 1x and 4x) and Everytime he finishes cooking no food is produced it's like he just threw away 40(or 10) berries This is my first time cooking on this save He's a level 9 Cook All the mods I have that could affect cooking are: Empire(I think it adds some food), Vanilla cooking expanded, Grains and brewing, Vanilla fishing expanded, Vanilla Aug 24, 2021 · A Rimworld Update made my mode less useful, by lower the bother of food with ideology Another simple mod made for me: I was playing with my small colony when I got a group of vegetarian guests, at the same time of another large group, and clearly not enough vegetables. They require 300 ticks (5 secs) of work to make, and have no minimum cooking skill. maybe set the cannibals food restriction to fine/lavish then only cook human meat in those meals, while setting everyone else's restriction to simple meals? probably not efficient. patreon. 78 meals/day Then how many meals is it until harvest? Going from eating raw food to simple meals is a huge upgrade, since: Simple meals give ×180% the nutrition of raw food. They may be set, for some reason, not to eat simple meals, although that isn't a default setting. For some reason my colonists won't eat simple meals. It is inferior to prepared meals in terms of labor needed, material usage, and eater satisfaction. Making simple meals instead from those 200 meat or milk results with 20 simple meals that is 2 stacks and 18 nutrition units. grinding wheat and corn and using grapes and berries. they are really just there to allow you to trade resources for mood It’ll take fewer resources, a regular fine meal needs 10 raw (5 veg 5 meat), while vegetarian takes 15 raw. 0 nutrition is enough to satiate a adult human from 0 saturation; they will seek out food before then, though. 0 traders don't buy nutrient paste, simple meals, fine meals, or lavish meals. Analysis . Always pick fine meals above simple. I'm doing so with a few friends through Rimworld Multiplayer and I'm the person who is controlling the character with the highest social stat and who has been handling trading. Dec 18, 2024 · As it takes 0. 5 units of nutrition from vegetarian items, 0. Or, in other words, these processed meals increase available nutrition by 25%, 60%, and 80% respectively. Having said that try to keep at least 3 seasons worth of food to weather disasters. Nov 13, 2024 · Acquisition []. Modify their food policy to disallow pemmican and packaged survival meals. This will affect to every new prisoner. with the game still paused, unforbid the food and select the nearest pawn to "prioritize hauling simple meal" once the meal was in the new location, pause and re-forbid. 036 nutrition/$). and dont allow rotten. It's not a good primary source but it can really make a difference when Randy blights your crops, cripples your grower, and cold snaps you in the growing season. 8x and 1. Sep 20, 2024 · Vanilla Food Variety Expanded is a lightweight mod that aims to add a little bit of depth to the colonists, and it does so by rewarding you for providing your colonists with decent food variety. If you are very desparate, just mark your prisoner bed(s) as not for prisoners then you can access your food again. not sure why? Before they disliked it I got a decent stock pile happening, meat and vegie ones. 75 nutrition of raw food to create, carnivore fine meals provide 120% nutrition efficiency, less than regular fine meals. I've done simple meal runs with mushrooms->simple meals->milk and while it works, but it's a lot of extra work and more storage concerns. it solves all. This bill's ingredients only allow meat (no veggies) and it gets left at the top of the bill list so that it has priority. Milk is good to farm, but eggs are more efficient. Pemmican is 160%. Jul 26, 2017 · For simple meals: you bascially need 10 units of food (can be any combination of meat/veggies) For Fine meals: you need 5 units of meat, and 5 units of veggies. I consider a fine meal to be somewhere in the middle, something a decently skilled cook could turn out in a home kitchen or at a pub. This replaces the +12 Ate lavish meal mood for 1 day from lavish Feb 16, 2023 · As per title a bunch of my colonists are no longer eating Simple Meals, instead favouring raw berries and milk with simple meals marked as (disliked food) if I try and get them to eat it manually. Early Game - from VGP - hardtack - this is a type of preserved 3x baked bread that's made and stored specifically to prevent starvation (800x # of colonists) - roughly enough to last 3 seasons. r/Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Jun 25, 2024 · With larger meals, this can result in a significant amount of overeating. I. Jun 13, 2017 · You probably lost a wall, or took down a wall that separated your prisoner cell from your food stocks. Make sure to adjust your simple meal production bills to not allow meat or animal products, so that those can be reserved for fine meals. I can have a level 1 cook use an electrical stove - if you're cooking fine meals, there's a minimum skill level for that particular meal. If you do not have one or the other, you cannot make the meal. A simple meal is a meal and the most basic way to prepare raw food for consumption Fine meals are better in every way, with the same total nutrition cost to make, as well as the mood buff. As in, the Simple Meals do not even show up on the "Food" tab or the "Items" tab. Both for meat to turn into simple meals and textiles to make bedrolls and complex clothing. 33 secs) of work to make, and a cooking skill of 8. 6 nutrition/day) we can work out what that comes to in meals/day 1. just so i understand after a while do they just want more lavish meals and I need to keep up grading along those lines? Personally, I put a stockpile for simple meals into the prison cell and set it to "low" while I don't have prisoners. If you only want it to use rice and no other ingredients, click the details button and you'll see a list of everything that can be used, just make sure rice is the only allowed ingredient. 9 nutrition, but only costs 0. theres mods that give survival meals a brief -1 penalty to mood so that colonists prioritize other food sources like pemmican, berries and simple meals, maybe install one of those? or package fine meals to start your colonists trips off right :D Is changing their meal type not a vanilla option? I have the option to set their preffered meal types and change it manually. no I only use simple meals. Three raids should net ~225 meals plus whatever meals were lying around. It doesn't look that way with animals (they seem to be always hungry in large numbers), probably because I do have lots of small animals like ducks, dogs and cats, but regardless, I'd avoid feeding them meals for the sole fact that I'd need a mountain of meat and grain to last the winter (hay is more Oct 15, 2016 · RimWorld. You could make a restriction of a meal type you only give to cannibals (like a simple meal) while allowing your others to eat anything but simple meals as a work around. Change the default food plane for your colonist to an other or make a new plan. If the cook is decently skilled (4 or better), it can also reduce the chance of food poisoning from eating raw foods, eliminates the negative thought associated with eating some raw foods (meat, grains), and, with the higher level meals, can give a good thought. A fine meal offers a small bonus and takes 5 vegetable and 5 meat food. lol nutrient paste is the answer. Reply reply Scion_of_Yog-Sothoth Early colony, 3 meals per colonist, due until on the bill. After all, it feels a bit unnatural that your colonists are more than happy to consume rice simple meals for every meal of their life, forever. delete the stockpile zone. 5 meat and 5 units of vegetables. Maybe this makes more money (and explodes less) than chemfuel. I think there is a mod called Pawn Rules, in which you can set up specific food policies. Right now it sounds like you are allowing them to be eaten. (make a reverse of 60-80 simple meals). 6 nutrition/day / 0. Analysis I love when my power fails, and I have to try and keep the freezer cold, or watch as my 1000+ simple meals I made for some reason rots away. i also make a oven and make bread and pie. It required some planning and effort to make those meals but you were rewarded with the the mood bonus if you did it. Plus, in previous Simple meals use 10 of any type of ingredients, require no skill to cook, and don't give any thought bonuses or minuses. IIRC, building a nutrient meal dispenser into the prison cell with the hopper being in a different room (so the dispenser acts like a wall), the prisoners should also take Pick some nearby berries and see if you can make a meal from them (10 berries per simple meal) . 9 nutrition per meal. 9 nutrition/meal = 1. 5 units of nutrition from raw food - this is equal to 10 units of rice, potatoes, meat, and most foods. Package Survival Meals are amazing source for money making: It doesn't rot. 1. If ideology, is your colony religious beliefs to allow all food? Normally colonists will always priorize simple meals over packaged meals, but could grab those if all stacks of simple meals are already "queued up" by other colonists to get one of them. I did some basic math about pawn food needs, I have figured out the tiles of rice/corn per colonist, assumeing normal soil without any production problems such as eclipses cold snaps ECT. I set a bill for complex meals, followed by simple meals. For modded foods, check the mod page. I've been feeding them raw food, but wondering if simple meals or nutrient paste would be more cost-effective. Meanwhile, all my survival meals are gone, because I forgot to set up food privileges, so all the colonists eat the survival meals as soon as they are made, ignoring the simple meals. If you cook it into a fine meal (+5) or lavish meal (+12), essentially, you would get a total of +2 for fine meal and +9 for lavish meals with insect meat. 9 nutrition. The other thing to check is if they can physically reach the meal. So with strategy of leaving hay for chickens and feeding simple meals to big animals we get 28 nutrition in 3 stacks of storage (not 25 in 6 stacks and half) like with kibble. Cook it at a stove and make a fine meal (less efficient, but gives a mood bonus of 5+ - requires good cooking skill) C. Sep 21, 2024 · Nutrition is a property of food and plants, that represents the how much saturation it gives the creature eating it. If you go to "manage food restrictions" and edit one of those, you'll see that it englobes more types of food than just the ones on the name of the preset. grapplehoeker Jan 4, 2025 · As a raw food, berries can be be eaten raw, with a flat 2% chance of giving food poisoning, or cooked into a meal with a food poisoning chance dependent on the skill of the cook and the cleanliness of the kitchen. packaged survival meals might have higher nutrtion, which pawns prioritize if they cant prioritize taste (fine and lavish meals) iirc. Or am I in the wrong place? As been said, those are only the names of preset lists of restrictions. Jun 18, 2020 · So at the beginning that number should be 35 meals. A fine Meal requires 7 cook skill to make, 5 meat and 5 veggies, and provides a +5 happiness bonus. Hopefully your cooking woes are solved quickly. I have 19 Hare Meat, all meats are enabled, nothing is forbidden, campfire has fuel and all 19 meat was hauled to a storage spot right next to the campfire but it wont cook it saying "Need Materials". The only advantage I thing they have is higher nutritional value, so you need less berries converted to simple meals than if consumed raw. Cooking meals lets you convert raw ingredients into food which is more enjoyable and/or nutritious. 25 (animal) nutrition is needed in 1 fine meal. I have no prisoners, yet it says that the simple meals are "reserved for prisoners". Again, any combination to get to that Here in the vegan parenting subreddit, we can share articles, recipes, stories, ideas, etc. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Money making . Are you using any mods, some mods changed with 1. All of those are super useful! Is there a way to prioritize in what order they eat things? Short answer. 9, meaning 2 meals a day, each meal costs 10 corn or rice, meaning 20 corn or rice a day. Like hospitality now charges guests for food so there's a setting to allow food as free. Nutrient paste is the most efficient way to prepare a meal, noticeably better than simple and fine meals (180% efficiency). Lavish meals can be cooked at a fueled stove or electric stove. The requirements exist, but are semi-low. 8 nutrition, and lavish meals 1. Humans can store up to 1. Oh and the cooling thing is powered, too. Dec 28, 2023 · Packaged survival meals last indefinitely, have the best weight efficiency of all meals, and function like Simple Meals (no mood buff or debuff), but have inferior work efficiency (equal to Fine Meals), and inferior nutrition efficiency. Fairly sure you can make simple meals with Short answer : 2 meals per day Long answer Humans have 1. Help? EDIT: I need 20 meat to cook. ) Gallery Early Game - Simple meals - until chef <insert colonists name> learns to cook fine meals. 5 nutrition of raw food to create, fine meals provide 180% nutrition efficiency, equal to simple meals. Simple meals have a lower chance of giving food poisoning than raw food, assuming a clean cooking area and a chef with a cooking skill of 3 or better. I've played Rimworld for a long time, and thought I understood everything here, but maybe it is something about the x4 method that is tripping me up. . The best way to use “drop on the floor” is when the storage of the item being made is kinda far and when you’re using “make x times”. That being said, making enough food is still a struggle. Packaged survival meals require 43% less work to make. Make sure its frozen so below 32f, or 0c #3. make it only one square in area. A simple meal is basically a single ingredient cooked, maybe over an open fire. while fine meal involves both meat and veg. 038 nutrition/$ vs. Select the prisoner, go to their health screen in the pawn info and you will see that the tab has a food restriction selection box at the top of the health overview tab. But the food is not refrigerated. RimWorld; Support; Colonists won't cook even simple meals. It can be any combination of different types to get to the total of 5 each. 25 veggie + 0. Obvious drawbacks include food spoiling, and Feb 27, 2020 · This is a literal game changer that will entirely alter how I construct my base. There was evidence that it was used to feed the workers I'm trying to find out what's the best food to feed my animals. Aug 21, 2022 · That "tiny" extra that hay has more than rice is more than 30%, which is about the same "tiny" extra that simple meal nutrition has compared to raw hay. Then a pawn took the fine one and they all disappeared from the caravan again. I can still manualy tell them to eat the simple meal though. Cook it at a stove and make a lavish meal (incredibly inefficient for both time and food resources, and requires amazing You want to have in storage enough food to last you at least 10 days and enough hay built up to feed your animals for 30 days if you can. Things I've done to make a simple meal: - set to 10x bill - harvested rice - set to a good cook - has fuel on stove I heard that it was a bug caused by a mod or something but idk. Dec 3, 2021 · I am having the same problem - the simple meals icon is missing from my food stockpile. e: you can forbid certain food like survival meal or change the priorities (afaik survival meal have the same priority as fine meal so pawn will choose that over simple meal for injured colonists). Did you change meal plans in any way if they're set to simple they aren't allowed fine. It’s not foolproof, but I use this fairly commonly when my main hauling force is dogs. Title. So 2 meals is 1. I think lavish is 11, but I could be wrong. Previously to get the mood buff from a fine or lavish meal, you required two different food sources, one vegetarian and one meat/animal product. 9 nutrition when eaten - this equates to 180% 6 days ago · This makes researching and producing packaged survival meals a good choice for long-term travel or emergency rations, once a colony has both the required stove and cook. Simple meal is 180%. Started by MacAndSwiss, January 14, 2015, 12:19:34 AM. Told him tu put it back in the storage and now in the caravan I can only see the fine meal but not the simple ones. Since we have the resources now to start sending caravans out and about to trade with our neighbors, I've been working to do just that. 9 nutrition, or 90% of a human's hunger meter. This subreddit is for discussions about prepping, with the primary focuses being on: Food & Water: (disinfecting, storage, growing, harvesting, hunting, etc) Survival Strategies: (long and/or short term) Off-grid energy: (wind, solar, hydro) Gear Question's: requests/reviews of your actions/ideas/gear Other: Use common sense here please, and read the rules below - All meals give equal nutrition in the end but some require more nutrition value than others. itxlz vkhow sbvyzqse drpn hzvel wtjkrl lhgalkg prhh laok btbfj