Rms spot radius zemax Oct 22, 2020 · I mean I can export the text file of the Spot Diagram (the one with Field Coordinates, Image coordinates, RMS Spot Radius, etc. You can also measure and target the RMS spot radius. 022977 Estimated RMS spot radius : 0. You appear to have high SA for rays near the pupul rim, and that can make spots appear much larger. Mar 30, 2021 · The Monte Carlo analysis is then performed. Nov 2, 2022 · Search the Zemax Knowledgebase In the nominal system, after optimization the RMS spot radius is 6. GEO is the size of the very outermost spots. In my case, the source of the TM25 files does not provide any other format, so this is not an option for me Mar 30, 2021 · First create the surfaces needed for focusing optics, selecting any glass(es) for the materials column. If you look at your merit function editor in the column “% Contribution” what you’ll see is that 99. I'm using Zemax, and the MTF is the diffraction MTF showing both tangential and sagittal directions, the spot size shows both RMS and 100% radius. Now let's have a look at the PSF Grid: That looks good to me. Mar 30, 2021 · The Spot Diagram is one of the most useful analysis tools in OpticStudio. Recently ive come across a different type of analysis, where the full MTF function (for all defined fields) is drawn for each iteration, like in the figure below: Sep 2, 2021 · For the Airy disk radius, the formula is (1. The settings for the universal plot are changed to display the RMS spot size as a function of the thickness on the last I used the Universal Plot feature to generate the RMS radius while scanning the X-Divergence angle and recording the RMS x-radius from the MFE, and then copied the data to Matlab for analysis and plotting. Using the glass substitution template option in the material column is optional. 89 microns and the as-built RMS is 106. Nov 23, 2022 · This is the spot diagram for the +5 degree field: As you can see, the RMS radius is 2. I wasn’t able to locate this in the documentation. This Jun 13, 2017 · The next figure shows the effect of the maximum mesh element size on the spot diagram and a plot of the RMS spot radius for a plano-convex lens. Although the coefficients computed by the optimizer have different values between the configurations, when scaled by the normalization radius the exact same phase profile is produced in both configurations. Hello, I set up a telecentric optical system consisting of multiple lenses. Analyses. I obtained a RMS value of 13. zmx, there are no TRAC operands ,whereas there is 'the default merit fuction:RMS spot radius centroid GQ 4 rings 6 arms'. Insert an IMSF operand before the DMFS and specify surface #3 as the surface on which the default RMS spot radius merit function is calculated. 039544 Estimated change : 0. This is likely due to the chosen resolution. 7815 while the actual spot radius value is a lot smaller than this Oct 24, 2023 · One of the most frequently used tools in OpticStudio is the Spot Diagram. When you choose any of the Criterion options, except for Merit Function or User Script , a new Merit Function is built by the Tolerancer. SetWavelengthNumber(0) spotdata_analysis. But if it is impossible, RMS spot size is ok. These parameters will help quantify a non-circular spot. Nov 10, 2023 · When performing tolerancing on a system, ín particular a Monte Carlo analysis, the report provides a list of the criterium value (e. For this particular feature, you don’t even need to set the last thickness as a variable. This focusing lens is designed to have a diffraction-limited spot. For the purposes of this article, configure this tab as follows: Oct 17, 2021 · スポットダイアグラム(Spot Diagram) 幾何光学をベースとするOpticStudioで、もっとも基本的な評価機能がスポットダイアグラムです。MTFなど複雑な計算を要する機能よりも高速で、収差図など読み解くには知識が必要な機能よりも直観的な解析機能です。 Mar 30, 2021 · With the above data, we see a minute difference between the system with the Standard surface and the system with the Grid Sag. 93E-3, corresponding to an RMS spot radius of 9. The spot radius gets larger for off axis field of view, but drops back at 47. I'm trying to create a graph of this shift as a function of the element angle, but can't seem to find a suitable merit operand. ) but I need the patterns which are visible in the plotted graph. It reports RMS spot radius for different fields at different wavelengths. If your device can provide similar values, then you should be able to easily make direct comparisons. Sep 12, 2022 · Also, I would like to know if there is another way to determine the RMS spot radius than using my approach: spotdata_analysis = TheSystem. 042 yet when I look at the spot its showing and RMS spot of . The criterion is the RMS spot radius here (horizontal axis title). In a ray trace calculation of the rms radius of the spot formed in the image plane of an optical system by a point source object, a decision must be made as to how many rays will be traced to obtain the result. Mar 30, 2021 · The reason we start at line 43 is that we want to keep the spot-in-y operands: so, this merit function will require the smallest spatial extent in Y, and the smallest angular extent in X: a line focus. Aug 17, 2022 · The RMS vs field (RMS spot radius) also shows the spike. maximum spot diameter Dmax: 4 Ë Æ Ì N & à Ô ë 3 L ∆ 3 # W N 2. 47um. And you can use operand such as RSCE, RSCH, RSRE, and RSRH to report this radial RMS spot size into the Merit Function Editor for optimization. Now say we invoke the high-yield feature -- doing so creates a new set of HYLD operands in addition to the existing first set of operands. The RMS spot radius gives a rough idea of the spread of the rays, since it depends upon every ray. We need to select RMS Wavefront. 062522 The analysis also outlines the changes that can be made to back focus as: Minimum : -0. Now after optimizing the system my spot radius appears smaller than the airy disk radius. Field Analysis. It traces bundles of rays through the system to the image plane and provides information on their patterns, RMS radius, and GEO radius. After doing so, (or possibly as an optimization operand during optimization, but this is much slower), I am using various Encircled Energy features to report how well I have succeeded, e. In Spot Diagram I get a completely different output for RMS Spot Radius. I tried to use the RSRE operand set a target of . I've thought about this situation with astigmatism, but then I would expected sagittal MTF to deteriorate and tangential get better or vice versa. The goals: - RMS spot less then Airy radius, - EFFL to be very close to 2000mmm and - that a group of lenses be around 400 mm. Type in the value of 100 into the Sep 22, 2023 · This article describes basis of RMS wavefront error and Zemax observation in a lens instance. Dec 4, 2021 · In OpticStudio Sequential mode, one can use the Spot Diagram to view the RMS spot radius. Jan 18, 2022 · For example, the RMS spot radius option typically generates a merit function value that is smaller than the RMS wavefront option. In the Tolerance Data Editor, under the TETX line, insert a SAVE tolerance control operand. The optimization variables are the y-radius, x-radius, and back focal distance. 21238 ' F06 Û B∆ Equation 7: RMS spot radius as a function of defocus distance for an acrylic tube and lens system The second Zemax analysis will try to point the way to a better tube material choice than acrylic. 2 um, which is on the same order of the Airy radius of 3. Apr 22, 2022 · In the Text analysis, you will see that the output not only specifies the RMS Spot Radius, but also the RMS Spot X Size and RMS Spot Y Size. Oct 1, 2021 · This macro reads the RMS spot X and RMS spot Y as computed in the Standard Spot Diagram and returns it. I would assume the airy disk is the smallest possible spot my system would have when free of any aberrations. To convert String to numbers you may use SVAL(A$). The X- and Y-Divergence angles were scanned together by using a pick-up on the Y-Divergence to replicate the X-Divergence angle. Currently, I use as a tolerancing criterion RMS Wavefront or RMS Spot R Jun 22, 2021 · Hi Zemax team, I've been studying the tolerancing, and I read the KA-01370 written by Mark, which is very helpful. After optimization, the variable in the editor, the thickness of surface #2, will be close to 51. Jun 23, 2020 · 在Spot Diagram中还有几个参数可以参考, RMS RADIUS,均平方根半径是一个重要的半径参数,它是弥散斑各个点坐标,参考中心点,进行的坐标平方和后,除以点数量,然后开方的值,这个值的半径可以反映一个典型的弥散斑的大小,以定量的反映这个系统实际的斑点 RMS radius is the root mean square spot size, and GEO radius is the distance from the centroid to the furthest ray intersection with the imaging surface. StandardSpot) spot_settings = spotdata_analysis. You can see how the RMS spot radius converges to a certain value as the mesh size drops as expected. How is it then possible Mar 16, 2020 · Yes, you can also use GETTEXTFILE to extract data from the Spot Diagram using Spt as type (you need to remove the apostrophe in the second line of your macro). After passing through the lens the rays encounter a detector rectangle which will be used to measure the RMS Spot Radius of the beam on the detector. 22 * wavelength * F/#). Ray tracing only considers geometrical optics and no wave optics (hence diffraction), it is therefore possible to achieve spot sizes below the diffraction limit in a ray tracing simulation. Sep 26, 2022 · so, there’s a factor 0. The suggestion there is to go to the source of the ray file, and get a different format, which can be converted using a third party tool to a format Zemax can use. Tools. The Spot Diagram • The spot diagram is readily understood by most engineers • It is a diagram of how spread out the rays are in the image – The smaller the spot diagram, the better the image – This is geometrical only; diffraction is ignored • It is useful to show the detector size (and/or the Airy disk diameter) I am in fact not really collimating it but focussing it ~20cm away from the lens and trying to minimise the spot size on that plane. As you increase the sampling in the spot diagram, the RMS spot computed there will converge to the RSRE result. To set collimation at surface i, and spot (say) at surface j, use the IMSF (Image Surface) operand in the merit function to redefine the image surface on the fly. Sep 24, 2024 · Hi Experts, I’m working on optimizing and evaluating system performance across different fields of view using the RMS radius in the Full Field Spot Diagram (not just the Spot Diagram) in the Merit Function and Universal Plot. I did some search and found this discussion here but I r Nov 8, 2022 · I need the produced spot size to be 110 microns, EEFL/radius of curvature are both allowed to move freely, the only constraint is the spot size and the 5. The Scale Lens tool is used to change the system units to inches. Mar 30, 2021 · If the spot radius is close to (or less than) the Airy radius, select Diffraction. ) How can I know Mar 30, 2021 · We then optimize for best RMS spot radius in each configuration. RMS spot size and RMS wavefront values are similarly flat within the caustic. SetAllThicknessesVariable (); Set all radii variables; Set all thicknesses variables; LocalOpt = TheSystem Aug 31, 2019 · 在这个示例中,倾斜公差对均方根光斑半径 (RMS Spot Radius) 影响不大,但是,我们可以把OpticStudio 在后台进行的公差分析文件保存下来,来更为细致地观察一下 OpticStudio 是如何进行扰动分析的。 在公差数据编辑器中操作数TETX之后插入操作数SAVE。 Jan 26, 2022 · Dear Experts,I have an optical system (refractive telescope + some lenses) to couple a laser beam into a single-mode fiber. ZMX" and "MC_WORST. GetSettings() spot_settings. Since no Merit Function file is loaded in the script, the current Merit Function will be used for tolerancing (RMS spot radius). Aug 5, 2022 · When Source and detector’s position are fixed and mirror’s tilt/decenter are only changing, I want to know the spot size and centroid position for as each tilt(θx,θy,θz) & decenter(X,Y,Z) of mirror at Detector. For example, I just uploaded some tolerance results I had on my computer. 22 = 0. 103466 Zemax Mar 30, 2021 · Similarly, the radius of the first surface and the thickness between the back of the lens and the image need not be pre-determined since they will be set as a variables for optimization. The nominal RMS is 1. We can add to the same plot the RMS spot radius through focus for the 10s laser exposure with only the thermal gradient effect in place, and also the 10s laser exposure with both structural deformation and the thermal gradient in place. I’m relatively new to using Zemax and recently tried to optimize an aspheric lens using two extended asphere surfaces. (I want FWHM spot size. Dec 6, 2021 · You can also make use of the Analyze. In OpticStudio, we can fit the actual criteria curve with a 3- or 5-term polynomial of the following form: Mar 30, 2021 · Thickness, radii, and material are changed and a rectangular aperture is placed on surface 1. Hi, I am trying to calculate an universal plot of a NSC system with a Tabulated Faceted Toroid, and I want to use the number of facets of the toroid as the independent variable X and the merit function (which is the basic RMS spot radius value obatined with the optimization wizard at a rectangular detector) as the dependent variable Y. Apply the default merit function settings, optimizing on minimum RMS spot radius, as shown below. "MC_BEST. The tolerance run was set with the RMS Spot Radius as the criterion, with optimization for the back focal length, and 1000 Monte Carlo cycles. 7815 while the actual spot radius value is a lot smaller than this value as shown in the snippet below. . Alternatively, if you want the geometrical radius, you could use REAY/REAX , which gives the X/Y landing coordinates of a ray at a particular surface, with a Sep 10, 2007 · The RMS spot radius is the root-mean-square radial size. A source ellipse emits a collimated beam of rays which encounter a Standard Lens of BK7 material. 5um and is now 1. New_Analysis(ZOSAPI. 398327 Maximum : 0. I currently want to tolerance my system, so that the coupling efficiency does not drop below a threshold. Optimize, and OpticStudio again quickly produces the best system. Something like this will report the RMS Spot Radius, RMS X Size, RMS Y Size and the Max Spot Radius from the Spot Diagram: Jul 17, 2022 · In this case, the spot diagram shows an RMS spot radius of 86. 93 microns: RSCE reports the RMS spot radius referenced to centeroid. Rays & Spots. To be able to use it as a ZPLM, change the name to ZPL13. 7 to 10 mm. I came across this recent thread which seems to confirm that there is no direct way to use TM25 ray files in Zemax. Let’s take a closer look. The COMP 2 0 command sets the thickness of surface #2 as compensator; it will be optimized during tolerancing to minimize the criteria. This operand uses a Gaussian quadrature method that is accurate for systems with unvignetted circular pupils. I would like to understand what distribution of performance (in this case RMS spot radius) one can ex Aug 9, 2022 · I know that you can choose the Merit Function as the criterion, or some other criterion from the list in the tolerancing menu, for example the RMS spot radius. Oct 25, 2021 · The Yield is defined as the % of Monte Carlo trials that are below the RMS Spot Radius. Maybe there is a link with compensators in the tolerance data editor. Am I missing someth In Sequential mode, I can use Afocal mode and set the merit function to optimize for minimum rms (angular) spot radius. 9% of your merit function value is coming from one operand: MNCA is limiting the merit function’s ability to find the best RMS spot size Oct 3, 2023 · As can be seen from the spot diagram the lens resolution has increased significantly. The low angle design predicted RMS Spot Radius of 50 microns. So now let's look at the size of the spot. 25mm. 086 mm から 0. Mar 30, 2021 · Similarly, the radius of the first surface and the thickness between the back of the lens and the image need not be pre-determined since they will be set as a variables for optimization. Within the tolerance range, the curve is well behaved, and can easily be fit to a polynomial. Jul 22, 2024 · The RMS spot vs. Vary only the radii of the lens surfaces. I have a question about this paper : in the merit function editor of the Doublet_Starting_Point_with_TOLR. 6885 between the Gaussian RMS width and the Airy radius. The spot radius for the corner field also improved from 9. The RSRE and RSCE operands can only return the overall RMS spot radius: There might be two workarounds for this problem: Use ZPLM to access the Text tab of the Spot Diagram and return the values to the Merit function editor. Zemax provides a rms spot size radius calculation based on the root mean square distance of a point in the ray fan and a desired reference location, such as the chief ray, for each given ray fan. It can be also a good idea to add some constrains (such as maximum/minimum distances) to avoid non-physical solutions. RMS Spot Radius : 6. Ultimately, you could also leverage the ZOS-API to produce a 3D stack of PSFs across focus, which would probably give you the most accurate depiction of your depth of considered—the nominal RMS spot radius for the perfect design and the as-built RMS spot radius estimated from the Root-Sum-Squared analysis of all 181 of the individual sensitivities. See full list on mercaph. 608 mm. Optimizing May 17, 2022 · Our nominal system is diffraction-limited as indicated by the Through focus RMS spot radius curve below. The question is best posed using an example: We can optimize a two-doublet system with (light through a doublet, to a 45-deg. Here’s the result of 100 run with RMS Spot Radius (DLS optimization): I also checked the Best/Worst files and the compensators were modified accordingly. Other packages can use full-diameter. However, if your system provides a non-circular spot, you might wa Mar 30, 2021 · In this case, the tilt did not affect the RMS Spot Radius very much, but we can review what OpticStudio has done more closely by saving the file OpticStudio internally constructed to perform this perturbation. How is calculated the nominal RMS Spot Radius compared to the estimated Spot radius ?Moreover, is it possible to work with the estimated RMS spot radius instead of the nominal RMS Spot radius with a Monte Carlo Analysis ?Thank you in advance Jan 26, 2022 · Enclosed energy can be measured on a Detector Rectangle or other detector, by making the detector the size and shape of the desired measurement region -- possibly masking it for shape -- and optimizing for total power and perhaps uniformity. Can you confirm how you setup your tolerancing? For the result above, I’ve used the following: Apr 13, 2023 · Hi all,I am relatively new to tolerancing in OpticStudio and currently trying to tolerance an RC telescope consisting of two mirrors and two field corrector lenses using machining and optical specs. The on-axis RMS spot radius started off at 3. m' , but the shape of the resulting graphs are different from the Mar 30, 2021 · Zemax OpticStudio のユーザーズ ガイドで引用している参考文献のいくつかに、これらの概念に関する詳しい説明があります。 ここでこれまで進めてきた設計を変更し、上記の各解析機能を開いて、現在のレンズ性能を確認してみてみます。 The Spot Diagram • The spot diagram is readily understood by most engineers • It is a diagram of how spread out the rays are in the image – The smaller the spot diagram, the better the image – This is geometrical only; diffraction is ignored • It is useful to show the detector size (and/or the Airy disk diameter) Mar 30, 2021 · Imagine a multi-element imaging system where we plot the RMS Spot Radius as a function of the decentration of the first lens element. The distance from the source to the lens is variable, as are both lens radii. The argument Hx can be used to give the number of fields. To do so, build a default merit function in the Optimization Wizard with the following inputs: The merit function value is 9. Sep 25, 2023 · When tolerancing an optical system, i´ve set the criterion to be the RMS spot radius. The RMS spot radius are between 50 to 300um so the input image is enough sampled. To verify my design is correct I have designed the Fresnel lens which has zemax file already exists. Sep 28, 2023 · Spot diagrams are geometric, not diffraction-based, and aren't a good measure of system performance when comparing them to diffraction-based analysis like MTF and EE. 4 Choose the Compensator: (Paraxial focus, Optimize All, None). Very often after checking RMS spot radius using Spot Diagram, user needs to report spot radius in Merit Function Editor (MFE) to run optimization and minimize spot size for better image quality. io Mar 30, 2021 · Open the Optimization Wizard and build the default RMS spot radius merit function. Wavelength. I hope this helps, and you can find more information on the Standard Spot Diagram in the Help File: The Analyze Tab (sequential ui mode) > Image Zemax shows a RMS-radius value in the spot diagram, that is a realistic measure of the resolution to be expected and it includes all aberrations. 84 / 1. By turning on the Gaussian Apodization settings in System Explorer, the beam will have a higher ray density at center and lower ray density towards edge. If I vary the radius it leads to larger spot size. 057 and a GEO Jun 21, 2023 · The RMS spot radius is calculated from ray tracing data. Mar 30, 2021 · Zemax OpticStudio のユーザーズ ガイドで引用している参考文献のいくつかに、これらの概念に関する詳しい説明があります。 ここでこれまで進めてきた設計を変更し、上記の各解析機能を開いて、現在のレンズ性能を確認してみてみます。 Aug 21, 2021 · The resultant spot size is 28. This creates a Gaussian intensity distribution and will have an impact on many ray-based analysis results, including RMS spot radius, Wavefront error, etc. Now that our merit function properly defines our design criteria, we will compare the results of optimization with DLS and OD using both local and global optimization algorithms. 7 um and is well below the Airy radius of 6. Mar 30, 2021 · spot radius; wavefront error; MTF; boresight error; angular radius; Whatever you choose is ultimately expressed as a Merit Function, and you can choose to create your own tolerancing criterion in the Merit Function and use that if you wish. Our application requires evaluating all fields of view together or treatin Mar 30, 2021 · Place the included EFFL. fold mirror, through another doublet, to the image) for one wavelength and achieve an RMS Mar 30, 2021 · The merit function value has a quadratic shape, giving a smoother parameter space for the optimization and a more well-defined minimum. Can you confirm how you setup your tolerancing? For the result above, I’ve used the following: Why my Nominal criterion value (Spot Radius) in the tolerance report is different than the RMS spot radius reported in the Spot Diagram? Dear All,I am conducting a tolerance for an optical system and setting the criterion to be RMS Spot Radius. And now the simulated image: Apr 29, 2022 · The X & Y rms spot sizes can be fairly easily computed in the merit function by using the wizard to generate the X and Y spot operands (TRAX and TRAY aberration operands) using the weight parameters as described above by David, in combination with a few extra operands to form the spot sizes. Through Focus Spot Diagram, which displays a sequence of spot diagram taken at different axial positions around the focus. Thanks for any help,John Jan 24, 2024 · I’ve stumble upon this wide-view collimator design and it could be useful for me if RMS spot size radius is less then Airy radius. 3 um: Note the lens aperture blocks many rays and the RMS spot radius is computed using whatever rays from the defined spot diagram settings make it to the image plane. Assuming your lens units are mm, then just type 5 in the Target column. github. The optimal image distance of the smallest RMS after the optimization is always 1-2 millimetres after the image plane. I personally recommend using the Poisson disk sampling method for spot diagrams communication and RMS spot size computation for its robustness against aliasing artefacts. Aug 2, 2023 · I understand how you connect the RMS radii along the x- and y-direction to the RMS spot radius. RMS spot radius) for each iteration. Maybe the rays that depart from the bundle are vignetted by the apertures for that field of view and that creates a smaller radius. I added a data marker. The high angle design is much more sensitive to tolerance defects than the low angle design, demonstrating the key point that identical nominal performance and tolerances may yield radically different as-built I would like to return the geometric (not RMS) spot radius in the merit function editor. Spot sizes in Zemax are measured by their semi-diameter. tsc tolerance script file in the {Zemax}/Tolerance/ folder. Dec 20, 2021 · 在点列图中,ZEMAX不能画出被拦住的光线,它们也不能用来计算RMS或GEO点尺寸。 上图是点列图的属性设置窗口。 Pattern : 光瞳模式可以是方形(Square)、六角形(Hexapolar)或高频脉冲(Dithered)。这些方式与出现在光瞳面的光线的分布模式有关。 Maybe there is a link with compensators in the tolerance data editor. The settings for the universal plot are changed to display the RMS spot size as a function of the thickness on the last Sep 28, 2023 · I’ve tried to run a tolerancing on your file and the compensators seems to be updated. 51744914E+00 µm Nov 19, 2021 · 摘要:這篇文章介紹一些簡單的方法,用來確認Zemax OpticStudio如何計算這些公差Criterion。當使用者不太確定某個Criterion是怎麼來的時候,這些技巧會非常有用。 簡介Zemax OpticStudio在公差分析方面有完整的功能,過程也有清楚的數學說明,但與公差分析的目標相比 (最終要知道良率或敏感度),其執行 The spot size of the focused beam is utilized as our optimization metric plus the inclusion of standard deviation across colors or angles. It is not clear however if this refers to the RMS spot radius for a field point along the optical axis, on the edge of the field of view or a weighted sum of the different field points. whether I got 99% of the rays into a The high angle design has predicted RMS Spot Radius of 185 microns. In terms of determining the best focus location for your system, you can also use the Optimization Wizard to build a Merit Function to analyze the RMS Spot Radius. I would like to understand what distribution of performance (in this case RMS spot radius) one can ex Feb 11, 2021 · Hi Rick. Aug 14, 2023 · One of the most frequently used tools in OpticStudio is the Spot Diagram. AnalysisIDM. The substantial loss of performance is Jul 29, 2024 · Three field points are evaluated across the system for specific wavelengths. Therefore, one could ask, how much can the field of view increase while the RMS radius remains smaller than the Airy radius. 2um to 4. Yes that's right Steve: the Angular criterion reduces RMS angle the same way that the spot criterion reduces RMS spot. The below one is already exists design for 254mm focal length. Jan 3, 2022 · I can confirm that your RMS spot radius gets significantly worse after optimizing. We want the paraxial focus to be the compensator, which is already the default. First, establish a baseline metric for the RMS spot radius by optimizing the lens and BFD for use at the nominal operating temperature and pressure of 20 C and 1 ATM. Additionally, the Gaussian profile definition in that section is a little bit different than the traditional normal distribution in the FWHM Wikipedia article . For the time being, we will leave the radius of Surface 1 as Infinity and change the thickness of surface 2 to 100 mm. This way, when you tolerance the system, OpticStudio will vary the working distance so a smallest spot size can be achieved on the image surface. 16371 ' F04 Û B∆ 30 N7. 35um. 000144 Standard Deviation : 0. Comparison of different Aspheres. 114 µm for Figure 7. You can decide to use the Centroid (as shown in the screenshot) or the chief ray landing position to compute the RMS spot radius. Is there an operand similar to RSCE/RSCH with respect to the vertex? Thanks in advance, ILAN Sep 30, 2019 · TheSystem. Jun 30, 2021 · 打开评价函数对话框常用的优化目标有三种:波前优化(Wavefront);光斑半径优化(Spot Radius)和角半径优化(Angular Radius)且这三种一般均使用RMS优化算法。选项卡右侧可选择该目标的参考方式:质心参考(Centroid)和主光线参考(Chief Ray)。 Nov 8, 2024 · The optical design process begins with Ansys Zemax Opticstudio (Zemax), where the optical design is created and optimized. Airy spot size is the min spot size in focusing distance, but how does OpticStudio calcuate the spot size in de-f Aug 11, 2023 · The first is the ray-based approach. Mar 30, 2021 · 当初の性能解析と比較すると、RMS スポット半径と GEO スポット半径は、およそ 1/10 までに小さくなっています。また、Zemax OpticStudio で選択されたレンズの厚みが目的の範囲にあり、そのエッジ厚みが確かに 2 mm を超えている点も重要です。 Collimated input light is to be focused to smallest RMS spot size, averaged across the field of view; F/10, EPD 40 mm; Made from N-BK7; Stop is a separate surface and is free to move but comes after the lens; Lens should be at least 3, and no more than 15 mm thick at center Mar 30, 2021 · 最適化ウィザードによりメリット ファンクション エディタを設定し、[像質] (Image Quality) の基準として [RMS スポット半径] (RMS spot radius) を選択します。 クイック ローカル最適化を実行すると、スポット サイズは初期の 1. First because in the RMS vs Wavelenght plot you are using the RMS Spot Radius which is a 'radial' measurement of the spot size that combines the effect from both the X and Y directions. 7mm) we get a geometrical rms spot size of 51um if the entrance gaussian beam diameter is reduced to 20mm, we get a rms spot size of 4um because of reduced spherical Aberration : but if the entrance collimated beam diameter is 150mm , which is 3 times larger Mar 30, 2021 · Optimize the system for best focus using the RMS spot radius default Merit Function. Feb 5, 2022 · By doing a simple lens (with thickness T and radius of R1 and R2) and trying to optimize it on the spot image quality setting I don’t get the smallest RMS on the image plane. Thanks for help. 122 µm に減少します。 Sep 14, 2022 · RMS spot radius with respect to the centroid in lens units. Set the image plane to 500mm, in the merit function I use the operand RSCE and target RMS Spot Radius to 16. 4 um. m' , but the shape of the resulting graphs are different from the Mar 30, 2021 · Thickness, radii, and material are changed and a rectangular aperture is placed on surface 1. This is also reflected in the MTF increase in all fields. It also shows an Airy-radius which is the limit in I am trying to optimize a lens prescription based on RMS Spot Radius at a specific distance. 103466 Zemax Mar 30, 2021 · First create the surfaces needed for focusing optics, selecting any glass(es) for the materials column. The longitudinal aberration plot under AnalysisMiscellaneousLongitudinal Color shows significant amount of longitudinal color aberration. field plot for the starting design is shown here. You actually don't need all the boundary operands as only the thickness of 7 is targeted so you could just clear this a bit. Regards, Ned However, the center thickness of the lens (Surface 1 Thickness), the radius of curvature of the front surface (Surface 1 Radius), and the distance from the back of the lens to the image plane (Surface 2 Thickness) can all be varied in attempt to minimize the RMS spot radius of the singlet. RMS spot diagram and FFT MTF mismatch Hi,There are two analysis output of one imaging design below. 409846 Mean : 0. The optimization wizard was used to establish a merit function to minimize the RMS Spot Radius on the detector, with a minimum flux of 1W (equal to the source). SetAllRadiiVariable(); TheSystem. There’s an operand called RSCE, which gives you the RMS spot radius with respect to the centroid in lens units. However, the Spot Diagram does not provide information on individual ray characteristics. Mar 30, 2021 · The nominal spot radius is what the design can achieve in the absence of manufacturing defects, and the estimated change is the amount by which this is degraded by the manufacturing defects. The article and Zemax file are attached. For TTHI I tried two approaches: 1) I placed a coordinate break before the mirror (n) and one after the mirror. When comparing/discussing specs, it's good to clarify what is being used. ApplyAndWaitForCompletion() Jun 20, 2022 · You could use the Optimize. Ring is used to specify the number of rings of rays traced. The name of the files will be “MC_Txxxx”, where "xxxx" corresponds to the run number. IMA describes the location of the centroid Jul 6, 2020 · How is RMS Spot Radius calculated, and why does increasing the number of rays decrease the RMS Spot Radius? Why does the spot diagram appear mostly symmetric, when the deformity is localized? 2) Are there alternative Analysis parameters to determine the deterioration in image quality due to a single highly localized deformity, that can be used Mar 30, 2021 · If we look at the overall merit function value versus base radius, we can see why centroid and spot radius are better optimization targets. This means the Airy diameter is 39,46µm, which is about twice the size of the focal spot size calculated with the generally used formula to calculate the focal spot size. Spot size - 8um. I would like to use the Tolerancing feature to get a sensitivity analysis for a mirror's position/rotation. Using TE-DX/DY/TX/TY/TZ I got results for the RMS Spot Radius that I could replicate with the RMS vs. Analysis. 6 um Apr 8, 2022 · The attached zip contains a zar file implementing a non-sequential design for a focusing lens. If the EPD is increased to 150 mm (three times the lens diameter), then the RMS spot size changes to 17. We employed the 'Find Best Asphere' tool to identify the optimal surface for aspherization. ZPL Jul 12, 2022 · I do not understand why the nominal RMS criterion is different from the RMS sport radius displayed in the Spot diagram tab. For this example, RMS spot radius is chosen as the tolerance criterion: and 100 Monte Carlo runs are performed: Remember that we must save each of the runs in order to extract the desired data. 3 Choose the Criteria: (RMS Spot Radius, RMS Wavefront, Merit Function, Boresight Error, MTF and more). Use the Diffraction setting also if the lens is diffraction limited over some part of the field of view but not diffraction limited elsewhere; doing this will allow OpticStudio to automatically switch to use Geometric at those points in the grid where the PSF is Meaning of a negative normalization radius for the extended asphere in Zemax. To maintain the design's symmetry, we limited the variable values to the radius of curvature while keeping the thickness fixed. I assume you are using some sort of beam scan device to experimentally measure the spot size. Sep 10, 2021 · A quick look at the OPD tells me that the system is not diffraction limited so I will stick to geometric rays. Jan 19, 2020 · Due to angle change of one of the elements in the optical path, the spot is shifted from (0,0) in the spot diagram. Spot Diagram Text tab reports the separated RMS Spot X and Y size. We want to improve the imaging performance of our Schmidt camera so we will optimize for best RMS spot size. Dec 19, 2009 · It shows the estimated performance changes based on Root-Sum-Square method as: Nominal RMS spot radius : 0. 5 degrees. The nominal criterion value is 1. As the number of rays is increased, the rms spot radius is generally found to decrease, apparently approaching a definite lower limit as the number of rays becomes very large. A quick focus is performed and then a universal plot is created. Your merit function seems properly set up. During this process, I accidentally set the normalization radius as a variable and did not realize it until much later. Jul 29, 2019 · Hi, Question as described in the title. That works well, but now I am trying to design a new meniscus lens (current design was of a former colleague) that would have shorter working distance and try to achieve a smaller spot radius on my detector plane. The estimated RMS spot radius is the sum of these, and represents what the design would achieve in production. g. How is calculated the nominal RMS Spot Radius compared to the estimated Spot radius ?Moreover, is it possi From the documentation it looks like the RMS spot radius in the “Beam Info” tab on the detector viewer is the second moment – but it’s unclear to me. A user added operand NSZG requires the distance from the source to the lens to be greater than 2mm. Mar 30, 2021 · We can also see an estimation of the RMS spot radius based upon the root-sum-square method. Mar 30, 2021 · Imagine a multi-element imaging system where we plot the RMS Spot Radius as a function of the decentration of the first lens element. 3 microns. 41 times larger than the 2x the RMS Spot Radius. RMS is the rms of the pattern. Analysis of the spot diagram and RMS spot radius versus field angle plot reveals diffraction-limited performance for all wavelengths up to a 0. 5mm thickness on surface 1. You can then set Merit function as your tolerance criterion and set the working distance as the Compensator. Feb 12, 2024 · Dear All,I am conducting a tolerance for an optical system and setting the criterion to be RMS Spot Radius. 7 o field angle. I cannot able to reduce the spot size below 28. Does Zemax always define the radial spot size as the square root of the quadratic sum of the spot sizes along x and y? RSRE predicts what the spot will be on the basis of a full pupil of rays, whereas the spot diagram uses whatever rays you have defined in the Settings. A marginal increase in spot size is observed beyond this point, indicating good overall aberration control. In OpticStudio, we can fit the actual criteria curve with a 3- or 5-term polynomial of the following form: Sep 28, 2023 · I’ve tried to run a tolerancing on your file and the compensators seems to be updated. Quick Focus feature with the Spot Size Radial criterion (this is the RMS spot radius). 8 um. ZMX" of this particular run is provided for review. 43um. 1. The MTF value, in contrast, is fairly flat within the spherical caustic. The distance between each ray and the reference point is squared, and averaged over all the rays, and then the square root is taken. My question is that how can be FFT MTF values so higher during the RMS and geometric spot size radius are high. Mar 30, 2021 · Now, we will evaluate the RMS spot radius in this system using the Merit Function. In OpticStudio, as you may know, the IMAE operand can provide the beam radius in terms of rms values (x-, y-, and/or radial). For example when I calculate the D4s beam diameter from the beam profile using Matlab I get a value that is about 1. You are targeting the smallest RMS spot radius. Feb 21, 2020 · We have a question about how we frequently get unexpected results in RMS spot radius when we optimize using variable aspherics. Variables have already been set for the front radius of curvature of the aspheric lens, along with the r 4 coefficient of the asphere: With variables set, we will now build a default Merit Function for RMS spot radius. 0376. Apr 13, 2023 · Hi all,I am relatively new to tolerancing in OpticStudio and currently trying to tolerance an RC telescope consisting of two mirrors and two field corrector lenses using machining and optical specs. Figure 7 – on-axis ray transformation from pupil plane (left) to image plane (right) using a Poisson disk sampling. So in the MFE: IMSF i #set surface i to be the image surface May 11, 2020 · I think there are two reasons why you didn't see much difference in the RMS vs Wavelength plot when the slit width changes from 0. For the same parameters, this gives 19,73µm, which is also what I get from Zemax. Feb 11, 2021 · Hi Rick. The spot size i mean here is neither RMS or GEO spot size, it is the calculation size like Airy Radius with diffraction effect consideration. I have already tried to modify the routine in 'MATLABStandalone_22_seq_spot_diagram. Consider a plano convex lens used to focus a collimated gaussian beam , if the beam diameter is almost the same as the lens diameter (45. 055, is saying the measured value is . Here I can read that 61% of Monte Carlo trials that have a RMS Spot is equal or less than 0.
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