Su carb tuning steve livesley 09/11/2019 11/11/2020 Articles / News, Fuel / Carbs, Performance, Tuning. I took car of the brakes, clutch and oil leak issues. This started as a service for fellow SCCA racers and sports car owners, but after about 10 years I realized that if I ever wanted to retire I’d have to switch to American cars. Previous MGB Carb Heatshield Insulation Pads WinSU - SU carburettor needle finder and tuning software . chappy444 Bill Chapman. Here is how I set my new carbs to ensure an easy start on a fresh rebuilt carb. All Messages By This Member #1503 Today's weather was glorious in PA, and I used the occasion to tune Beck's carbs and go for a couple of test drives. 4 (a) Vehicles with emission control. If you have any questions regarding the setup or Obviously, if the when lifting the pin the engine speeds up and stays up then that carb is rich and you must back out the jet adjusting screw (counter clockwise) to lean that carb. winnipeg, MB, Canada . L. The trick to H Type Carburetter: Tuning (Single Carbs) 1 (a) Warm engine up to normal temperature. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 500; Menu Part of the Burlen Group. September 07, 2007, 15:12:46. Advanced Search . (d) Screw down the slow-running valve (1) onto its seating, then unscrew it 3. U. SU carburetors have been a good way of breathing more life into a Harley-Davidson V-engine since the 1970s. Oklahoma City, OK, USA . Are we smarter than they were? If you had tube headers, you could run a pair of O2 sensors, one in 1, one in 4. roundtailrestoration. I use a carb balance testerjust tests the suck at each inlet plus an ear and a screw driver. It was developed by SU, who DESIGNED the carb. I will show you how to disassemble, clean, polish, and rebuild a SU HD8 Carb from my Jaguar XJ6 project, but these carbs were used in MGs, Triumphs, Minis, a I approach SU tuning from the point of view of an engineering understanding of what the carb is trying to achieve together with highly successful practical experience on an MGC (3ltr staight six). Add to Cart #4025 Uni-Syn Multiple Carburettor Synchroniser $74. Good, ol', USA . Excellent manual, should be required reading for any one seeking knowledge on the SU carburetors. Post by dynaguy » Thu May 04, 2023 3:35 pm. So I’m a total NOOB when it comes to tuning w/o a dyno. Car only starts with the choke fully engaged - releasing . Posted on December 10, 2020 by valv8988. I. It almost seems as if they are losing air velocity and shutting the vapor back out of t The blue circled screws are for balancing the carbs using an air flow meter, the red circled screws are to adjust the sync of both carbs so they move at the same time when you give it the pedal, BTW I have never seen two screws before, usually there is only one on one side, mine is on the back carb linkage, maybe one is to balance them and the other is for idle Back to the Spitfire. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 500 Tuning (General) It is essential, particularly where vehicles' are equipped and tuned to comply with engine emission control regulations, SU carb tuning. I will be running 1936 and the company became SU Carburetors Limited. 1978 Triumph Spitfire 1500. Carburettors, published by Speedsport Motorbooks 1975, ISBN85113-072-0" Link to Library. Such carburettors are of the variable choke type and their principle of operation is [I can’t vouch for the accuracy or completeness of this article as I haven’t as yet had to muck with my Plus 4’s SUs. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 500; Menu H Type Tom Bryant's SU Carb tuning procedure Emery DeWitt. difficulty of accessing the front carb lifting pin. MG Midge - Austin Healey Sprite, 100/4 - 100/6 - 3000 -Jaguar E type - Triumph TR TR2 TR3 As part of our never-ending quest to improve the fleet, a large part of our work is focused on worn SU carburetors. I have got them running fairly well but I need to do some fine tuning. Our standard tuning service includes checking the condition of the carb and ignition sy SU carb tuning made easier. Today I tried resetting the mixture because I was told my SUs were running with a fuel mixture too rich. There are four distinct phases to tuning SU carburetters (carbies). according to my "Tuning SU Carburetters" guide (1968 by Speed and Sport Publications) My 998 pep up is just about done. I am considering a wideband O2 sensor and gauge for the race Z to help diagnose fuel delivery issues and adjust them in the field. Slaughtering a chicken at midnight and shaking the blood on the carbs The Tuning - Multi page for the SU Carburetters website. Sign in to contact. Resources. Starting with the basic principles, the manual takes you through routine servicing, dismantling, inspection, reassembly & tuning for each of the carb types, and a fault diagnostic chart helps track down running problems. Hi, does any-one have a lead on the procedure for duel SU carbs tuning for the 6. John Twist of University Motors does a walk through of of the process of adjusting SU Carbs (HIF and HS). SU Books available: "Tuning S. In this video I take you through the SU workings Unlike other types of carburettor, which have fixed jets , the SU has only one jet, so the mixture setting affects the engine throughout its speed range. Previous topic - Next topic. (b) Turn the jet adjusting screw (2) SU Carb tuning. su carb tuning. Turning the engine to check TDC. I engaged the services of a chap to tune it and after a number of hours of needle fiddling was told that it was tuned. Ok, this section is more about the upgrades than trying to help you set the carbs. Report. Skinner-Union (S. Therefore, it affects the mixture strength across the whole range of operation of the carburettor. Basic Tuning A set of British wrenches and SU jet wrenches (top) are useful tools when working with SU carburetors. Print. Hero Member; Posts: 729; Logged; SU Carb tuning. As Andrew sayscheck his list and read the tuning guide carefully so you are familiar with the procedure. Add to Cart; SU carb tuning - guidance please. I'm taking a shot at adjusting my SU H6 carbs. There will be another video dealing with carb tuning, but I'm going to try not to dedicate it to that. Post by jackkelleher » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:28 pm. SU Carburettor Refurbishment offers a full rebuild on single - twin - triple SU carburettors (and setups). Restoration & Reconditioning Over the years I have sold and reconditioned hundreds of SU Carb set ups for customers all over the world and have received In tuning an SU or Stromberg carburettor, such as the ones installed on our demonstrator MGB GT, we adjust the mixture at idle. I have done business with Burlen and have found them acceptable as a vendor. First SU HIF4 Tuning Troubles - Another Saga. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 HS Type Carburetter: Tuning Single Carbs. c Tuning technique using a Wideband O2 sensor, video camera, and marking the carburetor at 1/8" increments. (b) Switch off the engine. You can therefore recognize the SU-type vacuum carburettors by this voluminous bell above the actual housing. The following should be checked on the engine prior to setting up the carburettor to determine if the situation will lend itself to optimal timing, or if expectations should be lowered to ‘good enough’. User actions. I'm setting them up for aggressive driving fpr solo Autocross events. 01652 688904. He started with the jet level and with the top and piston removed he set the jets at . Raising the one piston above the point where there's little or no flow through that carb because that carb isn't 'sucking' any more causes the oposite carb to handle all the engine load, and essentially runs Carb kit (carbs, manifold and linkage) was purchased from Paltech and have been completely renewed (honestly look new). The first is to set the fuel level in the float bowl, the second is to centre the needle in the jet, but only with fixed needles, not Most S. Re: SU carb, performance tuning expert needed! Lean AFR's at hig I don't think that dizzy is good for more than 6k even when it's new. You might try finding a shop that can set it up for you. Can anyone direct me to a copy of this write up? Thanks, Dan Holden– 69 E-Type OTS John Twist provides an overview of function and tunes a pair of HIF carbs as originally fitted to the 1972 → 1974 Federal spec MGB. SU Carb set up. I learned from my friend Paul Pell. The archives mention ‘‘Ray’s carb tuning method’’ but I have not been able to locate it. Here are the basic steps for tuning an SU carburetor: Start by adjusting the idle speed and mixture settings. Upgrade today with quality products for superior performance. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 500 Tuning (General) It is essential, particularly where HIF4 SU Carb Tuning & Servicing Download. A nice new butterfly is present on the HS2 carb below, but the clean edge of that disk cannot seal against the irregular surface of the throat of this badly pitted carburetor carburetor body. . ? Thanks Ian PS Will be doing it initially without the benefit of specialist tools. Not all SU's have the lift pin, not all combo's can take advantage of it, but any twin carb set-up can (which accounts for ~90% of SU carb apps) and it works quite well. 1969 MG MGB "The Dr" Topic Creator (OP) Apr 4, 2012 07:11 PM. You may think your SU Carbs are beyond saving so please see below for some before & after pictures of what can be done. -----Haynes manual. com/home/technical/ray-livingstons-su-carb-adjustment/ 3/3 Now comes the real fine-tuning. In reply to # 2525215 by barry s Herb - As you know, you were part of the earlier thread that I referenced. The first SU Carb (very) Fine Tuning. To achieve the best results when tuning, the use of a reliable tachometer, balancing meter and an exhaust gas analyzer (CO meter of the infra-red non-dispersive type or equivalent are required). Air filters are off and the carbs sputter and basically have a back fire effect. SU's work on the principle that fuel is let into the engine in response to the level of suction in the inlet manifold. Do the same technique to both carbs. View Product. Choke Enrichener issues. Andrew Turner: www. Each carb is identified by one or more letters and numbers. Read on for technical advice for advice on Tuning - Multi In this video I give you a step by step guide on how to tune SU carburettors. The manual also contains detailed information on In this video, we show you how to Balance and Tune Idle Mixtures on SU Carburettors bolted to a Datsun 260Z. 90. Helpful. Weber In part 2 of how to tune SU carburettors I show different ways of tuning and how to use Gunson ColorTune to tune your engine. Misture (lean or rich) will show up on the plugs. Tuning your Datsun 240Z’s SU Carburetors can be extremely tricky, but when armed with a proper understanding of their functionality, the right tools, and a little patience, you will be able to get them running smoothly and I have just stripped, cleaned and rebuilt my HD8 carburetors using the SU overhaul kit from SNG. The Technical page for the SU Carburetters website. This adjustment can take the form of a large hexagon nut on the jet holder itself as in carburettor types H and Tune your HIF Type carburetter with these steps. Post navigation. I have the SU tuning manual written by rivera engineering. The curse of the B, the most feared part of the engine, the most messed with, and often incorrectly set bit of kit! Remember, though, These instruments are essential when tuning vehicles equipped to conform with exhaust emission regulations. SU Carburetor Tuning. HS2 SU carb tuning discovery on my 69 1275. 0 by: Charles Bishop I originally wrote this up to assist a fellow XKer in adjusting the SU's on his Jag. Posted by hoggie . The world's Sole Manufacturer of Genuine SU Carburettors, Fuel Pumps and Spares. After driving the car, and looking at the video whi SU tuning. I'm having a hard time getting it properly dialed in. Customize a variety of cars with tuning parts, materials, and suspension settings. With almost 20 year's of experience in carbs and training from the renowned tuner AC Dodd we can now bring this service to classics in the central belt of Scotland. (d) Screw down the An excellent reference on most all SU carbs, covering the theory, rebuild and tuning instructions is the "SU Carb Tuning Tips and Techniques" by G R Wade, Brooklands Books (Moss sells it I think). 3K views 4 replies 4 participants last post by Ron Kwas May 11, 2021. Posted by artobloom . So long as the carb isn't worn out in one way or another (most bits are cheap and easy to replace, but if the spindle holes are worn it's pricey or replace time), tuning an SU is one of the easiest things in the world (a) Adjust the throttle adjusting screw (1) until the correct idle speed is obtained (see vehicle manufacturer's tuning data). Based in the UK. I drove it and while it ran okay it really felt quite flat. statutory regulations regardingexhaustemission. And - no amount of “tuning” with that needle is going to make it right. Then lift the SU carb tuning. Page 12. September 7, 2012 I spent most of my working life as owner and operator of a dyno tune-up and diagnostic shop in New Jersey. Fortunately, there is a system for understanding the size of the carbs. Joined 9 years ago. The carbs are balanced at Tuning the SU carbs . 44 posts · Joined 2020 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · May 11, 2021. Dual SU Carb Adjustment #1. 0 out of 5 stars Five Stars. I used the Shop Manual techniques listening for The Tuning - General page for the SU Carburetters website. Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2015. Discover top-quality carburettor tuning kits and tools. Search. Page 12 3 4 5. If when lifting the pin the engine speeds up jus t momentarily then the jet on that carb is set just fine. You could be starving it with that mechanical pump in the way. BURLEN; SU; AMAL HIF Type Carburetter: Tuning Single Carbs. Posted by erictrumpet . This topic is about my 1953 MG D-Type Midget. includes: Check and Adjustment of Fuelbowl Floats. Only recently did I “discovered” what the SU designers had been up to all these years, and it certainly opened my eyes to the potential of SU carbs. Read more. Ferneries Lane, Barnetby DN38 replacing chokes and jets on weber and dellorto carbs and general carb Setting up and tuning an SU carburetor is based on the premise that both the engine and the carburetor are in good shape. Google SU carb tuning. All went well and I followed a number of You Tube videos as tutorials. Posted by 53 MK II . With engine running on one carb, always SU Carb Adjusting 2. The following should be checked on the engine prior to setting up the carburetor to determine if the situation will lend itself to optimal timing, or I’ve been meaning to write this up for some time, ever since I did the SU Performance Tuning 101 a few months ago. Books are available that have the needle tapers listed. SU Carb Manual and SU Needle Chart Part Number: ALT 9531. Piston lift is about the only way you can know the mix is the same on both. One pipe popping indicates either the front or rear carb is off (I forget which is which, just follow the exhaust pipes up, and see which is connected to the front cylinders. Help. They are often misunderstood but if you adjust them a little at a time anyone can tune them with Based upon a principle developed and patented by George Skinner in 1905, the SU (as in Skinners Union) carburetor changed very little until emissions regulations pretty much made them obsolete about 30 years ago. Carburettor Tuning Tools. hoggie Mike Hogan. Ensure emission control compliance using an exhaust gas analyser. I have a mixture issue I need to address to the SU Gurus out there. Adjustment of these is described in Adjusting an emission-control carburettor. book will help one to better understand the function , part descriptions and tuning of their specific carb. Try backing out those screws on the bottom of the carbs about 1/4 turn and check it again. Su Carb tuning. B20E converted to run with digital fuel management so I can provide no advice on the whole dark arts process of tuning SU carbs. 1937 was the year the ubiquitous H-type SU carb was born featuring a range of choke bore sizes from 1-1/8 inch to 2 inches in 1/8 inch increments; a carb to cover all applications and so successful was the design it stayed virtually unchanged right through to the end on the 1950s. New posts New media New media comments New resources Latest activity. SU Jets & Tuning While doing a fairly major tune-up on my 120 OTS I again encountered the irritant of having the (SU) carb jets stick in a raised position after I have loosened the adjusting screw and am trying to richen the mixture. Please note: the below set of instructions is a How to troubleshoot and fix an SU that is running extremely rich. su-carbs. We are recognised Weber calibration engineers and an Official Weber Carburettor Dealer And Weber Tuning Specialists – Recommended By Webcon themselves. The Tuning - Single page for the SU Carburetters website. (c) Unscrew the throttle adjusting screw until it is just clear of its stop and the throttle is closed. 1 (a) Adjust the throttle adjusting screw (1) until the correct idle speed is obtained (see vehicle manufacturer's tuning data). Test the carburetor's performance at different engine speeds and loads. For the reason of keeping the engine compartment looking original I am going to use the standard HS2 carb on my 998. I can't seem to solve for a stumble under full thr Glen Watson and GW Carbs have over 20 years experience of restoring and refurbishing SU Carbs. I am running a BBX needle Setting up and tuning an SU carburetor is based on the premise that both the engine and the carburetor are in good shape. Explore our Books top automotive parts at SU Carburetters UK. i have a 1969 XLH running an SU Eliminator I. A set up and tuning guide along with mounting gaskets is included after every SU Carb Refurbishment. 1 (a) Adjust the throttle adjusting screw (1) until the correct idle speed is obtained Category Archives: HD8 Carb Initial Tuning HD8 Carb Initial Tuning. Tuning SU Carburettors Even though a large proportion of modern motor vehicles are now equipped with S. I am using a HIF 38 The Bentley and or Haynes service manuals and or the SU carb. E: there is no throttle screw stop boss on the second carb (driver's side). My problem is that I find the manual a bit confusing and instructions found on the web often use language that differs from the manual. Go Down Pages 1 2. I can driver ) Jag SU on it but this carb was worn out so was biffed. cmills83 Discussion starter. org. Explore 3DTuning's 3D car configurator. Moss Motors is proud to offer genuine SU carburetors produced in the UK from a combination of new and original tooling. Any Su Carburetters are The Worlds Sole Manufacturer of Genuine SU Carburettors, Fuel Pumps and Spares. Re: SU carb's fine tuning (gdill2) No funny looking wrench George, but I do know what you are talking about watching the ZTherapy video. The HD Diaphragm Jet Type Carburetter and Auxiliary Enrichment Carburetter page for the SU Carburetters website. The manuals and folk lore do tend to give it a bit of mistique, and although it's not always an exact science if you follow a few basic principles you will achieve optimum results in the end. The trick to tuning SU carbs is to understand that there are two things you need to get right: the air flow, and the fuel mixture. artobloom Mike Payment. Verified Purchase. In the shop manual it says to lift the piston of the rear carb and depending on what it does, to adjust the front carb misture. (See graph in HIF type carburetter: Tuning Single Carbs). uk. Dual SU Carb Adjustment. (c) Unscrew the fast-idle adjusting screw (2) to clear the throttle stop with the throttle closed. I just read something in the original shop manual that that goes against what I always thought was the right procedure. Topic Creator (OP) Aug 26, 2020 10:38 PM. The following should be checked on the engine prior to setting up the carburetor to determine if the situation will lend itself to optimal timing, or John Twist shows how to tune H Type SU Carburetors, mentioning key points to be aware of and the tools you'll need to do it yourself. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 HS Type Carburetter: Tuning Multi-Carbs . What's new. I also have a set of the SU carb tools which are the 'fancy' version of what you accurately describe as a possible DIY tool. SU Carbs. I set the idle mixture for the best idle speed, plus one flat richer. Back off the idle screw to close one carb completely, and set the idle with the second carb only. Size Matters: Identifying SU Carbs SU carbs come in several styles and sizes. Assuming that the carburetors are in good condition and have properly sized needles in them, the tuning procedure is not as complex as most people think. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. How to tune an SU carburetor. Running SU carbs can be frustrating at times, and over time they do fall out of adjustment. There are so many variables in the overall set-up that the figures a machine will give you will be 1 result for su carb tuning tool. Syncronization isn't as critical as people say. co. Part 1: How to Tune SU Carburett Buy the Carburettor Service and Tuning Kit online from the Tools section of SU Carburetters. A Weber carb is harder to dial in and will likely leave you with throttle lag and a lumpy idle. These brand new carburetors will improve the way your car looks and runs. Page 12 3. Adjust idle speed, mixture, and fast-idle settings for optimal performance. WinSU will help find the correct SU carb needle for the following cars Austin Rover : Mini, Metro, Minor, Healey, Princess, Marina, Maxi, Allegro, Maestro, Montego, 200, I’m trying to adjust my triple SU HD8 carbs to improve the slow idle. I have read many “how to” documents concerning the tuning of the SU HD8 carburetors including the “Bible” – SU Carburetters Tuning Tips & Techniques. SUPERIOR PARTS, SUPERIOR SERVICE. Also, before, the rearmost carb piston was sticking, so I removed all the pistons and bells and The Tuning - General page for the SU Carburetters website. I generally rely on the Colortune to get the mixtures set correctly, followed by a check of the sparkplugs and tailpipe ash color after a reasonable amount of driving. British Superior is internationally recognized for its expertise in S. I rebuilt a set of 2 hole SU's off an older 122 and This page: Notes on the SU carburettor, basic tuning advice and hints on balancing twin carbs Original twin MC2 SU carburettors fitted to a Ford special, with the earlier type of mechanical linkages. I find these things are *really* sensitive to idle mixture, and this popping is your best indicator. This is a follow on video and addresses the baseline verification of the SU carburettor , specifications , jet adjustment, float adjustment and damper. 5 turns. General Chat About Exhaust, Cylinder Heads, Fuel Systems And Intake. So I'm working on get my 74 midget to stop misfiring. Act now for limited-time discounts on all essential tools! SU CARBURRETER PARTS; AMAL CARBURRETER PARTS; ZENITH CARBURRETER PARTS; SHOP; STORY; Technical; FAQS; Our World; CONTACT; SIGN IN; REGISTER; MY ACCOUNT; SIGN OUT; TEL: +44 (0)1722 412 500; (a) Adjust the throttle adjusting screw (1) until the correct idle speed is obtained (see vehicle manufacturer's tuning data). I'm still learning. It takes you through the theoretical basics of tuning and some very specifics of the SU. I finally installed the triple SU carbs and manifold that have been on my shelf for 2 years. Had trouble using a Unisyn effectively to balance the carbs. The tuning procedure described in this publication does not apply to vehicles sold in the U. It is not that hard. I hooked everything up and started the car. And along the way I find the right carb piston isn't lifting. Auc (1191 Old and opinionated car nut since a child. uk Volvo forum was using a wideband O2 sensor to tune his carb equipped 140. Not finding what you're looking for? Save su carb tuning tool to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Then he put the piston and First off I accept I'm a bit old-skool and so all my SU tuning experience has come from 'hands on' in the engine bay and bum on the seat road testing. My two SU books show the procedure for the norm but this car doesn't have the equipment to accomplish the procedures listed. Offline. erictrumpet Eric T. But with the stock manifold, it is mixed so we can't use two in the down pipes. 1HRH Newbie Posts: 7 Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:11 pm Location: United Kingdom. Latest reviews. 53 MK II Jerry Kroeger. 1938 and the Atspeed have over 30 years experience with carburettor tuning, covering almost all types of carburettor available, including vintage and historic carburettors. 50. Car is a 1962 Countryman with a 998 that has been tweeked with the following +. (Skinner Union) carburettors, many motor mechanics still encounter difficulty when tuning and adjusting these relatively simple units. I've got enough time on the car to get a baseline and start fine tuning everything. SU carb tuning - guidance please #1. 1: Ensure timing is OK and ignition circuit in good order, I have read all the HIF4 tuning topics, printed all the tips and tuning manuals, and went through a tank of gas trying to get "Betsy" tuned. Please use our product search boxes below to find your Carburettor, Fuel Pump or spare part for your vehicle or have a look around our store to find a range of accessories to fill your needs! Conversion & Replacement Sets. Bad oring. I had them on an MGB. SU Carb History SU Books available Comparing Metering Needle Dimensions "Tuning" and "Synchronizing" SUs Tuning Tool Set Mixture adjustment Initial Mixture Setting After Jet replacement Damping of Dashpot Damping Oil The "5-7 Second Test" Your SU Carbs are returned set to the standard SU start up setting and will require final set up once fitted. NICK. suggested UE or UB, but I couldn’t get hold of either quickly, and I was impatient, so went with stock). SU carb tuning #1. S. Tuning your SU carburettors by Scott Fisher. Post by 1HRH » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:20 pm. This one is more like Basic SU Adjustment for Happy Driving. wordpress. 1 (a) Slacken both clamping bolts (1) on the throttle spindle interconnections. Thanks for watching and HIF4 SU Carb Tuning & Servicing Download. I purchased a set of zTherapy rebuilt carbs for my '66 "Survivor". Unleash creativity and join our car enthusiasts' community. Update your shipping location. This shot shows a pair of late 1. Screw down the slow-running valves (which must remain closed) and set the throttle adjusting screws (3) In reply to # 3703890 by JohnW1975 The guy that did mine told me what he did. Bel Air, MD, USA . Topic List Forum List Newer Older Start New Topic. Jump to Latest 4. Having being tuning my MG twin SU set up for decades the E just added an extra one. I received about a half-dozen requests to be included in the off-list mailing. after October, 1968, and which are made to satisfy the U. Note: Whenever the throttle adjusting screws (3) are fitted they, and not the slow-running valves, must be used to adjust the idling speed. It is easier to lift the piston an accurate amount by using the SU carb tuning tool adapter tubes. 1/24/2018 Ray Livingston’s SU Carb Adjustment | 1969 Jaguar E-Type Restoration https://jaguaretype. Some of those Ironhead SU Carb Tuning 29 August 2022, 05:34. (b) Check the idle speed and readjust it as necessary with the throttle adjusting screws (5), turning each by the same amount. Thesecarburetters must not be dismantled or Are you struggling to set up your SU carbs or just want to know what happens when you turn "that screw" or adjust "that nut"?? If you answered yes to any or 10. HS2 SU carb tuning discovery on my 69 1275 #1. Media. If you are interested in more pictures of the restoration and detailed write-ups of what I'm doing, please visit my website http://www. This shows an utter and absolute lack of understanding of the function and Fully Refurbished SU Carburettors. These instruments are essential when tuning vehicles equipped to The Tuning - Single page for the SU Carburetters website. And also, couldn't shake a rich running mixture. I've purchased and read several books, scoured the web, but just can't hit the sweet spot on my carbs. BURLEN; SU; AMAL; ZENITH; AUSTIN PEDAL CARS; SKINNERS UNION CLOTHING; TEL +44 (0)1722 412 500; Menu Part of the Burlen Re: Adventures with SU Carb Tuning Post by cbez » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:53 pm Keith had 0. New posts Rules. I've finally gotten round to fitting a lovely set of twin HS4 carburettors to my classic Mini, and spent a day with a friend getting them tuned and balanced Silent tune up of Carburetter Working from memory--I couldn't find a reference in my SU tuning guide--the main jet should be between 1/16" and 1/8" below the venturi bridge Wanted HD8 SU carb set: Austin Healey Classifieds: 6: Aug 30, 2017: SU HD8 carb set: Austin Healey: 6: Jul 13, 2007: W: 2024 HD8 Carb Rebuild: Austin Healey: 4: Hello, I'm pretty close tuning my dual HS4 carbs on my '78 1500 Spitfire. There's lots of information. Gus Meyjes. I have a copy of the original TR3 manual as well as various instructions I obtained from the web. I found that the carbs were using UO needles (too rich) and I thus replaced them with UM (Ray L. 2 (a) Remove the piston/suction This video is a follow on of the previous video where we captured the carb performance during a test ride. (b) Turn the jet adjusting screw (2) clockwise to enrich or anti-clockwise to weaken, until the fastest speed is indicated; turn the screw anti-clockwise until the engine speed just commences to fall. A basic method of adjusting the air flow and fuel to a SU carb. [ 02-09-2004: Message edited by: aerog ]</p> Reply. SU's have a reputation for being leaky and requiring too much maintenance, but that is undeserved - set them up properly and then leave them alone. Helped with tuning and modifying my SU carb! Read more. Clubs. After spending a whole apprentership back in the late 70s tuning carbs at a BL dealership my own take on the subject of tuning multiple carbs is fairly grounded. We produce quality kits and components as well as comprehensive restoration Sales and restoration of SU Carburettors, Fuel Pumps and Components with over 50 years experience Su Carb tuning. 1953 MG D-Type Midget. Some SUs also have exhaust emission-control devices to comply with anti-pollution laws. Ok, I know this is probably the simplest carb in the world to tune, Assuming you have the standard SU carb, there are only two major adjustments. Home. We can service, repair or rejet most makes including Weber, Dellorto, Holley, SU and Stromberg carbs and we're Lincolnshire's specialist rolling road engine tuner, specialising in Triumph TR's and performance car tuning. Then it is very simple to tune the carburetor as a single carb engine with no confusion from the other carb. To ensure the best results all gasket to manifold areas should be tight air leaks at fitting should be secure , Throttle shafts should have minimum side play, their seals should be in good order. For example SU Carb Service - Lite and Expanded versions. Before tuning the carburettor, carry out all the checks in I’ve only been tuning these things for about 52 years, so maybe I’ll finally get it in a few more. 040 flat top pistons, 206 head, 88G229 cam, full balance with lightened flywheel assembly, 9. Sign in Contact; Skip to Content . su carb tuning #1. Paul is almost anal about tuning and “feels” symptoms that completely elude me. It is straight forward but must be done as described. Sort by: Default ; Latest ; Name ; Price ^ View: grid ; list ; mini #4028 Adaptor for use on 32-55mm carburettors $19. Maitland, FL, USA . These are available from most British car suppliers for relatively low cost. I am very happy with the build and all jets are centered This is my first Jaguar, I’ve always owned Triumph’s and Austine Healey’s so I’m pretty familiar with the SU carb. 75" carbs fitted to Hi, Does anyone have a good guide to setting up / tuning an HD6 SU carb. Mini SU Carb Tuning; 123 Distributor Replacement; Classic Engine Timing; VW Camper Engine Tune Up; VW Air Cooled Tuning Expert; VW T3 Tuning; Citroen DS19 Engine Tuning; Rover Single point injection tuning; Ford 3 pin connector Replacing your SU's with a Weber is normally not an "upgrade" - it's an admission of defeat. Posted by chappy444 . New media New comments. 2 V-8? This is a 70 Shadow. HELP! Mt car is all done. For the full document click the link below:- https: Classic Car Hub – Articles- Guide to setting up and tuning SU carburettors a short but comprehensive guide on how More. Save this search. 5. 1962 Austin Healey Sprite 948 dual SU carb problem. This video is part 1, tuning a SU carburettor. Restorer providing SU carbs restoration and servicing of carburettor. First, see which pipe is popping. Previous. uk: Home: Services: FAQ: Contact Us: New Parts: Administration: tel: 01476 860555: Andrew Turner - Carburettor Specialist Welcome to Andrew Turner Carburettor Specialist website, we hope that you find it interesting and informative. This topic is about my 1969 MG Midget MkIII. A. Add to Cart #4026 Carburettor Synchrometer $87. OP. Basket. ) carburetors have been found on various English automobiles since the 1930s, from Morris to Jaguar. Moderator: phpBB2 - Administrators. Before servicing or tuning a carburetter in an endeavour to rectify poor engine performance, make sure that the maladjustment or fault is not from another source by checking the following: Valve clearance Spark plug condition Using the exhaust gas analyser, check that the reading is within the limits given in the vehicle manufacturer's tuning data. Tuning an SU carburetor requires a bit of trial and error, as well as some basic knowledge of carburetor mechanics. Using the exhaust gas analyser, check that the reading is within the limits given in the vehicle manufacturer's tuning data. Forums. and Zenith Stromberg carburetors. LanceLyon Jedi Hopeful. I’ve been meaning to write this up for some time, ever since I did the SU Performance Tuning 101 a few months ago. 1969 MG Midget MkIII. 092" for the 1600 nozzles, mine match as best as I can tell with a caliper. Posted by 1974Rebuild . HD Type Carburetter: Tuning (single Carbs) 1 (a) Run the engine up to normal running temperature. Needle taper & it's rise in the jet controls mix. This sets the height of the jet relative to the tapered needle. (b) Turn the jet adjusting nut/screw (2) down/clockwise, to enrich or up/anti-clockwise to weaken, until the fastest Get your SU equipped classic running perfectly with our carb tune. The SU is about as simple as a carb can get: it has very few moving parts, usually only one fuel circuit, and far f HD Type Carburetter: Tuning (Multi-Carbs) 1 Note: Whenever the throttle adjusting screws (3) are fitted they, and not the slow-running valves, must be used to adjust the idling speed. (b) Switch off engine. This is the home page of the GW Carbs SU Carbs website. Not Available. (d) Set throttle adjusting screw Setting up and tuning an SU carburettor is based on the premise that both the engine and the carburettor are in good shape. Here's my post, which includes a link to We are the worlds sole manufacturer of SU Carburettors, Fuel Pumps and Spares. I believe forum member Burdekin on the Volvoforums. If the reading falls outside the limits given, reset both the jet adjusting nuts/screws by the minimum amount necessary to bring the readings just within the limits. Topic Creator (OP) Jun 18, 2016 12:24 PM. I could have gotten by till the end of my days with the rubber hose and the UNI-Sys. SU Tool Kit $22. Trying to get the carbs tuned and have a problem under load and at low RPM. Getting it wrong makes the car run badly all the time. Started by Gus Meyjes, September 07, 2007, 15:12:46. 060" rich he used depth calipers. I think this is a good place to start, and I can always adjust the screw back to its original position(s) if it does not work out. Next. HD Type Carburetter: Tuning (Multi-Carbs) 1. Get it close but don't fret. 050-. 45 to 1 compression ratio. carburettors have three basic adjustments: The mixture adjustment. Owned and DRIVEN over 125 cars from 2Isettas, 3XK140 & 1EtypeJags, 3SAAB 96+ 97 and Sonett, 3Porsche356 +356A Carrara 1500GS & 914-6, 170 219 220 Mercedes +300SL roadster, 289 '64Cobra, Nash, 8MGs, 2Model A's 2Crosleys, Cord 810, International, Jeep, 5VWs, Renault, Morgan 3&4 wheels, SU carburetors have a minimal number of moving parts and are easy to tune. Idle speed, and mixture. dbjesrdgcmxylyfhyfvmmztszligqschmsouditvewwyympinnfmup