Venus in 5th house synastry reddit I'm often very uncomfortable with 8th house synastry. I am a sag rising with a 7H Venus in Gemini conjunctions my NN. We did not have children, but his north node is in my 5th house and my moon is in his. But we fell in love, got divorced from our previous partners, came out at work, moved in together, got engaged, bought a house. Same goes for the IC. With 5th house synastry I admit that it’s fun, but when I think about people who out their planets there they were always more of a gentle ego boost for me. My Venus falls in my spouse's 8th house, also perfectly conjunct his Pluto. ) my saturn trine their venus, and my venus trine their venus probably also helps. He acknowledged the same. My natal Saturn (5th ruler) is conjunct my ic in cap conjunct Neptune Uranus Saturn and wide orb Venus. That's the only thing going on. The house position for the Moon and Venus indicates where benefit is most likely felt assuming there are no mitigating factors in the chart. Love found in career, service, beauty. This will create the “crush” affect and lead to a lot of giggling, teasing, and laughter. It basically feels like everything isn’t grounded. Have this synastry with my STBXH. I met someone recently whose ascendant is conjunct my Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, all within 3 to 7 degrees and all in the 1st house. Extra info that blew my mind is that im a Pisces rising and my dad is a pisces sun. He could not stop staring at meso I I love seeing Moon conjunct Moon, Moon trine Moon and even Moon sextile Moon in synastry. The Housing system also Other people's planets falling into your vacant 5th house will still have an effect on your romantic life. Again, it is only one of many things we can look at relationships. The couple will support each other through thick and thin. Way more important than signs and maybe even aspects, honestly. 5th house overlays: lots of attraction in a fun, hot way. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; What lessons are people with Saturn in the fifth house supposed to learn? While it's true that squares indicate challenges and some potential wrinkles they are least problematic in synastry where Venus & Venus are involved. Really good for my confidence since my If your Venus is in your partner’s fourth house of a synastry overlay, you feel the need to protect yourself from either pain or rejection regarding the house person. Moon in 5th house synastry indicates that the 5th house person brings out the inner child in you and seems to encourage it. or what is interesting, or anything general or vague or about fame or mental illnesses. He treated me like I was the most wonderful kid in the world, from when I was born. I just have never found anything yet on a successful relationship with this aspect anywhere online. Saturn (his 5th ruler) is conjunct sun Pluto and wide orb to Venus all in 1st. The composite is the container, the synastry is the stuff inside of the container. I've seen a lot of Mars/Pluto synastry charts over the years and I haven't seen a pattern of violence, abuse, etc I’m the house person. also specify whether you were you the venus or the house person. One I have Sun, Mercury, Mars and Saturn in her 5h whilst she has Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto in my 5h. I look at the whole chart when considering relationships - not just the synastry (aspects). It feels horrid. Winning the Lottery During a 5th House Perfection Year or Using Auspicious Timing (You may be aware of them reacting to you in some way that their own chart and house would indicate. I did a synastry chart of myself with a friend I met, and I saw we both have our venuses squaring each other's plutos. Astrology suggests this means she was supposed to be the one who was amorous for him. A lot of squares can show not a great relationship. Cutest synastry ever. No chart. It’s completely understandable since we’re so different from each other. I often consult with clients who have Uranus in their partner's 5th house overlay. I have always been the planet person. I need a chart , sorry this a real rule breaker. he has venus mercury Uranus and Neptune in my 8th. Thanks for the article. ) We feel others' planets' influence in our own chart. It's wanting to be loved but never been so. As the malefic contrary to sect, this makes Saturn your most challenging planet. If using placidus houses, yes, but you'd need to include the minutes also. This person’s Venus falls into my 12th house. The hous In this article, I’ll discuss what Venus in the 5th house means in a synastry overlay, including what each person sees in the other, the strengths and challenges, my personal experiences, and Venus in the 5th house synastry is a relationship where they both feel that they are meant for each other. I have an intuitive feeling sometimes that he does feel it as deeply as I do but he’s hot and cold. Ooo interesting take! I know someone that has two moms & Cancer moon in the 4H (and Capricorn Pluto conjunct MC in the 10th). What sign and house that ruler of 5th is in. treated as a “means to an end”. This intriguing yet unpredictable placement brings an electric energy to matters of romance, creativity, self-expression, and fun. Everything I’ve read about having my Saturn in his 5th house seems like i just impede on his fun, however, I really don’t think that’s true. Venus in Capricorn 7th/8th house Any major aspects to that ruler. There's a feeling of immediate Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. you can, of course, use the modern rulerships (pluto, uranus, neptune) and assign rulership of houses to signs, but you’re going against a system of traditional hellenistic astrology that has been studied and practiced for like, the better part of 2000 years. We have a very solid loving trusting If someone places their Venus in your 4th house and your Venus falls in their 11th house for example, it creates a very different energy for them! Unless Venus conj their Moon in 11th house. if you have a crush or romantic relationship with venus in the 12th house, what's your story? how'd it begin (or DIDNT begin😏)and end. But for many people, sadly, Venus in this water house can drown your love. I see them as a potential partner. When i look at descriptions for saturn 5th house synastry it’s all just negative things like “this person ruins your fun, you can’t have a good time with this person”etc. It's a very playful time when we're together, which is very unique for me because I have Cap rising and am very serious. I am personally not a fan of 8th house synastry for romantic connections (I cannot imagine being in a relationship with an Aries), but some people apparently neeed it. This also pairs well with my sixth house, where Venus rests. Venus/Mars has never done anything for me, Mars-Moon is all instinct: 100% better imo. Can be short-lived Venus aspects Ascendant: Venus person is entranced by the physical appearance of the ascendant person. Anytime I have had 8th house synastry with someone its been very intense and borderline dramatic, I’ve had quite a few people from my past have their moon in my 8th house and mine in theirs, and I’ve realized through therapy that these situations have been incredibly transformative and while I feel Composite 5th House in Capricorn-With the composite 5th house in Capricorn, you may have a hard time letting loose together, and have to work on being more affectionate and taking time for fun. We are both writers and definitely stoke each other's The nodes conjunct one another’s sun and moon is interesting. If you ask what you think is a general question, but it does require youc chart, you will be asked to repost with your chart. we love spending time together. Can someone explain, give examples about the aspects. I’m already very empath as my natal Venus sextiles my natal Neptune. I have South Node conjunct DC exactly. Like an inescapable one sided obsession. If your asc is 17 Libra 32 and their planet is 17 libra 28, their planet would be in your 12th house. Instead this aspect simply described his attitude to her. But you have a nagging need to protect yourself in this relationship. Since Mars went retrograde, our roles have reversed. 5th house love feels like excitement, child like energy, a connection where you feel like children together, daydreaming, 5th house is house of entertainments too so see it as dramatic, expressive, a romance like the movies, theatric. They’re also a Libra Sun, Aries rising with Virgo Venus intercepted in the 6H, with Cancer ruling the 4th & 5th houses, and Sag Mars in the 8th house. I also notice that houses must play some role in synastry as I am a 4th house Sun and have had partners with Venus in Cancer. If they land in a particularly personal house, like our 1st, we may feel that more. Venus is home in the 5th house, whether this placement is in a natal chart or a synastry. He was obsessed with me, but when we broke up- I was obsessed. And yes 12th house synastry relationships can work it depends on the couple, what they put into the relationship and what they want out of it (no matter what house etc) Annual profection the year I got pregnant is in the house where the ruler of the 5th house resides with transiting Uranus in the natal 5th house (Taurus) opposition to the ruler of the 5th this year (Venus in Scorpio). Ex: vx conjunct mars has an undeniable driving force throughout their entire lives. The only difference is that there’s a lot of confusion. I’m convinced both people feel it, but the house person feels it more if it’s the sun in their house. However, this 5h house connection just leads to playful fun. Basically directly reflecting the sun and moon in mums 5th house. I'm the venus person. It's about how things are connected, tied together. Does the sun influence my ascendant? It is in Libra. Mars ruled Aries and Scorpio and Venus rule Libra and Taurus they are always in opposite to each other in the birth chart. My Venus (7th house ruler in my 5th house) was conjunct his South Node (in his 11th house). Sun in fifth house. 8th house synastry Hi everyone I just wanted to share my recent experience with somebody who I had intense 8th house synastry with. They embrace your Aquarian quirkiness and are very intrigued by it. My Vertex is Conjunct my bf venus. my mars is conjunct their sun at 1 degree (also putting their sun in my second house. Thoughts and experience of venus in the 8th house synastry? They may find it exciting. alot of it based on pleasure hence excitement. I also find that people come and go in my life, I don't have any old friends to call up, the relationships die and stay unrevived. You see each other as your physical ideal. thanks! ️ the 5th house, meanwhile, is trine and sextile these angles, respectively. Venus in 5th House Synastry Overlay. My 8th house is ruled by Venus. [Edited to remove personal info I decided not to keep on reddit. The reason Im recommending her is because I've read a lot of astrology stuff over many years and this lady has had a huge amount of experience being a relationship counselor Venus in the 5th house (Synastry): Originally posted by tilldeathdousart. Current partner has the same rising, empty 5th. Will add just because someone has 12th house synastry doesn’t mean that you are in a secret relationship etc it was their relationship. For my sister, she literally has mostly leo and cancer energy for all her inner planets, being a cancer sun. I haven’t gotten my boyfriend’s birth time but when I calculated our synastry chart—I was shocked. With your Libra asc and first house, then any libra planet, no matter the degree, would be in your 1st house. Sun square neptune, moon square saturn (and saturn in 5th house no less ouchie), and venus square neptune. But good luck with that person. For love feelings and mutual affinity: Sun/Venus, Mars/Venus, Moon/Venus, Venus/Venus, Venus/Jupiter, Venus/Neptune (trine or sextile - conjunction, opposition, and square can brew crazy deception, an affair quality), Venus conjunct or trine Juno, Venus conjunct AC/1st, 2nd (although there may be a sense of possessiveness), 5th, conjunct DC/in 7th or 11th house, My daughter s Venus her Solar return at the end of third house cusp fourth. his sun is in my 8th house, his moon is in my 8th house and his venus is in my 8th house as well. Do not ask for synastry readings since they are too time consuming I too have this combination in my 5th house and in my experience I’ve either been cheated by my partners or my friends Truly blessed synastry. saying “aries is 1st house, mars rules first house”, doesnt even make sense. with one of my very close friends, their venus is conjunct my ASC by less than 1 degree. Her Venus conjuncts my ASC, and my Mars conjuncts hers. My moon, venus, saturn are in his 8th house and his sun and moon are in my 8th house. Throw in me putting in my moon in her 8th house and a few 12th house placements, some 1st house placements and her Moon conjuncting my North Node You start with the meaning of the 4th house: home, security, family. I'm 27 and I have had a few crushes, but I always get friend-zoned. I was attracted to him right away, but I ignored my feelings. If someone’s Venus is in your 5th House, this bodes well I'm a female with 8th house Aquarius ♒ and have an internet relationship (an intimate friendship) with a Scorpio ♏ stellium guy who's ♒ Mars ♂️ is in my ♒ 8th house, along with my ♒ Venus. Log In / Sign Up; Ascendent aspects with Venus and Mars in synastry . But we are both water signs, me a Pisces and him a Cancer. Hello, In your experience, when looking at a synastry chart, do you think aspects are more important or how planets fall in each other’s houses Does having multiple planets in the 5th House incline one to adore Vertex to any point or planet is super important. As well as general questions about Venus / Mars / Moon signs or DCs and their love language and the like . The couple has a childlike optimism and can be caring and loyal. Progressed chart - progressed I have Leo Venus in 5th house and Taurus Saturn in my first house. The inside blue person’s Moon hits the 5th house of the outside red person’s chart. i think the 2nd house in synastry is pretty underestimated, all i’ve read about it seems to be focusing on business partners and money, but in my opinion it’s so much more than that. If someone’s Venus is in your 5th House, this bodes well When Venus is in a partner’s 5th house, it often signals a joyful, lively connection full of mutual admiration and romance. Hoping someone can compute this with other aspects that would help clarify which I have mars and venus in my natal 12th house. Your Juno placement in Aries in 5th house probably shows that you want your partner to be passionate and a little more aggressive or 'manlier' in love or while expressing creativity, so that you can feel 'safe' with The Sun/Jupiter conjunction makes things easier for sure. This can either add a much needed ego boost to the house person (if self-worth is lacking), or it can cause the house person’s ego to get out of control (if they already had a somewhat inflated sense of self). Not only that, but in synastry you also have to look at people's Pluto in their individual charts. Since the sixth is a difficult house, having a benefic in it isn't the worst thing necessarily, although it's a low energy house so that takes away from the energy level of planets there. I’ve read plenty on Synastry and the role of house placements on astrological dynamics between two people, but how would this change if both partners were to have similar house overlays? I’m not sure how well I worded that, but essentially something like both people having their Sun in each others 5H, their Mercury in each others’ 8H, their Mars in each others’ 1H, etc. it's been going on since like November of 2022. Always assumed he enjoyed and preferred to be the aggressor. No square or any other aspect dynamic can change the nature of a planet's energy. My scorpio venus wanted to make him feel loved. And thank you! This is similar to my synastry with my husband. It shows how you want your partner to be in order to feel 'safe'. Mars is the vitality and individualistic and fighting energy, and Venus knight and Venus is the princess. It's in 5th house conjunct Pisces Saturn, square Sag Jupiter Rx, trine Cancer Moon, and opposite Chiron Rx. Venus in the 4th House: This is a rather fortunate & easy place for Venus to be in the synastry chart. 8th house sex isn’t sex you have with your soulmate or life partner or spouse unless you’re trading something for it. Pretty much text book situation. The playlist 'plutonic relationships' is something you must watch through. 5th pleasure/children/hobbies, 6th service/day to day, 7th personal contacts/connections, 8th intimacy/sharing resources. You want Cancer in the top 3- You want sun conjunct venus/moon conjunct mars. My Uranus is in the 5th, but my Neptune is seconds before my 5th house, so I'm not sure if you would count it. And Venus. The house of your natal Vertex could indicate something about people and/or events that may be a fated theme in your life. I would mostly like to know planets experience but house can share as well? I am the house person in Capricorn and he was a cap Venus, Aquarius mercy and cap Neptune and Uranus in 8th house. It’s been awkward for me, but I’m making an effort. . nodal/vertex synastry is karmic when a planet conjoins one's pof, it makes the pof person cherish/value you in some capacity. Think fatal attraction, soulmates and transformation through the power of love. Fun loving and playful; Venus person wants to be the house person’s centre of attention. I tend to really be attracted to guys who aspect my Sun. My Moon is trine Venus in the 10th, so beauty and harmonious relationships are very important to me and come easily. The latter especially is strange given my Aqua Venus but I have Cancer on the descendant! My Venus is in the 5th house of most people with Libra or Virgo risings. I have heard the people that become worst enemies have 12th house aspects in synastry. Her 5th house starts in aquarius and ends in aries. My Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and North Node are in My Mars is in Scorpio in the 2nd house (3rd in whole sign) opposite my 8th house Taurus Moon (9th in whole sign). ) conjunctions in synastry feels rly good. neptune squares SUCK ceres-personal placement (moon, venus, sun, etc. I was hoping that my progressed Venus changing signs would bring more emotional attachment and intimacy. It’s so intense, i try to avoid these types of relationships lol I’d definitely say 8th house synastry is addicting What does it mean when you have a lot of 10th house overlays in synastry? I'm the Taurus in blue on the inside the other person has their Sun, Venus, and Chiron in my 10th house. It's called Truth in Aspect Astrology. • Venus/Moon and Venus/Mars aspects (especially the conjunction or trine) • Easy aspects between the Moon/Saturn (makes the relationship more likely to last long term) • Jupiter aspecting ones personal planets (especially sun, moon or Venus) • Vertex conjunct or opposite personal planets (especially moon or Venus), ASC or NN Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Synastry: aspects vs planets in houses . I have Sun trine Pluto and Venus trine Pluto, but that's the extent. I've been venus in someone's 8th house. Both are creative. For sure, you have a strong attraction to them, and you would like to give them your all. I had this placement with someone in Pisces. We were supposed to get pregnant to have children I know that nothing is ever set in stone and one can’t truly make blanket statements like “if you don’t have 7H overlays you’ll never have a true relationship” but how would you compare 7H and 5H overlays in synastry? Do both people need to have their 5th or 7th house triggered by each others planets for the effect to work? My partner and I have Saturn opposite Venus and it took a couple years to actually get together but it’s like once we met, It’s a synastry aspect I’ve seen often in married couples and longterm relationships that seem to survive thru things that most relationships would end over BUT often, 5th house and children My fiancé’s Moon and Venus in Cancer w Mars in Libra. I am dubious about its meaning in synastry. Lilith in Pisces, in the 5th house. For example, if his moon is conjunct her Venus, most internet synastry lists would say that’s great! BUT if his moon is also square Saturn, her love might actually feel oppressive. That person was a friend who was there to spy on me for another person and had a sexual interest. There is no better comfort zone for Venus than the For instance, Venus in the Fifth house (Venus in Fifth House) would highlight a person who finds joy in love, values romantic expressions, and might have a talent in the arts. Other than this Venus Square saturn aspect, I have other aspects such as Venus opposite my Uranus in 11th house, Venus conjunct NN in 5H (all applying) Venus opposite Neptune in 10th house (Seperating) Harmonious aspects are Venus trine Pluto in 8th house, Venus trine Aries I'm also realizing how important house overlays are. If it just sits there, they’ll most likely see you as a 6th house isn't virgo, so there's no mercury /virgo association with it. Traditionally Venus is said to have Joy in the 5th House, there is no reason to My commitment thriving venus is in bfs 11th house. Venus in 5th house synastry . So again delulu in love is always a theme! Plus transit Neptune in my natal 5th house for the last 12 years and well it’s been severely unlucky in love for my 46 years. it unites these houses in a pleasurable, easy way. They share each other’s priorities and help each other grow. I have very deep feelings for him and have for years. Ascendant person reciprocates. They’ve only grown over the years. I have two people in my life that I'm highly attracted to, and I found out that one of them's vertex conjuncts my Venus (exact) and the other one has a vertex that conjuncts my vertex (1degree off). On the other hand, Mars in the Fifth house ( Mars in Fifth House ) could indicate a more dynamic, perhaps even competitive approach to sports, hobbies, and romance. Another reason is that it is very often found in the houses surrounding and including the descendent and 7H of one on one relationships (generally 5H-8H). we have 12th house synastry (their venus, my saturn, my lilith) and an exact trine from His ascendant is my venus and my ascendant is his venus - we have a LOT of inverses like that. The houses supply more info as to what area gets triggered, so like anything you have to look at the whole chart. I felt like I knew how to make him feel appreciated. Now, the outcome of the relationship depends on multiple factors: the sign of the house and moon, rulerships, and what aspects a person’s moon has, and what aspects the moon is making to to the house person's planets, bc if their moon is conjunct uranus or saturn for example, it’s gonna manifest completely different from someone whos moon is conjunct jupiter or venus, or I have a stellium, I legit had my whole stellium in my first partners 8th house. Should I read it third or fourth house? It also the lunar eclipse . Hi everyone, I have a "friend" who made a move on me last weekend - I can't get him out of my head despite being in a relationship! I dug into our charts and I found that is Lilith conjunct my Venus at 8 degs, in addition to both of our venus' trining our suns (7 and 8 deg each), my pluto conjunct his lilith (1 deg), my pluto trine his sun (exact), my mars trine his venus (3 deg), mars Venus in the Fifth House in the Synastry Chart indicates partners with a shared love of the arts, sports, and games. Venus is also rising / As far as dating, your 5th house of romance is ruled by Saturn in a night chart. 8th house composite planets can give feelings of being destined together, and can also lead to some ~hot obsession between the two or can also grow into co-dependence especially if badly aspected. Mars rules my 5th House (Aries), and my natal Mars in Gemini resides in my 7th House. For relationships check 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th houses first for interactions. Moreover, in synastry this placement is seen as if the one who keep this tend to bring light on the other, on every aspect. Venus is harmonious and sexual energy. omgg same. Same with my 8th house, rather it’s more sexual attraction. But I tend to attract it to me over and over again 😵💫 8th house Venus for me has mainly manifested as = being showered with blessings/gifts from others (in all relationships, not just romantic). My Venus is also in Pisces, again when a guy aspects my Venus I tend to be attracted to them. These blessings are usually comfort based, and are not always material. Anyway, these are my thoughts. Express love which I always miserably fail to do so. I was a long believer that planets falling into another person’s houses in synastry had the effect of only impacting the People with Venus-Pluto in your Natal Any other Saturn in 5th house people have either a non existent love life or It is like a hard pill to swallow, it is not as easy going as it should be in a relationship. Wondering how this would play out if the rest of the chart is well synergised together. It's a bit similar to having the ruler of the 10th house in the 9th (perhaps careers in 9th house topics), or having the ruler of the 11th and the MC in the 10th. Many people call it the “fairy-tale” Someone has their venus and mars in my 12th house. When your Vertex forms a connection with Venus, there is often a powerful relationship formed that will change both your lives forever. He’s a Libra Venus. I think I come off a lot more talkative than a Virgo Rising. My biggest supporters have all had Moons in my first house. But other squares and opposites between these planets only adds attraction, As a professional astrologer specializing in synastry interpretations, I have consulted with countless clients with Neptune in the 5th house overlay in their charts. Being a cancer sun plus venus is so cruel with chiron in 5th house. But also we have our venus-venus sextile and mars-mars sextile each other. I’ve read a lot of information about the hard aspects of Venus and Pluto in synastry charts, but I’ve usually heard it as a one-way street in the sense that only one persons Venus or Pluto is affected. Venus will see the house person as potentially an ideal mate for building a home together and starting a family--especially if I am the house person in Capricorn and he was a cap Venus, Aquarius mercy and cap Neptune and Uranus in 8th house. I like Cancer Moons and Cancer Mars. To start off I have a huge 5th house stellium where my Venus, Mars, Saturn, and NN reside. This is one of the best placements that you can expect if you are in love with someone or want to date or marry them. It’s best to avoid the water houses overlaps, it’s also best to avoid planets falling into your first house in synastry, it can become too overwhelming, 3rd house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house synastry overlays are usually very lovely. I do like a bit of push-and-pull in relationships, and I tend to get along best with people who are either very fiery and "out-there" or very logical and grounded. 😊 Members Online • throataway80. Therefore, I would like to know more insights about Venus in 10th house, because usually is just seen as the house of reputation, social status, but I think instead that there is so much to say about it. super big on aesthetics and art, My grandfather’s venus mars jupiter north node in my 5th. rising. A Relationship that is based on mutual friendship and respect for each other. Venus in 5th House Synastry. I’m curious as to how people have such a great experience with 8h synastry. Physical touch is like a drug. You should also check synastry aspects to Venus and to the planet which rules the sign of your 5th house (everyone has a 5th house lord). Like you mention different background, religion, age gap, the society/our families can be against it. Studying the Synastry chart between two individuals is simply one Natal chart compared to another Natal chart; one on top of the other based on where their planets fall within the 12 signs. the Then lastly you want to look at house overlays - you want to see 1st / 4th / 5th / 7th / 9th house Synastry - you don’t want 6-8-12th house synastry. Venus is the planet of love and romance. This goes to show the energy of House x Planet (especially/ mostly Sun, Moon and Venus) in Synastry Overlays. Expand user menu Open settings menu. In many of my relationships I see that our synastry or composite chart will have 12 house overlays/planets. doesnt have to mean only flings, it can alternatively be a lifelong relationship that is playful and Someone I've been speaking with says a guy who seriously was crushing on her had his mars in her 5th house. 😊 Members Online • Lilith in 5th house synastry QUESTION . ADMIN MOD Lots of sexual connections in my synastry chart, wondering if other aspects indicate that the relationship can Venus/Eros in 5th house- Juno in 8th house (not sure if this is What does my chart ruler mean? I'm a Virgo Rising with Mercury in the 2nd house. Not sun in 8th house, but I have experience with having my moon in a woman's 8th house in synastry. It’s always in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th relational houses. Moon Virgo 3rd/4th trine Venus, Venus Opposite Ascendant Gemini, Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn Leo 2nd/3rd, Venus Quintile MC Pisces Any planets in the 5th house (also 6th) Sun Scorpio, Mars Scorpio, Mercury Scorpio, Uranus Scorpio That’s part of why some call it a “second ascendant”. Usually and from experience, the House person will feel the „effect“ of the planet more while the planet person has a more passive/ reactive role. I Do not know what are their intentions with me, but they was the one who got my attention during a team building (lot of joking and flirting). Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Having personal planet's in someone's 8th house, especially Venus or Mars but also the Moon and maybe the Sun, indicates very intense sexual attraction, deeper than a surface physical level. So, via aspects between their planets and ours, or via their planets landing in one of our houses. So went and looked at the synastry with my ex husband and I. 5th House Synastry: Especially having your partner’s Mars/Venus/Moon in your 5th house or vice versa. MC in the 11th can tie 10th house matters and 11th house matters together, and so on. Venus in 12th house synastry Question - Synastry yes there are plenty of posts all over the web about this specific overlay but I'd like to read some fresh experiences. People like to move in and live together with this synastry google: venus in 4th house synastry or [planet] in [house] synastry. :) ] The synastry as a whole will tell the full story about how ppl are connecting. Sun square moon can be difficult though. 🥲 I never really looked at the vertex in synastry charts until recently. I have met two women in my life that I both have connections with. They Get the Reddit app Scan this Pluto conjunct Venus in a synastry chart would be potent no matter what sign it was in. I feel like many articles say that the house person feels it more, but I'm not convinced, or at least, maybe they're not fully attuned to the energy and/or mentally mature enough to handle it like the personal planet person. He used to constantly tell me I would never leave him because he could tell how much I loved him and in a sense he was right, he cheated which is why I left. We were both unhappily married, I was her manager at work, she was head over heels for me immediately, I didn’t even know she liked me for months. In My most recent relationship that still seems to linger, I had both my Sun and Venus in their 12th house. Both of our Venus' are in each other's 8th houses. If using Whole Sign houses, then it won't matter. You may focus a little too much on your EDIT: Also want to add that houses are so so important in relationship charts. House person might have In synastry I'd say almost any sun-venus, sun-moon, moon-jupiter, venus-moon, venus-mercury, venus-jupiter and venus-mars. Truly blessed synastry. His Mars falls in my 7th house, the "marriage" house. I recognize Pluto as a real force, especially in transits. Learn more about this Synastry. In whole sign, they're both in the 5th house. Lots of fun and excitement. 8th house contacts in a romantic relationship are very deep. A Venus-in-the-5th-house synastry placement is a highly charged and vibrant overlay that fuels romance and Natural connections that start slow due to shyness but then grow very intense: Any personal planet in partners 8th house, Venus or Mercury in partners 12th house, Neptune Conjunct or When Venus graces the 5th house in a synastry chart, it weaves a tapestry of romance, passion, and creative expression, igniting a spark of joy and vitality in the relationship. I seem to attract a lot of 12th house synastry so I’ll give my 2 cents on it. My Sun is in Libra in the second house as well. Usually and from experience, the House person will feel the „effect“ of the I have venus in libra in the fifth house conjunct my libra mercury- which is my chart ruler (gemini rising) and I think it's my favorite aspect of my natal chart lol. I have rahu venus conjunction in Libra in my 4th house. Connections to the My boyfriend and I have Venus trine Pluto in our synastry r/AskAstrologers A chip A close button. So Saturn may bring more intense delays and restrictions to both your 5th house I have a 5th house overlay with my best friend and we have so much fun together. Making aspects to my , moon, venus and ASC. The Venus partner is sensual and beautiful. The sign Juno is in is not necessarily the ideal partner's sign. We also have our Venuses ♀️in each other's (romantic 😍) 5th house. For instance planets in 5th house composite such as Venus/sun would represent a playful romantic relationship. While, Moon Conjunct Venus in 👉 Synastry Chart, Compatibility is the key theme to this combination of personal planets. You dont want Mars Square Pluto-venus-neptune/Moon in negative reception (the more positive the better). While the This applies for all the houses. This aspect can bring either highly creative My Sun is in Pisces the 1st house. The ruler of the 7th house - the planet in its sign and house - will often give a good indication of who we are attracted to. Personally my 5th has my moon and nn (conjunct) in aqua. If your Venus is in your partner’s fifth house of a synastry overlay, you are truly mesmerized by Lmao 8th mars is such an intense synastry, i’ve had this with someone, his mars falls in my 8th, and his pluto in my 5th, he was the one who pursue me all the fckng time, called me his wife, he passed by in our street even tho we’ve I would like to know if anyone had this experience before and how they felt in details. This is an ideal Synastry combination for . I don't know his exact birth time but we have moon conjunct Pluto and I'm the Pluto. If the Pluto person has a lot of hard aspects to their natal Pluto in their own birth chart, then the Pluto - Mars / Pluto - Venus synastry aspect may not work as well as you assumed. Horary chart posts require the Regiomantus house system. There's an amazing channel on YouTube that explains the pluto/Venus dynamic incredibly well. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit lmfaooooooooo I'm laughing cause I'm seeing Hella 5th house synastry, lots of planets in sextiles including Venus, and that concentrated 5th house energy I only have a few squares, but they're big ones. My energy and body have been out of whack, but my SO seems happier with the shift. Perhaps one My mars & Venus (+ Merc in a true stellium) are all in the 5th so can confirm that 5th hs placement makes everything more “youthful” and teenager-like. The lunar eclipse is her This goes to show the energy of House x Planet (especially/ mostly Sun, Moon and Venus) in Synastry Overlays. Her Venus is in my 12th house. Venus is neutral in the sixth house. there were times that thoughts such as I had to run away crossed my mind, yet at the same time I found myself just deeply being in love with Venus In 5th House Synastry. Anywho, both of our venus fall in eachother’s 12th house I read that 13th house synastry entails a deep spiritual connection unlike any other house and that it is also a twin flame indicator of you have a lot of repeating 12 synastry. So the 5th house does represent offspring. It has meant that usually others give to me easily and I am able to give back to others easily, especially in terms of offering comfort (Venus) during difficult 8th house you could have perfect synastry with someone and sometimes it still won't work out. both are sex, but the 5th is sex as pleasure; the 8th is sex as currency. it creates a good base for a long term relationship or My venus+mercury conjuncts his MC Sun in 10th h overlay double whammy My moon in his 6th and his in my 3rd (same moon sign but unaspected) In our composite too, majority planets are in 10th house, moon is in 5th, Mars is in 1st with leo. We have Venus Vertex synastry. This is the smile you can’t hide before you see Neither of us have Scorpio or 8th house placements. So our moons are conjuct (only three degrees apart even though different signs) then our mars’ and Venus’ are both trines to each other and his Venus also makes a trine w my sun. We were in an organization to help people and worked closely together. Venus is the planet of relationships, and the 5th House is the house of romance and sex. The houses they fall in are important in terms of karmic indications. Mars in 5th house synastry: I know they say that usually this doesn’t indicate anything long term but with people I’ve shared this synastry with (both ways) I’ve found it really easy to do absolutely anything, from the most mundane activity to travelling the world, and make it super fun. In my case 5th house synsastry and some good moon venus , ascendant aspects and moon moon synastry hold that shit together. I seem to have a long trend of getting utterly lost and smitten in the beginning of a new relationship and COMPLETELY overlooking red flags. I have always dated and partnered with people younger than me but not in a predatory way, just because the 5th gives off a very childlike, simple hearted kind of energy that younger people relate to. Most of my personal planets fall in his 8th house. Was there 8th house synastry also going on between the other person and you ? With strong 8th house/pluto/lilith relationships, we have that common theme of secrecy, affairs, taboo relationships. My moon is Virgo, Venus and sun in Pisces w Mars in Aquarius. Annual Profection posts require the Whole Sign house system and your age. Mars falls on top of Venus: is the indicator of romantic relationship. It came quick and left just as fast but was the most intense encounter I’ve ever had with someone. North node square venus in synastry - can a relationship last that? Firstly I’ll say I understand you have to look at the whole chart aswell as composite and natal, etc. I have been with my husband for 18 years and even though it is interracial and interreligious, especially with one ethnic group that is really intolerant of outsiders, my wedding and marriage saw no obstacles, and it (wedding, honeymoon, joint houses, baby) all looks very visually pleasing. It's been hard to differentiate whether he sees me as “casual lover” or “lover of his dreams/wishes”. My venus and Saturn is in my partner’s 5th house (new relationship). It’s okay if you have a few of these but certain planets you want to avoid in the 12th house : Sun/ moon/ Venus / mars and Mercury would be my least fav to see. All articles are really good Also, my sun conjuncts mercury and ketu, in 6th house, and his jupiter again falls in my 6th house and my sun-mercury-ketu falls in his 7th house. Love that transforms both I practice both traditional and modern astrology. 4th-7th house planets are good indicators; 5th for children and 7th for marriage especially. That Moon overlay will deal with 8th house themes in some way but, like I said, that could be due to how the planet person is behaving too or instead. The other woman I have my Moon in her 7h and she has her Mars, Venus and Pluto in my 5h. My 7th house is Taurus, therefore my Venus in Pisces is both lol. Or As well as general questions about Venus / Mars / Moon signs or DCs and their love language and the like . even when we first started seeing each other casually there was almost an immediate sense of camaraderie. We met at work, I started that job back in may of 2022 and I didn’t start to really see him or notice him till later on. and then apply that to a relationship. However, I have no clue how he feels about me. If your post does not meet these conditions, please delete it and repost. I'll skip the kids and take the sex lol.
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