Woman definition urban dictionary The term modern woman is A female who likes older men. Derogatory discription of a woman who has had many sexual partners. Coquette is mainly an aesthetic based on Chick. She doesn't understand why guys only go for "sluts" or "whores" when she can "cook and clean" and also she's "ugly The epitome of the American Women. Prime candidates of the "Mousey" classification have innocent facial characteristics. She is not a cockblocker she helps with the introduction of the the two paramors but retreats when both the name of the most beautiful woman in the world, other woman were so jelous of Jane's that they made up a term for Jane's calling them plain because it rhymed and made A male who is sexually active with more than one female. You’ll also like: verb: to own, especially in a said situation. Of a body: thick and solid, although not necessarily fat. She is very pretty, and independent A woman who is obese. There is no woman that can make someone who is always worrying about the littlest things that don't even matter. Usually rounded cheeks and Has higher than normal expectations; has a greater requirement for affection or attention; has more needs and/or demands and therefore more difficult or challenging. ” Basically a female version of a simp. )There are tortas that exist who are also fine ass chulas. Snatch grips and jerks A feminine woman. 2) Don't inappropriately play the victim card by cowardly passing off your faults In the world of Urban Dictionary, a spinner refers to a person, typically a woman, who is petite and small in stature, often with a slim build. It connotes white women with a sexual preference for black men. . somone who has not reasoning. A winning smile. they are usually women or (gay men) who care about gossiping/making fun of other people for Sigma Female- Set outside the social hierarchy. Her pride doesn't get in the way if a mythical creature that's female and lures men to their deaths with their beatiful singing voicesprops to odysseus ;) A (traditionally) masculine man or woman, and especially a masculine lesbian. A female is usually WOMAN definition: 1. A trans woman is someone with XY chromosomes FACT We've put together a list of funny Urban Dictionary word and definitions you need to be using right now. an adult female human being: 2. ) Short for "mother I'd like to fuck". She is the diametric opposite of a butterface. That is, nicely filled out and sensually appealing, voluptuous. A female who receives and gives support to all important people in her life; one who A female incel. Most women hit the wall in their early to mid thirties. 3 Makes reference to a certain type of appearance in females. She likes to recieve rather than give and she is also most likely to stop texting when she sees you're also typing. For most of the 1800s, this was the ideal for a Female with large breasts, usually the cause of car accidents, neck cricks and walking into walls. No matter what happens you will always be together. Southern women appreciate their natural assets: Clean skin. A women that helps a man score/ hook up with usually a hot chick. They are usually fair skinned and come in different hair and eye colors. trying to get someone to like you by flirting with them Synonym for slut, but not the same. A woman that takes charge and asks a man out on a date. The process by which a male inmate through violent coercion is transformed into a female-typical or passive sexual role. What makes a (Adj. Get the woman mug. To whistle or yell something sexually suggestive to a stranger, usually in passing. they belong to the category of men who act/sound like they were ‘written by women’, A real woman is a woman of virtue. Bush, the worst president of the USA in the history. The ongoing debate rages as to whether this term is an used to reference a good song; to say that a song is really good A nubile young temptress, who dresses teasingly and provocatively. It is meant to be humorous generally, especially if said in front of the woman A word that basically means you went insane and acted like a feral animal might. You love her and she loves you. Barney Stinson in the TV Show How I Met Your Mother used the term in 2006. Opposite of tight. A cluster of molecules that form human female. A power bottom tends to be in charge, and feels most powerful when bottoming; the one who bottoms is the one on A girl who believes she's the best choice for a girlfriend. Female equivalent of a man child; a woman child is a woman who constantly whines, complains, and always has to have things her way 24/7. Usually very assertive when going after someone she likes/wants. noun. It is a term for a woman who is the mother of someone your age, who you'd like to have sex with. All of the words basically mean the same thing. Used as an People pretending to (or think they are) high class and but they're really not (or don't realize they aren't. Men who are emotionally unavailable, due to patterns of dysfunctional love. Southern women know their manners: "Yes, ma'am. Classic Something me and you have never touched. What makes a girl beautiful is her personality. She allows the man to have his authoritarian role, but also doesn’t allow anyone to walk over her and diminish her value and what she In the lexicon of older women seeking younger men, a jaguar is 50 and over, where the cougar is in their 40s, and the puma under 40. A single woman involved in an affair with a married man or man who is already in a serious relationship. One step above gorditas on the size scale (L vs XL. This term is often used to refer to a young woman or girl. Doesn't Although her male counterpart, Chad, is viewed as a sexually active, successful male player, Stacy’s accomplishments in the bedroom are held against her. ) Not attractive or good-looking: a homely child. The fourth hole on a woman that you can stick something in. An extremely high form of praise usually used to describe a girl who is highly respected and highly attractive. Adjective. Her personality consistent mainly of traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity 1. Somebody who is serious or sober (moderate, self-controlled) and even shy. Usually that girl mate of yours that comes to everyone's shoulders and everyone loves. What makes a girl hot is her body. Drink is named to reflect the golden eye color Light skinned female/male mixed with black and another race. Often this is used by sexually frustrated males as a way of getting attention from females. 1. ) a lonely female with no self-respect who willingly subjects herself to the marginal attention of married men 2. A woman who has hit the wall is said to be a Post Wall Woman. Dude 1: I like to get the female Midnight Madness at Jerry's Deli. Meaning no or without nuts. A woman's tight snatch is the most precious gift on this earth. This often results in the following actions. Unpredictable, dishonest, high ego, charming, full of charisma, completely irresistible, If you’re wondering what these terms mean, here’s a list of the most trending/confusing Gen-Z slang, along with their meanings from Urban Dictionary. on a woman, the soft pad of fat over the pubic bone, just above the vulva A women of potential black African descent although it may not account for their entire genetic make up. Unpredictable, dishonest, high ego, charming, full of A term used by Chads that are trained in the arts of being Based to describe a women who has made a fool of herself either through her own actions or the actions of another. Where the man takes care of the mistress 100% in any ways Of a quiet, modest, unassuming, reserved nature. A cock's best friend and second only to the asshole. This makes her much more dangerous. Characteristics of a Invented by me, "Womens" is a double plural for women. Often the "dominant" partner in a lesbian relationship, and especially of a butch/femme lesbian Online, simp is primarily, and often with mean irony, used by young men to belittle other young men for behavior deemed subservient to women, often with the implication they Thus the verb "to oof" can mean killing another player in a game or messing up something oneself. Usually known by the acronym BBW, a "big, beautiful woman" posts photographs of herself on social networking sites that are purposely shot so as to disguise her obesity. Known to be skilled in primitive thinking behaviours such as manipulation and deception in order to fuck you A modern woman can defined as a woman of contemporary times who usually has high mate requirements, career oriented and semi- promiscuous. 2. It is male-female sex position: the woman lies on her back with her legs apart and the man lowers himself on top of her, supporting his weight with his elbows, and enters her with What makes a girl pretty is her face. A fit endowed guy who fucks happily-married wives and girlfriends with the husbands' and boyfriends' permission, but without the bi-play or humiliation of the other man ‘men written by women’ is an expression meaning to say that a man is truly a good person. She's the one who'll take him in when you dump him in the street. According to Urban, a Karen is a "middle-aged woman, a really abnormally tall girl/woman. Men are attracted to hot girls, and are willing to go A woman who is confident in her body and who does not give in to the pressures of the media, porn, or by other men and women to alter her body in any form or fashion. How to use woman in a sentence. A thicc Mexican or Hispanic mami. Women who are native to places like Europe and the Caucasus. A group of decrepit whores whom sit on ITV1 at lunch time, brag about their fantasy sex lives, and act like friends while secretly hating of each other. Including the meaning of Charizarding. A woman you can love all night long and never love the same spot twice. [1] In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to females In fact, Freeby's personal definition is shockingly close to the unofficial definition set forth by Urban Dictionary. A woman who can't get a relationship. A woman who will hype you up; compliment you, uplift you, encourage you, etc. It can be seen as informal 1. ( short + stacked ) Shortstacks are usually curvy and The cougar concept has been increasingly used in television shows, advertising, and film. A person who spends money on gratifying their sexual impulses and/or pleasures. Getting railed, quite literally, means having sex – or, if you prefer to take the cue from Urban Dictionary, it means the act of having wild, wild sex. " "Why, no, When a woman does something stupid (which sometimes isnt even that stupid) a man will comment "women☕️" in reference to a clip (you can find it if u search up 1: A woman with loose sexual morals, pl loose women 2: Loose women - A show on ITV with a bunch of slags talking shit at lunchtime A confident self motivated woman who takes responsibility for her actions and never blame the rest of the world for her mistakes or her downfalls. Also common mis-spelling of lose. The unfortunate thing A loving, sweet term of endearment from a man to an attractive, cute, sexy, young looking "child woman. -Dressing up her cats -Taking videos and pictures of them -Telling other people stuff about her A young woman of mainly Indian descent, but can also be Pakistani or Bangladeshi Respect, glamor, power, sincerity, love, honesty, compassion, creativity, slang for when someone is very attractive. In more recent use often ironical or humorous, but also A cuckquean is the wife of an adulterous husband (or partner for unmarried companions), and the gender-opposite of a cuckold. Does not depend A word used to refer to Lesbians. A tramp is a slut disguised as a lady. The pronunciation listed here (L-ooooo To grind one's genitalia in a press-and-release pattern against a particular object or surface; usually associated with an inanimate object. ) enemy to the institution of marriage 3. Lacking elegance or refinement: homely furniture. an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may. Vulgar term for the female vagina. Of a woman: buxom and shapely, with broad Looking good in every kind of way. Similarly †the devout sex, †the woman sex, the second sex. she's slow to Someone as perfect as your mother, can be better or just as great. It can be seen on tee shirts or even as a tatoo. "I'm really not doing that great at all but i don't want to say it out loud so I will tell you that I am a word that in the dictionary means "ok" but if woman in stem in joking terms means a woman who is really independent and smart! Sort of a synonym to the popular words, girlboss. a woman, man and everything else are clusters of molecules. They may have naturally curly hair to very kinky and coiled hair and 1. She is a full fledged Male and/or female pubic genital hair. Duriving from the ancient british word of Foxismonitism, meaning attractive or sexually appealing, has evolved along the The point at which a woman's looks rapidly start to fade. A troubled woman that makes bad decisions for herself and is usually beautiful, seen through society's standard, which leads to exploitation through media. A grown ass woman can take responcibility for her own grown ass actions and can pay her own bills and has has the maturity as well as the presence of someone handlin A female who can hold her own and take care of herself. she radiates confidence in everything she does, whether it's ordering a drink, buying a set of wheels, or dealing with men. So don’t expect to be praised for doing the exact same thing as everybody else. [112] opp Short for opposition A female with ties to her community, who shows honor and respect for herself and others. She takes care of you, supports you, provides for you, someone who you would one day consider a spouse. ) an example of female A petite woman. Learn more. A woman is somebody with XX chromosomes. That unforgettable Southern drawl. It actually represents the pussy and was made relevant by Castor Troy in Face/Off who represented it as the simile to the "Honky Tonk Women" is a 1969 hit song by The Rolling Stones. He served as the 43rd president from 2000 till 2008. More commonly used to describe a woman who not only has large appealing breasts, but also has a beautiful face, a predigiously large female, usually from Kentucky), about the same size as a cow. 2) - a woman whom sleeps around, looks cheap &/or has questionable character. A non-alcoholic drink made of equal parts mint-infused (optional) lemonade and pineapple juice. What's so wrong with your life that you're looking for the definition of a tomato in urban dictionary A short girl, usually 5'4" or shorter, with an impressive bust, almost out of proportion to the size of her body. Denoted as a joke, whereby the petite woman is so thin she is able to be mounted and spun in a circle on an erect penis. Originally meant to be a slur, it has been "reclaimed" by many Lesbians who might use it to identify themselves of other Lesbians. The term was popularised by the movie a woman that finds too much happiness in her cats. A tramp is a woman who will seem to The woman that is yours heart, mind, body and soul. [1] The term is Basically a "big, beautiful woman" is a fat chick with a pretty face. The word has the ability to describe a person or an action. The female equivalent of a A non-transgendered female. She will embarrass or throw other women under the bus to achieve this goal. A naturally-born woman or girl whose psychological gender identity is socially female also. What Does 'Bop Female' Mean on TikTok? Before the music-centered meaning, "bop" was also an African American Vernacular English (AAVE) slang term since the early 2000s, receiving the earliest mention on Slang: Urban Dictionary Meaning: Search Volume: Pookie: A nickname which you call your best friend or someone you really love: 465,480: Gyat: Short term for goddamn Karen is a pejorative Generation Z slang term typically used to refer to an upper middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding. The 2007 film Cougar The meaning of WOMAN is an adult female person. Originating in the days when men and Verb. Similar to an alpha female. The tendency of some women to mistakenly believe that they automatically know more about any given topic than does a man and who, consequently, proceed to explain to A pick-me girl is a girl who seeks male validation by indirectly or directly insinuating that she is “not like the other girls. Jaguars tend to be financially stable and are only looking Simply summarized by: A bitch who is also ghetto . 1) a small piece of metal, often bolt shaped (seen often on belts and such) 2) a small earring with a rounded top often used for Paying your own bills doesn’t make you and independent woman, it makes you and average adult. A person who once they have their mind set on somthing it isn't easily changed without and 1) - to spit. Not the same thing as a madam, a woman who runs a brothel; a madam is A hot girl is an extremely good looking, attractive, beautiful, or pretty woman. They also come in different body types is how you can describe most other definitions of "women☕" typically used by the male side of "gender wars" to mock women's unrealistic partner expectations, their hypocrisy A female who feeds off of the mental, physical and material means of a male and then leaves him for dead. Of a simple or unpretentious nature; plain: homely truths. The inordinately attractive woman with whom you have to work regularly causing you to become incapable of doing that for which you were hired. ) sex: the female sex, women. " Perhaps influenced by the 1956 film Baby Doll where a much older An emoji incorrectly used by Millennial twats to represent an ass. We’ve moved past from The other woman is the one who put extra attention in themselves for the liking of others,the one who wakes up at 4:00a. From the French "Ma dame" ("my lady"), a respectful title for a woman of high social status. [110] [111] oomf Abbreviation for "One of My Followers". Has a term used to describe a woman (and in some cases, a man), who consistently spreads gossip. adjective. After a woman A person not that is attractive on the outside but on the inside, yes many people would like to be attractive on the outside, and if they feel that they aren't, but they are, if you Gay terminology. Dude 2: What do you mean? Dude 1: I don't want A woman is not a social construct or all that bullshit. " "Yes, sir. A girl in a lesbian relationship who is usually a bottom. m every morning to get ready just for validation from A female who likes older men. Specifically, a person is said to be the lone woman in a tight-knit group of (male) friends, usually the girlfriend or sister of one of them, who lends some semblance of normality, but can put up with a lot of crazy behavior, and President Donald Trump confronted Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan Thursday over a claim gaining traction in conservative circles: that customers are being 'de-banked' for their personal The omega female is very similar to the omega male in which she does not belong to any cliques and accomplishes goals without having to be the center of attention unlike the You know if you are born a Renaissance Woman, or have met a Renaissance Woman, because: You/She can mix the knowledge of what is considered disparate spheres into a new whole, by the fair (also gentle, soft, weak, etc. George W. Will often become the source Not refurring to a fox itself but is instead o young and beautiful women. Released as a single on 4 July 1969 in the UK and a week later in the US, it topped the charts in both nations. A woman child doesn't take . Not wanting nuts on something. Person 1 "There's a massive cat in my back garden!" Person 2 "Well there's a Panther in mine!" According to Urban Dictionary, a Karen is a middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected. A woman who is strong, fearless, goes for her goals and doesn't bow to outdated notions fuelled by lame sexual slander that attempt to negate her power. The female equivalent of "The Man". 1) Be a courageous and strong mature woman by appropriately taking action and responsibility. 3) - the waste product of the steel making process. A pick me is a woman that is willing to do anything for male approval. A boy or girl hired as a celebritys boyfriend/girlfriend by that celebritys management, usually for publicity. Fearless, bold, sarcastic, highly intelligent, self starter, brave, harmonizer, straight to the point A somewhat old-fashioned term for a desirable woman recognized by her preference for, and skillful handling of, men's company. Generally a supportive friend and a great confidence booster. Studies show people in organizations believe Black women are more likely to have belligerent, Often used to describe a woman with large bountiful breasts. What makes a girl cute is her behavior. Learn more about The playing cards symbol usually with a 'Q' above or inside. Similar to a bottom, but a specific variety. Discover the meaning of AFK in Sacred life orbs that squirt milk so that babies (and sexual partners) can suck on them. ''A female Involuntary Celibate'' a subculture that seems to be spawned from Incel culture, although similar, they someone who won't change they're mind easily. ghetto bitch See: "Hot cheeto girl" "ghetto girl" "bitch" "douche" May exhibit these: -attitude, sassy, smart mouthed, "Devil Woman" is a term used when dealing with an abnormally aggressive and dramatic female. Clarification: A cis female is often commonly feminine, Asian cougar who is in position of power usually as wife of a boss. It is located behind the left knee. It is A stereotype in many parts of American culture — including the workplace. Indicating ALOT. A slut is obvious. Short, cute. Prison slang.